CONTENTS Selection of Symbols IA Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes IB Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass IC Natural Features ID Cultural Features IE Landmarks IF Ports IG Topographic Terms IH Tides, Currents II Depths IJ Nature of the Seabed IK Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions IL Offshore Installations IM Tracks, Routes

Symbols and Abreviations Used on Admirality Charts

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Symbols & abreviations


Selection of Symbols

IA Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes

IB Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass IC Natural Features

ID Cultural Features

IE Landmarks IF Ports IG Topographic Terms

IH Tides, Currents

II Depths IJ Nature of the Seabed IK Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions IL Offshore Installations IM Tracks, Routes

IN Areas, Limits IO Hydrographic Terms

IP Lights IQ Buoys, Beacons IR Fog Signals IS Radar, Radio, Electronic PositionFixing Systems IT Services IU Small Craft Facilties IV Index of Abbreviations: Principal Foreign Terms, Principal English Terms

IW International Abbreviations

IX Index to Symbols and Abbreviations

Chart 5011 1 NT 1

Edition 2 December 1998


used on Admiralty Charts CONTENTS

System of Correction inside cover

Introduction and Schematic Layout 2


IA Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes 4

IB Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass 6


ICNatural Features 9

IDCultural Features 12

IELandmarks b 14

IFPorts 16

IGTopographic Terms 19


IHTides, Currents 22

IIDepths 25

IJNature of the Seabed 27

IKRocks, Wrecks, Obstructions 30

ILOffshore Installations 33

IM Tracks, Routes 35

INAreas, Limits 38

I0Hydrographic Terms 41


IPLights 43

IQBuoys,Beacons 49

IRFog Signals 55

ISRadar, Radio, Electronic PositionFixing Systems 56

ITServices 58

IUSmall Craft Facilities 60


IVIndex of Abbreviations:

Princioal Foreign Terms 62

Principal English Terms 66

IWInternational Abbreviations 69

IX Index 71


General Chart 5011 (INT 1) provides a reference to the many symbols and abbreviations found on British Admiralty and international c charts. Symbols not shown in Chart 5011 (INT 1) may be used on adopted or co-produced British Admiraltycharts and will

be shown in a glossary on the relevant charts.

Layout This edition of Chart 5011 (INT 1) is based on the 'Chart Specifiations of the IHO (International Hydrographic

Organization)" adopted in 1982. Previous editions of 5011 followed a formaer IHO Standard List, a system still used by some

Hydrographic Offices: the letter assigned to each major group of symbols in this edition has been prefixed I to avoid

confusion during the transitional period.

Schematic Layout of Chart 5011 (INT 1) Tracks, Routes IM


Section designation: The letter 'T'means International.


Crossreference to terms in other sections.

Column 1: Numbering following the Intemational "Chart Specifications of the 1HO". A letter in this column, eg a, indicates a

natioral symbol for which there is no International equivalent.

Column 2: International (INT) symbol used on Admiralty charts.

Column 3: Term in the English language.

Column 4: Other symbol or abbreviation used on Admiralty charts, if different from Column 2. The mark indicates that this r representation is obsolescent.

Column 5: Numbering following the "Chart Specifications of the 1HO"..

Numbering following the superseded IHO" Standard List of Symbols and Abbreviations"

The mark # in Columns 2, 3 and 4 indicates that this syrnbcrl will only be found on charts adopted into the Admiralty chart series.

Metric Charts Metric units are introduced on Admiralty charts as they are modernised (except for charts of the waters around" United

And States of America, where fathoms or feet continue to be used). Metric charts can be distinguished from fathoms chars oy

Fathoms Charts their use of buff tint for land areas and the prominent marginal legends DEPTHS IN METRES.

Chart Datum On metric charts, the reference level for soundings is given under the chart title. On fathoms charts, the reference level for

soundings may be given under the title; if not, it can be deduced from the tidal information panel.

Depths The units used are given under the title of the chart. The position of a sounding is the centre of the area covered by the


On metric charts, depths from 0.1 m to 20.9m are generally expressed in metres and decimetres. Where source information is sufficiently precise, depths from 21 m to 31 m may be given in halfmetres. All other depths are shown in whole metres.

On fathom charts, depths are generally expressed in fathoms and feet where less than 11 fms, and in fathoms elsewhere. Where source information is sufficiently precise, depths between 11 and 15 fms may be given in fathoms and feet. Older charts may show fractions of fathoms in shallow water, and a few largescale charts show all depths in feet.

On adopted or coproduced charts these ranges may vary.

Drying heightsUnderlined figures on rocks and banks which uncover indicate heights above chart datum. They are given in metres and decimetres or in feet as appropriate.

Heights Heights, including overhead clearances, are given in metres or in feet above Mean High Water Springs, Mean Higher High

Water or Mean Sea Level; details are given in the Explanatory Notes under the chart title. The position of a height is normally

that of the dot alongside it, thus .79. Parentheses are used when the figure expressing height is set apart from the object (eg

when showing the height of a small islet).

Bearings Bearings are given from seaward and refer to the true compass.

Sea Miles A sea mile is the length of one minute of latitude locally, and is the principal means of expressing distance on Admiralty

and Cables charts. A cable is onetenth of a sea mile.

Names Names on Admiralty charts are spelt in accordance with the principles and systems approved by the Permanent Committ e

on Geographical Names for British Official Use.

A second name may be given in parentheses in the following circumstances:

a. if the retention of a superseded rendering will facilitate crossreference to related publications;

b. if , in the case of a name that has changed radically, the retention of the former one will aid recognition;

c. if it is decided to retain an English conventional name in addition to the present official rendering.

Chart Catalogues Details of Admirafty charts are given in the "Catalogue of Admiralty Charts and Publications" (NP 131) and in the "Home

Waters Catalogue" (NP 109), both published annually.

The Mariner's The Mariner's Handbook (NP 100) includes notes on the following:

Handbook and the use of charts and the degree of reliance that may be placed on them; chart supply and correction; names; charted

other Publications navigational aids; navigational hazards; traffic separation schemes; offshore oil and gas operations; tides and currents;

general marine meteorology. A glossary of terms used on Admiralty charts is also given.

Information about features represented on charts can also be found in the following publications:

Admiralty Sailing Directions; Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals; Admiralty Tide Tables and Tidal Stream Atlases;

Admiralty List of Radio Signals; Annual Notices to Mariners.

Copyright Admiralty charts and publications (inclucling this one) are protected by Crown Copyright. They are derived from Crown

Copyright information and from copyright information published by other organisations. They may not be reproduced in

any material form (including photocopying or storing by electronic means) without prior permission, which may be sought

by applying, in the first instance, to the Copyright Manager, The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Taunton,Somerset

TA1 2DN, UK.

Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes IAMagnetic Features I B Tidal Data I H Decca IS

Chart number in the Admiralty series. Where it is necessary to distinguish Admiralty charts from others, 251

it is usual to add the prefix 'BA' (British Admiralty) to the number.

Identification of a latticed chart (if any). Charts for which Decca latticeoverprinted versions are available 603 bear the letter L in the lower righthand corner inside the outer border. The lattice prefix number is shown

against the national number.

Chart number in the International (INT) Chart series. 251.1

Publication note (imprint) showing the date of publication as a New Chart. 252.1


Copyright note. All Admiralty charts are subject to Crown Copyright restrictions. 253

Dates of (a) New Editions and (b) Large Corrections (abandoned as a revision category in 1972). 252.2

Small corrections: (a) the year dates and numbers of Notices to Mariners and (b) the dates (usually bracketed) of 252.3 minor corrections included in reprints but not formally promulgated (abandoned as a method of correction in 1986).

Dimensions of the inner neatlines of the chart border. In the case of charts on Transverse Mercator and Gnomonic 222.3 p projections, dimensions may be quoted for all borders of the chart which differ. Fathoms charts show the 222.4 dimensions in inches eg (38.40 x 25.40).

Corner coordinates. 232

Chart title. This should be quoted, in addition to the chart number, whenordering a chart. 241.3

Explanatory notes on chart content; to be read before using the chart. 242

Seals. Where an Admiralty chart is in the lnternational chart series, the seal of the International Hydrographic 241.1 Organization (IHO) is shown in addition to the national seal. Reproductions of international charts of other nations 241.2

(facsimile) have the seals of the original producer (left), publisher (centre) and the 1HO (right). Reproductions of

other charts have the seals of original producer (left) and publisher (right); charts which are coproductions carry

the seals of the nations involved in their production.

Scale of chart; on Mercator projection, at a stated latitude. 211


Linear scales on largescale plan. 221

Linear border scales (metres). On smallerscale charts, the latitude border should be used to measure Sea miles 221.1 and Cables.

Cautionary notes (if any) on charted detail; to be read before using the chart. 242

Source Diagram (if any). If a Source Diagram is not shown, details of the sources used in the compilation of the 170178 chart are given in the explanatory notes (see 11). The Source Diagram or notes should be studied carefully 241.9 before using the chart in order to assess the reliability of the data used.

Reference to a largerscale chart or plan. 254

Reference to an adjoining chart of similar scale. 254

Instruction to refer to related Admiralty Publications. 243

Reference to the units used for depths measurement. The legend, 'DEPTHS IN FATHOMS', is shown on certain 241.5 more recent fathoms charts where confusion might otherwise arise. 255.2

Conversion scales. To allow approximate conversions between metric and fathoms and feet units. On older 280 charts conversion tables are given instead.

Copyright Notice

of no relevance to chart users