SYMBIOS Nov - Dec 2015

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  • 7/24/2019 SYMBIOS Nov - Dec 2015


    SYMBIOSMumbai ProvinceNovemberDecember 2015,

    During the last few weeks, I had the privilege of parcipang and interacng with a num-

    ber of Salesians from the various provinces in South Asia. A pernent queson on the

    minds of everyone was regarding the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM), What can we do

    to make the SYM more vibrant, visible and credible?

    Way back in 2004, the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) was already approved as an

    ecclesial youth movement in the universal church. While the SYM does ourish in a

    number of countries, South Asia sll seems to be struggling to promote this very im-

    portant dimension of our Youth Ministry.

    Don Bosco, surely never had the idea of a modern day Youth Movement or even a spir-

    ituality for that maer. During his life me, he did however promote the work of the young people themselves and the

    oratory criterion was the umbrella under which his youth ministry ourished to the full. Following the centenary of hisdeath in 1988, the SYM was founded and took momentum at the rst SYM YOUTH FORUM during the Jubilee year 2000 at

    Colle Don Bosco. In 2004, the SYM was ocially approved and included in the List of Internaonal Associaons of the

    Faithful by the Poncal Society for the Laity. The Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) has its foundaon in the Salesian Youth

    Spirituality, in communion with the Church and at the service of youth anddrawn from the rich understanding and lived our experience of Don Bosco s

    Prevenve System.

    At the 27th General Chapter, the Youth Ministry Department under Fr. Fabio

    Aard, General Councillor for Youth Ministry, launched the SALESIAN YOUTH

    MINISTRY: A FRAME OF REFERENCE as an instrument to shed light and give

    direcon to every Salesian, and member of the Salesian Family in their ministry

    with the young.

    The next few issues of SYMBIOS will focus its aenon to making known this

    Salesian Youth Ministry: Frame of Reference across the Province of Mumbaiand to enable this process to be the guiding star in all our Youth Ministry. This is a double issue for Nov-Dec. It will also

    focus on the STRENNA 2016 With Jesus, let us Adventure in the Spirit Together andthe Year of Mercy Merciful Like the Father too.

    As we enter this holy season of Advent and focus on our preparaon to receive the

    Child Jesus into our hearts, lives and ministry, we cannot but look at our Salesian

    Youth Ministry as deeply incarnaonal too! Look, here is your eld, here is where

    you are to work!

    SYMBIOS wishes all its readers a MERRY CHIRSTMAS and a FRUITFUL NEW YEAR

    AHEAD Fr. Glenford Lowe sdb


  • 7/24/2019 SYMBIOS Nov - Dec 2015


    SYMBIOSMumbai Province

    Movements are made up of those who, in the great and unique movement of the

    Church, live out their Chrisan, ecclesial, missionary experience ... by taking part in a

    parcular charism. Young people from the SYM live their ecclesial

    vocaon and mission according to the charism of Don Bosco. In fact

    since 2004, the SYM has been included in the List of Internaonal Associaons of the

    faithful (Poncal Council for the laity).

    The SYM is not an associaon but is made up of young people who belong tovarious associaons or groups animated by Salesian Youth Ministry. Not being an

    associaon its doors are open to everyone, since its service is directedto the Church and all young people. This does not stop us from witnessing to Christ,

    sharing the Mystery with other young people who share the same faith, a joyfully

    proclaiming it to whoever has not yet heard it. The SYM shares in the Salesian charism and is an expression of it amongst

    oung lay people. Social acvity, group acvity, the community-based acvity of Sodalies were an almost spontaneous expe-

    ience in Don Boscos life, given his natural leanings as a very social being and to friendship. Don Bosco, guided by his insight

    nto the soul of the young person, discovered the great opportunity that groups and associaons oered: so adapng himself

    o the various needs of his boys he created a whole range of social opportunies for them.

    Group acvity for the young was essenal to Don Boscos prevenve and popular approach. It was an absolutely important

    opportunity for educaon and ministry and for young people to be acve in their own right. Groups and associaons of various

    inds, then, are what young people can do,hough backed by adults who encourage the young

    roup members to come to the fore and take up respon-

    ibility for how things are run. Through all the many

    inds of group and youth associaons there are, we aim

    o ensure a quality educaonal presence in new areas

    where young people band together and lead them in the

    irecon of a signicant experience of ecclesial life.

    The Identy and Nature of the SYM:

    The SYM is idened by two elements in parcular: on the one hand, reference to Salesian Youth Spirituality and Salesianpedagogy; on the other, the links between groups and associaons so that they can mutually cooperate in the task of

    ormaon according to what is laid down by the Salesian educaonal and pastoral approach:

    NovemberDecember 2015,

    Salesian Youth Ministry: Frame of Reference

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    SYMBIOSMumbai Province

    The SYM unites young people from very dierent groups, associaons and sectors animated by Salesian

    Youth Spirituality, following Don Boscos proposion regarding

    educaon and evangelizaon: it is a youth movement inspired by Don

    Bosco, conceived of not just as an organizaon, but as a kind of spiritu-

    al energy with a common nucleus of Gospel values that gives rise to ap-

    ostolic iniave and enthusiasm for life. Therefore the identy of the

    SYM is Salesian Youth Spirituality invitaon to holiness in ordinary daily

    ife. This is the kind of holiness achieved by Dominic Savio, Laura Vicua

    and so many others in the Salesian Family;

    Groups are the primary element of the SYM, where young people meet and help on another as they grow. We

    should bring already exisng groups together in a Provincial network and include new ones coming into being. So the

    rst focus is not on the kind of group it is. The SYM sees the value of any kind of group: from sports groups to arsc ones;

    from those that are simply about coming together to those that prefer some specic acvity; from service groups to prayer

    groups or those that take up an explicit response to the Church and the Chrisan message; from those focused on things that

    are of most interest to teenagers to those ready to tackle the demands of faith; from those who are on the fringes of the

    Chrisan community to those whose sense of belonging to the Church is very much stronger. Since they communicate with

    one another, they are a network where they all share a common educaonal

    value. So we are talking of a Reference movement where each group retains its

    own specic character but is united with the others by a range of common


    NovemberDecember 2015,



    WORLD: because, beyond each individual group, it can be found all

    around the world in very dierent cultural contexts.

    EDUCATIONAL: because it is oered to all young people so they can play

    their disncve part in their human and Chrisan growth, with a mission-

    ary outlook which also looks far a eld, with a willingness to make an im-

    pact in their local area and in society and be part of and supporve of the

    local Church;

    YOUTHFUL: because young people are the true leaders in the educaon-

    al development of the movement, accompanied by their educators, in

    their own responsibility as part of the unique pastoral plan for the local

  • 7/24/2019 SYMBIOS Nov - Dec 2015


    SYMBIOSMumbai Province

    So the reference point for the SYM is all young people acve in or living in places where there is a Salesian presence, at a

    whole range of levels of involvement. The heart of the movement is undoubtedly the young leaders, theyouth leaders who have clearly and decisively accepted the Salesian educaonal and evangelising invitaon and whose life is

    a witness to other young people. The young SYM leaders are the focus of special aenon by the SDB, FMA, the Cooperators

    and other adult members of the Salesian Family who guide and accompany them.

    Preferenal elds of acvity for the SYM:

    The SYM acvies are all based on the young person and has a preference for the following elds of


    The visibility of the SYM and how it is run:

    Although the range of groups is so dierent, the following are essenal issues for animaon:

    The SYM is made visible through the various local, provincial, naonal and interconnental (depending on the level and

    degree of development and make-up of networks) coordinaon teams; through community parcipaon in various

    Church gatherings be they diocesan, naonal or world, such as World Youth Day for example; through meaningful repre-

    sentaon in civil instuons which draw up policies aecng the young. this is why it is important to set up an

    NovemberDecember 2015,

    accompanying young people to the fullness of Chrisan lifethrough posive and supporve sengs (concrete alternave

    1. Educaon



    voluntary service to others and oering a Salesian interpretaon of dailylife in the light of the Gospel;

    3. Personal /




    Encouraging young people to become acvely involved in theChurchs life;

    2. Social &

    Ecclesial Life

    especially in civil instuons that promoteyouth iniaves;

    4. Social


    Involve-sharing processes (informaon, news, experiences) and also com-mon gatherings at various levels, as possibilies exist.5.



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    SYMBIOSMumbai Province

    nformaon and linking network amongst the various groups and associaons in the SYM and also

    etween them and other groups or associaons in the Church and the local area;

    besides the meengs and other acvies of individual groups in the MGS, the Movement sees

    that certain other opportunies are powerful moments for young people to come together:

    provincial, naonal, internaonal and world meengs, liturgical opportunies and celebrang

    alesian feasts, leadership formaon. Youth gatherings are characterisc feature of the SYM, as signicant occasions for

    communicaon between groups and for spreading messages and values regarding Salesian Youth Spirituality.

    Though levels dier and each one has its own specic character, SYM members idenfy in a special waywith Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. Therefore there is a need to plan a Salesian invitaon to

    formaon which can be oered the various groups and associaons as a point of reference for their own

    formaon plan, and within the overall context of the Salesian Family

    The Province, in coordinaon with other Salesian Family presences in its area, will see the Movement is considered

    within the general context of the SEPP, in which the Youth Ministry Delegate and team are seen as the promoters

    f the SYMas a youthful expression of the Provinces ministry

    NovemberDecember 2015,




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    SYMBIOSMumbai ProvinceNovemberDecember 2015,

    What can

    you as the

    SYM do during

    this Year of


  • 7/24/2019 SYMBIOS Nov - Dec 2015


    SYMBIOSMumbai Province

    WITH JESUS, we journey together in an adven-

    ture of the Spirit!

    A brief summary of some ideas:

    * Life is where we nd ourselves at the cross-

    roads. We are all familiar with this experience,

    confronted as we are by a variety of paths and

    opons. And it is precisely along the path of life

    that the Spirit operates and, in all freedom,

    knocks on the door of every human heart.

    * In one way or another we all have the experi-

    ence of being travelers, and there are days when

    we have travelled long distances. This experience

    of journeying sheds light on what it means to en-

    gage in an adventure with the Spirit.

    * Why? What does it mean to adventure in the

    Spirit? In the rst place, it is an INTERIORourney. But, an interior journey is not only an exercise of entering into our inmost self, however good such an exercise

    may be. For us who are believers, it is a journey of SPIRITUALITY, a spirituality that is culvated and expressed.

    * Jesus himself lived an authenc adventure of openness to the Spirit. He always sought the Will of the Father who in His

    Spirit inspired, accompanied, moved and guided Him

    * Don Bosco himself lived his enre life, open to the Spirit, because it was his desire to respond to what God asked of him,

    with regard to himself and for the sake of his boys. The path he followed at Chieri and his connual searching were a truly

    adventurous journey, as he allowed himself to be guided by the Spirit. This journey led him down the years to that harmony

    and personal unity that were far removed from any kind of fragmentaon.

    * It was the same thing with the Lord Jesus, with Mary of Nazareth -they lived an adventure of the Spirit that meant trusng

    n God without knowing the point of arrival -and with Don Bosco, whose yes to the Spirit was a real life adventure with in-

    credible challenges. And this is the invitaon we receive each day to go deeper along the path of the Spirit, allowing our-

    selves to be accompanied, led and surprised by Him. It is a path that holds a lot of "adventure": in it there are no certaines,

    but the point of arrival is fascinang.

    * How do we express and manifest this path of interiority and spirituality that enables us to let the Spirit accompany our

    ives? It is expressed in a profound experience of faith. In culvang the community dimension of this same faith.

    By growing in mercy and in the fraternal dimension of our life. Fr. ngel Fernndez Arme

    NovemberDecember 2015,

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    SYMBIOSMumbai ProvinceNovemberDecember 2015,

    D. Jacob Palaparambil sdb

    12/12/2015 at Aurangabad

    D. Crescens Lemos sdb

    19/12/2015 at Matunga

    D. Leon Rodrigues sdb

    19/12/2015 at Matunga

    oshan Gonsalves sdb

    2/2015 at Vasai

    D. Richard Burkhao sdb

    20/12/2015 at Vasai

    D. Johnson Bhuriya sdb

    27/12/2015 at Jabhua

    D. Ashwin Mal sdb

    27/12/2015 at Jabhua

    D. Dinesh Vasava

    21/12/2015 at Baroda