Imperial (Cygnus Spaceworks) Lambda class Shuttle (Star Wars): The Lambda-class shuttle is a cargo and passenger shuttle that was used by the Imperial Navy. The vessel has a stationary wing top wing and two folding wings on each side. These wings makes the shuttle quite maneuverable in an atmosphere. Lambda shuttle normally has a command crew of four, with the option of adding two additional officers who normally handle secure communications and power allocation. A single pilot can handle the ship, but performance suffers significantly. Lambda shuttles can carry up to twenty passengers or eighty tons of cargo. Unlike most Imperial shuttles, Lambda shuttles have hyperdrives, which allow passengers and cargo to be transferred between different fleets and systems. Many Imperial government officials used these shuttles as personal transports. The shuttle's armament and armor allowed the Lambda to travel alone without escort, making it very difficult for Rebel raiding parties to know wether the shuttles were carrying cargo or transporting Imperial V.I.P.'s. The Emperor is said to have used a highly modified version of the Lambda-class shuttle that were equipped with an Imperial cloaking shield, and with armor and weapons that would make any ship smaller than a frigate think twice before attacking. That shuttle was destroyed when the second Death Star. Other Imperial officials like Darth Vader and the Grand Inquisitor used modified Lambda shuttles. Seinar Fleet Systems also constructs a version of this shuttle, theirs is less heavily armed with the quad laser cannons removed and the shuttle has less heavy armor as well. This version is available for sale and is popular among some freight and passenger companies. There is also a completely disarmed version of this shuttle. Notes of game conversion: Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the Starship into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver. Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor Starships. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

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A Star Wars Starship And Starfighter List With Stats!

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Imperial (Cygnus Spaceworks) Lambda class Shuttle (Star Wars):

The Lambda-class shuttle is a cargo and passenger shuttle that was used by the Imperial Navy. The vessel has a stationary wing top wing and two folding wings on each side. These wings makes the shuttle quite maneuverable in an atmosphere. Lambda shuttle normally has a command crew of four, with the option of adding two additional officers who normally handle secure communications and power allocation. A single pilot can handle the ship, but performance suffers significantly. Lambda shuttles can carry up to twenty passengers or eighty tons of cargo. Unlike most Imperial shuttles, Lambda shuttles have hyperdrives, which allow passengers and cargo to be transferred between different fleets and systems. Many Imperial government officials used these shuttles as personal transports. The shuttle's armament and armor allowed the Lambda to travel alone without escort, making it very difficult for Rebel raiding parties to know wether the shuttles were carrying cargo or transporting Imperial V.I.P.'s. The Emperor is said to have used a highly modified version of the Lambda-class shuttle that were equipped with an Imperial cloaking shield, and with armor and weapons that would make any ship smaller than a frigate think twice before attacking. That shuttle was destroyed when the second Death Star. Other Imperial officials like Darth Vader and the Grand Inquisitor used modified Lambda shuttles. Seinar Fleet Systems also constructs a version of this shuttle, theirs is less heavily armed with the quad laser cannons removed and the shuttle has less heavy armor as well. This version is available for sale and is popular among some freight and passenger companies. There is also a completely disarmed version of this shuttle.

Notes of game conversion: Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the Starship into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor Starships. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the velocity and distance traveled:

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: Lambda-Class Vehicle Type: Long-Range General-purpose shuttle Crew: Four Passengers: Up to 20 with the exclusion of cargo

M.D.C By Location:

Quad Laser Cannons (2): 75 eachLaser Cannons (3) 50 each

[1] Engines (2): 250 eachLanding Struts (2): 30 each[2] Main Body: 2,000 [1,500]Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 350[3] Variable Force Field: 400 per side (2,400 total)[4] Wings (3): 200

Notes: [1] Loss of the shuttle's engines will reduce performance of the shuttle by one half per engine and loss of both engines will prevent shuttle from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsion systems, shuttle will not crash in an atmosphere even if both engines are destroyed [2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the shuttle out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the shuttle will crash. M.D.C. in brackets [] is for Seinar Fleet Systems and Civilian version of the shuttle. [3] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (75 M.D.C.) per melee [4] Loss of wings will reduce atmospheric performance with 20% / wing.

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 50 percent of the speed of light. Shuttle can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.65 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The shuttle does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Shuttle can reach a top acceleration of 4 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Mach 7 but normally operates at Mach 5 or less. The shuttle also has Repulsorlift propulsion systems enabling it to leave an atmosphere even at low velocities. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 60 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 6 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Maximum Range: Both Versions: the shuttle has enough fuel for 90 days of operation. The shuttle uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The shuttle carries four months of consumables for shuttles crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 65.6 feet (20 meters) Height: 114.8 feet (35 meters) wings down, 68.8 feet (21 meters) wings up Width: 108.3 feet (33 meters) wings down, 59.1 feet (18 meters) wings up Weight/Mass: 850 tons (771.1 metric tons) Power System: Fusion power supply with a 90 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for 5 years although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: 20 passengers or 80 tons of cargo. Market Cost: Military version: 75 million credits to build. Armed Civilian Version: 85 million on the open market Unarmed Civilian version: 55 Million on the open market.


1. Quad Laser Cannons (2): These four-barreled cannons are mounted on both sides of the cockpit. Both have a firing arc of a half-globe forward of the shuttle, but the cockpit hinders the left cannon to fire directly to the right and the right cannon cannot fire to the left. All barrels in the cannon fires at the same time, and are all targeted at same target. Typically controlled by the gunner. These cannons are not carried on any civiain versions of the shuttle. Maximum Effective Range: Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space. Mega Damage: Both Versions: 2D6x10 per mount, 4D6x10 for both mounts linked. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Laser cannons (3): Two forward fire linked laser cannons fired typically fired by the pilot. One rear firing controlled by the gunner. The cannons are not carried on the unarmed civilian version of the shuttle. Maximum Effective Range: Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space. Mega Damage: Both Versions: 1D4x10 per cannon, 2D4x10 for both forward cannons when linked. Rate of Fire: Equal to gunners hand to hand (Usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

Alliance (Incom) RZ-1 A-Wing Starfighter (Star Wars):

The A-Wing is an amazing fighter. It is a relatively small fighter yet has good firepower, is very fast, is very maneuverable, and carries a hyperdrive to travel from system to system. Unlike the imperial Tie fighters, which are in many ways the closest approximate for the A-Wings performance and size, the fighter has powerful shields to help protect the fighter. All this makes for a very lethal fighter and a fighter that has becoming very popular with the hotshots among the Alliance forces. If compared to fighters of the later twentieth century, they could be seen as having the same relationship to the X-Wing as the F-16 Falcon had to the F-15 Eagle.

The profile of the A-Wing is very aerodynamic. The fighter is wedge shaped with the fighters cockpit in the approximately the center of the fighter. The pilot ejects in a similar way to the X-Wing and Y-Wing fighter and the pilot ejects after the top of fighters cockpit has been blown off. On the sides of the fighter are two powerful laser cannons in turrets. The turrets do not have full rotation but do have the ability to move up to 30 degrees up, down, or side to side. Behind and inwards from the turrets, the fighter has two very powerful ion engines. Above and below the engines are steering vanes to increase the fighters atmospheric performance. The fighter does not carry a droid but instead the computer has the ability to store up to four jump locations. When the fighter was designed, atmospheric performance was strongly considered which resulted in a fighter with very good performance in an atmosphere.

The fighter has only two laser cannons instead of the four cannons carried by the X-Wing but each of the cannons is slightly more powerful. They are more compact than the mounts on the Y-Wing, are not fixed in place, and have the ability to traverse to hit targets. If the A-Wing carried proton torpedoes, the fighter could have only carried about 4 total so instead the A-Wing carries the smaller concussion missiles. The Concussion missile is the equivalent of a medium range missile in Rifts. While not as capable against capital ships as proton torpedoes, the concussion missiles are still effective against larger ships. Like proton torpedoes, they can also be targeted on fighters

In many ways, the fighter is as good as the fighters within the Three Galaxies. It is about the same size as the lighter fighters and although its guns are not as powerful as those on the Scorpion the A-Wing has good shields to help protect the fighter. It has a fairly low endurance but due to having a hyperdrive is capable of traversing vast distances.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my forthcoming Earthforce ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: RZ-1 Vehicle Type: Light Interceptor / Patrol Fighter Crew: One

M.D.C By Location:

Laser Cannons (2): 40 eachConcussion Missile Launcher Bay (2 Launchers): 100[1] Engines (2): 200 eachLanding Struts (3): 20 each[2] Main Body: 325Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 200[3] Variable Force Field: 250 per side (1,500 total)

Notes: [1] Loss of an engine will reduce performance of fighter by one half and loss of two engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsions systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if both engines are destroyed [2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash [3] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (75 M.D.C.) per melee

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 2 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 12 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The fighter is aerodynamic and is quite capable in an atmosphere. As a result, the fighter can achieve escape velocity (Mach 32.6 / 25053 mph / 40320 kph) but normally operates at Mach 8 (6160.7 mph / 9907.2 kph) or less. The fighter also has Gravitic propulsion systems enabling it to leave an atmosphere even at low velocities. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 60 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 6 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). The fighters computer can store up to 4 coordinates for hyperspace jump locations. Maximum Range: Both Versions: the fighter has enough fuel for 240 hours (10 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries two weeks of consumables for fighters crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 31.5 feet (9.6 meters) Height: 10.2 feet (3.1 meters) Width: 21.3 feet (6.5 meters) Weight: 8.5 tons (7,710 kg) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 10 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for 1 year although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Small Storage Space, 2.5 ft x 2.5 ft x 2 ft. Used for emergency equipment and weapons. Market Cost: 45 million credits to build.


1. Twin Laser Cannons: These cannons are mounted on the sides of the starfighter and and can rotate up to 30 degrees to aim at targets. When compared to Phase World weaponry, They are slightly less powerful than those mounted on some of the newest C.A.F. Starfighters but are still very effective. The cannons can be fire individually or in pairs. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega Damage: Both Versions: 2D4x10 per cannon and 4D4x10 for both cannons. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Two (2) Concussion Missile Launchers: Under the fighter are two concussion missile launchers. The concussion missiles are the equivalent of medium range missiles. Each launcher has payload of 6 missiles giving a total of 12 concussion missiles. Concussion missiles should normally be considered smart missiles and do not have penalties to strike small targets. Phase World Version: Missile has a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 6% of light per turn (faster than any starship except a fighter acceding it maximum safe acceleration). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional medium range missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Missile range is 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space. (See Phase World Missiles). Moderate Version: Varies with long missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage & Properties: Both Versions: Varies with medium range missile types (Use new missile/bomb table) Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 Payload: 6 missiles each launcher for a total of 12 missiles

COMBAT BONUSES: The Rebel A-Wing Starfighter is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill.

+2 to initiative +2 to strike with lasers +3 to dodge

Alliance (Slayn & Korpil) B-Wing Starfighter (Star Wars):

Many people consider this fighter to be the replacement for the Y-Wing. It is certainly true that the B-Wing is similarly equipped and is both faster and better protected than the Y-Wing. The B-Wings major problem is cost, the B-Wing costs over twice as much as Y-Wing which means that the Y-Wing will remain in service for a long period of time and a less expensive replacement will be strongly considered. Like most Rebel / New Republic fighters, the B-Wing is equipped with a hyper-drive that allows the fighter to make attacks in systems other than the system of origin of the fighter. In several early engagement, the potential firepower of the B-Wing actually caused imperial fighters to retreat without engaging the B-Wing. Imperial Pilots have now realized that by using larger numbers, they can destroy B-Wings in combat. In many ways, the B-Wing could be considered a light corvette not a fighter even though it has only one crew member

The B-Wing is one of the most unusual fighters in operation with either Rebel or Imperial forces. The main part of the fighter is a large wing like structure. On the end of this wing like structure. The fighter has one weapon cluster with a laser cannon and an ion cannon. On the other side of the fighter near the middle is a pair of folding wings that are also called S-Foils. They each have a laser cannon. Even further down the main wing is the fighters engine and proton torpedo launchers. The fighter has 4 fusion/ion engines to provide the fighter with thrust. At what is effectively the beginning of the wing is the fighters cockpit. Two of the fighters ion cannons are located on the cockpit and the cockpit is in a gymbal mount that twists as the fighter maneuvers. This allows the fighter to stay in a fixed position. The problem is that if it is badly damaged or improperly maintained, the gyroscopic mount will fail and will be fixed in one position. If this occurs, then the fighters maneuverability is greatly reduced. The fighter is ungainly, and as a result suffers if the fighters navigational computers were to crash. If the fighter is operated in an atmosphere, the normal configuration is for the main wing to be pointed down. While the fighter is more maneuverable in an atmosphere, the fighter is unstable which causes inexperienced pilots to loose control.

For the fighters primary weaponry, the B-Wing carries a total of three laser cannons that are all linked and are capable of inflicting great damage. For the role as raider, the fighter also carries three ion cannons. The main energy array of the B-Wing is actually powerful enough for capital ships to be concerned with the B-wing. The B-Wing is equipped with proton torpedo launchers which are normally used to engage capital ships but may be used against fighters and other small targets as well. The fighter carries a total of sixteen missiles. The hull is about one third tougher than a Y-Wing and the fighters shields are tougher as well.

In many ways, the fighter is as good as the fighters within the Three Galaxies. The fighter is not quite as long ranged as some but still has a very good range and endurance. It also does not carry as many missiles as many of the fighters within the Three Galaxies. It would most likely be consider by size to be in the same class as the Proctor heavy fighter.

Notes of game conversion: Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F. and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: B-Wing Vehicle Type: Heavy Assault Starfighter Crew: One

M.D.C. By Location:

Laser Cannons (3): 50 eachIon Cannons (3): 30 eachProton Torpedo Launcher Bay: 200[1] Engines (4): 250 eachS-Foils (2) 225 eachLanding Struts (3): 20 each[2] Main Body: 1,200[3] Reinforced Pilots Cockpit / Gyroscopic Mount: 400[3] Variable Force Field: 500 per side (3,000 total)

Notes: [1] Loss of the fighter's engines will reduce performance of fighter by one quarter per engine and loss of all four engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsion systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if all four engines are destroyed. [2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash [3] If the Pilots Cockpit takes over half damage, the Gyroscopic mount will be disabled and all bonuses will be lost. [4] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (150 M.D.C.) per melee

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.4 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can

reach a top acceleration of 8.5 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The fighter is aerodynamic but is unstable for atmospheric flight. The computers compensate for most of this but not completely. The fighter is relatively fast and is capable of escape velocities (Mach 32.6 / 25053 mph / 40320 kph) but normally operates at Mach 5 (3,707.3 mph / 5,966.3 kph) or less. The fighter also has Gravitic propulsion systems enabling it to leave an atmosphere even at low velocities. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 40 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 4 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). The fighters computer can store up to 4 coordinates for hyperspace jump locations.. Maximum Range: Both Versions: the fighter has enough fuel for 720 hours (30 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries six weeks of consumables for fighters crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 55.4 feet (16.9 meters) Height: 21.3 feet (6.5 meters) with S-Foils retracted, 84 feet (25.6 meters) with S-Foils extended Width: 149.3 feet (45.5 meters) Weight: 137.8 tons (125 metric tons) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 30 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for 4 years although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Small Storage Space, 3 ft x 3.5 ft x 3 ft. Used for emergency equipment and weapons but a passenger can be crammed in emergency. Market Cost: 185 million credits to build.


1. Triple Laser Cannons: These cannons are mounted with two on the S-Foils and one on end of the fighters main wing and fire directly forward. When compared to Phase World weaponry, They are slightly less powerful than those mounted on some of the newest C.A.F. Starfighters but are still very effective. The cannons can be fire individually, in pairs, or all three combined. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega Damage: Both Versions: 2D4x10 per cannon, 4D4x10 for two cannons, and 6D4x10 for all three cannons Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Triple Ion Cannons: The fighter has two ion cannons mounted on the cockpit and one mounted on the other end of the main wing. Weapons fire forward of the fighters. Star Wars ion cannons operate differently than the Ion cannons in Rifts and Robotech. Instead of just being another type of energy weapon, Star Wars ion cannons do not cause any physical damage, though they do damage shields. They disable targets by interfering with the target's electrical systems. For gaming purposes, Star Wars ion weapons have a damage rating. This is how much damage the weapon will inflict on shields. Once any shields are penetrated, however, the damage works differently. The ion damage is recorded separately from normal physical damage. The amount of "damage" inflicted by the ion weaponry is compared to the amount of main body remaining. The percentage of damage inflicted is determined in relation to the main body: (damage / main body) x 100 = percentage For every 10% damage from ion weapons, the following penalties apply: The target will be at -1 to Strike, Parry (if appropriate), and Dodge. In space, target acceleration will be reduced by 15% and in an atmosphere, top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on the Critical hit chart in the Phase World Sourcebook or Rifts Conversion book as appropriate. If a ship takes 60% or more of its main body in ion damage, then the ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down. The ships Emergency life-support and emergency communications are likely to work, but nothing else. When crossing universes, some ships would probably be immune to these weapon systems. These include the U.W.W. ships and the UFO Intruder ships from Phase World, the semi biological protoculture based systems from Robotech, and the Unusual hull construction of the Vorlons, Shadows, and races that copied the first ones technology from Babylon 5. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 1000 miles (1,609 km) in space and 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 5,000 feet (1,524 m) in an atmosphere and 40,000 feet (12,200 m) in space.

Damage: Both Versions: 1D6x10 per cannon, 2D6x10 for two cannons, and 3D6x10 for all three cannons. It effects shields and has other special effects (See above) but does not damage directly Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

3. Proton Torpedo Launchers: next to the fighters engines is a proton torpedo launching system. The proton torpedoes are the equivalent of long range missiles. The launcher has payload of 16 missiles. Proton torpedoes should be considered smart missiles and do not have penalties to strike small targets. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World long range missiles. Missile has a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional long range missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 3400 miles (5470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles). Moderate Version: Varies with long missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage & Properties: Both Versions: Varies with long range missile types (Use new missile/bomb table - fusion warheads inflict 2D4x100) Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 Payload: 16 long range missiles

COMBAT BONUSES: The Rebel B-Wing Starfighter is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill. If the gyroscopic mount for the cockpit is not operative, then all bonuses are lost and the pilot suffers a -1 to strike and dodge. This can occur by battle damage and has a 5% chance per melee of combat if not properly maintained.

+1 to initiative +1 to strike with lasers +2 to dodge -1 to dodge in an atmosphere -10% to pilot in an atmosphere (-40% if computer is damaged)

Alliance (FreiTek) E-Wing Starfighter (Star Wars):

Not as well known as its incredibly famous counterpart the X-Wing, the E-wing is in fact the brainchild of the same design team that designed the fabled X-wing: The design staff from the Incom coorporation had fled to the Rebel alliance with the designs for the X-wing, and once they were free of the Empire, they

started a new compagnie, named FreiTek. The E-Wing is the first of the new designs to come out of the FreiTek workstations.

The E-Wing was originally designed to do much the same job of the older A-wing fighter, to protect convoys from raiding forces. However, due to the fighters large firepower, strong armor, and incredible acceleration, the E-Wing is increasingly used as a replacement to the X-Wing, and even as a medium Fighter/Bomber.

The pilots flying the E-Wing have realized that their craft is the equal to a Tie-interceptor in speed and maneuvrability, and take great pride in the fighters capabilities. In their eyes, the E-Wing is a better design than the fabled X-wing (they are right). In the battle against the imperial Admiral Thrawn, especially at Calamari, these new fighters proved their worth.

The E-Wing is slightly shorter than the X-Wing, and its cockpit is located just in front of the center of the fighter. Because of the need to place nearly all drive and lifesupport systems in the rear of the fighter, and the large amount of Proton torpedoes in its front section, the E-Wing looks a bit more stubby than the X-Wings sleek shape. If the pilot has to eject, the top of the cockpit is blow off and the pilot ejects out of the top of the fighter. Directly behind the pilot is a compartment which holds the astromech droid. Unlike in the X-Wing, the astromech droid is completely located inside of the hull of the fighter, and as such is much less vulnerable. Behind the droid are the complex power systems and hyperdrive of the fighter. Unfortunately these new systems are so complicated that a new kind of astromech droid had to be designed to handle them, and much of the cost of the fighter comes from the new systems and droid. The fighter has only two large wings, but these are much more resillient than the S-Foils of the X-Wing fighter, and there is no time lost deploying the wings for combat. The fighter has two huge ion engines, one under each wing. Two of the laser cannons are mounted on the outside end of the wings, next to the engines, with a third cannon located above the cockpit. Since the fighter is as aerodynamic as a X-Wing, it operates just as well within an atmosphere and that was one reason for the way the fighter was designed.

The fighters laser cannons are individually just as powerful as those on the Y-Wing but since there are three mounts instead of two, the ability to inflict damage is greater. It takes very few shots to destroy a Tie fighter with the laser cannons. The fighter carries more Proton Torpedoes than the Y-Wing carries but only has one launcher with a total of sixteen torpedoes but the launcher is designed to be able to fire two torpedoes at the same time. The Torpedoes are the equivalent of long range missiles in Rifts. These torpedoes are the main weapon normally used against larger ships or ground targets, but can target other fighters if needed.

In many ways, the fighter is as good as the fighters within the Three Galaxies. The fighter is not quite as long ranged as some but still has a very good range and endurance. It carries nearly as many missiles as most of the fighters within the Three Galaxies.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F. and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my forthcoming Earthforce ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: E-Wing Type A/B Vehicle Type: Space Superiority Fighter Crew: One and one Astromech Droid

M.D.C. By Location:

Laser Cannons (3): 75 eachProton Torpedo Launcher Bay (1 Launcher): 120Reinforced Astromech Droid compartment (Behind Cockpit): 200[1] Engines (2): 320 eachWings (2): 320 eachLanding Struts (3): 20 each[2] Main Body: 620Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 300[3] Variable Force Field: 300 per side (1,800 total)

Notes: [1] Loss of the fighter's engines will reduce performance of fighter by one half and loss of both engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsion systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if both engines are destroyed [2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash. [3] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (90 M.D.C.) per melee

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.8 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 10.5 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The fighter is aerodynamic and is quite capable in an atmosphere. As a result, the fighter can achieve escape velocity (Mach 32.6 / 25053 mph / 40320 kph) but normally operates at Mach 7.5 (5771.3 mph / 9288 kph) or less. The fighter also has Gravitic propulsion systems enabling it to leave an atmosphere even at low velocities. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 50 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 5 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Astromech Droid can store up to 10 coordinates for hyperspace jump locations. Maximum Range: The fighter has enough fuel for 360 hours (15 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries three weeks of consumables for the fighters crewman.

Statistical Data: Length: 36.5 feet (11.2 meters) Height: 10.7 feet (3.2 meters) Width: 26.3 feet (7.9 meters)

Weight: 16 tons (14,500 kg) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 15 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for 1.5 years although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Small Storage Space, 2.5 ft x 2.5 ft x 2 ft. Used for emergency equipment and weapons. Market Cost: 72 million credits to build.


1. Triple linked Laser Cannons: Two of these cannons are mounted on the outside of the fighters wings and fire forward. A third cannon is located above the cockpit of the E-Wing and it also fires forward. The cannons are as powerful as those mounted on the Y-Wing and due to the fact that there are three cannons, the cannons are cable of inflicting more damage. When these guns are compared to those of most fighters in Phase World, they are about equal to them. The cannons can be fire individually, in pairs, or all three simultaneously. They are normally fired linked, for one three shot burst (counts as one attack). The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. (Optional) Problems existed with the original lasers. These were solved by inceasing the powerload through them, but this can lead to a overload, treat as having a 5% chance (not cumulative) to overload per firing. A overload disables the lasers, requiring them to be repaired at a base.(non overloaded lasers have 3/4 of the range of overloaded lasers) Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega Damage: Both Versions: 2D4x10 per cannon, 4D4x10 for two cannons, 6D4x10 for all three cannons, normally fired together. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Proton Torpedo Launcher: Under the fighter is one proton torpedo launcher but in can fire two torpedoes at the same time. The proton torpedoes are the equivalent of long range missiles. The launcher has a payload of 16 missiles. Proton torpedoes should be considered smart missiles and do not have penalties to strike small targets. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World long range missiles. Missile has a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional long range missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 3400 miles (5470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles). Moderate Version: Varies with long missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage & Properties: Both Versions: Varies with long range missile types (Use new missile/bomb table - fusion warheads inflict 2D4x100) Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2. Payload: 16 missiles.

COMBAT BONUSES: The Rebel E-Wing Starfighter is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill. The pilot gets the following bonuses:

+2 to initiative +2 to strike with lasers

Alliance (Incom) T-65 X-Wing Starfighter (Star Wars):

When the citizenry of the Empire thought about the Rebel Alliance, this fighter was often one of the first pictures in their head. The X-Wing has become the mainstay of the rebel alliance although the Y-Wing still holds the record for the most Tie Fighters destroyed. This is simply because the Y-Wing has been in service so much longer than the X-Wing has been. The X-Wing is the favorite among many Rebel pilots. It is fast, very maneuverable, and is heavily armed. Like the Y-Wing and unlike most imperial fighters, it has a hyperdrive to travel from system to system. What is interesting is that, even though it is not a bomber, the X-Wing holds the records for the largest single ship destroyed by a fighter and the most tonnage destroyed by any ship class including capital ships. This is due to the X-Wing Red 5 destroying the first Death Star.

Unlike the Y-Wing, the X-Wing has a very sleek shape. The whole fighter is needle shaped with two wings on either side of the fighter. The pilots cockpit is about one third from the aft end of the fighter. If the pilot has to eject, the top of the cockpit is blow off and the pilot ejects out of the top of the fighter. Directly behind the pilot is the compartment is the socket for astromech droid. Behind the droid are the power systems of fighter. The fighters has four ion engines with two on either side body of the fighter and act as supports for the wings as well. The laser cannons are on the outside end of the wings. Since the fighter is far more aerodynamic than the Y-Wing, it operates far better within an atmosphere and that was one reason for the way the fighter was designed. The wings are also know as S foils. The S-Foils have two modes, travel which the wings are together and attack mode which the wings are split into an X pattern. The guns cannot be fired when the S-foils are in travel mode but the fighter cannot make a normal landing when the wings are open.

The fighters laser cannons are individually slightly less powerful that those on the Y-Wing but since there are four mounts instead of two, the overall ability to inflict damage is greater. It takes very few shots to destroy a Tie fighter with the laser cannons. The fighter carries less Proton Torpedoes than the Y-Wing carries but still has two launchers with four torpedoes each. The Torpedoes are the equivalent of long range missiles in Rifts. These torpedoes are the main weapon normally used against larger ships but can target other fighters if needed.

In many ways, the fighter is as good as the fighters within the Three Galaxies. The fighter is not quite as long ranged as some but still has a very good range and endurance. It also does not carry as many missiles as many of the fighters within the Three Galaxies.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my forthcoming Earthforce ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: T-65 Vehicle Type: Space Superiority Fighter Crew: One and one Astromech Droid

M.D.C By Location:

Laser Cannons (4): 50 eachProton Torpedo Launcher Bay (2 Launchers): 100Astromech Droid (Behind Cockpit): 50[1] Engines (4): 250 eachS-Foils (4): 150 eachLanding Struts (3): 20 each[2] Main Body: 450Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 250[3] Variable Force Field: 250 per side (1,500 total)

Notes: [1] Loss of the fighter's engines will reduce performance of fighter by one quarter per engine and loss of all four engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsions systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if all four engines are destroyed [2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash [3] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (75 M.D.C.) per melee

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.5 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 9 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The fighter is aerodynamic and is quite capable in an atmosphere. As a result, the fighter can achieve escape velocity (Mach 32.6 / 25053 mph / 40320 kph) but normally operates at Mach 7.5 (5771.3 mph / 9288 kph) or less. The fighter also has Gravitic propulsion systems enabling it to leave an atmosphere even at low velocities. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 60 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 6 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Astromech Droid can store up to 10 coordinates for hyperspace jump locations. Maximum Range: Both Versions: the fighter has enough fuel for 360 hours (15 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries three weeks of consumables for fighters crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 41.3 feet (12.6 meters) Height: 8.1 feet (2.48 meters) Width: 38.8 feet (11.84 meters) Weight: 15 tons (13,600 kg) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 15 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for 1.5 years although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Small Storage Space, 2.5 ft x 2.5 ft x 2 ft. Used for emergency equipment and weapons. Market Cost: 65 million credits to build.


1. Quad Laser Cannons: These cannons are mounted on the outside of the fighters S-Foils (or wings) and fire forward. The cannons are slightly less powerful individually than those mounted on the Y-Wing but due to the fact that there are four cannons, the cannons are cable of inflicting more damage. When these guns are compared to those of most fighters in Phase World, they are about equal to them. The cannons can be fire individually, in pairs, or all four simultaneously. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega Damage: Both Versions: 1D6x10 per cannon, 2D6x10 for two cannons, 4D6x10 for all four cannons. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Two (2) Proton Torpedo Launchers: Under the fighter are two proton torpedo launchers. The proton torpedoes are the equivalent of long range missiles. Each launcher has payload of 4 missiles giving a total of 8 proton torpedoes. Proton torpedoes should be considered smart missiles and do not have penalties to strike small targets. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World long range missiles. Missile has a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional long range missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 3400 miles (5470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles). Moderate Version: Varies with long missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage & Properties: Both Versions: Varies with long range missile types (Use new missile/bomb table - fusion warheads inflict 2D4x100) Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 Payload: 4 missiles each launcher for a total of 8 missiles.

COMBAT BONUSES: The Rebel X-Wing Starfighter is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill. The pilot gets the following bonuses when the S-Foils are open or in attack position:

+1 to initiative +2 to strike with lasers +2 to dodge.

Alliance (Koensayr) BTL-A4 Y-Wing Starfighter (Star Wars):

This starfighter was the main fighter of the Rebels almost since the birth of the Rebel Alliance. It is more expensive to construct than the Imperial Tie fighters were but is heavier armored and unlike the imperial fighter, carried shields. It could be expected to engage two or three Tie fighters with a good chance of success. Another feature that was very important was the fact that the rebel fighter had a hyper drive which allowed the fighter to operate more independently than previous fighter class such as the Headhunter.

The Y-Wing is a very blocky fighter. The nose is a wedge shape with a very blunted nose. In the front of the nose, the fighter carries two laser batteries. The pilots cockpit is on top of the fighter and above the cockpit are two Ion cannons. The cockpit fits two crew members but due to the lack of pilot, it is often operated by only one. If the fighter is piloted by one, the ion cannon is fixed forward and with a second crew member it is operated as a turret. If the crew has to eject, the top of the fighter is blow off and the pilot ejects out of the top of the fighter. Behind the cockpit is a blocky section that contains much of the fighters equipment including power systems, life support, hyperdrive, and the Astromech Droid. The fighters engines are relatively large and are on pylons on the outside of the system section of the fighter. As this fighter is not very aerodynamic, the fighter flies in an atmosphere mainly through brute force.

The Ion cannons carried were very useful in the start of the Rebel Alliance and many Imperial cargoes were captured giving the Rebels badly needed weapons, ammunition, equipment, and other supplies. The laser cannons are relatively powerful and are capable of making short work of the much lighter armored Imperial fighters. The ships is also armed with two proton torpedo launchers with six torpedoes each. These are the equivalent of long range missiles in Rifts. These torpedoes are the main weapon normally used against larger ships but can target other fighters if needed.

In many ways, the fighter is as good as the fighters within the Three Galaxies. The fighter is not quite as long ranged as some but still has a very good range and endurance. It also does not carry as many missiles as many of the fighters within the Three Galaxies.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my forthcoming Earthforce ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: BTL-A4 Vehicle Type: Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Crew: Two and one Astromech Droid (can be operated by one and one Astromech Droid)

M.D.C By Location:

Laser Cannons (2): 50 eachIon Cannon Turret (2 Barrels): 60Proton Torpedo Launcher Bay (2 Launchers): 100Astromech (Behind Cockpit): 50[1] Engines (2): 300 eachLanding Struts (3): 20 each[2] Main Body: 800Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 325[3] Variable Force Field: 375 per side (2,250 total)

Notes: [1] Loss of an engine will reduce performance of fighter by one half and loss of two engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsions systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if both engines are destroyed [2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash [3] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (113 M.D.C.) per melee

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.25 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 7.5 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: Due to the fighters being non aerodynamic, the fighters flies in an atmosphere through brute force and gravitic propulsion systems. As a result, the fighter is relatively slow in an atmosphere and has a top speed of Mach 2 (1,482.9 mph/ 2,386.5 kph) in an atmosphere. The Gravitic propulsion enables the fighter to enter and leave an atmosphere under its own power.

Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 60 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 6 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Astromech Droid can store up to 10 coordinates for hyperspace jump locations. Maximum Range: Both Versions: the fighter has enough fuel for 600 hours (25 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries three weeks of consumables for fighters crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 52.5 feet (16 meters) Height: 6.6 feet (2 meters) Width: 28.2 feet (8.6 meters) Weight: 24.8 tons (22,500 kg) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 25 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for 2 years although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Small Storage Space, 3 ft x 3.5 ft x 3 ft. Used for emergency equipment and weapons but a passenger can be crammed in emergency. Market Cost: 80 million credits to build.


1. Twin Laser Cannons: These cannons are mounted on the very front of the nose of the starfighter and fire directly forward. When compared to Phase World weaponry, They are slightly less powerful than those mounted on some of the newest C.A.F. Starfighters but are still very effective. The cannons can be fire individually or in pairs. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range: Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space. Mega Damage: Both Versions: 2D4x10 per cannon and 4D4x10 for both cannons. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Two (2) Ion Cannon Mounts in Turret: Above the fighters cockpit are two ion cannons in a turret. The turret is fixed forward with one pilot and is operated by the co-pilot when on board. The mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 90 degree arc of fire. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. The ion cannon can be fired individually or combined. Star Wars ion cannons operate differently than the Ion cannons in Rifts and Robotech. Instead of just being another type of energy weapon, Star Wars ion cannons do not cause any physical damage, though they do damage shields. They disable targets by interfering with the target's electrical systems. For gaming purposes, Star Wars ion weapons have a damage rating. This is how much damage the weapon will inflict on shields. Once any shields are penetrated, however, the damage works differently. The ion damage is recorded separately from normal physical damage. The amount of "damage" inflicted by the ion weaponry is compared to the amount of main body remaining. The percentage of damage inflicted is determined in relation to the main body: (damage / main body) x 100 = percentage For every 10% damage from ion weapons, the following penalties apply: The target will be at -1 to Strike, Parry (if appropriate), and Dodge. In space, target acceleration will be reduced by 15% and in an atmosphere, top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on the Critical hit chart in the Phase World Sourcebook or Rifts Conversion book as appropriate. If a ship takes 60% or more of its main body in ion damage, then the ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down. The ships Emergency life-support and emergency communications are likely to work, but nothing else. When crossing universes, some ships would probably be immune to these weapon systems. These include the U.W.W. ships and the UFO Intruder ships from Phase World, the semi biological protoculture based systems from Robotech, and the Unusual hull construction of the Vorlons, Shadows, and races that copied the First Ones technology from Babylon 5. Maximum Effective Range: Phase World Version: 1000 miles (1,609 km) in space and 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 5,000 feet (1,524 m) in an atmosphere and 40,000 feet (12,200 m) in space. Damage: Both Versions: 1D6x10 per cannon and 2D6x10 for both cannons. It effects shields and has other special effects (See above) but does not damage directly Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

3. Two (2) Proton Torpedo Launchers: Under the fighter are two proton torpedo launchers. The proton torpedoes are the equivalent of long range missiles. Each launcher has payload of 6 missiles giving a total of 12 proton torpedoes. Proton torpedoes should be considered smart missiles and do not have

penalties to strike small targets. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World long range missiles. Missile has a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional long range missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range: Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 3400 miles (5470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles). Moderate Version: Varies with long missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.) Mega-Damage & Properties: Both Versions: Varies with long range missile types (Use new missile/bomb table - fusion warheads inflict 2D4x100) Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 Payload: 6 missiles each launcher for a total of 12 missiles

COMBAT BONUSES: The Rebel Y-Wing Starfighter is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill.

Alliance (Mon Calamari) MC80 Star Cruiser (Star Wars):

The Mon Cal cruisers are the main cruisers of the Rebellion's and the New Republic's battle fleet. They are durable ships that are as fast and almost as tough as the larger Imperator Star Destroyer. Even Imperial Navy commanders have reluctantly admitted that the Mon Calamari cruisers are superior space combatants to most other ship classes and rival the Imperial Class Star Destroyers,.

The Mon Calamari cruisers were originally built as civilian ships for exploration, colonization, and pleasure cruises but when the Imperial invasion forces that had been sent to occupy the Mon Calamari Homeworld had been driven away, the Mon Calamari converted their cruisers to military duty by adding thick armor plating and heavy weapons.

Each Calamari cruiser is unique. To the Mon Calamari, their ships are as much work of arts as weapons of war. While this individualized, almost organic, design makes most technicians heads spin, the Mon Calamari find it a logical approach. The cruisers are notoriously difficult to repair, but they are so durable that they are seldom damaged in combat.

One thing that makes the ship so durable is the shield system. Each shield generator has two backup generators which makes regeneration and restoration quicker than on most other ships. These shields are actually just as powerful as those carried on the much larger Imperial Class Star Destroyer.

The cruisers are well armed vessels with four turbolaser batteries that are even more powerful than those on Star Destroyers. The ship is also armed with two very heavy Ion cannons for disabling targets. Secondary weapons are four heavy missile launchers and twenty point-defense lasers. One weakness is the ship has a total lack of medium weapons.

The standard complement of starfighters are one X-wing squadron and two Y-wing squadrons. The actual complement depends on mission and availability of starfighters.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the Starship into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor Starships. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the velocity and distance traveled:

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: MC80a Vehicle Type: Star Cruiser (Would be considered a battleship or battlecruiser by Phase World terms) Crew: 5,402; 668 Officers, 4734 enlisted (does not include a huge number of droids used for ship maintenance). Troops: Standard, 300 commandos for defense and boarding. Can carry 2000 additional passengers.

Vehicles: Fighter Compliment:

12 X-wing24 Y-wing

Other vehicles: 12 Shuttles

M.D.C By Location:

Mega Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts (4): 3,000 eachMega Ion Cannon Mounts (2): 2,000 each60 mm Point Defense Laser Turrets (16): 250 eachCapital Proton Torpedo Batteries (4): 1000 each[1] Bridge: 70,000[1] Auxiliary Bridge: 70,000Hanger Bay: 50,000[2] Main Engines (3): 25,000 each[2] Secondary Engines (4): 18,000 each[3] Main Body: 225,000[4] Shield Generators (18): 500 each[4] Variable Force Field: 15,000 a side (90,000 Total)

Notes: [1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge through the ships armor. This ship also has an auxiliary bridge. Even if both bridges are destroyed, the ship can still be piloted from engineering but ship is -3 to dodge and all weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge that do not penetrate the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge. [2] Destruction of main engines reduced acceleration by 20% per engine destroyed. Destruction of secondary engines reduces acceleration by 10% per engine destroyed. If all engines are destroyed, the ship can still accelerate and decelerate at 5% using maneuvering thrusters. [3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the Star Cruiser out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. [4] The Star Cruiser has 3 shield generators per facing. If one is destroyed, reduce maximum shield strength on that facing by 1/3 and reduce the shields regeneration by 1/18 for every generator destroyed. If both generators on a shield facing are destroyed, the shields are not operation in that facing. The Shields must be penetrated before the shield generators can be hit. Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 10% (9,000 M.D.C.) per melee.

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 60 percent of the speed of light. The Star Cruiser can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.6 percent of light per melee maximum (Standard is 0.2 percent of light per turn). Moderate Version: The Star Cruiser does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. The Star Destroyer can reach a top acceleration of 3 G but standard is 1 G to reduce stress on engines. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The Star Cruiser cannot operate within an atmosphere. If the ship enters an atmosphere, it will crash. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 40 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 4 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by either Drive system. carries about six years worth of supplies on board.

Statistical Data: Length: 3,940 feet (1,200 meters) Height: 490 feet (150 meters) Width: 1,740 feet (530 meters) Weight/Mass: 16.5 million tons (15 million metric tons ) Power System: Fusion with a 20 year life span. The ship normally only goes 5 years between refueling. Cargo: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 30,000 tons of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition. Each crew member also has a small locker for personal possessions and officers have decent sized quarters. Market Cost: 50 billion credits to construct. The Mon Calamari only give these ships to the Rebel Alliance / New Republic and use the ships in defense of their home system.


1. Four (4) Mega Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts: These mounts each have twelve barrels that normally fire together. This means that there a total of forty eight mega turbo-laser cannons with each being 30 cm wide. The ship has 2 mounts on either side on the dorsal hull and to mounts on either side on the ventral hull and while each mount can rotate 360 degrees, the the hull itself limits the field of fire. These mounts are the ships main anti-capital ship weaponry and are very powerful and capable of destroying all but the largest targets with just a few hits. The mounts may be fired individually or may be combined with up to three other heavy turbo-laser cannon mounts (all on one side may fire as a volley). Mega turbo-laser cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 100,000 miles (161,000 km) in space and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 800 miles (1287.5 km) in space and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 3D4x1000 per mount (Each cannon does approximately 2D6x100). Up to four turrets may be combined (All on one side) for 12D4x1000. Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Two (2) Mega Ion Cannon Mounts: The Mon Cal Star Cruiser has two quad mount ion cannons on the ventral side of the ships. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. Mega Ion cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Star Wars ion cannons operate differently than the Ion cannons in Rifts and Robotech. Instead of just being another type of energy weapon, Star Wars ion cannons do not cause any physical damage, though they do damage shields. They disable targets by interfering with the target's electrical systems. For gaming purposes, Star Wars ion weapons have a damage rating. This is how much damage the weapon will inflict on shields. Once any shields are penetrated, however, the damage works differently. The ion damage is recorded separately from normal physical damage. The amount of "damage" inflicted by the ion weaponry is compared to the amount of main body remaining. The percentage of damage inflicted is determined in relation to the main body: (damage / main body) x 100 = percentage For every 10% damage from ion weapons, the following penalties apply: The target will be at -1 to Strike, Parry (if appropriate), and Dodge. In space, target acceleration will be reduced by 15% and in an atmosphere, top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on the Critical hit chart in the Phase World Sourcebook or Rifts Conversion book as appropriate. If a ship takes 60% or more of its main body in ion damage, then the ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down. The ships Emergency life-support and emergency communications are likely to work, but nothing else. When crossing universes, some ships would probably be immune to these weapon systems. These include the U.W.W. ships and the UFO Intruder ships from Phase World, the semi biological protoculture based systems from Robotech, and the Unusual hull construction of the Vorlons, Shadows, and races that copied the first ones technology from Babylon 5. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 120,000 miles (193,000 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 960 miles (1,545 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere

Damage: 4D4x1000 M.D.C. per mount (1D4x1000 per barrel) to shields and special effects (See above) Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

3. Sixteen (16) 60 mm Point Defense Lasers: These are the main point defense weaponry of the Star Cruiser and are used against both fighters and missiles. These mounts are distributed evenly around the ships hull. Each Turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. The weapons have no penalties to strike small targets but are relatively short ranged. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega-Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4. Four (4) Capital Proton Torpedo Batteries: Essentially equal to cruise missiles. On the side of the ship, the ship has a total of four missile batteries that fire the equivalent of cruise missile. One battery is located near the front of the ship on each side, while another battery is located further back. Missiles have penalties to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. Batteries can launch on multiple targets each. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World cruise missiles. Missiles has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). When drive goes dead, the missile will still cruise unless preset to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional cruise missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles ) Moderate Version: Varies with missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage: Both Versions: Varies with cruise missile types (Use new missile/bomb tables) - Anti-Matter warheads are NOT available. Rate of Fire: Volleys of 10 per battery, per melee round, for a total of 40 missiles per melee. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next. Payload: 400 total, 100 cruise missiles per battery.

Corellian Corvette (Star Wars):

The Corellain Corvette can fill a great many roles. Some are used for troop/passenger transport, some are used for cargo ships, other are used for patrol and combat, and a few have even been converted into small carriers. The ships have been in service for forty years and while production has been steadily decreasing, these ships will remain in service for a long period of time. A few senators used these ship for transportation and the Tantive IV was Senator Leia Organa's ship when it was captured by the Empire. While it is well know that the Rebel Alliance and New Republic uses these ships, it is also true that the Empire uses these ships as well.

The nose of the Corellian Corvette looks like a sideways hammer. Behind the front of the ship are two twin laser turrets with one on the top of the ship and the other on the bottom. Further back the ships has a section wich widens to either side which the point defense turrets are mounted on. The ship then narrows again. Followed by a section that contains the communication antenna, reactor, and docking mount. Finally at the very rear of the ship are eleven engines that propel the ship.

Listed below is the standard weapons compliment for the ship. Many ships have had their weapon systems heaviliy modified or carry even heavier weapon system. This will usually reduce the ships endurance or require more power than the engines are capable of producing. As well as changing the ships weapon systems, the ships can be designed for different roles. The standard configuration is designed as a patrol corvette with spaces not required for ordnance or weapon systems being used for research laboratories, crew quarters, and only a relatively small amount of cargo.

Some have been modified to carry cargo. The cargo compartments may be set up for different environments and temperature conditions. This takes the place of most of the research equipment and reduces crew quarters. These ships can be modified as passenger ships or as troop transport vessels. Troop transports only have minimal comforts but as passenger ships they can be designed with high amounts of luxury. This of course reduces the number of people who can be carried. The final version know is a baby carrier. These are heavily modified and can carry normally only about 6 to 8 fighters but a few may be stuffed in the ship if very cramped.

These ships compare pretty competitively with Phase World ships of the same size. The only major change is that the ship is te size of a large destroyer in phase world and should be compared to them and not compared to what is called corvettes in Phase World. If they are lacking in anything, it would be that the ship only has 4 point defense lasers.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the Starship into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor Starships. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the velocity and distance traveled:

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: CR-90 Vehicle Type: Corellian Corvette (Would be considered a Destroyer by Phase World terms) Crew: 46 (8 Officers, 38 enlisted). Troops: A standard CR-90 can carry up to 30 passengers. If designed as a troop transport, the ship can carry up to 165 troops. If designed as a passenger ship, the ship can carry a maximum of 120 passengers. Finally, if the ship is designed as a carrier, the ship can carry up to 45 pilots/support personel. Vehicles: None standard although the ship can be refitted to carry a small amount of fighters or speeders

M.D.C By Location:

Heavy Turbo-Laser Cannon Mounts (2): 800 each40 mm Point Defense Laser Turrets (4): 200 eachCapital Proton Torpedo Battery: 1,000[1] Bridge: 2,000[1] Auxiliary Bridge: 2,000[2] Communications/Sensor Antennas (2, top and bottom) 250 each[3] Main Engines (11, Rear): 500 each[4] Main Body: 4,800[5] Variable Force Field: 1,000 a side (6,000 Total)

Notes: [1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge through the ships armor. This ship also has an auxiliary bridge. Even if both bridges are destroyed, the ship can still be piloted from engineering but ship is -3 to dodge and all weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge that do not penetrate the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge. [2] The ship has a sensory /communication dish on the top and bottom of the ship near the rear. Destroying both means a loss of long range communications and that the ship will have -40% to read sensory rolls, all sensor ranges are halved, and all long range weapons have a -2 to strike.. [3] Destruction of an engine reduces acceleration by 9% per engine destroyed. If all engines are destroyed, the ship can still accelerate and decelerate at 5% using maneuvering thrusters. [4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the Corvette out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. [5] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (300 M.D.C.) per melee

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 60 percent of the speed of light. The Corvette can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.75 percent of light per melee maximum (Standard is 0.25 percent of light per turn). Moderate Version: The Corellian Corvette does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. The Corvette can reach a top acceleration of 5 G but standard is 1 G to reduce stress on engines. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: Maximum speed is Mach 1 (670 mph / 1080 kph), can enter an atmosphere and can leave but is not designed for atmospheric flight Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 40 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 4 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by either Drive system. carries about two years worth of supplies on board.

Statistical Data: Length: 492.1 feet (150 meters) Height: 131.2 feet (40 meters) Width: 216.5 feet (66 meters) Weight/Mass: 11,020 tons (10,000 metric tons) Power System: Fusion with a 20 year life span. The ship normally only goes 5 years between refueling. Cargo: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 1,000 tons of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition. Each crew member also has a small locker for personal possessions and officers have decent sized quarters. Ships converted to cargo carrying are able to carry up to 5,000 tons of cargo. Market Cost: 850 million credits.


1. Two (2) Heavy Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts: Each of these mounts have two barrels that normally fire together. This gives the ship a total of four heavy turbo-laser cannons. Each is 10 cm wide and are capable of doing heavy damage to large capital ships and destroying smaller capital ships in just a few shots. The ship has one mount on the top and bottom of the hull behind the bridge. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. Heavy turbo-laser cannon mounts have standard

penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 20,000 miles (32,200 km) in space and 20 miles (32.2 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 160 miles (260 km) in space and 20 miles (32.2 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 2D6x100 per mount (Each cannon does approximately 1D6x100). Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Four (4) 40 mm Point Defense Lasers: These are the main point defense weaponry of the Corvette and are used against both fighters and missiles. These mounts are on the top of the ship behind the heavy lasers but in front of communication antenna. Each Turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. The weapons have no penalties to strike small targets but are relatively short ranged. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3. One (1) Capital Proton Torpedo Battery: Essentially equal to cruise missiles. On the front of the ship of the ship, the ship has a missile batteries that fire the equivalent of cruise missiles. Missiles have penalties to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. Batteries can launch on multiple targets each. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World cruise missiles. Missiles has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). When drive goes dead, the missile will still cruise unless preset to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional cruise missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles ) Moderate Version: Varies with missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage: Both Versions: Varies with cruise missile types (Use new missile/bomb tables) - Anti-Matter warheads are NOT available. Rate of Fire: Volleys of 10 per battery, per melee round. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next. Payload: 100 cruise missiles in the battery.

Kuat Yards Nebulon-B Frigate (Star Wars):

The Nebulon-B escort frigate was originally designed by the Empire for use against rebel starfighters, which had made several successful raids against poorly defended Imperial cargo convoys. The rebel alliance got there hands on several Nebulon-B when a number the these vessels were captured by rebel forces, and when their crews defected to the alliance. These ships became the backbone in the alliance's fleet, especially in the early years of the rebellion when larger starships where not available.

Standard Nebulon-B frigates are equipped with six double barreled turbo lasers for use against capital ships, and twelve laser cannons against starfighters and missile defense. It also carries two ion cannons which are used to disable a ship without damage.

The frigates fighter complement is twenty-four (two squadrons) starfighters. Standard complement for the Rebel Alliance and New Republic is one squadron X-wings. The second squadron changes depending on mission. Y-wings or B-wings for assault, A-wings for reconnaissance and escort missions.

Many Nebulon-Bs have additional and sophisticated sensor and communication equipment, allowing the ships to act as long-range scouts or as a command ship in battle. In many cases, the low on resources, rebel task forces used a Nebulon-B as command ship, with Corellian corvettes and gunships acting as supplementary capital ships.

Some frigates has been converted to medical duty. The medical frigate has treatment facilities for over seven hundred patients. With complete modern medical materials, including fifteen bacta tanks, the ship's patient survival rate is nearly 98%. To make room for the medical facilities, the ship's weaponry is generally reduced to three turbo lasers and eight laser cannons. Most of the interior hangar bay space is also lost, and the medical frigate carries no fighters.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the Starship into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F. and Kreeghor Starships. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the velocity and distance traveled:

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B Vehicle Type: Escort Frigate Crew: 850; 77 Officers, 773 Enlisted. Troops: The ship can carry up to 1000 passengers total in cramped conditions.

Vehicles: Fighter Compliment:

24 Fighters (2 squadrons, type depending on mission)Other vehicles:

4 Lambda-class shuttles

M.D.C By Location:

Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts (6): 800 eachIon Cannon Mounts (2): 1,000 each60 mm Point Defense Laser Turrets (12): 250 eachCapital Proton Torpedo Batteries (2): 1000[1] Bridge: 20,000[1] Auxiliary Bridge: 20,000Hanger Bay: 20,000[2] Main Engines (7): 15,000 each[3] Main Body: 60,000[4] Shield Generators (6): 300 each[4] Variable Force Field: 6,000 a side (36,000 Total)

Notes: [1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge through the ships armor. This ship also has an auxiliary bridge. Even if both bridges are destroyed, the ship can still be piloted from engineering but ship is -3 to dodge and all weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge that do not penetrate the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge. [2] Destruction of main engines reduced acceleration by 20% per engine destroyed. If all engines are destroyed, the ship can still accelerate and decelerate at 5% using maneuvering thrusters. [3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the Frigate out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. [4] The Frigate has one shield generators per facing. If one is destroyed, the shield cannot operate on that side and reduce the shields regeneration by 1/6 for every generator destroyed. The Shields must be penetrated before the shield generators can be hit. Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (1,800 M.D.C.) per melee.

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 60 percent of the speed

of light. The Frigate can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.6 percent of light per melee maximum (Standard is 0.2 percent of light per turn). Moderate Version: The Frigate does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. The Star Destroyer can reach a top acceleration of 3 G but standard is 1 G to reduce stress on engines. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The Frigate cannot operate within an atmosphere. If the ship enters an atmosphere, it will crash. Stardrive: Uses a hyper drive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 40 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 4 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by either Drive system. Carries about four years worth of supplies on board.

Statistical Data: Length: 984.3 feet (300 meters) Height: 518.4 feet (158 meters) Width: 170.6 feet (52 meters) Weight/Mass: 352,700 tons(320,000 metric tons) Power System: Fusion with a 20 year life span. The ship normally only goes 5 years between refueling. Cargo: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 10,000 tons of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition. Each crew member also has a small locker for personal possessions and officers have decent sized quarters. Market Cost: 8 billion credits to construct. Neither the Empire or the Rebel Alliance/New Republic will not sell the Nebulon-B to other interests.


1. Six (6) Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts: Each of these mounts have two barrels that normally fire together. This gives the ship a total of twelve turbo-laser cannons. Each is 10 cm wide and are capable of doing heavy damage to large capital ships and destroying smaller capital ships in just a few shots. The ship has one mount on either side of the hull. A minimum of three cannons can be linked to fire at the same target. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyper space. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 20,000 miles (32,200 km) in space and 20 miles (32.2 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 160 miles (260 km) in space and 20 miles (32.2 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 2D6x100 per mount (Each cannon does approximately 1D6x100). Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Two (2) Ion Cannon Mounts: The Nebulon-B frigate has two ion cannon mounts. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. Ion cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyper space. Star Wars ion cannons operate differently than the Ion cannons in Rifts and Robotech. Instead of just being another type of energy weapon, Star Wars ion cannons do not cause any physical damage, though they do damage shields. They disable targets by interfering with the target's electrical systems. For gaming purposes, Star Wars ion weapons have a damage rating. This is how much damage the weapon will inflict on shields. Once any shields are penetrated, however, the damage works differently. The ion damage is recorded separately from normal physical damage. The amount of "damage" inflicted by the ion weaponry is compared to the amount of main body remaining. The percentage of damage inflicted is determined in relation to the main body: (damage / main body) x 100 = percentage For every 10% damage from ion weapons, the following penalties apply: The target will be at -1 to Strike, Parry (if appropriate), and Dodge. In space, target acceleration will be reduced by 15% and in an atmosphere, top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on the Critical hit chart in the Phase World Source book or Rifts Conversion book as appropriate. If a ship takes 60% or more of its main body in ion damage, then the ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down. The ships Emergency life-support and emergency communications are likely to work, but nothing else. When crossing universes, some ships would probably be immune to these weapon systems. These include the U.W.W. ships and the UFO Intruder ships from Phase World, the semi biological protoculture based systems from Robotech, and the Unusual hull construction of the Vorlons, Shadows,

and races that copied the first ones technology from Babylon 5. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 120,000 miles (193,000 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 960 miles (1,545 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere

Damage: 1D4x1000 M.D.C. per mount to shields and special effects (See above) Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

3. Twelve (12) 60 mm Point Defense Lasers: These are the main point defense weaponry of the Frigate and are used against both fighters and missiles. These mounts are distributed evenly around the ships hull. Each Turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. The weapons have no penalties to strike small targets but are relatively short ranged. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyper space. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega-Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4. Two (2) Capital Proton Torpedo Batteries: Essentially equal to cruise missiles. Located in the front of the ship. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World cruise missiles. Missiles has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). When drive goes dead, the missile will still cruise unless preset to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional cruise missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles ) Moderate Version: Varies with missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage: Both Versions: Varies with cruise missile types (Use new missile/bomb tables) - Anti-Matter warheads are NOT available. Rate of Fire: Volleys of 10 per battery, per melee round, for a total of 20 missiles per melee. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next. Payload: 200 total, 100 cruise missiles per battery.

Imperial (Sienar) TIE Bomber (Star Wars):

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This "TIE Fighter" is the standard bomber design used by the Galactic Empire although there are gunboats and some other small craft that the Empire uses that can also be used for attack missions. While the TIE bomber is not as maneuverable as the TIE fighter, is an excellent platform for pinpoint assaults on large space and ground targets. Unlike the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic, the empire does not construct many multi role small craft. Like, the TIE fighter, the TIE Bomber is well armed and inexpensive to manufacture. Like the TIE Fighter, it is also very lightly armored (although better than a TIE fighter) and carries no shields. It also has no Hyperdrive which limits the ship to deployments from starships, ground stations, and space stations.

The TIE Bomber both looks like a standard TIE fighter and does not at the same time. The bomber has two solar collecting panels on either side of the bomber but the top and bottom sides of the panels are at an angle and the panels are elongated. These increase the bomber's range without increasing the amount of fuel that the bomber can carry. The fighter has a cockpit on the starboard side similar to the TIE fighter but longer and has a module on the port side that carries various weapon systems and ordnance. The pilot is in a simple acceleration couch. Behind the cockpit and weapons pod are the fighters power system, engines, and support equipment. Unlike most of the rebel fighters, most systems do not have backup systems. This allows the bomber to be lighter and less expensive but also means that critical system failures are more likely.

The Bomber carriers two laser cannons for defensive purposes. The laser cannons are the same mounts that are carried on the standard TIE fighters. While not as powerful as those carried on most rebel fighters, they are capable in the defensive role. These bombers are normally escorted by TIE fighters to increase their survival. The TIE bombers primary purpose os to carry various explosive ordnance such as thermal detonators, mines, concussion missiles, and proton torpedoes.

In Phase World terms, like in Star Wars terms, the TIE bomber should be considered a throw away fighter. As stated earlier, It is not very powerful but is very cheap and easy to construct in large numbers.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: TIE Bomber Vehicle Type: Tactical Bomber (Space and Atmosphere) Crew: One

M.D.C. By Location:

Laser Cannons (2): 35 each[1] Engines (2): 150 each[2] Energy Panels 250 each[3] Main Body: 500Ordnance Pod: 300Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 150

Notes: [1] Loss of the Bomber's engines will reduce performance of fighter by one half per engine and loss of both engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsion systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if both engines are destroyed. [2] Destruction of energy panels will not destroy the fighter, but the detsruction of a panel will reduce the range of the fighter by one third. Destruction of both panels will reduce the fighters range by two thirds. [3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash.

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.25 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The bomber does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Bomber can reach a top acceleration of 7.5 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: Due to the fighters being non aerodynamic, the fighters flies in an atmosphere through brute force and gravitic propulsion systems. As a result, the fighter is relatively slow in an atmosphere and has a top speed of Mach 1.5 (1,112.2 mph/ 1,789.9 kph) in an atmosphere. The Gravitic propulsion enables the fighter to enter and leave an atmosphere under its own power. Stardrive: None, the TIE Bomber does not carry a hyperdrive. Maximum Range: Both Versions: the fighter has enough fuel for 168 hours (7 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries seven days of consumables for fighters crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 25.6 feet (7.8 meters) Height: 16.1 feet (4.9 meters) Width: 28.5 feet (8.7 meters)

Weight: 18.0 tons (16,300 kg) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 7 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for four months although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Negligible. The pilot can carry a few small items with him. Does not include ordnance pod. Market Cost: 38 million credits to build.


1. Twin Laser Cannons: These cannons are mounted on the front of the starfighter and fire directly forward. When compared to Phase World weaponry, They are slightly less powerful than those mounted on some of the newest C.A.F. Starfighters but are still very effective. The cannons can be fire individually or in pairs. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega Damage: Both Versions: 1D6x10 per cannon and 2D6x10 for both cannons. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Ordnance Pod: The ordnance pod on the port side of the fighter is divided into a forward and main ordnance bay. The forward ordnance pod is limited to concussion missiles and proton torpedo launchers but the main ordnance bay can carry a vast variety of different ordnance types.

a. Forward Ordnance Bay: This bay can carry either proton torpedoes and concussion missile launchers. The proton torpedoes are the equivalent of long range missiles and concussion missiles are the equivalent of medium range missile. The Bomber can carry 4 proton torpedoes or 8 concussion missiles in the forward bay. Both should be considered smart missiles and do not have penalties to strike small targets. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World missiles. Proton Torpedoes has a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship). Concussion Missile has a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 6% of light per turn (faster than any starship except a fighter acceding it maximum safe acceleration). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered Proton torpedo range is 3400 miles (5470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space. Concussion Missile range is 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space. (See Phase World Missiles). Moderate Version: Varies with long or medium missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage & Properties: Both Versions: Treat Proton Torpedo as Long Range Missiles and Concussions as Medium range Missiles. Varies with long or medium range missile types (Use new missile/bomb table - heavy fusion warheads inflict 2D4x100) Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 Payload: 4 Proton Torpedoes or 8 Concussion Missiles.

b. Main Ordnance Bay: The main bay can carry a vast amount of different ordnance types. The Main Ordnance Bay can carry 8 concussion missiles, 4 proton torpedoes, 8 proton bombs, 6 orbital mines; or 64 thermal detonators. Missiles should be considered smart missiles and all but Proton Bombs do not have penalties to strike small targets. Orbital Mines are primarily stationary and thermal detonators are dropped like standard bombs. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World missiles. Proton Torpedoes has a

top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship). Concussion Missile has a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 6% of light per turn (faster than any starship except a fighter acceding it maximum safe acceleration). Proton Bombs has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn. Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details. Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Proton Bombs accelerate at 3.5 Gs in space and have a top speed of 1400 mph (2251 kph). Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered Proton torpedo range is 3400 miles (5470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space. Concussion Missile range is 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space. Proton Bomb range is 1000 miles (1600 km) in an atmosphere and 500,000 miles (805,000 km / 2.7 light seonds) Orbital Mines are essentially stationary and Thermal Detonators are effected by altitude dropped at. See Phase World Missiles. Moderate Version: Varies with long missile type for Proton Torpedoes and medium missile types for Concussion Missiles. Proton Bombs have a range of 500 miles (804 km) in an atmosphere. Orbital Mines are essentially stationary and Thermal Detonators are effected by altitude dropped at. assume powered range for missiles is 8 x normal when used in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage & Properties: Treat Proton Torpedo as Long Range Missiles, Concussions as Medium range Missiles, Proton Bombs as using the Warhead of Cruise Missiles, Orbital Bombs as having long missile warheads, and thermal detonators inflict 2D4x10 M.D.C. (10 foot / 3 meter blast radius) each Rate of Fire: Missiles and mines can be launched at the rate of one at a time or in volleys of 2. Thermal detonators can be dropped one at a time or in volleys of 2,4,8 , or 16 Payload: 8 concussion missiles, 4 proton torpedoes, 8 proton bombs, 6 orbital mines; or 64 thermal detonators.

COMBAT BONUSES: The Imperial TIE Bomber is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill.

Imperial (Sienar) TIE Interceptor (Star Wars):

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The TIE interceptor is a faster, better armed, and more advanced version of the TIE fighter. Like all TIE series fighters, the fighter is propelled by Twin Ion Engines. Even after the introduction of the TIE Interceptor, the Empire has continued to manufacture the standard TIE fighter and TIE Interceptor are assigned to only the elite pilots for the most part. It still has the same problem as a standard TIE fighter. While slightly better armored, it is still not designed to withstand many hits and has no shield. The fighter also does not carry a hyperdrive and the reasons are the same as they are for the standard TIE fighter. First it would make the fighter more expensive and second it would make pilots more independent. A few pilots have customized their fighters and have added hyperdrives or shields but they make the fighters much more expensive and make them slower and less maneuverable.

The TIE Interceptor looks much like a standard tie fighter in general configuration. It is still in general a ball structure with two solar collecting panels. The Solar panels are to increase the fighters range without increasing the amount of fuel that the fighter can carry. The panels have an elongated nose with insets and the sides of the panels are bent in. The pilot has a window in front of the fighter and he sits in a simple acceleration couch. Behind the cockpit is the fighters power system, engines, and support equipment. Like the standard TIE fighter and unlike most rebel fighters, most systems do not have backup systems. fighters,This allows the fighter to be lighter which increases maneuverability and acceleration but also means that critical system failures are more likely.

In firepower, the fighter has the same number of laser cannons and about the same power as those carried on an X-Wing. The laser cannons are mounted on the fighters solar collecting panels. The TIE Interceptor can be described as a eggshell with a sledgehammer. The fighter can be dangerous but can take very little damage. Like the standard TIE fighters, the number of fighters is more important than the ability to work independently. The fighter does not carry any proton torpedoes or concussion missiles and the role of heavy attack is most often done by the TIE bomber.

In Phase World terms, like in Star Wars terms, the fighter is very heavily armed for dogfighting but is fragile and still would be considered a throw away fighter. As stated earlier, It is not very powerful but is very cheap and easy to construct.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: TIE Interceptor Vehicle Type: Space Superiority Fighter Crew: One

M.D.C. By Location:

Laser Cannons (4): 35 each[1] Engines (2): 110 each[2] Energy Panels 90 each[3] Main Body: 340Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 120

Notes: [1] Loss of the fighter's engines will reduce performance of fighter by one half per engine and loss of both engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsion systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if both engines are destroyed. [2] Destruction of energy panels will not destroy the fighter, but the destruction of a panel will reduce the range of the fighter by one third. Destruction of both panels will reduce the fighters range by two thirds. [3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.8 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 10.5 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: Due to the fighters being non aerodynamic, the fighters flies in an atmosphere through brute force and gravitic propulsion systems although it is faster than a standard TIE fighter. As a result, the fighter is relatively slow in an atmosphere and has a top speed of Mach 3 (2,224.4 mph/ 3,579.8 kph) in an atmosphere. The Gravitic propulsion enables the fighter to enter and leave an atmosphere under its own power. Stardrive: None, the TIE Interceptor does not carry a hyperdrive standard but can be refitted to carry one.

Maximum Range: Both Versions: the fighter has enough fuel for 168 hours (7 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries seven days of consumables for fighters crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 31.5 feet (9.6 meters) Height: 23.3 feet (7.1 meters) Width: 30.5 feet (9.3 meters) Weight: 10.5 tons (9,525 kg) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 7 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for four months although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Negligible. The pilot can carry a few small items with him. Market Cost: 40 million credits to build.


1. Quad Laser Cannons: These cannons are mounted on the front of the starfighter and fire directly forward. When compared to Phase World weaponry, They are slightly less powerful than those mounted on some of the newest C.A.F. Starfighters but are still very effective. The cannons can be fire individually, in pairs, or al four cannons. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega Damage: Both Versions: 1D6x10 per cannon, 2D6x10 for two cannons, and 4D6x10 for all four both cannons. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

COMBAT BONUSES: The Imperial TIE Interceptor is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill.

+3 to initiative +2 to strike with lasers +3 to dodge

Imperial (Sienar) TIE "Standard" Starfighter (Star Wars):

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This fighter is by far the most common fighter used by the Empire. The TIE fighters gets its name due to the fact that the fighter is propelled by Twin Ion Engines. It is used in virtually all Imperial ships that carry fighter. It is fast, maneuverable, reasonably well armed, and inexpensive to manufacture. Of course, as many rebel pilots will point to the fact that the fighter is virtually a coffin because the fighter is virtually unarmored and has no shields, it will be destroyed after just one or two hits. Its other weakness is that the fighter does not carry a hyperdrive. The reasons for this is quite simple. First it would make the fighter more expensive and second it would make pilots more independent.

The TIE fighter is very distinctive and easy to recognize due to the fact that on either side of the main body of the fighter are two solar collecting panels. These increase the fighters range without increasing the amount of fuel that the fighter can carry. The main section of the fighter is for the most part a ball structure with a window in the front of the fighter. The pilot is in front in a simple acceleration couch. Behind the cockpit is the fighters power system, engines, and support equipment. Unlike most of the rebel fighters, most systems do not have backup systems. This allows the fighter to be lighter which increases maneuverability and acceleration but also means that critical system failures are more likely.

The fighter carries two laser cannons near the front of the fighter. While these guns are not as powerful as those on most of the rebel fighters, the fighter is still a dangerous opponent due to its maneuverability. The huge number of fighters is almost a huge factor in the success of the fighter. The fighter does not carry any proton torpedoes or concussion missiles and the role of heavy attack is most often done by the TIE bomber.

In Phase World terms, like in Star Wars terms, the fighter should be considered a throw away fighter. As stated earlier, It is not very powerful but is very cheap and easy to construct.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the fighter into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my forthcoming Earthforce ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: TIE Fighter Vehicle Type: Space Superiority Fighter Crew: One

M.D.C By Location:

Laser Cannons (2): 35 each[1] Engines (2): 85 each[2] Energy Panels 75 each[3] Main Body: 300Reinforced Pilots Cockpit: 100

Notes: [1] Loss of the fighter's engines will reduce performance of fighter by one half per engine and loss of both engines will prevent fighter from performing beyond 5% of normal (This is using maneuvering thrusters and gravitic propulsion). Due to gravitic propulsion systems, fighter will not crash in an atmosphere even if both engines are destroyed. [2] Destruction of energy panels will not destroy the fighter, but the detsruction of a panel will reduce the range of the fighter by one third. Destruction of both panels will reduce the fighters range by two thirds. [3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. In an atmosphere, the fighter will crash

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.5 percent of light per melee maximum. Moderate Version: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 9 G. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: Due to the fighters being non aerodynamic, the fighters flies in an atmosphere through brute force and gravitic propulsion systems. As a result, the fighter is relatively slow in an atmosphere and has a top speed of Mach 2 (1,482.9 mph/ 2,386.5 kph) in an atmosphere. The Gravitic propulsion enables the fighter to enter and leave an atmosphere under its own power. Stardrive: None, the TIE fighter does not carry a hyperdrive. Maximum Range: Both Versions: the fighter has enough fuel for 168 hours (7 days) of operation. Fighter uses a very small fusion cell system for power systems. The fighter carries seven days of consumables for fighters crew.

Statistical Data: Length: 19.9 feet (6.08 meters) Height: 27.3 feet (8.32 meters)

Width: 29.0 feet (9.84 meters) Weight: 8.0 tons (7,298 kg) unloaded Power System: Fusion power supply with a 7 day duration at normal output. Fusion power supply can run life support without any thrust for four months although rations and water will have long run out. Cargo: Negligible. The pilot can carry a few small items with him. Market Cost: 25 million credits to build.


1. Twin Laser Cannons: These cannons are mounted on the front of the starfighter and fire directly forward. When compared to Phase World weaponry, They are slightly less powerful than those mounted on some of the newest C.A.F. Starfighters but are still very effective. The cannons can be fire individually or in pairs. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space.

Mega Damage: Both Versions: 1D6x10 per cannon and 2D6x10 for both cannons. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

COMBAT BONUSES: The Imperial TIE Starfighter is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill.

+2 to initiative +2 to strike with lasers +3 to dodge

Imperial (Kuat) "Imperator" class Star Destroyer (Star Wars):

In most ways, this ship is the embodiment of imperial might. At the time of their initial creation, they were the largest and heaviest mass produced armed ships constructed by the Empire and were larger than any mass produced combat ships built by the Old Republic. Their construction was initially begun during the transition between the Republic and the Empire. Since their construction, larger star destroyers have been built such as the Executor-class Command Ship. Huge numbers of the Imperator class Star Destroyer were constructed and in numbers are far greater than the previous Victory class Star Destroyer class. When compared to the Races in Phase World, the Empire constructed many times more than any of them, with some sources actually indicating construction numbers of over 25,000 Imperator class Star Destroyers! There are two reasons for this, the density of populated planets is much greater in Star Wars and many of these ships act in the suppression role within the Empire. Many people call the Imperator class star destroyer the Imperial class Star Destroyer but this is much like Japanese submarines, even thought they were of multiple classes, were called Japanese class submarines by many American sailors.

The Imperator Class Star Destroyer has a direct relationship to its predecessor, the Victory class Star destroyer, and looks much like an upscaled Victory class. Even thought it is still wedge shaped like the Victory class, the

Imperial class cannot enter an atmosphere and would break up if it attempted to enter the atmosphere. There are several variations of the Imperator class Star Destroyers. Listed is the First main model of the ship but their are also Imperator class ships modified for communication and other roles.

The ship has far more firepower than the previous class of Star Destroyers. This was because while Victory class Star Destroyer was constructed to keep the peace and protect the Republic, the Imperator was constructed for conquest and a much more generally agressive role.

When compared to ships of Phase World, the Imperator class has rather more firepower than a Protector class battleship although it carries much fewer number of missile batteries than the Protector does. Most of the weapons are fairly standard and the ship carries mostly turbo-lasers and missile launchers. The weapon system that is unusual are the ion weapons. They are not like standard Rifts and Robotech Ion Cannons and instead interfere with the operation of various systems. The ship has a large amount of powerful Point Defense weaponry, which is not a luxury in the fighter heavy conflicts of the Imperial era.

These ships require huge crews and are cities in space in many respects. The personnel on the ship have many different functions. There is the mains ships crew that operates the ship, the is a large numbers of troops, and the ships have a large support crew for hanger bay operations. If the ship is acting a flag ship, it carries additional crew as the flag support staff. It is not normally listed but the ships also have a total of 3000 maintenance droids of various types. The ship carries tie fighters, shuttles, and various ground vehicles as well.

It should never be forgotten that although for Phase World standards these ships are comparable to a combination of Heavy Battleship/Assault Carrier, in the Imperial Navy the Star Destroyer was just that: A destroyer, not only in name, but also in Class! At various times the Empire produced bigger and heavyer ships, not just combatants, but also many civilian ships that were larger than the Imperator. A good example were the Trade Federations large Freight ships (later converted to makeshift battleships), which were much larger than a Imperator class ship.

Notes of game conversion:

Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the Starship into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many sources have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. The Television series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold its own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor Starships. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the velocity and distance traveled:

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: ISD MK II Vehicle Type: Star Destroyer (Would be considered a battleship by Phase World terms) Crew: 34,285; 2,585 Officers, 13,800 Ship Maintenance, 12,100 Gunnery Personnel, 6,000 Support Personnel (Does not include hanger Personnel). Troops: 3,800 flight personnel, 9,700 Stormtroopers. If the ship is acting as a flagship, add an additional 900 personnel. The ship can carry up to 1800 passengers total.

Vehicles: Fighter Compliment:

48 Standard Tie Fighters (4 Squadrons)12 Tie Interceptors (1 Squadron)12 Tie Bombers (1 Squadron)5 Assault gunboats

Other vehicles: 8 Lambda-class shuttles15 Stormtrooper transports10 Gamma-class assault shuttles20 AT-AT Walkers30 AT-ST Walkers

M.D.C. By Location:

Mega Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts (6): 2,500 eachQuadruple Heavy Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts (2): 1,200 eachDefensive Turbolaser Turrets (9): 800 eachMega Ion Cannon Mounts (2): 2,500 each60 mm Point Defense Laser Turrets (30): 250 each80 mm Point Defense Ion Cannon Turrets (20): 250 eachCapital Proton Torpedo Batteries (4): 1000 each[1] Bridge: 80,000[1] Auxiliary Bridge: 80,000Hanger Bay: 60,000[2] Main Engines (3): 30,000 each[2] Secondary Engines (4): 20,000 each[3] Main Body: 300,000[4] Shield Generators (12): 500 each[4] Variable Force Field: 15,000 a side (90,000 Total)

Notes: [1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge through the ships armor. This ship also has an auxiliary bridge. Even if both bridges are destroyed, the ship can still be piloted from engineering but ship is -3 to dodge and all weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge that do not penetrate the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge. [2] Destruction of main engines reduced acceleration by 20% per engine destroyed. Destruction of secondary engines reduces acceleration by 10% per engine destroyed. If all engines are destroyed, the ship can still accelerate and decelerate at 5% using maneuvering thrusters. [3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the Star Destroyer out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. [4] The Star Destroyer has 2 shield generators per facing. If one is destroyed, reduce maximum shield strength on that facing by half and reduce the shields regeneration by 1/12 for every generator destroyed. If both generators on a shield facing are destroyed, the shields are not operation in that facing. The Shields must be penetrated before the shield generators can be hit. Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (4,500 M.D.C.) per melee.

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 60 percent of the speed of light. The Star Destroyer can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.6 percent of light per melee maximum

(Standard is 0.2 percent of light per turn). Moderate Version: The Star Destroyer does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. The Star Destroyer can reach a top acceleration of 3 G but standard is 1 G to reduce stress on engines. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The Imperator Star Destroyer cannot operate within an atmosphere. If the ship enters an atmosphere, it will crash. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 40 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 4 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by either Drive system. carries about six years worth of supplies on board.

Statistical Data: Length: 5,250 feet (1,600 meters) Height: 1,509 feet (460 meters) Width: 2,904 feet (885 meters) Weight/Mass: 26.7 million tons (25 million metric tons) Power System: Advanced Fusion with a 20 year life span. The ship normally only goes 5 years between refueling. Cargo: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 40,000 tons of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition. Each crew member also has a small locker for personal possessions and officers have decent sized quarters. Market Cost: 60 billion credits to construct. The Empire will not sell Imperator Class Star Destroyers to other interests.


1. Six (6) Mega Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts: These mounts each have two barrels that normally fire together. This means that there a total of twelve mega turbo-laser cannons with each being 1 meter wide. The ship has three mounts on either side of the rear superstructure and while each mount can rotate 360 degrees, the superstructure prevents the fire of the turrets to the other side and the Mega-Ion cannon mounts blocks fire to directly aft of the ship. Only the front two turrets can fire directly forward but all mounts can fire at targets above ten degrees above parallel to the ships main plane. These mounts are the ships main anti-capital ship weaponry and are very powerful and capable of destroying all but the largest targets with just a few hits. The mounts may be fired individually or may be combined with up to three other heavy turbo-laser cannon mounts (all on one side may fire as a volley). Mega turbo-laser cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 100,000 miles (161,000 km) in space and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 800 miles (1287.5 km) in space and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 2D6x1000 per mount (Each cannon does approximately 1D6x1000). Up to three turrets may be combined (all on one side) for 6D6x1000. Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Two (2) Quadruple Heavy Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts: Each of these mounts has four barrels that normally fire together. This gives the ship a total of eight heavy turbo-laser cannons. Each is 10 cm wide and are capable of doing heavy damage to large capital ships and destroying smaller capital ships in just a few shots. The ship has one mount on either side of the hull, in the rear notch of the rim trench of the ship. Unlike the main battery, each mount fires individually. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. Heavy turbo-laser cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 25,000 miles (40,100 km) in space and 25 miles (40.1 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 200 miles (260 km) in space and 25 miles (40.1 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 1D4x1000+1000 per mount (Each cannon does slightly over 2D6x100). Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

3. Nine (9) Defensive Turbolaser Turrets: Each of these turrets holds two Turbolaser cannons which are less powerful than the Heavy Turbolasers, and have a lower range. These weapons are still capable of severely damaging smaller ships with a few shots, and destroying fighters in one shot. There are three mounts in line just in front of the upper superstructure, four mounts on the lower side of the ship near the aft, and two mounts are near the hangar bay. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. The defensive turbolaser cannons do not have penalties to strike fighters and other small targets! Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 15,000 miles (24,060 km) in space and 15 miles (24 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 120 miles (192 km) in space and 15 miles (24 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 2D6x100 per mount (Each cannon does approximately 1D6x100). Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

4. Two (2) Mega Ion Cannon Mounts: The Imperator class Star Destroyer has one double ion cannon mount on either side of the rear superstructure, being the rearward most mount of the four on each side . Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire, but cannot fire towards the opposite side due to being blocked by the ships superstructure. Mega Ion cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Star Wars ion cannons operate differently than the Ion cannons in Rifts and Robotech. Instead of just being another type of energy weapon, Star Wars ion cannons do not cause any physical damage, though they do damage shields. They disable targets by interfering with the target's electrical systems. For gaming purposes, Star Wars ion weapons have a damage rating. This is how much damage the weapon will inflict on shields. Once any shields are penetrated, however, the damage works differently. The ion damage is recorded separately from normal physical damage. The amount of "damage" inflicted by the ion weaponry is compared to the amount of main body remaining. The percentage of damage inflicted is determined in relation to the main body: (damage / main body) x 100 = percentage For every 10% damage from ion weapons, the following penalties apply: The target will be at -1 to Strike, Parry (if appropriate), and Dodge. In space, target acceleration will be reduced by 15% and in an atmosphere, top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on the Critical hit chart in the Phase World Sourcebook or Rifts Conversion book as appropriate. If a ship takes 60% or more of its main body in ion damage, then the ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down. The ships Emergency life-support and emergency communications are likely to work, but nothing else. When crossing universes, some ships would probably be immune to these weapon systems. These include the U.W.W. ships and the UFO Intruder ships from Phase World, the semi biological protoculture based systems from Robotech, and the Unusual hull construction of the Vorlons, Shadows, and races that copied the first ones technology from Babylon 5. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 120,000 miles (193,000 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 960 miles (1,545 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere

Damage: 4D4x1000 M.D.C. per mount (2D4x1000 per barrel) to shields and special effects (See above) Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

5. Thirty (30) 60 mm Point Defense Lasers: These are the main point defense weaponry of the Star Destroyer and are used against both fighters and missiles. These mounts are distributed evenly around the ships hull. Each Turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. The weapons have no penalties to strike small targets but are relatively short ranged. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range: Phase World Version: 800 miles (1,290 km) in space and 8 miles (12.3 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in an atmosphere and 32,000 feet (9,600 m) in space. Mega-Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited

6. Twenty (20) 80 mm Point Defense Ion Cannons: These are the secondary point defense weaponry of the Star Destroyer and are used against both fighters and especially missiles, where their disruption of

systems is very effective. Star Wars ion cannons operate differently than the Ion cannons in Rifts and Robotech. Instead of just being another type of energy weapon, Star Wars ion cannons do not cause any physical damage, though they do damage shields. They disable targets by interfering with the target's electrical systems. These mounts are distributed evenly around the ships hull. Each Turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. The weapons have no penalties to strike small targets but are relatively short ranged. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. For gaming purposes, Star Wars ion weapons have a damage rating. This is how much damage the weapon will inflict on shields. Once any shields are penetrated, however, the damage works differently. The ion damage is recorded separately from normal physical damage. For a exact description of this system, see the description of the Mega-Ion Cannons. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 600 miles (962 km) in space and 6 miles (9.62 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 3,000 feet (900 m) in an atmosphere and 24,000 feet (7,200 m) in space.

Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5). Payload: Effectively Unlimited

7. Four (4) Capital Proton Torpedo Batteries: Essentially equal to cruise missiles. On the side of the ship, the ship has a total of four missile batteries that fire the equivalent of cruise missile. One battery is located near the front of the ship on each side, while another battery is located further back. Missiles have penalties to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. Batteries can launch on multiple targets each. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World cruise missiles. Missiles has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). When drive goes dead, the missile will still cruise unless preset to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional cruise missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles ) Moderate Version: Varies with missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage: Both Versions: Varies with cruise missile types (Use new missile/bomb tables) - Anti-Matter warheads are NOT available. Rate of Fire: Volleys of 10 per battery, per melee round, for a total of 40 missiles per melee. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next. Payload: 400 total, 100 cruise missiles per battery.

Imperial (Kuat / Rendili) "Victory" class Star Destroyer (Star Wars):

The Victory class star destroyer was the backbone of the Old Republic fleets before the Republic became the Empire. These ships are far smaller than the Imperator class Star Destroyer but are still well armed and quite capable. It is interesting that during the Old Republic times they filled the same role as the Imperator class does for the empire, and they were considered the ultimate mass produced large starship in their day. These ships were designed during the Clone Wars. Although the Victory was never manufactured in such tremendous numbers as the Imperator, that is a relative number. The total production run of Victory Star Destroyers build by both the Old Republic and the Empire still numbered in the thousands of ships.

No longer being build today, the Victory had both advantages and disadvantages over its descendant, the Imperator SD. Its main advantage was that its smaller size and more powerful antigravity drives actually allow the Victory to enter and maneuver in a atmosphere, whereas a Imperator will crash if its attempts to do the same. The Victory can even be set down in a sufficiently large body of water, such as large lakes and oceans. The main disadvantages of the Victory are its very slow acceleration and low top speed. More modern naval vessels (and the occasional smuggler) can almost literally run circles around a Victory SD. This means that in a direct battle, the captain of a Victory will have to take great care to maneuver his craft into a favorable position, preferably pinning the enemy craft between the Victory and various celestial bodies, so that the engagement becomes a slugging match (which the Victory is well equipped for....).

Although the Victory is no longer being build, being replaced by the more potent Imperator, they are still a common sight in many of the more backwards naval bases, where the need for more powerful warships is low. Many of the Victories are also being sold off to outside interests as they are being phased out. A good example of this is the sale of two hundred and fifty Victories to the Corporate Sector Authority. These ships were sold at relatively low costs, and the Authority uses them as their new class of large warships. Most of these vessels may have received refits by the Sector Authority to keep them up-to-date, but the Authority is, as usual, rather tight-lipped about its military assets, so little is known about any upgrades. Not long after these vessels were sold the famous smuggler Han Solo, then operating in the Corporate Sector, had a run-in with one of these ships, and ultimately only got away from it through a ruse.

The Victory is in appearance similar to most Imperial craft. It is a large wedge shaped structure with a large superstructure near the rear of the ship. These ships were in many ways the prototype for the Imperator class Star Destroyer. There are two different models of the Victory class Star Destroyer. The listed version is the newer model of the star destroyer and virtually all models have been upgraded to this version. This newer version has a set of atmospheric control surfaces set near the aft edge of the hull. These control surfaces have the shape of a flat X when seen from the front or the back.

The design of these ships was peacekeeping and protection of the Republic. It is well armed for this purpose. When compared to ships from Phase World, it would be considered to have about half the firepower of a Protector class Battleship. The weapon layout is very different from an Imperator class Star Destroyer, but like that ship, the Victory class Star Destroyers carries Ion cannons. They are not like standard Rifts and Robotech Ion Cannons and instead interfere with the operation of various systems. The ship does not have as many point defense weapons as most Phase World ships of her size but each mount is more powerful.

These ships have smaller crews than earlier ships because they use maintenance droids of various types for various jobs on the ship. It is not normally listed but the ships has a total of about 2000 droids. Even so, the ship still have a large number of crew although a fraction of those carried on a Imperator class Star Destroyers. The ship also carries a large number of marines but only has two squadrons of fighters. If the ship is acting a flag ship, it carries additional crew as the flag support staff. The ship carries shuttles and various ground vehicles as well.

Notes of game conversion: Because of the nature of the movie series "Star Wars" and the needs to put the Starship into game mechanics, I have given many statistic as two different possible statistics to take this into account. The G that I have seen listed would not be sufficient to get near the speed of light yet many episodes have indicated speeds in this area. In some ways each version is closer to what was seen in the series. I do make one huge change, fighters in Star Wars act as if they are in the atmosphere even when they operating in space. This is incorrect. The Television

series Babylon 5 is a good series to watch to get a clearer idea on how space vehicles should would probably maneuver.

Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F. and Kreeghor Starships. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration and reduced weapon ranges. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the velocity and distance traveled:

Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time 1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²

Model Type: VSD MK II Vehicle Type: Star Destroyer (Would be considered a battlecruiser by Phase World terms) Crew: 4,798; 522 Officers, 1,950 Ship Maintenance, 1,640 Gunnery Personnel, 696 Support Personnel (Does not include hanger Personnel). Troops: 620 flight personnel, 2,040 Stormtroopers. If the ship is acting as a flagship, add an additional 400 personnel. The ship can carry up to 900 passengers total.

Vehicles: Fighter Compliment:

24 Standard Tie Fighters (2 Squadrons)Other vehicles:

4 Lambda-class shuttles6 Stormtrooper transports4 Gamma-class assault shuttles4 AT-AT Walkers10 AT-ST Walkers

M.D.C. By Location:

Heavy quadruple Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts (10): 1,000 eachHeavy Ion Cannon Mounts (2): 600 each40 mm Double Turbo Laser Turrets (40): 200 eachCapital Proton Torpedo Batteries (4): 800 each[1] Bridge: 50,000[1] Auxiliary Bridge: 50,000Hanger Bay: 30,000[2] Main Engines (2): 25,000 each[2] Secondary Engines (2): 10,000 each[3] Main Body: 180,000[4] Shield Generators (12): 400 each[4] Variable Force Field: 10,000 a side (60,000 Total)

Notes: [1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge through the ships armor. This ship also has an auxiliary bridge. Even if both bridges are destroyed, the ship can still be piloted from engineering but ship is -3 to dodge and all weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge that do not penetrate the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge. [2] Destruction of main engines reduced acceleration by 40% per engine destroyed. Destruction of secondary engines reduces acceleration by 10% per engine destroyed. If all engines are destroyed, the ship can still accelerate and decelerate at 5% using maneuvering thrusters. [3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the Star Destroyer out of commission. All internal systems

will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. [4] The Star Destroyer has 2 shield generators per facing. If one is destroyed, reduce maximum shield strength on that facing by half and reduce the shields regeneration by 1/12 for every generator destroyed. If both generators on a shield facing are destroyed, the shields are not operation in that facing. The Shields must be penetrated before the shield generators can be hit. Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (3,000 M.D.C.) per melee.

Speed: Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Sublight: Phase World Version: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 60 percent of the speed of light. The Star Destroyer can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.3 percent of light per melee maximum (Standard is 0.1 percent of light per turn). Moderate Version: The Star Destroyer does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. The Star Destroyer can reach a top acceleration of 2 G but standard is 1 G to reduce stress on engines. Atmospheric Propulsion: Both Version: The Victory class Star Destroyer, unlike the Imperator class Star Destroyer, can operate within an atmosphere but is very limited. Maximum speed is 350 mph (563 kph), can enter an atmosphere and can leave but is not really designed for prolonged atmospheric flight. Atmospheric control surfaces mean that any penalties for atmospheric flight are halved though. Stardrive: Uses a hyperdrive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 40 light-years per hour (In the Game universe of Phase World, it could be limited to 4 light-years per hour to compare to the other Phase World FTL systems). Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by either Drive system. carries about four years worth of supplies on board.

Statistical Data: Length: 2,953 feet (900 meters) Height: 1,115 feet (340 meters) Width: 1,542 feet (470 meters) Weight/Mass: 10 Million Tons (9.1 million metric tons) Power System: Fusion with a 20 year life span. The ship normally only goes 5 years between refueling. Cargo: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 8,100 tons of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition. Each crew member also has a small locker for personal possessions and officers have decent sized quarters. Market Cost: 25 billion credits to construct. The Empire will sell (by their standards obsolete) Star Destroyers to other interests. Note that the price of these may vary from at least the original construction price for most buyers to rather lower (10 billion) for sale to outside interests that are known as "friendly" to the Empire.


1. Ten (10) Quadruple Heavy Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts: Each of these mounts has four barrels that normally fire together. This gives the ship a total of forty heavy turbo-laser cannons. Each is 10 cm wide and are capable of doing heavy damage to large capital ships and destroying smaller capital ships in just a few shots. The ship has two mounts on either side of the hull, one just in front of the atmospheric control surfaces, and the other about halfway from the control surfaces to the nose. Four more are carried on the ships upper hull, with two well in the front, and two more next to the ships superstructure, at the aft of the ship. Those mounts are the only ones that have a unimpeded aft firing arc. The last two mounts are on the bottom of the ship. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. Heavy turbo-laser cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 100,000 miles (161,000 km) in space and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 800 miles (1287.5 km) in space and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 1D4x1000+1000 per mount (Each cannon does slightly over 2D6x100). Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2. Forty (40) Double Turbo-laser Cannon Mounts: Each of these mounts have two barrels that normally fire together. This gives the ship a total of eighty turbolaser cannons. Each is 4 cm wide and are capable of doing damage to large capital ships and destroying smaller capital ships in just a few shots. The mounts are spread out equally over the ships hull. Unlike the main battery, each mount fires individually. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. Turbo-laser cannon mounts do not have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 20,000 miles (32,200 km) in space and 20 miles (32.2 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 160 miles (260 km) in space and 20 miles (32.2 km) in an atmosphere

Mega Damage: 6D6x10 per mount (Each cannon does approximately 3D6x10). Rate of Fire: Maximum of four (4) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

3. Two (2) Heavy Ion Cannon Mounts: The Victory class Star Destroyer has two quad mount ion cannons in front of the ships superstructure. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and a 180 degree arc of fire. Mega Ion cannon mounts have standard penalties to strike fighters and other small targets. The weapon systems cannot be used in hyperspace. Star Wars ion cannons operate differently than the Ion cannons in Rifts and Robotech. Instead of just being another type of energy weapon, Star Wars ion cannons do not cause any physical damage, though they do damage shields. They disable targets by interfering with the target's electrical systems. For gaming purposes, Star Wars ion weapons have a damage rating. This is how much damage the weapon will inflict on shields. Once any shields are penetrated, however, the damage works differently. The ion damage is recorded separately from normal physical damage. The amount of "damage" inflicted by the ion weaponry is compared to the amount of main body remaining. The percentage of damage inflicted is determined in relation to the main body: (damage / main body) x 100 = percentage For every 10% damage from ion weapons, the following penalties apply: The target will be at -1 to Strike, Parry (if appropriate), and Dodge. In space, target acceleration will be reduced by 15% and in an atmosphere, top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on the Critical hit chart in the Phase World Sourcebook or Rifts Conversion book as appropriate. If a ship takes 60% or more of its main body in ion damage, then the ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down. The ships Emergency life-support and emergency communications are likely to work, but nothing else. When crossing universes, some ships would probably be immune to these weapon systems. These include the U.W.W. ships and the UFO Intruder ships from Phase World, the semi biological protoculture based systems from Robotech, and the Unusual hull construction of the Vorlons, Shadows, and races that copied the first ones technology from Babylon 5. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: 120,000 miles (193,000 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere. Moderate Version: 960 miles (1,545 km) in space and 120 miles (193 km) in an atmosphere

Damage: 2D6x1000 M.D.C. per mount (4D6x100 per barrel) to shields and special effects (See above) Rate of Fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee per mount Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

4. Four (4) Capital Proton Torpedo Batteries: Essentially equal to cruise missiles. On the side of the ship, the ship has a total of four missile batteries that fire the equivalent of cruise missile. One battery is located near the front of the ship on each side, while another battery is located further back. Missiles have penalties to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. Batteries can launch on multiple targets each. Phase World Version: Effectively very similar to Phase World cruise missiles. Missiles has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). When drive goes dead, the missile will still cruise unless preset to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details Moderate Version: The description of these are close to that used for conventional cruise missiles Missile are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Maximum Effective Range:

Phase World Version: Powered torpedo range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space (See Phase World Missiles ) Moderate Version: Varies with missile types, assume powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)

Mega-Damage: Both Versions: Varies with cruise missile types (Use new missile/bomb tables) - Anti-Matter warheads are NOT available. Rate of Fire: Volleys of 20 per battery, per melee round, for a total of 80 missiles per melee. Launchers are reloaded the next melee and can be fired again on the melee after that. Payload: 360 total, 80 cruise missiles per battery.