The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them. SVA Ayurvedic Diet and Care for the Traveller Presented by Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, G.A.M.S.

SVA Ayurvedic Diet and Care for the Traveller

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SVA Ayurvedic Diet and Care for the Traveller

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The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

SVAAyurvedic Diet and

Care for the Traveller

Presented by Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, G.A.M.S.

The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

Prana àa[

Aditatwa AaidtTv OM

Tritatwa iÇtTv

Soma saem@e< aià

Agni Ai¶ÿI— hréà

Marut mét¬I— kléà

Jala jl waterv< vam

Prithvi p&WvI earthl< lam

Agni Ai¶ fi rer< ram

Vayu vayu airy< yam

Akash Aakaz spaceh< ham

Gandha g<x smell Rasa rs taste Rupa êp vision Sparsha SpzR touch Shabda zBd sound

Kapha k) Pitta ipÄ Vaata vat


Brain and spinal cord


Salivary system,olfactory

and gustative senses


Stomach lining

AvalambakaAvlMbkChest and

lumbar area


Mucus membrane, and circula-tory chan-nels (all body)


Emotional heart




Digestive system


Spleen,and Pancreas


Skin and cellular



Head, to nostrils


uterus and lower back


Stomach movement


Chest and upper back


Originates from heart,

governs circulation all over the




SVA Tritatva

The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

hetuil¼aE;x}an< SvSwatupray[m!,iÇsUÇ< zañt< pu{y< bubuxe y< iptamh>.


hetuliìgauñadhajïänaà svasthätuparäyaëam|trisütraà çäçvataà puëyaà bubudhe yaà pitämahaù||

ca. sü.24||

Tri-Sutra Ayurveda


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

The Prana is corrupt and so there is pressure on the nadisHow this impacts the digestive system and bowel movementHow this impacts ojas

What Happens When You Are Flying?


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

You cannot change or do anything with the air. You cannot avoid vibrational pollution, but food and water are the best way to provide prana to the body.

Why we have to be careful withfood and water as necessary?


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

• Inside the airport and inside the aircraft you are exposed with highest EMF/EMR.

• To keep your nadis intelligent before travel-ling get a spinal treatment with Flex’n’Flow Transdermal Cream.

• Nadi treatment with Maha Marma Oil, Ida/Pingala Oil, Karna Oil and Guda Oil

• These nadi treatments are not limited to flight travel, they are suitable for any means of transport.

• Pack skin care products made with natural ingredients without SLS and paraben; carry sun protection cream if your are heading to sunny destination like Surya Shanti Cream or Maha Surya Shanti Cream.

Pre-Travel Preparation


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

• During travel apply flex spray and inhale.•Apply Ida/Pingla Oil during flight travel to

prevent the nostrils from drying (especially during long flight journey) to help unclog channels and keep you calm throughout the journey.

• Splash face with spring water from time to time, when not wearing make-up, gently rub spring water on your face with the tips of your fingers -this gives the double benefit of rehydration and massage.

• Cabin pressure sucks the moisture out of the skin. Drink plenty of water during the flight.

• Add these re-hydrating, channel opening spices in the form of nectar drops to your drinking water – Ginger, Rose, Cumin, Prana Balance.

During Travel


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

• To reduce puffiness: lean forward in your seat, palm your cheeks at regular intervals.

• For sinus pressure: apply Ida/Pingla Oil.• Massage shanka and apanga marmas. Use Karna Oil for

the ears –gently apply the Karna Oil on the outer area of your ear canal.

• Do facial marma with Lalita’s Age Defying Cream, Lalita’s Oil or Deep Moisturizing Lotion.

• Practice deep breathing at regular intervals to keep the nasal passages open.

Facial Skin Care


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

Half an hour before disembarking:• Wash your face with fresh water or Lalita’s

Facial Clenser.• Dry your face. • Apply moisturizing cream/lotion –Vaidya Mishra’s

Deep Moisturizing Lotion, which is made of all natural ingredients and no paraben or artificial chemicals. It opens the channels, and rehydrates the skin.

• Apply natural lip balm to moisturize and prevent dryness.

Disembark Feeling Refrehsed


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

Tips for overcoming jet lag, long drive or after an exhausting trip:SVA facial Marma massage:• Wash your face with natural herbal soap• Apply Vaidya Mishra’s Facial Clay or Mask –leave it on

for 10 minutes-, rinse with warm water.• Do facial marma with Age Defying Cream or Lalita’s Oil or

if you need more moisture use Deep Moisturizing Cream. It is nurturing, calming and supplying prana to the whole body (for procedure visit www.chandika.com)

Eye care:• Make a thin paste with skin clay, dip cheese cloth in it,

squeeze and close your eyes, place the cheese cloth on

Post-Travel Care


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

(cont.) Post-Travel Care

the eye lids, leave it on for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water. This help remove puffiness and is very refreshing and cooling to the eyes.

• For calming, and relaxing the mind: nadi treatments and Samadhi Set

• Whole body relaxation and rejuvenation: SVA self marma massage – you can get details from SVA “Self Massage for Vibrational Balance” DVD available at www.chandika.com


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

If you are holidaying in summer destination, Heat from the sun can aggravate the skin (brajaka pitta) and cause dryness. You might also experience dehydration. Heat can stimulate the skin’s oil glands, the pores can get larger, which make your skin more susceptible to dust and pollution.To protect from Sun, try these tips:• Carry and apply Sun protection cream (Vaidya Mishra’s Surya

Shanti Cream)• Wash your face morning and evening; apply Lalita’s Facial Clay to

cool, clense and rehydrate the skin.• Apply chemical-free Moisturizing Cream or Lalita’s Age Defying

Cream or Oil.• Always wear a hat to protect your scalp and hair.• Spray yourself with Blissful Awakening aromatic spray to stay fresh,

cool and rejuvenated. Sandalwood as one of the key ingredients

Summer Destination


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

(cont.) Summer Destination

which cools the channels, rejuvenates and repairs the skin and body from the heat.

• Use Rose Body Silk to keep your skin cool and fresh, hydrated from summer heat

• Massage your scalp before shower using Herb Rich Hair Oil, use SLS and paraben-free shampoo and conditioner with natural ingredients with cooling, nurturing, calming “keshya” herbs like brahmi, shankapushpi, lavender etc.

• Avoid blow drying your hair which can cause excess dryness from the heat.

• Drink plenty of water by adding Herbal Nectar Drops like Sandalwood, Rose, Fennel , Clove, Mint, Soma Cal and Coriander.

• Eat summer squashes, louki, sweet fresh juicy fruits

For rehydrating drink recipes visit www.chandika.com


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

Cold and windy weather in winter shrinks the channels, impairs circulation, and can cause dryness.• Pamper your skin with Deep Moisturizing Lotion

made with natural ingredients.• Use lip balm to keep your lips moist from cacking.• Include channel opening spices like black pepper, cumin,

ginger, clove in your diet.• Sip warn herbal tea –V. Mishra’s Shroto Sudhi Tea opens the

channels and also cleanses and enhances circulation.• If your are travelling to a mountain region, oxygen can

be low in high altitudes and you may also be exposed to direct sun light. Use natural sun protecting cream. Vaidya Mishra’s Prana Balance Nectar Drops will help enhance prana circulation.

Winter Destination


The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

• Keep mealtimes consistent whenever possible. Minimize dining after dark. Take small portions and eat slowly.

• Eat sweet juicy fruits like pears and pomegranate • Avoid ice cold drinks, sodas, cold foods, and raw foods.• Don’t confuse the dehydration and fatigue that

accompany jet lag with hunger. • Include channel opening spices that enhances circulation

–black pepper, cardamom, cumin, mint, turmeric, nutmeg, rose, coriander, fennel and ginger

• Rehydrate yourself by drinking frequently of natural spring water with good pH balance.



The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

SVA Travel Kit


Oral health Svadanta oral care products: Fresh Mouth Nectar, Herb Rich Toothpaste in fennel and pep-permint flavors, Herb Rich Oral Mist - rose and fennel (mild) and mint (strong)

Restores health of the teeth, gums, neutralizes sugar and carbohydrates, fights odor and cavity causing bacte-ria, refreshes, calms the mind and the digestive system

Hair care products

Herb Rich Hair Oil, Shampoo and Conditioner without SLS and paraben

Has mind and nervous system calming herbs like Brahmi, jatamansi, lavender. Calms and relaxes the mind and the nervous system; protects, nourishes strengthens and moisturizes the scalp and hair.

The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

(cont.) SVA Travel Kit


Products Facial Clenser, Facial Skin Clay, Skin Clay for the eyes, Surya Shanti Cream, Lalita’s Age Defy-ing Cream/Oil, goat-milk-based Deep Moisturizing Cream’Rose Body Silk and Blissful Awakening Spray or Mist

Rehydrating the physical channels, bal-ancing EMF toxins, lubricating the skin (both lipid and water area), nurturing every layer of the skin.

Vaidya Mishra’s herbal soaps

Neem and Brahmi Body Wash.Soaps: Winter, Rose, Asoka, Sandalwood, Soma Nidra

Channel opening, moisturizing and hy-drating to the skin and calming

Digestive enhancers

Moms Super Spice, Soma Salt Sprinkle on the food when you are eat-ing on the go. Mom’s Super Spice has appetizing, taste enhancing, digestive, carminative spices

Tea Shroto Shudhi Tea Open the channels without heating

The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

(cont.) SVA Travel Kit


Relaxation tea and aroma products

Pro-Sleep Aroma, Soma Nidra Tea, and Pro-Sleep or Soma Ni-dra Soap

Has calming herbs like jatamansi. Helps you to relax and calm your nervous system; promotes blissful and restful sleep. Spray the aroma on the pillow, inhale the aroma while sleeping; sip the tea before going to bed; shower with the soma nidra soap before going to bed;

Transdermal creams

Flex’n Flow Cream and Body Mist

Prevents stiffness in joints. Enhances circulation

Transdermal creams

Samadhi Set with Asoka, Brahmi, and Tulsi Transdermal Creams

Keeps the nadis or vibrational channels open and enhances circulation; pre-vents dryness in ears, nose and eyes

The information found herein is only for educational purposes. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright Adishakti LLC 2010. Do not duplicate or disseminate in any format without prior written consent. Note: If you are sensitive to any of the spices/herbs or first time user, check with your doctor before using them.

(cont.) SVA Travel Kit


Nadi treatment Maha Marma oil, Ida/pngala oil, karna oil,guda oil

Keeps the nadis or vibrational channels open and enhances circulation; pre-vents dryness in ears, nose and eyes

Nector drops Prana balance, Brahmi, ginger, rose, clove, mint, sandalwood (when travelling to hot weather climate)

For vibrational support to enhance channels intelligence and circulation.How to use: Add the drops in one liter of natural spring water with adequate pH balance, sip through out the day and discard the left over water. Don’t carry it to next day