YEAR 10 STEM UNIT PLAN Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, Brittany Koch

Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

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Page 1: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM


Sustainable Fashion

Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, Brittany Koch

Page 2: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

CONTEXT OF INDUSTRY & CONNECTIONS Australian Fashion Label (AFL) is an innovative international fashion business

that offers contemporary fashion and affordable luxury apparel. AFL is home

to five in house contemporary women’s labels; C/MEO Collective, Keepsake,

Finders Keepers, The Fifth Label and Jaggar The Label. Each of their labels

have found their own global success in their own right. Today, AFL has over

1700 stockists worldwide as well as its own online retailer –BNKR. Each of AFL’s

fashion labels constantly challenge themselves to deliver innovative

collections that impact and mould the future of fashion. This companies main

head quarters is situated in the Adelaide CBD however they employ over 130

staff worldwide.

BRAINSTORMING IDEAS After our first visit to Australian Fashion Label and after extensive research into

the company and each of its labels we began to explore a range of

possibilities for our unit. During our first visit AFL communicated that they were

currently moving to seasonal design model where new products would be

released seasonally apposed to monthly. Through this new model AFL wants

to become the new ‘normal’ for the fashion industry and contribute to the

global movement that is closing the loop on sustainable fashion. Straight

away we wanted to draw upon these ideas in our STEM unit and develop

learning experiences that would educate and allow our students to

contribute to this global movement.

Ideas that were developed during the brainstorming process included:

• Creating garments out of recycled materials including straws,

newspapers, bottle tops, plastic bags, magazines etc.

• Creating a campaign that promotes sustainable fashion

• Up-cycling used garments

• Creating accessories from fabric offcuts

• A fashion show for charity

• Designing an entire website promoting garment sale and sustainability

in fashion

After brainstorming these ideas we began to pull out the consistent themes

and consider how we could develop a STEM unit that drew upon each of our

specialisations; Textiles, Digital Technologies, Science and Maths. After various

possibilities were explored and discussed an overarching product that

students would create was established and this in essence involved students

creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments

that they have created.

Page 3: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM


The unit that we have created in conjunction with Australian Fashion Label

gives students the opportunity to engage in learning that connects to industry

knowledge and skills. The aim of our unit is to further develop our students

understanding of the fashion industry, with a focus upon sustainability in

fashion and extending their knowledge and skills surrounding garment

production and graphic design.

Our unit focuses upon sustainability in fashion and AFL’s current move from a

monthly design model to a seasonal model and their focus upon the global

movement seeking to close the loop on sustainable fashion. Throughout this

unit students will learn about sustainability in fashion and garment production

and the issues companies like AFL are facing in regards to fast fashion and

the sourcing of ethical materials. In response students will produce an

upcycled garment from pre-loved items, allowing them to further explore

these challenges. Students will also create a fashion-based sustainability

webpage that captures and demonstrates their understanding and promotes

ideas surrounding the global movement seeking to close the loop on

sustainable fashion. Student’s upcylced garments will be a feature of their

webpage design. Through developing the garment and webpage, students

will delve into the design process, preparing students for SACE. As students

produce both the garment and webpage they will document all their

processes in a Design Folio, as they move through the investigating, devising

and designing, generating and producing and evaluating phases.

Students final garments that they upcycle, webpages designs and design

folios will be showcased in an exhibition, that will invite parents, peers,

teachers and possibly industry professionals to come and admire their work.

This is an engaging and inclusive unit of work that enables all students’

knowledge and understanding to be extended in the area of STEM. This unit

broadens the career pathways these students could explore in the future as it

gives them insight into opportunities within the fashion industry that they may

not have known about nor considered. This unit encourages students to

engage with and develop critical industry skills and knowledge that will be

required for jobs of the future.

Page 4: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM
Page 5: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

SCHOOL CONTEXT This school is located 22 kilometres south of the Adelaide CBD and specialises

in the education of students from foundation through to year 12. There are

1643 students enrolled at this school and a large teaching faculty comprised

of 119 teachers. Staff at this school have established very strong and active

relationships with the surrounding community and are always seeking

opportunities to involve community members into the schools practices and

in turn also provide opportunities for students to contribute and immerse

themselves into their wider community.

The population at this school is culturally and socio-economically diverse in

nature, with 3% of students identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

and 6% of students speaking English as an additional language or dialect

(EAL/D). A significant number of students attend this school as part of an

international program and are hosted by local families for a duration of three


An interdisciplinary approach to curriculum planning and facilitation is a

feature of this school and much of their curriculum is informed by industry

contexts. Future projections for this school focus upon STEM learning and the

incorporation of interdisciplinary and project-based learning that makes

strong links with industries and career specific pathways.

Throughout the school technology is integrated throughout for teaching,

learning and administration purposes, allowing teachers, students and

parents access to learning tools, lesson and unit plans, assessment

information, submissions and results, school notices and attendance records.

The Textiles and Technology facilities within this school are well beyond those

provided at most schools and include three large textiles classrooms, a ratio

of one sewing machine for every student and one laptop for each student

that they are responsible for at all times and are expected to have charged

in preparation for each lesson. Each student in this class also has access to

the ‘Nelson Textiles and Design- Preliminary and HSC’ textbook. The Textiles

and Technology staff are lucky enough to be supported by a full time Student

Support Officer (SSO) who assists with preparation for practical applications,

procurement of tools and materials and maintenance of the facilities. The

school has a gallery located in the main administration building where

students are able to exhibit their work and hold parent/caregiver, teacher

and peer viewings.

Page 6: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

CLASSROOM CONTEXT This unit has been developed for the Year 10 class, which consists of 20

students in total, 14 girls and 6 boys. Within this class there is one Aboriginal

student and an additional 3 EAL/D students.

This class is predominantly comprised of students whom are loud and

energetic and eager to learn about Textiles and Technology. However, there

are four students whom are very reserved and often reluctant to be involved

in class discussions and group work. All students within this class completed

Textiles Technology in Year 9 and have documented that they are interested

in the fashion industry and the areas of design, marketing and garment

production. The levels of competencies throughout this class vary in regards

to knowledge and understanding and practical skills, however a majority of

the students are working at what the Australian Curriculum would identify as


Page 7: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM


This unit of work showcases a strong constructivist approach to teaching and

learning. A constructivist approach is one that provides students with learning

experiences that make direct links to real-world contexts, that is hands on and

that seeks to build upon student’s prior knowledge and experiences. The

learning experiences throughout this unit encourages students to work

collaboratively to share knowledge, understanding and skills and to extend

one another beyond their current zone of proximal develop. This unit of work

provides an opportunity for students to explore industry ideas and skills and to

apply these to a real-world context and issue and to create two tangible



As educators we understand that each individual student that we encounter

is unique in regards to their social and emotional background, life

experiences, knowledge, understand and skills and learning style. We

acknowledge that some students may prefer to work independently and

some collaboratively. It is however important that in units such as this that we

mirror the skills that will be required for careers in today’s industries and for

jobs of the future. This is why whilst the garments and webpages will be

created individually, we have embedded opportunities for collaboration

throughout the unit mirroring the skills required and processes followed by

industries when developing design solutions.


This unit of work has been created through the STEM lens. STEM is a way of

creating learning experiences that are meaningful, that make direct

connections to the real world and that seek to build upon and develop skills,

knowledge and understanding that will be required for jobs of today and jobs

of the future. Through a STEM approach this unit enables students to gain an

understanding of a range of career avenues available to them and inspires

them to seek and strive for such jobs in the future. Throughout this unit

students will share their knowledge, understanding and skills with one another

in way that is creative and that is likened to the workforce. This unit of work is

inspired by Australian Fashion Label that was founded in Adelaide, making

this unit even more relevant and relatable to the context that it will be taught



We recognise that the industry that we connected with only produces

products for females and this is why when creating this unit of work, we

critically reflected upon the importance of developing a unit that was age

appropriate and inclusive of all genders. The fashion industry is too often

Page 8: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

stereotyped as a female-based industry however our unit explores ideas,

knowledge and skills applicable for all genders and captures an issue that

affects everyone in the world. It also highlights jobs in the industry that are not

gender biased rather inclusive of all people.

Through the exploration of issues surrounding sustainability in fashion, this unit

becomes age appropriate as students of this age are entering a time of their

life where they can begin to form their own ideas and act upon these as

consumers and as active citizens.

Page 9: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Unit Overview

Lesson Description

1- Single Investigating: Introduction To the Design Brief & Sustainability In Fashion

2- Single Investigating: Selecting Target Audience & Brand Type

3-4- Double Textiles Sustainability & Engaging With Ethical Fashion

5- Single Investigating: Recap On Design Principles & Annotating Webpage Designs

6- Single Investigating: Writing Design Statement

7-8- Double Investigating & Critiquing The Recycling & Reuse Of Textiles: Excursion To

Charity Shops.

9- Single Generating Design Ideas For Garments

10- Single Generating Design Ideas For Garments

11-12- Double Production Of Garments: Breaking Down Original Items, Pattern Layout &


13- Single Devising Fonts & Colour Scheme

14- Single Sample Demonstrations & Completing Samples: Setting In Sleeves, External

Pockets, Fastenings & Zippers.

15-16- Double Sample Demonstrations & Completing Samples: Setting In Sleeves, External

Pockets, Fastenings & Zippers.

17- Single Sustainability & Fashion: A Look Closer.

18- Single Garment Production Process: Writing A Set Of Instructions

19-20- Double Garment Production

21- Single Devising: Thumbnail Sketches

22- Single Producing Written Text For Webpage

23-24- Double Garment Production

25- Single Producing: Finalising Draft Of Written Text For Webpage

26- Single Producing: Finalising Written Text & Beginning To Produce The Webpage


27-28- Double Garment Production

29- Single Producing: Webpage Designs

30- Single Garment Fitting

31-32- Double Garment Production

33- Single Producing: Webpage Designs

34- Single Producing: Webpage Designs

35-36- Double Producing: Self & Peer Assessing Webpage Design

37- Single Producing: Publishing & Printing Webpage

38- Single Evaluation Of Webpage & Self Assessment

39-40- Double Setup & Prepare For Exhibition

Page 10: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES This unit of work endeavours to capture the interdisciplinary nature of STEM

learning and in that way assessment for this unit has been planned around

the combined knowledge and understanding students will demonstrate.

Throughout the unit students will work collaboratively to explore the topic of

sustainable fashion and develop opinions around fast fashion and preferred

futures for the fashion industry. Formative assessment of students will be based

around participation and contribution in the classroom and engagement in

regular group debriefing which will supplement students understanding of the

design process.

Students will be summatively assessed in three areas: production of the

garment, production of the webpage and a design folio documenting the

investigating, devising, producing & evaluating process for both products. The

planning of three assessment tasks gives students multiple opportunities to

display their understanding and be successful. The assessment criteria has

been documented for students in rubrics, which will be utilised for both

student self and peer assessment and teacher assesment and feedback. This

will assist students in gaining greater understanding of how assessment criteria

is used and how they can utilise this knowledge to extend themselves further

in the future.

Page 11: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Assessment Rubrics- Student Handouts Year 10 Textiles Technology- Sustainable Fashion- Webpage Student: Criteria A B C D E

Scientific knowledge and understanding of concepts of sustainable fashion

Comprehensive use of scientific knowledge and understanding, evidence-based arguments and sustainability considerations in the fashion industry communicated in an exemplary manner.

Well-informed use of scientific knowledge and understanding, evidence-based arguments and sustainability considerations in the fashion industry communicated in a competent manner.

Informed use of scientific knowledge and understanding, evidence-based arguments and sustainability considerations in the fashion industry communicated in a satisfactory manner.

Some use of scientific knowledge and understanding, evidence-based arguments and sustainability considerations in the fashion industry communicated in a basic manner.

Limited use of scientific knowledge and understanding, evidence-based arguments and sustainability considerations in the fashion industry communicated in an unsatisfactory manner.

Design and production of webpage

Developed, modified and communicated webpage design in a meticulous manner using sophisticated design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills.

Developed, modified and communicated webpage design in a thorough manner using essential design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills.

Developed, modified and communicated webpage design in an effective manner using satisfactory design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills.

Developed, modified and communicated webpage design in a somewhat effective manner using basic design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills.

Developed, modified and communicated webpage design in an ineffective manner using unsatisfactory design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills.

Use of technologies and processes

A comprehensive use of appropriate technologies and processes.

A well-informed use of appropriate technologies and processes.

An informed use of appropriate technologies and processes.

A basic use of appropriate technologies and processes.

A rudimentary use of appropriate technologies and processes.

Use of fundamentals of design

Comprehensive use of the fundamentals of the design.

Well-informed use of the fundamentals of the design.

Informed use of the fundamentals of the design.

Basic use of the fundamentals of the design.

Rudimentary use of the fundamentals of the design.

Feedback: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................






Overall Grade: A B C D E

Page 12: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Year 10 Textiles Technology- Sustainable Fashion- Garment Student: Criteria A B C D E

Use of sustainable textile production practices

Exemplary commitment to the use of sustainable textiles production practices in both design and production.

Proficient commitment to the use of sustainable textiles production practices in both design and production.

Competent commitment to the use of sustainable textiles production practices in both design and production.

Some commitment to the use of sustainable textiles production practices in both design and production.

Rudimentary commitment to the use of sustainable textiles production practices in both design and production.

Mastery of skills and use of tools, materials and techniques

Meticulous use of tools and materials and precise understanding and execution of sewing techniques.

Thorough use of tools and materials and accurate understanding and execution of sewing techniques.

Effective use of tools and materials and correct understanding and execution of sewing techniques.

Somewhat effective use of tools and materials and displays some degree of understanding and accuracy of sewing techniques.

Ineffective use of tools and materials and inaccurate understanding and use of sewing techniques.

Following safety procedures and processes in the Textiles classroom

Understands the need for safety and implements exemplary safety practices.

Understands the need for safety and implements essential safety practices.

Understands the need for safety and implements satisfactory safety practices.

Limited understanding of the need for safety and implements safety practices sometimes.

Unsatisfactory acknowledgment and adherence to safety practices.

Completed product- mastery of skills and techniques

Highly proficient completed product which fits the design brief.

Proficient completed product which fits the design brief.

Competent completed product which fits the design brief.

Basic completed product which may fit the design brief

Unfinished product which may fit the design brief.

Feedback: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................







Overall Grade: A B C D E

Page 13: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Year 10 Textiles Technology- Sustainable Fashion- Design Folio Student: Criteria A B C D E

Investigating and Defining

Comprehensive research of webpage production displayed through insightful annotations and design statement. Comprehensive research of upcycled garments displayed in a logical and aesthetically pleasing manner.

Well-informed research of webpage production displayed through detailed annotations and design statement. Well-informed research of upcycled garments displayed in a logical and aesthetically pleasing manner.

Informed research of webpage production displayed through satisfactory annotations and design statement. Informed research of upcycled garments displayed in a logical and satisfactory manner.

Some research of webpage production displayed through basic annotations and design statement. Some research of upcycled garments displayed in a basic manner

Limited research of webpage production with unsatisfactory annotations and design statement. Limited research of upcycled garments displayed in an unsatisfactory manner.

Devising, generating and designing

Devises a sophisticated colour scheme, fonts and thumbnails which show in-depth knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of design. Generates a sophisticated garment design which makes sustainable choices and considers the elements and principles of design.

Devises a proficient colour scheme, fonts and thumbnails which show informed knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of design. Generates a thorough garment design which makes sustainable choices and considers the elements and principles of design.

Devises a satisfactory colour scheme, fonts and thumbnails which show knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of design. Generates a satisfactory garment design which makes sustainable choices and considers the elements and principles of design.

Devises a basic colour scheme, fonts and thumbnails which show some knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of design. Generates a basic garment design which makes sustainable choices and considers the elements and principles of design.

Devises a rudimentary colour scheme, fonts and thumbnails which show limited knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of design. Generates a rudimentary garment design which makes sustainable choices and considers the elements and principles of design.

Producing Displays a comprehensive understanding of the production phase and communicates use of appropriate technologies and processes.

Displays a well-informed understanding of the production phase and communicates use of appropriate technologies and processes.

Displays an informed understanding of the production phase and communicates use of appropriate technologies and processes.

Displays some understanding of the production phase and communicates use of appropriate technologies and processes.

Recognition of limited aspects of the production phase and communicates use of appropriate technologies and processes.

Evaluating Perceptive, insightful evaluation of the completed products and challenges encountered.

In-depth, detailed evaluation of the completed products and challenges encountered.

Sound evaluation of the completed products with challenges encountered recorded.

Limited evaluation of the completed products and challenges encountered.

Inadequate evaluation of the completed products and challenges encountered.

Overall Presentation

A sophisticated, logical and organised design folio with highly-proficient documentation of the design process.

A well-presented, logical and organised design folio with proficient documentation of the design process.

A logical and organised design folio with satisfactory documentation of the design process.

An organised design folio with basic documentation of the design process.

A disorganised design folio with unsatisfactory documentation of the design process.

Feedback: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................




Overall Grade: A B C D E

Page 14: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM
Page 15: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Australian Curriculum Links

Science: Year 10 Curriculum Links

Content Descriptor How It Is Addressed

Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw

conclusions that are consistent with evidence


Students will use their scientific knowledge and

understanding of concepts surrounding sustainability in

fashion to communicate their ideas in a manner that is

consistent with the evidence studied.

Communicate scientific ideas and information for

a particular purpose, including constructing

evidence-based arguments and using

appropriate scientific language, conventions and

representations (ACSIS208).

Students will develop evidence-based arguments

surrounding sustainability in fashion and use

scientific language to communicate these ideas.

People use scientific knowledge to evaluate

whether they accept claims, explanations or

predictions and advances in science can affect

people lives, including generating new career

opportunities (ACSHE194)

Students will use their scientific knowledge to

evaluate whether they accept claims,

explanations or predications surrounding

sustainability in the fashion industry.

Technologies: Year 10 Curriculum Links

Content Descriptor How It Is Addressed

Develop, modify and communicate design ideas

by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation

and enterprise skills of increasing sophistication


Students will develop, modify and communicate

their design ideas by applying design thinking,

creativity, innovation and enterprise skills that are

increasing in sophistication.

Work flexibly to effectively and safely test, select,

justify and use appropriate technologies and

processes to make designed solutions


Students will adhere to the safety processes and

procedures in the Textiles Technology classroom

and select and use tools and materials in a safe

manner in the production of designed solutions.

Evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions

against comprehensive criteria for success

recognising the need for sustainability


Students will develop a greater understanding of

how to use design ideas, processes and solutions

when creating their webpage and garment


Whilst producing their garments students will

evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions

and recognise the need for sustainability.

Critically analyse factors, including social, ethical

and sustainability considerations, that impact on

designed solutions for global preferred futures and

the complex design and production involved


Critically analyse factors, including social, ethical

and sustainability considerations, that impact on

designed solutions for global preferred futures and

the complex design and production involved.

Investigate and make judgements on the ethical

and sustainable production and marketing of

food and fibre (ACTDEK044).

Students will investigate and critique ethical and

sustainable production of garments and

marketing in the fashion industry.

Mathematics: Year 10 Curriculum Links

Content Descriptors How It Is Addressed

Solve problems involving surface area and

volume for a range of prisms, cylinders and

composite solids (ACMMG242).

Students will investigate, calculate and explore

relationships between an object’s surface area

and use their to ensure adequate metrage when

designing their garments and to minimise wastage

in the production.

Page 16: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM


Page 17: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 1: Introduction To The Design Brief & Sustainability In Fashion

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Investigating: Introduction To The Design Brief & Sustainability In Fashion

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Interactive White Board

• Extracts From WGSN Reports On Sustainability In Fashion

• A2 Poster Paper

• Textas/Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the investigating phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Begin to investigate concepts surrounding sustainability in fashion (ACTDEK040).

• Begin to establish evidence-based arguments surrounding sustainability in fashion and the language features required to communicate such ideas (ACSIS208).

• Begin to establish an understanding of sustainability considerations that impact on design solutions for global preferred futures (ACTDEK040).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Present students with the design brief and discuss the assessment rubrics. - Capture student engagement by introducing WGSN the world’s leading trend

forecasting and analysis service through the VIMEO video featured on their website and the YouTube video About WGSN: Trend Forecasting

- https://www.wgsn.com/en/wgsn/# - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNWFn1rcNG8. - Explain that reports from WGSN will inform their initial understanding of what is

happening in the fashion industry now and what they predict will happen in the future in regards to sustainability in fashion. These reports should also shape their ideas for their webpage.

Students will be placed in prearranged debrief groups with varying levels of skills, knowledge and understanding and with a focus on sharing knowledge and strengths. These debrief groups will be students debrief groups for the entire unit.

Set up a gallery walk around the room with snapshots of WGSN reports on sustainability (FIND IN RESOURCE SECTION) and mood boards for students to write on.

- In their debrief groups students will analyse each report, noting on the mood boards key themes and ideas in regards to sustainability in fashion.

- Once students have analysed each WGSN report students will return to their tables. The reports and mood boards will be rotated between each group to discuss further. Groups will then begin to develop individual mood boards, noting key themes, ideas and quotes from the reports that they could use to inform their own webpages.

• Interactive White Board

• WGSN Sustainability Reports

• A2 Paper for Mood Boards

Lesson Closure

Once student’s individual mood boards are complete, conduct a class discussion where each group reports the key themes, ideas and quotes that they took from the reports and ideas they have discussed for their webpages. Homework

Page 18: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Individually students conduct their own research into sustainability webpages and advertisements published by fashion labels, identifying common trends in regards to sustainability in fashion.

- Noting key themes, ideas and elements. - Students must bring print out annotated copies of at least 5 examples to the next lesson.

Students must prepare to report back to their debrief group and the class in the following lesson and to add the information that they collate to the investigating section of their design folio.

Page 19: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 2: Selecting Target Audience & Brand Type

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Investigating: Selecting Target Audience & Brand Type

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Interactive Whiteboard • Whiteboard • White board markers • A3 or A2 Poster Paper • Pens/Pencils/Textas • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the investigating phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Continue to investigate concepts surrounding sustainability in fashion (ACTDEK040).

• Continue to establish evidence-based arguments surrounding sustainability in fashion and the language features required to communicate such ideas (ACSIS208).

• Continue to establish an understanding of sustainability considerations that impact on design solutions for global preferred futures (ACTDEK040).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students present the research they collated on sustainability in fashion and the marketing trends to their debrief groups. - Each group nominates one person to report back to the whole class.

Show students the following video about target market vs target audience to refresh student’s memory of how to identify a target audience. Once watched, discuss different target audiences in the fashion industry as a class. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgbBtCEfWtE

As a class look at the fashion websites and brands that are recognised as Sustainable Brands each have different target audiences and each look at different forms of fashion. - Whilst displaying each website on the whiteboard, also have students look at them

on their own devices, in their debrief groups. - Before discussing the common themes and ideas, topics and language that are being

used on each webpage as a class, provide students with the opportunity to discuss and come up with their own ideas, documenting these on their groups mind maps.

- Between each website discuss and document on the class mind map students ideas. Where possible scaffold and extend students thinking. Have students add to their mind maps any ideas they did not have.

• Interactive Whiteboard • Sustainable Fashion

Labels and Brands Websites:

https://www.australianfashionlabels.com.au/sustainability http://global.tommy.com/int/en/about/corporate-responsibility/make-it-possible/15 https://bottletop.org/pages/about https://www.peopletree.co.uk/about-us https://www.thereformation.com/pages/our-stuff https://www.allbirds.com.au/pages/our-story

• Whiteboard • White board markers • A3 or A2 Poster Paper • Pens/Pencils/Textas • YouTube Video


Lesson Closure

In debrief groups students investigate and select a target audience and type of brand they want to promote sustainability for. Handout permission slips for excursion.


Students individually research at least 3 brands that reflect the target audience and type of brand they want to promote sustainability for. Students must print out the webpages that they select and critically analyse them, adding annotations that address the themes, topics and language features surrounding sustainability in fashion. Students must prepare to present their research to their group and to the class in the following lesson and to add the information that they collate to the investigating section of their design folio.

Page 20: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 3 & 4: Textiles sustainability and engaging with ethical fashion

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic

Textiles sustainability: what are the issues? Engaging with ethical fashion: upcycling and the 6 R’s.

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 90 Minutes


• Interactive whiteboard and markers

• Screen and projector

• Textile Sustainability Prezi- prezi.com/view/ iJa92DZAkbIAeOKPjTvn/)

• Short videos

− 5 tips for conscious shopping- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7K5H9uSHHI&t=8s

− How to engage with ethical fashion- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXOd4qh3JKk&t=327s

− Wardrobe surgery- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFmYrFXg3vI

− War on waste- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThXMYfjfBxs&list=EL9qQ06H1txLh-jSq68O8N3w

• Student laptops

• Surface area worksheet (20 copies or electronic access)

Learning Outcomes

• Investigate textile sustainability and engage with the principles of ethical fashion (ACTDEK044).

• Investigate and evaluate claims regarding to environmental impacts of the textile industry and fast fashion (ACSHE194).

• Investigate similarities and differences between the surface areas of different plane shapes using the same perimeter (ACMMG242).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be use?

Teacher facilitation of introduction to the concepts of fast fashion and textile sustainability via Prezi

• What are the issues?

• What do we consume?

• Being a conscious shopper

• The 6 R’s of sustainability. In groups of 5, students will view one of four short videos:

• 5 tips for conscious shopping- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7K5H9uSHHI&t=8s

• How to engage with ethical fashion- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXOd4qh3JKk&t=327s

• Wardrobe surgery- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFmYrFXg3vI

• War on waste- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThXMYfjfBxs&list=EL9qQ06H1txLh-jSq68O8N3w

In their groups, students will discuss the video and highlight the key messages. The group will then report back to the class. Teacher facilitation of review of concepts for calculating surface areas of differing shapes. Students will complete four example calculations.

• Interactive whiteboard

• Prezi- prezi.com/view/ iJa92DZAkbIAeOKPjTvn/)

• Student access to Prezi to follow along

• Short videos

• Student laptops

• Interactive whiteboard and markers

• Surface area worksheet

Lesson Closure

Review of learnings by class discussion.

• How can we be conscious shoppers?

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• How can we implement the 6 R’s of sustainability with unused textiles? Reminder to students to return permission slips for excursion. Explanation of homework task.


Design Folio Task-Investigation Students will independently research the below topic to create a collage of ideas to be included in their folio. They must summarise their findings in a few short sentences below the collage.

• Upcycling textiles into wearable garments (key words for searching ‘upcycling’, ‘refashion’, ‘thrifted transformations’) *Students can use their own devices to create collages using free applications like Collage Maker, Collagable, Pic Collage etc. or alternatively they could use Word, Publisher or Paint on a desktop.

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Lesson Plan 5: Recap on Design Principles & Annotating Webpage Designs

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Investigating: Recap on Design Principles & Annotating Webpage Designs

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Interactive Whiteboard • Design Principles Presentation • Whiteboard • White board markers • Print Outs Of Sustainability Webpage Examples • Pens/Pencils/Textas • Electronic Devices • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the investigating phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students will begin to develop, modify and communicate their design ideas by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students will begin to use their knowledge of the fundamentals of design to investigate design ideas for their webpage (ACTDEP049).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students present their webpages that they critically analysed and annotated to their debrief groups, discussing the key themes, topics and language features.

- Have a class discussion surrounding the key themes, topics and language features students identified. Scaffold and extend students thinking where possible.

Present the presentation Design Fundamentals (FIND IN RESOURCE SECTION) that recaps the Design Principles. - Allow students to ask questions throughout the presentation and gain clarification where required. Provide a selection of examples of how to analyse and annotate designs (FIND IN RESOUCE SECTION).

Engage students further by critically analysing and annotating the design of a selection of sustainability webpages, referring to the design principles.

- Students will first critically analyse and annotate these examples in their debrief groups.

- A class discussion will then be conducted where we will annotate the examples as an entire class drawing upon what students have already identified in groups.

• Interactive Whiteboard • Design Principles

Presentation • Whiteboard • White board markers • Print Outs Of

Sustainability Webpage Examples

• Pens/Pencils/Textas

Lesson Closure

Students individually select 5 fashion webpages on sustainability that they will critically analyse and annotate in relation to the design principles. Collect permission slips for excursion.


Students critically analyse and annotate the webpages they selected in relation to the design principles. - Students must prepare to present their annotations to their debrief group and to the class in the following lesson. - Students need to add their annotated webpages to the investigating section of their design folio.

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Lesson Plan 6: Writing Design Statement

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Investigating: Writing Design Statement

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Print Outs Of Design Statement Examples • Personal Electronic Devices • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the investigating phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students will begin to develop, modify and communicate their design ideas by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students will begin to use their knowledge of the fundamentals of design to investigate design ideas for their webpage (ACTDEP049).

• Through their design statement students will communicate concepts surrounding sustainability in fashion that are supported by evidence-based arguments (ACSIS2014) (ACSIS208).

• Students will use scientific language to communicate their ideas (ACTDEK040).

• Through their design statement students will begin to communicate their understanding of sustainability considerations that impact on design solutions for global preferred futures (ACTDEK040).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

In the debrief groups students present their five critically analysed and annotated webpage designs.

Conduct a class discussion providing students with the opportunity to discuss points of interest and raise any concerns or questions.

Present students with an example of a Design Statement (FIND IN RESOUCE SECTION) which includes the following three points that they will need to address in their own Design Statement: -

Read through the example as a class and discuss the key points. - As a class identify key points that they should address in relation to their

sustainability webpage in their design statement.

Students begin to write their design statement individually.

• Print Outs Of Design Statement Examples

• Personal Electronic Devices

Lesson Closure

Before the end of class have students meet in their debrief groups to discuss what they have written thus far and ask questions and raise any concerns.

- As a teacher walk between each group providing clarification and scaffolding where required. Conduct an overview of excursion:

- Where to meet? - What will happen? - What to bring?


Students complete their Design Statement before the next lesson ready to present a draft to their debrief groups and to the teacher. - Students need to put a copy of their final Design Statement in the investigating phase of their design folio.

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Lesson Plan 7 & 8: Investigating and critiquing the recycling and reuse of textiles: excursion to charity shops.

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic

Investigating and critiquing the recycling and reuse of textiles: excursion to charity shops.

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 90 Minutes


• School bus (24 seats)

• First aid kit, emergency contact numbers, school mobile phone, copy of class roll

• Booklet including ‘What’s this fabric like?’, ‘Choosing Fabric’ & ‘Recycling & Reuse of textiles in practice’

• Tape measures x 6

• Students to bring pens, calculators and money if they intend to purchase textiles.

Learning Outcomes

• Investigate and critique the validity of donation of textiles as a sustainable end of life solution (ACTDEK044) (ACSHE194).

• Work collaboratively to investigate, critique and select possible textiles to be upcycled with consideration to fabric type and suitably as well as metreage (surface area) (ACTDIP044) (ACMMG242).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Meet students at allocated meeting point and reiterate the aim of the excursion. Hand out booklets and explain information provided as well as requirements for the ‘Recycling & Reuse of textiles in practice’ worksheet. Bus trip to local charity shop. Students will work in their debrief groups to:

• Use ‘What’s this fabric like?’ and ‘Choosing Fabric’ to inform their decisions.

• Determine the fabric metreage of a selected textile by calculating surface area. After the teacher has approved their suitability, students may purchase textiles to be utilised in their project if they wish. Bus trip back to school & students return to classroom.

• Student booklets

• Tape measures for each group

• School bus (24 seats)

• Student booklet & tape measures

• Student pens and calculators

• School bus (24 seats)

Lesson Closure

Excursion Debrief- Class discussion

• What types of textiles were available to purchase?

• Were they in good, usable condition? Do you agree with them being donated?

• What were the costs of garments? How does this compare to brand new? Homework

Reminder for students who have not purchased textiles that they will need to procure them before next lesson. Students to continue to work on design statement for website.

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Lesson Plan 9 & 10: Generating design ideas for garments.

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Generating design ideas for garments.

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 90 Minutes


• Student copies of design brief or access to electronic copies

• ‘Drawing a fashion flat sketch worksheet x 20

• Blank croquis for sketches, both male and female (approx. 80)

• Power Point

• Interactive white board

• Class set of tape measures

• Student calculators

• Making a list of requirements worksheet x 20 or electronic access

• Electronic access to production process template

• Purchase order

Learning Outcomes

• Develop and communicate design ideas for wearable garments (ACTDEP049).

• Collaboratively evaluate the suitability of designs with reference to sustainable practices and the elements and principles of design (ACTDEP051)

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Teacher facilitation of a revisit to the design brief with reference to specific garment criteria:

• Focus on sustainable practices

• Upcycling/reuse

• Minimising waste Students will work individually generate design ideas for their wearable garments and create rough preliminary sketches.

• What will be the style/theme reflected?

• Will the garments be seasonal or transeasonal?

• Are there particular colours/fabrics/prints that will be included in your design? Teacher facilitation of the elements and principles of design through PowerPoint.

• Class will watch a short video- https://youtu.be/losbYfihiN4

• Students to draft annotations of their designs considering the following elements and principles for their designs Functional Design

− How will your garment close/tighten?

− Will it have elastic, drawstrings, zippers, sleeves, fastenings?

− Will your garment have pockets?

− Will your original item/s provide enough material for your designs?

− Is your fabric suitable for the creation and use of your garment? Consider texture, nap, durability, warm/cool, fibre content.

Aesthetic Design

− Are the colours of your upcycled item/s complimentary?

− Does your design have any features e.g. buttons, applique or are using any existing structures from your upcycled item?

− If you are blending materials, how will this be done?

• Student copies of design brief or access to electronic copies

• ‘Drawing a fashion flat sketch worksheet x 20

• Butchers paper x 10

• Blank croquis for sketches, both male and female (approx. 40)

• Power Point

• Interactive white board

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− Does the original item you are using fit with your style/theme? Students to share their preliminary sketches with in debrief groups to discuss suitability. Design Folio Task- Generating and Designing Teacher facilitated explanation of completing final sketches. Final sketches must be detailed, in proportion, show texture and design features and be in full colour. Design Folio Task- Producing Teacher facilitation of making a list of requirements worksheet. Using the electronic production process template, students will make a list of notions required and highlight any patterns needed for production. Teacher to visit each student to approve designs and collate a list of notions and patterns required. Reminder to students to take a photo of their original items to be included in their design folio.

• Blank croquis for sketches, both male and female (approx. 40)

• Making a list of requirements worksheet x 20 or electronic access

• Electronic access to production process template

• Purchase order

Lesson Closure

Reiteration of the functional and aesthetic principles and how they will contribute to a cohesive design. Explanation of homework task.


Students to complete final sketches of their design, including annotation of functional and aesthetic design features. Utilising provided electronic production template, students will complete their list of tools and materials for the production process.

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Lesson Plan 11 & 12: Production of garments: Breaking down original items, pattern layout and cutting.:

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic

Production of garments: Breaking down original items, pattern layout and cutting.

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 90 Minutes


• Interactive White Board

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk, quick-un-picks, dress makers scissors, tape measures

• Iron and ironing board x 2

• Minimising fabric waste worksheet x 20 or electronic access

• Student calculators

• Students original items

• Student fabric storage bags and labels

Learning Outcomes

• Select and safely use tools and materials to break down original textile items and layout and cut pattern pieces (ACTDEP050)

• In the interest of minimising fabric waste explore the relationship between an object's area and observe how, as a shape is scaled up or down, its area changes (ACMMG242).

• Complete break-down of original textile items and layout and cutting of pattern pieces with consideration to sustainable garment production practices (ACTDEK044).

• Follow safety procedures and processes in the Textiles classroom (ACTDEP050).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Teacher facilitation of the process of breaking down garments. Teacher directed set-up of the Textiles Classroom with students utilising individual desk and bench space. Students will collect their tools and set- up their space. Teacher to remind students to take photos throughout the following processes to include in their folio. Students will break down garments following the below process.

1. If the garment retains any design elements of the original item, remove them first.

2. Remove fastenings and unpick zippers if able to be reused. 3. Unpick external pockets, ruffles, sashes, belts. 4. Unpick sleeves or crotch seams. 5. Unpick side seams and open out sleeves, legs and main pieces. 6. Iron all pieces of fabric to be used.

Teacher facilitation of an example pattern layout paying attention to fabric grain, nap, pattern/print and fall as well as minimising wastage. Students will complete ‘Minimising fabric waste’ worksheet calculating surface area to focus on minimising fabric waste. Students will calculate the approximate surface area of their original items and sketch their layout. Students will layout pattern pieces and pin. Once layout is approved by the teacher, students will trace with tailor’s chalk then cut their pieces, package and label and store them in the class basket. All useable offcuts and notions to be given to teacher for reuse.

• Student original items

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk, quick-un-picks, dress makers scissors

• Iron and ironing board x 2

• Minimising fabric waste worksheet x 20 or electronic access

• Student calculators

• Tape measures

• Fabric storage bags and labels

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Lesson Closure

Overview of upcoming production process. 1. Completing samples. 2. Sewing of darts, pleats, gathering/shirring. 3. Sewing of seams (side, crotch, back, leg) & zippers. 4. Sewing of necklines, waistbands, sleeves and cuffs. 5. Garment fitting. 6. Adjustments. 7. Hemlines & finishing.


Students will add photos to production template and annotate. Students to view sample video clips before next lesson.

• Setting in sleeves

• External pockets

• Fastenings

• Zippers

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Lesson Plan 13: Devising Fonts & Colour Scheme

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Devising Fonts & Colour Scheme

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Print Out Examples Of Devising Colours & Fonts • Interactive Whiteboard • Personal Electronic Devices • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the devising phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students will begin to develop, modify and communicate their design ideas by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students will begin to use their knowledge of the fundamentals of design to devise design ideas for their webpage (ACTDEP049).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

In the debrief groups students draft each other’s Design Statements. - Students make changes accordingly and submit a final draft to the teacher.

Introduce ideas surrounding how to devise colours and fonts for their webpage and provide an example of a suggested layout (FIND IN RESOURCE SECTION). Look at the Australian Fashion Label website and as a class analyse the simplistic colour palette used and the complementary font selection that balances both serif and san-serif fonts. https://www.australianfashionlabels.com.au Students individually use their electronic devices and the programs (eg. photoshop, InDesign, Publisher, Illustrator etc.) that they will use to create their webpages to develop their colour palette and font devising pages. - These must be supported by annotations describing how they could or could not be used on their webpage.

• Print Out Examples Of Devising Colours & Fonts

• Interactive Whiteboard • Personal Electronic


Lesson Closure

Before the end of class students meet in their debrief groups to discuss the colour palettes and fonts that they have explored thus far, ask questions and raise any concerns. - Walk between each group providing clarification and scaffolding where required.


Students complete their colour palette and font-devising pages before the next lesson ready to present to their debrief groups and to add to the devising section of their design folio.

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Lesson Plan 14, 15 & 16: Sample demonstrations & completing samples: setting in sleeves, external pockets, fastenings and zippers.

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic

Sample demonstrations & completing samples: setting in sleeves, external pockets, fastenings and zippers.

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 135 Minutes


• Interactive White Board

• Teacher sewing machine and camera

• Sewing machines x 20

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk, quick-un-picks, dress makers scissors

• Thread and bobbins

• Iron and ironing board x 2

• Fabric offcuts for samples

• Sample pattern templates

• Recycled notions for samples • Written step-by-step guides for samples x 20 • Class list • Copies of homework articles (4 of each)

− Sustainable Denim; Safer Chemicals- WGSN

− War on Waste: It’s time to step off the fashion trend-mill- http://about.abc.net.au/war-on-waste-its-time-to-step-off-the-fashion-trend-mill/- Nina Gbor

− Making a material difference- Jane Milburn

− #Haulternative- A guide for fashion lovers- Fashion Revolution

− Clothes well lived- Centre for Sustainable Fashion

− Sustainable Fashion Design: Oxymoron no more?- BSR

− Textile industry poses environmental hazards- ecoTextiles

Learning Outcomes

• Observe, then complete sample sewing techniques to build knowledge and understanding of the garment construction process (ACTDEP050).

• Follow safety procedures and processes in the Textiles classroom (ACTDEP050).

• Complete sample sewing techniques with consideration to sustainable garment production practices (ACTDEK044) Lesson Outline- Process

What will I do? What will students do? Resources What materials will be used?

Teacher will facilitate live demonstration of the sewing techniques of setting in sleeves, external pockets, fastenings and zippers to enhance students viewing of video clips. Specific attention to not only successful production, but safety and troubleshooting. Teacher facilitation of classroom set-up, ensuring fair and accessible allocation of tools and materials. Remind students of safety processes and procedures and point out any significant risk factors. Design Folio task- Producing Students use templates to cut out fabric from offcuts, collect recycled notions and step-by-step guides. Students to set up sewing machines and complete samples working first to complete samples of sewing techniques they will be using in their garments, then complete remaining samples if they have time. Completed samples to be fixed to example guides and included in design folio.

• Interactive White Board

• Teacher sewing machine and camera

• Sewing machines x 20

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk, quick-un-picks, dress makers scissors

• Thread and bobbins

• Iron and ironing board x 2

• Fabric offcuts for samples

• Sample pattern templates

• Recycled notions for samples

• Written step-by-step guides for samples x 20

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Teacher will roam the classroom as students complete their samples, providing assistance where needed. Samples will need to be checked off by teacher before students can proceed to production process.

• Class list

Lesson Closure

Teacher direction of pack-up, students to safely pack away machines and materials. Overview of next lesson, developing more understanding around sustainable textiles and ethical fashion. Explanation of homework.


Students will choose a group of 3 or 4 to work with for the next lesson. Each group will receive an article/booklet from the list below which they will read individually for homework, then in the next lesson they will discuss the article with their group and report back to the class.

− Sustainable Denim; Safer Chemicals- WGSN

− War on Waste: It’s time to step off the fashion trend-mill- http://about.abc.net.au/war-on-waste-its-time-to-step-off-the-fashion-trend-mill/- Nina Gbor

− Making a material difference- Jane Milburn

− #Haulternative- A guide for fashion lovers- Fashion Revolution

− Clothes well lived- Centre for Sustainable Fashion

− Sustainable Fashion Design: Oxymoron no more?- BSR

− Textile industry poses environmental hazards- ecoTextiles

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Lesson Plan 17 Sustainability & fashion: a look closer

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Sustainability & fashion: a look closer

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Interactive white board and markers

• Student copies of articles

Learning Outcomes

• Gain further understanding of textile sustainability and the rights of workers in the textile industry (ACTDEK044)

• Investigating and evaluating claims regarding to environmental impacts of the textile industry and fast fashion (ACSHE194).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Students will work in chosen groups from last lesson to discuss their article from list below.

• Sustainable Denim; Safer Chemicals

• War on Waste: It’s time to step off the fashion trend-mill

• Making a material difference

• #Haulternative- A guide for fashion lovers

• Clothes well lived

• Sustainable Fashion Design: Oxymoron no more?

• Textile industry poses environmental hazards Scaffolding questions to be written on the board to guide small group discussion:

• Short summary of the article.

• What are the key messages?

• What recommendations does the article make for industry and/or consumers? Each group will share their findings with the class. Teacher facilitation of video ‘Why we need a fashion revolution.’ Talking points from video:

• 2:06 min- Being safe and earning a living, why is this an essential human right?

• 3:50 min- How does this relate to Australian consumers? Where are our clothes coming from?

• 4:33 min- Earning less than you need to live, what does this mean? Is this fair?

• 6:42 min- What are our responsibilities as consumers? Teacher will pause the video at talking points and facilitate class discussion.

• Student copies of articles

• White board and markers

• Interactive white board

Lesson Closure

Debrief and question time. Key learnings from the lesson;

• Both industries and consumers have responsibilities to the workers in the garment industry.

• Both industries and consumers have responsibilities towards our environment and the impacts that occur in the production of our clothing.

• As consumers, every dollar that we spend counts, refer back to conscious shopping tips and six R’s.


Students to continue with their colour palette and font devising pages.

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Page 34: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 18: Garment Production Process: writing a set of instructions

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Garment Production Process: writing a set of instructions

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Drop-crotch pants electronic example

• Interactive white board

• Basic example patterns (top, shorts, pants, skirt, dress, jacket, beanie, scarf)

• Student laptops

• Student electronic copies of production process template

Learning Outcomes

• Develop a set of instructions for garment production to ensure safe selection and use of materials and logical and systematic production process (ACTDEP050)

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Using an example pattern, teacher will facilitate a breakdown of the garment production process as per below:

1. Sewing of darts, pleats, gathering/shirring, pockets. 2. Sewing of seams (side, crotch, back, leg) & zippers. 3. Sewing of necklines, waistbands, sleeves and cuffs. 4. Garment fitting. 5. Adjustments. 6. Hemlines & finishing.

Teacher will divide the class into ‘like’ garments (e.g. tops, pants, shorts) and provide basic pattern examples for students to look over to inform their instructions. Design Folio Task- Production Using the production process template students will write a set of instructions for the production of their garment. Students will email drafted instructions to the teacher to check.

• Drop-crotch pants electronic example

• Interactive white board

• Basic example patterns (top, shorts, pants, skirt, dress, jacket, beanie, scarf)

• Student laptops

• Student electronic copies of production process template

Lesson Closure

Overview of the next lesson, commencing the production process. Reminder to students to be prepared with a printed copy of their instructions to follow.


Design Folio Task- Production Complete set of instructions for production of garment and email to teacher to check.

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Lesson Plan 19 & 20, 23 & 24, 27 & 28, 31 & 32 Garment Production

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Garment Production

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 360 Minutes


• Sewing machines x 20

• Overlockers x 3

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk, quick-un-picks, dress makers scissors

• Thread and bobbins

• Students cut pattern pieces

• Iron and ironing board x 2

• Teacher sample folder for technique examples.

Learning Outcomes

• Select and safely use tools and materials to produce wearable garments (ACTDEP050). • Complete production process with consideration to sustainable garment production practices (ACTDEK044).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Teacher facilitation of classroom set-up, ensuring fair and accessible allocation of tools and materials. Remind students of safety processes and procedures and point out any significant risk factors. Check in with students at the start of each double lesson, ascertain who will need assistance and prioritise student demands, encourage peer teaching where possible. Students will follow their production instructions throughout production lessons which will roughly follow the below deadlines. Remind students to take photographs throughout the production process as well as completed garment. Lessons 19 & 20 Sewing of darts, pleats, gathering/shirring, pockets. Lessons 23 & 24 Sewing of seams (side, crotch, back, leg) & zippers. Lessons 27 & 28 Sewing of necklines, waistbands, sleeves and cuffs. Lessons 31 & 32 Adjustments. Hemlines & finishing.

• Sewing machines x 20

• Overlockers x 3

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk, quick-un-picks, dress makers scissors

• Thread and bobbins

• Students cut pattern pieces

• Iron and ironing board x 2

• Teacher sample folder for technique examples.

Lesson Closure

For each double lesson, teacher direction of pack-up, students to safely pack away machines and materials. Check in with students and their progress:

• Where are they in their production process?

• What is next in the production process?

• Are there any questions about upcoming processes or do any students need extension tasks? Teacher to take not of students not meeting schedule and provide extra assistance in the next lesson and opportunities to utilise lunchtime, before and after school to work on production.

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Design Folio Task- Production Students to add photographs of the production process to template and annotate making reference to production instructions. Photograph of final product must be included.

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Lesson Plan 21: Devising Thumbnails Sketches

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Devising Thumbnails Sketches

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Interactive Whiteboard • Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the devising phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students will continue to develop, modify and communicate their design ideas for their layout of their webpage by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students will continue to use their knowledge of the fundamentals of design to devise design ideas for the layout for their webpage (ACTDEP049).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students receive their Design Statement drafts back from the teacher. - Students reflect upon and analyse the suggested changes. - Walk around the room and provide clarification and scaffolding where required to

each student. - Students will make the changes required and finalise their design statements for

homework. In the debrief groups students present and discuss the colour palette and font devising pages that they have developed.

- As a teacher walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required.

Introduce ideas surrounding how to create thumbnail sketches and provide a range of examples of thumbnail sketches for them to keep and to support them during this phase of the design process (FIND IN RESOURCE SECTION).

- Provide an opportunity for students to ask questions and gain clarification if needed.

- Encourage students to refer back to the webpage designs that they annotated in previous lessons to devise layout options for their own webpage.

- Provide the option for students to create their thumbnail sketches using their electronic devices or pen/pencil and paper.

Students individually develop a minimum of three thumbnail sketches, devising layout options for their webpage. - These must be supported by annotations describing the different elements of their layouts, eg. where the title will be, the sizes of the text, font types etc.

• Interactive Whiteboard • Personal Electronic

Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Before the end of class have students meet with their debrief groups to discuss their thumbnail sketches, ask questions and raise any concerns.

- Walk between each group providing clarification and scaffolding where required. Give students a reminder that they have the opportunity to use catch up time for sewing.


Students make the changes required and finalise their design statements. Students complete their thumbnail sketches before the next lesson ready to present to their debrief groups and to add to the devising section of their design folio.

Page 38: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 22: Producing Written Text For Webpage

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Producing Written Text For Webpage

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the producing phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students will develop, modify and communicate their design ideas for their layout of their webpage by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students will use their knowledge of the fundamentals of design to finalise design ideas for the layout of their webpage (ACTDEP049).

• As students begin to write their written content for their webpage they will communicate their scientific knowledge and understanding of sustainability in fashion in a manner that is consistent with the evidence studied (ACSIS2014).

• Students through their written content will display evidence-based arguments surrounding sustainability in fashion and use scientific language throughout (ACSIS208).

• Students will communicate their understanding of sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions for global preferred futures (ACTDEK040).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Within the debrief groups students present and discuss the thumbnail sketches that they have developed.

- Walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required.

Before students begin to produce the written text for their webpage, return to the assessment rubric and further discuss the criteria and expectations of what needs to be included in the written text. Individually students recap concepts surrounding sustainability in fashion that they have learnt during garment production and through their critical analysis of sustainability webpages and create a mind map of concepts, topics and key issues that they want to capture on their webpage.

- As a teacher walk around the room providing clarification and scaffolding where required to all students.

Students begin to write their written content for their webpage. - As a teacher walk around the room providing clarification, support and scaffolding

where required to all students.

• Personal Electronic Devices

• Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Before the end of the lesson allow time for students to get together with their debrief groups and discuss what they have written thus far.

- As a teacher walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.

Homework Students continue to work on the written text for their webpage, preparing to submit a draft copy at the end of the following lesson.

Page 39: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 25: Finalising Draft of Written Text For The Webpage

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Producing: Finalising Draft of Written Text For The Webpage

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the producing phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• As students complete their written content for their webpage they communicate their scientific knowledge and understanding of sustainability in fashion in a manner that is consistent with the evidence studied (ACSIS2014).

• Through their written content students will display evidence-based arguments surrounding sustainability in fashion and use scientific language throughout (ACSIS208).

• Students will communicate their understanding of sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions for global preferred futures (ACTDEK040).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

In the debrief groups students will present and discuss the written text they have developed thus far for their webpage.

- Walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.

Reiterate to students that they must have their written text completed by the end of the lesson ready to submit for drafting. Students continue to work on and finalise their written text for their webpages. In pairs students draft each others written text, identifying grammatical and structural errors and providing constructive feedback.

- Students also provide oral feedback to one another explaining the changes that they have suggested.

- Students make the changes required before submitting a final draft to the teacher who will return them in the next lesson.

• Personal Electronic Devices

• Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Before the end of the lesson, allow time for students to get together in their debrief groups and discuss their webpage designs and the written text they have produced. Allow them to raise any concerns or ask any questions they may have.

- Walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.

Give students a reminder that they have the opportunity to use catch up time for sewing.


Students reflect upon their thumbnail sketches, the colour palate’s and fonts that they devised, preparing to produce their webpage designs in the next lesson.

Page 40: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 26: Finalising Written Text & Beginning To Produce The Webpage Design

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic

Producing: Finalising Written Text & Beginning To Produce The Webpage Design

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the producing phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• As students complete their written content for their webpage they will communicate their scientific knowledge and understanding of sustainability in fashion in a manner that is consistent with the evidence studied (ACSIS2014).

• Through their written content students will display evidence-based arguments surrounding sustainability in fashion and use scientific language throughout (ACSIS208).

• Students communicate their understanding of sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions for global preferred futures (ACTDEK040).

• Students begin to develop, modify and communicate their webpage design by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students use the fundamentals of design to produce their webpage (ACTDEP049).

• Students use appropriate technologies and processes to produce their webpage (ACTDEP050).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students receive their drafts back of their written text from the teacher. - Students reflect and analyse the suggested changes. - Walk around the room and provide clarification and scaffolding where required to

each student. - Students make the changes required and finalise their written text for their

webpage. - Students add the drafts of their written text to the producing section of their

design folio. In the debrief groups students will present and discuss their progress.

- Walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.

Students begin to produce their webpage design, reflecting upon the thumbnail sketches that they produced and colour palate and fonts that they devised.

• Personal Electronic Devices

• Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Before the end of the lesson allow time for students to get together in their debrief groups and discuss what they have produced so far for their webpage.

- As a teacher walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.


Students continue to produce their webpages. Student’s progress will be evaluated in the following lesson.

Page 41: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 29-33 & 34: Producing Webpage Designs

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Producing Webpage Designs

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students continue to develop, modify and communicate their webpage design by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students use the fundamentals of design to produce their webpage (ACTDEP049).

• Students use appropriate technologies and processes to produce their webpage (ACTDEP050).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students present their webpage designs to their debrief groups, discussing their progress, areas that they are struggling with and what they want to achieve by the end of the lesson.

- Walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Evaluate students progress, identifying whether they need to be encouraged to

achieve more before the end of the lesson or whether they are on track. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.

Students continue to produce their webpage design, continuing to reflect upon the thumbnail sketches that they produced and colour palate and fonts that they devised.

• Personal Electronic Devices

• Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Before the end of the lesson allow time for students to get together in their debrief groups and discuss their progress. - As a teacher walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.

Give students a reminder that they have the opportunity to use catch up time for sewing.


Students continue to produce their webpages. Student’s progress will be evaluated in the following lesson.

Page 42: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 30 Garment fitting.

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Garment fitting

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Mannequin and garments for live fitting

• Student garments

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk and tape measures. • Written garment fitting steps x 20 or electronic access

Learning Outcomes

• Use the process of garment fitting to make adjustments when creating wearable garments (ACTDEP050)

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Teacher will facilitate a live fitting to guide students through the process of fitting their garments. Students will work in pairs (top & bottom garments per pair if possible) to fit each other’s garments following along with the live fitting. When fitting look for pull-lines (points of tension), wrinkles (horizontal or vertical), darts wanting to form (or gaping), or extra fabric in places. Additionally, check seam lines are not off-plumb (vertical lines) or off-level (horizontal lines). Fitting a top/t-shirt/singlet/dress

1. (Top) Fit the back length, starting at the top and working downward. Use the levelness of shoulder-blade line and underarm/bust/midriff lines as a guide.

2. Fit the back width, starting at the shoulders and working downward. 3. Fit the neck and chest. 4. Fit the front, including the bust; adjusting length before width. Use the

levelness of chest, underarm/bust/midriff lines, and bust apex as a guide. 5. Fit the shoulders. 6. Fit the sleeve, adjusting first for cap height and bicep width. 7. Fit the sleeve for arm length including elbow position. 8. Fit the sleeve for forward shoulder, if applicable. 9. (Dress) Check waist width and fall. Add pleats, tucks or darts if needed. 10. Pin hemline at desired length.

For a skirt/shorts/pants

1. Use the levelness of your buttocks level (at the apex of your buttocks) as a guide. If you are widest below the buttocks level (have extra flesh on the sides, at the top of the thigh), use that wide-thigh level as a guide for levelness as well.

2. Start at buttocks on back, abdomen on front, then work downward, making width adjustments at each side (fit the waist last).

3. Tug skirt up/down at waist/hem to ensure the buttocks level is level all around. 4. When buttocks/wide-thigh levels are level, then adjust darts at waist. 5. (Pants/shorts) Check crotch height, ensure comfort when walking and sitting. 6. Pin hem line at desired length.

• Mannequin and garments for live fitting

• Student garments

• Class sets of pins, tailors chalk and tape measures.

• Written garment fitting steps x 20 or electronic access

Page 43: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Closure

Overview of the next production lesson, which is the deadline for garment completion. Make extra time for students who have more complex fitting adjustments at lunch times or before and after school. Homework

Students to continue producing their webpage.

Page 44: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 35 & 36: Self & Peer Assessing Webpage Designs

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Producing: Self & Peer Assessing Webpage Designs

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 90 Minutes


• Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the producing phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students continue to develop, modify and communicate their webpage design by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

• Students use the fundamentals of design to produce their webpage (ACTDEP049).

• Students use appropriate technologies and processes to produce their webpage (ACTDEP050).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students present their webpage designs to their debrief groups, discussing their progress, areas that they are struggling with and what they want to achieve by the end of the lesson.

- Walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Evaluate student’s progress, identifying whether they need to be encouraged to

achieve more before the end of the lesson or whether they are on track. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.

Students begin to finalise their webpage design in preparation for formative peer and self-assessment.

In the middle of the double lesson students will use the assessment rubric to peer assess and self assess their webpage designs. By providing this opportunity students will gain a greater understanding of what they are being assessed against and will have the chance to make changes according to the assessment criteria. - After they have both peer and self assessed their webpages, students will make the required changes and submit a draft to the teacher.

• Personal Electronic Devices

• Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Before the end of the lesson allow time for students to get together in their debrief groups and discuss their progress. - As a teacher walk between each group, providing clarification and scaffolding where required. - Encourage students to also provide constructive feedback where possible.


Before the next lesson students must finalise the investigating and devising sections of their folios, self-assessing these sections against the assessment rubric. - Student’s folios will need to be submitted for summative assessment at the end of the following lesson.

Page 45: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 37: Publishing & Printing Webpage

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Producing: Publishing & Printing Webpage

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the producing phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students use the fundamentals of design to finalise their webpage (ACTDEP049).

• Students use appropriate technologies and processes to finalise their webpage (ACTDEP050).

• Students will further develop their understanding of the evaluation phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students receive their webpage design drafts back from the teacher. Students reflect and analyse the suggested changes.

- Walk around the room and provide clarification and scaffolding where required to each student.

- Students make the changes required to their webpage designs. - Students add their peer, self and teacher assessed webpage design drafts to the

producing section of their design folios.

Students make final alterations to their webpages.

By the end of the lesson students must have published and printed their webpages, adding them to end of their design folios ready for summative assessment.

- Electronic copies of their webpages must also be submitted to help support the assessment process.

- Students submit their final design folios (minus the evaluation section) and webpages for summative assessment.

• Personal Electronic Devices

• Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Provide students with the evaluation template (FIND IN RESOURCE SECTION) that they must use to evaluate their webpage designs.

- Explain each question and provide students with the opportunity to gain clarification if required. The questions within this template are reflective of those expected by SACE to be addressed during the evaluation phase of assignments in Stage One and Two of Information Publishing & Processing.

Homework Students must begin to write their evaluation of their webpage, using the evaluation template.

Page 46: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 38: Evaluation of Webpage & Self-Assessment

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Evaluation Of Webpage & Self-Assessment

Year Level 10 (Class Of 20 Students)

Lesson Duration 45 Minutes


• Personal Electronic Devices • Paper • Pens/Pencils • A3 Design Folios

Learning Outcomes

• Students will further develop their understanding of the evaluation phase and how to affectively use design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTEP051).

• Students communicate their design ideas by applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills (ACTDEP049).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do? How long will it take?

Resources What materials will be use?

Students finalise their evaluation, adding it to the evaluation section of their design folio ready for summative assessment.

Students use the assessment rubric for the webpage and garment design to self assess both their products against the assessment criteria.

- By providing this opportunity, students will gain a greater understanding of how assessment criteria is used and how they can use them in the future to extend themselves further and ensure all standards are met to the best of their ability.

• Personal Electronic Devices

• Paper • Pens/Pencils

Lesson Closure

Once the student’s evaluations and self-assessments are complete they must begin to prepare anything that is required for the exhibition. Before the end of the lesson conduct a class discussion, allowing students to ask any questions that they may have about their exhibition and to gain clarification if needed.


Students must prepare anything that is required for the exhibition of their garments, webpage designs and folios.

Page 47: Sustainable Fashion Justine Guest, Hayley Schutz, …...creating an online sustainability webpage that features up-cycled garments that they have created. SUSTAINABLE FASHION STEM

Lesson Plan 39 & 40: Setup and prepare for exhibition

Subject/Course STEM

Lesson Topic Setup and prepare for exhibition

Year Level 10 (class of 20 students)

Lesson Duration 90 Minutes


• Interactive White Board

• Access to school gallery

• 10 x dividers

• 20 x tables

• Ironing board and irons

• Pins

Learning Outcomes

• Prepare to exhibit wearable garment, fashion sustainability webpage & design folio which makes judgements about sustainable practices in the fashion industry (ACTDEK044) (ACDTDEK040) (ACSIS2014) (ACSIS208).

Lesson Outline- Process What will I do? What will students do?

Resources What materials will be used?

Students will meet teacher in the gallery for set up of the exhibition. Work together as a class to set up space for each student with a table and divider. Students will individually work to set-up their own exhibition space, teacher will provide a space for garments to be pressed and a step stool. Garments can be pinned to dividers for presentation.

• Access to school gallery

• 10 x dividers

• 20 x tables

• Ironing board and irons

• Pins

Lesson Closure

Students return to the classroom, discussion to evaluate the unit using Mentimeter. Students will use their own devices to respond to the following questions to create a visual representation of class learnings.

• What have we learnt about the fashion industry?

• As an industry, are the practices used in production and marketing sustainable?

• How can we use technology to raise awareness?

• Would you still buy fast fashion? Why/ why not?

• How do we as consumers condone the behaviour of industries? How can we advocate for change?