J.Price 1 , T.Chaosakul 2 , N.Surinkul 2 , J.Bowles 2 , S.Rattanakul 2 , N.Pradhan,W.Simphan 2 , A.Ghimire 2 , K.Wilaingam 2 , L.M. Truong 2 , T.V. Nguyen 2 , T.Pussayanavin 2 , N.Proysurin 2 , S.Singjan 2 , V.Longaphai 2 , S.N.Kalaimathy 2 , T.Koottatep 2 , K.N.Irvine 1 1) Geography and Urban Planning and Center for Southeast Asia Environment and Sustainable Development,Buffalo State, State University of New York, USA *(Email: [email protected]) 2) Environmental Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Surface Water Quality in Thailand

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Page 1: Surface Water Quality in Thailand

J.Price1, T.Chaosakul2, N.Surinkul2, J.Bowles2, S.Rattanakul2, N.Pradhan,W.Simphan2, A.Ghimire2, K.Wilaingam2, L.M. Truong2, T.V. Nguyen2,

T.Pussayanavin2, N.Proysurin2, S.Singjan2, V.Longaphai2, S.N.Kalaimathy2, T.Koottatep2, K.N.Irvine1

1) Geography and Urban Planning and Center for Southeast Asia Environment and Sustainable Development,Buffalo State, State University of New York, USA

*(Email: [email protected])2) Environmental Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Page 2: Surface Water Quality in Thailand

Assess the water quality in the Rangsit Canal, Rattanakosin Village, Thailand by:

• Analyzing for biological and chemical characteristics

• Assessing health risk

• Assessing metabolism characteristics

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•Located N. of Bangkok

•Population 76,973

•Area of 20.80 km2

•Precipitation 124.8mm

•Outlets to C.Phraya

•Primarily Residential •Used for transp. & irrg

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• It’s a small peri urban area

• Pump Station used to prevent flooding

• Increased in agricultural production

• Declining water quality in the canals


• Frequent flooding

• Untreated discharge into canal

• Increased agricultural runoff into the canal

• Effects 80,000 people in multiple ways

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Rangsit Canal

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•Patarasiriwong (2000) / Ongsakul & Sajor (2006) •Studies have shown that:

• Canal was not contaminated by organochlorine pesticides

•Highest levels of contaminants near the canal

•2006 study samples exceeded Thailand’s Class 3 standards

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• Sampled from 6 June – 29 June 2011

• Specialized water quality instruments

• Multiple locations

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• YSI measures DO, pH, and temperature

• Automatically collected data every 15 mins

• Located in the Rangsit Canal

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• Indicator of contaminants in the water

• + values gain electrons, - values lose electrons

•Oxidizers +, reducing agents -

• Spot measurements at 5 different locations

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• Grab samples to analyze for BOD, COD, E.coli

• Standard methods was used for sampling

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• 5 day test standard method

• Determines the amount of oxygen used by aerobic bacteria to decompose OM

• 2 hour test standard method

• Determines the capacity of water to consume oxygen during decomposition of OM

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• Non standard method

• Analyzed at all 5 sites

• Analyzed at 6 informal houses• Used for Microbial Risk Analysis

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•Common activities that pose a health risk• fishing, vegetable farming, swimming

•4 different case scenarios for microbial risk analysis

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• Is a function of gross primary production, the rate of respiration, and the rate of oxygen uptake by diffusion and this can be expressed as:

P(t) is time varying photosynthesis rate, mgO/L/day Ka is first order reareration coefficient ( per day)

C is D.O. concentration, mg/L

Cs is saturated D.O. concentration, mg/L

R is respiration rate, mg/L

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•P(t) is approximated by a half sine wave based on photoperiod and maximum production•ka is a function of time lag between solar noon and d.o. maximum as well as

photoperiod•R is a function of average productivity, ka, and the average daily dissolved

oxygen deficit (McBride and Chapra, 2005)

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• Sampling 6 – 29 June

• Wet weather 1-7 June 95.5 mm

• higher concentrations

• Dry weather 16-26 June

• lower concentrations

Dry Weather Wet WeatherPump Station

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•All 3 sewer sites had high concentrations•Sewer Site 1 highest concentrations 1,000,000•Downstream concentrations higher than upstream

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Clay Tank

Piped Water

Filter Box

3 informal houses

800 CFU/ 100ml

200 CFU / 100 ml

60 CFU/ 100 ml

0 CFU/ 100 ml

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•E.coli results taken from the sewer system & canal •We used 4 different health risk scenarios•Acceptable level 0.00010 Scenario C is the safest

a) Risk of infection, Beta-Poisson model, PI=1-[1+D/N50 (21/ α – 1)]-α (Haas et al., 1999) α =

0.1778, N50=8.60x107 for E. coli (Haas and Eisenberg, 2001); b) Annual risk of diarrhea

disease, PD = PI x PD/I, reported as per person per year (pppy) (Howard et. al., 2006)

Exposure scenario PI a PD b Ingestion/Consumption

A( Ingestion of swimming water)

5E-2 1.3E-2 100 mL per single exposure for 52


B(Ingestion of farming/fishing)

1.5E-3 3.8E-4 5 mL per single exposure for 300 days in

a year

C( Consumption of raw vegetables)

5.2E-5 1.3E-5 100 g of raw vegetables

D( Ingestion from pumping station)

2.6E-4 6.5E-5 exposure of 0.5 mL for 52 times/year

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• BOD levels in the sewage were low due to on site leaching septic tank and bidets. Higher levels of BOD in Rangsit Canal due to increase in pollution load from the past ten years

• ORP levels in the sewers showed there was contaminants

• DO levels were low and 13-18 June < TC3 water quality standard of 4.0 mg/L.

Site BOD, mg/L(TC3 < 2.0 mg/L)

COD, mg/L D.O., mg/L(TC3 < 4.0 mg/L)


Sewer Site 1PS1 InsystemPS1 CanalCanal UpCanal Down

28.4 (14.9)33.3 (11)

217.5 (2.1)6.7 (1.5)

169 (8.9)148 (17.7)

12462.9 (26.3)69.2 (39.9)

0.98 (0.4)0.82 (0.1)

1.221.18 (0.1)1.36 (0.4)

-185 (22.1)-231 (25.5)

-20180 (56.2)93 (61.3)

Mean and standard deviation in parenthesis

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D.O. 11 June – 28 June Temperature 11 June – 28 June

• Both peak values occurred in the afternoon. pH 7•D.O. is inversely proportional to temperature•The diel D.O. trend exhibited in the rangsit Canal is driven by dominance of: photosynthesis during the day and respiration at night •Compared to a number of rivers the primary production of the canal is low while the respiration rate is high

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To determine if the canal is autotrophic (P/R >1) or heterotrophic (P/R<1)

Site ka, per day P(t), mgO/L/day R, mgO/L/day P/R ratio

Rangsit CanalThames R., U.K.1

Pang R., U.K.1

Kennet R., U.K.1

Grand R., U.S.2

Santa Margarita R. #1, U.S.2

Santa Margarita R. #2, U.S.2

Waithou Str., N. Zealand2

Mangaoronga Str., N. Zealand2

Weija Lake, Ghana3

5.7 (8.4)5.7 (2.4)11.6 (7.7)5.0 (9.0)


5.0 (2.9)4.9 (2.1)9.6 (5.3)29 (7.4)



46.2 (63.5)11.6 (6.0)17.9 (15.7)32.1 (31.0)




Rangsit Canal is a heterotrophic waterbody 0.20<1

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• There are severe water quality parameters associated with Rangsit Canal • when compared to Thailand’s standard for D.0. and BOD and

the canal is of low productivity, heterotrophic based on the delta method approach

• Results of the microbial risk analysis showed unacceptable risk for a number of activities (swimming, fishing, vegetable farming, pump station operation).

• Based on limited sampling, the piped water to the informal housing on the canal was good, although poor handling and storage practices could negatively affect the quality.

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• Treatment is needed before discharging wastewater into the canal as a long-term planning solution to prevent the pollution entering the canal.

• The results could be used by local authorities to implement barriers/intervention for health risk reduction such as education campaigns about washing or bathing after exposures or using disinfection gel.

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• Geography and Planning Department

• School of Natural and Social Sciences

• Undergraduate Research Office

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