Sunshine in a Bottle

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  • 7/26/2019 Sunshine in a Bottle


    Sunshine in a bottle

    Mimic the dance between carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and you can tap

    into clean solar energy and ease climate change

    byPeter Forbes

    Photo by Jessica Holden/Gallery Stock

    Peter Forbes

    is a science writer whose work has appeared in New

    Scientist, TheGuardian, The Times,Scientific Americanand New

    Statesman, among others. His latest book, co-authored with Tom Grimsey,

    is Nanoscience: Giants of the Infinitesimal (2014). He lives in London.

    When I think about the future of renewable energy, I picture the innerworkings of a leaf any leaf. A green plant is a remarkable solar-energy

    collector, effortlessly pulling sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide from the

    environment, and converting it into stored chemical energy. And the total

    amount of energy processed by photosynthesis is enormous. The Sun

    bathes the Earth with 173,000 terawatts of solar energy annually. On land

    alone, plants convert that energy into more than 100 billion metric tonnes

    of biomass. Our global energy use is just 18 terawatts per year, in contrast.

    As solar energy proponents are fond of saying: The Sun provides in an hourenough energy to supply the world for a year.
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    Humans already have a long tradition of exploiting sunlight trapped by

    plants. That is where coal, petroleum and natural gas came from: they are

    the fossil remains of ancient biomass, accumulated over many millions of

    years. The problem is that burning fossil fuels releases millions of years

    worth of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere all at once. What we

    really want to do is replicate the process now, creating new fuel as quickly

    as we consume it, with the whole process driven by sunshine. Then we

    could bring solar energy to places it has never gone before. We could

    provide an unlimited supply of liquid fuels for aircraft and heavy-duty

    vehicles such as tractors and trucks, not to mention feedstocks for the

    plastics, paints and pharmaceutical industries all with no net carbon


    The obvious first thought is: why not just let the plants do the work? They

    have already mastered the necessary molecular technology. Weve tried

    that with biofuels derived from corn, soya, or algaebut if we grow crops

    like corn for fuel, were robbing the Peter of food production to pay the Paul

    of carbon-neutral energy. We could install algal bioreactors in places where

    crops cant be grownbut then the amounts of water, fertiliser, and energy

    consumed in processing the fuel are formidable.

    We therefore need to tap the suns energy in a novel, synthetic way. Andthat way actually needs to improve on nature, audacious though that

    sounds, because the solar energy figures I just mentioned are not quite the

    cause for optimism they seem. Natural photosynthesis is only one per cent

    efficient. The biomass that became fossil fuels was based on sunlight falling

    unhindered on every square centimetre of exposed ground, every second

    of every day, for as long as there have been green plants. To make a

    meaningful, environmentally sound contribution to the energy supply, we

    have to create an industrial process that can make a serious dent in the 36billion tonnes of CO2 emitted annually by human consumption of fossil

    fuels, year in and year out. In other words, we need to do what plants do,

    but even better.

    Although that sounds daunting, the more we know about natural

    photosynthesis, the more we can see that, since it has been cobbled

    together piecemeal by evolution, rational design ought to be capable of

    improving the yield. The essence of the natural process is to split water to

    yield hydrogen and to use the hydrogen to remove the oxygen from CO2to

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    make hydrocarbons. What nature accomplishesand what we want to do

    is to remove some CO2from the atmosphere to create biomass. If our

    human nanotechnology can mimic that process, we will use up CO2as

    quickly as we produce it. It is almost too elegant that the key ingredient for

    addressing climate change could be the substance that is causing the

    problem in the first place.

    The eventual goal is to obtain the CO2for fuel production from the

    atmosphere itself, but there the CO2concentration even at its swollen

    level of 400 parts per million is impractically low by current industrial

    process standards. At present, waste gases from industrial sources such as

    coal- and gas-burning power stations, steelworks and cement factories

    constitute the best source of CO2 for fuel generation. They also neatlyencapsulate the appeal of liquid solar fuels, as we could transform

    smokestack fumes from polluting industries into the raw material for a new

    kind of green energy.

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    Fortunately, engineers are not heading into entirely uncharted territory.

    Chemical reduction of CO2to make hydrocarbon fuel is already a tried and

    tested process. Based on a German invention of 1925, it uses cobalt or iron

    catalysts plus energy to make a range of hydrocarbons for fuel, lubricants,

    or feedstock. The process has been embraced where economic

    circumstances render the extra energy cost acceptable. During the Second

    World War, Germany, with no access to oil, used this technology to create

    fuel. South Africa today derives about 25 per cent of its fuel by similarmeans.

    The German process doesnt achieve the desired environmental goals it

    actually increases CO2emissions but it has inspired a promising step

    toward true artificial photosynthesis in the hands of George Olah, a

    Hungarian-American chemist, now 88 years old. Olahs approach uses

    hydrogen produced via renewable electricity in a catalytic process to

    reduce CO2to hydrocarbon or alcohol fuels.

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    The term reduce has a special meaning in chemistry, and is central both to

    the chemistry of life and to the quest for renewable solar fuels. Look around

    the countryside on a nice, sunny day and you can see the central chemical

    principle of life on Earth. The dense mass of greenery and the blue sky

    represents the twin poles of life: oxidation and reduction, or redox. Air in

    the sky contains oxygen that liberates energy when it combines with

    organic compounds; oxidationis the process that creates fire, and also that

    powers your metabolism. The mass of green, on the other hand, is matter

    in a chemically reduced state, which is the opposite of what happens in

    respiration and combustion. In the presence of oxygen, reduced

    compounds can be thought of as having stored energy. Just as oxygen is the

    element of oxidation, hydrogen is the element of reduction.

    These two elements have been linked in a close dance ever since Earth was

    formed, but to complicate matters there is a third partner: carbon. Carbon

    can exist in an oxidised state (thats carbon dioxide CO2) or in a reduced

    state with hydrogen atoms attached, as in biomass and fuel. All living things

    consist of reduced carbon, great long chains and helixes and complicated

    clumps of carbon and hydrogen with other key elements attached in

    strategic places. Redox reactions the molecular dance between carbon,

    hydrogen and oxygen underlie three great mysteries: the origin of life,

    how to mitigate global warming, and how to tap the Suns energy without


    The laboratory for Olahs CO2-reducing process is located in Iceland because

    of its abundant renewable electricity, generated from that countrys natural

    thermal springs. Since 2011, the George Olah Renewable Methanol Plant,

    operated near Reykjavik by Carbon Recycling International, has been using

    electricity from a thermal power station to split water into water and

    hydrogen. A nearby cement works provides a source of waste CO2. Thehydrogen produced by the plant reduces the CO2to methanol. The

    methanol (sold by Carbon Recycling International as Vulcanol) can be used

    as fuel for vehicles, either straight or mixed with petrol. In July 2015, Carbon

    Recycling linked with the UK division of the engineering firm Engie Fabricom

    to develop large, standardised CO2-to-methanol plants. Although Icelands

    energy situation is unique, George Olah notes that many parts of the world

    have access to other forms of cheap renewable electricity (hydropower or

    solar-thermal power, for instance) that could drive the plants.

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    The Olah process is far from artificial photosynthesis, however. Turning

    sunlight directly into useful liquid fuels requires understanding the detailed

    electro-chemistry of what goes on in green plants, and then learning how

    to beat nature at its own game. The details of the photosynthesis process

    are immensely complicated: the water-splitting system in plants, called

    photosystem II, has two almost identical halves, each of which has 19

    protein subunits that use 35 chlorophyll molecules. But at the most basic

    level, scientists understand quite well how plants use sunlight to generate


    Photosynthesis ultimately depends on the photoelectric effect, explained

    by Albert Einstein in 1905, in which photons of light interact with electrons,

    knocking them free of their atoms. It is the process behind silicon solarpanels. Normally, when sunlight knocks an electron out of any substance,

    the electron jumps straight back in. What the natural photosystems do is to

    prevent the electrons recombining by smuggling them down a chemical

    pathway from which the electron cannot return. A combination of minerals

    magnesium in chlorophyll, manganese and calcium in the water-splitting

    photocentreand a surrounding protein matrix constrain the electrons so

    they have no choice but to be shuffled away.

    If our technical catalytic systems fall short of natures, why not just workwith natural organisms?

    The task for artificial photosynthesis researchers is to find an equivalent for

    the natural pass-the-electron-parcel chains. A lot of the research has

    centred on photosystem II, built around an unusually structured group of

    manganese, oxygen and calcium atoms (Mn4O5Ca) known as a cubane,

    which is embedded in proteins. The bonds between the atoms of cubane

    are distorted by the protein matrix; the resulting strain is what enables its

    catalytic (reaction-inducing) activity. This manganese, oxygen and calcium

    reaction centre is perhaps the chemical crux of life on Earth. But it turns out

    that slavishly copying it might not be the best way to create an artificial

    photosynthesis system of our own.

    Researchers have tried many, many alternatives to the cubane-based

    catalyst in green plants, with only limited success. That slow progress has

    inspired a whole other approach: if our technical catalytic systems fall short

    of natures, why not just work with natural organisms that already havetheir own alternatives to green-plant photosynthesis? Weve seen the

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    drawbacks of using off-natures shelf biomass from corn, soya, or algae, but

    could there be a useful halfway point between natural photosynthesis and

    a full-blown artificial version? It turn out there is.

    There is a group of primitive bacteria the acetogens that can reduceoxides of carbon without photosynthesis. These microbes perform the

    special trick of being able to live off the very gases we are concerned with:

    oxides of carbon (carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide), along with

    hydrogen. They can generate alcohols from these raw materials and, even

    better, can do so using a variety of ratios of hydrogen and carbon

    monoxide. This flexibility makes them well-suited for industrial use,

    because just such mixtures of gases are produced as the polluting waste

    products of electricity generation, as well as steel and cementmanufacture.

    LanzaTech, a US energy company devoted to producing liquid fuels from

    industrial waste gases, is one of the leading proponents of acetogens. These

    ancient bacteria are found naturally today around hydrothermal vents in

    the deep ocean, where they live on the hot gases that well up from the

    ocean floor. LanzaTech is focusing on one specific bacterium,Clostridium

    autoethanogenum, to generate ethanol from waste gases, mostly carbon

    monoxide and dioxide from steel mills.

    Jennifer Holmgren, LanzaTechs CEO, recognises that having a clever idea is

    not enough if you are trying to shift the enormous fossil-fuel industry.

    Scaling up is the most important thing for any new technology, she says.

    If it doesnt scale, it doesnt matter.To that end, the company has created

    a demonstration plant at the Baosteel mill in Shanghai, China, and last year

    they signed an agreement with the worlds biggest steel-

    makers,ArcelorMittal, to build a 87 million fuel-generating plant at their

    Ghent steelworks in Belgium. LanzaTech has also signed a deal to supply

    Virgin Atlantic with bio-aviation fuel.

    This last venture touches on one of Holmgrens key concerns, bringing

    carbon reductions to the parts of the energy economy that green electricity

    cannot easily reach. If we go to electric vehicles on a large scale, how do

    we balance the system? she asks. The system requires production of

    fuelsground and aviationand chemical coproducts. If the ground fuels

    portion goes off to electric, lets say 30 per cent of ground transport, whathappens to the economics of aviation fuel and chemicals production?

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    LanzaTechs approach is an important step toward true artificial

    photosynthesis, since it yields biofuels without relying on the usual green

    plants, but it is still only a beginning. More far-reaching are the experiments

    now underway to develop hybrid fuel-production systemsones that still

    exploit energy-harvesting mechanisms found in nature, but that add

    synthetic components to make them serve our needs more effectively.

    This work has been greatly aided by the remarkable discovery that some

    bacteria can live directly off a diet of electricity. Peidong Yang, a Chinese-

    born professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, has

    exploited this appetite for electrons by matching the bacteria with

    microscopic semiconductors that act as tiny solar cells. The bacteria grab

    electrons from the semiconductors and use them to reduce CO2. Its abrilliant synthesis: semiconductors are the most efficient light harvesters,

    and biological systems are the best scavengers of CO2.

    Methane is not a liquid fuel, but it can readily be converted to one. It can

    also be used directly as natural gas to run power plants

    Yangs team is currently studying three different systems. In one, the

    researchers built a forest of silicon and titanium dioxide nano-wires as the

    light harvester, and then cultured the bacterium Sporomusa ovatato grow

    over the wires and feed on the electricity. In another system, the

    researchers precipitated light-harvesting cadmium sulphide nanoparticles

    onto Moorella thermoacetica; the particles enable the previously non-

    photosynthetic bacteria to turn light, water and CO2 into acetic acid, which

    can readily be transformed into fuels such as butanol, or synthesised into

    plastics and pharmaceuticals. It is artificial photosynthesis in a truly

    profound way, bringing the photosynthetic ability to an organism that never

    had it for billions of years.

    The third method is the most conventional, but it also looks like the most

    likely one to scale up. Combining an electrochemical cell (driven by

    electricity, sunlight, or a combination of the two) with the bacterium

    (Methanosarcina barkeri) produces methane with an impressive 10 per

    cent solar-to-fuel conversion rate. Methane is not a liquid fuel, but it can

    readily be converted to one. It can also be used directly as natural gas to

    run power plants. This approach could solve one of renewable energys

    most pressing problems. Electricity cannot be easily stored, and both sunand wind are powerful but intermittent energy sources. Solar-generated

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    methane can be stored to provide electricity generation when the sun

    doesnt shine and the wind doesnt blow.

    Unlike natural photosynthesis, all of these artificial systems at present

    require concentrated CO2to work. Ideally wed be working with 400 ppm[parts per million] CO2in the atmosphere, but no one knows how to do that

    yet, no one, Yang says. There is an upside, though. The current approaches

    can be readily coupled with carbon-capture technology to pull CO2 from

    smokestack emissions and convert it into fuel. This is the essential element

    of a closed carbon cycle that mimics nature, consuming the carbon created

    by human industry rather than dumping it into the environment. But that

    cycle still ultimately depends on the presence of the polluting industries.

    Then again, we do now know how to use CO2 drawn directly from the air,on a laboratory scale at least. In January this year, George Olahs group at

    the University of Southern California reported dramatic new work. Olahs

    colleague G K Surya Prakash along with the PhD student Jotheeswari

    Kothandaraman have developed a combined process that uses a polyamine

    (a class of organic molecules essential both to life and to many industrial

    chemical processes) to capture carbon dioxidefrom the atmosphere, in

    conjunction with a ruthenium-based catalyst to reduce the CO2to

    methanol. Ruthenium catalysts have been employed before to reducecarbon dioxide, but making the process work at atmospheric levels of CO2,

    in a unified process with the carbon-capturing reaction, is a notable

    advance. In tests, up to 79 per cent of the CO2captured from the air was

    converted into methanol.

    The Olah group have been pursuing their vision of a methanol economy

    for many years and, with their experience from the Carbon Recycling plant

    in Iceland, they are well-placed to figure out how to make it work in a

    commercially viable way. Doing so will involve juggling a bewildering array

    of processes and market variables, though. Large-scale capture of

    atmospheric CO2would require prodigious quantities of polyamine, which

    raises issues of environmental safety. Ruthenium is a rare-earth metal that

    has seen considerable volatility in supply and cost. Its current price is

    around $42 per ounce, but a decade ago the price was more than $850.

    These challenges should not deter us. We have grown used to accepting

    that we have to follow wherever the market leads us, which is how fossilfuels have remained so entrenched in the global economy for so long. But

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    today there are bigger concerns than short-term market efficiency. We

    must have a reliable, secure, long-term, carbon-neutral fuel supply. That is

    the cornerstone of our future energy needs, and the other arrangements

    will have to be fitted around it.

    Carbon is precious. We must learn to recycle it. There should be no waste.

    There is no waste in nature

    Back in 2008, the photosynthesis expert James Barber of Imperial College

    London advocated an Apollo-style programme, comparable in scale and

    urgency to the 1960s Moon race, to develop solar fuels. Its taken a while,

    but their call is finally being heeded. Once the least known of renewable

    energy technologies, solar liquid fuels now have powerful advocates. In

    particular, Bill Gates recently organised the Breakthrough Energy Coalition,a group of 28 investors aiming to boost world spending on carbon-free

    energy development to $20 billion a year. He also catalysed Mission

    Innovation, a 20-major-nation governmental initiative launched at the Paris

    climate change conference in December 2015.

    Gates has some powerful advantages. He understands both the

    technological and financial challenges, and has plenty of financial resources

    himself, having pledged $2 billion to the project. His thinking is outlined in

    a paper,Energy Innovation: Why we need it and how to get it. The US

    government is also getting on board with the new approach. In April 2015,

    the Department of Energys Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP)

    announced renewed funding of $75 million and a change of direction, away

    from hydrogen production and toward the kind of solar-generated liquid

    fuels Ive been describing. With researchers, foundations, major world

    governments, and large investors all pulling in the same direction, success

    is looking far more probable that it did just a couple years ago although,

    as Gates points out, such major technological shifts have typically taken

    decades in the past. At the same time, programs like JCAP are puny

    compared to the total magnitude of the R&D effort needed.

    The costs are high, but the potential payoff is even higher. Holmgren at

    LanzaTech lays out a compelling vision: Carbon is precious. This means we

    must learn to recycle it. If you can extend its life by reusing it in a fuel, you

    will keep that equivalent amount of fossil fuel in the ground. There should

    be no waste. There is no waste in nature.
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    Redox reactions the dance between carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

    produced the cornucopia of life on Earth. Right now, we are merely running

    down those reactions, unwinding millions of years of biochemistry that is

    locked away in the planets fossil fuels, and systematically polluting the

    atmosphere in the process. We need to understand the redox reactions, so

    we can master the biomechanical machinery of photosynthesis and start

    building up with it. Success could transform the world economy, and the

    global environment. It is a challenge we cannot afford to pass up.