SUNDERLAND CITY COUNCIL CHILDREN’S SERVICES THE PROVISION OF AN OUTREACH / MOBILE CRECHE SERVICE Tender Information Session Tuesday, 07 February 2012 Chris Cummings, Category Manager (Corporate Procurement) Antonia Davison, Health & Safety Advisor Emma Stewart, Commissioning Officer, Children’s Services


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SUNDERLAND CITY COUNCIL CHILDREN’S SERVICES. THE PROVISION OF AN OUTREACH / MOBILE CRECHE SERVICE Tender Information Session Tuesday, 07 February 2012 Chris Cummings, Category Manager (Corporate Procurement) Antonia Davison, Health & Safety Advisor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tender Information Session

Tuesday, 07 February 2012

Chris Cummings, Category Manager (Corporate Procurement)

Antonia Davison, Health & Safety Advisor

Emma Stewart, Commissioning Officer, Children’s Services



To maintain the fairness and transparency in procurement as required by EU legislation,

questions and discussions should remain within the boundaries of this tender project.


1. Introductions and Housekeeping – Chris Cummings

2. Health & Safety – Antonia Davison

3. Service Information – Emma Stewart

4. Procurement Process – Chris Cummings1. Process & Timeline

2. Your Quality Submission

3. Your Pricing Submission

4. The Evaluation

5. Open Question and Answer Session

5. 1:1 Sessions if Required – Chris Cummings

Introductions & Housekeeping

Chris Cummings Category Manager Social Care

Housekeeping Information

Fire Alarms No routine fire alarm tests are planned today

Fire Exit One in the room One outside along the corridor

Mobile Phones Appreciate if they are switched off or on mute unless there are

circumstances requiring your be in constant contact.

Washroom Facilities Opposite the room

Health and Safety

Antonia Davison Health and Safety Advisor

Health and Safety

• Section E of the business questionnaire and is evaluated on a pass / fail basis.

• It is a mandatory requirement in the tender process that contractors fulfil the councils Health and Safety requirements.

• The responsibilities section is a mandatory requirement.

• You do not have to complete the remainder of the questionnaire if:– You hold a current membership or certification with

• CHAS• Another SSIP member (or equivalent outside UK)

Otherwise the remainder of the questionnaire is also mandatory

Health and Safety

• Childcare – key risks, appropriate to the type of work

• Legal requirements are proportionate to the size of company

• Therefore, so is our assessment• Risk assessments

H & S (cont)

• What to look out for:

• EYFS guidance / Ofsted vs. HSE

• Don’t misunderstand our requirements

Service Information

Emma Stewart – Commissioning Officer

The Service

• Will deliver a locally based Mobile/Outreach Crèche service for children 0-5 years.

• Will provide high quality childcare for families who are attending courses and events at Children’s Centres

• Will be delivered across the 5 localities within Sunderland and providers can be successful in winning a contract in more than one location

We need the successful provider to:-

• Follow and deliver practice set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

• Provide mobile/outreach crèche services as and when required in a range of Children’s Centres and community and outreach venues.

• Work collectively with other agencies delivering the same service to ensure continuity and consistency of provision throughout the city.

The outcomes for the service are:

• Parents and carers feel confident with childcare providers looking after their child.

• Children feel happy, safe and secure within the environment and with key people

• Children access resources and engage in activities that are developmentally appropriate

• Children have the opportunity to play alongside and interact with their peers

• Children’s achievements are celebrated and shared with their parents/carers

Procurement Process

Chris Cummings Corporate Procurement

Process and Timeline

• We are following a part B open tender process with the intent of having the contract in place for the service to commence on 01 April 2012 at each location of the City.

• The evaluation will be based on the most economically advantageous tender. Quality 60% Price 40%

• The contracts are for a period of 12 months and end on 31 March 2013.

• There is the option to extent for a further 12 month period to 31 March 2014

• The tender is being conducted via the NEPO portal at www.nepoportal.org and is the only submission method possible

• Any other method of submission will be disqualified.

Draft Timeline (subject to change)

Stage Date's/time

Submission of Tenders 27 February 2012 by 12.00 midday

Evaluation of Tenders 28 February 2012 – 07 March 2012

Notification of result of evaluation 16 March 2012

Standstill period 16 March 2012 – 26 March 2012

Contract award 26 March 2012

Contract commencement 01 April 2012

Your Quality Submission

Chris Cummings Corporate Procurement

How do you make your bid compliant?• Read fully the tender documents and ensure you return all required


• Submit all, required documents.

• The Instructions and Details of Contract, page 4, contains a Checklist for Tenderers:-

1. All information requested in Section 5 2. Business Questionaire3. Schedule 2 Part 1 Contract Particulars4. Schedule 3 Part 1 Form of Tender5. Schedule 3 Part 2 Pricing Schedule6. Schedule 4 Certificate of non-canvassing and non-collusion7. Schedule 6 Method Statement8. Any appendices requested

Business Questionnaire

• Section A - Organisational Profile• Section B1 - Grounds for Exclusion Mandatory• Section B2 - Grounds for Exclusion Discretionary• Section C -Insurance• Section E - Health & Safety• Section F - Equality & Diversity• Section G -Technical Capacity• Section H - References

All sections must be fully completed.

• Check which sections require signature confirmations. This can be a typed name for electronic submissions.

• Ensure you fully understand the experience and reference sections. You are responsible for organising references and ensuring they are received by the Council on time. These documents can be received separate to your submission via e mail or post.

• This is a key document and will be reviewed before the Price/Quality evaluation is carried out. If you do not pass the Business Questionnaire you will not be considered further.

• Any issues please ask now or with a question via the NEPO portal

Section 5

• Is an outline of any requirements and standards necessary.

• Itemises in detail the evaluation criteria that will be applied.

• Clearly identifies any weightings attached to the evaluation.

• Ensure you understand the evaluation process, Criteria and weightings and how these will be applied.

Contract Particulars

• Must be completed, signed, dated and returned without any qualifications.

• Any qualification will make your bid non-compliant.

Form of Tender

• Must be signed, dated and returned without any qualifications.• Any qualification will make your bid non-compliant.

Certificate on Non Collusion

• Must be completed, signed, dated and returned without any qualifications.

•Any qualification will make your bid non-compliant.

Method Statement• Provide a detailed response to each question numbering your answer accordingly.

• Ensure your response to each question is indicative of your organisations intent to commit to the contract. The responses form part of the contract and in some cases you will be contract managed against elements of your response.

• Ensure you understand the service specification, the method statement questions and the impact of the evaluation criteria and weightings.

• The evaluation criteria identifies how we expect your response to be compiled and will identify how we will allocate scoring.

• We have included narrative in the method statement for guidance to help you understand what we are looking for. It is not expected this narrative will limit any innovation you are proposing nor should it limit your response to only these areas if you feel you have more to offer

• There is no word count, but be precise rather than use words that have no dynamic impact on your response that do not affect the evaluation.

• We will only score based on your written responses. Previous knowledge cannot be taken into account.

• Once the tender is closed we can only seek clarification, we cannot ask for additional information.

Method Statement Summary

• We will only score based on your written responses

• We will not compare bids

• Previous knowledge cannot be taken into account.

• We will allocates marks according to the evaluation criteria

• Weightings will be applied according to the identified weightings for each question.

• Once the tender is closed we can only seek clarification, we cannot ask for additional information.

• The method statement will contribute 60% of your total score

Quality Summary • You must complete the business questionnaire and be successful

• You must complete all the documents identified on page 4 of the ITT

• Your method statement should be clear and detailed enough to give a good account of your organisations intents that meets

– all requirements of the service specification– the method statement questions – is clearly linked to outcomes – with enough detail to justify your solution.

• Appendices, unless requested must not be included as they will not be used as part of the evaluation

• If a simulation or case study is required please ensure you include it as part of your response to the relevant question and not as an appendix.

• The Business Questionaire is evaluated on a pass / fail basis

• The method statement response contributes 60% of your bid evaluation.

Your Pricing Submission

Chris Cummings Corporate Procurement

Pricing Submission

• The pricing schedule is Schedule 3 part 2

• It is simple in detail and requires an hourly price for the service delivery in each of the locations you wish your bid to be considered for

• The pricing Schedule accounts for 40% of your total bid submission

The Evaluation

Chris Cummings Corporate Procurement

How we will evaluate

• The Council will check each Tender initially to make sure it has kept to the rules of the ITT and submitted a compliant bid.

• The Council will evaluate Tenders to decide the most economically advantageous Tender taking into consideration the following award criteria.

Stage 1

Business Questionnaire• The Business Questionnaire will be evaluated first.

Each section will be evaluated as detailed in the document. Failure to meet the requirements of any section of the document will result in your tender not being considered any further in the process.

• If you successfully pass the Business Questionnaire your submission will then be evaluated as follows:-

Stage 2:Quality Evaluation 60%

• The Quality submission questions will be scored as per the evaluation criteria and weightings identified in each question and in the ITT.

• You must not score two or more questions with zero points or your submission will be disqualified.

• You must achieve 32 weighted points minimum or your submission will be disqualified.

Method Statement Evaluation Criteria

Score Official Classification General Difference


Clear and detailed response that fully meets all expectations, standards or requirements with clear detail on how the tenderers solution will meet all the required outcomes for the service.

All round clear detail, meets all expectations, standards and requirements, meets all outcomes.


Clear and detailed response that meets most of the expectations, standards or requirements but not all, with clear detail on how the tenderers solution will meet  all the required outcomes for the service.

All round clear detail, meets most expectations, standards and requirements, meets all outcomes.


Clear and detailed response that meets most of the expectations, standards or requirements but not all,  however there is insufficient detail on how the tenderers solution will meet all the required outcomes for the service

Clear detail meeting most expectations, standards and requirements. Detail on meeting all the required outcomes is insufficient.

2Response covers most of the expectations, standards

or requirements and outcomes but the response is limited or has insufficient detail

Covers most expectations, standards, requirements and outcomes insufficient detail and limited response

1Response meets very few of the expectations,

standards or requirements and outcomesMeets limited amount of the service requirements

and outcomes

0No response submitted or response meets none of the

expectations, standards or requirementsNo response

Equality & Diversity Evaluation Criteria:

Score Classification

5Clear and detailed response that fully meets all expectations, standards or requirements

4Clear and detailed response that fully meets most of the expectations, standards or requirements but not all

2Response covers most of the expectations, standards or requirements but the response is limited or has insufficient detail

1 Response meets very few of the expectations, standards or requirements

0No response submitted or response meets none of the expectations, standards or requirements

From the responses received each response will be evaluated and awarded a score of 0 – 5. The score your organisation receives will then be divided by the maximum score available which is 5 and then multiplied by the sub weighting to give the score for that particular question. Each question’s scores will then be added together to give the overall Quality submission score.


Examples of how a 5 and a 4 score against question 2.1 (8% weighting) is listed below. The calculations will be as follows

5 marks / 5 possible x 100 = 100% x 8% weighting = 8.0 weighted marks4 marks / 5 possible x 100 = 80% x 8% weighting = 6.4 weighted marks

This will be applied to each quality question in turn and the scores added together to give the overall Quality submission score for your organisation.

Evaluation Calculations

Price Evaluation = 40%

Each City location will have pricing evaluated separately and the score will be added to your quality score.

If you bid for more than one area of the City, your quality score will be the basis for each area you bid for with your relevant price schedule for each specific area being added to your quality score giving you an evaluation result for each area you tender for. As an example if you bid for North, South and West your evaluation may look like the example below

Sunderland North Sunderland South

Sunderland East

Sunderland West

Washington Coalfields

Base Quality Score

55% 55% 55% 55% 55%

Pricing Score

30% 40% N/A 35% N/A

Total Score

85% 95% N/A 90% N/A

Price CalculationPricing evaluation will be carried out as follows

1. Pricing will be ranked in order of the cheapest price being top ranked• We will therefore have a ranked list of pricing for each area of the City

2. This top ranked price will achieve the top marks of 40%3. Subsequent pricing i.e. 2nd ranked and 3rd ranked will achieve a score

proportionate to the lowest price. An example is provided below

Price Baseline Score (Baseline / Price *


Weighting Final Score (Score *


Rank 1 £7.00 £7.00 100% 40% 40.00%

Rank 2 £7.95 £7.00 88.05% 40% 35.22%

Rank 3 £8.00 £7.00 87.5% 40% 35.00%

Rank 4 £8.75 £7.00 80% 40% 32.00 %

This final score will be added to your quality score for your overall evaluation results and forms the elements required for the Council to make an award based on the most economically advantageous tender

Questions ?

• Final chance for questions.

• If you have any questions during the tender process these must be asked through the NEPO portal no later than 4 days prior to the tender return date.

• If there is anything you are unsure about it is best to ask, if you make an assumption and that assumption is wrong you risk making your bid non compliant.

• We cannot enter into discussions once the tender is closed apart from seeking clarifications.

Thank you