COMMEMORATIONS AT THE DIVINE LITURGY 9:00AM Divine Liturgy WB Vilma Arellano, Jacques Wulffaert & Family 11:30AM Divine Liturgy WB Simone Zonni, Nadia Zahr, Loris Masrieh, Dalal Koury, Sandra Correa Brandy Columbie Fuentes, Elsa Robinson, Juana Gualberta, Antoine Hammal For the blessing of Alice Tahan on her 95th birthday, by her family + Leonor Velez 6:00PM Divine Liturgy Bienestar Glenda Marns, Marcelo Pegliasco, Rosina Malta, Rubi Corredor y familia, Sagrario Amador + José María Pachea Román, Francisco Ro- driguez, Fernando Franchescini, Yara Tapia Feijo, Leopoldo Daniel Cardenas Villarreal LAST WEEK COLLECTION Sunday 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Attendance: 76 $460.00 Sunday 11:30AM Divine Liturgy Attendance 220 $842.00 Sunday 6:00PM Divine Liturgy Attendance: 120 $464.00 The Sanctuary Lamps Will Burn this Week for: WB Alice Tahan Please Keep her in your prayers, As is the venerable custom of the Church Sunday, January 5, 2020 Theophany of Our Lord حد، ا5 لثاني ا ن كانو0202 يح المقدس يسوع المس صنا نا ومخل ظهور رب

Sunday, January 5, 2020 Theophany of Our Lord 0202 يناثلا ...stjudemiami.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/BOLETINFDAMAN_TE… · Hymn to the Theotokos: In you, O Full of grace

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    9:00AM Divine Liturgy

    WB Vilma Arellano, Jacques Wulffaert & Family

    11:30AM Divine Liturgy

    WB Simone Zontini, Nadia Zahr, Loris Masrieh, Dalal Koury, Sandra Correa

    Brandy Columbie Fuentes, Elsa Robinson,

    Juana Gualberta, Antoine Hammal

    For the blessing of Alice Tahan on her 95th birthday, by her family

    + Leonor Velez

    6:00PM Divine Liturgy

    Bienestar Glenda Martins, Marcelo Pegliasco, Rosina Malta, Rubi Corredor y familia, Sagrario Amador

    + José María Pachea Román, Francisco Ro-driguez, Fernando Franchescini, Yara Tapia Feijo, Leopoldo Daniel Cardenas Villarreal


    Sunday 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Attendance: 76


    Sunday 11:30AM Divine Liturgy Attendance 220


    Sunday 6:00PM Divine Liturgy Attendance: 120


    The Sanctuary Lamps Will Burn this Week


    WB Alice Tahan

    Please Keep her in your prayers, As is the venerable custom of the Church

    Sunday, January 5, 2020 Theophany of Our Lord

    0202كانون الثاني 5االحد، ظهور رّبنا ومخّلصنا يسوع المسيح المقدس

  • Antiphon Prayer O Lord, Who have saved us by the baptism of regeneration and the renewal coming from the Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds, uphold us in Faith, confirm us in Hope, ful-fill us in Love, make us worthy members of your Christ Who sacrificed Himself in re-demption of our souls, so that being justified by your Grace, we may inherit eternal life, For You are our Light and our Sanctification and to You we render glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

    صالة األنديفونةأَيها الربُّ اإلله، يا من خلصنا بغسِل الميالد الثاني، والتجديد اآلتي من الروحِ القُدس، أنْر أذهانَنا، ثبتْنا في االيمان، لنا في المحبة، وأظِهرنا أعضاًء كريمة لمسيحَك الذي بذل ذاته فداًء عن نفوسنا، حتَّى اذا وطَّدْنا في الرجاء، كمََّ األبدية ألنَك أنَت نوُرنا وتقديسنا، واليك نرفُع المجد أيها االب واالبن والروُح القدُس، بُرْرنا بنعمتك نَرُث الحياة

    اآلن وكلَّ أوان ...Antiphons of the Feast Second Antiphon 1-I love the Lord because He has heard my voice in supplication. O Son of God, Who were baptized by John in the Jordan River, save us who sing to you Alleluia! 2- The cords of death encompassed me, and I called upon the name of the Lord. 3- I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

    : االنديفونة الثانية للظهور أحببَت الن الرب سيسمُع تضرعي - 1اآلية

    خلصنا يا أبن هللا، يامن أعتمَد من يوحنا في االردن، نحن المرنمين لك هللويا الحزَن والوجَع وجدُت، وباسم الرب ِ دعوت -2اآلية سأكوُن مرضنا َ لدى الرب في بقعة االحياْء. -3اآلية

    Entrance hymn: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. The Lord is God and He has appeared to us. O Son of God, Who were baptized by John in the Jordan River, save us…

    مبارٌك اآلتي باسم الرب. الرب هو هللا وقد ظهَر لنا خلصنا يا ابن هللا يا من اعتمد من يوحنا في ترنيمة الدخول:

    األردن، نحن المرنمين لك هللويا.Hymns: Troparion of the Feast (1st Tone) (three times) At your Baptism in the Jordan, O Lord, the worship of the Trinity was revealed: for the Father’s voice bore witness to you by calling You his Beloved Son, and the spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the truth of these words. O Christ God who have appeared to us, and enlightened the world, glory to You.

    مرات( 3)اللحن األول( ) نشيد عيد الظهورً أياَك أبناً في اعتمادَك يا رّب في نهِر االردن، ظهَر السجودُ للثالوث، فإَن صوَت اآلِب تقدم لَك بالشهادة، مسميا

    محبوباً. والروُح بهيئِة حمامٍة يؤيدُ حقيقةَ الكلمة. فيا من ظهَر واناَر العالم، أيها المسيُح االلهُ المجدُ لك.

  • Hypacoi of the Feast (2nd Tone) When You enlightened all things at the time of your manifestation, the sea of unbelief ebbed away and the Jordan River reversed its course, flowing uphill and carrying us to heaven. Through the prayers of yours Mother, O Christ God, keep us in the loftiness of your divine commands and save us.

    )اللحن الثاني( االيباكوئيلما أنرَت بظهورَك كل االشياء، انهزَم بحر الكفِر المالح، وارتَد االردنُّ المنحدر، رافعاً ايانا نحو السماء. فبشفاعِة والدتَِك،

    أيها المسيُح االله، أحفظنا في ُسمو ِوصاياك َاإللهيِة وَخِلصنا. Kondakion of the Feast (4th Tone) Today You have appeared, O Lord, to the universe and Your light, O Christ our God, has been impressed upon us who sing to You with full knowledge: You came and ap-peared, O Inaccessible Light.

    )اللحن الرابع( نشيد الختام )القنداق( لعيد الظهوراليوَم ظهرَت للمسكونِة يا رب، ونوُرَك قد ارتسم علينا، نحُن ُمسبحيَك عن معرفة. لقد أتيَت وظهرَت أيها النوُر الذي ال يُدنى

    منه. Instead of the Trisagion: All of you who have been baptized into the Christ, have put on Christ. Alleluia.

    أنتم الذين بالمسيح اعتمدتم. المسيح قد لبستم. هللويانبدل النشيد المثلث التقديس بالنشيد التالي: Prokimenon Reader: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. God is the Lord and he has appeared to us. ALL: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. God is the Lord and he has appeared to us. Reader: Sing to the Lord, for he is good, for His mercy endures forever. ALL: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. God is the Lord and he has appeared to us. Reader: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord…. ALL: … God is the Lord and he has appeared to us. A reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to Titus: 2:11-14; 3: 4-7 My son Titus, the grace of God our Savior has appeared to all men, instructing us, in order that, rejecting ungodliness and worldly lust, we may live temperately and justly and piously in this world; looking for the blessed hope and glorious coming of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and cleanse for himself an acceptable people, pursuing good works. But when the goodness and kindness of God our Savior appeared, then not by reason of good works that we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the path of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he has abundantly poured upon us though Jesus Christ out Savior, in order that, justified by his grace, we may be heirs in the hope of life everlasting.

  • Alleluia (Tone 1) Give to the Lord, you sons of God, give to the Lord Glory and praise.

    Stichon: The Lord’s voice is over the waters; the God of glory has thundered, the Lord, over the vast waters.

    كانون الثاني / عيد الظهور االلهي 6 مقدمة الرسالة

    مبارٌك اآلتي باسِم الرب، الربُّ هو هللا وقد ظهَر لنا اعترفوا للرِب فإنه صالح، النَّ الى االبِد رحمته

    )7 – 1: 3و 11-11: 2الرسالة تيطس )ية، فنحيا في الدهر حاضِر ال يا ولدي تيطس، لقد ظهرت نعمةُ هللاِ الُمخلَصةُ جميَع الناس، مؤدَبةً إِيانا لنُنكَر الكفَر والشهواِت العالمَّ

    سه على مقتضى التعقِل والعدٍل والتقوى، منتظريَن الرجاَء السعيد، وُظهوَر مجِد الِهنا العظيِم ومخلِّصنا يسوَع المسيح. الذي بذَل نفً غيوراً على األعمال الصالحة. فلما ظهَر لطُف هللا مخلِصنا ومحبَّتُه ً خاصا ٍ ويَُطّهَر لنفِسه شعبا بشر لل ألجلنا، ليفتديَنا من كل إِثم

    ةٍ وفرخلََصنا هو، ال اعتباراً ألعماِل بٍر عملناها، بل بحسِب رحِمته، بغسِل الميالِد الثاني وتجديِد الروحِ القدس. الذي أَفاضه علينا برنا بنعِمتِه نصيُر ورثةً على حسِب رجاِء الحياةِ األبدية. بيسوَع المسيحِ مخِلِصنا حتى اذا بُرَّ

    هللويا قدّموا للرِب يا ابناَء هللا، قدّموا للرّب أَبناَء الكباش

    صوُت الرّبِ على المياه، إلهُ المجِد ارعد، الربُّ على المياه الغزيرة A reading from the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew the Evangelist (3: 13-17) At that time Jesus came from Galilee to John, at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. But John was reluctant, and said, “It is I who ought to be baptized by you, and you come to me?” But Jesus an-swered and said to him, “Let it be so now, for this is how what is right must be fulfilled.” Then he let him do it. And when Jesus had been baptized, he immediately came up from the water. And behold, the heavens were opened to him. And he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and coming upon him. And behold, a voice from the heavens said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

    )17 – 13: 3)متى االنجيل نك وأنَت مفي ذلك الزمان، أقبَل يسوعُ من الجليِل الى االردّن الى يوحنَّا ليعتمدَ منه. فكاَن يوحنَّا يُمانعُه قائالً: انا محتاُج ان اعتمدَ

    . حينئذ تركهُ. ولّما اعتمدَ يسوعُ صعدَ للوق ؟ فأَجابه يسوعُ قائالً: دعِ اآلن، فهكذا ينبغي لنا ان نُتَِم كلَّ بٍرّ من الماء، وإذا ِت تأتّي اليَّبه السماواُت قد انفتحت له، ورأَى روَح هللاِ ينزُل مثَل حمامٍة ويَحلُّ عليه. واذا صوٌت من السماِء يقول: هذا هو ابني الحبيُب الذي

    ُسِررت.Hymn to the Theotokos: In you, O Full of grace In you, O woman full of grace, all creation exults, the hierarchy of angels together with the race of men; in you, sanctified Temple, spiritual Paradise, Glory of virgins of whom God took flesh from whom our god who exists before the world, became a child! For He has made your womb his throne, making it more spacious than the heavens. In you, O Woman full of grace, all creation ex-ults: glory to you!

    النشيد لوالدة االله اطقان البرايا بأسرها تفرح بِك يا ممتلئةَّ نعمة. محافُل المالئكة وأَجناُس البشر لِك يعظّمون. أَيها الهيكُل المتقدُس والفردوُس الن

    وفخر اَلبتولية، التي منها تجسد االلهُ وصار طفالً وهو الهنا قبَل الدهور. ألنه صنع مستودَعك عرشاً، وجعل بطنَِك أَرحَب من السماوات. لذلك، يا ممتلئةً نعمةَّ، تفرُح بك كلُّ البرايا وتمِجدُِك.

    Kinonikon: The grace of God our Savior has appeared to all people. Alleluia.

    لقد ظهرت نعمةُ هللاِ المخلصةُ جميَع الناس، هللوياترنيمة المناولة:

    Post-communion Hymn: Troparion of the Feast تُرنم طروبارية العيد بعد المناولة:

  • Theophany One Feast or Two? What’s with the Armenians? Every other Church – whether on the Julian or Gregorian Calen-dar – celebrates Christ’s Nativity on December 25 and His Theophany on January 6. The Arme-nian Church celebrates both feasts together on the same day, January 6. So what’s with them? The Ancient Practice: The oldest practice documented in Christian history is that of a single celebration of Christ’s birth, the adoration of the Magi, all the events of Christ’s childhood rec-orded in the Scriptures, as well as His baptism by John in the Jordan and His first miracle, at the wedding feast of Cana. St Cyril of Alexandria writes about it at the beginning of the third century.

    In the next century, St Gregory the Theologian, writing in the year 380, refers to this practice, still observed in his Church in Asia Minor: “Now if the Feast of the Theophany, and so also of the Nativity, for it is called both, since two names are ascribed to one reality…The name is The-ophany, since He has appeared, and Nativity, since He has been born” (Oration 38, On the Theophany or the Nativity of Christ, 3).

    Scholars today believe that a single feast of the Manifestation of God was observed in the West as well, but on December 25. In both cases, the date was determined by the date believed to be the date of the crucifixion. In the ancient world it was commonly believed that the date of a truly great person’s death coincided with the date of his conception or birth. Some rabbis still teach that a righteous person is entrusted with a mission on the day of his conception or birth. In one who completes his mission in the most perfect way possible, this perfection is expressed in the fact that his mission ends on the same day that it was begun.

    In the East it was believed that April 6 was the date of Christ’s conception and crucifixion; con-sequently January 6 marked the celebration of His birth. In the West, the corresponding dates were March 25 and December 25.

    After the first Ecumenical Council in ad 325, Christians in East and West became more aware of the practices of one another’s Churches. The East adopted the Roman date of December 25, dedicating it to the events of Christ’s birth. According to St John Chrysostom, this happened at Antioch in approximately 378. Preaching there in 388 on the Feast of the Nativity, he states that its observance was not yet quite ten years old. It quickly spread to the other Churches in the East. The East then devoted January 6 to the commemoration of the Lord’s baptism.

    The Synaxarion read at orthros on the Feast of the Nativity notes that the day is devoted to all the events of Christ’s birth: “On the twenty-fifth of this month we commemorate the nativity ac-cording to the flesh of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ… On this day we commemorate the veneration of the Magi… On this day we commemorate the shepherds who beheld the Lord.” To this day, we read Luke’s story of Jesus’ birth and the visitation of the shepherds at the evening Vesper-Liturgy and the story of the Magi from Matthew’s Gospel at the morning Liturgy.

    In the West, the division was slightly different, with January 6 dedicated to the visit of the Magi, as well as the baptism of Christ, as the following antiphon for vespers on the Roman feast of the Epiphany shows: “We keep this day holy in honor of three miracles: this day a star led the wise Men to the manger; this day water was turned into wine at the marriage feast; this day Christ chose to be baptized by John in the Jordan for our salvation, alleluia.”

  • At first, the Armenian Church adopted this arrangement. In the sixth century, when the division between Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian Churches became fixed, the Armenians reverted to their older practice.

    Manifestation to Israel

    The original single feast of the Nativity-Theophany celebrated the first revelations of His divinity, His incarnation and the beginning of His ministry as Lord and Savior of mankind. It put forth a number of themes which we now find spread out throughout the festal season.

    On the feast of the Nativity (and of Christ’s circumcision on January 1) we celebrate God be-coming man in a particular place and time. Jesus is born in the heart of God’s chosen people, Israel, and He is adored by them in Mary and Joseph and the shepherds who came to the cave. These feasts celebrate the particular revelation of God to the nation of Israel in terms of its sa-cred history, as we proclaim in this verse from vespers: “Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and celebrate, all you lovers of Zion; for the temporal bonds with which Adam was condemned have been loosed; Paradise has been opened for us and the serpent has been annihilated, having beheld now that the one deceived by her of old has become a mother to the Creator. O, the depth, rich-es, wisdom and knowledge of God: that the instrument of death which brought death to all flesh, has become the first-fruit of salvation to all the world because of the Theotokos. The all-perfect God has been born from her as a babe; and by His birth He has sealed her virginity; by His swaddling-clothes He has loosed the chains of our sins; and by His babyhood He has healed the pains and sorrows of Eve. Let all creation, therefore, exchange glad tidings and rejoice; for Christ has come to recall it and to save our souls.” Manifestation to the Gentiles

    Our vision of Christ’s coming work is widened as the Magi, pagan astrologers, arrive “from the East” to worship Him. The gifts they bring represent kingship (gold), priesthood (frankincense) and a self-emptying death (myrrh). In them Christ’s kingship over all nations is revealed. He is to be “a light of revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel” (Lk 2:32).

    “You have shone forth from the Virgin, O Christ, super-sensual Sun of righteousness. And a star pointed to You O uncontainable One contained in a cave, and the Magi were led to worship You. Wherefore, with them we magnify You. O Giver of life, glory to You!” Manifestation to All Creation

    On the feast of the Theophany, another aspect of Christ’s incarnation is celebrated. His coming transforms, not only humanity, but all creation. In His baptism, He sanctifies the waters, a pri-mordial element of creation according to Genesis, representing the ultimate transfiguration of all things in the Kingdom of God. As we hear at the great blessing of water on the feast of the The-ophany, “Today land and sea divide between them the joy of the world, and the world is filled with rejoicing. The waters behold You, O Lord; the waters behold You and they fear. The Jor-dan turns back its course, and the mountains shout with glee as they behold God in the flesh.”

    “Of old the prince of this world was named king of all that was in the waters; but by Your bap-tism he is choked and destroyed, like Legion in the lake. With Your mighty arm, O Savior, You have granted freedom to Your creation, which he had enslaved” (Canon at Compline on the Fore-feast of the Theophany).


    TROPARIO (tono 1) (3 veces) Cuando fuiste bautizado, Señor, en el Jordán, la adoración de la Trinidad fue manifestada. Porque la voz del Padre dio testimonio de Ti, llamándote: ‘Hijo Amado’, y el Espíritu en forma de paloma, confirmó la certeza de la Palabra. ¡Cristo nuestro Dios que apareciste e iluminaste al mundo, Gloria a Ti! En vez del trisagio T: Todos los que en Cristo han sido bautizados, se han revestido de Cristo. Ale-luya. (tres veces) -Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo, ahora y siempre por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Se han revestido de Cristo. Aleluya. Todos los que en Cristo han sido bautizados, se han revestido de Cristo. Alelu-ya.! PROQUÍMENO: Salmo 117:26-27, 1 (tono 4) Lector: ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor! El Señor es Dios, y él nos ilumina. Todos: ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor! El Señor es Dios, y él nos ilumina. Lector: ¡Den gracias al Señor, porque es bueno, porque es eterno su amor! Todos: ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor! El Señor es Dios, y él nos ilumina. Lector: ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor! … Todos: … El Señor es Dios, y él nos ilumina.

  • Lectura de la carta de San Pablo a Tito (2:11-14 & 3:4-7) Tito, mi verdadero hijo en nuestra fe común: la gracia de Dios, que es fuente de salvación para todos los hombres, se ha manifestado. Ella nos enseña a rechazar la impiedad y las concupiscencias del mundo, para vivir en la vida presente con sobriedad, justicia y piedad, mientras aguardamos la feliz espe-ranza y la Manifestación de la gloria de nuestro gran Dios y Salvador, Cristo Jesús. Él se entregó por nosotros, a fin de librarnos de toda iniquidad, purifi-carnos y crear para sí un Pueblo elegido y lleno en la práctica del bien. Pero cuando se manifestó la bondad de Dios, nuestro Salvador, y su amor a los hombres, no por las obras de justicia que habíamos realizado, sino solamente por su misericordia, él nos salvó, haciéndonos renacer por el bautismo y reno-vándonos por el Espíritu Santo. Y derramó abundantemente ese Espíritu sobre nosotros por medio de Jesucristo, nuestro Salvador, a fin de que, justificados por su gracia, seamos en esperanza herederos de la Vida eterna.

    Aleluya (Tono 1) -¡Aclamen al Señor, hijos de Dios, aclamen al gloria y el poder del Señor!

    -¡La voz del Señor sobre las aguas! El Dios de la gloria hace oír su trueno: el Señor está sobre las aguas torrenciales.

    Lectura del santo Evangelio según Mateo, el evangelista. (3:13-17) En aquel tiempo, Jesús fue desde Galilea hasta el Jordán y se presentó a Juan para ser bautizado por él. Juan se resistía, diciéndole: «Soy yo el que tiene necesidad de ser bautizado por ti, ¡y eres tú el que viene a mi encuen-tro!». Pero Jesús le respondió: «Ahora déjame hacer esto, porque conviene que así cumplamos todo lo que es justo». Y Juan se lo permitió. Apenas fue bautizado, Jesús salió del agua. En ese momento se abrieron los cielos, y vio al Espíritu de Dios descender como una paloma y dirigirse hacia él. Y se oyó una voz del cielo que decía: «Este es mi Hijo muy querido, en quien tengo puesta toda mi predilección».


    Todos los miércoles de la semana se celebra a las 12 del mediodía la Sagrada Co-munión en español seguida por la unción con el santo oleo para la sanación

    del cuerpo y alma. Luego del servicio compartimos un almuerzo comunitario en el salón parroquial.


    Señor, Dios nuestro, tu nos has elegido paras ser tus santos y tus predilectos.

    Revístenos de sentimientos de misericordia, de bondad, de humildad, de dulzura, de paciencia.

    Ayúdanos a comprendernos mutuamente cuando tenemos algún motivo de queja

    contra el otro y a perdonar lo mismo que tú Señor, que nos has perdonado.

    Sobre todo, danos esa caridad, que es vínculo de perfección.

    Que la paz de Cristo brille en nuestros corazones.

    Que todo cuando hagamos en palabras o en obras sea en nombre del Señor Jesús

    por quien sean dadas las gracias a ti Dios Padre y Señor Nuestro


    Para Meditar...

    Nuestro examen de conciencia es el espejo en el que vemos nuestros logros y nuestras dificultades. Por eso debemos afrontarlo con sinceridad y amor. No

    perdamos el tiempo mirando nuestras propias miserias; elevémonos en la luz de Dios y busquemos la manera de hacer las cosas cada vez mejor.

    Madre Teresa de Calcuta


    Oh glorioso Apóstol San Judas Tadeo, siervo fiel y amigo de Jesús, el nombre del traidor ha sido causa de que fueses olvidado de muchos, pero la Iglesia te honra y te invoca como patrón de las causas difíciles y desesperadas. Ruega por mí para que reciba yo los consuelos y el socorro del cielo en todas mis necesidades, tribu-laciones y sufrimientos, particularmente (hágase la petición), y para que pueda yo

    bendecir a Dios en tu compañía y con los demás elegidos por toda la eternidad. Yo te prometo, Apóstol bienaventurado, acordarme siempre de este gran favor;

    jamás dejaré de honrarte como a mi especial y poderoso protector y de hacer todo lo posible para propagar tu devoción. Así sea.


    Glorioso Apóstol, San Judas Tadeo, por amor a Jesús y a María, escucha mi oración y protege a mi familia, y a cuantos con fervor te invocan.

  • Saint Jude Melkite Greek Catholic Church 126 SE 15th Road; Miami, Fl 33129

    Tel: 305-856-1500 Email: [email protected] www.stjudemiami.org


    DIVINE LITURGIES Miércoles 12 del Mediodia Español (con unción con el santo oleo)

    Sundays: 9:00AM English 11:30AM English & Arabic 6:00PM Español

    CHURCH STAFF Parish Deacons: Magdi Negm, Dorotheos Rose

    Secretary/Lay Pastoral Assistant: Andrea Monzani Church Caretaker: Edgard Cordonero Gift Shop: Jeanette Escobar

    Choir Director: Sawsan Shalah Music Director: Carlos Fuerte President St Jude Ladies Guild: Graciela Tahhan Servidoras de San Judas: Maria Antonia Delgado President St. Jude Men’s Guild: Thomas Lutfey

    Sunday School Coordinator: Leila Mekkri Youth Coordinator: Magdi Negm