The Parish of Balham St. Mary and St. John the Divine 8am Said Eucharist (BCP) Officiant: The Revd. Fr. Iain Faulkner 10.30am All Age Eucharist President: The Revd. Mtr. Wilma Roest Deacon: The Revd. Fr. Iain Faulkner Preacher: The Revd. Fr. Iain Faulkner Readers: Aina Benjamin Rose Harley Intercessor: Jamie Morton Setting: NEH 541 OoS: Special 6.30pm Evening Prayer (BCP) ‘Christianity After Church’ Officiant: Susanne Mitchell Psalm(s): 35 Readings: 2 Chronicles 35.1-6, 10-16 Luke 22.1-13 Sunday 13 March 2016 Lent 5 Passion Sunday

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The Parish of Balham St. Mary and St. John the Divine

8am Said Eucharist (BCP)

Officiant: The Revd. Fr. Iain Faulkner

10.30am All Age Eucharist

President: The Revd. Mtr. Wilma Roest

Deacon: The Revd. Fr. Iain Faulkner

Preacher: The Revd. Fr. Iain Faulkner Readers: Aina Benjamin

Rose Harley

Intercessor: Jamie Morton

Setting: NEH 541

OoS: Special

6.30pm Evening Prayer (BCP)

‘Christianity After Church’

Officiant: Susanne Mitchell

Psalm(s): 35

Readings: 2 Chronicles 35.1-6, 10-16

Luke 22.1-13

Sunday 13 March 2016

Lent 5 Passion Sunday

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Collect: Gracious Father,

you gave up your Son

out of love for the world:

lead us to ponder

the mysteries of his passion,

that we may know eternal peace

through the shedding of our Saviour’s blood,

Jesus Christ our Lord.


Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 43.16-21

A reading from the prophet Isaiah.

Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in

the sea, a path in the mighty waters, who

brings out chariot and horse, a rmy and

warrior; they lie down, they cannot rise, they

are extinguished, quenched like a wick: Do

not remember the former things, or con-

sider the things of old. I am about to do a

new thing; now it springs forth, do you not

perceive it? I will make a way in the wilder-

ness and rivers in the desert. The wild ani-

mals will honour me, the jackals and the

ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my cho-

sen people, the people whom I formed for

myself so that they might declare my praise.

This is the word of the Lord.

All Thanks be to God.

New Testament Reading: Philippians 3.4b-14

A reading from Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

If anyone else has reason to be confident in

the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the

eighth day, a member of the people of Israel,

of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of

Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; as to

zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to right-

eousness under the law, blameless.

Yet whatever gains I had, these I have come

to regard as loss because of Christ. More than that, I regard everything as loss because

of the surpassing value of knowing Christ

Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered

the loss of all things, and I regard them as

rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and

Collect and Readings

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be found in him, not having a righteousness

of my own that comes from the law, but one

that comes through faith in Christ, the right-

eousness from God based on faith. I want to

know Christ and the power of his resurrec-

tion and the sharing of his sufferings by be-

coming like him in his death, if somehow I

may attain the resurrection from the dead.

Not that I have already obtained this or have

already reached the goal; but I press on to

make it my own, because Christ Jesus has

made me his own. Beloved, I do not consid-

er that I have made it my own; but this one

thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and

straining forward to what lies ahead, 14I press on towards the goal for the prize of

the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.

This is the word of the Lord.

All Thanks be to God.

Gospel Reading: John 12.1-8

The Lord be with you.

All And also with you.

Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus

Christ according to John.

All Glory to you, O Lord.

Six days before the Passover Jesus came to

Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had

raised from the dead. There they gave a din-

ner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was

one of those at the table with him. Mary

took a pound of costly perfume made of

pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped

them with her hair. The house was filled

with the fragrance of the perfume. But Judas

Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who

was about to betray him), said, Why was this

perfume not sold for three hundred denarii

and the money given to the poor?’ (He said

this not because he cared about the poor,

but because he was a thief; he kept the com-

mon purse and used to steal what was put

into it.) Jesus said, ‘Leave her alone. She

bought it so that she might keep it for the

day of my burial. You always have the poor

with you, but you do not always have me.’

This is the Gospel of the Lord.

All Praise to you, O Christ.

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Church Community News

PALM SUNDAY Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and the service

will start at the Balham Community Space at

the usual time of 10.30 and continue with a procession back to St. Mary’s. If you feel you

are unable to join this procession, then there

will be Blessing of the Palms in church at

10.30am. We will then join together for the

rest of the service.


EASTER At Easter Daphne always creates an amazing

display of lilies, which are bough in memory

of our loved ones. If you would like to re-

member someone, please sign the list on the

board in the Narthex and pay Daphne Clarke

the appropriate amount (£3.50 per lily).


NIGHT The Social Events Group will be hosting a

curry night on Wednesday 16 March from

7pm. As it’s Lent, there will be no alcohol

but we promise lots of food, soft drinks and

a choice of films to watch after dinner

(suggested donation £4.50 to include your

first drink). So if you want to sample some of

Maria’s amazing cooking and enjoy an even-

ing with St Mary’s friends then please add

your name to the sign-up sheet in the Nar-

thex or email Rhea

([email protected]) by Sunday 13 March.


LEAFLETS Can you help deliver leaflets around the par-

ish? Please take a street and prayerfully take

leaflets to each house. Make people know

that St Mary’s Balham welcomes everyone!


Spring mini-fayre and

International Lunch Books, cakes, preserves, jewellery, plants,

tea/coffee and food from around the world.

Donations and volunteers required nearer

the time.

Please speak to Diane or Keith

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ROLL The electoral roll of St Mary’s is an

important record and a legal requirement

under Church Representation Rules. If you

are over sixteen years of age, live in the

parish and/or have been worshipping here

for more than six months you are eligible to

be included in the roll.

If you are thinking of standing for PCC, or if

you would like to be able to vote at the

Annual Church meeting, you need to be on

the Electoral Roll of the church.

The Roll is open between now and 1 April

for names to be added. After 1 April only

corrections can be made.

You will find forms at the back of church

and also a copy of the roll at to make

corrections on. Please contact Alex Russell,

our Electoral Roll Officer if you would like

to know more.

Meeting: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting

(APCM) will take place on Sunday April 17

immediately following the 10.30 service.

At the meeting we will approve annual

accounts and receive various reports.

Elections: We will also elect church wardens and 3

new PCC members: nominations forms will

soon be on the notice board. We will also

approve deputy wardens and stewards.

Reports: This is also a reminder that if you normally

write a report for the APCM booklet, or if

you are responsible for something in church

you think ought to have such a report, then

Mtr. Wilma will be pleased to have them by

5 April at the latest.

Preparing for APCM

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Lent: making a difference

Lent Course - Pilgrims This year we are studying the Command-

ments, one group on Tuesday night and one

on Wednesday afternoon.

In the fourth week we explored the theme

of respect in the Christian life focused in the

honour shown within the family and respect-

ing the sanctity of life.

“Pure love is never mercenary.” Bernard of


Next we will discuss righteousness. For

more info contact Mtr Wilma.

Daily Prayer Weekly prayer sheets will be available from

today for you to use at some point during

the day. Why not take this on as part of

your Lenten discipline? Taking something on

may be as good as giving something up!

Lent lunch for Bishop’s Lent Call Every Wednesday, 1pm, and Saturday in

Lent, 12.1.30pm: soup, bread, cheese, fruit;

suggested donation £5. All money goes to

Bishop of Southwark’s Lent Call.

If you are unable to attend a Lent lunch, you

can always make some Money Jam for the

Bishop’s Lent Call. Recipe on page 10.

About the Bishop’s Lent Call The theme for the 2016 Lent Call is ‘Caring

for the Whole Person’. We have selected

projects from the Holy Land, some of which

will be visited by the pilgrims on the Dioce-

san Pilgrimage which takes place during Lent

2016. We have also included projects from

Zimbabwe and this Diocese which seek to

look at caring for the whole person, includ-

ing education, healthcare and employment.

Alongside our giving is also a call to prayer

for these projects and the needs they ad-

dress. More information about the projects

on the pillars in the Narthex.

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Reconciliation & spiritual care During the season of Lent you may want to

take time to reflect on your life, on a partic-

ular situation or just take the opportunity to

talk about matters of faith. Please contact

one of the clergy to make an appointment.

‘Christianity after Church’ Members of our own congregation talk

about what it means to be a Christian and

what they do after leaving church services

to continue being a follower of Jesus.

Come and be surprised: Sundays at 6.30pm.

Rehearsals For Holy Week &

Easter On Saturday March 19 at 10.30 there is a

rehearsal for all those involved in the Palm

Sunday reading of the Passion.

There is also a choir rehearsal on the same

day from 10am-12pm. If you would like to

sing, just come to music room on the day or

speak to Lizzie.

Holy Week Services Palm Sunday 20 March

10.30am Procession of Palms

from Balham Community Space,

Sainsbury’s car park

Mon 21 March

8pm Stations of the Cross

Tues 22 March

8pm Eucharist with anointing

and prayers for healing Wed 23 March

12.30pm Lunchtime eucharist

7pm Lent Course 6 (Wilma)

8pm Service with meditation

Maundy Thursday 24 March

8pm Eucharist with footwashing

followed by Vigil till midnight

Good Friday 25 March

10am Children’s service

10.30am Walk of Witness, starting at

Balham Salvation Army

12noon Church open for Quiet prayer

2pm Liturgy of the Passion

Easter Eve 26 March

8pm Easter Vigil

Liturgy of Light

Easter Day 27 March

8am Eucharist

10.30am Easter Eucharist

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GARDEN CENTRES If you enjoyed the Lent course, or are

currently enjoying it and wishing it could

continue, or were unable to attend, then

you might want to consider coming to

Around the Table, the St. Mary’s faith

discussion group, which returns after a

break on Wednesday April 20 (7.30pm in

the Narthex). It continues where it left off

looking the letters of Paul. Love him, or

hate him he always provokes discussion. But

maybe this will make you think again about what you think you think.

The opening session will be looking at his

letter to the Romans (vv 14.1-6) and asking,

’How tolerant should be as Christians towards

other Christians to people whose faith is either

non-existent or different to our own? And since

when was going to church ever a measure of

one’s faith anyway?’

Around the Table aims to be a place where

we can learn about our faith through

discussion, sharing and listening and where

all questions and opinions are equally

valued. You definitely don’t need to know

any theology to attend, just a desire to

share what is important to about your faith

and to listen to others sharing what is

important to them.

If you have any questions, please speak to

Chris or visit the ‘Around The Table’ page

on the St Mary’s website.


LIFE This series of adult spiritual learning at St.

Paul’s Cathedral continues on Tuesday April

12 at 6.30pm with the subject ’Money And

The Kingdom Of God’ led by Eve Poole and

Angus Ritchie. The event is free but you do

need to register. Details of how to do so

are on the notice board.

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Local Community News

BOX ON THE HIGH ROAD Between now and Easter we will be collect-

ing for the Bishop's Lent Call, supporting

projects in Southwark, The Holy Land and Zimbabwe.

You can all help too by making MONEY JAM

for the Bishop’s Lent Call

Please see recipe below. Keith Holmes


Take home a jam jar.

Jam it full of money.

Return it at Easter.

CHILDREN'S SOCIETY Thank you to all box holders. You raised a

record £480.85


SUPPORTING TSM You can support out church school by col-

lecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers.

TSM will use them to acquire sports equip-

ment, such as new tennis equipment, foot-

balls and lots more. There’s a basket for

your vouchers at the back of church.

TSM will come to church for their end of

term service on Wednesday 23 March, 2pm.

Together we will remember what happened

in that holiest of weeks. Easter we will cele-

brate after the holidays! Church members

are very welcome to attend this service.

MORE SCHOOL NEWS We will welcome Hornsby House school

again on Thursday 17 March, 2pm, for their

Easter Service.

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Launch event on 26 March

This is to let you know about a new

organisation ‘Wandsworth Welcomes

Refugees’, a group of local people,

organisations and faith groups who want to

take action to welcome refugees and asylum

seekers to Wandsworth.

The ‘Wandsworth Welcomes Refugees’

Launch Celebration will be on Saturday March

26th from 4.30 - 5.30 at Battersea Arts

Centre, Lavender Hill It will include:

A big celebratory photo outside to visibly

show a big group of people that welcome

refugees, to be featured in local media

Short talks and stories of people

supporting refugees in different ways, and of

refugees living in Wandsworth, and some

short entertainment from local young people

A skill share opportunity for organisations

to have a stall and share what they do and

what support they would like, and for people

who’d like to volunteer to help to see where

they could be useful (a fundraiser, opportunity

to give time or goods needed).

About WWR

WWR will put organisations and individuals in

touch with each other, put views to the

Council and our local MPs. It includes the

organisations already active in Wandsworth

supporting refugees (CARAS, South London

Refugee Association, the Katherine Low

Settlement). It will help us get ready to

welcome refugees from Syria together. It will

seek to counteract negative views about

refugees with stories about real lives of

refugees and asylum seekers here and what

the local community is already doing to be


What you can do

Spread the word in your church and local community

See if organisations you are involved with

would be interested in taking part in the skill


Email your local Councillor to tell that you

are going and invite them to come too. This

sends a powerful message.

Add your name and email address to the

supporters list by emailing:

[email protected]

This list won’t be shared with anyone else.

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For the church: That the meaning of Holy Week and

Easter does not become lost amongst the

busyness of preparation

For the world: For those who have been the victims of

scams and for those who see the need to

perpetrate these crimes.


A complete list of prayer requests can be found

on the printed version of this pewsheet.

Our Prayers This Week

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Sun 13 March Lent 5/Passion Sunday

8am Said Eucharist (BCP)

10.30am All Age Eucharist

6.30pm Evening Prayer (BCP)

‘Christianity After Church’

Tue 15 March

7.30pm Lent Course 5 (Vicarage)

Wed 16 March

9.30am Mary’s Little Lambs

12.30pm Said Eucharist

1.30pm Lent Course 6

Thurs 17 March

2pm Hornsby House School Easter Service

Sun 20 March Palm Sunday

8am Said Eucharist (BCP)

10.30am Sung Eucharist

Starting in Balham Community Space with

Blessing of Palms, followed by Eucharist and

reading of the Passion

6.30pm Evening Prayer (BCP)

‘Christianity After Church’

Holy Week Services are on listed on page 7.

Contact details:

Parish Priest:

The Revd Mtr Wilma Roest SCP

T: 0208 673 1188 E: [email protected]

Twitter: @Balhamvicar

Honorary Curate:

The Revd Fr Iain Faulkner

T: 07432 678139 E: [email protected]

Assistant Priests:

The Revd. Eileen Serbutt T: 0208 767 8383

The Revd. Canon Bill Norman


Susanne Mitchell T: 0208 675 5057


Daphne Clarke


Martin Gray M: 07789 981 484

E: [email protected]

Keith Holmes T: 0208 677 8947

Director of Music:

Lizzie Hayward E: [email protected]


Pat Nevard

T: 0208 675 3278

E: [email protected]

Office Hours: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 10-12



All songs covered by Christian Copyright Licensing reproduced under No. 156221

Registered Charity Number 1139488

The Week Ahead