1 SUMMER TIMES By: Rafaella Giraldo

Summer Times

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Page 1: Summer Times




By: Rafaella Giraldo

Page 2: Summer Times




Danger in Dessert……………………………………………....pg.5

The Crisis in Egypt………………………………………….….pg.7

Neon Pink Slugs……...............................................................…pg.9

Cotton Candy Grapes………………………………………….pg.11

Works Cited…………………………………………………….pg.14

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"Sunday June 23rds Supermoon The

Biggest Since 1993"

The huge moon that looks larger than normal is called the

Supermoon by the scientists. The moon is closer to the earth

which means that it appears bigger and brighter. Scientists

thanks to the proximity to the earth or perigee as they call it,

the moon will appear 12% bigger and 30% brighter. The last

time a moon was this big was in 1993. Also full moons vary in

size because of the oval shape of the moons orbit and the

difference is in millions of miles.


Elliptical: Any shape that is uneven, when the distance from

any two points to the center are added together.

Perigee: The point in its orbit where a satellite is closer to


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4: One day I was in my grandparents house with all my family

and all of a sudden outside of the window there was this huge

and bright moon in front of us, it was gorgeous so we start

taking photos to the moon and it was very similar to the


2: Some people think that the effects of the supermoon could

be earthquakes and tidal waves because the distance between

the earth and moon is the smallest, thats why the

gravitacional field its very high. That generates different

effects like high tide.

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"Danger in Dessert?"

A new study in Utah reveals the toxic effect on sugar. The

average of an american kid of sugar today is 20 teaspoons of

sugar per day and

adults eat 50% more

sugar than they did in

the 70's. A team of

researchers used mice

to conduct a study of

negative effects of

sugar and it does have

some negative effects

and some of them

could be toxic. Different types of sugar have different effects

on the human body. For example some symptons could be

obesity, high blood pressure, fever,etc. Sugar isnt only in

sweets an candies theres also in household items like pasta

and crackers. Its important to know how much sugar you

should have daily or else it could cause some problems.


Underlying: Lying under or beneath.

Consumption: The act or process of consume, waste,


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1: The most interesting thing that I read from this article is

that the researchers from the Utah university used a mice to

see the dangers in sugar. Sugar does cause problems in your

body like obesity but the mice didnt show any big problems.

They do the test because each day kids and adults eat more


5: A new insight that I gain through this article is that each

time the food is with more perfections. Now for people is

harder to dygest in a healthy way the food. For example

sugar, that each time people eat it more than usual. The

negative effects that generate high glucose makes me reflect

the important that is natural food and to dygest it. When

Reading this article I've decided to eat more natural food.

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"The Crisis in Egypt"

"Egyptians brace for more bloodshed after deadly clashes

between protesters and military forces." Protests have been

growing in Egypt since the country president Mohamed Morsi

was removed from power in July, he was the first to be truly

democratically elected and the ones that supported Morsi

think that he was removed because of his religion. The police

and the military were ordered to use deadly force because of

the deadly force more than 600 people were killed during

protests. Supporters of Morsi asked to take Morsi back in

power. The use of violence against civilians surprised some

goverment leaders around the world. The president Barack

Obama criticized the Egyptian goverment and he announced

that the United States would temporarily stop supporting the

Egyptian military.


Brace: a support that stregthens something else.

Civilians: citizens that are not in the military.

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2: The thing that caused this event is that the country

president of Egypt Mohamed Morsi was removed by power

and huge protests are invading Egypt. The effects of the

protests are that the military and the police join together and

they started using deadly force so many people has been


4: I connect this event to september 30 of 2010 because that

day the police of Ecuador was protesting against the

president. The police was mad because a law goverment was

going to take away a salary bonus to them so there was a big

fight between the president and the police.

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“Australian Park Rangers Discover

Neon Pink Slugs"

Recently in New South Wales, Australia they discovered a

pink slug. This slugs are quite large they measure eight inches

long or about twice the size of the modern day counterparts.

Scientists believe that these slugs are ancient creatures. They

got extincted because the habitat changed but when the

continent became dryer, the slugs survived thanks to the

volcano eruptions at Mount Kaputar which is a remnant of an

extinct crater. This slugs are very unique and important to

the ecosystem.


Counterparts: a person or thing that has the same function or

characteristics as another.

Remnant: a small part that remains after the main part no

longer exists.

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4: I connect this event with a similar situation in the Yasuni

reserve where indian tribus live. They conserve in their

natural habitat making them selves a jewerly to humanity. In

this natural habitats that indians live researchers can make

studies like the neon pink slugs.

1: The most interesting thing that I learned from this article is

that this ancient pink slugs got extincted and they survived

because of the volcano eruptions and after all this years they

recently discovered them in Australia.

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"Love Cotton candy? Then You (And

Your Parents) Are Going To Love

These Grapes"

When the kids mention cotton candy most parents disapprove

the idea because it isnt any healthy. David Cain and his team

started experimenting some grape varieties in 2003 and they

wanted to create new fruit without using genetic engineering.

The seedless groes cannot reproduce on their own so each

plant had to first be grown in a test tube. It took 100,000 test

tubes to grow plants over eight years before one fruit tasted

like cotton candy. The grapes are completely natural and

sugar is 12% higher than normal grapes. It cost $6-$10 a

pound, the next thing David Cain is going to do is straberry,

pineapple and mango flavored grapes.

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Viability: Capable of normal growth and development.

Vinery: A farm where grapes are produced.


4: I connect this event when my uncle brought me chocolates

but the chocolates were unique because they had very weird

and interesting chocolate flavors. For example some of them

had jalapeños, rock salt and tea flavor. Know people demand

to have knew products with knew flavors, thats why in the

market we see interesting products like the cotton candy


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2: This event was caused because a genetic change that

introduced a new flavor in the grapes. It generate a knew

product for people.

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Works Cited

Dolasia, Kavi. "Love Cotton candy? Then You (And Your Parents) Are Going To Love These

Grapes." Dogonews. Meera Dolasia, 19 Aug 2013. Web. 09 July 2013.

Dolasia, Meera. "Australian Park Rangers Disvover Neon Pink Slugs." Dogonews. Meera

Dolasia, 12 june 2013. Web. 06 July 2013.

Dolasia, Meera. "Sunday June 23rds Supermoon The Biggest Since 1993". Dogonews. Meera

Dolasia, 23 June 2013.Web. 02 July 2013.

Jones, Zach. "Crisis in Egypt." Scholastic News. 16 Aug 13. Web. 05 July 13.

Keady, Cameron. "Danger in Dessert?" Time for Kids. 14 Aug 2013. Web. 03 July 2013.

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