16 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SESSION 2019/20 Summary: Key School Improvement Priorities Improvement Priority Title What exactly are we going to do? Pedagogy and Curricular Pathways Share HWB planning document Monitor KATs and planning folders Moderation of KATS Revisit and update Curriculum Rationale Principals of active learning/ co- operative learning Introduction to L3 –Gaelic Wraparound Spelling Training Writing Pedagogy Reading Pedagogy Numeracy Pedagogy Peer Visits Pupil Council Learning Visits Visits to other schools to observe good practice Moderation of KLOs and Learning Journeys Floorbook Training ELC Planning Training ELC Planning monitoring ELC Reading Comprehension Completion of diagnostic reading assessment to identify gaps in comprehension ( sample from middle, above middleP2 up) Analysis and discussion of comprehension data with SLT Completion of comprehension questionnaire by all teaching staff- data to be used as a benchmark and to inform comprehension training Pupils to self -evaluate their use of

Summary:  · Web view2020. 5. 14. · Deliver CAT session 7 – Reciprocal Teaching and Graphic Organisers ( + associated activities) ... Develop a knowledge of Scottish culture

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Page 1: Summary:  · Web view2020. 5. 14. · Deliver CAT session 7 – Reciprocal Teaching and Graphic Organisers ( + associated activities) ... Develop a knowledge of Scottish culture


Summary: Key School Improvement Priorities

Improvement Priority Title What exactly are we going to do?Pedagogy and Curricular Pathways Share HWB planning document

Monitor KATs and planning foldersModeration of KATSRevisit and update Curriculum RationalePrincipals of active learning/ co-operative learningIntroduction to L3 –GaelicWraparound Spelling TrainingWriting PedagogyReading PedagogyNumeracy PedagogyPeer VisitsPupil Council Learning VisitsVisits to other schools to observe good practiceModeration of KLOs and Learning Journeys

Floorbook Training ELCPlanning Training ELCPlanning monitoring ELC

Reading ComprehensionCompletion of diagnostic reading assessment to identify gaps in comprehension ( sample from middle, above middleP2 up)Analysis and discussion of comprehension data with SLTCompletion of comprehension questionnaire by all teaching staff- data to be used as a benchmark and to inform comprehension trainingPupils to self -evaluate their use of comprehension strategies questionnaire ( same sample group)Deliver CAT session 1- Making Connections( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)Deliver CAT session 2 – Predicting and Inference ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)Deliver CAT session 3- Questioning ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)Deliver CAT session 4- Monitoring ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedbackDeliver CAT session 5 – Visualising ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)


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Deliver CAT session 6- Summarising ( retelling and main idea) ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedbackParent Workshop – oral comprehension strategiesDeliver CAT session 7 – Reciprocal Teaching and Graphic Organisers ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback )Reassessment using diagnostic reading assessments ( sample from each class, same pupils)


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In-depth action plan #1


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Pedagogy and Curriculum PathwaysLinked to QIs/Themes 1.2Leadership of learning 2.2Curriculum

2.3Learning, teaching and assessment

Linked to National Improvement Framework Priority Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy ☒ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children ☒ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing ☐ Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations

for all young people ☐Linked to National Improvement DriversSchool Leadership ☒ Teacher Professionalism ☒ Parental Engagement ☐ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☐ School Improvement Performance Information What difference will it make for learners?More consistency in planning learning and ensuring breadth and depth in learning

More consistency in quality of learning experiences

Increased opportunities for active learning and cooperative learning

More opportunities for personalisation and choice

Clear curricular pathways and assurance of all curricular areas being planned, taught and assessed

Success criteriaClassroom observations will show high quality learning and teaching and professional dialogue will focus on improved outcomes for learners

Classroom observations will demonstrate active and cooperative learning

Planning will be clear, differentiated and assessed in KAT

Sampling of pupil work will show high quality learning and teaching and will demonstrate progression

Clear progression pathways in all aspects of HWB, literacy, numeracy, and modern languages


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What exactly are we going to do?Share HWB planning document and begin to use it

Monitor KATs and planning folders

Review and audit planning as required

Moderation of KATS

Revisit and update Curriculum Rationale

Principals of active learning/ co-operative learning

Introduction to L3 –Gealic

Wraparound Spelling Training

Writing Pedagogy and planning

Reading Pedagogy and planning

Numeracy Pedagogy and planning

Other curriculum areas/ IDLplanning

Peer Visits writing, reading and numeracy

Pupil Council Learning Visits( HGIOS 4)

Visits to other schools to observe good practice

Moderation of KLOs and Learning JourneysFloorbook TrainingPlanning TrainingPlanning monitoring

Who will lead this?

DHT June 19

HT/DHT June 19

HT June 19CTs Termly/ SMT termly

HT/DHT &All teaching staff Termly 4 CATs

Sept inset HT

Sept inset 1+2 development officer

Literacy Development officer /PT Sept CAT

CAT Term1

CAT Term 1

CAT term 2

CTs Term 2 and Term 3

HT DHT and CTs Term 3

CTs term 2 and 3

PT to organise Term 3 and 4

HT to Liaise with ASG and Family Team Term 3 and 4EYP <-> EYP ongoingEYPs<-> DHT/EYESO Term 2Term 3 Term4EYESO + DHT -> EYPs Term 1EYESO + DHT -> EYPs Term 2DHT and EYESO Term 3 and Term 4

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications All collegiate activities are accounted for in our WTA and collegiate calendar. All activities will be supportive and teachers given opportunities to be reflective on their own practice. Staff encouraged to do some research based evidence around active learning.

Creativity opportunities:open-mindedness ☒ problem-solving ☒ curiosity ☒ and imagination ☒

Expected resource needsLiteracy development officer and 1+2 development officer


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In-depth action plan #2


Page 7: Summary:  · Web view2020. 5. 14. · Deliver CAT session 7 – Reciprocal Teaching and Graphic Organisers ( + associated activities) ... Develop a knowledge of Scottish culture

Improvement Priority Title Raising Attainment in Literacy, Language and Communication: A structured approach to teaching reading comprehensionLinked to QIs/Themes

QI 1.3 Leadership of change QI 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment QI 2.5 Family learning QI 2.7 Partnerships QI3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

Linked to National Improvement Framework Priority

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy ☒ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged

children ☒ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing ☐ Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school

leaver destinations for all young people ☒

Linked to National Improvement DriversSchool Leadership ☒ Teacher Professionalism ☒ Parental Engagement ☒ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☒ School Improvement Performance Information What difference will it make for learners?Pupils as learners will:

Monitor their reading for understanding Link content with their prior knowledge Use a variety of effective reading strategies before, during and after

reading Set a purpose for reading and adjust their rate and strategy use

depending on the text an contentStaff as learners will:

Develop and activate their background knowledge of the 7 main comprehension strategies

Model each of the comprehension strategies Provide opportunities to use the strategies


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Success criteriaPupils as learners will:

Interpret text and justify interpretation Make connections to support predictions about a text Understand the connection between cause and effect Identify the main idea of a text and match supporting details Identify the key points or main ideas in a text and recall facts and

retails Self- monitor their reading and employ fix up strategies Improve reading comprehension while working cooperatively

Staff as learners will:

Demonstrate an in depth understanding of each comprehension strategy

Be confident in teaching the different comprehension strategies Understand the 6 stages of strategy instruction Understand how comprehension fits into the authorities approach to

teaching reading


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What exactly are we going to do?

Completion of diagnostic reading assessment to identify gaps in comprehension ( sample from middle, above middleP2 up)

Analysis and discussion of comprehension data with SLT

Completion of comprehension questionnaire by all teaching staff- data to be used as a benchmark and to inform comprehension training

Pupils to self -evaluate their use of comprehension strategies questionnaire ( same sample group)

Deliver CAT session 1- Making Connections( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)

Deliver CAT session 2 – Predicting and Inference ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)

Deliver CAT session 3- Questioning ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)

Deliver CAT session 4- Monitoring ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback

Deliver CAT session 5 – Visualising ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback)

Deliver CAT session 6- Summarising ( retelling and main idea) ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback

Parent Workshop – oral comprehension strategies

Deliver CAT session 7 – Reciprocal Teaching and Graphic Organisers ( + associated activities) CTs to try strategy within class and feedback )

Reassessment using diagnostic reading assessments

( sample from each class, same pupils)

Who will lead this?

Term 1 2019 PT

Term 1 2019 SLT

Term1 2019 CTs

Term 1 2019

Term 1 2019 2x CATs PT

Term 2 2019 2 x CATs PT

Term 2 2019 2x CATs PT

Term 3 2020 Feb Inset PT

Term 4 2020 2x CATs PT

Term 1 2021 2x CATs PT

Term 2 2021

Term 2 2021

Term 3 2021

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications

Training and resources provided for staff Time allocated within the WTA


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Creativity opportunities:open-mindedness ☒ problem-solving ☐ curiosity ☒ and imagination ☒Expected resource needs

Highland Council- Comprehension – support resource


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In-depth action plan #3


Page 12: Summary:  · Web view2020. 5. 14. · Deliver CAT session 7 – Reciprocal Teaching and Graphic Organisers ( + associated activities) ... Develop a knowledge of Scottish culture

Improvement Priority Title 1 + 2 Languages – Gaelic and FrenchLinked to QIs/Themes

QI 1.2 Leadership of Learning QI 2.2 Curriculum QI 3.2 Raising Attainment and Achievement

Linked to National Improvement Framework Priority

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy ☒ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged

children ☐ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing ☐ Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school

leaver destinations for all young people ☒

Linked to National Improvement DriversSchool Leadership ☒ Teacher Professionalism ☒ Parental Engagement ☒ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☒ School Improvement Performance Information What difference will it make for learners?

Societal benefits of language learning Economic benefits of language learning including employability skills Building skills and competence in language learning which boosts

literacy skills in the mother tongue Develop a knowledge of Scottish culture

Success criteria Progressive and coherent CfE curriculum for Primary Language

Learning Learners will experience challenge and quality learning experiences in

PLL Staff reporting that they feel confident in the teaching of PLL Language Ambassadors to support staff with 1+2 language learning

within ASGs Increase uptake and raise attainment in modern languages in Broad

General Education and Senior Phase


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What exactly are we going to do? CAT and Twilight sessions led by Gaelic

development officer throughout the session Develop staff knowledge of apps and resources Link with secondary Gaelic teacher to create

progression framework Offer staff support across ASG schools Identify opportunities to link with members of

the community and attend local events celebrating Gaelic

Promote opportunities for staff to attend twilight sessions led by French language ambassador

Create a positive ethos for language learning through displays

Who will lead this?Ruaridh MacKay


Gaelic Teacher Charleston Academy and Primary HTs

HTs to coordinate

HTs and CTs as appropriate

HTs and Donna Grant


Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications

Training and resources provided for staff Frameworks available for staff to plan and assess modern languages Time allocated within the WTA

Creativity opportunities:open-mindedness ☒ problem-solving ☐ curiosity ☒ and imagination ☐

Cross curricular learning, parental and community engagement.


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Expected resource needs

Gaelic posters and games

Improvement Priority Title Digital Literacy - Chromebooks

Linked to QIs/Themes1.3 Leadership of Change, 2.2 Curriculum, 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment, 3.3 Creativity and Employability

Linked to National Improvement Framework Priority

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy ☒ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children ☒ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing ☐ Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people ☒

Linked to National Improvement DriversSchool Leadership ☐ Teacher Professionalism ☒ Parental Engagement ☒ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☐ School Improvement Performance Information What difference will it make for learners?Staff, pupils and parents will understand the importance and relevance of using digital technology in teaching and learning.

Success criteriaMost staff will:

Feel that there is appropriate provision for Digital Technology Use digital technology in lessons (where appropriate) Feel confident in knowing how and where to find digital resources to enhance learning and teaching Understand how digital technology, if used appropriately, can enhance learning and teaching

Most pupils will:

Use digital technology responsibly to enhance their learning Feel confident in using digital technology responsibly

Most parents will:

Understand the importance of digital technology in their child’s learning Feel supported if any issues should arise


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What exactly are we going to do? Use G-suite to support digital literacy in the

classroom - all stages Typing skills (BBC Dancemat, Doorways Online,

Typing Club), using spell check, voice typing, Draftback- to help dyslexic pupils see edits and

changes they are making Changing the colours of documents Look and share apps for reading windows, whole

web page colour filters

Google Classroom - upper stages Accessibility of tasks - allow for easier sharing of

resources help support differentiation, fight stigma of

differing resources

E- Safety - all stages Embed the new Health & Wellbeing Internet

safety programme that was developed within the ASG- monitored by staff & pupil digital leaders

Maintenance of Devices Work as ASG to report device issues through

Charleston Academy and streamline the system

Secondary and Primary Digital Leaders working together to share skills and good practise

Calender to be made where pupils can have opportunities to drive changes etc.

Primary staff will attend CAT sessions throughout the year to improve skills & digital understanding

Pupil digital leaders can lead some of these sessions

By the end of the year update and review each schools 360 digital audit

working towards Digital Schools Award

APPs - all stages enhance numeracy & literacy build infants digital skills/ confidence Spheros - moving away from kindles and getting

chromebooks to support

Who will lead this?

Nominated Digital Leader for each school will lead action plan within their own school

Charleston Academy - Sali Massey and Janis MacDonald

Kinmylies Primary School - Amber Simpson

Kirkhill Primary School - Nicola Morgan

Muirtown Primary - Rachel Whyte and Beth Fuller

Tomnacross, Teanassie and Dochgarroch - Roxanne Main

Beauly Primary School - Rebecca MacIver

Digital Leaders will share progress and resources with each other


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Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications

Time is allocated through working time agreement All staff have attended initial training session Staff will be supported by digital leaders within individual schools.

Creativity opportunities:open-mindedness ☒ problem-solving ☒ curiosity ☒ and imagination ☒

Adapting classroom teaching techniques to use more digital learning Confidence to try something new Moving away from using chromebooks as a reward or general search engine

Expected resource needs Possibly some costs of apps


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Pupil Equity Fund Proposal/In-depth action plan PLAN TITLE Raising Attainment in Literacy and Numeracy & Supporting Pupil HWB

Linked to QIs/Themes 1.1 SE for SI 1.2 Leadership of change 1.5 Management of resources to promote equity 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment, 2.4 Personalised support, 2.5 Family learning

3.1 Improving wellbeing , equality and inclusion, 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

Summary of key approaches Attainment ☒ Attendance ☐ Inclusion/exclusion ☒ Participation ☒ Engagement ☒

Summary of Key Areas Literacy ☒ Numeracy ☒ Health and wellbeing ☒

Linked to National Improvement DriversSchool Leadership ☒ Teacher Professionalism ☐ Parental Engagement ☒ Assessment of Children’s Progress ☒ School Improvement Performance Information What difference will it make for learners? (what impact do we expect to see? List specific expected outcomes)

Success criteria (how will we know if the change has been an improvement?)

What exactly are we going to do? (detail of specific actions undertaken to achieve desired impact)

Who will lead this? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)

Additional Hrs (School/Ext) – linked to existing posts – WFP to arrange a temp amendment to contract

Intervention(s) 17.5 additional PSA hours ( continuation from

last year’s plan) to do targeted literacy and numeracy support for PEF pupils.

Plan £ 12,575


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Additional posts (School/Ext) – Submit ATR as soon as your EQIM has given support

Intervention(s) 4 days CT to support literacy and numeracy

attainment for PEF pupils and additional pupils as required.Also to support HWB of P FF pupils and additional pupils as required with out-door learning

Plan £ 45,786

Partner ServicesMust be on the 3rd Sector Register – potential for them to be added check with Clearing Group


Plan £

Highland Council Support


Plan £

Resources/Equipment/MaterialsUse Integra only and be aware of procurement procedures and financial regulations

Intervention(s) Remaining money for resources/ equipment

as required to raise attainment in literacy and numeracy

Plan £ 2137

Totals (annual) PEF ALLOCATION:£60, 480 £60, 480

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications PRD and ERD for staff. Time located for all activities within WTA

Creativity opportunities: Outdoor Learning eg Forest Schools, Outsider Decider and Nurture gardening groupopen-mindedness ☒ problem-solving ☒ curiosity ☒ and imagination ☒


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Monitoring and evaluation procedures for the School Improvement PlanHow will we know if our success criteria have been met and what evidence will we have to inform our next annual School Improvement Plan Report? How will the evidence be gathered?


Who will lead this monitoring and evaluation? (detail of responsibilities and timescales)a)b)c)

Briefly note planned procedures for assessing the success of your In-depth action plans. Comments here may refer to individual plans or may cover more than one plan in one set of comments (this is especially likely in smaller schools). If you prefer, you could copy and paste this box after each In-depth action plan.


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