Suicide Terrorism in Israel

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  • 8/7/2019 Suicide Terrorism in Israel


    University of Haifa/

    Suicide Terrorism in IsraelAuthor(s): Nurit KliotSource: Horizons in Geography / , No. 61-60 (2004 ), pp. 345-354Published by: University of Haifa/Stable URL:

    Accessed: 09/12/2010 03:53

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  • 8/7/2019 Suicide Terrorism in Israel


    .J.O Maos .M Inbar and .D.F Shmueli (eds.) :2004 Contemporarysraeli Geography(Special Issue of Horizons n ,Geographyvol ,60-61) 345-354

    Suicide Terrorism n IsraelNurit Kliot

    Department f Geography and Environmental Studies University of Haifa:[email protected]

    IntroductionTerrorismasprevailed nthe sraeli-Jewish-Palestinianontinuingonflictince he eginningofJewish ettlementn Eretz-Israel-Palestineuring he ast85 years thas appearedn variousforms nd at differentevels of intensityn thispaper nlyone form f his errorism ill be:explored uicide errorismuring he irstIntifadaArabic forUprising)between 994 and,1997 and the econd ntifada September 000-August 2003) as well as therelative lowintensityerror eriod n between (1998-2000)The dry tatistics hich tell the tory f errorismn srael/Palestinere appalling n the15years efore he igning f heOslo Agreement1993) 254 Israeliswerekilled nterrorattacksin the evenyears fterhe igning ftheOslo Accords Agreement 00 Israeliswerekilledin such attacks Moreover between eptember 000 - June 2003 817 Israelis and 2,341Palestinian erekilled n ome 8,125 errorattacksuerrillafightingndmutualassassinationsThese numbers oint harply o thenature f sraeli-Palestinianwarfare hich can no morebe referredo as a low-intensityconflictThis paperwill focus n suicide errorismn Israelwhich s only ne omponentnthe omplexIsraeli Palestinian conflict his gruesome acet fterrorism as selected or tudy ecauseof its effectivenessnd impact n Israeli societyThe studywill attempt o highlight omeaspects f uicideterrorism hich are ess investigatedhe patio-temporalspects f uicide:terrorismts fluctuationlong the ime xis and tsdistributionn space The first art f hepaperwillpresenthe onceptual rameworkor errorismresearchn the econd part alestinianterrorism ill be analyzedwithin his onceptual frameworkhe third artwill present nanalysis fdata and the conclusionsConceptual-Theoretical rameworkThe three ollowingdefinitions f terrorismeflect ell themain purpose f terrorismoterrorize on-combatantargetsn order o achievepolitical goals

    The unlawful se offeree r violence against ersons rpropertyo ntimidater coercea ,governmenthe ivilian population r any segment hereofn furtherancefpoliticaland social objectives (F.B.I quoted n Whittaker2003 .3)( (U.S State epartmentuoted n Whittaker2003 .3Terrorisms the premeditatedolitically motivatedviolence perpetuatedgainst noncombatantargetsy subnational roups r clandestineagents sually ntendedo nfluencean audience

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    ( Hoffman1998Terrorisms violence r the hreatfviolenceused nddirectednpursuitof r n serviceof political aimThe purpose fterrorisms to terrorize y killing ordinarypeople When nnocent itizensbecome victimsof violence the ncident s regrettablenly n theeyes ofthegovernments;concerned o the erroristt s part fhis tradeHis object s to shake hefaith f he man-inthe-streetn theGovernmentnd its ocal representativesespeciallythepolice - so that nthe nd a desperate opulationwill seek security otfrom he uthoritiesutfrom he erroristandhispolitical allies Burton 1975 6)There are two key components f terroristactivity the definition f grievances nd theidentificationf n audienceGrievances hat ostererrorism ayresult rom eingexcludedfrom articularolitical arenas uch s participationn governmenterroristsimultaneouslyaddress wo differentaudiencesOne is thegeneralpublic that he errorist ishes to ,reachthe thers a more elective audience he otential ecruitsFlint 2003 .55) This is the easonthat erroristsre so anxious o assume ublicity or heiractivities asically theperpetrationofviolence s assured fwide and efficientpress t.v ndradio coverage oweverminute heorganization nd marginal he upport mong he populationIt s importanto stress hat errorisms successfuln nducing ear ecause t exposes iviliansto attacks hichhave a random uality o that veryone eels ess safeTerroristseek o exploitthe verydayhingshat eople do the laces heyvisit outinizedaily iving ndthe unctioningof institutionshe seeming andomnessf erroristttacksncreases ublic nxiety oncerningterrorism(Cutter ichardsonWilb^nks :2003 .2)Suicide TerrorismSuicide terrorisms a sub-categoryf errorism hich appeared n the1980s and 1990s of he20th enturyn diverse ocations uch as Sri ,Lanka ,Turkey ebanon and Israel Its mostprominenteatures thereadiness f erroristso sacrifice heir ives for hecause and theirbelief n martyrdomhis featureurnsuicide errorismnto n irrational henomenonmongmany bserversCrenshaw 2001)A suicide operations a terrorttack n which the uccess ofthe ttack epends n thedeathof he perpetratorhe twomassive xplosions n Beirut 1983) and subsequentuicide ttacksagainst sraeli and U.S targetsn Lebanon and Kuwait werethefirstn a long line of uch,attacks hichhavebecome requentccurrencesn theMiddle East (Lebanon Israel KuwaitSaudi Arabia) and n Sri Lanka (Sprinzak 2000)Suicide terrorismas inherentactical dvantages ver conventionalterrorismt s a simpleand ow cost operationt guarantees ass casualties nd extensive amage ince the uicidebomber an choose the exact time ocation and circumstances f the attack nd it has animmense mpact n thepublic and themedia due to an overwhelming enseofhelplessness(Sprinzak 2000) Recruitersof potential uicidebombers)will often xploit eligious eliefswhen ndoctrinatingould-be bombers ut ther owerfulmotives einforceendenciesoward

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    ,martyrdom ncluding ,patriotismhatredof the enemy and a profound sense of victimizationSince suicide terrorism s an organizational ,phenomenon the struggle against it cannot beconducted on the ndividual .level Suicide terrorisms merelyone typeofmartyrdom eneratedby certain cultures or religious .traditionsBut Karmon (2000) remindsus ,that fundamentally uicide terrorism s a strategywith strongpolitical .motivations t succeeded in halting the political negotiationsbetween the Tamils andthe Sinhalese in Sri Lanka after he assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in the aterpart of the 1990sand it stopped the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in the mid-1990s ,Altogether some 15terror rganizations in 12 different tates turned to suicide terrorism gainst their enemiesSchweitzer (2001) counted about 275 suicide attacks world-wide by 2000 The number odayis near 300 suicide ,attacks with the most horrific one of 11.9.01 overshadowing all the restThe newer forms of suicide terrorism im at massive physical destruction nd the creationof a traumatic tate of fear and anxiety on the whole population (Schweitzer .2001)Suicide terrorism ppeared for he first ime in April 1983 in Lebanon when the Shiite terrororganization of Hizbullah launched their first ttacks on Israeli and western targetsTheseattackswere successful and effective n pushing out of Lebanon all foreign armies (except theSyrian .army) Other Muslim groups such as the Kurds or the Tamils in Sri Lanka followedthe Hizbullah in adopting suicide terrorism s both strategy nd tactics to win their warHizbullah was also the source of nspiration for the Hamas and Islamic Jihad n their uicideattacks against sraeli targets almost all civilian .targetsPalestinian Terrorism in :Context Between Theory and PracticePalestinian terrorism rew out of the Palestinian resistancemovement gainst Israel There hadbeen attacks against sraeli settlements ince the statecame into ,being but it was only after hewar of 1967 and the occupation of the West Bank that a major terrorist ampaign .beganAccording to Laqueur ,(1999) the pressure eventually exerted by the Arab states supportingthe Palestinians through the major ,powers combined with the first Intifada brought aboutconcessions from srael (Laqueur :1999 .32) ,However frustration f the low implementationof the Oslo Accords encouraged not only the opposition to the PLO (the Hammas and theIslamic Jihad) to accelerate suicide :attacks heFatah through tsAl-Aqsa Brigades also adoptedthis formof terrorism gainst Israel ,Most if not all Palestinian terror/guerrillactions wereand still are designated as ,revenge vengeance or response to the sraeli continuing occupationand against sraeli retaliatory unishmentpolicy Palestinian terrorisms neither ural nor urbanin its pure .form Its bases are the urban centers and their adjacent refugeecamps in Gaza andthe West .Bank The activity space of Palestinian terrorism re Jewish settlements urban andrural) in the West Bank and Gaza and transportationxes and networkswithin these territoriesAnother activity space is Israel within the Green Line - large urban centers (Jerusalem Tel,Aviv Haifa) with close proximity and easy access to theWest Bank ,Afula ,Hadera .NetanyaThe patterns f Palestinian terrorismn cities certainly onfirm hat cities provide ,opportunitymultitude f targets mobility ,communication anonymity nd audience a description thatfits

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    perfectly oth the Palestinian urban bases of terrorism ike ,Hebron Nablus ,Jenin nd Israeliurban targets n which many Palestinians were employed and could always find enough supportand .refugeFrom the common terroristtechniques the most frequently sed are bombs and bombing andshooting .attacks ,Kidnapping ,hijacking ,extortion damage to property r arson are seldom.used ,Interestingly he Palestinians very seldom choose political figures as theirtargets orassassination unlike popular terror actics in other countries Also unlike terrorism n otherparts of the world Palestinian terrorism eldom seeks infrastructuralargets except forbusesand bus .stations)The next section will examine very closely theparticular error ttacksof suicide bombing andothermass casualty Palestinian terrorism n .IsraelPalestinian Mass Casualty (Suicide) Terrorism in IsraelPalestinian mass casualty terrorism n Israel is compares of various suicide ,bombings eitherby a person or persons who detonate themselves or by means of car bombs which explodewith the terroristsFluctuation of Suicide Terror Attacks along the Time AxisThe intensity f Palestinian mega terror ttacks during 1994 - 2000 was relatively low - 166Israelis were killed in that period on average 23 dead per year for he seven .years The averageis misleading as for a couple of years ,(1998 1999) therewas only one .casualty The rate ofcasualties in this first eriod was less than 1 promil of the otal population In the econd ,periodbetween 2001 and 2003 the number of victims was :higher 430 dead or on average for eachof the threeyears - about 140 people - also less than 1 promil of thepopulation butthenumberand frequencyof the mass casualty terror ncidents in the ast threeyears was both significantand elicited massive .attentionThere were 37 suicide bombings in 2001 - between 3-4 attacksevery monthwith five attackson December of 2001 and 27 people killed in suicide bombingsin thatmonth alone In 2002,45 mass casualty attacks ook place March 2002 was the deadliestand most horrible month 13 suicide bombings with 76 ,victims including one mass casualtyterror ttack at Park ,Hotel ,Netanya in which 29 people were massacred during a Passover.meal Altogether 236 people were murdered n that year which broughtharsh retaliation from.Israel In the first eight months of ,2003 13 suicide terror ttacks were launched by thePalestinians in which more than 96 Israelis .died One of thebloodiest was the attack n the oldbus station in Tel Aviv and the attack n August of 2003 on Orthodox Jews returningfromprayers at the Wailing :Wall 22 people perished in this terrorattack Tables 1,2 and Figure 1present he fluctuationof terror ttacks along a time ,axis including ,monthsyears and Jewishholidays or special events and dates which were selected by the Palestinian terrorists s .targetsTable 1 shows an almost even distribution of suicide terror ttacks in all the months of theyears with peaks in March-April and .May 42 percentof the attacks took place in this periodwhich covers importantholidays ,Passover ,Purim Memorial Day and Independence Day The

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    Table :1 Distribution f Suicide BombingAttacks ccording o dates nd number fvictimsYear 1994 1995 1996 1997 998 999 000 2001 2002 2003 Totalattacks permonthJanuary 22.1 1.1 25.1 5.1 527.1February 25.2 16.2 625.2 18.225.2 27.2March 1.3 2.3 5.3 1727.3 5.3 IV31.328.3 7.39.3

    17.320.321.3127.329.330.331.311131.3April 6.4 9.4 4.4 21.4 | 4.4 10.4 24.4 1413.4 9.4 (Purim)Purim) 22.4 12.4 30.4(memorialay 3.4 24.4ceremony) (Purim)May 18.5 7.5 16.5 1025.5 19.5 18.529.5 22.5 19.5(Pentacost)27.5June 1.6 5.6 11.6 72.6 11.628.629.6July 24.7 30.7 9.7 17.7 8.7 716.7 30.7August 21.8 8.8 4.8 13.8 89.8 5.8 20.812.8September 4.9 4.9 v18.9 67.9 19.99.9October 9.10 29.10 26.10 7.10 10.10 919.10 17.10 21.1027.10November 11.11 6.11 29.11 4.11 621.11%28.11December 22.12 111.12 Attacks 5 5 5 3 2 0 2 28 39 12 101Total killed 37 38 60 24 I 0 1 83 225 96I - 28.4.02 ndependenceay IV - Passover eekII - December001 Rammadan onth V Anniversaryf Sabra and ShatillamassacreIII 27.3.02Evening fPassover

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    Table 2 ,Locationnumber f ncidentsndcasualties s a result fMass Terror ttacks n theyears 1994-2003Location 1994 995 996 997 998 000*001 2002 2003 Total Total TotalNo killed njuredJerusalem 1 1 3 2 1 5 13 5 30 234 2011TelAviv 1 1 1 1 5 2 11 99 640Ramat an 1 1 6 32Holon 1 1 8 25Petah iqva 1 1 2 37Herzliya 1 1 1 15Rishon ionLe 2 18 95KfarSaba 1 1 1 3 4 162NearOrYehuda 1 1 82 7 56 193**aifa 2Kiryat otzkin 1Netanya 3 2 1 6 40 428Afula 1 1 1 3 12 124Hadera 1 1 1 3 5 981 2 21 50**ethLiddBinyamina 1 1 2 11Nahariya 1 1 3 90Yiron alley ei 2 5 7*# 42 151AmiCamp 0 2 3 1 6**ordanalleyBeth-Sheanalley 1 1 2 7 60Gaza 1 3 2 1 7 14 113Netzarimunction 1 1 2Kfar arom 1 1Qatif oadblock 1 1 2Kissufim 1 1RoadblockAriel 2 1 3West ank 2 2 2 6 5 92Roads nd 1 1 1 3 27 95junctionsOther Modiin farYaavetz 22 119GelilotPiosh aayinZerifmTotal 5 5 5 3 2 4 30 41 21 116 629 4655* The year 999hadno mass errorattacks or 2002 ncidentsrecounted ntil Novemberor2003untilAugust** Attacksttransportationodes uch s unctionsndbus rhitchhikingstopsPalestinian erroriststtemptedo assassinate nd njure s many ivilians as possible duringtheholidays n order o disrupt heholiday festivitiesMarch 2002 was conspicuous y thenumber f ttacks nd number fvictims 81 a very raumatizing onth or sraeli societyDecember f2001 was also outstanding ith5 attacks nd 26 .casualtiesAnother ad monthwas June 002 with44 victims f uicide attacks

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    January % % %% %February % %%March % %% %%%%%%

    % %%%

    April % % %% %%%%% %%May % %% %%%%% %%June %% %%%%July % % %% %%August % % %% %%September % % %% %%October % % %% % %%November% % % % %%December % % %%

    1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003Figure 1 Temporaldistribution f suicide bombings attacks1994 through ugust 2003,Finally we have to ask whetherime-basednalysis f uicide terrorttacks eveal random.pattern s statedbefore errorisms described s random n space and time namely hat ny,place anyperson t any time an become a .targetFundamentallyable 1 pointed o somepeaksduring heyear n which ttacks eremore frequentlso importants thefact hat hereis no singlemonth uring he10-year eriod f he tudynwhichno attacksook place suicideterrorismppears consistentDistribution fSuicide Terror Attacks long theSpace AxisThe ocational atternf uicide errorttacksndthe hoiceofparticularargetsould nsinuatea possible andom rnon-randompatternable 2 presentshe ata n the ocation nd characterof .targetsLocational attributes fmass asualty error attacksThe 107 terror ttacks re classifiedaccording o settlementsnd regions18 urban ettlementsnd 5 :regions in srael n ts pre1967 bordersBeth Shean ronValley) and 3 in the ccupied erritoriesJordanValley WestBank and Gaza) Among all theurban centers erusalemtands ut n thenumber f ttacksand their otalnumber f victimsBetween1994 andAugust f 2003 Jerusalemustained 0mass casualty ttacks n which 234 people werekilled and 2011 .injuredTel Aviv sufferedfrom 1 attacks n which 99 people werekilled and 640 .injured fwe include other itieswithin hemetropolitanreaofTel Aviv (Ramat Gan Holon Petah Tikva Or Yehuda)we add

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    5 terrorattacks 6 peoplekilled and 102 injured n the entre f sraelvery ear o Tel ,Avivwe can add also the ttacksn Rishon Le ,Zion Kfar Saba and Herzliya This patternlearlyshows thegreat ulnerability f thecentral reas of srael which are highlyurbanized nddensely populatedOther ocations f errorismere Netanya fula nd HaderaNetanya ufferedrom ix attacksin which 40 people died and 428 were woundedThereweretwo attacks n Afula and threein Hadera In thenorthernart f Israel Haifa sustained ive attacks nd suburb f Kiryat,Motzkin was the argetfone attack ot ,surprisinglyaza and theWestBank sustained 0and 7 ,attacksrespectivelyron Valley a major rafficartery as a target or ix attacks ndBeth SheanValley and Jordan alley had two attackseach We can differentiateetween womajor eriods n relation o thegeographical ispersal f errorattacks efore heyear 2000thenumber f ttackswas smaller nd imited o ,Jerusalem el ,Aviv ,Afula ,Hadera -BethLidd and Gaza (Therewereno mass casualty ttacks n theWestBank though ther orms fterrorttacks id occur n that rea.) This patternhanged etween 2001-2003 thenumberof ttacks as more han wice s high nd thedispersal largermore nd more ocationswereselected for terror ttacks by the terrorists nd no one can feel safe in his .homeIt is noteworthyhatmanyofthe ettlementsnd regionswhich were selected s targetsrein close proximityo thePalestinian erritoriesnd are ocatedon themajor oad access fromthe alestinian erritories(JerusalemAfula Hadera ron Valley Netanya) his was familiarterritoryo ,Palestinians ither romworking arlier mploymentthere r from ntelligencegatheredy others ho had good knowledge f he targets nother rominenteatureevealedfrom able 2 is that heres a relativelymallnumber f uicidebombings n sraeli ettlementsin the West Bank - perhaps he security rrangementseterred otential perpetratorshelocationalpatternf uicideterrorttacks hich nclude o many ettlementsn sraelwithintheGreenLine maybe interpretedin at ,least wo differentways ,Firstfor hePalestiniancausetheres no differenceetween he old or new srael n ,Gaza WestBank and theJordan alley - all are egitimate argets or heirwar of independenceSecond if hemainmotivations orPalestinian errorisms revenge nd vengeance gainst ccupationoftheirterritoriesnd thekilling ofmany alestinian civilians then urtingsrael n ts soft ellyin theheart f srael and killing as many ivilians as ,possible satisfies hose motivationsExamination f he ocational atternnd argetelectionnterrorttacks hichwere nalyzed nthis aper an eadto preliminaryonclusionnrelationo heirrandomnesslearly ome ocations,(Jerusalemor xample) re more usceptiblend vulnerable han othersnd some targetsremore rone o terrorttacks han thers(buses us stations)Final Concluding Remarks and Policy mplicationsThis paper ttemptedo highlight ome of heparticularisticeaturesf uicide terrorttacks- mostly uicide ttacks hichfeaturerominentlyn the sraeli media sraelpolity ndpolicymaking nd the sraeli psyche,First t s crucial to stress gain that he errorismepicted n thispaper s only a part fthe

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    Israeli-Palestinianconflict hichhas claimed he ives of o many nnocentpeopleThis paperdid not attempto compare hegeographical attern f sraeli military aids on Palestinian,communities or did thepaper ry o explore fthere re any connections etween sraelimilitaryoperation nd Palestinian terror ttacks this will be leftfor futureresearchThe paperfocused nly on violence in theform f suicide bombings nd shootingswhichcomprise nly a portion f hePalestinian trugglegainst Israel t s also importanto notethatmost uicide attacks id nottarget he military nly a fewtargets f such attackswerepurely military utmany oldierswerekilled in attacks n ,busesbus stopsor road blocksThis paper id not xplore he raditionf uicidebombings dopted ythe arious alestinian,organizations hich now competewith ach othern aunching uicide attacks n srael andthe mplementinghemyth fmartyrdommongwould-be uicide bombers ll those ariablesare certainlynfluentialn thecreation f he patio-temporalatternsf hese attacks hereis room forfutureesearch fthose spects f errorismhatmay have possible mplicationsto the patial-temporalnalysis ofthe errorttackswhich were analyzed n this study or,examplewhat rethe ehavioral mplications f he bovementionedpatio-temporalatternssuchas avoiding certain acilities r transportationeans?,First an we advise the ecurity orces n sraelto stop ll the oadblocks nd securitycheckups n monthsuch s the all orWintermonths? an we recommendhat ecurityrrangementswill be reinforcedn themonths f March-May n whichmost f he ttacksake lace?Terrorattacks reusually arefullylanned nd prepared erroristsreopportunistsif ertaintargetsat certainhourswill be less guarded theywill be pickedup bywould-be terroristshere ssufficientvidence rom uicidebombings hich failed ither y ecurityuardsFive securityguards aid withtheir ives when they revented he ccess of suicide bombers o crowdedareas uch as shoppingmalls or railway tations) r by security rrangementshich forcedthe erroristo choose n alternativetarget hichdid notproduce he xpectedresultst wouldalso be extremelyeckless o suggest hatTiberias Zefat r Kiryat Shmona houldnothaveany security heck-ups r security uards ecause theywerenever elected s .targets hereis a very ow probabilityhat alestinian erroristsould be successful rwilling toreach uchremote argets henmore ccessible and closer targetsre and availableThe locationalpatternnd targetelection s seen n Table 2 showsthatmost sraelis an ,be,randomly ictims f terror voidance as a possible trategyf elf-preservations imited nits success because ventually eople have to venturentopublic space For thenear futureIsraeliswillcontinue o ive n an a garrison-liketate nd try o erect ences nd walls to keepperpetratorsaway,Nonetheless ong experience n other arts ftheworld n which terror as embedded asshown that nless the root causes of conflictswhich perpetuateerrorismre dealt witheradication f errorisms ,impossible articularlyhe ubtype f uicide errorismhichhasbecomehighly evered nd sanctionedn some cultures nd fundamentalsocieties

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    References,BurtonA :1975 UrbanTerrorismew :YorkThe Free Press,CrenshawM 2001 Suicide errorismnComparativeerspectivein B Ganor (ed.) Counteringuicide:Terrorismn InternationalConferenceHerzliya The Interdisciplinaryenter Herzliya .21-24,Cutter S. ,RichardsonD.B and ,WilbanksT.J 2003 TheGeographicalimensionf TerrorismewYork nd London Routledge,FlintC :2003 Geographiesf nclusion/Exclusionsin ,CutterS. RichardsonD.B and Wilbanks.T.J (eds.) The Geographicalimensionsf TerrorismLondon ,Routledge 53-58,HoffmanB :1998 InsideTerrorismLondonVictorGolan,KarmonE :2000 Trendsn Contemporarynternationalerrorism,in B Ganor (ed.) CounteringSuicideTerrorismn nternationalConferenceHerzliya The Interdisciplinaryenter Herzliya 30-46,Kent R :1993 Geographicalimension f the Shining ath nsurgencyn .Peru TheGeographical,Review83(4) .441-454,Laqueur W :1999 he ewTerrorismxfordNew York Oxford niversityPress,SchweitzerY :2001 SuicideTerrorismevelopmentndMain Characteristicsin B Ganor (ed.)Counteringuicide Terrorismn InternationalConferenceHerzliya The Interdisciplinaryenter,Herzliya75-85,SprinzakE :2000 Rational anatics, oreignPolicySept./Oct66-73,WhittakerD (ed.) :2001 The errorismReaderLondon RoutledgeSources or ata AnalysisBTselem Human ightsOrganizationnnual eports1990-2003,CrenshawM .(1995) Terrorismn .ContextPhiladelphiaPennsylvania tate UniversityPressHaaretzsrael aily - Coverage f ll news n terrorattacksYediotAhronotIsraeliDailyAll data n sraeli alestinianttacksnd clashesMaariv sraeli aily - all data n sraeli/PalestinianclashesKeesing,s ontemporaryArchives ata n sraeli alestinianclashes,KarmonE :2000 in CounteringuicideTerrorismnternationalolicy nstituteor Counter-Terrorism.Herzliya