Understanding Understanding and Preventing and Preventing Suicide Suicide By Shamoi Pakita, FIT By Shamoi Pakita, FIT


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Understanding and Understanding and Preventing SuicidePreventing Suicide

By Shamoi Pakita, FITBy Shamoi Pakita, FIT

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OutlineOutline• Introduction (facts about suicide)

• Suicide victims

• Warning signs

• Responding strategies (ACT and QPR)

• Protective factors

• Conclusion

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““Still the effort seems unhurried. Every 17 Still the effort seems unhurried. Every 17 minutes in America, someone commits suicide. minutes in America, someone commits suicide. Where is the public concern and outrage?” Where is the public concern and outrage?”

Kay Redfield Jamison,

author of Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide

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Facts about suicideFacts about suicide

• According to the World Health Organization , every 40 seconds a life is lost to suicide

• Each year we lose nearly 1 million people to suicide.

• For one death – 20 attempts

• Worldwide, more people die by suicide than from all homicides and wars combined.

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Suicide victimsSuicide victims

• Individuals of all races, creeds, incomes, and educational levels die by suicide.



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Suicide victimsSuicide victims

• Therefore, there is no typical suicide victim.

• Fortunately there are some common warning signs which when acted upon, can save lives and, as a result, suicide will be prevented

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Warning signsWarning signs

• While some suicides occur without any outward warning, most do not. The emotional crises that usually precede suicide are most often both recognizable and treatable.

• The most effective way to prevent suicide is to learn how to recognize the signs, take them seriously and know how to respond to them.

• Factors for suicide completion : 1) Having an alcohol or drug problem. 2) Having a depressive illness

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Warning signsWarning signs

Warning signs can be expressed:

• Verbally – talks, writings about death, hints such as:

"I won't be a problem for you much longer," "Nothing matters”, etc

• As actions - withdrawal from friends or family, drop in performance, significant changes in eating, sleeping.

• As feelings - person feels hopeless, guilty, or ashamed.

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Common self-critical Common self-critical thoughtsthoughts

• You are so stupid. You never get anything right.

• You are different from other people.

• You’re so unattractive.

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Responding strategies: ACTResponding strategies: ACT

ACT – Acknowledge , Care, Tell

• Acknowledge the problem

• Care - let them know that you care about them

• Tell a trusted adult about your concerns.

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Responding strategies: QPRResponding strategies: QPR

QPR consists of 3 parts:

• Question - asking “S” questions

• Persuade - getting the person to talk and to seek help

• Refer - getting the person to professional help

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““S” questionsS” questions

• 1st variant, not good : You aren’t thinking of suicide are you?

• 2nd variant, good : Some people who experience the amount of pain you’re in

think about killing themselves. Have you ever thought about it?

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Protective factorsProtective factors

• Resiliency and coping skills Improve defenses against suicidal thinking

• Social support Those with close relationships cope better with various stresses

• Psychotherapy Helping people learn to interpret the stresses in their lives more effectively

• Cognitive-behavioral approaches Include problem-solving training

• Clinical Care - Availability and accessibility

• Learn effective relaxation techniques Play sports, write a diary, take slow deep breaths, talk with friends, read a book

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• Many people at some time in their lives think about committing suicide. Some of them realize, that crisis is temporary and death is permanent.

• Suicide IS preventable!

• It is in the hands of society to help them realize that they are valued and nurtured in this world.

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