Suggestions are given for relaxing and moving into a good level of hypnosis. Once you are in hypnosis this is what the hypnotist says: "Go to the programming center of your mind and move a yes indicator finger when you are there. Good. Locate the first belief you are removing now from the programming center of your mind, and replace it with the belief you have circled. When this is accomplished, move your yes indicator finger. (Hypnotist does this for next four beliefs.) Positive suggestions you and hypnotist have agreed upon for your health, wealth, and "whatever else" are given and you are brought to full conscious focus. Breath brings in physical & spiritual power. Breathe deeply throughout the process. Raising your eyes, open or closed, to middle of forehead or top of hairline or top of scalp releases brain chemistry that enhances relaxation, visualization, and creative power. Think of The Universal Studios Logo Of Light Filling The Earth To help Visualize Ask, Believe, Receive. Like any filing cabinet, in order for you to get to the file that you want, you first have to consciously direct yourself to the location of that file and then you can pull it out. It’s a similar process when you want to access your subconscious mind. The Genie just said “your wish is my command”.

Suggestions Are Given for Relaxing and Moving Into a Good Level of Hypnosis

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Suggestions are given for relaxing and moving into a good level of hypnosis.

Once you are in hypnosis this is what the hypnotist says: "Go to the programming center of your mind and move a yes indicator finger when you are there. Good. Locate the first belief you are removing now from the programming center of your mind, and replace it with the belief you have circled. When this is accomplished, move your yes indicator finger. (Hypnotist does this for next four beliefs.) Positive suggestions you and hypnotist have agreed upon for your health, wealth, and "whatever else" are given and you are brought to full conscious focus. Breath brings in physical & spiritual power. Breathe deeply throughout the process.

Raising your eyes, open or closed, to middle of forehead or top of hairline or top of scalp releases brain chemistry that enhances relaxation, visualization, and creative power.

Think of The Universal Studios Logo Of Light Filling The Earth To help Visualize

Ask, Believe, Receive.

Like any filing cabinet, in order for you to get to the file that you want, you first have to consciously direct yourself to the location of that file and then you can pull it out.

Its a similar process when you want to access your subconscious mind.

The Genie just said your wish is my command.

a strongWhen you have that strong feeling of intention, you have an architectural blueprint that starts to build itself from your subconsciousness and starts to become part of your whole life framework. feeling in the form of an intention.

If it is hard for you to imagine that right now, its alright. Just keep playing with the idea and the image of it in your mind.

The more you work with that image the easier it becomes to put yourself into that image and feel it grow stronger and stronger.

These vibrational frequencies (energy) are then projected into "the field", matched with harmonious vibrations in the universe, and are then transmuted from "waves of probability" into "particles of matter", manifest into the physical and become what you see in your outside physical world and perceive as reality.

Begin asking yourself...why do you believe what you believe? Where did those beliefs come from? Are they true or only a limited "perception of truth?"

The next step is to become keenly and consciously aware of what you surround yourself with. What are you allowing to penetrate and be stored in your subconscious mind? What do you consistently expose yourself to in the physical world? Is it data that supports what you want? Does it conflict with what you want? Once you become "conscious and aware" of that you can begin adjusting if necessary.

If your thoughts and beliefs are in alignment with your desired outcome, the vibrations emitted and broadcast as a result of the emotions experienced are sent out into the universe (the field) and can only attract like or harmonious vibrations or frequencies of the same positive vibration, and create in your physical reality those things that you desire

As you begin to work on changing these habits and thought patterns, and allowing the power of the subconscious mind to begin to overwrite and store the data that is in alignment with your desires, YOU will begin to attract ONLY what you desire! It is imperative that you focus only on that which you desire, andNOTthelackof whatever it is that you desire.

For example, if you are feeling fearful or anxious, simply acknowledge those emotions for what they are (perception) and do not try to hide, suppress them or fight them. This is known as resistance and by doing so, will cause them to grow. Acknowledge them in your conscious mind, accept them for what they are, shift your focus from them to something that you find pleasing and they will melt away.

Anything and everything that you can conceive in mind is readily available and easily attracted to you. You only need to learn to believe and learn to remain open and receptive to the ways and means as they arrive.

Your ultimate goal is to ignite the positive emotions within you that allow you to feel like you already possess whatever it is that you are visuI assure you, if you will stay at it, you will begin tointernally experiencethe joy and satisfaction (emotions) of achieving whatever it is that you are visualizing about. When you reach that point, of seeing, and feeling it on the inside, it will be avery short timeuntil you will actually see it materialize!alizing about.Heres the secret . . . The more real you make things, and the stronger you imprintthem, the faster your subconscious mind can make them come truein reality. So what you want to do is involve as many of yoursenses as you can. Thats why Richards movie script idea worksso well. You can write all senses into the script. So you canwake up, smell the coffee downstairs, hear the waves crashing onthe shore, feel the pride as you receive the Academy Award,touch the hair of your soul mate, and see the sunrise over thewater, from the view in your penthouse. The more real you makeitthe sooner it becomes real!

And a vitally important part of consciously choosing is letting go of the trying. Because it's not about trying...it's more about "not trying." It's about "allowing." Trying creates resistance and draws more of what you DON'T want while allowing creates the necessary "paradigm shift" enabling "desired outcomes" to flow to you.

It's "allowing" and surrendering to trying so hard. It's the trying and struggling and hoping and wishing and "unconsciously praying for" which is the very way of "Being" and doing things that so many are choosing which makes what you want so hard and in many cases "seemingly impossible" to get.

At any time that you are NOT expressing gratitude for an outcome you are in essence resisting the outcome which places your focus on NOT WANTING that outcome. When this happens what are your thoughts and emotions fixated on? What you DON"T want, correct? That focus of NOT wanting creates a "magnetic force" which only serves to draw to you more of that which you are NOT WANTING or resisting.

Gratitude on the other hand is an acceptance of things just the way they are which correlates with acceptance which in turn resonates and projects a much different resonance of energy creating a magnetic force that is conducive to attracting the "desired" outcome.

Those miracles (creations) which show up that aren't in harmony with your intended or desired outcomes are merely signs that YOU need to make adjustments within yourself. When you fully grasp and internalize this truth you'll learn to express gratitude for the sign that you mis-created it and that you have been provided with the evidence that will enable you to change the thoughts, emotions and perceptions which brought it into your life.LIGHT THE EARTHBreathe Deeply. Think, say, and/or visualize as you imagine you can feel the Light spreading from you in all directions:"The Light of my spirit surrounds the earth and joins the light of all spirit to Light The Earth."Then think, say, or visualize,"Light fills the atmosphere, the surface, the crusts, and the magma of earth. Light shines from the center of earth into the Universe."(To give unselfishly of yourLightincreases theLightof your spirit. Imagine then what giving to the world, without the thoughts of your own ego will do! You may think you know what is best for earth. The intelligence behind theLighttruly knows.

Even adding thoughts of "peace", "love", "harmony", "balance", "healing" whenlightingthe Earth dilutes the power of theLightto bring those things to the earth!

Sharing yourLight, without interference from your ego, adds tremendous power to theLight.

LightSELFBreath deeply. Think, say, and/or visualize: "TheLightof the Universe fills my body, my cells, my entire being." Now imagine yourself as already having achieved your goal/s.

FEEL how this feels. Feel excited about it. You can be as detailed and directive about this as you like!

LightLOVED ONES(And Anyone and Any Place You Want To Fill WithLight)

Breath deeply. Think, say, and/or visualize: "TheLightof the universe fills (visualize them or think or say names.)" (You don't really know what is best for others, though you and they may think you do. TheLightin them does know. You are increasing their connection with theirLight. Think onlyLight."