S Sub-Genre


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What is a sub-genre

A sub-genre could be described as a more specific classification of film sharing key concepts and ideas from its parenting genre yet being more in depth in the specific characteristics that is offers.

Horror Sub-Genres

Below are a list of some of the most common and successful sub-genres of horror -


Teen Horror

Serial Killer


Monster Horror

Coming to fame mainly in the period between the 1940’s and 50’s the monster sub-genre is one of the most iconic forms of horror and is certainly one of the most successful.

The genre introduced iconic movies such as ‘Dracula’ and ‘Frankenstein’ which have gone on to be two of the most well known monster stories to date.

The sub-genre itself was so successful as it is a concept that everyone is familiar with and can be frightened with as most people when children were afraid of monsters, whether that be the boogie man under the bed or the man hiding in the closet, this is a matter that could scare people forever and is the main reason for its success

Serial Killer Horror

Not always based around a serial killer the sub-genre could often be seen exploring concepts such as mental instability. This is the sub-genre that followed up on the hit that was monster and became well known in around the 1960’s.

One of the most well known examples of a film that fits into this category is ‘Psycho’

During this time period most people were afraid of the things outside the safety of their own home. The reason this sub-genre was successful was because it emphasized the point that the ‘scary stuff’ outside could just as easily be inside your house which eliminated that buffer of comfort that came when watching horror films.

Slasher Horror

The slasher genre was introduced in the 1970’s and was certainly the goriest type of horror to reach cinemas. It was one of the most successful sub-genres once again following in the footsteps of monster and serial killer.

Possibly one of the most well known horror movies that can be put in the slasher sub-genre is ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’

This gruesome concept became so popular because it was so shocking. After all, the main purpose of a horror film is to scare you and the most effective way to do this is through shock, which slashers excelled in. The storylines of these slashers were often very similar and always lead to cringes among the audience and sometimes even lead to vomiting.

Teen Horror

Teen horror is a sub-genre that most of todays society can familiarise themselves with as it is a very popular genre among today’s audience that are looking for a more light hearted scare.

A prime example of a teen horror would be ‘Scream’

Even though the sub-genre is intended to scare most of the time it is viewed as a more light hearted approach to horror, as it had clunky storylines that could often be placed in the comedy genre. Although, the main aspects of a horror are all still in place and can be seen throughout the sub-genre and is still a very successful form of horror.