St.Valentine’s Day. Answer the questions When do people celebrate St.Valentine’s day? What do they give as presents on this holiday? Whom do we give presents

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St.Valentines Day Answer the questions When do people celebrate St.Valentines day? What do they give as presents on this holiday? Whom do we give presents on this day? Guess the word Name the missing word Everybody be a , A , a Everybody be a On Valentines Day. Name the missing word The brings a Valentine, A Valentine, a Valentine. The brings a Valentine, It says that I love you. Name the missing word I have a red , a red , a red I have a red , That I will give to you. The roman army Marry A law Bishop Pray jail blind cure sign NOW, LETS DO SOME TASKS! 1 Do you remember my poem? Whether the weather is hot Whether the weather is not Well weather the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not.