Student Mobility Outside Europe

Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

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Page 1: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Student Mobility Outside Europe

Page 2: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Student mobility outside Europe

• Application procedure(the faculties add their information)

• High-risk destinations• Preparation• Scholarship programmes

(the faculties add their information)

Page 3: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Application procedure for mobility

• Every stay abroad that is part of your studies(study period, internship, thesis) should be applied for/registered online via KU Loket: http://www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/iam/studenten/application-procedure-study-abroad-period

Page 4: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

High-risk destinations• At least one month before they leave, students should apply via KU

Loket for a study period abroad

• The central “Advisory Committee on High-Risk Destinations” assesses the safety of high-risk destinations abroad.

• The Committee will supply a recommendation to the faculty.(at the moment of the application, before departure, while abroad)o Application files will be considered individually. o The Committee will take full account of the presence of local support.

• International Admissions and Mobility will inform the student of the recommendation.

• Negative outcome = do not travel!o No student insurance coverageo Unexcused absence from classes in the home institution

Page 5: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Practical preparation • Afternoon session (1 hour) on Safety, Health and Administrative Matters for

students who will be travelling outside Europe

• Topics : passport and visa, insurance, health, vaccinations, safety tips, transport, theft prevention, emergency situations, information for the home front

• Please make sure to register in advance:www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/studenten/infosessieswww.kuleuven.be/english/international/mobility/Informationsessions

• Students from a campus outside Leuven should contact the international co-ordinator.

Date Language Place Time

Thursday, 19 November Dutch Leuven 1:00 till 2:00 pm

Thursday, 10 December Dutch Heverlee 12:30 till 1:30 pm

Tuesday, 8 March Dutch Leuven 1:00 till 2:00 pm

Thursday, 10 March Dutch Heverlee 12:30 till 1:30 pm

Thursday, 14 April Dutch Leuven 1:00 till 2:00 pm

Tuesday, 19 April Dutch Heverlee 12:30 till 1:30 pm

Thursday, 21 April English Leuven To be confirmed

Page 6: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Intercultural preparation (in Dutch!) • Intercultural preparation (1 day) for students who will be travelling to a

developing country

• Topics: intercultural communication, living and working in the South, communicating your experiences

• Please choose one day and make sure to register in advance:www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/studenten/infosessies

• Students who cannot take part in Leuven, may be able to take part in a different location in Flanders, provided there are vacancies.

Date Place Time

Tuesday, 8 December Leuven 10 am till 5 pm

Saturday, 12 March Leuven 10 am till 5 pm

Saturday, 16 April Leuven 10 am till 5 pm

Page 7: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Scholarship programmes• Financial support for student mobility

• Each scholarship programme has its own requirements/features: o Destinations, period of stay and kinds of activities

o Exchanges in pairs possible or compulsary

o Grant amounts

• When two application files equal each other on qualitative grounds, preference wil be given to the student who really needs the financial support.o Make yourself known !

o Students from “underrepresented student groups” (students receiving a study allowance from the Flemish government, disabled students, work students) should report (certificate).

• Current selection criteria (every programme has its own focus): study results, motivation, letter of recommendation, academic relevance

• Selection procedure: by the faculty + at the central level + by an external body

Thursday, 11 February 2016 at 8 pmQuestion-and-Answer Session on Scholarshipsby the International Officewww.kuleuven.be/internationaal/studenten/infosessieshttps://


Page 8: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Transition – Brazil, South Africa, Morocco, Turkey A study period, an internship or thesis research in a partner institution of the faculty, in one of the four countries in transitition – exchanges in pairs are possible

For whom • all nationalities• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students

Priority • average study results +70%• students from underrepresented student groups

Duration Turkey: internship 1 month, study period 1 to 2 monthsother countries: 1 month to 12 months

Grant 650 euros/month with a maximum of 2,600 euros + travel allowance of between 320 and 1,100 euros (* 200 euros/month extra)

Doc • application form• transcript of records• learning agreement• motivation letter• letter of recommendation• cooperation agreement

Selection criteria

• study results• quality of the learning agreement• quality of the motivation• motivation as formulated in the letter of

recommendation Deadline 7 March 2016 (FEB)

Selection faculty + central level + Flemish level

Results in early May

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 9: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Transition : step by step


o The candidates will be requested to compose their application file (in English) with the approval of their faculty.

o The faculties will submit the applications to the International Office.o KU Leuven’s Central Selection Committee will nominate 6 students per

country for the final selection that will take place at the Flemish level.o The nominated students will be requested to upload their application

documents by means of the online tool provided by Flanders Knowledge Area.o Flander’s final selection results will be published in early May.


o The selected students will be requested to collect the documents that are necessary to receive their grant.

o They will receive a reimbursement of their plane ticket and Flanders Knowledge Area will pay the first part of their grant to them.


o Through the faculty: report as usualo Through the International Office: online travel reporto Students will receive the remaining part of their grant after the reporting

procedures have been finalized.

Page 10: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Generic Grants – outside EuropeA study period, an internship or thesis research in one of the faculty’s partner institutions outside Europe

For whom • all nationalities• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students

Priority • mobility for one semester only• students from underrepresented student groups*

Duration at least 1 month12 months at the mostpreferably one semester only !

Grant 650 euros/monthtravel allowance of between 180 and 1,100 euros(* 200 euros/month extra)

Doc • transcript of records• learning agreement• cooperation agreement

Selection criteria

• study results

Deadline Students at FEB can not apply for this grant directly, the faculty selects students

Selection faculty + central level

Results in early May

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 11: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Generic Grants: step by step


o The application procedure will be carried out as prescribed by the faculty.o The faculty will make a first selection of the candidates.o The faculty will submit up to 6 files to the International Office.o KU Leuven’s Central Selection Committee will select both the successful

candidates and the reserve candidates.o The selection results will be communicated in early May.


o The selected students will be requested to collect the documents that are necessary to receive their grant.

o The International Office will transfer the first part of the grant to the selected students’ bank account.

o Reserve candidates will be notified if there is a grant available (it may take a few months before this happens).


o Through the faculty : report as usualo Through the International Office: proof of the exact period abroad + online

reporto Students will receive the remaining part of their grant after the reporting

procedures have been finalized.

Page 12: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

ASEM-DUO – China, India, Vietnam, South Korea

Grants for pairs of students who wish to study at a partner institution oftheir faculty in one of the four participating Asian countries

For whom • all nationalities• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students

Priority • disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Political and Social Sciences, Economy, Communication Sciences

• topics: Intercultural Dialogue, Sustainability, Innovation, Health Care• students from underrepresented student groups*

Duration at least 1 semester Grant 650 euros/month, up to a maximum of 2,600 euros + travel allowance of 1,100 euros (* 200 euros/month extra)

Doc • application form• transcript of records• learning agreement• motivation letter• cooperation agreement

Selection criteria

• study results• motivation• academic relevance of the exchange• motivation as formulated in the letter of

recommendationDeadline 7 March 2016 (FEB)

Selection faculty + central level + Flemish level

Results in early May

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 13: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation


o The candidates will be requested to compose their application file (in English) with the approval of their faculty.

o The faculties will submit the applications to the International Office.o The International Office and the faculties will assist the students when looking

for a partner to complete the student pairs.o For every country involved, KU Leuven will nominate up to 6 pairs of students

for selection at the Flemish level.o The selection results of the Flemish students will be communicated in early



o The selected students will be requested to collect the documents that are necessary to receive their grant.

o They will receive a reimbursement of their plane ticket and Flanders Knowledge Area will pay the first part of their grant to them.


o Through the faculty: report as usualo Through the International Office: online travel reporto The selected students will receive the remaining part of their grant after the

reporting procedures have been finalized.

ASEM-DUO – step by step

Page 14: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Central Bilateral Agreements - ChinaA study visit to one of the following Chinese partner universities:Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China Normal University, Chinese University of Hong Kong

For whom • all nationalities• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students

Priority students from underrepresented student groups

Duration • 1 or 2 semesters• a minimum of 5 months

Grant • a grant of 200 euros per month (5 months at the most)

• a travel allowance of 1,000 euros at the most

Doc • curriculum vitae• transcript of records• learning agreement• motivation letter

Selection cirteria

• study results• motivation• academic relevance of the exchange

Deadline 7 March 2016 (FEB)

Selection faculty + central level

Results in April

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 15: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation


o The candidates will be requested to compose their application file with the approval of their faculty.

o The faculties will submit the applications to the International Office.o KU Leuven’s Central Selection Committee will select the candidates.o The selection results will be communicated in April.


o The selected students will be requested to register as exchange students at the partner universities and to complete their exchange files.

o KU Leuven’s International Admissions and Mobility Unit will reimburse the plane tickets.

o The entire amount of the grant will be transferred to the students’ bank account before departure.

REPORT• Through the faculty : report as usual

Exchanges as part of the Central Bilateral Agreements – step by step

Page 16: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

The Washington Center

Grants for internships in international organizations in Washington

For whom • the faculties of Social Sciences, Law, Economics and Business• all nationalities• Bachelor’s / Master’s students• a GPA score of at least 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (at least ‘passed with distinction’)• the internship is part of the student’s KU Leuven study programme

Priority students from underrepresented student groups*

Duration 1 semester (15 weeks) Grant 7,500 euros (covering about half of the total cost)(*1,500 euros extra)

Doc • curriculum vitae• transcript of records• motivation letter• letter of recommendation• photocopy of the international passport

Selection criteria

• academic excellence• social engagement • motivation• Motivation as demonstrated in the letter of

recommendationDeadline 1 March 2016 (FEB)

Selection faculty + central level + Flemish level

Results in early May

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 17: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

The Washington Center – step by step


o The faculty will preselect the candidates. o The faculty will submit up to 4 files to the International Office. o The Central Selection Committee will nominate 6 successful candidatues +

reserve candidates. o The successful candidates will be requested to upload their application

documents by using the Flanders Knowledge Area online tool.o The results of the (Flemish) final selection will be communicatied in early May.


o The selected candidates will be requested to collect the documents that are necessary to receive their grant. They should add their official TOEFL test results to their file.

o The selected candidates should register with The Washington Center. o Students will receive information about internship positions from The

Washington Center. o Students will take part in an interview for an internship position.o As soon as students are accepted for an internship position, they will receive

their grant from Flanders Knowledge Area (before departure).

REPORTo Through the faculty : report as usualo The Washington Center internship report

Page 18: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Travel Grants for the SouthAn internship or thesis research in a developing country (VLIR-UOS list of countries)in cooperation with the host institution in the South

For whom • EU nationality + Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students• participation in the intercultural preparation day and in the session on Safety, Health and

Administrative Matters

Priority students receiving a study allowance from the Flemish Government

Duration At least 6 weaks in the SouthStudents should leave for the South between 1/12/2015 and 1/12/2016.

Grant 1,000 euros for every Travel Grant student

Doc • online application • motivation letter• letter of recommendation• invitation letter

Selection criteria

• Candidate : motivation, preparation, language skills, personal and academic qualities

• Project proposal : link with the student’s study programme, explicit, feasible, link with the local situation

• Support in Leuven and in the South: supervision, scientific/professional and practical support

Deadline 18 April 2016 (FEB)

Selection by the faculty + at the central level

Results in early May

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 19: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Travel Grants for the SouthWhere can you go and why should you go?

54 VLIR-UOScountries

• Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo DR, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinee, Ivory, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Tunesia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa

• Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Laos, Nepal, Palestine, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam

• Latin America: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay

Host institution

university, NGO, governmental agency, hospital, etc.

Support • Support from the KU Leuven promoter / internship supervisor• Supervision by the local supervisor / contact person

Aims • To give students the opportunity to get some field experience in an academic environment in a developing country

• To give students the chance to invest in their personal development• To raise the students’ awareness of North-South issues • For the the partner in the South: to be involved in the student’s activities and benefit

from/gain knowledge through the results

Page 20: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Travel grants for the South : step by step


o Deadline: before departure and before the faculty deadlineo Interested students should apply online via VLIR-UOS (3 letters should be

uploaded), the language depending on the destination. They should also apply via KU Loket.

o The faculty will select the candidates (successful + reserve candidates)o The faculty will submit the selection results to the International Office.o The Central Selection Committee will select an additional number of

(successful) candidates.o The selection results will be communicated in early May.


o Travel Grant students should leave before 1 December 2016 and should stay on the spot for at least 6 weeks.

o At the end of their stay, they should ask their local supervisor to fill out an evaluation form.


o Through the faculty : report as usualo Through the International Office: online travel report for VLIR-UOS, to be

submitted no later than one month after the student’s return (the evaluation document should be signed and uploaded)

o The Travel Grant will be transferred to the student’s bank account after the reporting procedure has been finalized.

Page 21: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Peking University’s Yenching AcademyExcellence programme of Peking University, offering a one-year interdisciplinaryMaster of China Studies for students with an outstanding academic record

For whom • all nationalities• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students• no preliminary Chinese language requirements• excellent study results (at least “passed with distinction”)• under 25 on 31/08/2016 and holding a Bachelor’s degree• travelling to China as an “outgoing student” for 1 year

Priority does not apply

Duration 1 year (September 2016 – August 2017) Grant allowance of 2,500/3,500 RMB (12 months) + on-campus accommodation and meals + return air ticket

Doc • curriculum vitae• transcript of records• motivation letter• 2 letters of recommendation

Selection criteria• academic excellence• social engagement• leadership skills• motivation• motivation demonstrated in letters of

recommendationDeadline 10 Dec 2015 (FEB)

Selection faculty + central level + Yenching Academy

Results preselection on 15 January, selection in March

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 22: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation


o The faculty will preselect the candidates.o The faculty will submit up to 3 files to the International Office.o KU Leuven’s Central Selection Committee will nominate up to 6 candidates (in

the middle of January).o The nominated students will be requested to finalize their application by using

the Yenching Academy online tool.o The nominated students will take part in a Skype interview with Yenching

Academy.o Yenching Academy will communicate the results of the final selection in early



o The selected students will receive information about their special statute of “outgoing students”.

o The selected students will receive instructions from Yenching Academey on how to buy a plane ticket (to be refunded).

o All further communication will be between the selected students and Yenching Academy.

REPORT o The students should submit their report to the International Office.

Yenching Academy – step by step

Page 23: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

China Scholarship Council (CSC grants)

The Chinese Government provides grants for students who wish to study in China for one year

For whom • all nationalities• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students• 1 year in China as an “outgoing student”

Priority students with a keen interest in China, its culture and its language

Duration 1 year Grant tuition fee waiver + monthly grant of 1,400 RMB (10 months) + installation fee of 1,500 RMB + on-campus accommodation in a shared room + study books

Doc • curriculum vitae• transcript of records• motivation letter• 2 letters of recommendation

Selection criteria

• study results• motivation• demonstrated interest in China’s language and

cultureDeadline 7 March 2016 (FEB)

Selection by the faculty + at the central level

Results in April

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 24: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation


o The faculty will submit the application files to the International Office. o The Central Selection Committee will nominate 25 candidates and 2 reserve



o The selected students will receive information about their special statute of “outgoing students”.

o The grant-awarding authority will send a preliminary letter to the selected students about their grant.

o The outgoing students should ask the university of their first choice for a pre-admission letter and they will add the pre-admission letter to their file.

o Students will be notified in July about their host university.

REPORT Through the faculty: report as usual

CSC – step by step

Page 25: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation

Central Bilateral Agreements - ChinaSummer School in one of the following Chinese partner universities: Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China Normal University, Fudan University, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

For whom • all nationalities• all faculties• Bachelor’s / Master’s students

Priority students from underrepresented student groups

Duration 4 weeks on average, in summer Grant 500 euros

Doc • curriculum vitae• transcript of records• motivation letter

Selection criteria

• study results• motivation• academic relevance of the exchange

Deadline 7 March 2016 (FEB)

Selection by KU Leuven’s Central Selection Committee

Results in April

Info www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/beurzengids

Page 26: Student Mobility Outside Europe. Student mobility outside Europe Application procedure (the faculties add their information) High-risk destinations Preparation


o The candidates will compose their application file and submit it for approval to their faculty.

o The faculties will submit the approved applications to the International Office.o The Central Selection Committee will select the candidates.


o The selected candidates will register for the summer school and send the official registration certificate to the International Office.

o The International Office will transfer the grant amount to the participants’ bank account.

REPORT o Through the faculty : report as requested

Summer Schools in China – step by step