FOX CREEK ELEMENTARY TIMBERWOLF TIMES DECEMBER 2019 PRINCIPAL'S CORNER Imagine the Future Main Office: 309-557-4416 Attendance: 309-557-4465 Dear Fox Creek Families, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful for the staff, students, parents, and caring adults of Fox Creek that make this such a great place to be. I appreciate all of your support and efforts as we all work together for the success of our Fox Creek students. Please take time over break to read a good book with your children and/or encourage them to read! We want those skills to stay sharp! I hope you are able to spend some quality time with your family over the upcoming Winter Break. It is hard to believe a new year is almost upon us. Wishing you all the best in the upcoming new year. Happy Holidays! Leslie Davenport, Principal [email protected] Student Council: Winter Parties: Fox Creek Student Council is selling Candy Grams to help raise money for our school! They will be selling candy canes for $0.25 a piece. Look for a note with Candy Gram tags to come home soon! Fill out and return the Candy Gram tags to school by Friday, December 13th. Candy Grams will be delivered Friday, December 20th. Classroom Winter Parties will be held on Friday, December 20th from 1:15- 2:15pm. This is also the last school day before Winter Break begins. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to help with treats, games, or in other ways. We appreciate all you do to make this a special day for students! Please contact your child's room parent with any party related questions.

Student Council: Winter Parties … · T h u rsd a y, D e ce mb e r 1 9 f ro m 1 1 : 0 0 -1 : 0 0 f o r f re e ! A p e rmi ssi o n sl i p w i t h mo re mo re i n f o rma t i o n a

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Page 1: Student Council: Winter Parties … · T h u rsd a y, D e ce mb e r 1 9 f ro m 1 1 : 0 0 -1 : 0 0 f o r f re e ! A p e rmi ssi o n sl i p w i t h mo re mo re i n f o rma t i o n a




Imagine the Future

Main Office: 309-557-4416 Attendance: 309-557-4465

Dear Fox Creek Families, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful for the staff, students,parents, and caring adults of Fox Creek that make this such a great place to be. I appreciate allof your support and efforts as we all work together for the success of our Fox Creek students. Please take time over break to read a good book with your children and/or encourage themto read! We want those skills to stay sharp! I hope you are able to spend some quality timewith your family over the upcoming Winter Break. It is hard to believe a new year is almostupon us. Wishing you all the best in the upcoming new year.

Happy Holidays!Leslie Davenport, Principal

[email protected]

Student Council: Winter Parties: Fox Creek StudentCouncil is selling CandyGrams to help raise moneyfor our school! They will beselling candy canes for $0.25a piece. Look for a note withCandy Gram tags to comehome soon! Fill out andreturn the Candy Gram tagsto school by Friday,December 13th. CandyGrams will be deliveredFriday, December 20th.

Classroom Winter Partieswill be held on Friday,December 20th from 1:15-2:15pm. This is also the lastschool day before WinterBreak begins. Thank you toeveryone who has signed upto help with treats, games, orin other ways. Weappreciate all you do to makethis a special day forstudents! Please contactyour child's room parent withany party related questions.

Page 2: Student Council: Winter Parties … · T h u rsd a y, D e ce mb e r 1 9 f ro m 1 1 : 0 0 -1 : 0 0 f o r f re e ! A p e rmi ssi o n sl i p w i t h mo re mo re i n f o rma t i o n a

Important Dates:

ISU Education Day

DECEMBER 12/9 PTO meeting 6:00-7:00 in IMC 12/19 ISU Education Day: ISU Women's Basketball Game 11:00-1:00 12/20 Winter Classroom Parties 1:15-2:15 Winter Break Begins JANUARY 1/6 Institute Day--No School 1/7 School Resumes 1/13 PTO meeting 6:00-7:00 in IMC 1/15 Late Start 1/20 Dr. King's Birthday--No School 1/29 Late Start: 2nd Grade Doughnut Breakfast 7:45-8:20am FEBRUARY 2/10 PTO meeting 6:00-7:00 in IMC 2/12 Late Start: 3rd Grade Doughnut Day 7:45-8:20am 2/17 & 2/18 No School

PTO Meeting ScheduleMeetings are held in the Fox Creek IMCat 6:00 pm. Remaining meeting dates:

December 9, 2019January 13, 2020February 10, 2020

March 9, 2020April 13, 2020May 11, 2020

House Wear TuesdaysEach Tuesday we would like to

encourage students to wear their housecolors so we can begin to recognize

House mates around Fox Creek!

Altruismo = GrayAmistad = Red

Dalayo = YellowIsibindi = GreenReveur = Blue

Sabio = Orange

ISU has invited Unit 5 elementary schoolsthroughout the district to participate in EducationDay! Every Fox Creek student and staff memberwill attend an ISU Women's Basketball game on

Thursday, December 19 from 11:00-1:00 for free! Apermission slip with more more information about

the game and lunch that day will come home soon. Students and staff will be out of the building from

10:00 to approximately 1:30. If your child isdropped off to school after the buses have left, aparents will have to transport them to the game. Please make sure your child's permission slip isreturned to school by Tuesday, December 17.

Page 3: Student Council: Winter Parties … · T h u rsd a y, D e ce mb e r 1 9 f ro m 1 1 : 0 0 -1 : 0 0 f o r f re e ! A p e rmi ssi o n sl i p w i t h mo re mo re i n f o rma t i o n a

PBIS- - - - - - - Be Respectful - - - - - - - Be Responsible - - - - - - - Be Ready - - - - - - - -

House Meeting

November Out

of the Blue

In November, Houses met on Tuesday, November 26. Over the holidays, many families gettogether and share in family traditions: visiting, cooking, eating, and playing games. We were

able to spend time with our House family playing games, just like you might have overThanksgiving. 4th and 5th grade students brought games from home to teach and play with

younger students. It is great to see our older students take a leadership role!

November Timberwolf Awards

Aiden P (4E)Alana K. (1H)Brooklyn S. (5B)Chloe D.(58)Clara W. (4H)Danny T-R (1G)Elora D. (3W)Grant M. (5F)Grant N. (KR)Harper M. (1R)Jackson H. (2B)Jayde A. (4B)

Landon F. (2H)Lavelle H.-D. (5F)Levi Z. (1R)Liam P. (3L)Malachi M. (3L)Robbie S. (1R)Sam D. (3L)Sam P. (1G)Savanna F. (4H)Sophie C. (4H)Trinity S. (KS)Xander E. (3W)

All students were invited to a Pie EatingContest assembly before Thanksgivingbreak. A teacher from each House wasrepresented in the contest. The winninghouse, Reveur, earned a special hat dayon Tuesday, December 3. Check out the

competitors below:

Congratulations to the November TimberwolfAward winners! Students are nominated by ateacher for following expectations and get toenjoy Orange Leaf FroYo with the Principal!

Page 4: Student Council: Winter Parties … · T h u rsd a y, D e ce mb e r 1 9 f ro m 1 1 : 0 0 -1 : 0 0 f o r f re e ! A p e rmi ssi o n sl i p w i t h mo re mo re i n f o rma t i o n a

Sleep Tips for Your Children (From the National Institutes of Health):

Set a regular time for bed each night and stick to it.Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, such as giving your child a warm bath or reading him or her astory.Make after-dinner playtime a relaxing time. Too much activity close to bedtime can keep childrenawake.Avoid feeding children big meals close to bedtime.Avoid giving children anything with caffeine less than six hours before bedtime.Set the bedroom temperature so that it's comfortable – not too warm and not too cold.Make sure the bedroom is dark. If necessary, use a small nightlight.Keep the noise level low.

Notes from the Nurse

Sleep is vital to both children and adults. Children need 9-11 hours of sleep a night. Lack ofsleep may affect school performance, social relationships, and increase their risk of illness and

injury. Inadequate sleep decreases concentration, reaction time, and consolidation ofinformation learning. It also can increase behavior and mood problems. Adults who miss sleep

harm their health and can be hazardous on the road.

Physical Education

Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Rippey would liketo remind students to make sure withwinter months coming up please pack orremind your child or children to havegym shoes to be able to participate inPE. So far students have completed:Fitness Testing, Soccer, Football,Parachute (K-2), Hockey (3 -5),Dance, Erin's Law and Juggling. The futurebrings Gymnastics, Bowling, Volleyball,Jump Rope (Jump Rope for Heart ingrades 3-5) and Basketball.

ISO: Noon Hour


Fox Creek is looking for additionalnoon hour supervisors for recess and

lunch! Hours are 10:30-12:30 anyday that school is in session. Pleasecontact Ms. Woody at 309-557-4674

or [email protected] with anyquestions or if you are interested in


Lost and Found

Please remind your child(ren) tocheck our Lost and Found items

before leaving for Winter Break. Anyitems remaining in Lost and Foundwhen staff return from Winter Break

in January will be donated