This leaflet contains information for parents/caregivers about the requirements and processes involved when a student is absent from Willyama High School. Contents DET Regular School Attendance Leaflet ................................................................ 2 School Attendance Requirements .......................................................................... 4 Electronic Absence Notifications ............................................................................ 4 Examples of Absence Types .................................................................................. 4 Absence Procedures Flowcharts ............................................................................ 5 Sample Absentee Notice ........................................................................................ 8 Examples of Notes to Explain Absences ................................................................ 9 Sample Absentee Notes for your use ................................................................... 10 July 2011 INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Student Absences from School

Student Absences from School - Willyama High · PDF filethe requirements and processes involved when a student is ... • sending an SMS or email message (usually on the first school

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This leaflet contains information for parents/caregivers about the requirements and processes involved when a student is absent from Willyama High School.


DET Regular School Attendance Leaflet ................................................................ 2

School Attendance Requirements .......................................................................... 4

Electronic Absence Notifications ............................................................................ 4

Examples of Absence Types .................................................................................. 4

Absence Procedures Flowcharts ............................................................................ 5

Sample Absentee Notice ........................................................................................ 8

Examples of Notes to Explain Absences ................................................................ 9

Sample Absentee Notes for your use ................................................................... 10

July 2011


from School

Page 2

DET Regular School Attendance Leaflet

Page 3

Page 4

School Attendance Requirements

Regular attendance at Willyama High School is important and essential to assist students to maximise their potential. Willyama High School, in partnership with parents, is responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. Under the Education Act (1990), parents/caregivers are required to: • ensure that children attend school every day that instruction is provided; • provide an explanation for absences (including late arrivals) promptly and within seven

school days of the unexplained absence occuring; and • take measures to resolve attendance issues involving their children.

Willyama High School a duty of care, and will contact parents/caregivers about unexplained absences as follows: • sending an SMS or email message (usually on the first school day after the absence, to

registered parents only); • giving students an Absentee Slip to take home (usually on the first day the student

attends school following the absence); • sending home an Absentee Notice in the mail (at least seven days after the absence); or • telephoning home (at any time, as required).

Please contact the school on 8088 1055 if you are concerned about your child’s attendance at Willyama High School. School staff will work with you to address any issues and improve unsatisfactory attendance.

Electronic Absence Notifications

Parents/caregivers can elect to receive SMS or email messages from the Willyama High School by contacting the front office on 8088 1055 or [email protected]. Registered parents will receive email reminders about unexplained absences and can also receive other electronic notifications from the school (eg. broadcasts about extreme weather conditions). If you receive an electronic absence notification from Willyama High School, you can simply reply to the message and your child’s attendance record will be updated accordingly.

Examples of Absence Types

Absences where a student is ‘at school’ but not in class (such as school business, flexible attendance or shared enrolment) are non-legal absences from school and are not listed on student reports. Absences from school (such as unexplained, leave, sick, suspended or unjustified) are absences for legal purposes, and are listed on student reports. The table on the following page gives examples of valid and invalid reasons for a student being absent from school, and shows the coding the school is required to use to record explained absences in our electronic attendance register, WebAttend.

Page 5


Parent Student

Front Office Roll Call Teacher

Class Teacher Principal

Absence Procedures Flowcharts

The flowcharts on the following pages explain in detail the procedures to follow if your child is absent from school (including partial absences like arriving late to school or leaving school during the day for a doctor appointment). The flowcharts are colour-coded, showing who is responsible for each step of the absence notification process (see key, right).

Page 6 Page 7

Late Arrival (after 9.00am)

WITH NOTE OR PHONE CALLfrom Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence

Sign in at front officeProvide note

Partial absence coded as ExplainedStudent issued with Late Arrival slip

WITHOUT NOTE OR PHONE CALLfrom Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence

Sign in at front office

Request student provide explanation from parent the following day

Partial absence coded as Unexplained

Student issued with Late Arrival slip

Phone call to parent if student has persistent

unexplained late arrivals


Parent Student

Front Office Roll Call Teacher

Class Teacher Principal

Early Leaver

WITH NOTE OR PHONE CALLfrom Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence

Provide note to front office

before 9am on the morning

of the absence

Absence coded as ExplainedStudent issued with Early Leaver slip and advised to sign out at office when leaving

Provide slip to teacher to exit classroomSign out at Front Office

Retain slip until end of school day

WITHOUT NOTE OR PHONE CALLStudents are not to leave school grounds

Study Periods(Yrs 11 - 12 only)

Parent returns note to authorise student to spend

study periods at home

Principal authorises student to leave school

for study periods

Leave Pass issued showing periods student is allowed to

leave school grounds

Students advised to sign in/out at the front office

Show Leave Pass to sign in/out at front office

Carry Leave Pass at all times when off school grounds

Absences coded as Explained > Flexible >

Study period

Work Experience or Work Placement


Absences coded as Explained in


IF UNABLE TO ATTEND ON SET DAYAdvise your workplace

Explain absence to front office on the day of the absence, or to roll call teacher on return to school (follow procedure for whole day absence notification)

Absence coded as Explained in WebAttend


Student to explain absence to roll call teacher or front office via note or phone call Explanation prior to absence where possible, or as soon as possible after absence

Absence coded as Explained in WebAttend

Whole Day


WITH NOTE/PHONE CALL/EMAILfrom Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence Provide note to roll call teacher before absence date Absence coded as Explained in WebAttend

WITHOUT NOTEfrom Parent/Carer

explaining the reason for the


Note provided to roll call teacher on the day after the absence Absence coded as Explained in WebAttend

FORTNIGHTLY Send out absentee letters for absences unexplained for over 7 daysEND OF TERM Send out absentee letters for unexplained absences for the term Replies to letters coded as Explained in WebAttend


Replies coded as Explained in WebAttend

FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL AFTER UNEXPLAINED ABSENCEStudent given an absentee slip requesting explanation from Parent/Carer

Replies coded as Explained in WebAttend

Page 8

Sample Absentee Notice

Page 9

Examples of Notes to Explain Absences

Note is unacceptable as

student’s full name is missing,

there are no dates and no

valid reason for absence

Note is acceptable as it has full student

name, dates and a valid reason

for the absence

Note is unacceptable as

student’s full name is missing, there is no date

Note is valid but the reason for the absence

may be questionable.

Please speak to your Principal

Sample Absentee Notes for your use

Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number

Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please excuse my child of Year for being absent from school on because Parent Name & Signature Date Contact number