Structures and Structures and Organelles Organelles 7.3

Structures and Organelles 7.3. Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton Cytoplasm-semifluid material prokaryotes- Chemical process occur eukaryotes- Where organelles

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Structures and Structures and OrganellesOrganelles


Cytoplasm and Cytoplasm and CytoskeletonCytoskeleton

Cytoplasm-semifluid material

prokaryotes- Chemical process occur

eukaryotes- Where organelles are found

Cytoskeleton- Support “net” for organelles

microtubules and microfilaments

The NucleusThe NucleusThe “manager”

Contains most of cell’s DNA

Stores info used to make proteins for cell growth, function, and reproduction

Surrounded by the Nuclear Envelope

similar to plasma membrane

nuclear pores allow substances to move in and out

nucleolus- Site of ribosome production


Help produce proteins

Made of RNA and protein

Can be bound in the Endoplasmic Reticulum

Endoplasmic Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)Reticulum (ER)

Membrane system of folded sacs and channels

Site for protein and lipid synthesis

Rough ER- where ribosomes attach

Smooth ER- where lipids are synthesized

Golgi ApparatusGolgi Apparatus

The “shipping center”

Flattened stack of membranes

packs proteins into vesicles to bre released from the cell


the “storage facility”

stores food, waste, or enzymes

Always in Plant Cells

Not Always in Animal cells


The “custodians”

digest excess organelles and/or food particles

also digest bacteria and viruses

only in animal cells


Groups of microtubules

function during cell division

not found in plant cells


The “power supply” or “powerhouse”

converts sugar into usable energy

highly folded, for increased surface area


“solar panels”

capture light energy and converts to chemical energy (photosynthesis)

Filled with Chlorophyll

Found in Plants

Cell WallCell Wall

Thick, rigid, mesh of fibers that surrounds the plasma membrane

Protects cell and gives support

Made of cellulose

Found in plants

Cilia and FlagellaCilia and Flagella

Project off of the plasma membrane

Small whiplike structure that aids in locomotion

In some animal cells