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STRONG & SHREDDED Copyright 2012 © by Joe Meglio and Travis Stoetzel

All Rights Reserved.

No portion of this manual may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This manual may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Joe Meglio and Travis Stoetzel, except in the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written for inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal – and these cases require written approval from Joe Meglio and Travis Stoetzel prior to publication.

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The information in this book is offered for educational purposes only;

the reader should be cautioned that there is an inherent risk assumed

by the participant with any form of physical activity and diet. With that

in mind, those participating in strength and conditioning programs

should check with their physician prior to initiating such activities.

Anyone participating in these activities should understand that such

training initiatives may be dangerous if performed incorrectly, and

may not be appropriate for everyone. The author assumes no liability

for injury; this is purely an educational manual to guide those already

proficient with the demands of such programming.

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Strong & Shredded Introduction In this day and age the time of massive, muscle bound freaks has somewhat come to an end. Being HUGE and ripped is great and all, but what if you can’t move?

If we were to look back into the golden era of bodybuilding, when men were built like brick sh*t houses while also being just as strong as they looked, these were some of the best physiques in time not to mention some of the purest athletes as well.

Guys were built stacked and jacked and they could actually move like a human is supposed to. In today’s muscle building world, guys have grown too large and in turn, have sacrificed the ability to move like an athlete. But, if getting HUGE isn’t your goal, guys are losing precious strength and muscle in pursuit to get lean and mean.

What most serious lifters want in this time is to be strong, built lean, and athletic. In other words, most of guys that we come across anymore do not want to be so muscle bound that they can’t move, not so ripped that their puny little weaklings. Guys want to be able to move some weight, but at the same time they don’t want to be fat and unconditioned just I order to be maximally strong.

So what’s the goal of most serious lifters these days?

It’s to get stronger, build more muscle, all while losing fat...

In other words - it’s to get STRONG and SHREDDED! So, how do you achieve all of these goals at one?

Well, we laid out all the work for you within this manual, but let us do a little bit of explaining first…

Your first focus needs to be in on strength. One of the Biggest mistakes many lifters make in this time (especially with all of your fancy “high intensity type training programs like Crossfit have come to the forefront”) is that they put way too much focus in on conditioning

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and fat loss.

The truth is, if you want to built more lean muscle, gain strength, and get ripped, conditioning and fat loss will always be a secondary focus in regards to strength training.

One of the main reasons we developed Strong and Shredded is to help supply the guys who want build more muscle and strength with a proven and effective plan to do so.

After many years of receiving emails asking for a program that combines all of the results we’ve discussed above and hearing about the constant struggles and failures these people were having, we knew we needed to unleash the Strong and Shredded System!

After all, once we were both finished with college sports, our own goals turned towards being strong and ripped. We still wanted to be strong and athletic, just as if we were still competing, but still look the part as well.

The program that we have strategically designed is not only effective at getting you Strong and Shredded, it will get and keep you athletic. If you’re ready to put your body to the test and make the sacrifice to devote the next 8 weeks of your training to following the workouts we have laid out in S & S, then lock it in and get yourself ready!

Before you go any further, you must READ the following and understand what we are about to explain to you as this is the most important factor in regards to your overall success.

So what are we hinting towards here?

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Mind Set and Goal Setting.

The first thing that YOU must do is committing yourself to this program for the next 8 weeks.

Start to finish.

No if’s and’s, or but’s about it.

One of the major fatal flaws that lifters make that simply destroys their results is that of “program hopping”.

We know how hard it is to stay focused in this day and age of information overload, but when you invested into this program, remember that you invested into YOURSELF.

Make the most out of it!

Before you do anything else, look at your calendar and X out the next 8 weeks because in that time, the only program you’ll be following with be this one.

The next step that you must accomplish is to write out you biggest 3-4 major goals and WHY’s

For this, we want you to take out a blank piece of paper and at the top of that paper, write out your #1 goal then under that goal we want you to write out 2-3 big “why’s” for why you want to accomplish this goal.

To do this right, make sure that the goal you write down is something that is meaningful to you on a deep level. This is where the “why’s” you write down below it will come into play.

So we want some meaningful goals with why’s. In other words, when you read this goal out to yourself and read the “why’s”, you get goosebumps and you get excited. You immediately want to take action to step closer to your goal.

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It’s these goals and “why’s” that are going to push you forward towards overall success.

Without these goals and “why’s”, you’ll not have any reason to move forward. You MUST have these set in place in order blast through adversity and barriers. Trust us when we say that it will not be a straight path. You will have ups and downs, but if you have some solid goals and “why’s” set in place, you will bust through the bad times.

Bottom Line - Do not skip this step!

Write down your top 3-4 goals with some major reason’s why you want them and you’ll be more then ready to move onto the next step!

Now that we got that important part taken care of, let’s talk about what to expect with your training sessions.

First and foremost, we must again state just how important it is to be focused mentally and ready to go. Make sure that every time you come into train that you come prepared by being FOCUSED in on your training session at hand. You should be ready for war!

Every single session is another chance for you to improve and to take steps forward. Eliminate all of other distractions (cell phone, computer, ect). Print out your workout, bring a water, a towel, and be ready to go 110% H.A.M.

The first thing you’ll always is warm up (see warm up section of manual). You will NEVER train without warming up first. This is critical.

Next, you’ll first get into your strength and power specific section of your workout. This is the main focus of each workout. Remember the priorities (strength first, conditioning 2nd)

After you hammer out your strength and power training, next you’ll be getting into some assistance based work that is specifically geared to improve the strength work you just completed. If you are strapped for time, DO NOT skip this part of the workout. If you skip any part of the

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workout due to time, make it be the conditioning portion which will always be last.

To finish sessions out, that exactly what you’ll do, “Finish”. Each training session comes designed with a specialized “High Performance Conditioning Finisher” to end out your training session on a high note. This is the conditioning portion of your training session and should be attacked with everything you have left in the tank.

After you’ve completed your finisher for the day, make sure to get in a quick cool down session that consists of some static stretching and foam rolling to help start the recovery process. You need all of the extra help in regards to recovery as these sessions will not be easy. We want you ready to go come next session so make sure NOT to skip over the cool down Here’s some references for mobility and stretching: Foam Rolling Mobility Circuit

What to do on OFF Days…

Off days should FIRST be devoted to extra mobility work or short HIIT cardio sessions (if fat loss is your #1 goal).

Hitting up some hill sprints or regular sprints will be your best bet to help shred yourself up quicker.

For these sessions, you do NOT need to go any longer then 15-20 mins tops. Your goal is to get in, go intense, and get out.

You’ll be getting in plenty of conditioning during your regular sessions so only add in the extra HIIT cardio days if you must and especially if your number one goal is to lose more fat.

Your next best option for off days is to hit up 20-30 mins of mobility

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work and foam rolling. This will help you recover quicker, improve your mobility, as well as keep you active.

We do not want you to take off days 100% because as humans we were made to move and sitting around all day for your off day will not do anything else then keep you stiff, sore, and useless.

Make sure to get in some sort of physical activity everyday for at least 20-30 mins.

Ride a bike, go for a walk light jog, or heck, go fly a kite…

What ever it is, just get out and move!

Strong & Shredded Program Overview

The Strong & Shredded program is an 8-week intensive program that is designed to help you get shredded while getting stronger. Each workout will be a blend of strength work and a mental toughness finisher that will transform your mind and body. All we ask of you is that you give 110% during each workout. We have provided you with everything you need to kick ass including videos to every single exercise in the program, the ‘Globo Gym Survival Guide and the exact rep and set scheme and much more…

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Understanding The 8 Week Program The 8-week program is divided into four two-week phases.

Week 1 will allow you to establish some numbers and give you a starting point.

Week 2 will allow you to beat the numbers you established during week one.

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Reading The Workouts Below is a list of lifting terms you need to understand in order to read the workouts properly…

Submax = leave 2-3 reps in the tank. If you can do10 pull-ups, only do 7 or 8 reps. If you can do 20 push-ups, only do 17 or 18.

Max reps = Do as many perfect reps as possible and leave just 1 rep in the tank.

“s” = seconds. For example, 30s =30 seconds

“/” = each side. For example, lunges 3 X 6/6 means do 6 reps on each side.

“1A” “1B” “2A” “2B” etc…= Do 2 exercises in a row before you rest. 3A/3B/3C means do all 3 exercises in a row before you rest.

AFAP = As Fast As Possible

AMAP = As Many As Possible

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AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible

EMOTM = Every Min On The Min

Alt. = Alternating

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How To Choose Weight Choosing the proper weight is a critical component of The Strong & Shredded Program. Make sure you follow these rules outlined below before selecting weights…

Only use weights you can do with great technique

Use weights that allow you to do the number of reps prescribed in the program

Use a weight that allows you to leave 1-2 reps in the tank. So for instance, if the workout says 4 X 6, you should do a weight that you can do for 7 or so reps.

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How To Structure Warm-up Sets For the main exercises in the program (1A exercises) you will work up to a 3 or 5 rep max. Before you work up to your 3-5 rep max, it’s critical that you do 3-5 warm-up sets first. The stronger you are, the more warm-up sets you will need. Below is an example of how we would warm-up if we planned on squatting 300lbs for that day…

135 X 5

185 X 5

225 X 5

275 X 5

300 X 5

Please note that you will not be using these warm-up sets on every exercise. Only use these warm-up sets on the main exercise for the day (1A exercises)

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Should You Do Straight Sets? Throughout the program you will notice set and rep schemes like 3 X 10, 4 X 6 etc… these sets should NOT be straight sets. Instead, start with a medium to hard weight and then progress from there. 2 straight sets that are challenging and allow you to leave 1 rep in the tank is perfect. Keep in mind the first 1-2 sets should not be light, instead they should be heavy enough to challenge you. For example, let’s say you can do 90 lbs on DB bench press for 8 reps and the workout says 4 X 8. Here is what you should do

75 X 8

80 X 8

85 X 8

90 X 8


70 X 8

80 X 8

90 X 8

90 X 8

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Rest Periods The amount of time you rest in-between sets will vary and will depend on how conditioned you are. You will rest only as long as you need to recover from the previous set. If you do the next set and your performance and strength drop, you didn’t rest long enough. On the other hand, if these workouts are taking you longer then 1 hour to complete, you are resting too long. You should be able to finish most of these workouts in 45minutes to just under an hour. Rest as long as you need with the main exercise of the day and push the pace during the rest of the workout.

What Days Should You Train On? The Strong & Shredded program is a 4 X a week program. The days you train on will depend on what works best for you with your schedule. The only requirements here are do not train on 3 consecutive days and do not take off more then 2 days in a row. With that said below, are a 6-sample workout splits… Option # 1

Monday- Day 1

Wednesday- Day 2

Friday- Day 3

Saturday-Day 4

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Option # 2

Monday- Day 1

Wednesday- Day 2

Thursday- Day 3

Saturday-Day 4

Option # 3

Monday- Day 1

Thursday- Day 2

Saturday- Day 3

Sunday-Day 4

Option # 4

Monday- Day 1

Tuesday- Day 2

Thursday- Day 3

Saturday-Day 4

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Option # 5

Tuesday- Day 1

Thursday- Day 2

Saturday- Day 3

Sunday-Day 4

Option # 6

Tuesday- Day 1

Thursday- Day 2

Friday- Day 3

Sunday-Day 4

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Quick Notes On Attacking The High Performance Conditioning Finishers Within Strong and Shredded You’ll see that each of the workouts listed has a short “High Performance Conditioning Finisher” at the end. These are all designed to be fast, effective, and done with INTENSITY. The finishers will serve as your conditioning and will also help aid in fat loss as well as increasing your “motor” / overall endurance. If you’re someone who is strictly looking to gain mass and you’re an absolute hard gainer, it may be a good idea to possible skip over these finishers, but you can still gain mass while doing these. That’s up to you. Also, if you’re someone who’s more of a beginner and your overall training capacity is low (meaning you get pretty beat up from just a little bit of training), you may consider skipping over or reducing the finishers to help yourself become better acclimated to this type of high intensity training. The HPCF’s are listed progressively within the Strong and Shredded programming. The different set ups you’ll see for the HPCF’s are the following: WORK / REST INTERVALS – For this set up, you’ll hit your finisher with a Work / Rest Ratio Interval meaning if it takes you 2 mins to go through the HPCF circuit, then you’ll rest 2 mins. Take note of the Ratios. AMRAP CIRCUITS - For these, you’ll do a timed AMRAP set of the prescribed finisher meaning you set a clock for X amount of mins then try to get as many reps or rounds as possible within that time frame. As soon as the clock hits zero, you’re done.

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ROUNDS for TIME - If you’re more advanced and you feel you can stay at a HIGH intensity level during these finishers while keep solid form and technique, you’ll perform rounds for time meaning, you’ll get through the prescribed rounds AFAP (as fast as possible) E.M.O.T.M. – For these, you’ll simply do the work prescribed every min on the min. Start the circuit and do it as fast as possible. If it takes you 35 secs do do the work prescribed, then you’ll rest for the remaining 25 ses then do the circuit over at the top of the min for the prescribe amount of mins or rounds. If you can’t get in all of the prescribed work in within the min, take away a few reps or decrease the amount of weight you’re using. One final note on the finishers, try to keep the total time of these less then 15-20 mins max. Give yourself that much time and if you haven’t completed the finisher by the 20 min mark, you’re done. Again, these are designed to be short and sweet, try to stick to the prescribed reps, sets, and times so you do not turn these into a marathon conditioning session.

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Strong And Shredded Workouts

Day 1

1A) Anderson Squat Work up to 5 RM 1B) Box jump X 3 2A) BB RDL’s 4 X 6 2B) Hanging Leg Raise 3 X 10 3A) DB Step-ups 3 X 8 / leg 3B) Plank Series 3 X30s each 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds Of: a) Double DB or KB Thruster x 5 b) Pull Up x 5 c) 60 yard Shuttle Sprint x 1 (10 yard sections) ***Rest 1:1 then repeat

Day 2

1A) BB Floor Press Work up to 5 RM 1B) Plyo push-up X 3 2A) 1 Arm DB Row 4 X 8 2B) TRX Face Pulls 3 X 12 3A) Pull-ups 3 X Submax 3B) Weighted Planks 3 X 30s 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds Of: a) BB Hang Clean x 4 b) 30 inch Hurdle Hops (or max height you can handle) x 6 total reps c) Hand Stand Push Ups x 8 ***Rest 1:1 then repeat







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Day 3

1A) Modifed Sumo Stance Deadlift Work up to a 5 RM 1B) Broad Jump X 3 2A) BB Good Mornings 4 X 8 2B) Atomic Push-up 3 X Submax 3A) DB Goblet Reverse Lunge 3 X 10 / leg 3B) Y Raise 4A) HPCF E.M.O.T.M. x 10 mins Of: a)Sled / prowler push x 50' b) CTB Pull Up x 5

Day 4

1A) Z Press Work up to 5 RM 1B) Medicine Ball Slam X 5 2A) Weighted Pull-up 4 X 8 2B) TRX Pike 3 X 10 3A) Renegade Row 4 X 6 / arm 3B) BPA’s 4 X 25 4A) HPCF a) Max Push Ups on floor x 1 min ***1 min rest Tabata Set Of (8 rounds of 20/10’s): b) Single Arm Rows x at least 4 reps / arm ***1 min rest c) Max Push Ups on Med Ball x 1 min







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Week 2 **Same sets and reps as last week. Try to beat your #’s from last week.**

Day 1

1A) Anderson Squat Work up to 5 RM 1B) Box jump X 3 2A) BB RDL’s 4 X 6 2B) Hanging Leg Raise 3 X 10 3A) DB Step-ups 3 X 8 / leg 3B) Plank Series 3 X 30s each 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds Of: a)Double DB or KBThruster x 5 b) Pull Up x 5 c) 60 yard Shuttle Sprint x 1 (10 yard sections) ***Rest 1: ½ then repeat

Day 2

1A) BB Floor Press Work up to 5 RM 1B) Plyo push-up X 3 2A) 1 Arm DB Row 4 X 8 2B) TRX Face Pulls 3 X 12 3A) Pull-ups 3 X Submax 3B) Weighted Planks 3 X 30s 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds Of: a) BB Hang Clean x 4 b) 30 Inch Hurdle Hops (or max height you can handle) x 6 total reps c) Hand Stand Push Ups x 8 ***Rest 1: ½ then repeat







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Day 3

1A) Modifed Sumo Stance Deadlift Work up to 5 RM 1B) Broad Jump X 3 2A) BB Good Mornings 4 X 8 2B) Atomic Push-up 3 X Submax 3A) DB Goblet Reverse Lunge 3 X 10 / leg 3B) Y Raise 4A) HPCF E.M.O.T.M. x 12 mins Of: a) Sled / prowler push x 50' b) CTB Pull Up x 5

Day 4

1A) Z Press Work up to 5 RM 1B) Medicine Ball Slam X 5 2A) Weighted Pull-up 4 X 8 2B) TRX Pike 3 X 10 3A) Renegade Row 4 X 6 / arm 3B) BPA’s 4 X 25 4A) HPCF a) Max Push Ups on floor x 1 min ***30 sec rest Tabata Set Of (8 rounds of 20/10’s): b) Single Arm Rows x at least 4 reps / arm ***30 sec rest c) Max Push Ups on Med Ball x 1 min







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Day 1

1A) BB Military Press Work Up To 5 RM 1B) OH Backwards Med Ball Throw X 3 2B) TRX Recline Row 5 X Max Reps 2B) TRK Push-ups 4 X Max Reps 3A) DB Power Shrugs 3 X 10 3B) DB Rear Delt Flies 3 X 12 4A) HPCF a) Max Rep Box Jumps x 1 Min ***Rest x 1 min 8 Min AMRAP Of: b) Goblet Squat x 8 c) Pull Ups OR Recline Rows x 8 ***Rest x 1 min d) Max Rep Box Jumps (same height) x 1 Min

Day 2

1A) Snatch Grip Deadlift Work Up To 5RM 1B) Kneeling Jump X 3 2A) 45 Degree Back Extension holding a plate 3 X 12 2B) DB Windmills 3 X 6 / side 3A) Cossack Squats 3 X 8 3B) Weighted V Situp 3 X 12 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds Of: a) 1 Arm DB or KB Power Snatch x 10 total – alternate arms each rep b) 10-20-10 yard Forward/Backwards Sprint w/ Burpee Stop and Go’s Rest 1:1 then repeat







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Day 3

1A) Paused Bench Press Work Up To 5RM 1B) Diving Chest Throw X 3 2A) Chest Supported Rows 4 X 8 2B) TRX Circles 3 X 10 in / 10 out 3A) Muscle Snatches 3 X 10 3B) Anti-Rotation Press 3 X 30s / side 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds Of: a) Rack / Front Loaded Walking Lunge x 6 / leg b) Muscle Up x 6 OR 6 x Pull Ups and 6 x Dips c) Burpee x 18 Rest 1:1 then repeat

Day 4

1A) Box Squat Work up to 5 RM 1B) Vertical Jump X 3 2A) BB Front Loaded Step-ups 4 X 8 / leg 2B) Push-up Rotation 3 X Submax 3A) DBL. KB/DB Swings 3 X 10 3B) Strict Hanging Leg Raise 3 X 10 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds Of: a) Barbell Push Press x 3 (make it HEAVY) b) Recline Row x 6 c) Box Jump Overs (can touch top of box if need to) x 9 d) Bear Crawl x 20 yards and back ***Rest 1:1 then repeat







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Week 4 **Same sets and reps as last week. Try to beat your #’s from last week.**

Day 1

1A) BB Military Press Work Up To 5 RM 1B) OH Backwards Med Ball Throw X 3 2B) TRX Recline Row 5 X Max Reps 2B) TRK Push-ups 4 X Max Reps 3A) DB Power Shrugs 3 X 10 3B) DB Rear Delt Flies 3 X 12 4A) HPCF a) Max Box Jumps x 1 Min ***Rest x 30 secs 8 Min AMRAP Of: b) Goblet Squat x 8 c) Pull Ups OR Recline Rows x 8 ***Rest x 30 secs d) Max Box Jumps (same height) x 1 Min

Day 2

1A) Snatch Grip Deadlift Work Up To 5RM 1B) Kneeling Jump X 3 2A) 45 Degree Back Extension holding a plate 3 X 12 2B) DB Windmills 3 X 6 / side 3A) Cossack Squats 3 X 8 3B) Weighted V Situp 3 X 12 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds For Time: a) 1 Arm DB or KB Power Snatch x 10 total – alternate arms each rep b) 10-20-10 yard Forward/Backwards Sprint w/ Burpee Stop and Go’s x 1







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Day 3

1A) Paused Bench Press Work Up To 5RM 1B) Diving Chest Throw X 3 2A) Chest Supported Rows 4 X 8 2B) TRX Circles 3 X 10 in / 10 out 3A) Muscle Snatches 3 X 10 3B) Anti-Rotation Press 3 X 30s / side 4A) HPCF 10 Min AMRAP Of: a) Rack / Front Loaded Walking Lunge x 6 / leg b) Muscle Up x 6 OR 6 x Pull Ups and 6 x Dips c) Burpee Box Jump x 6

Day 4

1A) Box Squat Work up to 5 RM 1B) Vertical Jump X 3 2A) BB Front Loaded Step-ups 4 X 8 / leg 2B) Push-up Rotation 3 X Submax 3A) DBL. KB/DB Swings 3 X 10 3B) Strict Hanging Leg Raise 3 X 10 4A) HPCF 10 Min AMRAP Of: a) Barbell Push Press x 3 (make it HEAVY) b) Recline Row x 6 c) Box Jump Overs (Can touch the top of box if need be) x 9 d) Bear Crawl x 20 yards and back







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Day 1

1A) Deficit Deadlift Work up to 5 RM 1B) Vertical Jump from Deadlift start X 3 2A) Single Arm OH Walking Lunges 4 X 6 / leg 2B) Single Leg RDL 4 X 6 / leg 3A) HPCF a) Max Set of Pull Ups x 1 min ***Rest x 1 Min 30-20-10 reps of each: b) KB Swing c) Push Ups d) Toes 2 Bar ***Rest x 1 min e) Max Set of Pull-Ups x 1 min

Day 2

1A) Close Grip Bench Work up to 5 RM 1B) Supine Med Ball throw X 5 2A) 1 Arm DB Bench 4 X 8 / side 2B) Dbl. DB Rows 4 X 8 / side 3A) Reverse Cable Fly 3 X 12 3B) TRX single arm Rollouts 3 X 8 / side 4A) HPCF 10 Min AMRAP Of: a) DB Push Press x 6 b) Pull-Up x 6 c) Standing Broad Jumps x 3 d) Farmer Walk x 100'







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Day 3

1A) Front Squat Work up to 5 RM 1B) Squat Jumps X 5 2A) Hip Thrusts 4 X 6 2B) BB Rollouts 3 X 5 3A) DB Bulgarian Split Squats 3 X 8 3B) Hollow Rocks 3 X 12 4A) HPCF E.M.O.T.M. x 10 mins a) SB or DB or Barbell Clean and Press x 3 b) Burpees X 5 ***Use HEAVIEST weight you can handle with good form x 3 reps

Day 4

1A) BB Push Press Work up to 5 RM 1B) Push Pass For Height X 3 2A) BB Bent Over Rows 4 X 6 2B) Weighted Push-up 3 X 8 3A) Sternum Pull-ups 3 X Max 3B) DB Farmer Walks 3 X 100ft 4A) HPCF 5 Rounds For Time: a) DB Heavy Ground To Overhead x 5 b) Pistol Squat x 5/ leg c) 10-20-10 yard Side Shuffle Shuttle w/ Burpee Stop and Go’s x 1







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Week 6 **Same sets and reps as last week. Try to beat your #’s from last week.**

Day 1

1A) Deficit Deadlift Work up to 5 RM 1B) Vertical Jump from Deadlift start X 3 2A) Single Arm OH Walking Lunges 4 X 6 / side 2B) Single Leg RDL 4 X 6 / leg 3A) HPCF a) Max Set of Pull Ups x 1 min Rest x 30 secs 30-20-10 of: b) KB Swing c) Push Ups d) Toes 2 Bar Rest x 30 secs e) Max Set of Pull-Ups x 1 min

Day 2

1A) Close Grip Bench Work up to 5 RM 1B) Supine Med Ball throw X 5 2A) 1 Arm DB Bench 4 X 8 / side 2B) Dbl. DB Rows 4 X 8 / side 3A) Reverse Cable Fly 3 X 12 3B) TRX single arm Rollouts 3 X 8 / side 4A) HPCF 12 Min AMRAP a) DB Push Press x 6 b) Pull-Up x 6 c) Standing Broad Jumps x 3 d) Farmer Walk x 100'







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Day 3

1A) Front Squat Work up to 5 RM 1B) Squat Jumps X 5 2A) Hip Thrusts 4 X 6 2B) BB Rollouts 3 X 5 3A) DB Bulgarian Split Squats 3 X 8 3B) Hollow Rocks 3 X 12 4A) HPCF E.M.O.T.M. x 12 mins a) SB or DB or Barbell clean and press x 3 b) Burpees X 5

Day 4

1A) BB Push Press Work up to 5 RM 1B) Push Pass For Height X 3 2A) BB Bent Over Rows 4 X 6 2B) Weighted Push-up 3 X 8 3A) Sternum Pull-ups 3 X Max 3B) DB Farmer Walks 3 X 100ft 4A) HPCF 12 Min AMRAP Of: a) DB Heavy Ground To Overhead x 5 b) Pistol Squat x 5/ leg c) 10-20-10 yard Side Shuffle Shuttle w/ Burpee Stop and Go’s x 1







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