GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life Open for Business: Streamlining Review and Permitting Processes

Streamlining Review and Permitting Processes 9:30-10:45€¦ · Streamlining Review and Permitting Processes . ... Defining Functional Grouping ... Zoning Table Uses;

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GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Open for Business: Streamlining Review and Permitting


Presentation Notes

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Welcome & Introductions Bob Henderson

Systems Administrator Centralina COG

Mark Donham Director of Economic Development

City of Albemarle

Erika Martin Planning Director Town of Troutman

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Session Take-Aways

• What the Lean process is

• How local governments can benefit

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

What Lean is

Lean is a philosophy

Presentation Notes
Lean is a philosophy and it is designed to eliminate waste and improve efficiency. From the Toyota Production… Lean is a business optimization approach that eliminates activities that do not create value for customers by designing and implementing faster and less complex ways of delivering services. Thinking with the end in mind. Examining a process from the customer’s perspective of what is valuable to the quality of product or service.

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Local Government’s Challenges • Pressure to cut costs

• Pressure to provide more services

• Pressure to work faster and be less “bureaucratic”

• Pressure to improve “customer” satisfaction

• Pressure to prove results

• Pressure to prepare for the future

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Lean for Government • Purpose:

– Increasing value for our customers and clients by creating efficiencies

– Be able to do more with less

• Outcomes: – Minimize process time – Optimize interactions with customers – Generate optimal systems

• Uses: – Reduce the complexity of the permit process – Provide more or better services at current costs

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Customer Value

For something to add value, it must….

• be a service or product the customer is willing to pay for

• transform the product or service in some way

• be done correctly the first time, and on-time

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Customer Value – understand from the customers’ viewpoint what is of value to them. This is about building a relationship around clear communication and shared understanding in a way that will allow you to deliver what it is that your customer needs. Customers can be internal (fellow employees, reviewers, managers) and external (customer requesting a permit, or inspection). There are value adding, non-value adding and waste processes.

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Value Stream Mapping Graphical representation of:

• How a process transforms material and/or information into a product or service

• The flow of information

• A time-series

• It is a planning tool to optimize results of eliminating waste

Messy, Long Process

Simple, Short Process


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Identify and Map the Value Stream – to be able to remove the waste from processes it is essential that all the activities, across all the areas, involved in delivering that product or service are understood. It is the development life-cycle. Analyzing the current state and designing a future state for the series of events that take a product or service from its beginning through to the customer “language of Lean” to depict and improve the flow of inventory and information

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle

Business Development Task Force

• City Listening for Issues – New agenda for economic development – Seeking ways to bring about economic growth – Hearing complaints about the difficulty of locating new

businesses in the City of Albemarle – New initiative to promote a business friendly environment

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle.

– Appointing a Business Development Task Force • Evaluate the criticism • Determine ways to improve services to new businesses wanting to

locate in Albemarle. – Choosing an Independent Third Party

• Process Involved Both City and County Personnel • Good Experience with Centralina Council of Governments • Will Provide an Added Experienced Perspective in the LEAN

Process – Listen to Stakeholders; Interview Stakeholders; Brainstorming; Cause and Effect Analysis; Lists Prioritize, Process Mapping – Evaluation – Clarifying – Defining Functional Grouping

• Partnered with the Centralina COG

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle – Partners – Involve volunteers who had a passion for the City and

look to help enhance the quality of life • Business people who had used the building permitting process • Non- Profit Community and Economic Development Professionals • City and County elected leaders and staff

– Interviews • City staff and elected leaders called and interviewed many people to

receive their input • Centralina staff also contacted members of the task force to solicit


GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle • Convene Task Force - Session One

– Input received from the interviews was presented during Session One of the Business Development Task Force

– Input was used as the basis for prioritizing and consensus building

– Identified Priorities • Comments fell into three groups that represent three interactive systems that

need to be optimized as part of the Problem Solving Process as part of the Continuous Improvement System

• Process; Policy; Customer Service

– Created a Draft Action Plan • Developed Process Strategy; Policy Strategy; and Customer Service

Strategy – Each Strategy has four components: 1) Problems solved by Task Force; 2)

Desired Outcomes; 3) Recommended Actions to Address Problems; 4) Recommended Role of Task Force

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle – Process Strategy – Recommended Role of Task Force

» Develop Process Map of Current Process » Identify Bottlenecks and Problems

– Policy Strategy – Recommended Role of Task Force » Identify Issues With Current Policies » Recommend Areas For Further Review » Evaluate Analysis of Proposed Changes and Make


– Customer Service Strategy – Recommended Role of Task Force » Appoint Group to Develop Metrics » Review Metrics and Make Recommendations

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle • Business Development Task Force - Session Two

– Focus of Session Two • Identify Options to Solve Problems • Prioritize Options

– Reviewed Process – Walked Through Current Process and Sought Ideas for

Modification – Clarified Challenges and Opportunities to Evaluate Changes for

the Process Map – Developed a Foundation for the Improvement Plan

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle

Building Permitting Process • 3 Day Process Improvement Event

• Participants: – City and County Staff – City and County staff Officials – Developers and City residents

• Goals: – To reduce customer confusion & create consistency – To improve permit review process – To reduce permit review time

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15 mins to talk

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle Outcomes:

– Immediate implementation recommendations (sample): • Established a Single Point of Entry for Customers • Consolidated forms to remove redundancy

– 30 Day implementation recommendations (sample): • Explore Online opportunities • Staff training to standardize interpretation & enforcement

– 60 Day implementation recommendations (sample): • Create Pre-Development Information Packet • Study impact of Minimum Maintenance Codes

– Beyond 60 Day implementation recommendations (sample): • Review resources available for vacant property information

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

City of Albemarle • City Staff Developed a Tracking Process For Each Task

– Tasks include: Utility Policy Review; On-line Forms; Internal Communication System; Staff Training and Coordination; Rehab Building Code; Minimum Maintenance Codes; Customer Service Feedback System; Zoning Map Availability; Zoning Table Uses; Informational Flyer About Development Process

– Title – Utility Policy Review – Description – Review utility policies and recommend changes to

address concerns including cost and timing of deposits and refunds – Status and Timeline – 8/18/14 – Mike Leonas presented to City Council

and received approval for the Provisional Power Classification and confirmation that business utility deposits remain unchanged.

– Assignment – Mike Leonas – Notes – Mike Leonas presented at Council and received approval.

Implementation can now take place.

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Years 1-10 Years 11-20 Years 21-30

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15 mins to talk

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GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Never mind!

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GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Presentation Notes
15 mins to talk

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Day 1

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Day 2

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Day 2

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

What are the Benefits

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Some of the benefits of implementing process improvement Increase thru puts – increase capacity to do more with less Increase quality from start to finish Improved employee morale Improved customer satisfaction Eliminated wasteful activities Supporting an organizational cultural shift change to a Lean culture requires focusing on areas that will support and reinforce the transformation. Focusing on a value-driven purpose – the right products and services when and where needed Process improvement – Improving the works allows you to innovate and respond rapidly to changing needs and demands People development – Building the capability in every employee to solve problems and continually improve processes creates an environment for sustained improvement Leadership behaviors – leaders demonstrating principle-based behaviors, leaders can support and develop the people and processes that deliver value Management systems – aligning and consistently using management systems help you to focus on key goals, quickly identify and fix problems, and support people and processes.

GROWING Jobs and Our Economy | CONTROLLING Cost of Government | IMPROVING Quality of Life

Comments and Questions?

Presentation Notes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYVUG_FBmiY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k1YDxtqzHk&feature=youtu.be (1:18) (3:38) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_9WyiPhoHA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5gQHEDxwYM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlhRvgPckxM