Strategic Marketing for Events

Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

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Page 1: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Strategic Marketing for Events

Page 2: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Why Are We Doing This?• Engage members in our programs (and events)

› deliberate about who we are trying to reach and goals

• Stronger communication› better support to lay leaders› take a more proactive approach› seek solutions to any issues

• Create a more professional look and feel› as one of the largest and most progressive congregations in the Reform Jewish world we

should be setting the bar!

• Thoughtful about timing of emails and publicity› less member complaints› events succeed

• Balanced workload for staff › less mistakes› more professional work


Page 3: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Thumbs UP or DOWN?

Goals for Tonight:

• Learn something new

• Get to know each other better

• Acquainted with guide

• Check off all or most of goals


Page 4: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Evaluation Criteria:• Survey will be sent via email

• Engaged members

• Use of new guide

• Quality of PR materials in future

• Better workflow in office


Page 5: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals

• aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications

• evaluating our programs and their success

• identifying target markets and how that affects our marketing and communications

• developing target networks and a timeline for reaching them

• amplifying the language we use in marketing our programs

• determining what public relations assets will be used and a time line for their use

• clarifying roles and responsibilities between staff and volunteers with regard to all of the above


Page 6: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals


your objectives


your strategy




from your client


and analyze


Page 7: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

GoalsWhat will success look like at the end of your program?

define your objectives


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Evaluation CriteriaWhat will you use to measure your success?

define your objectives


Page 9: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

RiskAssessmentWhat are the possible impediments to the success of your program?

define your objectives


Page 10: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Target Audience• Select from list – one or


• This is important because marketing can be different for some audiences.

develop your strategy


Page 11: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Identify Networks• Think like your audience.

• Use the networks that will help you best promote your program.

• Not all need to be used.

• Working together, we will fill in editorial calendar.

develop your strategy


Page 12: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Content• Foundational content

• Community building content

• Content PR

content PR:

The creation of compelling, relatable content - to more effectively share our story, to increase awareness and build interaction/engagement.

It utilizes traditional and social channels. It relies on the distribution of informative, helpful and engaging content to establish and grow the relationship between and organization and its audience.

create value


Page 13: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

ContentTraditional PR

• Come to this event

• Push event

• Lots of text

Content PR

• We provide info and knowledge/we’re experts

• Attract audience

• Multimedia/interactive

create value


Page 14: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating


create valueBe Expert

Know what interests your


Share interesting info.

Connect with something in the news, something that’s trending, or on social media.

Attract the Audience

Connect a concept with real life –

make it personal.

Tell interesting stories.

If there’s a moral, insight or a

message, share it.

Curate ideas by connecting

concepts and popular content.

Take an old idea and put a fresh spin on it. Look for surprising, unique or interesting ways to

show old ideas.


Capture attention with stimulating visual content.

Be entertaining.

Use photos.

Post video.

Be Human!

Be Yourself!


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create value Humor

• Make the audience laugh


• Make the audience scared


• Make the feel loved


• Make the audience amazed


• Make the audience sentimental


• Make the audience frustrated


• Make the audience repulsed

Sprinkle in emotional appeals to add interest.


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create value

Before formula: How to bathe an elephant

After formula: 18 unbelievably easy ways

to bathe an elephant

Before formula: How to sell your house

After formula: How you can sell your house

in less than 24 hours


Why headlines fail?

Doesn’t match the article

Number or trigger word + adjective + key word + promise


Page 17: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Content: Hooksmarketing hook:

a strategy designed to grab the attention of a prospect to either purchase or sign up to your service. Hooks can be useful information, tag lines, jingles or any other form of memorable information. The idea of a 'hook' is that you're giving a taste of what's to come.

create value


Page 18: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

ContentAmplify your call to action or subject lines. . . Think about the language you use!

create value Tip Example

Use a command to start Fill out this form

Use words that provoke emotion or enthusiasm Shabbat lights up the night!

Give your audience a reason why they should take the desired action

Final day to RSVP!You get first dibs on this private Shabbat dinner!

Take advantage of fear of missing out Only 5 spaces left for Shabbat this Friday!

Get a creative – have fun #shabbatsheleg

Use numbers when possible RSVP by December 4 or Save $4/ticket - ordertoday

Make them use their imagination Imagine a peaceful Shabbat overlooking the shimmering lake

Show off your testimonials Shira gets rave reviews from the Post!

Appeal to their sentimental side Your friends are looking forward to a joyousShabbat with you

Speak to a problem Shabbat washes away your worries!Give yourself a “Shabbat-break”!

Arouse curiosity What do you have in common with these two authors?


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create value


Now Try











We welcome you. .

We will meet. . .

The XX invite you. . .

Page 20: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Content: Headlines• Keep short and sweet

• 8 our of 10 people will read headlines• One 2 out of 10 people will read the rest!

• 28-39 characters ideal – no more than 65

• People scan first and last 3 words

• In social media use digits

• Use interesting adjectives

Headlines that fail:

• Don’t match article written

• Not specific – what we know and don’t know

• Word meaning can be more than one thing

create value


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• Offer an easy way to communicate

• Make it easier to follow, track and evaluate discussions

• Up the odds of your program being “engaged” with good #hashtag

• Memorable, unique, easy, relevant to program

share value


Pair your #hashtag with images or video

Group your #hashtags at the end

Use #hashtags that connect with content – easy to type, remember, follow

Explore #hashtag use online


Make #hashtags your post

Use a #hashtag that could be construed as something else (#joesteintherapist)

Use spaces or special characters

Start with numbers

Be careful using slang21

Page 22: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Facebook1261 followers and growing (up 14% last year) – up 25 followers since year in review printed


• Tag people

• Thank people

• Ask influencers to help promote your event

• 93% of the most engaging posts are photos

• 62% of shared posts are related to humor

• 61% shared posts are about something interesting


• Use #hashtags on Facebook

share value


Page 23: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating


• Use a #hashtag – tweets with #hashtags get 2x more tweets than those without

• 21% increase in engagement when using one or more #hashtags

• 17% decrease in engagement when using no #hashtags

• Ask people to retweet and spell it out• increases 12% when you ask (“RT” 10x vs “retweet” 23x)

• Pictures are tweeted 361% more than videos

• A picture is retweeted 128% more than videos

• A video is favorited more than 49% more than a picture


• No more than 140 characters – ideal is 100

share value


Page 24: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Website• 5 “Sliders” on our homepage

• Can link directly to eventbrite or another website

• Most website traffic is to live streaming, about us, schools

• Can measure hits

share the value


Page 25: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Email/Connection• Use bullet points

• Keep content short, sweet, and to the point

• 90% of the info that comes to the brain is visual

• Add images to email• 94% more views for articles with


• Add videos to email –• Increases open rate 19%• Boosts click-through rates 65%

• Evoke emotions, awe, laughter, and amusement, etc.

share value


Page 26: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Video• Keep under 2 minutes

• Engaging, interesting, etc. – content key

• Add a call to action at the end

• Share in multiple platforms

share value


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Social• It’s ok to ask for help

• Look for influencers

• Personalize your ask

• Ask people to forward information

This is the single most effective tool we have!

share value


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MHS Soccer Welcomes Dr. Dave

Join us to learn all about chiropractic care for sports injuries. Dr. Dave has an office here in McLean. He wrote the book “The Well Adjusted Athlete”. Dave played soccer for the University of Ohio.


learn from your client Fix It Content #1


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Soccer Pizza Party

McLean girls soccer invites you to a pizza party! Come for great pizza and then learn all about our great soccer program, all we do for McLean High School and the community. A portion of the proceeds supports our program.


Fix It Content #2

learn from your client


Page 30: Strategic Marketing for Events - Temple Rodef Shalom · New Strategic Marketing for Events Goals •aligning the goals of our programs with our marketing and communications •evaluating

Evaluate• Track the success of your

efforts• Communicate to staff

any issues or problems

• Make notes about what works and what doesn’t

• Stay focused on your goals

• Rinse and repeat

measure and analyze


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Resources:Socialbarrel.com: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535945/Fusework Studios: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223687958/Think Creative Collective: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223622180/Blog.bufferapp.com: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223540477/Digital Information World: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535945/Quicksprout Resources: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535848/https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535769/https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223524216/Social Media Today: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535809/Mackwebsolutions: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535842/Digital Marketing Group: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535945/Swayy: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535798/Pinfographics.org: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223535804/Press Index: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223523985/Copypress: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/145100419223513632/Wordstream: http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/10/09/call-to-actionhttp://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2010/09/29/unusual-effective-calls-to-actionAnimoto: https://animoto.com/blog/business/stats-video-in-email/

Prepared by Michelle Sandler, Director of Communications, Temple Rodef Shalom, 2016 31