J. W. Duncan Co. Ltd. Headquarters for Your Wants at Lowest Prices LARD 45 lbs. net, $4.75 We offer for one week only Choice Table Peaches, 3-lb cans, 35c - White Cracked Rice, $2.00 per 100 Best Plain and' Self-Rising Flour, $1.50 per 24-lb sack Next best Flour, warranted to stand up, $1.25 Select Velvet Bean Seed, 90-day Speckled Variety in 2 bu. sacks at $2.25 per bushel We guarantee a market for all you will gather Give us Your Business and We Will Save You Money J. W. Duncan Co. Ltd. 1ailroad Avenue Colfax, La. The Colfax Chronicle Published by CHRONICLE PRINTING CO., LTD. A. M. GOODWYN. Managing Editor Subsli iptlon 51.50.-in advance. Ofcial Journal of Grant Pariah. Also Official Organ Grant Parish School Board and Town of Colfax. Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION SATURDAY. APRIL 16, 1921.3 INOICE TO ADVERTISERS:-Reading no- tices are inserted until ordered out, unless the Iength of time they are to run is specified when copy is fur- nished. This rule also applies to display advertisements. Colfax Riot Mon- ument Unveiled Fitting Ceremonies Commemorating Historical Event Carried Out Between April Showers After half a century there was unveiled in the Colfax cemetery on last Wednesday, a monument recently erected to the memory of the three men who on Easter Sunday, April 13, 1873, shed their life's blood in a battle in Colfax in order that white supremacy might reign supreme. The de- tails of this memorable occasion are yet fresh in the memory of the older citizens of Grant parish and Louisiana, land having been very recently recited in these columns, it is only necessary here to say that the unfortunate event of half a century back has been the means of a more com- plete and better understanding between the rases. Inlement weather marred the unveiling, but in spite of a down pour several hundred men, wo- men and children stood at close attention during the ceremony, ' which was beauty persQnified in its simplicity. Promptly at 11 o'clock a procession headed by a r band formed at the LeSage hotel and marched to the cemetery. There the Colfax high school awaited in a body. Arriving at the monument, Mrs. M. A. Harris of Newport, Ky., and Miss Mary Hadnot were accorded a seat on one side of the monument, while Mr. Overton Harris and wife and daughter, also of Kentucky, were seated on the opposite side. The surviving veterans were.then ar- ranged near the speakers stand just off the base 6f the monu- ment. At a given signal the band played and the school marched around the monument dropping flowers around the base as they passed. Passing in view of the speakers stand the school formed in L shape and sang "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground." Judge J. A. Wiliiams, as master of ceremonies address- ed the assembly in his usual hap- py manner, and at the close of his remarks introduced Mrs. Har- ris and Miss Hadnot, the wife and daughter of two of the mar- tyrs, who would unveil the monu- ment. Deftly untieing and pull- ing the cords holding it in place, the veil gently and slowly un- folded and revealed to the on- lookers a beautiful narble shaft bearing the inscription: In Loving Rememberaace Erected to the Memory of the Heroes Stephen Decatur,Parish James West Hadnot Sidney Harris Who fell in the Colfax Riot fghting for White Supremacy April 18, 1873I The unveiling being completed, Judge L. L. Hooe in an address reviewed incidents following the civil war and leading up to the Colfax Riot, and paid a glowing tribute to the men who, took part in that event. He *as followed by Mr. A. M. Pyburn, an attor- ney of Alexandria. A heavy rain was threatening as he rose , to speak, but he made a splendid n and fitting address for the occa-, 1 sion, although a hard April a shower caused him to curtail his -I remarks. The rain getting-hard- er an address by Hon. Cleveland 1I Dear, district attorney, was t omited, and the program at the s cemetery abandoned. v Proceeding in the rain to the a large pecan tree in front of Mr. e R. S. Cameron's residesce, the d program was concluded by the e dedication of this tree also as a e memorial, it having afforded shelter and protection to those I participating in the fight of '78. - The dedication address was de- s livered in a down pour by Mayor 1 A. G. Buford, concluding the out t of doors program. The crowning event of the day was a 2 o'cloc& luncheon at the I LeSage hotel in honor of the vet- r erans attending the unveiling, ) at which 24 veterans were enter- tained, together with 74 of their relatives and friends. The af- fair was under the supervision of I Mr. S. J. Simmons, of Simmons' " Cafe, and was a spread of viands that only an experienced caterer " knows how to prepare. Judge " Williams presided at the banquet as "toastmaster, and introduced District Attorney Dear as the after dinner speaker. Mr. Dear " acquitted himself most credit, ably itian oratorical effort of lau- dation of the veterans present i which struck a popular chord 4 with his audience and he wasa frequentl, applauded in the I course of his speech. Judge 4 P Hooe also respondedto the toast- i master on behalf of Miss Mary I Hadnot, who felt too deeply the i honor accorded her father to at,- tempt to express her feelings in words. Mrs. Harris and her son, I Mr. Overton Harris, responed in I a few words of appreciation and thanks for the monument erected to the memory of husband and father. One of the veterans made a short speech voicing the sentiments and appreciation of I the entertainmen"t and great hon- or accorde4 the declining sur- vivors of the Colfax Riot, thus bringing to a close a program that for nicety of arrangement and appropriateness in commem- oration of a historical evernt will be long remembered by the those. who braved the elements as par- ticipants add spectators. - Mr. J. H. McNeely, chairman of the committees in charge of the plans perfected for the un- veiling and luncheon, delivered a short address in which he thanked all for valuable assist- ance rendered in making the -oc- casion such a pronounced success. Veterans and others present at the luncheon were as follows: VETERANS. Wm. Anthony, Tioga, La. W. B. Davis, Colfax, La. Chas. A. Dupliseey, Meridian, La. John W. Duplissey, Lecompte, La. J. E. David, Pineville, La. Jas. M. FergusonAAtlanta, La. Jas. A. Hyde, Colfax, . La. A. L. Hopkins, Jena, La. J. A. LaCroix, Tioga, La. C. P. Mathia,.Vinton, La. M. Mareir, Gardner' La. R. H. Murphy, Boyee, La. Cyrus Moses, Colfax, La. Sam Marks, New Orleans, La. A. J. O'Quinn, Magda, La. Dan B. Roberts, Royce, La. R. L. Juckson, Boyce, La. Rev. Michael Smith, Leander, La. Isaac N. Batcher, Alexandria, La. W. W Sutton, St. Maurice, La. J. C. Thompson, Jena, La. W. L. Tnne'r, Alexandria, La B. E. Woqds, Montgomery. La. W; P. Marsh, Alexandria, La. OTHERS PRESENT. Miss Mary Hadaot, of Coltaz; Mrs. M. A. Harris. Overton Harris and wife and daughter, Miss Katherin, of New-' port, Ky.; Judge L L. Hooe, -Hon. Cleveland Dear, Hon. A. M. Pyburn, F. E. David and wife, Mrs. ,. E. Da- vid, Dr. J. L. Wilson and wife, Mrs. Mary .Longmyer, S. W. Harris and wife, Mrs. C. O. Harris, Miss Zoamie Harris, Mrs. Hochendel, John Marsh, John Murphy, I. W. Sylvester, J. R. Wall. L. P. Whittington, M. J. Bauleh, Hugh Corry, of Alexandria; Mrs. M. C. Alpha, T. C. Bush, W. A. Borron, W. A. Brownlee and wife, Mrs. E. H. Blackwood, W. L. Bird. R. S. Camer- on,. Miss Helen Camheron, Mrs. A. J. Cockfeld, Dr. J. C. Chapman and wife, T. E Covington, L B. Dean and wife, Hon. J. W. Ethridge, M. Ferrier, L. B. Gay, Jr., and wife, Dr. E. B. Gray, A. M. Goodwyn and wife, .C. J. Green, Miss Haigler, T. W. Howell, Gilbert Hall, Dr. Earl Jones,W. D. Lorry and wife, Mrs. G. H. MieKnight, J. H. Mc- I Neely and wife, T. H. McNeely and wife, F. F. McNeely, V. N. McNeely, Chester O'Quinn, Judge J. A. Williams and wife, J. B. Roberts and wife, Jno. Randolph, B. H. Randolph, Earl Rob- 5 erts, C. H. Teal, F. C. Lacour, T. M. e Wells, C. H. McCain. The following is a list of the e names and addresses of survivors of the Colfax Riot who were not e present to participate in the tn- s veiling and luncheon. i John M. Anthony, Collax, La: i J. J. Butler, Clarks, La., Wm. Burke, Mer Rouge, La. Wm. Branch, Wiunfield, La. J. T. Collins, Calvin, La. M. A. Dunn, Melrose, La. K Girod, Beouf River, La. M . R Honeyeutt, Dry 'rong, La. C. D. Hickman, Alexandria, La. R. E. Jackson, Coltar, La. W. A. Moseley, Rhinehart, La. i C C. Nash, Natebitoches, La. Isaac Price, Walters, La. . Fobutain Roberts, Aloba, La Rafus Robertson, Boyce, La. D. T. Stafford, Alexandria, La. Green Stephens, Pintas Altos, N. U. L C. Sweat, Eola, La. W. V. Tjylor, Otils, La•. Raney R hompson, WeBjs, Texas. O. W. Watson, Austin, Texas. E. L. Williams, Eddiceton, Miss. E. V. Weenm, Winchester, Va The clean-up campaign inan- gurated last week has resulted in Colfax presenting the cleanest appearance to visitors and resi- dents alike that the town has shown for a long time. bMore trash and garbage was- disposed of than in any previous clean-up eamlpaign, and conments have been heard freely of the'sucem of the campaign. Possibly the notice from the board of health that a committee of ladies woold assist in making an inspection gave considerable impetus to the work. If that be true, we Inove that the board of health make the committee of women inspect- ors permanent. Supt.Warner. has been con- ducting sM examinatfon this week of apphcants for certificates to teach in the public schools. Idigatioa "stpCoatlei. "Prior to using Chamberlain's T4Q- iets, I suffered dreadfully from in.t4 gestiom. Nothing I ate agreed with me and I lost leel and ran down ini health. Chamberlain's Tablets stren- i gthened my digestion and cared me of constipation," writos, Mrs. George ! Stroup, Solvay, N. Y. Ownership Statement. Statement of the ownership, man- agement, circulation, etc., required by the act of Congress of August 24, 1912, ( of The Colfax Chronicle piublished weekly at Colfax, La., for April 1. 1921. " State of-. Louids,, P•arish of Grant. :efore me,- a 'etir'ipblie in a.ad fer the Sste t dparlz softas id. perm sonally appeared A. M. Goodwyn, who, having been dull sworn according to law, deposes and says that be is the manager of the Co iax Chronicle d that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief. a true statement of the ownership, management, et., of the aforesaid publieation for the datq shown in the eaption, required by the Act of August,24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Reg1- lations, printed on the reversq ofthis form, to-wit: 1. That.the name and addressee' f the publiveeditor; managing editor and busiiaes anlaguis are: Publibidr--Ch(rnIele Printing Co., Ltd., Colfax, T ". Editort? Maiaging Miitor and, Busi- ness Maqager, A. IL Goodwyn, Col- fax, La. % That the pwrars are: Mrs. B. G. Goodwyn, state.of I. . Godwya, sad Jas. J. OQui•a, si.t coaits, La. 8. Tht 'the know aindbolders; imos~ea, Oded other i•eeritryaders i owning or holding I per tnt or~more of te•tl ame•st of boddah poltim, or other se&Arlties I. C. ';l a co., New Orle e La., onesd:r. G. Goo wn, .Cal f ax.1Le, 4. M GOODWYW, Meanr. Sworn to and subscribed .efore me this 5th day of April, 2L C. I. LACROIX, S District Clerk. Neties. By order of PresideatR. W. Richard- son there will bIt a meeting of the atockholdera of the Farmers Gin Cs. at the gianbuilding.t Colfsx Satarday April I6, 1980 at at mi. FAA1ERS GIN OG.N Per Q. A. Hargi, Secretary. .Wiley R. Jones Atterney and Cemunseller Atavr Cuarx, Lesnima. Office over Old Bank Building. Will Rhagti i Mll Curts. Simnmons' Cafe THi SANlaTY TUM I - Or O 0r1A-IZr Us SHOW YOU The Place Where Everybody Eats Pine KansiS City Ste DeleouI Roasts and Stews The am What A, ,ad Eggs that.are Eggs! Pastry Par Ecflleai~ead C~o eeas Delirious as Neetar brewed in the Gard of the Gods! Ai Kind. ColM Driks. teiee Ciag, Igarettes, Tobaccoes, Etc. Couptesy prompt a ttention mrat our establish- meat the most poplar eating place in Grant Parish EVER BILIOUS ? Char so, iMis-s. 1. va id, of i pla , y: "Itave erad to fau vearymch medicine, because if IlentooEarl diiida ofias , bid taste i.a hs mou which coms ud iver, I would tak a dose or worem BIa•t-iOn. ad it would ntetithen me otsadl mae a s asood as new. We Weae used i i or family foo prs BLCKIDRAUGHT._ and it a I s lhs bast lier medicine I ever saw. It has d tit- alme, it has bhelpedkeep my system lae gaias aser weened ma as so lmany Bde d ieb t4o friwh ends and am slad ." tsdreliable liver bdicin which hav msuch about. Wh. ye feel UA ofer, alosch t right, bad l tast sor bio r a have a headache, try Thd -i d' all Druqsle- A AlwJr hdb"t do cb.m..mI 1.1 Nticee to Lcenase Payers. All license. are now due and delin- quit. Unless same are paid immedi- ately the aamss of delinquents will he turned over to an attorney represent- ing the State. Govern yourself ac- cording and save cost: L. O. CLINTON. Sheriff and Tax Collectr. B. A. SDILEAU DENTIST Office Over Bank of Colfax Can be found during business hours pre- p$red to do all work in his line J. B. Roberts fltoincg and Gounselor " fit- Law, WRi practlice In State aud Uillte•l Statee Courts. NOTARY IN OFFIClE COLFAX - - LOUISIANA Dr. R. S..MGKIelt n DENTIST Oits over the Grant State Bank .GolMX, LOUslns Yoiur Teeth Are Your Greatest Asset - When y come to Sheve- a•• at the Louisiana Free ealmation of your teeth. "we will tel yoe hio to We Ivre eatour prices in half Va say pay for Plate o . &ide Work, by the - dksor when the work is All rk umr n e best, or $15s et f Teeth ............ $10 With Crews..........$....... 5 s$1i Se Gold•Crown ..... 6 .w Crewap......... ..... $..6 M"e wwar, per tooth, 56 * VIlaprices reduced laisiana Dental Co: S 32 Texas St. Oppj e tess' Store BHREVEPORT, LA.

stpCoatlei. J. Ltd.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064176/1921-04-16/ed-1/seq-2.… · 1ailroad Avenue Colfax, La. The Colfax Chronicle Published by CHRONICLE PRINTING CO., LTD

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J. W. Duncan Co. Ltd.Headquarters for Your Wants

at Lowest Prices

LARD 45 lbs. net, $4.75We offer for one week only

Choice Table Peaches, 3-lb cans, 35c- White Cracked Rice, $2.00 per 100Best Plain and' Self-Rising Flour, $1.50 per 24-lb sack

Next best Flour, warranted to stand up, $1.25Select Velvet Bean Seed, 90-day Speckled Variety

in 2 bu. sacks at $2.25 per bushel

We guarantee a market for all you will gather

Give us Your Business and We Will Save You Money

J. W. Duncan Co. Ltd.1ailroad Avenue Colfax, La.

The Colfax ChroniclePublished by


A. M. GOODWYN. Managing Editor

Subsli iptlon 51.50.-in advance.

Ofcial Journal of Grant Pariah.Also Official Organ Grant Parish School

Board and Town of Colfax.

Foreign Advertising RepresentativeTHE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION

SATURDAY. APRIL 16, 1921.3

INOICE TO ADVERTISERS:-Reading no-tices are inserted until ordered out,unless the Iength of time they areto run is specified when copy is fur-nished. This rule also applies todisplay advertisements.

Colfax Riot Mon-ument Unveiled

Fitting Ceremonies CommemoratingHistorical Event Carried Out

Between April Showers

After half a century there wasunveiled in the Colfax cemeteryon last Wednesday, a monumentrecently erected to the memoryof the three men who on EasterSunday, April 13, 1873, shed theirlife's blood in a battle in Colfaxin order that white supremacymight reign supreme. The de-tails of this memorable occasionare yet fresh in the memory ofthe older citizens of Grant parishand Louisiana, land having beenvery recently recited in thesecolumns, it is only necessaryhere to say that the unfortunateevent of half a century back hasbeen the means of a more com-plete and better understandingbetween the rases.

Inlement weather marred theunveiling, but in spite of a downpour several hundred men, wo-men and children stood at close

attention during the ceremony,' which was beauty persQnified in

its simplicity. Promptly at 11o'clock a procession headed by ar band formed at the LeSage hotel

and marched to the cemetery.There the Colfax high schoolawaited in a body. Arriving atthe monument, Mrs. M. A. Harrisof Newport, Ky., and Miss MaryHadnot were accorded a seat onone side of the monument, whileMr. Overton Harris and wife anddaughter, also of Kentucky, wereseated on the opposite side. Thesurviving veterans were.then ar-ranged near the speakers standjust off the base 6f the monu-ment. At a given signal theband played and the schoolmarched around the monumentdropping flowers around the baseas they passed. Passing in viewof the speakers stand the schoolformed in L shape and sang"Tenting on the Old CampGround." Judge J. A. Wiliiams,as master of ceremonies address-ed the assembly in his usual hap-py manner, and at the close ofhis remarks introduced Mrs. Har-ris and Miss Hadnot, the wifeand daughter of two of the mar-tyrs, who would unveil the monu-ment. Deftly untieing and pull-ing the cords holding it in place,the veil gently and slowly un-folded and revealed to the on-lookers a beautiful narble shaftbearing the inscription:

In Loving RememberaaceErected to the Memory of the Heroes

Stephen Decatur,ParishJames West Hadnot

Sidney HarrisWho fell in the Colfax Riot fghting

for White SupremacyApril 18, 1873I

The unveiling being completed,Judge L. L. Hooe in an addressreviewed incidents following thecivil war and leading up to theColfax Riot, and paid a glowingtribute to the men who, took partin that event. He *as followedby Mr. A. M. Pyburn, an attor-ney of Alexandria. A heavyrain was threatening as he rose

, to speak, but he made a splendidn and fitting address for the occa-,1 sion, although a hard Aprila shower caused him to curtail his

-I remarks. The rain getting-hard-er an address by Hon. Cleveland1I Dear, district attorney, was

t omited, and the program at thes cemetery abandoned.v Proceeding in the rain to thea large pecan tree in front of Mr.e R. S. Cameron's residesce, thed program was concluded by the

e dedication of this tree also as ae memorial, it having afforded

shelter and protection to thoseI participating in the fight of '78.- The dedication address was de-s livered in a down pour by Mayor1 A. G. Buford, concluding the outt of doors program.

The crowning event of the daywas a 2 o'cloc& luncheon at theI LeSage hotel in honor of the vet-

r erans attending the unveiling,) at which 24 veterans were enter-tained, together with 74 of theirrelatives and friends. The af-fair was under the supervision ofI Mr. S. J. Simmons, of Simmons'" Cafe, and was a spread of viands

that only an experienced caterer" knows how to prepare. Judge" Williams presided at the banquetas "toastmaster, and introducedDistrict Attorney Dear as theafter dinner speaker. Mr. Dear" acquitted himself most credit,ably itian oratorical effort of lau-dation of the veterans present iwhich struck a popular chord 4with his audience and he wasafrequentl, applauded in the Icourse of his speech. Judge 4P Hooe also respondedto the toast- imaster on behalf of Miss Mary IHadnot, who felt too deeply the ihonor accorded her father to at,-tempt to express her feelings inwords. Mrs. Harris and her son, IMr. Overton Harris, responed in Ia few words of appreciation andthanks for the monument erectedto the memory of husband andfather. One of the veteransmade a short speech voicing thesentiments and appreciation of I

the entertainmen"t and great hon-or accorde4 the declining sur-vivors of the Colfax Riot, thusbringing to a close a programthat for nicety of arrangementand appropriateness in commem-oration of a historical evernt willbe long remembered by the those.who braved the elements as par-ticipants add spectators. -

Mr. J. H. McNeely, chairmanof the committees in charge ofthe plans perfected for the un-veiling and luncheon, delivereda short address in which hethanked all for valuable assist-ance rendered in making the -oc-casion such a pronounced success.

Veterans and others present atthe luncheon were as follows:

VETERANS.Wm. Anthony, Tioga, La.W. B. Davis, Colfax, La.Chas. A. Dupliseey, Meridian, La.John W. Duplissey, Lecompte, La.J. E. David, Pineville, La.Jas. M. FergusonAAtlanta, La.Jas. A. Hyde, Colfax,. La.A. L. Hopkins, Jena, La.J. A. LaCroix, Tioga, La.C. P. Mathia,.Vinton, La.M. Mareir, Gardner' La.R. H. Murphy, Boyee, La.Cyrus Moses, Colfax, La.Sam Marks, New Orleans, La.A. J. O'Quinn, Magda, La.Dan B. Roberts, Royce, La.R. L. Juckson, Boyce, La.Rev. Michael Smith, Leander, La.Isaac N. Batcher, Alexandria, La.W. W Sutton, St. Maurice, La.J. C. Thompson, Jena, La.W. L. Tnne'r, Alexandria, LaB. E. Woqds, Montgomery. La.W; P. Marsh, Alexandria, La.

OTHERS PRESENT.Miss Mary Hadaot, of Coltaz; Mrs.

M. A. Harris. Overton Harris and wifeand daughter, Miss Katherin, of New-'port, Ky.; Judge L L. Hooe, -Hon.Cleveland Dear, Hon. A. M. Pyburn,F. E. David and wife, Mrs. ,. E. Da-vid, Dr. J. L. Wilson and wife, Mrs.Mary .Longmyer, S. W. Harris andwife, Mrs. C. O. Harris, Miss ZoamieHarris, Mrs. Hochendel, John Marsh,John Murphy, I. W. Sylvester, J. R.Wall. L. P. Whittington, M. J. Bauleh,Hugh Corry, of Alexandria; Mrs. M.C. Alpha, T. C. Bush, W. A. Borron,W. A. Brownlee and wife, Mrs. E. H.Blackwood, W. L. Bird. R. S. Camer-on,. Miss Helen Camheron, Mrs. A. J.Cockfeld, Dr. J. C. Chapman and wife,T. E Covington, L B. Dean and wife,Hon. J. W. Ethridge, M. Ferrier, L.B. Gay, Jr., and wife, Dr. E. B. Gray,A. M. Goodwyn and wife, .C. J. Green,Miss Haigler, T. W. Howell, GilbertHall, Dr. Earl Jones,W. D. Lorry andwife, Mrs. G. H. MieKnight, J. H. Mc-

I Neely and wife, T. H. McNeely andwife, F. F. McNeely, V. N. McNeely,Chester O'Quinn, Judge J. A. Williamsand wife, J. B. Roberts and wife, Jno.Randolph, B. H. Randolph, Earl Rob-5 erts, C. H. Teal, F. C. Lacour, T. M.

e Wells, C. H. McCain.

The following is a list of thee names and addresses of survivors

of the Colfax Riot who were note present to participate in the tn-

s veiling and luncheon.i John M. Anthony, Collax, La:

i J. J. Butler, Clarks, La.,

Wm. Burke, Mer Rouge, La.Wm. Branch, Wiunfield, La.J. T. Collins, Calvin, La.

M. A. Dunn, Melrose, La.K Girod, Beouf River, La.M . R Honeyeutt, Dry 'rong, La.

C. D. Hickman, Alexandria, La.R. E. Jackson, Coltar, La.W. A. Moseley, Rhinehart, La.i C C. Nash, Natebitoches, La.

Isaac Price, Walters, La. .Fobutain Roberts, Aloba, LaRafus Robertson, Boyce, La.D. T. Stafford, Alexandria, La.Green Stephens, Pintas Altos, N. U.L C. Sweat, Eola, La.W. V. Tjylor, Otils, La•.Raney R hompson, WeBjs, Texas.O. W. Watson, Austin, Texas.E. L. Williams, Eddiceton, Miss.E. V. Weenm, Winchester, Va

The clean-up campaign inan-gurated last week has resulted inColfax presenting the cleanestappearance to visitors and resi-dents alike that the town hasshown for a long time. bMoretrash and garbage was- disposedof than in any previous clean-upeamlpaign, and conments havebeen heard freely of the'sucemof the campaign. Possibly thenotice from the board of healththat a committee of ladies wooldassist in making an inspectiongave considerable impetus to thework. If that be true, we Inovethat the board of health makethe committee of women inspect-ors permanent.

Supt.Warner. has been con-ducting sM examinatfon this weekof apphcants for certificates toteach in the public schools.

Idigatioa "stpCoatlei."Prior to using Chamberlain's T4Q-

iets, I suffered dreadfully from in.t4gestiom. Nothing I ate agreed withme and I lost leel and ran down inihealth. Chamberlain's Tablets stren- igthened my digestion and cared me ofconstipation," writos, Mrs. George !Stroup, Solvay, N. Y.

Ownership Statement.Statement of the ownership, man-

agement, circulation, etc., required bythe act of Congress of August 24, 1912, (of The Colfax Chronicle piublishedweekly at Colfax, La., for April 1.1921. "State of-. Louids,,P•arish of Grant.:efore me,- a 'etir'ipblie in a.ad

fer the Sste t dparlz softas id. permsonally appeared A. M. Goodwyn, who,having been dull sworn according tolaw, deposes and says that be is themanager of the Co iax Chronicle dthat the following is, to the best of hisknowledge and belief. a true statementof the ownership, management, et.,of the aforesaid publieation for thedatq shown in the eaption, required bythe Act of August,24, 1912, embodiedin section 443, Postal Laws and Reg1-lations, printed on the reversq ofthisform, to-wit:

1. That.the name and addressee' fthe publiveeditor; managing editorand busiiaes anlaguis are:

Publibidr--Ch(rnIele Printing Co.,Ltd., Colfax, T ".

Editort? Maiaging Miitor and, Busi-ness Maqager, A. IL Goodwyn, Col-fax, La.

% That the pwrars are: Mrs. B.G. Goodwyn, state.of I. . Godwya,sad Jas. J. OQui•a, si.t coaits, La.

8. Tht 'the know aindbolders;imos~ea, Oded other i•eeritryaders i

owning or holding I per tnt or~moreof te•tl ame•st of boddah poltim,or other se&Arlties I. C. ';la co., New Orle e La., onesd:r.G. Goo wn, .Calfax.1Le,

4. M GOODWYW,Meanr.

Sworn to and subscribed .efore methis 5th day of April, 2L

C. I. LACROIX,S District Clerk.

Neties.By order of PresideatR. W. Richard-

son there will bIt a meeting of theatockholdera of the Farmers Gin Cs.at the gianbuilding.t Colfsx SatardayApril I6, 1980 at at mi.

FAA1ERS GIN OG.NPer Q. A. Hargi, Secretary.

.Wiley R. JonesAtterney and Cemunseller Atavr

Cuarx, Lesnima.Office over Old Bank Building.

Will Rhagti i Mll Curts.

Simnmons' CafeTHi SANlaTY TUM I - Or O 0r1A-IZr Us SHOW YOU

The Place Where Everybody Eats

Pine KansiS City Ste DeleouI Roasts and StewsThe am What A, ,ad Eggs that.are Eggs!Pastry Par Ecflleai~ead C~o eeas Deliriousas Neetar brewed in the Gard of the Gods!

Ai Kind. ColM Driks. teiee Ciag, Igarettes, Tobaccoes, Etc.

Couptesy prompt a ttention mrat our establish-meat the most poplar eating place in Grant Parish

EVER BILIOUS ?Char so, iMis-s. 1. va id, of i pla ,

y: "Itave erad to fau vearymch medicine,

because if IlentooEarl diiida ofias , bid tastei.a hs mou which coms ud iver, I wouldtak a dose or worem BIa•t-iOn. ad it would

ntetithen me otsadl mae a s asood as new.We Weae used i i or family foo prs

BLCKIDRAUGHT._and it a I s lhs bast lier medicine I ever saw.It has d tit- alme, it has bhelpedkeep mysystem lae gaias aser weened ma as so

lmany Bde d ieb t4o friwh ends and amslad ." tsdreliable liver

bdicin which hav msuch about.Wh. ye feel UA ofer, alosch t right, badl tast sor bio r a have a headache, tryThd -i d' all Druqsle- A

AlwJr hdb"t do cb.m..mI1.1

Nticee to Lcenase Payers.All license. are now due and delin-

quit. Unless same are paid immedi-ately the aamss of delinquents will heturned over to an attorney represent-ing the State. Govern yourself ac-cording and save cost:

L. O. CLINTON.Sheriff and Tax Collectr.


Office Over Bank of ColfaxCan be found during business hours pre-

p$red to do all work in his line

J. B. Robertsfltoincg and Gounselor" fit- Law,

WRi practlice In State aud Uillte•lStatee Courts.



Oits over the Grant State Bank.GolMX, LOUslns

Yoiur TeethAre Your Greatest Asset

- When y come to Sheve-a•• at the Louisiana

Free ealmation of your teeth."we will tel yoe hio to

We Ivre eatour prices in halfVa say pay for Plateo . &ide Work, by the- dksor when the work is

All rk umr n e best, or

$15s et f Teeth ............$10With Crews..........$....... 5s$1i Se Gold•Crown .....6

.w Crewap......... ..... $..6M"e wwar, per tooth, 56* VIlaprices reduced

laisiana Dental Co:S 32 Texas St.

Oppj e tess' Store