goCle uitfa;r ,broniciC. :I. ('. (;C. i'WY':, I.dtr and i'ropriotor. I M. 1. (,(n)t )' . 'N PubLle'irrnd A. istant. I- t -- -ther ,AlT iI)AY, J\N. 2-i, 1905. tr a -- ---- - term The Pass'ing Organ. Tex It has at last developed that the pan pirtislli organ is of small moment in Iis+ politica l l contest . anI r',lrhlapsof utl1- and tr ritl injiiry. This is true, even of ehn i he siincere piler's of that charneter. T Of the mere oiictial sheets, those Sh' whose existence ldepends upon official ing favors. they l:iv:t no influence good fou or Ihad withi even ti respectable nuin- our Iter of tl,ilkinu icitizens. Vie The \\'iWshinigton Post thinks that. ant. n newspaper that has surrenldered the rielht ai n tl ablalndlllumd the diity of iig t1 hii!:iin , for itself aid of uitering its t lef on tl•ounits, nital feels bound to .;t (co inield whalt its judcgenllt con- c \'- dec ;ns, iP far Islow ii proip•r stand- hil o rd. Stiuch is Ohe partvy o'".ru tas dis- La ti uglunhed from til inl'lOpeident hlew\paplller tha1:t .nttllialts error re- pet irhdie's of wheire it allyV hi- found. Sl Years argo, prt y lpapers were wide- lev lv tl5c:a ntial, :ltd maIitly beetmn"s He t ihose w:ho sip;il. tliiough, inld con- I ducted lh:i it coliinns were icmen well in known fl,:"' ailitvy, chalircter anti au- .I r. thoritv. Now inmpersconal joi rnalisin Mli nitlhout responsitility.,t lruly new~s II I slh et', hI -a .. .1ce(yeadti i, thel field, anl \ there some personaitu:lity reltilins it is il. Sitoioi t itufinnce lrecuse tlle perslons •h conductiing theml are devoid, as a rnle, of etriking individuaility. G(i As i di ssmin::tor of news and it Ch recordtr o1f t lie mere titel , the organ)ll li 'Iits yet soine uses, but it would lie , ditticult to nml:il4e a niewspitiper in this ,G country which cli-iimsi or exercises flt, partsiliu ul autil-irit., which has infln- atni enci(e-LIyV, hich, is not a positive in- jullry to the .illuse it seeks to serve. In( [ThIe newspaper organ, since indi- tri viduiility and personality on the press l~ils Ieen succeededl by tile corn- At neICI mizlized jnurnal. establhlished isa II i rulel primarily to nullke money;nd to off gather nets aind to editorially coti- th inenIt to that end secondarily, lits beclrrle a thing ratlher to be despised I1k thnou commended inid to be opposed st, raither than followed. l () the sMIotrnI of snmaller fry-those whos•e existence is merely the result is of *'pi'p" or its hope, nothinil need Ic, as saiid. Most lof them lhardly deserve Vii "and cert:ainly do tinot rechi thie nies- t live of lconlteilmpt a1Ind it Call tIe said of Hi rintnly of I hetaS, that their permalnent w su:.-,tn!;itin would fill ai long felt Di nant.--hrevelport Jlurual. tie Do Not Suppress a Cough. It When ,ou have, a coiugh do not try to do suptlries it, but remove the cause. The by couLch is only It symlltom of some dis- erse. and the disease is what you should ture, thefn the cough will stop of itself. th The ment common canse of coughing is ia codl. Anotni'ls \\iil jronmptly sup- in prl•l• the c''l.nglh, itand l,reparations onl- I atnilng cIlloroform, opiumn, a e.. iare used for tlhat l'purpOe, hot they do not cure pt the cold. ( tlhamnbelain's Cough Reme- dy, on tie other land, does not suipprecss I he cellw', I;lt relieves it by removing til fl,n. thle tliioat and lungs the mucous which i ittructid the breathing, and ,!'la in he irri'a'ion and tickling in h li• tlhroi t. It also opens the secretions p :nl etf..E uaSl, aitid l:ermlanettiv cen b the c(& as!, weI ,( t! e cou:gh. For sale el uLy J. 11t le eie!. III PI'resi eI \\illiiain delenborn, of the ei (o.lllpfny, spilent the day in the city yesterdlay in consultotion withl.the_ hle'l ofthicials. Mr. Edenluorn scaid thait tlhis \was llmerely one of his peri- odical trips 4(f insprctioil of tile prop- erties of tile ronail, an1d possessed no particulhr igniniticlnce; but said that every effort would be mnll(de to l'press the conlpletion of thle rolmd to New " Orleous. Mr. Edeuborn will remain i in thile city for several days. I)nlring thile ilolth o(f January the n freight Iuisiness of the Louisi;ia i Rllailway a011 Navigation (Cotpally 1has increi:.ed to Ii rennlrkaltleextent. O 1in1l it is v,,ry problllle thilt within the next lw dlays it will ibe necessary to put oit consideralle adlditional irolling stock in order to handle the t flreight pIronlptly. Joseplh lalhlinde, in discussing the matter yesterdlay, said that the growth o(f the business on this line hadi been dlmost phenomenal, and hr belived that within thle next year this property would tbecome one of the most profitable o(f all ther oads in Louillicn;a 115 far as freight tratfle I: l;ils (olecertneld.-l'ienyune Jan. 24til. How's This ? We offer one hundredl dollars reward rrr utn ca,-o f eIc.lrii that cannot t~e iil-lre lhv t!:ll!'s C'attrrll Cure.-F. J.I (" i I;N E Y & tcO., 'oiedo. O. We, It e uuersiletrd, ihave known F. J. Clieney flr the last 15 yeare, and be- lieeve titn [erfetly honorable in all bus;- ness t r a n l sicti(on, and tinancially able to carry out any obligatltol made by his tirin.--WALI)1NO, KINNAN & MAR- VIN. 1 holesale Druggists. Toledo, O. I:-ll's Catlirrh Cure is taken inter- ,lally, acting directly upon the blood aind muccus surfaces of the system. 'Ieatimoria!s sent free. Price 75ce per Lbottle. Sold by itl druggistl. Take Hall's Family Plls for constipa- tion. Subscriptions Received. The Chronicle is pleased to en- ter four new subscribers this week, viz: B. B. RIoshto, J. M. Brandon, E. A. Mathis anid J. S. Brett, Also we acknowledge renewals of subscriptions reseived from W. T. Buckner, Ada F. Hmial, E. C. Chelette, J. L. Morintine, B. P. Ray and Emma Nelson. Buy your fertilizer from McNeely. Uiutetd Mutes Courit. ITo wn Tclk Jati 2th. The C. S. court has $pefn in Aer5-ion E in this city since Monday. Most of hou the dl;y TLuesday as tak I n up in the rn.1 t r;;l of a civil C i I 4' ettitl-d1 ThI Pl n- our ters Oil 'ompauny of Wettherford, had Texas, vs. the Boyce Cotton Oil Coin- "M pany, for n breach of contract in fur- ,W iishirn, hulls, etc. The enasewastried the and subhnitted. It will be de••:ided in tilli chnl nbers. [( The case against J. II. Bedg;od of in 1 Shlahtown, \'eraon palri-Ah, for violat- ful in,r the postal laws, was tried and sen found guilty and sentelnced to impris- T ornent for one day. Mr. Mr. edgood do violated the law through ignorance bat 1and it was so proved. gar H. F. Pate, who was accused of be- 1 in i short in his accounts aspostmas- to 1 ter of Flatwootds, Rapides parish, 3 W;-4 lpresenlit. his case was carried nin over, arint lie was released on his own her hnd, going to his hioime, D)eRidder, La. The following men served on the petit jury: I). M. .Michael, John we Sanclhes, Leon Lehman, J. T. ('harn- clii lev, John Hatch, Ien Malachowsksy. ral lHeinry ltatchliffe, Harry Gold, Oliver ma lBassett, John Hobbs, F. E. Mel)er- bel mott, Salie Jlckson, L. A. Stafford, J r.. S:anlidlge lhittinirton, Jas. Mlitelill, M. Foisy, H. W. S. Lund, A. te Ih;tner. la The Grand Jury was comnposed of lil II. E. Woods, J. I. MCetain, J. F. CU Shaw, B. A. Fortson, J. W. Ethridge, \V. O. Harrison, W. S. O'Neal, G. N. (;iven:;. Wm. C:llvit, D. Backman. Chas. IBoardman, .. W. Bolton, Alto Mitchell, Sandy Thomas, Paul Lisso ed Jake WV-il, L. 1'. Whittington, Gus si' (iehr, Morris Weinberg, F. S. Nor- T. Ifleet, Mark Jackson. 11. I'. Luckett and Israel Thouas. las The Grand Jury reported this sh morning at 11 o'clock, finding six true bills. C1 A bill was found against McKinney, Ada ins, Donaldson and King charged with the robbery of the l'ollock post- nn offlee. The case was continued until tli the court meetls in Shreveport. er, A Bill was found against Willie w lIowie, colored, for canceling postage tl stamnips and lie was tried and fined A Crim Tragedy is daily enacted, in thousands of homes. Co as death claims, ill each on'-, another ' victim of consumption or pneumonia. pa I But when coughs and1 colds are properly s trat:ld tIhe tragedy is averted. F. G. fl Hutlev, of Oklandon. land., writes: "My c I wife had the consumption and three no doctlos gave her up. Finally she took Jo t Dr. King's New )iscovery for Consump- w tion, Coughs and Colds, which cured J! her. and today she is well and strong." aH It kills the germs of all diseases. One M, a dose relieves. Guaranteed at h:c and $1 Be e by Crescent Drug Co. Trial bottle free. a I A school mar'm not over a thousand miles away found a lad T 8 A in the geography class who was a deeply inlterested in learning the th e points of the compass. The teacher 11 said: "You Iave in front of you, 9 I the north; on your right, the east, and on your left, the west. What n have you belind you?" After a - few moments reflections, Allen ex- e claimed: "A patch on my pants," and to make the information more th of Ic emplhatic, Allen continued in a " shame-faced manner: "I knew you P Y would see it. I tolJ ma you would. b S--Exchange. IDed Iin Saw Mill Pond. A dead man wns foundtl in the log pond at Lintccum saw mill on last SSatnarlday. The body was fouid by t wo saldl boys. They said that he was standtling in an upright position, in his head projecting out of the water slightly, lie was white and had two scars on him. One scar was on the I i let side of the face and the other on the right side of the head. There was a t. nothing on the remanins to identify i him.-Town Talk .lan. 25th. ry "Hog and homniny" is a good tl platform, but not broad enough for be the people of the Southwest. We need planks for fruits and vegeta- he bles, syrups and honey, poultry of e all kinds, mules, horses, sheep, nd goats, wheat, oats, hay crops, can- xt neries, cotton mills, preserving and ne pickling works--as well as cotton d and corn. We must adopt time tic tried intelligent methods of grow- :Ii. ing these products and organizing these lines of business. The people rd must stick together and follow a . sensible leader to insure success.- Farm and Ranuch. be The Industrial Institute at Lafay- ette begins second term of fourth see- his sion next Monday, Jan.30. Send for R- catalogue and quarterly bulletin to r. E. L. 8tephens, Presideut. l polled Her Beauty. '. Harriet Howard, of 200 W. 34th-ut., per New York, at one time had her beauty a- spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I1 had salt rheum or eczema for years, but nothing would cure It until I used Bncklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores; 25c at Crescent Drug Co. NOTICE. To Peddlers, Collectors, and oth- ale er Trespassers:- S Attention is called to posters C. on my plantation gates. Take P. warning that the law will be enforced. . J. H. McNEELY. Dots from Aloha. A January 21, 1905. con Everything has been quiet herea- bouts for some time, until about 5 p. in. today, when four shots attracted 13tl our attention to two nlegrot-s. They had fallen out about some debts, and I "Mahaffey" shot two shots' at I "Windy." Thefirst missed him, but out the second struck him in the face me tilling it with No. 3 shot. lot [Ourcorrespon•dent leaves"Windyv" at in a bad fix, and leave us all in pain- u ful suspense as to whether or not the th, shot hurtthedarkey very much.--Ed.] the The railroad is having a lot of work L done in this section of late, which is tf badly needed. They have secured a we gang of Italian laborers. Mrs. J. D. Miller has lately moved ne to the town of Aloha. Mr. .. N. Fletcher's new gin is run- ning regularly, and turned out a num- Iwer of bales of cotton this week. J. R. MILLER. Among our new subscribers this i0`1 week is Mr. J. S. Brett, of Rat- in f cliff, Texas. This yonng man was pr raised in and around Colfax, and on many of our citizens will remem- - ber Sparks as a boy. T J. H. McNeely will sell all win- to ter clothing for the next thirty up, days at 2.5 per cent discount. See 'l7 f his big advertisement. CURAT(IORSHIPOVElt INTERDICT. 13th .Indiclal Dist. Court. Parish of Grant, Louisiana, No. 517. Curatorship of estate of W. T. Bell, Interdict. Whereas .lohu G. Bell has petitlon - ed the Court for letters of curator- s ship over the person andl estateof W. T. Bell, ilterdict. notice Is hereby given to all whom It doth or mayn concern to show cause within ten days why the prayer of said petioner s should not lie granted. By order of the Court. This 23rd of Jau. 1903. SJAMI:s. J. O'QUINN, Clerk 13th Dist. Court Grant P'sh, La. r Stockholdters' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that an an- - inlal meeting of the Stockholders of ii the Bank of Montgomery. Montgonl- ery. Louisiana. will be held at their banking house at 3 o'clock p. ln.. ie Wednesday, February 1st, 1903. for ,P the purpose of electing nine directors to serve for the ensuing year. d L. D. WAItDIOW, Cashier. List of" Petit Jurors. Pursuant to an order of the Judge. the Jury a, Commrnissloners have drawn the following forty Petit Jnrors to nerve for the first week of the February Term of Distriet Conet in and fortGrant a. parish, beginning Monday. Feb. 6, 1905, via: Ny AMR WARD , AME WARD .1 W Sorrells............ 2 W Ki Prenett.............2 B A Fortsdh•............ 7 W V Martin... ....... 2 C Delaney. ................ 2 OJ Hattaway........2...2 Re Robt Parrish............. W T Moore................3 k John Murrell.. .......... 2 J C Klllingsworth ..... O W Starks................ H I. Brian..................7 P W C Travi...............1 1) W Gibson............... 2 d J M Anthony........... 2 W (' Williams.............1 HB C Woodruff.............1 T J Mobley............... H L Hammons......... 2 John W Daniels.........2 le Mat istls............... 2 WW Gentry ............... 4 31 Benson Maxwell.........2 H Rlh.ardson .......... SGeo W Hennegan....... 3 Tho E Neal ............. 4 A N O'Qulan............. 8 Chas Railey .... ....2 J M Jones. Jr............. 2 Talmon Chandler ....... a J0 Honeycutt........... 2 (i F F ller .................. 3 Wa illliam torry.... ....... 3 T Humphries..........2 id T J Wagoner .............2 H 8 Collins.................3 A G Cobb................... Ira Biddle .................. 3 18 R S Garrett ................ 7 J W Pledger..............4 In testimony whereof witness our signatures on le this 10th day of January. A. D. lIt•., in the pree- eace of the undersigned wltuesses, at Colfax, l.on- er Isalna. In said parish of Grant. Signed: FKIIX BlTl.,ITT. U, O. L. NUGENT. Witness: B. E. WOODS. i, R. R. JITER. J. L. DURHAM. J. P. LEWIS. A. W. LEWIS. at JAS. J. O'QUINN. Clerk Dist. Court and Ex-Offelio Jury Com'r. Receiver's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by law and under an order issued out of the honorable the 13th Judicial District Court I will sell to re the highest bidder, at the principal front door of the court house in Colfax. La., on a SATURDAY, Feb. 11. 1•05. 31 the follownre property, helonairg 'o the ColfaI Press Brick Co.. L~mitead, to-wit: Six acres of land and imnorovement.s, with two houses, in town of (lclfax. ('lay shedl engine room and machine house. Three brick clamps. One Plow. one lot -f tools. two ear movers. 40 feet of 4-inch pipe. 250 feet of 1-inch pipe. one a. t of castings, doors and grates. two earts. er Ross Kellar press brick machine, one boiler and 0 ntmine. one cyoress tank, three Ihorses. three it sets of gear. thr.-- scrapers. o0- pump well. All to be sold for cash for whaL it will bring. 'oltoIfx La., Jdn. n'20. 115. J. N. FLETCHER, Reoeiver. he ------ Timber Laud Notice'. United States Land Ofce, er New Orleans. La., Nov. 17, 1901. o Notice is hereby given that in compliancewith hthe provisins of the act of Co-gress of June 3d. 11(5 entitled 'An Act for the sale of Timber t)B Lands in the States of California, Oregon. Ne- vad. and Waslingiton Territory ," aseotend~d to as all Public Land States by Act Angusnet 4, 1892, GEORGE H. McKNIGHT, ify of Colfax. Grant parish, Louisiana, has this day filed in this officre his sworn statement No. 5.137 for the purchase of thr Southenest quarter of see- tion twenty-.two., township ei ht north range od three west. La. Mer., and wia offer prsof to show that the land sognht is more valuable for Or its timber than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before James J. e O'Crinn Clerk District Court. at C('olfax, La., on Tuesday. the Slst d ,y of January. A. D. 19)5. ta- He names as witnesses: R. E McKniglt. of of C ,lt La, W. B. Clarke, of Colfax, La.. Jesse O Thomo, of Vilas, La., Jackson Thompson. of ep, nlan aall persons claiming adversel to the above described lands are ralueted to file their In- claims in this office on or before said Slat day of IdJanuarr, 1906. WALTER L. COHEN, Jnovar IRegister. tot Notice to Creditors. uie In the matter of Stewart & Walker vs. their Credlltors. )W In the Tlhirteenth District Court.Grant Ph.. La. In pursunance to an order lIased by the Judgeof IDg the 13th DistrictCourt of Grantparish. Loluisana. In the above entitled cane, wherein a meetlng of pIe the creditore is ordered to conveae before Hon. W.B.Clarke, Notary Public of Grant Parish, La., W In the town of Colfax. La., beginntng on Monday the 6th day of February. A. D. 1906. at the hour .- of 10 o'clock a. m., to vote upon the grantiang or refasieg of the spplication of the sald Stewart & Walker for a respite of 3. 12. 1I and 24 months against the claims of said creditors. YToe are therefore hereby aotiOed that all per- Ssons claiming to be creditors agalnst the anovre ag named Stewart & Walker are notihed to attend said mestiag at the time and place above stated I for and thkeanand there make due proof of their elaima as thy law directs. to Witss the Hon. W. F. Blaekmnau, JudgLe of the 1tth Judcldal District Court of Grant Parish, La.. and my omcdal seal and stgnatre on this the 12th day of January A. D. 1906. JAis I. .O'QUINN. Clark of the 1ith District Court. tty Notice to Persmns Under BoIkmd. All parties under bond are hereby ar', notified to appear in open court on Monday. Feb. 6, 1905, at 10 a. m., or nd their bonds will Ie forfeited. S; By order of the court thia Jan. 6, 19065. JAS. J. O'QUINN, Clerk of Court, Grant Parish. Notice to Grand Jlurors. th- The grand jurors tn and for Grant parish are hereby notified to appear in open court on Monday, January ters 30th, A. D. 1905. at 10 o'clock a. mn., ake instead of Monday, January I6. 19K5, na per notice given last week, said date being in error. By order of the Court. J. J. O'QUINN. . Clerk Diatrict Court. A carload of Caddo cotton and corn fertiliser for sale by J. H. Mc- SHIERIFF SALE. 13th Judicial District Court, Parish 1 of G(raut. Loulstina. In the matter of-A. Bauer vs. J. D. Colbert & Co. By virtue of a writ of fi. In. issued out of the 13th Judicial court and to o me directed In the albove entitled suit m I have seizel andl will offer for sale r. between the hours prescribed lIy law " at the priincipal front door of the he court house in ColfIax, ILa., on so SATURDAY. FEB. 4, 1905. , the following property. seized on as he the property of the defendant. to-wit: de Lots (.7. S. 9. 10, 11 and 12. In Bhlock of No. 1 of the i)owden Addition to the r town of 'Pollock. La. Also all the ;r wood and tinlwer thereon. together t with all the improvements. thereon. ar Terms--Caush, subject to apprnise- ment. M. E. :3WAFFt)D. le Sheriff, Colfax, La.. Dec. 8^., 1904. f. - ft Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Natchitoches. La.,. Dec. 23. 19(04. Notice is hereby given that the fol- a lowing-named settler lhas filed notice b of his intention to make final proof i in support sI his clahnim. nnd that said I proof will he made before Register b and lReceiver at Natchitoches, La., on Feb. 14. l!M95. viz: H. S. No. 8078, t W. RUFUS McMANUS, of Verd,. Lat., for the E % SE ' Sec. 8 1. T. 8 N, it. 4 W. La. Mer. e' He nnnme. the following witnesses to prove his contilnuous residence u, up1on and cultivation of said lnud,. f viz: .J. E. Wallace. J.. F. Kelly. RIt. S. Garrett, W. Stroud. all of Verda. La. .1. ERN.NT BItEDA. Register. i 222 South Peoria St., CurcAGo, Is.., Oct. 7, 1902. SEight months atgo I was so ill that I was eome d to lie or sit q down nearly a the time. My S stmach wns to weak and OPe that I could keep mohin on it and I vomited frquently. I could not urinate wthout greet pain and I eeughed o much that my thtest a lugs were raw and sore. The doctors pro- nounoed it Bright's disease and f others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what r they called it and I had no de- sire to live. A siter visited me r from St. Loui and asked me it I had over tried Wine of Cardai. I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer- ing if they but knew of its value. Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme efort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have a woman's health and S doa woman's work in life. Why . not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to- e day? WIN R#illU =n IColdsl It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs, low- ers the vitality and prepares the ' system for the more serious dis- eases, among which are the two S greatest destroyers of human life, SChambcrlain's SCough Remedy has won its great popularity by its Sprompt cures of this most common ailment. It aids expectoration, re- lieves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting a speedy and th permanent cure. It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. a Price.. w L.arg aSie 5o. J. H. McNEELY. Prenident. J. H. WILLIAMS. 1st Vice-Prest. EARL ROBERTS. Cashler. I J. W. BOLTON, 2d Vice-Prest. J. C. M•KNIUHT, Amt. Cashier. Bank of Colfax, Colfax, La.| Capital, $15,000. Surplus, $7,5Q0. Issues Bank Exchange available anywhere in the United States, Cheaper than Money Orders. Collection facilities unsur- passed. Fire proot vault. Screw door safe with " Tripple Time Lock. Amuplesecuri- ty for funds. S PROMPT and OAREFUL ATTENTION. Board of Directors. J. H. McNeely., R. W. Richardson, J. W. Bolton, 8. R. Le. T. C. Bush, E. B. Gray, G. H. McKnight, J.H. Williams, Earl Roberts. CEMENT, LIME, - NAILS.- Cement - - - - - $3 20 Lime -- - -- - 1 40 S Nails - - - - - 2 55 .BIG PINE Lbr. Co. Ltd. REAL ESTATE. AGENT, Colfax, Louisiana. LIST OF PROPERTY FOR SALE. llonsen and lots for s ,le in the town of Colfax, also several desirable building sites. A speclall desirable bauiding site directly op poeite Bis Pine comamisary, 8t 1-t2 175 feet. will be sold cheap to a quick buyer. Twenty lots in the new and grnwing town of Verds, splendid chance for a profitable vest- ment. Schools. emreohes. stores. saw mI ' and r,ili.lad. mk+ke it a live town. L:.t•'8il' t t 5 i and prices $10 to SoO0, recording t . loclt ton. A f.ne home in Verdn. near colle.e. six r•oom house, built in l•MS. pain el and pnperrl an, stores and flue~ in all the roo•,n, large I-acre lot 15•ix2i0 feet, barn and cow shed, wood well, gar- den and orchead, picket fence all around. This bargain at $1500 is only sold becanse owner has desire to take a poet-graslua t e course. -- Dur 80 acres hbargain in contry home in half mile of Verda, so acres cleared, seven room houe, 1- room t-nan:t house. burn, stable, well, 400 Elberin leach tree,, $)alt worth pine timber can be sold to Vered mills. Poesersiom given iIntwenty adss if sold by Feb. 20th. Price $120. haf cashl bal- ance in twelve months. - ur I40 14 acres, desirable home on Bayou Sigo- lette. all go~wl agricultnral land. 211 acres of woodland. 40 acrs cleared a" d imnproved.2.ro, m boxed and ceilhd house with kitochen, also hoe "s for a tenant two wells of water, stable and 50 fruit trees. i acres bottom land partly eleared and ready to be taken in, hill laws partly sandy and hammock. Price $12i41, half cash, balance 12 month.. Posesion with growingr erops can be arranged up to March let, or next till. Hotel LeS:age in the town of Colfax. cor. First and Main Streets, new two-story hrick building built,102. store. sample room. ofice, b'a dining room, kitchen, l.cker, two pantries and hall on first floor. 15 hedroom., hall and bathroom up stairs. Premises compprises the west halt of the block, and is 7•4lt4834 feet. with wood shed, S tub ciaterns. I underground cistern, closet, etc. Will be sold completely furnished as it stands. kitchen rane., boiler and furnishings. sidl.bcamd. crockery. cattlery. dining tables and chairs, beds and bedding washstands etc. Prioe. 2.0o00 0. half cash, balance I and years. Hotel and hliv- ery business. sold to retire from businoes. 180 acres. ag d home in the hills, 6 miles from Pollock, 34 of mile from school, three churches in 3 miles, 0 acres in ealtivation, •o sores reaml for cultivation. 3 acres pasture, 95 ares woods with a lot of good pine timber. 2(10 fruit trees. ,-room dwelling. good barn, double crib. and all other nec•eanry houses, good well and spring This is the J.T. Davis place, and will be soldd for 81200. half cash, balance on time. poseasion to be given in November, IV5. 600 sares good pim. some exceptionally fine hardwood land, all good for agricultural pur- pses when timber Is removed, being part t fSee. 1. Tp. 8 N. R W, the W hfof W hi. Se. , Tp. 8 N. B 2 W. W htof SW qr lec. 11 T,.9 N. It 2 W. snd the SW qr of Sec. T6 Tp,. 9 N,I R W. t&S 1117neres. principally virgin long leaf pine. also some fine cypre•s and other valuable liar - 4 woods, to-wit: Ehf of 14W qr, SWqr of SW qr. Sec. t, Tp 9 N,R 5 W, E h!it of E hfde. dc. Tp. 9 N. Rd W.fracNWqrandNW qr of SW qr of Sec. 18. Tp. 9 N. R 6 W. W hf of W hf. E hfof N W gr. NE qr of SWqr N hfof Sf r Sec.19. NW qr of NWqqrof E fqro qr 8 h fof 8W qr of lBE q of toeel, W hfof Bb r Sec. 10 Tp. !0 N, R 5 W E hof aE hf ad E h of W htof lota 7., 10 and 11 Sec. 24, W hft of SW qr See. 35 Tp. 10 NR W, NW qr of E qr Se. I Tp. 11N, B W. SEr and hf of NE r and E hf of SW qr Sec .12 5W, W hf of SW qr Sec. 32 T1'p. 9N. 5 80 acres, all fins alluvial land, in I miles of Colfax, 40 acres in cultivation, a 4-room house and 2 cabins, entire tract is splendid land, andI all can be put in cultivation. Also house and lot in town of Colfax. All to be sold at the low figure of $•100 to a eash parehabmr. 36 000 Acres Yellow Pine. 35.000 acres virn pine, tract stimated by ex- pert to average fully 6000 feet per acre. This land all lies within the parish if BienviUe., be. tween Sibley and the Saline. and will be sold at $9 per acre. The La. & N. W. Railroad runs directly through this land. -H 760 acres in Grat parish virgin pine and oak. Si of NE1jar dS of tLec. I, N ,4of NE' S and NE S of NW 44, Sec. 22, W % of SW 1 See. t2, SE % of Se. 2. all inTpN, R 4W. - 200 acres in Grant perish, virgin oak and cy- es lots ., 67, 10 and 11. 8c. 20, Tp&tR. R West. About 0 aees on bayou Black. 5 miles from Gibson, Terrebonne parish. La., 500 acres open land and all under far ce, 6 houses 2 others in poor repair, 6 stables and a crib. Main house cost $7,500 and has I8 large rooms, fire place in each room. Other buildings cost as much as the main house. As fine land as there is in the State for cane, corn. cotton, rice, potatoes and truck of all kinds. 14 miles from a sugar factory. Will sell for 225,000, or rent 5 years or more at 22,500 per year. 63 acres on bayou Lewis, St. M rfrish. S miles from Boeuf station on the S. P. Ry. Old fashioned house, all under fence and ha is is cultivation, balance in scrub timber. A fine horme for a small farmer. This property will bear inveetigation from anyone. 190 acres in the 'Horse Shoe" of Nantachio Lake, some good agricultural lied and some timber, west halt of NE14 and NE21 of NE)1 section 5, Tp. 7 north, range 4 west. Good title from bank, a bargain at $5 per acre. 520 acres, in Natchitochee parish, 7 miles from Colfax, river land, nearly all above overflow and suitable for cultivation. 75 ores lately cleared and in cultivation, S good dwellings for white tenants. niew, 2 good cisterns, 2 good wells fine never-failing drinking water, plae is rented for $o0 per annum. Will be sold for $501i payrbla $1500 cash, balance 1,. , S and 4 -years About one thousand acres, 3% miles of Meot. gomery, all in a body or adjoining in sections IS. 14 2 and 25. Township 8 north, knge west. in half mile of Valle railroad, moat of it oak hickory and pine hill, good agricultural land, about 300 acres creek tottom with cypremss and other hard wood. Price •3 per acre. to a quaek buyer taking whole tract ten per cent of.- Splendid investment-Property known as City Hotel, Nateitocheu. La., corner of ad and Boln streets, in 200 teet of businea esnter, rented to good tenant at $06 per month. 18.room hotel, outhosee and two shops on sde street, alla lot 98x174 feet close to Normal school. old at a crifce,. only M1O. a great bargein Twelve desirable late to build business housec or residences on. for sale in town of Culfax, at prices ranging from $150 to $500. 1.1-acre farm, all bottom land, six miles from Cilkfa, 110 in cultivation, residence anid four cabiii, buargin at $100. easy terms. 2920 acres hardwond lands. 4 miles of Colfax, flnst uash brake in the coettry7 will ie sold at $S.5O per acre, on easy terms. 40 aeres, 4 miles from Colffa, on C('old branch, good for countr home, only S5O, en teresa. o80 acres. 4 miles n(rthesrt of Colfar. pins hill with some good timber, $00. easy terms. 211 acres fous hard d and sgricnulral land three miles from Colfax. 60 seres subject to over- fow. f lw. anmc ahove. convenient to saw mills and good place to build a home. fine eatle range, a U bargaln at 8160, easy terlms. bug time. iU 4ta. S miles from Coletn. hardwood ad I fine agriceltural land. several acres cleared and read for enltimtion. nly $4B0. e tr ms.m I No ale. no chage for lands listed with me. Like to be dresed well We sell the kiwind of CLOTHING . that makes you good lookingr an that is long wearrin. Full Suits to boy of yous. Ca/l and lot us s~ow theM to you. If you don't buy a suit we'll appreciate your visit just the same. J.H. McNEELY, cOLFAX, LA. A. W. LE WI S, DEALER IN " General Merchandise . Ss stotoked upforl Mens and boys 1 you are . okinw + j the Fall nid Win- ClOthin and I for the place where + ter Trade n offer Black atteen Qality Counts for itg sooe exceptional Shirts for work- mare t.an Quantity• t bargainsin ing Men. Trade Here s My Stock of Shoes is Second to None My line of Groceries is beiil• constantly replenished und you can count on getting fresh goods. See My Goods, Then use your Judgment Sp i Ee LCumber Co., .Ctd., LUMBER QUOTATIONS. On and after September 15th our prices on lCumber will be as follows:. 1x4, 1x6, .x4 and 2x6, 10 to 20 feet long, $10.00 per M. 1x8, 1l10, 2x8 and 2x10, 1 " " " $11.00 " " S 1x12 and 2x12, " " " " $12.50 " " , 4x4 to 1I2x12, " " " " $12.St " " 1x3, dressed or rough $12.50 " " u For ripping rough lumber on Edger. $2.50 per M extra . .or each addilenal floot over 20 and up to Jo, SOI per LR eover ahewe prices on dimesuions awed S Nothing cut over 30 teest. No lmber Delivered. The ""Standard onExcellence e>< Keep what is wanted, itr RoBll tt E aalenJh artewj.. SBelieving that most customers prefer to patronise the Store whilchis known to be 2 fiadquartrs tor E rfUtilnn We keep on hand a Full ltock along all line, and sell all our ___ Goods atea reasonable margin of proSt-rememb~ring thnt a or eodtomer fairly treated will come agnio. Dry Goods, Boots• and ~hs, Hats, Notions, Clothing, Underwear for Ladies and Gentkleme, Boys and Girls, Uroosries, Hardware, Cut- lery, Crckery, Glass and Tinware. Harness, Bridles and Bad- h dies, Furniture. Farming Implements, Ete. J. H. McNIEELY, UAe At the Big Brick Store, Golfer, Es. be @+*mrn* * @@ **** We are SOLE DISTRIBUTORS f or frKanas, LIoullana & Tsxa i4 0Grat Branlds * Ot !ure and Unadutu•ratd Whisklc, which enables us to sell st prices no hlgher than others sell Inferior goods. To convince you, we will shblp you SExpress Pr~epaid, 4 tul Q•. Private StoGk, $2.50. 4 :ul Qts. Ealls Loullana, $2.75 4 tu Qts. G: dn RKge,. $.oo00 4 Full V. Virgieia st. 3ye, $3.20 We guarantee eattaaction. It not as represent ed, retera at our expense and your mosey will be cheerlully refulnded. We are the OLD JRL.I* 88L?, and refer to msay bseak or beelmaes house ai to our responsibility. Give us a triaL . KAUFMAN 6, MYER, 104-108 TEXAS 8,T.R.E.T, SSHREVEPORT. LOU L$.IANA.

The Colfax chronicle (Colfax, LA) 1905-01-28 [p ] · 2017. 12. 15. · Years argo, prt y lpapers were wide- lev lv tl5c:a ntial, :ltd maIitly beetmn"s He t ihose w:ho sip;il. tliiough,

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Page 1: The Colfax chronicle (Colfax, LA) 1905-01-28 [p ] · 2017. 12. 15. · Years argo, prt y lpapers were wide- lev lv tl5c:a ntial, :ltd maIitly beetmn"s He t ihose w:ho sip;il. tliiough,

goCle uitfa;r ,broniciC.:I. ('. (;C. i'WY':, I.dtr and i'ropriotor. I

M. 1. (,(n)t )' . 'N PubLle'irrnd A. istant. I- t

-- -ther,AlT iI)AY, J\N. 2-i, 1905. tr a-- ---- - term

The Pass'ing Organ. TexIt has at last developed that the pan

pirtislli organ is of small moment in Iis+politica

l l contest . anI r',lrhlapsof utl1- and

tr ritl injiiry. This is true, even of ehni he siincere piler's of that charneter. T

Of the mere oiictial sheets, those Sh'whose existence ldepends upon official ingfavors. they l:iv:t no influence good fou

or Ihad withi even ti respectable nuin- our

Iter of tl,ilkinu icitizens. VieThe \\'iWshinigton Post thinks that. ant.

n newspaper that has surrenldered therielht ai

ntl ablalndlllumd the diity of iig

t1 hii!:iin, for itself aid of uitering its t lef

on tl•ounits, nital feels bound to .;t

(co inield whalt its judcgenllt con- c \'-

dec ;ns, iP far Islow ii proip•r stand- hil

o rd. Stiuch is Ohe partvy o'".ru tas dis- La

ti uglunhed from til inl'lOpeident

hlew\paplller tha1:t .nttllialts error re- petirhdie's of wheire it allyV hi- found. Sl

Years argo, prt y lpapers were wide- levlv tl5c:a ntial, :ltd maIitly beetmn"s He

t ihose w:ho sip;il. tliiough, inld con- I

ducted lh:i it coliinns were icmen well inknown fl,:"' ailitvy, chalircter anti au- .I r.thoritv. Now inmpersconal joi rnalisin Mlinitlhout responsitility.,t lruly new~s II Islh et', hI -a .. .1ce(yeadti i, thel field, anl

\ there some personaitu:lity reltilins it is il.Sitoioi t itufinnce lrecuse tlle perslons •h

conductiing theml are devoid, as arnle, of etriking individuaility. G(i

As i di ssmin::tor of news and it Chrecordtr o1f t lie mere titel , the organ)ll li'Iits yet soine uses, but it would lie ,

ditticult to nml:il4e a niewspitiper in this ,Gcountry which cli-iimsi or exercises flt,

partsiliu ul autil-irit., which has infln- atnienci(e-LIyV, hich, is not a positive in-

jullry to the .illuse it seeks to serve. In([ThIe newspaper organ, since indi- tri

viduiility and personality on the

press l~ils Ieen succeededl by tile corn- AtneICI mizlized jnurnal. establhlished isa II i

rulel primarily to nullke money;nd to offgather nets aind to editorially coti- thinenIt to that end secondarily, litsbeclrrle a thing ratlher to be despised I1k

thnou commended inid to be opposed st,raither than followed. l

() the sMIotrnI of snmaller fry-those

whos•e existence is merely the result is

of *'pi'p" or its hope, nothinil need Ic, as

saiid. Most lof them lhardly deserve Vii"and cert:ainly do tinot rechi thie nies- t

live of lconlteilmpt a1Ind it Call tIe said of Hi

rintnly of I hetaS, that their permalnent wsu:.-,tn!;itin would fill ai long felt Di

nant.--hrevelport Jlurual. tie

Do Not Suppress a Cough. ItWhen ,ou have, a coiugh do not try to do

suptlries it, but remove the cause. The bycouLch is only It symlltom of some dis-erse. and the disease is what you shouldture, thefn the cough will stop of itself. thThe ment common canse of coughing isia codl. Anotni'ls \\iil jronmptly sup- in

prl•l• the c''l.nglh, itand l,reparations onl-I atnilng cIlloroform, opiumn, a e.. iare used

for tlhat l'purpOe, hot they do not cure ptthe cold. ( tlhamnbelain's Cough Reme-dy, on tie other land, does not suipprecssI he cellw', I;lt relieves it by removing tilfl,n. thle tliioat and lungs the mucous

which i ittructid the breathing, and

,!'la in • he irri'a'ion and tickling in hli• tlhroi t. It also opens the secretions p:nl etf..E uaSl, aitid l:ermlanettiv cen bthe c(& as!, weI ,( t! e cou:gh. For sale eluLy J. 11t le eie!. III

PI'resi eI \\illiiain delenborn, of the ei

(o.lllpfny, spilent the day in the city

yesterdlay in consultotion withl.the_

hle'l ofthicials. Mr. Edenluorn scaid

thait tlhis \was llmerely one of his peri-odical trips 4(f insprctioil of tile prop-

erties of tile ronail, an1d possessed no

particulhr igniniticlnce; but said that

every effort would be mnll(de to l'press

the conlpletion of thle rolmd to New "

Orleous. Mr. Edeuborn will remain i

in thile city for several days.

I)nlring thile ilolth o(f January the n

freight Iuisiness of the Louisi;ia iRllailway a011 Navigation (Cotpally

1has increi:.ed to Ii rennlrkaltleextent. O

1in1l it is v,,ry problllle thilt within

the next lw dlays it will ibe necessary

to put oit consideralle adlditional

irolling stock in order to handle the t

flreight pIronlptly.

Joseplh lalhlinde, in discussing the

matter yesterdlay, said that the

growth o(f the business on this line

hadi been dlmost phenomenal, and

hr belived that within thle next

year this property would tbecome one

of the most profitable o(f all ther oads

in Louillicn;a 115 far as freight tratfle I:

l;ils (olecertneld.-l'ienyune Jan. 24til.

How's This ?We offer one hundredl dollars reward

rrr utn ca,-o f eIc.lrii that cannot t~e

iil-lre lhv t!:ll!'s C'attrrll Cure.-F. J.I

(" i I;N E Y & tcO., 'oiedo. O.We, It e uuersiletrd, ihave known F.

J. Clieney flr the last 15 yeare, and be-lieeve titn [erfetly honorable in all bus;-ness t

ranlsicti(on, and tinancially able to

carry out any obligatltol made by histirin.--WALI)1NO, KINNAN & MAR-VIN. 1 holesale Druggists. Toledo, O.

I:-ll's Catlirrh Cure is taken inter-,lally, acting directly upon the bloodaind muccus surfaces of the system.'Ieatimoria!s sent free. Price 75ce perLbottle. Sold by itl druggistl.

Take Hall's Family Plls for constipa-tion.

Subscriptions Received.

The Chronicle is pleased to en-

ter four new subscribers this week,

viz: B. B. RIoshto, J. M. Brandon,

E. A. Mathis anid J. S. Brett,

Also we acknowledge renewals

of subscriptions reseived from W.

T. Buckner, Ada F. Hmial, E. C.

Chelette, J. L. Morintine, B. P.

Ray and Emma Nelson.Buy your fertilizer from McNeely.

Uiutetd Mutes Courit.ITo wn Tclk Jati 2th.

The C. S. court has $pefn in Aer5-ion E

in this city since Monday. Most of houthe dl;y TLuesday as tak I n up in the rn.1t r;;l of a civil CiI 4' ettitl-d1 ThI Pl n- our

ters Oil 'ompauny of Wettherford, had

Texas, vs. the Boyce Cotton Oil Coin- "M

pany, for n breach of contract in fur- ,W

iishirn, hulls, etc. The enasewastried the

and subhnitted. It will be de••:ided in tillichnl nbers. [(

The case against J. II. Bedg;od of in 1Shlahtown, \'eraon palri-Ah, for violat- ful

in,r the postal laws, was tried and senfound guilty and sentelnced to impris- Tornent for one day. Mr. Mr. edgood doviolated the law through ignorance bat

1and it was so proved. garH. F. Pate, who was accused of be- 1

in i short in his accounts aspostmas- to 1ter of Flatwootds, Rapides parish, 3W;-4 lpresenlit. his case was carried ninover, arint lie was released on his own her

hnd, going to his hioime, D)eRidder,La.

The following men served on the

petit jury: I). M. .Michael, John we

Sanclhes, Leon Lehman, J. T. ('harn- clii

lev, John Hatch, Ien Malachowsksy. ral

lHeinry ltatchliffe, Harry Gold, Oliver ma

lBassett, John Hobbs, F. E. Mel)er- bel

mott, Salie Jlckson, L. A. Stafford,

J r.. S:anlidlge • lhittinirton, Jas.

Mlitelill, M. Foisy, H. W. S. Lund, A. te

Ih;tner. laThe Grand Jury was comnposed of lil

II. E. Woods, J. I. MCetain, J. F.CU

Shaw, B. A. Fortson, J. W. Ethridge,\V. O. Harrison, W. S. O'Neal, G. N.

(;iven:;. Wm. C:llvit, D. Backman.Chas. IBoardman, .. W. Bolton, Alto

Mitchell, Sandy Thomas, Paul Lisso edJake WV-il, L. 1'. Whittington, Gus si'(iehr, Morris Weinberg, F. S. Nor- T.Ifleet, Mark Jackson. 11. I'. Luckettand Israel Thouas. las

The Grand Jury reported this sh

morning at 11 o'clock, finding six

true bills. C1

A bill was found against McKinney,

Ada ins, Donaldson and King chargedwith the robbery of the l'ollock post- nnofflee. The case was continued until tli

the court meetls in Shreveport. er,

A Bill was found against Willie w

lIowie, colored, for canceling postage tl

stamnips and lie was tried and fined

A Crim Tragedyis daily enacted, in thousands of homes. Coas death claims, ill each on'-, another 'victim of consumption or pneumonia. paI But when coughs and1 colds are properly strat:ld tIhe tragedy is averted. F. G.

fl Hutlev, of Oklandon. land., writes: "My c Iwife had the consumption and three nodoctlos gave her up. Finally she took Jot Dr. King's New )iscovery for Consump- w

tion, Coughs and Colds, which cured J!her. and today she is well and strong." aHIt kills the germs of all diseases. One M,a dose relieves. Guaranteed at h:c and $1 Bee by Crescent Drug Co. Trial bottle free. a

I A school mar'm not over a

thousand miles away found a lad T8 Ain the geography class who was a

deeply inlterested in learning the th

e points of the compass. The teacher 11

said: "You Iave in front of you,9 I the north; on your right, the east,

and on your left, the west. What

n have you belind you?" After a -

few moments reflections, Allen ex-

e claimed: "A patch on my pants,"

and to make the information more thof

Ic emplhatic, Allen continued in a

" shame-faced manner: "I knew you PY would see it. I tolJ ma you would. bS--Exchange.

IDed Iin Saw Mill Pond.

A dead man wns foundtl in the log

pond at Lintccum saw mill on lastSSatnarlday. The body was fouid by

t wo saldl boys. They said that he

was standtling in an upright position,

in his head projecting out of the water

slightly, lie was white and had two

scars on him. One scar was on the I

i let side of the face and the other on

the right side of the head. There was a

t. nothing on the remanins to identifyi him.-Town Talk .lan. 25th.ry "Hog and homniny" is a good

tl platform, but not broad enough forbe the people of the Southwest. We

need planks for fruits and vegeta-he bles, syrups and honey, poultry of

e all kinds, mules, horses, sheep,nd goats, wheat, oats, hay crops, can-

xt neries, cotton mills, preserving andne pickling works--as well as cotton

d and corn. We must adopt timetic tried intelligent methods of grow-:Ii. ing these products and organizing

these lines of business. The peoplerd must stick together and follow a

.sensible leader to insure success.-

Farm and Ranuch.be The Industrial Institute at Lafay-

ette begins second term of fourth see-his sion next Monday, Jan.30. Send for

R- catalogue and quarterly bulletin to

r. E. L. 8tephens, Presideut.l polled Her Beauty.

'. Harriet Howard, of 200 W. 34th-ut.,per New York, at one time had her beauty

a- spoiled with skin trouble. She writes:"I1 had salt rheum or eczema for years,but nothing would cure It until I usedBncklen's Arnica Salve." A quick andsure healer for cuts, burns and sores;25c at Crescent Drug Co.

NOTICE.To Peddlers, Collectors, and oth-

ale er Trespassers:-S Attention is called to posters

C. on my plantation gates. TakeP. warning that the law will be

enforced.. J. H. McNEELY.

Dots from Aloha. A

January 21, 1905. conEverything has been quiet herea-

bouts for some time, until about 5 p.

in. today, when four shots attracted 13tlour attention to two nlegrot-s. Theyhad fallen out about some debts, and I

"Mahaffey" shot two shots' at I"Windy." Thefirst missed him, but outthe second struck him in the face me

tilling it with No. 3 shot. lot

[Ourcorrespon•dent leaves"Windyv" at

in a bad fix, and leave us all in pain- u

ful suspense as to whether or not the th,shot hurtthedarkey very much.--Ed.] the

The railroad is having a lot of work Ldone in this section of late, which is tfbadly needed. They have secured a wegang of Italian laborers.

Mrs. J. D. Miller has lately moved neto the town of Aloha.

Mr. .. N. Fletcher's new gin is run-ning regularly, and turned out a num-Iwer of bales of cotton this week.


Among our new subscribers this i0`1

week is Mr. J. S. Brett, of Rat- in f

cliff, Texas. This yonng man was pr

raised in and around Colfax, and onmany of our citizens will remem-

-ber Sparks as a boy. T

J. H. McNeely will sell all win- toter clothing for the next thirty up,

days at 2.5 per cent discount. See 'l7

f his big advertisement.

CURAT(IORSHIPOVElt INTERDICT.13th .Indiclal Dist. Court. Parish of

Grant, Louisiana, No. 517.

Curatorship of estate of W. T.Bell, Interdict.

Whereas .lohu G. Bell has petitlon-

ed the Court for letters of curator-s ship over the person andl estateof W.

T. Bell, ilterdict. notice Is herebygiven to all whom It doth or maynconcern to show cause within ten

days why the prayer of said petioners should not lie granted. By order ofthe Court. This 23rd of Jau. 1903.

SJAMI:s. J. O'QUINN,Clerk 13th Dist. Court Grant P'sh, La.

r Stockholdters' Meeting.

Notice is hereby given that an an--inlal meeting of the Stockholders of

ii the Bank of Montgomery. Montgonl-ery. Louisiana. will be held at theirbanking house at 3 o'clock p. ln..

ie Wednesday, February 1st, 1903. for

,P the purpose of electing nine directorsto serve for the ensuing year.

d L. D. WAItDIOW, Cashier.

List of" Petit Jurors.Pursuant to an order of the Judge. the Jury

a, Commrnissloners have drawn the following fortyPetit Jnrors to nerve for the first week of theFebruary Term of Distriet Conet in and fortGranta. parish, beginning Monday. Feb. 6, 1905, via:

Ny AMR WARD , AME WARD.1 W Sorrells............ 2 W Ki Prenett.............2B A Fortsdh•............ 7 W V Martin... ....... 2C Delaney. ................ 2 OJ Hattaway........2...2Re Robt Parrish............. W T Moore................3

k John Murrell.. .......... 2 J C Klllingsworth .....O W Starks................ H I. Brian..................7P W C Travi...............1 1) W Gibson............... 2

d J M Anthony........... 2 W (' Williams.............1HB C Woodruff.............1 T J Mobley...............H L Hammons......... 2 John W Daniels.........2le Mat istls............... 2 W W Gentry ............... 431 Benson Maxwell.........2 H Rlh.ardson ..........

SGeo W Hennegan....... 3 Tho E Neal ............. 4A N O'Qulan............. 8 Chas Railey .... ....2J M Jones. Jr............. 2 Talmon Chandler .......

a J0 Honeycutt........... 2 (i F F ller .................. 3Wa illliam torry.... ....... 3 T Humphries..........2id T J Wagoner .............2 H 8 Collins.................3

A G Cobb................... Ira Biddle .................. 318 R S Garrett ................ 7 J W Pledger..............4

In testimony whereof witness our signatures onle this 10th day of January. A. D. lIt•., in the pree-

eace of the undersigned wltuesses, at Colfax, l.on-er Isalna. In said parish of Grant.

Signed: FKIIX BlTl.,ITT.U, O. L. NUGENT.

Witness: B. E. WOODS.i, R. R. JITER. J. L. DURHAM.


Clerk Dist. Court and Ex-Offelio Jury Com'r.

Receiver's Sale.By virtue of authority vested in me by law

and under an order issued out of the honorablethe 13th Judicial District Court I will sell to

re the highest bidder, at the principal front doorof the court house in Colfax. La., on

a SATURDAY, Feb. 11. 1•05.

31 the follownre property, helonairg 'o the ColfaIPress Brick Co.. L~mitead, to-wit:

Six acres of land and imnorovement.s, with twohouses, in town of (lclfax. ('lay shedl engineroom and machine house. Three brick clamps.One Plow. one lot -f tools. two ear movers. 40feet of 4-inch pipe. 250 feet of 1-inch pipe. onea. t of castings, doors and grates. two earts. erRoss Kellar press brick machine, one boiler and0 ntmine. one cyoress tank, three Ihorses. three

it sets of gear. thr.-- scrapers. o0- pump well.All to be sold for cash for whaL it will bring.'oltoIfx La., Jdn. n'20. 115.

J. N. FLETCHER, Reoeiver.he ------

Timber Laud Notice'.United States Land Ofce,

er New Orleans. La.,Nov. 17, 1901.

o Notice is hereby given that in compliancewithhthe provisins of the act of Co-gress of June 3d.

11(5 entitled 'An Act for the sale of Timber

t)B Lands in the States of California, Oregon. Ne-vad. and Waslingiton Territory ," aseotend~d toas all Public Land States by Act Angusnet 4, 1892,


ify of Colfax. Grant parish, Louisiana, has this dayfiled in this officre his sworn statement No. 5.137for the purchase of thr Southenest quarter of see-tion twenty-.two., township ei ht north rangeod three west. La. Mer., and wia offer prsof to

show that the land sognht is more valuable forOr its timber than for agricultural purposes and toestablish his claim to said land before James J.

e O'Crinn Clerk District Court. at C('olfax, La.,on Tuesday. the Slst d ,y of January. A. D. 19)5.

ta- He names as witnesses: R. E McKniglt. of

of C ,lt La, W. B. Clarke, of Colfax, La.. JesseO Thomo, of Vilas, La., Jackson Thompson. of

ep, nlan aall persons claiming adversel to the

above described lands are ralueted to file theirIn- claims in this office on or before said Slat day of

IdJanuarr, 1906. WALTER L. COHEN,Jnovar IRegister.

tot Notice to Creditors.

uie In the matter of Stewart & Walker vs. theirCredlltors.

)W In the Tlhirteenth District Court.Grant Ph.. La.

In pursunance to an order lIased by the JudgeofIDg the 13th DistrictCourt of Grantparish. Loluisana.

In the above entitled cane, wherein a meetlng ofpIe the creditore is ordered to conveae before Hon.

W.B.Clarke, Notary Public of Grant Parish, La.,W In the town of Colfax. La., beginntng on Monday

the 6th day of February. A. D. 1906. at the hour.- of 10 o'clock a. m., to vote upon the grantiang or

refasieg of the spplication of the sald Stewart &Walker for a respite of 3. 12. 1I and 24 months

against the claims of said creditors.YToe are therefore hereby aotiOed that all per-

Ssons claiming to be creditors agalnst the anovreag named Stewart & Walker are notihed to attend

said mestiag at the time and place above statedI for and thkeanand there make due proof of their elaima

as thy law directs.to Witss the Hon. W. F. Blaekmnau, JudgLe of

the 1tth Judcldal District Court of Grant Parish,La.. and my omcdal seal and stgnatre on thisthe 12th day of January A. D. 1906.

JAis I. .O'QUINN.Clark of the 1ith District Court.

tty Notice to Persmns Under BoIkmd.

All parties under bond are herebyar', notified to appear in open court on

Monday. Feb. 6, 1905, at 10 a. m., ornd their bonds will Ie forfeited.S; By order of the court thia Jan. 6,

19065. JAS. J. O'QUINN,Clerk of Court, Grant Parish.

Notice to Grand Jlurors.th- The grand jurors tn and for Grant

parish are hereby notified to appearin open court on Monday, Januaryters 30th, A. D. 1905. at 10 o'clock a. mn.,

ake instead of Monday, January I6. 19K5,na per notice given last week, saiddate being in error.

By order of the Court.J. J. O'QUINN.. Clerk Diatrict Court.

A carload of Caddo cotton andcorn fertiliser for sale by J. H. Mc-

SHIERIFF SALE.13th Judicial District Court, Parish 1

of G(raut. Loulstina.In the matter of-A. Bauer vs. J. D.

Colbert & Co.By virtue of a writ of fi. In. issued

out of the 13th Judicial court and to ome directed In the albove entitled suit mI have seizel andl will offer for sale r.between the hours prescribed lIy law "

at the priincipal front door of the hecourt house in ColfIax, ILa., on so

SATURDAY. FEB. 4, 1905. ,the following property. seized on as hethe property of the defendant. to-wit: de

Lots (.7. S. 9. 10, 11 and 12. In Bhlock ofNo. 1 of the i)owden Addition to the rtown of 'Pollock. La. Also all the ;rwood and tinlwer thereon. together twith all the improvements. thereon. ar

Terms--Caush, subject to apprnise-ment. M. E. :3WAFFt)D. le

Sheriff,Colfax, La.. Dec. 8^., 1904. f.

- ft

Notice of Final Proof.

Land Office at Natchitoches. La.,.Dec. 23. 19(04.

Notice is hereby given that the fol- alowing-named settler lhas filed notice bof his intention to make final proof iin support sI his clahnim. nnd that said Iproof will he made before Register band lReceiver at Natchitoches, La.,on Feb. 14. l!M95. viz: H. S. No. 8078, t

W. RUFUS McMANUS,of Verd,. Lat., for the E % SE ' Sec. 8 1.

T. 8 N, it. 4 W. La. Mer. e'He nnnme. the following witnesses

to prove his contilnuous residence u,up1on and cultivation of said lnud,. fviz: .J. E. Wallace. J.. F. Kelly. RIt. S.Garrett, W. Stroud. all of Verda. La.

.1. ERN.NT BItEDA. Register. i

222 South Peoria St.,CurcAGo, Is.., Oct. 7, 1902.

SEight months atgo I was so illthat I was eome d to lie or sit qdown nearly a the time. MyS stmach wns to weak and OPethat I could keep mohin on itand I vomited frquently. Icould not urinate wthout greetpain and I eeughed o much thatmy thtest a lugs were rawand sore. The doctors pro-nounoed it Bright's disease and

f others said it was consumption.It mattered little to me whatr they called it and I had no de-

sire to live. A siter visited mer from St. Loui and asked me it

I had over tried Wine of Cardai.I told her I had not and shebought a bottle. I believe thatit saved my life. I believe manywomen could save much suffer-ing if they but knew of its value.

Don't you want freedom frompain? Take Wine of Carduiand make one supreme efort tobe well. You do not need to be

a weak, helpless sufferer. Youcan have a woman's health and

S doa woman's work in life. Why. not secure a bottle of Wine of

Cardui from your druggist to-

e day?

WIN R#illU=n

IColdslIt should be borne in mind that

every cold weakens the lungs, low-ers the vitality and prepares the

' system for the more serious dis-eases, among which are the two

S greatest destroyers of human life,

SChambcrlain'sSCough Remedy

has won its great popularity by itsSprompt cures of this most commonailment. It aids expectoration, re-lieves the lungs and opens thesecretions, effecting a speedy and

th permanent cure. It counteractsany tendency toward pneumonia.

a Price.. w L.arg aSie 5o.

J. H. McNEELY. Prenident.J. H. WILLIAMS. 1st Vice-Prest. EARL ROBERTS. Cashler.I J. W. BOLTON, 2d Vice-Prest. J. C. M•KNIUHT, Amt. Cashier.

Bank of Colfax,Colfax, La.|

Capital, $15,000. Surplus, $7,5Q0.Issues Bank Exchange available anywhere in the United States,

Cheaper than Money Orders. Collection facilities unsur-

passed. Fire proot vault. Screw door safe with" Tripple Time Lock. Amuplesecuri-

ty for funds.


Board of Directors.J. H. McNeely.,

R. W. Richardson, J. W. Bolton, 8. R. Le. T. C. Bush,E. B. Gray, G. H. McKnight, J.H. Williams, Earl Roberts.


Cement - - - - - $3 20Lime -- - -- - 1 40S Nails - - - - - 2 55

.BIG PINE Lbr. Co. Ltd.

REAL ESTATE. AGENT,Colfax, Louisiana.

LIST OF PROPERTY FOR SALE.llonsen and lots for s ,le in the town of Colfax,

also several desirable building sites.A speclall desirable bauiding site directly op

poeite Bis Pine comamisary, 8t 1-t2 175 feet. willbe sold cheap to a quick buyer.

Twenty lots in the new and grnwing town ofVerds, splendid chance for a profitable vest-ment. Schools. emreohes. stores. saw mI ' andr,ili.lad. mk+ke it a live town. L:.t•'8il' t t 5

i and prices $10 to SoO0, recording t . loclt ton.A f.ne home in Verdn. near colle.e. six r•oom

house, built in l•MS. pain el and pnperrl an,stores and flue~ in all the roo•,n, large I-acre lot15•ix2i0 feet, barn and cow shed, wood well, gar-den and orchead, picket fence all around. Thisbargain at $1500 is only sold becanse owner hasdesire to take a poet-graslua te course. -- Dur

80 acres hbargain in contry home in half mileof Verda, so acres cleared, seven room houe, 1-room t-nan:t house. burn, stable, well, 400 Elberinleach tree,, $)alt worth pine timber can be soldto Vered mills. Poesersiom given iIntwenty adssif sold by Feb. 20th. Price $120. haf cashl bal-ance in twelve months. - urI40 14 acres, desirable home on Bayou Sigo-

lette. all go~wl agricultnral land. 211 acres ofwoodland. 40 acrs cleared a" d imnproved.2.ro, mboxed and ceilhd house with kitochen, also hoe "sfor a tenant two wells of water, stable and 50fruit trees. i acres bottom land partly elearedand ready to be taken in, hill laws partly sandyand hammock. Price $12i41, half cash, balance12 month.. Posesion with growingr erops canbe arranged up to March let, or next till.

Hotel LeS:age in the town of Colfax. cor. Firstand Main Streets, new two-story hrick buildingbuilt, 102. store. sample room. ofice, b'a diningroom, kitchen, l.cker, two pantries and hall onfirst floor. 15 hedroom., hall and bathroom upstairs. Premises compprises the west halt of theblock, and is 7•4lt4834 feet. with wood shed, Stub ciaterns. I underground cistern, closet, etc.Will be sold completely furnished as it stands.kitchen rane., boiler and furnishings. sidl.bcamd.crockery. cattlery. dining tables and chairs, bedsand bedding washstands etc. Prioe. 2.0o00 0.half cash, balance I and years. Hotel and hliv-ery business. sold to retire from businoes.180 acres. ag d home in the hills, 6 miles from

Pollock, 34 of mile from school, three churchesin 3 miles, 0 acres in ealtivation, •o sores reamlfor cultivation. 3 acres pasture, 95 ares woodswith a lot of good pine timber. 2(10 fruit trees.,-room dwelling. good barn, double crib. andall other nec•eanry houses, good well and springThis is the J.T. Davis place, and will be soldd for81200. half cash, balance on time. poseasion tobe given in November, IV5.600 sares good pim. some exceptionally fine

hardwood land, all good for agricultural pur-pses when timber Is removed, being part t fSee.1. Tp. 8 N. R W, the W hfof W hi. Se. , Tp. 8N. B 2 W. W htof SW qr lec. 11 T,.9 N. It 2 W.snd the SW qr of Sec. T6 Tp,. 9 N,I R W. t&S

1117 neres. principally virgin long leaf pine.also some fine cypre•s and other valuable liar - 4woods, to-wit: Ehf of 14W qr, SWqr of SW qr.Sec. t, Tp 9 N, R 5 W, E h!it of E hfde. dc. Tp. 9N. Rd W.fracNWqrandNW qr of SW qr ofSec. 18. Tp. 9 N. R 6 W. W hf of W hf. E hf of NW gr. NE qr of SWqr N hfof Sf r Sec.19. NWqr of NWqqrof E fqro qr 8 h fof 8Wqr of lBE q of toeel, W hf of Bb r Sec. 10 Tp.!0 N, R 5 W E hof aE hf ad E h of W ht of lota7., 10 and 11 Sec. 24, W hft of SW qr See. 35 Tp. 10

NR W, NW qr of E qr Se. I Tp. 11 N, B W.SEr and hf of NE r and E hf of SW qr Sec

.12 5 W, W hf of SW qr Sec. 32 T1'p. 9N. 5

80 acres, all fins alluvial land, in I miles ofColfax, 40 acres in cultivation, a 4-room houseand 2 cabins, entire tract is splendid land, andIall can be put in cultivation. Also house andlot in town of Colfax. All to be sold at the lowfigure of $•100 to a eash parehabmr.

36 000 Acres Yellow Pine.35.000 acres virn pine, tract stimated by ex-

pert to average fully 6000 feet per acre. Thisland all lies within the parish if BienviUe., be.tween Sibley and the Saline. and will be sold at$9 per acre. The La. & N. W. Railroad runsdirectly through this land. -H

760 acres in Grat parish virgin pine and oak.Si of NE1jar dS of tLec. I, N ,4of NE' Sand NE S of NW 44, Sec. 22, W % of SW 1 See.t2, SE % of Se. 2. all inTpN, R 4W. -

200 acres in Grant perish, virgin oak and cy-es lots ., 67, 10 and 11. 8c. 20, Tp&tR. R


About 0 aees on bayou Black. 5 miles fromGibson, Terrebonne parish. La., 500 acres openland and all under far ce, 6 houses 2 others inpoor repair, 6 stables and a crib. Main housecost $7,500 and has I8 large rooms, fire place ineach room. Other buildings cost as much as themain house. As fine land as there is in the Statefor cane, corn. cotton, rice, potatoes and truckof all kinds. 14 miles from a sugar factory.Will sell for 225,000, or rent 5 years or more at22,500 per year.

63 acres on bayou Lewis, St. M • rfrish. Smiles from Boeuf station on the S. P. Ry. Oldfashioned house, all under fence and ha is iscultivation, balance in scrub timber. A finehorme for a small farmer. This property willbear inveetigation from anyone.190 acres in the 'Horse Shoe" of Nantachio

Lake, some good agricultural lied and sometimber, west halt of NE14 and NE21 of NE)1section 5, Tp. 7 north, range 4 west. Good titlefrom bank, a bargain at $5 per acre.520 acres, in Natchitochee parish, 7 miles from

Colfax, river land, nearly all above overflow andsuitable for cultivation. 75 ores lately clearedand in cultivation, S good dwellings for whitetenants. niew, 2 good cisterns, 2 good wells finenever-failing drinking water, plae is rented for$o0 per annum. Will be sold for $501i payrbla$1500 cash, balance 1,. , S and 4 -years

About one thousand acres, 3% miles of Meot.gomery, all in a body or adjoining in sectionsIS. 14 2 and 25. Township 8 north, knge west.in half mile of Valle railroad, moat of it oakhickory and pine hill, good agricultural land,about 300 acres creek tottom with cypremss andother hard wood. Price •3 per acre. to a quaekbuyer taking whole tract ten per cent of.-

Splendid investment-Property known as CityHotel, Nateitocheu. La., corner of ad and Bolnstreets, in 200 teet of businea esnter, rented togood tenant at $06 per month. 18.room hotel,outhosee and two shops on sde street, allalot 98x174 feet close to Normal school. old ata crifce,. only M1O. a great bargeinTwelve desirable late to build business housec

or residences on. for sale in town of Culfax, atprices ranging from $150 to $500.

1.1-acre farm, all bottom land, six miles fromCilkfa, 110 in cultivation, residence anid fourcabiii, buargin at $100. easy terms.

2920 acres hardwond lands. 4 miles of Colfax,flnst uash brake in the coettry7 will ie sold at$S.5O per acre, on easy terms.

40 aeres, 4 miles from Colffa, on C('old branch,good for countr home, only S5O, en teresa.

o80 acres. 4 miles n(rthesrt of Colfar. pins hillwith some good timber, $00. easy terms.

211 acres fous hard d and sgricnulral landthree miles from Colfax. 60 seres subject to over-fow. f lw. anmc ahove. convenient to saw mills and

good place to build a home. fine eatle range, aU bargaln at 8160, easy terlms. bug time.iU 4ta. S miles from Coletn. hardwood ad

I fine agriceltural land. several acres cleared andread for enltimtion. nly $4B0. e tr ms.m

I No ale. no chage for lands listed with me.

Like to bedresed well

We sell the kiwind of CLOTHING .

that makes you good lookingr anthat is long wearrin.

Full Suits to

boy of yous.

Ca/l and lot us s~ow theM to you. Ifyou don't buy a suit we'll appreciateyour visit just the same.




General Merchandise .

Ss stotoked upforl Mens and boys 1 you are .okinw+ j the Fall nid Win- ClOthin and I for the place where +

ter Trade n offer Black atteen Qality Counts for

itg sooe exceptional Shirts for work- mare t.an Quantity•

t bargainsin ing Men. Trade Here

s My Stock of Shoes is Second to NoneMy line of Groceries is beiil• constantly replenished

und you can count on getting fresh goods.

See My Goods, Then use your Judgment

Sp i Ee LCumber Co., .Ctd.,LUMBER QUOTATIONS.

On and after September 15th our priceson lCumber will be as follows:.

1x4, 1x6, .x4 and 2x6, 10 to 20 feet long, $10.00 per M.1x8, 1l10, 2x8 and 2x10, 1 " " " $11.00 " "

S 1x12 and 2x12, " " " " $12.50 " " ,4x4 to 1I2x12, " " " " $12.St " "

1x3, dressed or rough $12.50 " "u For ripping rough lumber on Edger. $2.50 per M extra

. .or each addilenal floot over 20 and up to Jo, SOI per

LR eover ahewe prices on dimesuions awed

S Nothing cut over 30 teest. No lmber Delivered.

The ""Standard

onExcellencee><Keep what is wanted,itr RoBll tt E aalenJh artewj..

SBelieving that most customers prefer to patronise the Storewhilchis known to be2 fiadquartrs tor E rfUtilnnWe keep on hand a Full ltock along all line, and sell all our___ Goods atea reasonable margin of proSt-rememb~ring thnt a

or eodtomer fairly treated will come agnio. Dry Goods, Boots•and ~hs, Hats, Notions, Clothing, Underwear for Ladiesand Gentkleme, Boys and Girls, Uroosries, Hardware, Cut-lery, Crckery, Glass and Tinware. Harness, Bridles and Bad-

h dies, Furniture. Farming Implements, Ete.J. H. McNIEELY,

UAe At the Big Brick Store, Golfer, Es.

be @+*mrn* * @@ ****We are SOLE DISTRIBUTORS

f or frKanas, LIoullana & Tsxa

i4 0Grat Branlds* Ot !ure and Unadutu•ratd Whisklc,

which enables us to sell st prices no hlgher than

others sell Inferior goods. To convince you, we

will shblp you

SExpress Pr~epaid,

4 tul Q•. Private StoGk, $2.50.

4 :ul Qts. Ealls Loullana, $2.75

4 tu Qts. G: dn RKge,. $.oo00

4 Full V. Virgieia st. 3ye, $3.20We guarantee eattaaction. It not as represent

ed, retera at our expense and your mosey will

be cheerlully refulnded. We are the OLD JRL.I*

88L?, and refer to msay bseak or beelmaes house

ai to our responsibility. Give us a triaL .

KAUFMAN 6, MYER,104-108 TEXAS 8,T.R.E.T,