Narrator: This is the life story of Drippy the rain drop and his continuous movements above and on the surface of the earth. Through this cycle he will come and go in hurry and as for his state of water this will change at various places in Narrator: On a bright sunny day in a lake there was a raindrop named Drippy who woke up to find he was being removed from his home at the lake. Now, he is trying to find his way back home. Drippy: Hey whoa. What’s going on? Where am I going? Narrator: Drippy was being heated by the big bright sun and was turned into a smoke like substance called steam and was floating in the air. Drippy: (in steam form) hey who are you?

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Page 1: storyboard on powerpoint

Narrator: This is the life story of Drippy the rain drop and his continuous movements above and on the surface of the earth. Through this cycle he will come and go in hurry and as for his state of water this will change at various places in the cycle.

Narrator: On a bright sunny day in a lake there was a raindrop named Drippy who woke up to find he was being removed from his home at the lake. Now, he is trying to find his way back home.

Drippy: Hey whoa. What’s going on? Where am I going?

Narrator: Drippy was being heated by the big bright sun and was turned into a smoke like substance called steam and was floating in the air.

Drippy: (in steam form) hey who are you?

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Mr. Sunshine: Well my lad I am Mr. Sunshine and I am the reason why you were taken from your home. This is because the heat I was giving to your lake made you turn into this smoke fog that you are now because you are being evaporated.

Drippy: Evaporated? What does that mean?

Mr. Sunshine: Well, this means that you are coming into the air as a form of misty water because of my heat

Drippy: Oh, is that why I can see through myself?

Mr. Sunshine: Yes, that is right.

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Drippy: That is so cool but now where do I go so I can get back to my lake?

Mr. Sunshine: Well lad you have to go into a few more stages of this cycle and meet more people before you can go back to your lake.

Drippy: Ok, well thank you for teaching me about what was happening to me I was lost and didn’t know why I was floating in the sky toward something bright but now I know it was because of you and your heat.

Mr. Sunshine: Good I am glad you understand and just in time for you to move to your next stage so you can go back home. You’re going to meet one of my friends Mrs. Puff and she will help you with the rest of your travels.

Drippy: Ok well thanks again.

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Mr. Sunshine: No problem, good luck little fella.

Drippy: (while moving) weeeee hey where am I going now and why is it cold?

Mrs. Puff: Why hello there.

Drippy: Hi, who are you and where am I?

Mrs. Puff: I am Mrs. Puff and you are in a cloud honey.

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Drippy: Oh, I am glad I found you. Wait I can see myself, I am water again!

Mrs. Puff: (laughing) Yes dear you went up into the air because of that old Mr. Sunshine and evaporation but did you notice how on the way up here you were cold?

Drippy: Yeah I was kind of cold.

Mrs. Puff: Well that is because you are now back into your original form because the cold got you back to your water state and turned you into a cloud and this formation is called condensation. That is why you are up here with me now.

Drippy: Oh that is so cool and its fun up here with all this soft stuff.

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Mrs. Puff: (laughing) I am glad you like it up here but I need to tell you where you are going next to go home.

Drippy: Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Please I want to know what is going to happen next so I can go home.

Mrs. Puff: Well, the next stage is going to be something called precipitation. This is when there are so many of your water friends that were condensed in the clouds and the clouds cannot hold all of them for a long period of time so we have to let you fall down to the earth where you came from.

Drippy: Wait, so when you can’t hold us anymore you are just going to drop us? That sounds scary!

Mrs. Puff: No, Drippy what happens is you and your friends make the cloud a little heavy so when you guys are ready to go home we send you down to the earth so you can go home. This maybe scary when you are falling to the earth but remember this is your way home.

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Drippy: Ok, phew don’t scare me like that and that does not sound like fun to fall down to the earth but if it is the way home I guess I have to then.

Mrs. Puff: It won’t be bad I promise.Now the next stage before you go home is called collection or surface runoff. What this means dear is after you go through precipitation and fall to earth you may land back in your lake but if not this is where this can be tricky.

Drippy: (worried voice) Ok, well I like the fact if I just go back into my lake but then what happens if I don’t? What happens then? I just want to go home.

Mrs. Puff: Ok, well nothing to worry about dearie if you do not go back into your lake you will be what is called ground water which is just the water on the ground and you need to run over the ground and go back to your lake where ever it is.

Drippy: Well, I guess that is not so bad so I just need to either land in my lake or run over the ground and get back to my lake?

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Mrs. Puff: Yes that is it sweetie but you will find your way I promise. Now, are you almost ready to go because it is almost time for you and your friends to go so go find two buddies to go with you to your lake.

Drippy: Ok I will go find them so I don’t have to go back home alone. Hey you two!

Droopy and Hal: Us?

Drippy: Yes you two! I have a question for you two but first what are your names?

Droopy: Well he is Hal and I am Droopy.

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Drippy: Hi I am Drippy and can help me find my lake?

Droopy and Hal: Yeah we can. Hal: As long as we stick together we don’t care

Drippy: Yay! Are you guys almost ready to go because Mrs. Puff said it was time to go soon.

Droopy and Hal: Yes we are

Drippy: Ok, Goodbye Mrs. Puff

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Mrs. Puff: Goodbye dear. Good Luck!

Drippy: Ok let’s go!

Drippy, Droopy and Hal: (falling) weeeeeeee, this is fun! Whoa!

Splash! Drippy: Hey we all landed back in my lake. Yay!

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Droopy and Hal: Yay we made it!

Drippy: Thanks guys for helping me find my lake.

Droopy and Hal: You’re welcome.

Drippy: I am finally home.