.. Cp .,, % a liars. ^ i $. '*^v: -',^->:iV'",'?' SStaiSSX i ( 'he roller 1'",.r ! at Fair Forest \ i ilng d: y ; ::>l night. jf ' a'' teo ! < !,! peas possib'e. J 7! «y will bring *1 i.e t spring. < Tsmany f. ran1" in the county nil*- r e;j nature , »i\* t beans this season? ^ t he York cotton n~ .1 is paving j |$i ; »»ae«»ril f* r \vo«>:l Ar GuHney lh price i.-> #1 ti<» mi large lots. > Ji-.-t r\-fiof uetoner guve i.- i. : *ir i-i! l:-piuy w'h nnuhi 1 i id^r. "1 ?»e r.ii.i was light in liieif city. I j I iv. J. Caipenter has wow ! Info! £ 1 he 1'.-mar ii u-«' or, South Cliurcii j g s »vet ami he wi.J keep a boarding li -use. It ve t notat'»e< v e s.-ii'; g from l! >* c wigens at ooeents u l-usl-e! ! " i:«-. s >u >»h, (le n om-s may Lr n nu re; r ]> ur ones u little less. * I Aaron f.ifieMhn nrought us t; li: \ c p.imnlo of the pumpkin yjui potato ci u few days ago. They are iirsi-el;.. s io jize umi the quality is good. Although Ih-re is no." lu:y save 1 this >«- ir tiiau,*T. e Or known in tbisj _ t'tCg oeml belief is that one-1 1 I ..J' iirTar-nt r have saved tior.e at I c «'.. j v rb'j i-ieiilan 1 instilling company! I beti-un bu-ine.-s. fhey are now! t -ir ioH.! b':. '.els of _'rain daily. * 'J ». e\o to double c inacity very _ i. ' i cl. a phi'" o:.g!it to turn h T a mi on «'n«fo"8 a >ear * - < 1 1-.. ~..^,1 i i'pol..". .1. (TtMifW'M uzm r i.-vne meuior'-a! pamphic* in wh'jh th ad re-scs delivered he-e in «!.»>< "»r of I re-.idi.nt McKinley are published. The Kennedy Library Asso(,'^ion .vi.l oeliverthe souvenirs. 'i here is a stud nt in Woff >rd ColJo v. h pAk-.i iA> poui ds of cotton io ne uay. There is not a single li't-cber i.f 'he faculty who could leat t»«Ht. li is d'ubtful whether Pros;"?, at C:..iisie cou.a pick tftXt pounds or r..t. L p tc. t]-,c fir-'* of Oct'ber a 1 i report-; tend to convii-.. cott >n growers that present crop will full beJ ' tei. u '.iiv..". on!es un 1 t^et the t rice ought to touch ten cents before March 1. That dots seem reasonable to ot.e with u few bates to sell. The time has come for the estab- < list meut of hirge cattle farms in this cout: ry. B<»th registered cattle and j. tiie con mon breeds will do w »11. The . editor of Ins: M'akTan would li^e to ta<k to young men v1 a would like to * embark in the business. A little 1 c«i"it.il. much patience and close at- c teution wt uld bring succrss. h * » s K. L. Archer says that he finds the » besi way to cure pi a vines is to coc-. them up ir the after they i >* i taken the stin for a few days. A 'jot pole driven in the ground anu c braces nailed to it about 1' two ivvt from the ground and extend- t in? to edge of cock, will give circula- t tion of uir from the ground and cure ft the vines. « Mr. H. W. ftlark, V mtgomery. u Ala who has been visi'ing relitives f in the county, be'ongs to a very re- i: murk able family. His father was a Joh, Clark, who was born in North a Carolina. He came to this stare and jmarried miss Susan Parks. In 1829 j. they moved to Georgia. To these . wc re. born 18 children, fourteen of who in married and raised families. . They had a reunion at Covington, 1 Oa., last year and nine survivors ;:i brothers and five sisters, were f prose- t. The youngest was 57 years c old and the average age was at out 72 \ years. Ad nine are si ill living, the t o'dest being So \ears old. , When college professors these days c see u committee of women coming t afar off. they do not rush out and throw their arms around them. They rather hide in the back yard or garden and put their wives forward, j for they verily believe that said coin 1 mitiees are diligently seeking their ( coins before payday conies around 1 at i just after they had to borrow 1 .$2.75 to start in after the vacation. ] But wht u it is ann tunced to them ( th>». the c mimittees are not hunting J cash, but some one to make wise and ( el "picnt addresses, said professors j i r.e .Vr.ii with the tread of con-loering heroes and radunt smiles 10 iucne* wide and they are more than f willing to promise anything deaianded ' t»v tiie com mi trees. 1 Condition olt'oitou Crop. ( New York. Sep*. 80..The October 1 Cotton report of the Journal of Com-1 ^ cierce. trom more tlian eleven hun- 1 drod cm respondents, indicates a decline in the average condition of cotton during September 7.5 points. Tne average figures out 68 per cent. Tne rncsi/ severe decline is in Mississ- -1 ippi, wuere the sensational reduction o' 1*1 pre: t. indicated, as the re- ' suit of u combination of unfavorable influences, but particularly the heavy equinoctial rains. In fact these heavy rains are primarily re'ponsi bio for a very influential part of the month's general average decline. Other spectacular declines are 15 points in the Indian Territory, 14 points in Oklahoma and 18 points in Fiorda. South Oarolina shows a re Unction of 9 points. A. jama 6 point- .. orill Carolina 8, while Texas and Louisiana each are within 1 point o" their last month's average. '"' king is two to three weeks late on ^ Atlantic coast and Gulf Staus, excepting Louisiana and Texas. In Louisiana it is about normal. while Texas snows a cuusiueruble advance over last yearMi-* an American missionary in Kuropcan Turkey and her companion. Mrs. Tsilka, were captured Pept.o. incy were travelling with a party of lf> to IS when they were arrested on the n.rd by a band of brigands, All we're released except Miss Stone and her friend. They are he!d for a ransom. There are very few j eopie who will not he thankful for suggestions, advice and even reproach when the\ come from the light person in the right way and at the right time. ««i.' " I CONDENSED STORIES." Hie Currtsr Prck a Little Too Cheap For Socrctary Chandler. At the Army and Navv club the )thcr evening a group of officers vcrc discussing the recent difficuli:s of ex-Senator Chandler with It-ar Admiral Evans. One of the ifficers, now retired, mentioned incidentally the fact that Mr. ("haulier upon taking up the navy port'olio was not as familiar with nan- ica! matters as might be desired. Soon after taking holil of his olliial duties the secretary had oecaion to visit what was at tlie time me of the larger vessels of the taw. I'non the morning following lis arrival the commanding ollieer, ifter a brief exchange of greetings, aid: "Mr. Secretary, would you care o see the marines mustered on the |uarter deck?'' "H'ii!" replied the head of the de>artment, so the story goes. "It eems to me that for the secretary >f the navy at least a half dollar leek should be provided.".New fork Times. Presented His Pcrtrrvt. A pretty tale is told of Leopold I., king of the Belgians. In his »wn land he is devoted to long rail:*. On one of those expeditions ic stopped at a taruiJio;1 <> asKd for a gla.v' of milk an.! t!vn said omciiii:»Lr to hi> companion in Km:» Q y:; * | . 4m HSRE'8 A PORTRAIT OF THE LONO NOSED EVOUSHMAN." ieh. The dame who went to fetch he draft was heard to say, "1 render what the long nosed Engishman will pay?" When she ame back, King Leopold handed ler a five franc piece. "Here," he aid, "is a portrait of the long nosed Englishman." Applause on Trust. In Jules Simon's recently pubished "Premieres Annees" he tells hat once, when a candidate in Britany, he spoke for more'than^n tour amid great applause and was chaired" and carried back in tri:mph to his hotel. There the riend who had organized the meotng said to him, "Well, 1 hope you re satisfied." The orator assumed modest air. "Come, now," said lis friend, "own up. Xo one can iave an ovation like that without eing moved by it." "Well, then, I iwn up," said Jules Simon. Laughng heartily, his friend continued: 'There were two or three thousand >eople there, were there not? Ex:ept you, myself and tlirec more, vhose names I eould give, not a yul inderstood French. You got your ipplause cm trust." Jules Simon 'oncludes, "It was the greatest oraorical success of my life." The Visitor From the Mountains. An old native inhabitant of a vilage in the mountains of Japan rame out. of his seclusion recently tnd paid a visit to the city of Kunaraoto for the first time in 28 rears, says the Chicago News. A juarter of a century and three years tad naturally made a great change :ven in the old town, and everything .he aged rustic saw there was a wonler to hin>. More mystified than istonished, the man went back to sis mountain recesses and the first .hing he is reported to have said to ii3 wondering villagers was: "Well, I declare! For the soul )f me I don't know what the Ku- mamoto folk do with so many wistaria vines stretched along the rtreets!" He meant the telegraph wires. Short Stop*. The Confederate soldiers' home at Atlanta was burned the 30th ult. Phere were about in the kniUiniT Vn lives lost. There "" """h1 was a street car strike in Pensacola which tied up the cars several days. A son of President Kruger, who recently surrendered to the English, died in prison Company C.,9th Infantry was attacked by the insur; gents in Samar Island recently and 4S of them were killed. H G Westall in Atlanta was arrested for forging checks. His home is in Asheville. He admits that he has forged 60 or 70. Policemen and strikers of San Francisco had a fight recently and several were wounded. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 26..In Wayne county Hanley Lancaster and his cousin's widow, Mrs. Kate Lam caster, in order to foil their grand children, who violently opposed theii marriage, eloped and drove six mile; to a justice's, and when the 05-vfar old bridegroom said: ' Hurry, we'v< run away," the magistrate quickh united him and his Go-year-old bride * Wanted. The Exposition committee desir farmers to send in as early as possibl specimens of field crops for exhibi tion at the Charleston Exposition Best samples of corn, wheat, oat? cotton, sorghum, potatoes, and i fact, everything raised on the farm These may be left at the office of J K. Hottal on Magnolia street. E. L. ARCHER, Chairman Committee. 4t to Oct. 20. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Opposition to Evolution of Home Industries Is Useless. It is of course perfectly true that with the existing appliances for housekeeping it vouM often be inconvenient or impossible to alter present l.ieti »«ls in housework, and that to pun base large amounts of cooked food or to do away with the services of many housekeepers would not be practicable until there has been suilieient evolution in the plan and orpiipment of the house itself to adapt n 10 me new eonuitions. That t l:e tendency is to have increased amounts of work done outside the house is undeniable. Laundry work and certain kinds of cleaning and cooking are already done by outside agencies in constantly increasing amounts. They are merely following the course of other household industries that left the home roof earlier in the century.candle making, the curing of meats, spinning, weaving, to a certain extent sewing and many other incipient industries that have now, become specie : d and organized in factories ai d hops on a colossal scale. Jfow iris lendencv of having hot:-' d tie V .mid agencies v ill i. arried is a disputed question, led that the tendency exists ar.d that it is in lino with the general eo of industry cannot he denied mo-t <onservat ive homemr.ki far a- it i> i:i line with ner.ii impulse by which ii ! s»<«i;-1 forces are shapi it i- inovitnble. Kail I 'cop ize the tendency ca robing ] resent frit tion n! >mfort: attempts to thwart it <. only end in ultimate defeat. Wall Packets. A pretty idea t»r a wall pocket i the sabot. Sabots of plain while wood, ready for painting on. are sold for the express purpose of holding flowers, and these are very pretty. But another notion is: tc imitate the sabot in painted satin or ni!e green leather, and in this way a dainty, uncommon wall pocket is ij. jff 1 V0&\ ' j THK SABOT POCKET. made. The shape of a sahot or a Chinese shoe (on an enlarged scale) can usually be cut without much difficulty if one takes an ordinary shoe or carpet slipper as a guide, tapering otT here and curving there. The bost way to begin is by cutting out a shoe pattern in brown paper. This can be done bv laying the paper over a ready made shoe, if an unmade carpet slipper is not at hand. The sole should he made of cardboard covered with satin, and the toepiece could be of fancy brocade or painted1 satin, bound with ribbon or gathered through a buckle. A pretty notion is a bronze shoe made of bronze colored satin or satin and velvet. A My l)os. She.It's tin i bothering me, Jack; I shall marry \ u I please. He.Thai's : .! ;'m asking you to do. my dear. You ; tisp me wen euougu. (. 11 rod. It i< the : : (tic year. And .! r. !: \viridr«L5 wide abode Tin- aulc iin " ail siicnUy. To light i.i-r lump. along Che road. A.nsiee's Magazine. Mutual. "I'm tired out." said tlie nutlior. "Never mind," replied Ids l'riend, "the public is in the same fix!" . Atlanta Constitution. Look* SuMvlcioua. Ia it a sign or is it not. And ont- ti:at needs attention due, Thit when the cashier buys a yacht He means to be a ski| per too? .St. Paul Pioneer Presa. Correct. Hungry Hawkins.What is a floating debt, Tommy? Tommy Tatters.A steamboat with a mortgage 011 it. May lie Rnnning Bills. There's nary a deep deception in This Wor'^j and its attain). And it i«n'l rate to jinlne a man ily tl.1 <.« ties his dar ing wears. .Chiiago Record 'Herald. Conclusive. Street Car Conductor- So you thing you ought to ride for half fare? 1 ittii. Pdith Yes. sir; I'm a twin.. Brooklyn i:; g ». With th<- l'«nal Apo'lotslen. Let lho sl.erifl »ut do liis duty. And the uiob that lias ionic- to slay Will f('i its tent like the Arab And a.i silently sneak away. .C'liiujjo Taibune. It Hnpponetl in a Dm!? Store. ''One day last winter a, lady cann to my drug store and asked for hrand of cough medicine that I (lit not have in stock," says Mr. C. H Grandin, the popular druggist a r Ontario, X. Y. "She was disappoint j eu and wainim 10 know \> ii.il luu;; preparation I could recommend, said to her that I could freely recoin ? mend Chamberlain's Cough Rcmed i and that she could take a bottle r the remedy and after giving it a fai trial if she did not find it worth th money to bring back the bottle and would refund the price paid. In tli e course of a day or two the lady cam e back in company with a friend i i- need of a cough medicine and advise i. her to buy a i> tie of Chamberlain Cough Rem- v. I consider that n very good r> nmendation for t! i. remedy." 'fi.e remedy owes il f. great popuhi" y and extensive su in a large m are to the person; recoinmondat a )f people who hav been cured b; ,s use. It is for sa by H A Ligon. t iv> i i t.in 1 »orry. The farmers of this section :ir(' very i.i:-y tc»\v ph-Unir out their (TotIon . At ! I": i r-Oet»."l as i.' 1 l*« : n v Hit.in'i ail he «»j n l»y Oliris'nia . hut now it is opening nti'l I helieve l>\ the loth ul November every l> ill will he open. I :ic -some farmers ir. this commit i iire lurnir.,' .-tuhhle for ill ir i e.\' ye.i r V eot ton er.tjj ! ml if no tiling le ppc: rju'V wiil have their luikis it h t.i rali'ion for planting i.ext p i i_ than last. * ieme.it. magnetic healer, of rn l. iw> >.oan n 1 "Ml.I' See. 1 s UM 11111*111 n^; i.it V :j o mi t In*re stud Kingerville by some of his wonderful cures. iI * has albcted cures where otlur doctors have tailed. lie practiced medicine f»»r several years, but after taking sev. r.;l courses iii magnetic lualirg lie «!e-i led to practice it instead oi uiedicii.t , bec^ise it was a much better and surer way «<f curing. K L (Jantrell, who has been sick I r several weeks is no L»ett< r, though his piiy.-ician thinks He w 11 recover. 1 here is some kind of an insect in this community winch is destroying tile inrnip crop. Some people iia\e planted twice and got good stands, L>,it in a week or ten days something woul i '( slroy them. .Mrs. cs. J. lurner. who has been -iek for several months, is no better, sin- s.tvs doctors dor. t do her any iro. d. ih '. ' loss, of i Olost Civ . C, will preach here on Saturday night, ;he otti mst. lie has been elected pi-tor of the \h uutaiii View B |>tir-t church of hi place for the f <ll >v. ng yo r. *. w . CJSHor. < >ct. i\k>.. Alia rt 'lorry, o* Hampton, S. C., loved Mrs. Sadie Kivers Smith. The.* went out u few miles to a meeting. \\'liiit» there she is said to have refused his proposition to marry, JI * irew nis pistol and s!i«>t her in the :>aok inflicting a painful, hut not 'atul v.ou.ul. He then drove uwa\ iiid after going about a mile shot Inimself. It is believed that he will not live. taiptfluttering or irregular pulsa- -ions arc an indication of weakness of the nerves or muscles >f the heart. A weakness long r rontinued produces deformity md organic disease. If your heart adticn is weak, make it strong. Build up the muscles ind strengthen the nerves with the greatest of all heart remedies, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "The least exertion or excitement caused my heart to throb and pound and I had smothering spells, pain and palpitation. Three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure overcame all these disturbances and made me well." Mks. .t. a. couts, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Dr. Miles' Heaft Ct**e quiets the nervous heart, regulates its pulsations and builds up its strength as nothing else :an. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Pra!assianal Cards. .1veil a rr<v ncxT nnos., A TTOllMlYS AT LA 11 Office ov» r Bre<le\s Bakery, Spartan burg, S. C.' 1 « M'UOWAN & Cl NTKii ,i / / ouxevs I. A ii Spartanburg. S. C. I'ractico in all Courts, State an. Federal. Oro. W. Niciioi ls W«. M. Joj«k Notary Public l't/>itt,\t » / v n t / \ \t 1.1 ci MUHULLd <V A TTOliXEYS A T LA II \ In Rear National Bank, Snartanburg PATILLO II. M'GOWAi A TTORXEY A T LA W AND NOTARY PUBLIC. < Mice over T. L. Bryant iV Co. DR. J. T. CALVERT 1) EXTI SI Office and rooms at the same place ->rrner occupied by Calvert A Oeland. Persons desirii work should make their encagementsbeforehan A . AUCIIUWII UillllGId If You Want I Second - hand Baggin 1 and Ties, Second - hani Sugar Bag Cloth, Ne\ \ Sugar Bag Cloth, Ne\ i) Pieced Ties or New Whol 1 Ties, see Is. B. EZELL Before Buying. Final Discharge, n ' <1J Notice is hereby given that 1 \v s apply to I Ion. .J. J. tientry. 1'roba a Judge f->r Spartanburg county. S. ( ie on the lotii day of October, i'.tol. f ts a linal discharge as executrix of Mi le li irriel Thoma*on. deceased. J ill person holding claims against s.t e esti!ti will . resent theni on or hefo lo that day. Mas. MaKY Heaoham. I Sept. 10, l'.'Ol. Kxecutri , ^Infan i and Children. I Inffliftlilln Kind Yon Save Always Bought I AVege table Prcparalion for As - ga * ^ 'j sifluiaMjj^ftcdcndRc^ula- aa , M t ling ilieStGmachs and.Dowels of jV'j ^ilO 4 Ii i pifWll Sipato ft# |i ! Promotes Digeslion.Checrful- M I \%f ncss end Itest.ConLiins neither r & r s s Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. 2j 01 /(V #\ iT Not Narcotic. j*- fyajx otCtdJtSAMlHrirCBEn ^ 1 J Pmnfkm SaJ.' '* hF Alx.Sennm* -X /a HtUUUb- « Ml j,,. Anii Sttd * '*» - A T L « j | 3sa«.. y -% (\ fe ft» ne Hin»S**A. 4 II 171 1 " a^sau. j i| J4 j»j j ] I AperfectRemedy forConslipa- liiC f M A"' IV 1111 i tion.S y Stomach.Diarrhoca.il 9 fyj' j. WormsWfivutsions, Feverish- j \ QT s. 15^ir ncssenrilossOf SLiL:'. j 'i \J>» I U y flCilb 1 TacSimile figi.nt'iK* r . I wfegg uAiwars uougm, :llJk9Hi' ^ A m AES9A D& B rt'r'""3'OT'ai^ iisfi v i nun tXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. ^3 Q Bjj B fe Efc-' TNf CXNTAUH CO VI PA NY. NCW YO*K CITY. J TiHur ^ ~ CONVERSE j COLLEGE Converse will begin its next session Wednesday ] morning, September 25th, at nine o'clock. The graduates of Converse College are greatly in demand as teachers, and superintendents of city ] schools write that their efficiency as teachers in J i- ] cates their thorough and excellent training. There will be two classes this year below the Freshman i class, to which students of the town can enter, who s have finished at least the Seventh Grade of the city schools. Tuition in the lowest of these two classes is $40.00 per year. Write for cata'ogue to ; ^amv/COQIT nrw \ srr:tr wiy v £_r\*ju >_/ _i. vi, SPARTANBURG, S. C. I m ummm wr iwmmm m u iniwi ~T~Z H / i NOW is the time to buy Rival Disc Harrows and Superior Grain Drills We have them. S°ARTAN HARDWARE CO. "Health! Harmony! Happiness!" "MIND" .BESa. ZBBBSEBBRFSSt kJJSBBBKS Fi»'Tl:r> i:v JOHN EME2Y McLEAN and CSU21ES BR3BZE PATTEBSON _ 'fiii* is tlio worM's larf?"st ami nn-st important review of Liberal aud Advanced Thought. it has jn>t enter* f* successful year, and has in preparation features that will render it more attractive than ever. Of immediate interest is the beginning. with the November number, of a new series of essays by the.Rev. R. Heber Newton, I). ]>., whose previaus contributions have made a sensation in the religious world. Each issue is an epitome of the latest and best information abtainable concerning the subjects upon which MINI) is quoted a as an authority.its special field being Progress and Research in Science Philosophy r Religion Psychology Metaphysics Occultism s I MIX]) is the acknowledged loader, in the literary world, of the great New Thought Movement that is characteristic of our times, and should be in the luulds of even thinker. e 80 pages monthly, large magazine size ^ . . enntc a rnnv ^)2.ou y«2cir . i cviii. u wf/j -*' I THE CAROLINA SPARTAN and MIND C'TOO will both be sent one year for - - - ill MIX!) is i'or sale on all news stands, or may bo obtained <»r direct from the publishers. LI: ill r THc ALLIANCL: VCO.»1PAINV '* - 509 Fifth Avcsjc, New York, N. Y. I i 1 1 CCUTKEKNf ,C ' , r> a T J \ ' T A "V ^...u ai. >v| ;«ii.l.-nn-.! . .r I'raiiu. !, : .!! p:!. nr: >is:: »il the Hast. t. ... No. > v .1 ' No.~3<j 1 V«.( 1.1 I l V l)Rli . 1 l»Hily. )[ *i!« IK: f f; Dili's " Lola 0 r. !' i « ti a Vr - Tocnta » P P 2? ! « H-nr-a 1 I' j » (-in.il-uif.... :.U i !> P ,v -Mart ... * I> * P 5" " 7 14 <. i. .. i> .] 7jB a I. - Hi:;.-: >. v, ' 4S v Hu; 8; - f 8 " Charlotte 04.jp kis '»:;i- ;>£ 'j^ lr.tin-on>l»ro j. >< {.[ll »- p 1- 4-1 p Af Ip.Durham... » 11 } *' a ?2!|r» (r. ll:. ."iLV.ii :< J L-> a .1 4*1 V ^ tr. Danville..7!" i 35 ll 53 P 1M»« I 53 11 \\\ Vr. ic 7.3 3W a "Jii vn Lr. Iiu-hn > I * 0 a i$Wa| 6 49 ' , Vr.V."aMhi"v/o-«r -7 « 42 n 7 35 a 9 UO p vr! ] [ : ; 8 u.l a ! 15 a 11 P Le j i. 15 n 11n 2 50 a At j;, , \ 12 43 m| -03_p| 6i3__« e fromihi'S »tti arta alaoto Atlanta.| At x«» 37 So. 11 No-3-1 SonMil-ii'in l. li'. v. li-.il'-. 1 *-»'I > Daily , V..I .ii.li i Pi- ; -J ^ " Phi-a i-.ia : Pi lilt; J it - ill ore. H « 9 - P » it * » ,, 15 :*» p [ » P , >Titi,hii> -t ii pinwpjiiay » Lv :<..i.. i,j p »"1°y 40 ? L,v. I : it j j,. n 4 jj o U.'l..; 1 !i i 1 w a "'....I ioi a Lv L-.u li ai = ' i 2 a j | n f " i i.'. 11....... 1 t -t. j. II ;; i a fofa i-fc a- * -> lir,^ i o2 it " Lit**!:...'..»... f4 U9 a 3 OS pffc.p 2 At p Ar. AthOD« ".. 4 <5 V it 4> !> 4 45 p I' (vunfsville - 2>» a 1. J, s3» p- 2 4."i p * " A. Santa,! T - a 4 % _p,ln 1 , j> 45<p| " Atlanta, t IP a 2 55 pi 0 '."> p 8.!7> p Ar. I'me ; :> t. 7-5 j> 2e>a 7 25 p " (.'Lnttnn.iop;: 4.5 !ij u.5 j 5a lOlw ? £i Ar.Cincinnati.... 7 > V li 1 53D pi 8 tO a L " Louisville i s 40 a ; :, j » 4 >.« g " Birmingham.!?? oom.lo tt) pj jlOoup Ar. New Orleans 8 25 p 7 25 a ...... 7 25 » Ar. Columbus,t-i a 50 a 8 85 i> ...I 8 25 p " J.'aeon M a 7 U) p 12 65 a 7IW? Q " llmnswi It.. 2 ;f> p v.' 7 15_a . Ar. 22; '* * a:... b.uly 1 'J.r VT.OVj j'lAtiiy I Bail* " (Co. 15. _S >. .1 rAllU.\3. y..fo|y,g 11 uop 7 uua Lv. < :,'tTk-""n. Ar 7 #tp 7 OUa j 12 00 11 7 41a " :ci ibe. " 6 42j>i5 57a 2 Ooa Omi;i ". .iriiic.." ol*>p!4 20a 2 4.5 a 9 28 a!" ..Ornytrebtrg.." 4 42 p 8 45 a 4 to alo 21;' " .Kir:** !«».." 2 4o p1 2 32 a 5 40a 11 10a Ar .iVininbia Lv, 2 OUp 1 35 a DOm1 j'.Lv .Aftguata..Arj p 45a jj, 7 45p|.. .... L*.J« 1. .vide. Arl 15 a r.' STa Lv...i .. innnh...Ar| 4.5ja " .. B1 . .. " 2 5; a I 7 -0a 11 Hi 1 a Lv ;i,hia..Ar 2 1.5p 9 8t'p f 15a 2 (*>i> '.1 " !' 37p 7 )0p I lu 2on 3 1 Ar.S: .via: iitrgLv lu 35a 6 lap lo 2.5a 2 '0, 1 tatdmrg Ar 10 25a! OOJp L2 57 p 1 r.rii-.. lers'nv'leLv 8 00 a 3 52p 2 OUpt 1 15 l * As'sville... '[ T 1/5 u 3 00» T^n:'rr_ ~i2^t c TTiTti .Via A '.^l >r~'t *n Lv 3 20 n' i> .50 a ib 45 p T on u A r h >. I^v 'J .'*» p 5 uu a f lop 4 2. 3T? x.:. ie Lv 1 5'_a 836 a $ H 25 7 4*' a At Hv'a:: «)s»Xv 10 25 P 4 iTTa 7J0 7 In A ' h>7 Lv 1.777a 5 Pop 8 10_a .. "... ni...Lv 8 3oa| » '5p >4jaj 7 6up|Ar...L .1.V 7 45a| 7 20p "A" a. m. "P" p. m. "51" noon. "N" night Trains leave Wrevaville via & <4. division iaily for Anders- >, A. Leville, Wreenwood, udtiinbia ami intermediate i-oats at 10:15 a. m. and 5:20 p. m Clie-snpeako Li.ne Steamers in daily service between Norfolk : .el Baltimore. Nos. 27 and l«-. ' A'ashingtoa and Southwest em Limited" Solid Pullinau train, leingrom . i>., .. ...... .Ir,.,, ot,» All po-CU WUUN.U J uui" I i cif latest design, t.ir.mgh between New York ami At lacta. Th. ugh Cullman Bleeping cars be:we<n New York and New Orleans via ^ ashington. Athui a and Montgomery, and also between New York and Memphis, via Washington. A'luata and Bit iningham. Elegant Pullman library _o' >erva ion cars between Maeon and New Yotk. Oentlemen's club cars be! ween Atlanta and New York. Dining cars fr serve all meals en route. Pullman sleeping , cars between (in ctisboro and Raleigh. No bl Couch service on * lie tr.-iius The-*; trains cp villi s'op nt tiiiin* i ,e. Lulu, Toceoa. Seneca, R.-.ttiiey and blue.: ourg o: by to take on and let fi oil piiirftfnjit'rii tor i.iid fi'.iii \V«Ahin)fton and 1, d f'-r ri 1 fr- :n (ireenville-Oolumbia_ and .Spartanburg-Columbia lutes. </ Nos. 'Si add bi."Atlanta and New York Express.' Local train berwt en At lHiita and Charlotte, connecting at Charlotte with trains of Mine numbers for :id from Washington, New York and the East, arrying through Pullman tlcoi)ia> cars between Charlotte and New York. Charlotte and Richmond and Norfolk, tc Leaving Washington Momlays, Wednesdays tad Fridays a tourist sleeping car will be operated on this train through from Washington 7 to San Francisco without change. Connection T at Greensboro with sleepers for Raleigh. No ' Pullman cars on this train between Atlanta and Charlotte. Ample first and second-class coach accommodations for local and through travel. Nos. 8.>and3fl."United Btatee Fast Mail" runs solid between Washington and New Orleans, being composed of coaches, through without change for passengers of all classes. ^Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars between New York and New Orleans, via Atlantaaud Montgomery and between Birmingham and Richmond, t Dining cars serve all meals enroute. , Nos. 1! and 1-.Pullman sleeping cars be- *tweeu Riclimund and Charlotte, via Danville, also Norfolk and Charlotte via Danville. Trains 16 ami US c irry elegant Pullman sleeping cars, caily, be' .. tea bPAHTAXBCHQ, Savannanand Jaokroav; ie, via Columbia, and be- tweeii SpAKTANb' no, KnoxvillB and Cincin- nati, via Ashcvii AI^j Pullman sleepingcars betweeu Asheville and Charleston. Pullman Parlor cars between Charleston and A.-hovide. m - no attention is cr''t-d to the fact that No^ ;>, and lis are . iadt an exolusive Pullman tnii:;- without coa -h service. ^ FI'A N'K ij. (iANN 'N, S. H. HARDWICK, Third V-P. A df.i Mgr., (ten. Pass. Agt., ( Washington. Lt C. >6 aahiugton, D-0. W H i'AiLUE W. H. BObllCK. I. Ass't Oen'l Pa-s. Af t, Pass. A T'kt Agent, ^ Atlanta. Ga. bpartanb'. & C. C For Farmers!' You can't do good work without good harness. Do not j lose precious hours by trying to use old plow gears and ^ wagon harness when you can get the best cud strongest at u ihfe harness and saddle shop of j TOJonk. 37 Morgan Square. The Young Astronomer > « By Jaines'H. Carlisle, L.L.D Price 50c Palmetto Book Storo 1 ; . Warning Notice. All person.'* are hereby warned njjsiin^r traJii with or in any other r huv tr. 1 suctions with Wiil Crowd-, r. us he .s a minor. Oct. 1,1'Jel. Makv C'Kowuau. J harleston and Western Carolina Railway Co. ilmiMii .'iim' Abbeville t-l.crt lire, Sflieciult* ii J f. i t July }»1,1 1. a.c Autfiisia 10.05 am 3-U' F'° rive Greenwood 12.31; pm . .. rive Anderson . 715 pm rive Laurens 1.40 pm J aiu rive Greenville 3.25 pm ' roj.iut rive Glenn springs 4 45 pin .. rive Spartanburg 3 30 pm 9 atn rive Saluda 5.35 pm . . . rive lleudersonvillc t.03 pm rive Asheville 7.15 pm ave Asheville 7.0S am jvc Spartanburg it.00 am 3.30 pm ave Glenn Springs 9.OO am ave Greenville n.iOain 1.45 pm ave Laurens 12.45 P'" 6 '5 Pm ave Anderson 7.25 am ave Greenwood- I 45 Pm rive Augusta 4.:0pin 11 354m ave Greenwood 4.56 pin rive Raleigh 12.22 pm rivi N .tf -Ik 7.30 am rive I etershurg. 4-2' am rive Kiel, ml 3. ,0 am avt Greenwood 4.05 am rive Laurens 5.35 aiu ave Laurens 6.55 am rive Spart tnburg 9."> ain ave Spartanburg . .. 3 jo | in rive Laurens 6 25 p in rive Greenwood 8 05 pui J lose eoniiirtu»n at (ir>it:«n'«! for a!l liits up S. A. L. ari l ( and g. Railway, and Sj artni.hiujr witli Sotr.bcru Labway, tor any information nlatite to tickets tcs sol »!ulc.-, t*lc., ad'.ros W.J CKA1G (ieii. Pass. Agent. _ J '< HI Ir-l.K Agent. . THE. OF FPiRTANBlKG.j^ )esi>nat d 5tate, County .nd Citv OF OsITORY. nnitnl sJfrn Aiiiiiltf) In tockholdcr" Liab'lity . urplus ^0,000 00 f'Jfcb.OOO 00 ofj icers: EO. COFIELD, Preside. . B. CLEVI LAND, Vi.- -cjdent. i. E. BURNETT, Cashier.' . \V. SIMPSON Ass't Cashier . W. CARLI SLE Attorney? Herring's Safety Boxes at moderW prices Exchange and collections witkout arge todepositors. SlffllilM. of Spartauburg, S. C. apital Stock ,.... $30,000 00 urplus 7,500 00 0fficfr8. GEO. COFIELD, President. W. E. BURNETT, Treasrer. t. B. CLEVELAND, Attorney. Interest will he allowed at the rate 4 per cent, per annum. STAMP DEPOSIT S YSTEA*. Experience has shown that 'it is uitful of great good to those who ave tried it. It is equally productive f crnnd to the old and vonni?. rich » . -.. .. ... j OT nd poor. It is intended for everyody. The stamps are of the follow- . lg denominations: 5 Cts., 10 Cta. aud 25 Cts. A book will be given free of charge > any one purchasing a stamp. 'be Merchants ft Farmers BANK Of Spartanburg, S C. apital $100,000 Jndivided Profits ... 25,000 officers: Joseph Walker, President. J. H. Sloan', Vice Psesidcnt. A. L. White, Cashier. L. K. Andkrso.v, Ass't Cashlef ,r directors: os. Walker, A. G. FloyAJ . H. Sloan, H. A. Ligon 1. W. Xicholis T. H. Cannon,.} ,. C.Cannon. J. K Jennings, W. F. Smith. We solicit the business of 1 a ike orporations, firms and individuals. The interest of all our patrons "areully guarded and promptly served. Safety deposit boxes to rent. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, We will allow interest on amount^ f$o.00 and upwards at 4 per cent )er annum, credited semi-annually st of January and July of each year m certificates of deposit running for x months 44 per cent, per annum nil be allowed. ?nnnri o ,s MU&bjue TO PURCHASE Znt Glass, Sterling Silver, Engagement Rings, Wedding Presen s, Latest Styles of Handsome Jewelry, Are our specialties for the Spring, Call and examine 3ood°. D. C. Correll. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PE»,WAL PILLS , A, tiaff. Always n-liaWe laadle-i. aak pru®ji«» for <'HI('Hi:STi:K'N LXULIHII in Brd and ( old metallic bo«c->. scaUil wltli blue ribbon. ....... ...h tl. Take no oilier, nnuntationn »ntl imitation*. Buy or v< ii(l If. in 'tnnip" for Parti<*u'ar», *«" monial. In l HeWf for uv rriurn .Kail. lO.OOO TMbnoutnl*. SOW *7 ail DrUkK'rtfc. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 3100 HwUmw S<|U*r*. PHILA. FA.

STORIES. Industries SStaiSSX difficuli:s I Inffliftlilln ...t'tCg oeml belief is that one-1 1 I ..J' iirTar-ntr have saved tior.e atI c «'.. j v rb'j i-ieiilan 1 instilling company!

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Page 1: STORIES. Industries SStaiSSX difficuli:s I Inffliftlilln ...t'tCg oeml belief is that one-1 1 I ..J' iirTar-ntr have saved tior.e atI c «'.. j v rb'j i-ieiilan 1 instilling company!

.. Cp .,,

% a liars. ^ i

$. '*^v: -',^->:iV'",'?' SStaiSSXi(

'he roller 1'",.r ! at Fair Forest \i ilng d: y ; ::>l night. jf

' a'' teo ! < !,! peas possib'e. J7! «y will bring *1 i.e t spring. <

Tsmany f. ran1" in the county nil*- r

e;j nature , »i\* t beans this season? ^

t he York cotton n~ .1 is paving j|$i ; »»ae«»ril f* r \vo«>:l Ar GuHney

lh price i.-> #1 ti<» mi large lots.

> Ji-.-t r\-fiof uetoner guvei.- i. : *ir i-i! l:-piuy w'h nnuhi1 i id^r. "1 ?»e r.ii.i was light in liieifcity.I j

I iv. J. Caipenter has wow ! Info! £1 he 1'.-mar ii u-«' or, South Cliurcii j gs »vet ami he wi.J keep a boardingli -use. It

ve t notat'»e< v e s.-ii'; g from l! >* c

wigens at ooeents u l-usl-e! ! "


s >u >»h, (le n om-s may Lr n nu re; r

]> ur ones u little less. *

IAaron f.ifieMhn nrought us t; li: \ c

p.imnlo of the pumpkin yjui potato ciu few days ago. They are iirsi-el;.. s

io jize umi the quality is good.Although Ih-re is no." lu:y save 1

this >«- ir tiiau,*T. e Or known in tbisj _

t'tCg oeml belief is that one-1 1

I ..J' iirTar-nt r have saved tior.e at I c

«'.. j v

rb'j i-ieiilan 1 instilling company!I beti-un bu-ine.-s. fhey are now!t -ir ioH.! b':. '.els of _'rain daily. *

'J ». e\o to double c inacity very _

i.' i cl. a phi'" o:.g!it to turn

h T a mi on «'n«fo"8 a >ear* - < 1 1-.. ~..^,1 i

i'pol..". .1. (TtMifW'M uzm

r h« i.-vne meuior'-a! pamphic* inwh'jh th ad re-scs delivered he-e in

«!.»>< "»r of I re-.idi.nt McKinley are published.The Kennedy Library Asso(,'^ion.vi.l oeliverthe souvenirs.

'i here is a stud nt in Woff >rd ColJov. h pAk-.i iA> poui ds of cottonio ne uay. There is not a singleli't-cber i.f 'he faculty who couldleat t»«Ht. li is d'ubtful whetherPros;"?, at C:..iisie cou.a pick tftXt

pounds or r..t.

L p tc. t]-,c fir-'* of Oct'ber a 1 i report-;tend to convii-.. cott >n growersthat present crop will full beJ' tei. u '.iiv..". on!es un 1 t^et thet rice ought to touch ten cents beforeMarch 1. That dots seem reasonableto ot.e with u few bates to sell.

The time has come for the estab- <

list meut of hirge cattle farms in thiscout: ry. B<»th registered cattle and j.tiie con mon breeds will do w »11. The .

editor of Ins: M'akTan would li^e to

ta<k to young men v1 a would like to *

embark in the business. A little 1c«i"it.il. much patience and close at- c

teution wt uld bring succrss. h*

» sK. L. Archer says that he finds the »

besi way to cure pi a vines is to

coc-. them up ir the after theyi >* i taken the stin for a few days.A 'jot pole driven in the groundanu c braces nailed to it about 1'two ivvt from the ground and extend- t

in? to edge of cock, will give circula- ttion of uir from the ground and cure ftthe vines. «

Mr. H. W. ftlark, V mtgomery. u

Ala who has been visi'ing relitives fin the county, be'ongs to a very re- i:murkable family. His father was a

Joh, Clark, who was born in North a

Carolina. He came to this stare and jmarriedmiss Susan Parks. In 1829 j.they moved to Georgia. To these .

wc re. born 18 children, fourteen ofwho in married and raised families. .

They had a reunion at Covington, 1

Oa., last year and nine survivors;:i brothers and five sisters, were f

prose- t. The youngest was 57 years c

old and the average age was at out 72 \

years. Ad nine are si ill living, the t

o'dest being So \ears old. ,

When college professors these days c

see u committee of women coming tafar off. they do not rush out and

throw their arms around them.They rather hide in the back yard or

garden and put their wives forward, jfor they verily believe that said coin


mitiees are diligently seeking their (

coins before payday conies around 1

at i just after they had to borrow 1

.$2.75 to start in after the vacation. ]But wht u it is ann tunced to them (

th>». the c mimittees are not hunting Jcash, but some one to make wise and (

el "picnt addresses, said professors ji r.e .Vr.ii with the tread of con-loeringheroes and radunt smiles 10

iucne* wide and they are more than fwilling to promise anything deaianded


t»v tiie com mi trees. 1

Condition olt'oitou Crop. (

New York. Sep*. 80..The October 1

Cotton report of the Journal of Com-1 ^

cierce. trom more tlian eleven hun- 1

drod cm respondents, indicates a declinein the average condition of

cotton during September 7.5 points.Tne average figures out 68 per cent.

Tne rncsi/ severe decline is in Mississ- -1

ippi, wuere the sensational reductiono' 1*1 pre: t. indicated, as the re-


suit of u combination of unfavorableinfluences, but particularly the heavy

equinoctial rains. In fact these

heavy rains are primarily re'ponsibio for a very influential part of the

month's general average decline.Other spectacular declines are 15

points in the Indian Territory, 14

points in Oklahoma and 18 points in

Fiorda. South Oarolina shows a re

Unction of 9 points. A. jama 6

point- .. orill Carolina 8, while Texas

and Louisiana each are within 1 pointo" their last month's average.

'"' king is two to three weeks late

on ^ Atlantic coast and Gulf

Staus, excepting Louisiana and

Texas. In Louisiana it is about

normal. while Texas snows a cuusiuerubleadvance over last yearMi-*

an American missionaryin Kuropcan Turkey and her companion.Mrs. Tsilka, were captured

Pept.o. incy were travelling with a

party of lf> to IS when they were arrestedon the n.rd by a band of brigands,All we're released except

Miss Stone and her friend. They are

he!d for a ransom.

There are very few j eopie who willnot he thankful for suggestions, adviceand even reproach when the\come from the light person in the

right way and at the right time.



Hie Currtsr Prck a Little Too CheapFor Socrctary Chandler.

At the Army and Navv club the)thcr evening a group of officersvcrc discussing the recent difficuli:sof ex-Senator Chandler withIt-ar Admiral Evans. One of theifficers, now retired, mentioned incidentallythe fact that Mr. ("haulierupon taking up the navy port'oliowas not as familiar with nan-

ica! matters as might be desired.Soon after taking holil of his olliialduties the secretary had oecaionto visit what was at tlie time

me of the larger vessels of thetaw. I'non the morning followinglis arrival the commanding ollieer,ifter a brief exchange of greetings,aid:"Mr. Secretary, would you care

o see the marines mustered on the|uarter deck?''"H'ii!" replied the head of the de>artment,so the story goes. "It

eems to me that for the secretary>f the navy at least a half dollarleek should be provided.".Newfork Times.

Presented His Pcrtrrvt.A pretty tale is told of Leopold

I., king of the Belgians. In his»wn land he is devoted to longrail:*. On one of those expeditionsic stopped at a taruiJio;1 <> asKdfor a gla.v' of milk an.! t!vn saidomciiii:»Lr to hi> companion in Km:»Q

y:;* |

. 4m


ieh. The dame who went to fetchhe draft was heard to say, "1render what the long nosed Engishmanwill pay?" When sheame back, King Leopold handedler a five franc piece. "Here," heaid, "is a portrait of the long nosedEnglishman."

Applause on Trust.In Jules Simon's recently pubished"Premieres Annees" he tells

hat once, when a candidate in Britany,he spoke for more'than^ntour amid great applause and was

chaired" and carried back in tri:mphto his hotel. There theriend who had organized the meotngsaid to him, "Well, 1 hope youre satisfied." The orator assumedmodest air. "Come, now," said

lis friend, "own up. Xo one can

iave an ovation like that withouteing moved by it." "Well, then, Iiwn up," said Jules Simon. Laughngheartily, his friend continued:'There were two or three thousand>eople there, were there not? Ex:eptyou, myself and tlirec more,vhose names I eould give, not a yulinderstood French. You got youripplause cm trust." Jules Simon'oncludes, "It was the greatest oraoricalsuccess of my life."

The Visitor From the Mountains.An old native inhabitant of a vilagein the mountains of Japan

rame out. of his seclusion recentlytnd paid a visit to the city of Kunaraotofor the first time in 28rears, says the Chicago News. Ajuarter of a century and three yearstad naturally made a great change:ven in the old town, and everything.he aged rustic saw there was a wonlerto hin>. More mystified thanistonished, the man went back tosis mountain recesses and the first.hing he is reported to have said toii3 wondering villagers was:

"Well, I declare! For the soul)f me I don't know what the Ku-mamoto folk do with so many wistariavines stretched along thertreets!"He meant the telegraph wires.

Short Stop*.The Confederate soldiers' home at

Atlanta was burned the 30th ult.Phere were about in thekniUiniT Vn lives lost. There"" """h1

was a street car strike in Pensacolawhich tied up the cars several days.

A son of President Kruger, whorecently surrendered to the English,died in prison Company C.,9thInfantry was attacked by the insur;

gents in Samar Island recently and4S of them were killed. H G Westallin Atlanta was arrested for forgingchecks. His home is in Asheville.He admits that he has forged60 or 70. Policemen and strikersof San Francisco had a fight recentlyand several were wounded.

Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 26..InWayne county Hanley Lancaster andhis cousin's widow, Mrs. Kate Lam

caster, in order to foil their grandchildren, who violently opposed theii

marriage, eloped and drove six mile;

to a justice's, and when the 05-vfarold bridegroom said: ' Hurry, we'v<run away," the magistrate quickhunited him and his Go-year-old bride

* Wanted.The Exposition committee desir

farmers to send in as early as possiblspecimens of field crops for exhibition at the Charleston ExpositionBest samples of corn, wheat, oat?

cotton, sorghum, potatoes, and ifact, everything raised on the farmThese may be left at the office of JK. Hottal on Magnolia street.

E. L. ARCHER,Chairman Committee.

4t to Oct. 20.

ALL OVER THE HOUSE.Opposition to Evolution of Home IndustriesIs Useless.

It is of course perfectly true thatwith the existing appliances for

housekeeping it vouM often be inconvenientor impossible to alter

present l.ieti »«ls in housework, andthat to pun base large amounts ofcooked food or to do away with theservices of many housekeeperswould not be practicable until therehas been suilieient evolution in theplan and orpiipment of the houseitself to adapt n 10 me new eonuitions.That t l:e tendency is to haveincreased amounts of work doneoutside the house is undeniable.Laundry work and certain kinds ofcleaning and cooking are alreadydone by outside agencies in constantlyincreasing amounts. Theyare merely following the course ofother household industries that leftthe home roof earlier in the century.candlemaking, the curing ofmeats, spinning, weaving, to a certainextent sewing and many otherincipient industries that have now,become specie : d and organized infactories ai d hops on a colossalscale. Jfow iris lendencv ofhaving hot:-' d tie V .mid

agencies v ill i. arried is a disputedquestion, led that the tendency existsar.d that it is in lino with thegeneral eo of industry cannothe denied mo-t <onservat ivehomemr.ki far a- it i> i:iline with ner.ii impulse bywhich ii ! s»<«i;-1 forcesare shapi it i- inovitnble.Kail I 'cop ize the tendencyca robing ] resent frit

tionn! >mfort: attempts tothwart it <. only end in ultimatedefeat.

Wall Packets.A pretty idea t»r a wall pocket i

the sabot. Sabots of plain whilewood, ready for painting on. are

sold for the express purpose of holdingflowers, and these are verypretty. But another notion is: tcimitate the sabot in painted satin or

ni!e green leather, and in this waya dainty, uncommon wall pocket is


jff1 V0&\' j


made. The shape of a sahot or a

Chinese shoe (on an enlarged scale)can usually be cut without muchdifficulty if one takes an ordinaryshoe or carpet slipper as a guide,tapering otT here and curving there.The bost way to begin is by cuttingout a shoe pattern in brown paper.This can be done bv laying thepaper over a ready made shoe, if an

unmade carpet slipper is not athand. The sole should he made ofcardboard covered with satin, andthe toepiece could be of fancy brocadeor painted1 satin, bound withribbon or gathered through a

buckle. A pretty notion is a bronzeshoe made of bronze colored satinor satin and velvet.

A My l)os.She.It's tin i bothering me, Jack;

I shall marry \ u I please.He.Thai's : .! ;'m asking you to do.

my dear. You ; tisp me wen euougu.

(. 11 rod.It i< the : : (tic year.And .! r. !: \viridr«L5 wide abode

Tin- aulc iin " ail siicnUy.To light i.i-r lump. along Che road.

A.nsiee's Magazine.

Mutual."I'm tired out." said tlie nutlior."Never mind," replied Ids l'riend, "the

public is in the same fix!" . AtlantaConstitution.

Look* SuMvlcioua.Ia it a sign or is it not.And ont- ti:at needs attention due,

Thit when the cashier buys a yachtHe means to be a ski| per too?

.St. Paul Pioneer Presa.


Hungry Hawkins.What is a floatingdebt, Tommy?Tommy Tatters.A steamboat with a

mortgage 011 it.

May lie Rnnning Bills.There's nary a deep deception in

This Wor'^j and its attain).And it i«n'l rate to jinlne a man

ily tl.1 <.« ties his dar ing wears.

.Chiiago Record 'Herald.

Conclusive.Street Car Conductor- So you thing

you ought to ride for half fare?1 ittii. Pdith Yes. sir; I'm a twin..

Brooklyn i:; g » .

With th<- l'«nal Apo'lotslen.Let lho sl.erifl »ut do liis duty.And the uiob that lias ionic- to slay

Will f('i its tent like the ArabAnd a.i silently sneak away.

.C'liiujjo Taibune.

It Hnpponetl in a Dm!? Store.

''One day last winter a, lady cann

to my drug store and asked forhrand of cough medicine that I (litnot have in stock," says Mr. C. HGrandin, the popular druggist a

r Ontario, X. Y. "She was disappointj eu and wainim 10 know \> ii.il luu;;

preparation I could recommend,said to her that I could freely recoin

? mend Chamberlain's Cough Rcmedi and that she could take a bottle r

the remedy and after giving it a faitrial if she did not find it worth thmoney to bring back the bottle andwould refund the price paid. In tli

e course of a day or two the lady cam

e back in company with a friend ii- need of a cough medicine and advisei. her to buy a i> tie of Chamberlain

Cough Rem- v. I consider thatn very good r> nmendation for t!i. remedy." 'fi.e remedy owes ilf. great popuhi" y and extensive su

in a large m are to the person;recoinmondat a )f people who havbeen cured b; ,s use. It is for sa

by H A Ligon.

t iv> i i t.in 1 »orry.

The farmers of this section :ir('

very i.i:-y tc»\v ph-Unir out their (TotIon. At ! I": i r-Oet»."l as i.' 1 :« l*«

: n v Hit.in'i ail he «»j n l»y Oliris'nia. hut now it is opening

nti'l I helieve l>\ the loth ulNovember every l> ill will he open.

I :ic -some farmers ir. this commiti iire lurnir.,' .-tuhhle for ill ir

i e.\' ye.i rV eot ton er.tjj ! ml if notilingle ppc: rju'V wiil have their luikis ith t.i rali'ion for planting i.extp i i_ than last.

* ieme.it. magnetic healer, ofrn l. iw> >.oan n

1 "Ml.I' See. 1 s UM 11111*111 n^; i.it V

:j o mi t In*re stud Kingerville by someof his wonderful cures. iI * hasalbcted cures where otlur doctorshave tailed. lie practiced medicinef»»r several years, but after takingsev. r.;l courses iii magnetic lualirglie «!e-i led to practice it instead oi

uiedicii.t , bec^ise it was a much betterand surer way «<f curing.K L (Jantrell, who has been sick

I r several weeks is no L»ett< r, thoughhis piiy.-ician thinks He w 11 recover.

1 here is some kind of an insect inthis community winch is destroyingtile inrnip crop. Some people iia\e

planted twice and got good stands,L>,it in a week or ten days somethingwoul i '( slroy them.

.Mrs. cs. J. lurner. who has been-iek for several months, is no better,sin- s.tvs doctors dor. t do her anyiro. d.

ih '.'

loss, of i Olost Civ .

C, will preach here on Saturdaynight, ;he otti mst. lie has beenelected pi-tor of the \h uutaiii ViewB |>tir-t church of hi place for thef <ll >v. ng yo r. *. w . CJSHor.

< >ct. i\k>..

Alia rt 'lorry, o* Hampton, S. C.,loved Mrs. Sadie Kivers Smith. The.*went out u few miles to a meeting.\\'liiit» there she is said to have refusedhis proposition to marry, JI *

irew nis pistol and s!i«>t her in the:>aok inflicting a painful, hut not

'atul v.ou.ul. He then drove uwa\

iiid after going about a mile shotInimself. It is believed that he willnot live.

taiptfluttering or irregular pulsa--ions arc an indication of weaknessof the nerves or muscles>f the heart. A weakness long

rrontinued produces deformitymd organic disease. If yourheart adticn is weak, make itstrong. Build up the musclesind strengthen the nerves withthe greatest of all heart remedies,Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.

"The least exertion or excitementcaused my heart to throband pound and I had smotheringspells, pain and palpitation.Three bottles of Dr. Miles' HeartCure overcame all these disturbancesand made me well."

Mks. .t. a. couts,Upper Sandusky, Ohio.

Dr. Miles'Heaft Ct**e

quiets the nervous heart, regulatesits pulsations and buildsup its strength as nothing else:an. Sold by druggists on a

guarantee.Dr. Miles Medical

Pra!assianal Cards.

.1veila rr<v ncxT nnos.,


Office ov» r Bre<le\s Bakery, Spartanburg, S. C.'

1 «

M'UOWAN & Cl NTKii,i / / ouxevsI.A ii

Spartanburg. S. C.

I'ractico in all Courts, State an.


Oro. W. Niciioi ls W«. M. Joj«kNotary Public

l't/>itt,\t » / v n t / \ \t 1.1 ciMUHULLd <VA TTOliXEYS A T LA II \

In Rear National Bank, Snartanburg



< Mice over T. L. Bryant iV Co.


Office and rooms at the same place ->rrner

occupied by Calvert A Oeland. Persons desiriiwork should make their encagementsbeforehan


If You Want

I Second - hand Baggin1 and Ties, Second - haniSugar Bag Cloth, Ne\

\ Sugar Bag Cloth, Ne\i) Pieced Ties or New Whol1 Ties, see

Is. B. EZELLBefore Buying.

Final Discharge,n


<1J Notice is hereby given that 1 \v

s apply to I Ion. .J. J. tientry. 1'robaa Judge f->r Spartanburg county. S. (ie on the lotii day of October, i'.tol. f

ts a linal discharge as executrix of Mile li irriel Thoma*on. deceased. Jill person holding claims against s.t

e esti!ti will . resent theni on or hefolo that day. Mas. MaKY Heaoham.

I Sept. 10, l'.'Ol. Kxecutri


^Infan i and Children.

I Inffliftlilln Kind Yon SaveAlways Bought I

AVegetablePrcparalion forAs - ga * ^'j sifluiaMjj^ftcdcndRc^ula- aa , M t

ling ilieStGmachs and.Dowels of jV'j ^ilO4Ii

i pifWll Sipato ft# |i! Promotes Digeslion.Checrful- M I \%fncss end Itest.ConLiins neither r & r s s

Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. 2j 01 /(V #\ iTNot Narcotic. j*-fyajx otCtdJtSAMlHrirCBEn ^1

J Pmnfkm SaJ.' '*hFAlx.Sennm* -X /aHtUUUb- « Mlj,,.Anii Sttd * '*» -A T L « j |

3sa«.. y -% (\ fe ft» neHin»S**A. 4 II 1711"

a^sau. j i| J4 j»j j ]I AperfectRemedy forConslipa- liiC f M A"' IV 1111 ition.S y Stomach.Diarrhoca.il 9 fyj'

j. WormsWfivutsions,Feverish- j \ QTs.15^irncssenrilossOf SLiL:'. j 'i \J>» I U y flCilb

1 TacSimile figi.nt'iK* r.

I wfegg uAiwars uougm,:llJk9Hi' ^A m AES9A D& Brt'r'""3'OT'ai^ iisfiv i nun


TiHur ^~


Converse will begin its next session Wednesday ]morning, September 25th, at nine o'clock.

The graduates of Converse College are greatly indemand as teachers, and superintendents of city ]schools write that their efficiency as teachers in J i- ]cates their thorough and excellent training. Therewill be two classes this year below the Freshman i

class, to which students of the town can enter, who shave finished at least the Seventh Grade of the cityschools. Tuition in the lowest of these two classes is$40.00 per year.

Write for cata'ogue to ;^amv/COQIT nrw \ srr:trwiy v £_r\*ju >_/ _i. vi,


m ummm wr iwmmm m u iniwi ~T~Z H/


NOW is the time to buy

Rival Disc Harrowsand

Superior Grain Drills

We have them.


"Health! Harmony! Happiness!"


Fi»'Tl:r> i:v


'fiii* is tlio worM's larf?"st ami nn-st important review of

Liberal aud Advanced Thought. it has jn>t enter* f*

successful year, and has in preparation features that will render

it more attractive than ever. Of immediate interest is the beginning.with the November number, of a new series of essaysby the.Rev. R. Heber Newton, I). ]>., whose previaus contributionshave made a sensation in the religious world.

Each issue is an epitome of the latest and best informationabtainable concerning the subjects upon which MINI) is quoted

a as an authority.its special field being Progress and Research in

Science Philosophyr Religion Psychology

Metaphysics Occultisms

I MIX]) is the acknowledged loader, in the literary world,of the great New Thought Movement that is characteristic of

our times, and should be in the luulds of even thinker.e

80 pages monthly, large magazine size^ . . enntc a rnnv^)2.ou y«2cir . i cviii. u wf/j


I THE CAROLINA SPARTAN and MIND C'TOOwill both be sent one year for - - -


MIX!) is i'or sale on all news stands, or may bo obtained<»r direct from the publishers.LI:illr THc ALLIANCL: VCO.»1PAINV

'* - 509 Fifth Avcsjc, New York, N. Y.




r> a T J \ ' T A "V^...u .» ai. >v|

;«ii.l.-nn-.! . .rI'raiiu.

!, : .!! :« p:!.nr: >is:: »il the Hast. t.

... No. > v .1 ' No.~3<j 1

V«.( 1.1 I l V l)Rli . 1 l»Hily. )[

*i!« IK: f f; Dili's" Lola 0 r. !' i « ti a Vr- Tocnta » P P 2? !« H-nr-a 1 I' j »

(-in.il-uif.... :.U i !> P f» ,v-Mart ... * I> * P 5" " 714 <. i. .. i> .] 7jB a I.- Hi:;.-: >. v,

' 4S v Hu; 8;- f "« 8

" Charlotte 04.jp kis !» '»:;i- ;>£ 'j^lr.tin-on>l»ro j. >< {.[ll »- p 1- 4-1 p Af

Ip.Durham... » 11 } *' a ?2!|r»(r. ll:. ."iLV.ii :< J L-> a .1 4*1 V ^tr. Danville..7!" i 35 ll 53 P 1M»« I 53 11 \\\Vr. ic 7.3 3W a "Jii vn

Lr. Iiu-hn > I * 0 a i$Wa| 6 49 ',

Vr.V."aMhi"v/o-«r -7 « 42 n 7 35 a 9 UO p vr!] [ : ; 8 u.l a ! 15 a 11 P Le

j i. 15 n 11n 2 50 a Atj;, , \ 12 43 m| -03_p| 6i3__« e

fromihi'S »tti arta alaoto Atlanta.| At

x«» 37 So. 11 No-3-1SonMil-ii'in l. li'. v. li-.il'-. 1 *-»'I > Daily ,

V..I .ii.li i Pi- ; -J ^" Phi-a i-.ia '» : Pi lilt; J it- ill ore. H « 9 - P » it *» ,, 15 :*» p [ » P ,

>Titi,hii> -t ii a» pinwpjiiay »

Lv :<..i.. i,j p »"1°y 40 ?

L,v. I : it j j,. n 4 jj o

U.'l..; 1 !i i 1 w a "'....I ioi aLv L-.u li ai = ' i 2 a» a j |

nf" i i.'. 11....... 1 t -t. j. II ;; i a

fofa i-fc a- * -> lir,^ i o2 it" Lit**!:...'..»... f4 U9 a 3 OS pffc.p 2 At pAr. AthOD« ".. 4 <5 V it 4> !> 4 45 p I'

(vunfsville - 2>» a 1. J, s3» p- 2 4."i p *" A. Santa,! T - '» a 4 % _p,ln 1 , j> 45<p|" Atlanta, t IP a 2 55 pi 0 '."> p 8.!7> p

Ar. I'me ; :> t. 7-5 j> 2e>a 7 25 p" (.'Lnttnn.iop;: 4.5 !ij u.5 j 5a lOlw ? £iAr.Cincinnati.... 7 > V li 1 53D pi 8 tO a L" Louisville i s 40 a ; :, j t» » 4 >.« g" Birmingham.!?? oom.lo tt) pj jlOoupAr. New Orleans 8 25 p 7 25 a ...... 7 25 »

Ar. Columbus,t-i a 50 a 8 85 i> ...I 8 25 p" J.'aeon M a 7 U) p 12 65 a 7IW? Q" llmnswi It.. 2 ;f> p v.' 7 15_a .

Ar. 22; '* * a:...

b.uly 1 'J.r VT.OVj j'lAtiiy I Bail* "

(Co. 15. _S >. .1 rAllU.\3. y..fo|y,g11 uop 7 uua Lv. < :,'tTk-""n. Ar 7 #tp 7 OUa j12 00 11 7 41a " :ci ibe. " 6 42j>i5 57a2 Ooa Omi;i ". .iriiic.." ol*>p!4 20a2 4.5 a 9 28 a!" ..Ornytrebtrg.." 4 42 p 8 45 a4 to alo 21;' " .Kir:** !«».." 2 4o p1 2 32 a5 40a 11 10a Ar .iVininbia Lv, 2 OUp 1 35 a

DOm1 j'.Lv .Aftguata..Arj p 45a jj,7 45p|.. .... L*.J« 1. .vide. Arl 1» 15 a

r.' STa Lv...i .. innnh...Ar| 4.5ja"

.. B1 . .." 2 5; a I

7 -0a 11 Hi 1 a Lv ;i,hia..Ar 2 1.5p 9 8t'p f!» 15a 2 (*>i> '.1 " !' 37p 7 )0p Ilu 2on 3 1 Ar.S: .via: iitrgLv lu 35a 6 laplo 2.5a 2 '0, 1 tatdmrg Ar 10 25a! OOJpL2 57 p 1 r.rii-.. lers'nv'leLv 8 00 a 3 52p2 OUpt 1 15 l

* As'sville... '[ T 1/5 u 3 00»

T^n:'rr_ ~i2^t cTTiTti .Via A '.^l >r~'t *n Lv 3 20 n' i> .50 aib 45 p T on u A r h >. I^v 'J .'*» p 5 uu a

f lop 4 2. 3T? x.:. ie Lv 1 5'_a 836 a $H 25 7 4*' a At Hv'a:: «)s»Xv 10 25 P 4 iTTa7J0 7 In A ' h>7 Lv 1.777a 5 Pop8 10_a .. "... ni...Lv 8 3oa| » '5p>4jaj 7 6up|Ar...L .1.V 7 45a| 7 20p"A" a. m. "P" p. m. "51" noon. "N" nightTrains leave Wrevaville via & <4. division

iaily for Anders- >, A. Leville, Wreenwood,udtiinbia ami intermediate i-oats at 10:15 a.m. and 5:20 p. mClie-snpeako Li.ne Steamers in daily service

between Norfolk : .el Baltimore.Nos. 27 and l«-. ' A'ashingtoa and Southwest

em Limited" Solid Pullinau train, leingrom. i>., .. ...... .Ir,.,, ot,» All

po-CU WUUN.U J uui" I i

cif latest design, t.ir.mgh between New Yorkami At lacta. Th. ugh Cullman Bleeping carsbe:we<n New York and New Orleans via^ ashington.Athui a and Montgomery,and alsobetween New York and Memphis, via Washington.A'luata and Bit iningham. ElegantPullman library _o' >erva ion cars between Maeonand New Yotk. Oentlemen's club cars

be!ween Atlanta and New York. Dining cars frserve all meals en route. Pullman sleeping ,

cars between (in ctisboro and Raleigh. No blCouch service on * lie tr.-iius The-*; trains cpvilli s'op nt tiiiin* i ,e. Lulu, Toceoa. Seneca,R.-.ttiiey and blue.: ourg o:by to take on and let fioil piiirftfnjit'rii tor i.iid fi'.iii \V«Ahin)fton and 1,

d f'-r ri 1 fr- :n (ireenville-Oolumbia_and .Spartanburg-Columbia lutes. </Nos. 'Si add bi."Atlanta and New York Express.'Local train berwt en At lHiita and Charlotte,connecting at Charlotte with trains of

Mine numbers for :id from Washington, NewYork and the East, arrying through Pullmantlcoi)ia> cars between Charlotte and NewYork. Charlotte and Richmond and Norfolk, tcLeaving Washington Momlays, Wednesdaystad Fridays a tourist sleeping car will be operatedon this train through from Washington 7

to San Francisco without change. Connection Tat Greensboro with sleepers for Raleigh. No '

Pullman cars on this train between Atlantaand Charlotte. Ample first and second-classcoach accommodations for local and throughtravel.Nos. 8.>and3fl."United Btatee Fast Mail" runs

solid between Washington and New Orleans,being composed of coaches, through withoutchange for passengers of all classes. ^Pullmandrawing-room sleeping cars between New Yorkand New Orleans, via Atlantaaud Montgomeryand between Birmingham and Richmond, tDining cars serve all meals enroute. ,Nos. 1! and 1-.Pullman sleeping cars be- *tweeuRiclimund and Charlotte, via Danville,

also Norfolk and Charlotte via Danville.Trains 16 ami US c irry elegant Pullman sleepingcars, caily, be' .. tea bPAHTAXBCHQ, SavannanandJaokroav; ie, via Columbia, and be-

tweeii SpAKTANb' no, KnoxvillB and Cincin-nati, via Ashcvii AI^j Pullman sleepingcarsbetweeu Asheville and Charleston.Pullman Parlor cars between Charleston

and A.-hovide.m - no attention is cr''t-d to the fact that

No^ ;>, and lis are . iadt an exolusive Pullmantnii:;- without coa -h service. ^

FI'A N'K ij. (iANN 'N, S. H. HARDWICK,Third V-P. A df.i Mgr., (ten. Pass. Agt., (Washington. Lt C. >6 aahiugton, D-0.

W H i'AiLUE W. H. BObllCK. I.Ass't Oen'l Pa-s. Af t, Pass. A T'kt Agent,


Atlanta. Ga. bpartanb'. & C.


For Farmers!'You can't do good work without

good harness. Do not jlose precious hours by tryingto use old plow gears and ^wagon harness when you can getthe best cud strongest at u

ihfe harness and saddle shop of j

TOJonk.37Morgan Square.

The YoungAstronomer >


By Jaines'H. Carlisle, L.L.D

Price 50c


Book Storo1 ;.

Warning Notice.All person.'* are hereby warned

njjsiin^r traJii with or in any otherr huv tr. 1 suctions with

Wiil Crowd-, r. us he .s a minor.Oct. 1,1'Jel. Makv C'Kowuau. J

harleston and WesternCarolina Railway Co.

ilmiMii .'iim' Abbeville t-l.crt lire,Sflieciult* ii J f. i t July }»1,1 1.

a.c Autfiisia 10.05 am 3-U' F'°rive Greenwood 12.31; pm . ..

rive Anderson . 715 pmrive Laurens 1.40 pm J aiu

rive Greenville 3.25 pm ' roj.iutrive Glenn springs 4 45 pin ..

rive Spartanburg 3 30 pm 9 atn

rive Saluda 5.35 pm . . .

rive lleudersonvillc t.03 pmrive Asheville 7.15 pm

ave Asheville 7.0S amjvc Spartanburg it.00 am 3.30 pmave Glenn Springs 9.OO amave Greenville n.iOain 1.45 pmave Laurens 12.45 P'" 6 '5 Pmave Anderson 7.25 am

ave Greenwood- I 45 Pmrive Augusta 4.:0pin 11 354m

ave Greenwood 4.56 pinrive Raleigh 12.22 pmrivi N .tf -Ik 7.30 amrive I etershurg. 4-2' amrive Kiel, ml 3. ,0 am

avt Greenwood 4.05 amrive Laurens 5.35 aiuave Laurens 6.55 amrive Spart tnburg 9."> ain

ave Spartanburg . .. 3 jo | inrive Laurens 6 25 p inrive Greenwood 8 05 pui

J lose eoniiirtu»n at (ir>it:«n'«! for a!lliits up S. A. L. ari l ( and g. Railway, andSj artni.hiujr witli Sotr.bcru Labway,tor any information nlatite to ticketstcs sol »!ulc.-, t*lc., ad'.ros

W.J CKA1G (ieii. Pass. Agent._

J '< HI Ir-l.K Agent.

. THE.

OF FPiRTANBlKG.j^)esi>nat d 5tate, County

.nd CitvOF OsITORY.

nnitnl sJfrn Aiiiiiltf) In

tockholdcr" Liab'lity .

urplus ^0,000 00

f'Jfcb.OOO 00ofj icers:

EO. COFIELD, Preside.. B. CLEVI LAND, Vi.- -cjdent.i. E. BURNETT, Cashier.'. \V. SIMPSON Ass't Cashier. W. CARLI SLE Attorney?Herring's Safety Boxes at moderWpricesExchange and collections witkoutarge todepositors.

SlffllilM.of Spartauburg, S. C.

apital Stock ,.... $30,000 00

urplus 7,500 00


GEO. COFIELD, President.

W. E. BURNETT, Treasrer.

t. B. CLEVELAND, Attorney.

Interest will he allowed at the rate4 per cent, per annum.


Experience has shown that 'it isuitful of great good to those whoave tried it. It is equally productivef crnnd to the old and vonni?. rich». -.. .. ... j OT

nd poor. It is intended for everyody.The stamps are of the follow- .

lg denominations:

5 Cts., 10 Cta. aud 25 Cts.

A book will be given free of charge> any one purchasing a stamp.

'be Merchants ft Farmers

BANKOf Spartanburg, S C.

apital $100,000Jndivided Profits ... 25,000


Joseph Walker, President.J. H. Sloan', Vice Psesidcnt.A. L. White, Cashier.L. K. Andkrso.v, Ass't Cashlef ,r


os. Walker, A. G. FloyAJ. H. Sloan, H. A. Ligon1. W. Xicholis T. H. Cannon,.},. C.Cannon. J. K Jennings,

W. F. Smith.We solicit the business of 1 a ike

orporations, firms and individuals.The interest of all our patrons "areullyguarded and promptly served.Safety deposit boxes to rent.


We will allow interest on amount^f$o.00 and upwards at 4 per cent)er annum, credited semi-annuallyst of January and July of each yearm certificates of deposit running forx months 44 per cent, per annumnil be allowed.

?nnnri o ,s


Znt Glass,Sterling Silver,

Engagement Rings,Wedding Presen s,

Latest Styles ofHandsome Jewelry,

Are our specialties for the

Spring, Call and examine3ood°.


,A,tiaff. Always n-liaWe laadle-i. aak pru®ji«» for<'HI('Hi:STi:K'N LXULIHII in Brd and( old metallic bo«c->. scaUil wltli blue ribbon.

....... ...h tl.Take no oilier, nnuntationn»ntl imitation*. Buyor v< ii(l If. in 'tnnip" for Parti<*u'ar», *«"monial. In l HeWf foruv rriurn .Kail. lO.OOO TMbnoutnl*. SOW *7ail DrUkK'rtfc.