STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge

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Page 1: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge


Page 2: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge


• It is located in Wiltshire, England.

• It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.

• Stonehenge is a large circle of standing stones.

Page 3: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge

How was it built?

Page 4: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge


• The first Stonehenge was a large earthwork probably built around 3100 BC.

• They formed a circle. Archaeologists found cremated human bones, but they were probably from part of a religious ceremony.

• After that, the monument didn’t change until 1000 years later.

Page 5: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge


• It started around 2150 BC. About 82 bluestones from the Preseli mountains in south-west Wales were brought to the site. This journey was nearly 240 miles.

• Once there, the stones were set up in the centre to make an incomplete double circle.

Page 6: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge


• It started in 2000 BC. The Sarsen stones that they used were probably brought from the Marlborough Downs area near Avebury, about 25 miles north of Stonehenge.

• These were placed in an outer circle. Inside the circle, there were also five trilithons, that still remain today.

Page 7: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge


• After 1500 BC the bluestones were moved into the horseshoe and circle that we see today.

• Most of the bluestones have been removed or broken.

Page 8: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge

Possible theories about Stonehenge

• Stonehenge was an astronomical observatory

They could predict eclipses, lunar phases and seasons. Nevertheless, it was possible that it was not the original function because it took more than 1000 years to finish it.

• Stonehenge was a cemeteryStonehenge was a cemetery

Scientists found human bones buried there.Scientists found human bones buried there.

Page 9: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge

• Stonehenge was a religious temple

People went there because the Druids could give them magic power and cure their illnesses.

Page 10: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge

Incredible theories• Stonehenge was

built by Apollo’s followers who lived in the north of Europe and were documented in Greek mythology.

• Stonehenge was a place where UFOs landed.

Page 11: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge

•Stonehenge was created in the first years of the XX century to attract tourists.

•Stonehenge was built by the wizard Merlin. He made it himself by raising the stones with his magical power.

Page 12: STONEHENGE. Characteristics It is located in Wiltshire, England. It is a monument built in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Neolithic Bronze Age. Stonehenge

Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Bluestone Bluestone -piedras del Stonehenge -piedras del Stonehenge

traídas de fuera traídas de fuera Bronze ageBronze age -edad de bronce -edad de bronce (to)(to) crematecremate -incinerar, cremar -incinerar, cremar DruidDruid -Druida -Druida HorseshoeHorseshoe -herradura -herradura NeolithicNeolithic -neolítico -neolítico Sarsen stoneSarsen stone -piedra arenisca -piedra arenisca Standing stoneStanding stone -megalito vertical -megalito vertical TrilithonTrilithon -estructura de dos piedras -estructura de dos piedras

verticales (columnas) y una horizontal verticales (columnas) y una horizontal apoyada en la verticales.apoyada en la verticales.

UFOUFO -OVNI (objeto volador no identificado) -OVNI (objeto volador no identificado) Wizard MerlinWizard Merlin -El mago Merlín -El mago Merlín