Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media

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  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media



    @ S@EH Zhport

    Stlma`]`tcf^`cidlem stlma` `m`lest

    ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnhle tfh @ustr`dl`e ahnl`

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


    @ S@EH Zhport


    Stlma` `m`lest ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh `rh coaaoe%^fh lap`ct o tfls alsuenhrst`enlem `en alsrhprhshet`tloe

    ls shrlous a`ey phopdh `hcthn jy ahet`d lddehss s`y tf`t lt

    c`e `hct tfhlr `jldlty to rhcovhr `s aucf `s `ctu`d syaptoas%

    ^fh ahnl` pd`y ` crucl`d rodh le leguheclem coaauelty

    `ttltunhs% Jy hecour`mlem `ccur`th$ rhspoesljdh rhprhshet`tloe

    o ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh le tfh ahnl`$ wh coetrljuth to

    ` nr`a`tlc laprovhahet le tfh dlvhs o `dd phopdh `hcthn jy

    ahet`d lddehss% ]h c`e `dso s`vh dlvhs%

    ^fls rhport chdhjr`ths tfh ploehhrlem `en `w`rn!wleelem wori

    o S@EH @ustr`dl`s Stlma`]`tcf leltl`tlvh to t`cidh stlma` le

    tfh ahnl`$ nocuahetlem lts wori le tfh p`st$ tfh prhshet$ `en

    dooilem to tfh uturh % % %

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


    0Stlma`$ ahet`d lddehss$ `en tfh ahnl`;

    tfh orlmles o Stlma`]`tcf 0

    3fh hvodutloe o Stlma`]`tcf Stlma`]`tcf ton`y 03

    8Dooilem `fh`n 0=

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media



    0 ^fh orlmles o


    Hst`jdlsfhn `daost thhe yh`rs `mo le


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media



    ^fls ls to tfh nhtrlahet og tfosh ehwdy nl`meoshn wltf scflzopfrhel`

    shhilem foph gor rhcovhry en soclhty t d`rmh% fh ahnl`s powhr to

    no moon jhcoahs hvlnhet wfhe wh shh coaauelty `ttltunhs tow`rns

    nhprhssloe laprovh tfroumf prophr rhportlem en hnuc`tloe%

    ^fh w`y le wflcf ahet`d lddehss ls rhprhshethn `dso `gghcts fow

    phopdh ghhd `jout tfhashdvhs `en wfhtfhr or eot tfhy shhi fhdp%^fh d`emu`mh `en la`mhry ushn jy tfh ahnl` c`e jh le`ccur`th$

    shes`tloe`d$ uej`d`echn `en sthrhotyplc`d% Rhopdh wltf ` ahet`d

    lddehss a`y jh d`jhddhn `s sc`ry coalc`d or lecoaphthet%

    Sucf stlma`tlslem d`jhds c`ush heoraous p`le `en sugghrlem%

    A`ey s`y tf`t tfh stlma` c`e jh worsh to nh`d wltf tf`e tfh

    syaptoas og tfh lddehss ltshdg% ^oo ogthe$ vlodhet `en lrr`tloe`d

    jhf`vlours `rh dleihn hxcduslvhdy to ahet`d lddehss%

    @ Xelvhrslty og Ahdjoureh stuny hx`alehn 732 @ustr`dl`e

    oedleh `en prlet ehws ahnl` storlhs cltlem scflzopfrhel` ovhr

    ` 0!yh`r phrlon le :200/0:% &C`le J ht `d :203% Scflzopfrhel`

    le tfh @ustr`dl`e prlet `en oedleh ehws ahnl`% Rsycfosls$ NOL;0

    2%0262/0=8::>33>=( og

    storlhs `en >7( whrh `sshsshn `s stlma`tlzlem% Rhopdh lnhetlhn

    `s scflzopfrhelc whrh nlsproportloe`thdy rhporthn `s a`dh

    `en `s phrphtr`tors r`tfhr tf`e vlctlas og vlodhech% ^fh aorh

    stlma`tlslem storlhs thenhn to `pph`r le t`jdoln sourchs$ to rhghr

    to ovhrsh`s hvhets `en sujst`ech ush$ `en to rhprhshet phopdh

    wltf scflzopfrhel` `s youem `en a`dh%

    ]fhehvhr L shh ` a`ss aurnhr rhporthn le tfh ahnl` ay rst tfoumft ls

    to a`ih ` sldhet pr`yhr; pdh sh noet dht tfh phrsoe f`vh ` ahet`d lddehss%

    La slci `en tlrhn og dlvlem wltf tfh sf`ah og tfh d`jhd L c`rry wltf ah

    dlih tfh a`ri og C`le oe ay gorhfh`n%

    Cfldnrhe `rh p`rtlcud`rdy hxposhn to tfhsh ahss`mhs%

    Gor hx`apdh$ ` XI stuny wflcf s`apdhn oeh whhi og cfldnrhes

    thdhvlsloe$ gouen tf`t `daost f`dg &>7(, og0:6 promr`as

    coet`lehn oeh or aorh rhghrhechs to ahet`d lddehss% ^hras sucf

    `s cr`zy$ a`n `en doslem your alen whrh coaaoedy ushn to

    nheoth doslem coetrod% Slx cf`r`cthrs whrh lnhetlhn `s jhlem

    coeslsthetdy portr`yhn `s ahet`ddy ldd% ^fhsh cf`r`cthrs whrh

    `daost tot`ddy nhvoln og posltlvh cf`r`cthrlstlcs &]ldsoe C ht `d

    :222% Fow ahet`d lddehss ls portr`yhn le cfldnrhes thdhvlsloe;

    @ prosphctlvh stuny% Jrltlsf Koure`d og Rsycfl`try$ 0=7$ >>2!>>3,%

    Rhopdh dlvlem wltf ahet`d lddehss `rh `cuthdy `w`rh og tfh

    leuhech og tfh ahnl` oe coaauelty `ttltunhs% @ :227 survhyog38= phopdh wltf ahet`d lddehss gouen tf`t rhspoenhets whrh

    optlalstlc tf`t stlma` coudn jh rhnuchn$ `en s`w t`cidlem stlma`

    le tfh ahnl` `s tfh aost urmhet prlorlty &S@EH @ustr`dl` :227%

    Zhsh`rcf Juddhtle >; Stlma` `en ahet`d lddehss% S@EH @ustr`dl`,%

    @ Scottlsf stuny og thdhvlsloe nr`a` `dso gouen `

    nlsproportloe`th `ssocl`tloe og vlodhech wltf ahet`d lddehss

    &Sflgt :202% A`ilem Nr`a` out og ` Crlsls; @utfhetlc portr`y`ds

    og ahet`d lddehss le ^W nr`a`% Sflgt%, @ tot`d og=> promr`as

    coet`lehn storydlehs oe ahet`d fh`dtf lssuhs%

    ^fh `w`rn!wleelem Stlma`]`tcf promr`a f`s crh`thn lethrhst

    jotf e`tloe`ddy `en lethre`tloe`ddy% Eow `e lethmr`d p`rt og tfh

    S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh$ Stlma`]`tcf ls ` crltlc`d coapoehet og

    @ustr`dl`s `ctlvlty to rhnuch tfh stlma` `ssocl`thn wltf ahet`d

    lddehss `en sulclnh%

    ]fy no wh ehhn Stlma`]`tcf?

    @s ` c`rhr$ L mht furt wfhe L shh rha`ris tf`t d`jhd phopdh wfo `rh

    ahet`ddy ldd wltf e`ahs sucf s grultc ih$ eutthr or psycfo% Noet

    tfhy rh`dlsh tf`t tfls ls ay soe tfhy `rh t`dilem `jout? ^fhrh `rh tlahs

    wfhe c`rhrs ghhd gorchn to dlh to voln g`clem tfh possljldlty og nhah`elem

    rh`ctloes or rha`ris% fls ls nhmr`nlem$ hsphcl`ddy wfhe s mhehr`d

    rudh le dlgh$ you a`ih lt ` polet eot to dlh% @s lg lts eot j`n heoumf gor

    soahoeh to f`vh ` ahet`d lddehss$ to jh puelsfhn gor lt jy jhlem tfh vlctla

    og stlma`tlslem coaahets ls dlih ilcilem ` a`e wfhe fhs nowe%

    L jhdlhvh hnltors `en pronuchrs f`vh ` aor`d rhspoesljldlty to `voln

    cruhd$ nlscrlale`tory worns% fhy fodn tfh powhr to leuhech cfldnrhe

    `s whdd s nudts% Lt woudn jh mrh`t lg tfh ahnl` a`nh coesclous nhclsloes

    to ush tfhlr powhr to proaoth coap`ssloe$ uenhrst`enlem en hnuc`tloe

    `jout ahet`d lddehss% fls woudn fhdp to hdlale`th gh`r wflcf$ doem wltf

    lmeor`ech$ ls oeh og tfh prla`ry c`ushs og stlma`%

    ^fh ahnl`$ le `dd lts goras$ leuhechs tfh w`y wh tflei$ sf`plem

    our jhdlhgs `en our rh`ctloe to lssuhs% Lt ls `dso ` prla`ry sourch

    og legora`tloe `en `ttltunhs rhm`rnlem ahet`d lddehss gor tfh

    a`korlty og @ustr`dl`es%

    ^fh ahnl` c`e fhdp to laprovh `ttltunhs% @ccur`th `en posltlvh

    storlhs `jout phopdh wltf ` ahet`d lddehss c`e nhaoestr`th tf`t

    a`ey phopdh a`e`mh tfhlr syaptoas whdd `en dlvh wltf foph%

    ^fh ahnl` c`e `dso provlnh `e uenhrst`enlem og fow wlnhsprh`n

    ahet`d lddehss ls le tfh coaauelty$ `en tf`t `eyoeh c`e jh

    nl`meoshn wltf ` ahet`d lddehss%

    Fowhvhr$ tfh ahnl` c`e `dso phrphtu`th stlma`% Le`ccur`th or

    shes`tloe`dlshn rhportlem or portr`y`d c`e `gghct tfh w`y phopdh

    wltf ` ahet`d lddehss `rh trh`thn `en a`y dh`n to nlscrlale`tory

    jhf`vlour% Lt c`e `dso dh`n to shdg!stlma` `en nhd`yhn trh`tahet%

    Lg yourh dlvlem wltf ahet`d lddehss$ stlma` ls oeh aorh strhss you

    noet ehhn%

    Stlma` furts

    L w`s nl`meoshn wltf scflzopfrhel` ` nhc`nh `mo `en le ay sh`rcf

    to uenhrst`en ay ehw lddehss$ tfh ahnl` ogghrhn ah ` sihwhn v`et`mh

    polet wfhrh lt `pph rhn scflzopfrhel w`s slapdy ` dlchech gor j`n

    jhf`vlour% Eow$ oe tfh leslnh dooilem out$ L rhcomelsh wf`t `e le`ccur`th

    portr`y`d tfls ls$ tfh hxchptloe r`tfhr tf`e tfh rudh% Dlih a`ey dlvlem

    wltf scflzopfrhel $ L w`s ` vlctla og vlodhech `en `jush r`tfhr tf`e tfh


    ^fhrh `rh so a`ey phopdh dlih ah out tfhrh succhhnlem$ dlvlem$ worilem$

    r`lslem g`aldlhs en coetrljutlem% Stlma` stops tfhsh s`ah phopdh groa

    puttlem tfhlr f`en up to s`y tfhy `rh dlvlem ah elemgud$ purposhgud dlvhs%

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media



    Le tfhsh tfhrh whrh;

    g 33 lest`echs og vlodhech to otfhrs

    g >6 lest`echs og otfhr typhs og f`ra

    g 83 hx`apdhs og f`ra to shdg

    g 33 hx`apdhs og syap`tfhtlc portr`y`d%

    Shcoen`ry rhghrhechs le t`jdoln!stydh a`m`zlehs$ whjslths$`en ehwsp`phrs `rh laport`et `s tfhy sfow fow la`mhs groa

    thdhvlsloe c`e ghhn leto ` wlnhr popud`r cudturh%

    Ihy typhs og portr`y`d lecdunh;

    g tfh ahet`ddy ldd `s n`emhrous outslnhrs

    g ahet`ddy ldd phopdh `s tr`mlc `en nhshrvlem og plty

    g `rtlcdhs quhstloelem tfh hxlsthech og ahet`d lddehss `s `

    shrlous jut trh`t`jdh coenltloe%

    @nvhrtlslem c`ap`lmes wflcf trlvl`dlsh ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh

    f`vh `dso jhhe `e `rh` og rhmud`r coechre%

    Stlma`]`tcf tlahdleh


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media



    ^fh Alengr`ah leltl`tlvh f`s tfrhh a`le coapoehets;

    Alenr`ah Hnuc`tloe `en ^r`lelem

    A`e`mhn jy tfh Fuethr Lestltuth og Ahet`d Fh`dtf$ tfh

    Alengr`ah Hnuc`tloe en r`lelem promr`as ojkhctlvhs rh to;

    g juldn codd`jor`tlvh rhd`tloesflp wltf tfh @ustr`dl`e

    ehws ahnl` &prlet en oedleh$ r`nlo$ en thdhvlsloe,

    tfroumf tfh nhvhdopahet en nlsshale`tloe og

    hvlnhech!j`shn rhsourchs en shctor hem`mhahet to

    he`jdh aorh ccur`th en shesltlvh portr`y`d og

    sulclnh en ahet`d lddehss

    g leuhech thrtl`ry currlcud` so tf`t mr`nu`ths le

    koure`dlsa `en pujdlc rhd`tloes wldd jh w`rh og$ `en

    `rh jdh to rhspoen to$ lssuhs rhd`tlem to sulclnh en

    ahet`d lddehss

    g support shctors tf`t wori wltf tfh ahnl` &sucf s tfh

    ahet`d fh`dtf shctor$ tfh sulclnh prhvhetloe shctor$

    `en tfh podlch, to g`cldlt`th jhtthr uenhrst`enlem jout

    lssuhs to coeslnhr wfhe worilem wltf tfh ahnl` rouen

    ahet`d lddehss en sulclnh

    g provlnh pr`ctlc`d nvlch en legora`tloe to support

    tfh wori og scrlptwrlthrs en otfhrs levodvhn le tfh

    nhvhdopahet og @ustr`dl`e da$ thdhvlsloe en tfh`trh$

    to fhdp legora trutfgud en utfhetlc portr`y`ds og

    ahet`d lddehss en sulclnh%

    ^`rmht shctors gor Alengr`ah hnuc`tloe en tr`lelem rh;

    g Ehws ahnl`

    Rh`i ahnl` jonlhs$ ahnl` orm`els`tloes$ en

    proghssloe`ds nhvhdoplem storlhs jout ahet`d lddehss

    `en sulclnh%

    g Ahet`d fh`dtf en sulclnh prhvhetloe shctor

    Fh`dtf$ ahet`d fh`dtf$ en sulclnh prhvhetloe

    orm`els`tloes$ shrvlchs `en proghssloe`d jonlhs

    &movhreahet en eoe!movhreahet,$ en lenlvlnu`ds

    wltfle tfosh orm`els`tloes wltf rodh le ahnl`

    portr`y`d og ahet`d lddehss en sulclnh%

    g Xelvhrsltlhs

    Xelvhrsltlhs &lecdunlem jotf dhcturhrs en stunhets,

    tf`t ogghr rhdhv`et promr`as le koure`dlsa en pujdlc


    g @ustr`dl`e da$ thdhvlsloe en tfh`trh

    Scrlptwrlthrs$ story nhp`rtahets$ daa`ihrs$ en otfhr

    ihy st`ihfodnhrs%

    g Rodlch

    Rodlch gorchs le dd kurlsnlctloes$ en rhdhv`et ogchrs

    wltf rodh le ahnl` rhprhshet`tloe og sulclnh en

    ahet`d lddehss%


    Zhports oe ahet`d lddehss :226!:20:

    ^fh proportloe og Stlma]`tcf rhports hxprhsslem coechre

    `jout ahnl` rhportlem og ahet`d lddehss le mhehr`d f`s rlshe le

    rhchet yh`rs groa 33( &:226,$ ph`ilem `t 72( &:202,$ `en

    rha`lelem coest`et tfhrh`gthr `t >2( &:200!:20:,%

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media



    S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh

    ^fh S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh supports tfh ahnl` wltf phrsoe`d$

    oeh!stop sfop shrvlch s tfhy prhp`rh tfhlr storlhs% Lt provlnhs

    `ccur`th legora`tloe$ cchss en rhghrr`d to `pproprl`th

    lethrvlhwhhs$ ahnl`!s`vvy nvlch$ en support% fh ahet`d

    fh`dtf shctor ls dso provlnhn wltf support le nh`dlem wltf tfh


    ^fh Chetrh lecorpor`ths tfh Stlma`]`tcf promr`a$ rhspoenlem

    to coaauelty coechre to provlnh ahnl` proghssloe`ds wltf

    ghhnj`ci$ jotf posltlvh en ehm`tlvh$ to hecour`mh aorh

    rhspoesljdh rhportlem oe ahet`d lddehss en sulclnh%

    Zhports sujaltthn rh hv`du`thn m`lest tfh Stlma`]`tcf

    crlthrl` en tfh Alengr`ah E`tloe`d Ahnl` Leltl`tlvhs Zhportlem

    Sulclnh en Ahet`d Lddehss mulnhdlehs%

    Zhsh`rcf `en hv`du`tloe

    Oemolem aoeltorlem en hv`du`tloe og tfh ahnl`s phrgora`ech

    le rhportlem ahet`d lddehss en sulclnh ls coenucthn jy tfh

    Xelvhrslty og Ahdjoureh en Xelvhrslty og C`ejhrr`%

    ^wo d`rmh!sc`dh Ahnl` Aoeltorlem stunlhs f`vh jhhe coapdhthn

    provlnlem j`shdleh en cf`emhs le ahnl` rhportlem og ahet`d

    lddehss en sulclnh le @ustr`dl`% @nnltloe`d qu`dlt`tlvh en

    qu`etlt`tlvh stunlhs f`vh dso jhhe coenucthn% Nht`lds og dd

    rhsh`rcf rhports rh v`ld`jdh groa tfh Alengr`ah whjslth%

    g www%alenr`ah!ahnl`%leo

    Shh tfh Alengr`ah whjslth gor gudd nht`lds og tfh

    leltl`tlvh$ rhsourchs$ en rhsh`rcf rhports%


    Zhports oe nhprhssloe :226!:20:

    Le :226$ tfh proportloe og Stlma]`tcf rhports hxprhsslem

    coechre `jout ahnl` rhportlem og nhprhssloe w`s le dleh wltf

    rhportlem og ahet`d lddehss le mhehr`d `t 33(% Jy :202 tfls f`n

    nropphn to 02($ `en f`s slech fovhrhn `rouen 8(% ^fls trhen

    rhhcts tfh laprovhn covhr`mh og nhprhssloe le tfh ahnl`$ `en

    sujshquhet rhnuctloe le tfh euajhr og coapd`lets%

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


    2: le :226% Ovhr`dd euajhrs f`vh slech nhcdlehn

    sdowdy$ `vhr`mlem `rouen :82 phr `eeua le rhchet yh`rs%

    ]fldh coapd`lets `jout soah `rh`s f`vh nhcdlehn a`rihndy$ `e

    lecrh`slem proportloe or rhports `rh `jout otfhr `rh`s$ sucf `s

    covhr`mh og sulclnh%

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media



    Zhportlem o sulclnh

    ^fhrh f`s jhhe ` slmelc`et lecrh`sh le rhportlem `jout sulclnh

    le tfh ahnl` ovhr rhchet yh`rs% @ wlnhsprh`n alscoechptloe

    `aoem ahnl` proghssloe`ds tf`t tfhy sfoudn eot rhport tfh

    lssuh ls jhlem rhpd`chn jy `e uenhrst`enlem tf`t sulclnh c`e `en

    sfoudn jh rhporthn jut le ` rhspoesljdh w`y$ wltfout nht`ldlem

    tfh ah`es$ shes`tloe`dlslem$ or md`aorlslem lt% ^fh Alengr`ah`en rhchetdy!upn`thn Rrhss Couecld mulnhdlehs f`vh fhdphn to

    cd`rlgy tfls lssuh%

    ]fldh ` mrowlem euajhr og Stlma`]`tcf coapd`lets coechre

    ahnl` covhr`mh og sulclnh$ tfhrh f`s `dso jhhe `e lecrh`sh le tfh

    euajhr ogMoon Ehwsrhports coechrelem sulclnh ovhr tfh p`st

    vh yh`rs%

    Zhsh`rcf lecrh`slemdy lenlc`ths tf`t tfh ahnl` c`e wori to

    prhvhet sulclnh% Hvlnhech summhsts tf`t wfldh soah stydhs og

    ahnl` rhportlem a`y trlmmhr nh`tfs jy sulclnh$ otfhrs a`y

    wori to rhnuch tfha &Elhnhrirothetf`dhr ^ ht `d :202% Zodh og

    ahnl` rhports le coapdhthn `en prhvhethn sulclnh; ]hrtfhr v%R`p`mheo hgghcts% Jrltlsf Koure`d og Rsycfl`try$ 0:>3,%

    ^fh posltlvh rodh tf`t tfh ahnl` c`e pd`y le rh`cflem out to

    a`ey nlgghrhet `unlhechs to laprovh `ttltunhs$ rhnuch stlma`$

    `en proaoth ahet`d fh`dtf dlthr`cy ls `dso jhlem rhcomelshn%

    Coaauelty!j`shn a`ss ahnl` stlma` rhnuctloe c`ap`lmes$

    whj!j`shn ahet`d fh`dtf dlthr`cy promr`as$ `en nocuahet`ry

    das f`vh `dd jhhe sfowe to f`vh ` posltlvh hgghct le fhdplem to

    rhnuch stlma` `en nlscrlale`tloe$ `en proaoth uenhrst`enlem

    `en lecdusloe og phopdh dlvlem wltf ` ahet`d lddehss%

    ^fh levodvhahet og phopdh nlrhctdy `gghcthn jy ahet`d lddehss

    le sucf str`thmlhs ls crucl`d le mlvlem tfha `utfhetlclty `enlecrh`slem hgghctlvhehss% S@EH f`s stroemdy rhcoaahenhn tf`t

    sucf ` e`tloe`d stlma` rhnuctloe c`ap`lme jh coenucthn$ wltf `

    sphcl`d gocus oe psycfotlc lddehsshs sucf `s scflzopfrhel` &S@EH

    @ustr`dl` :203% @ Dlgh wltfout Stlma`%S@EH @ustr`dl`,%


    Zhports oe sulclnh covhr`mh :226!:20:

    ^fh proportloe og Stlma]`tcf rhports hxprhsslem coechre

    `jout ahnl` rhportlem og sulclnh f`s rlshe le rhchet yh`rs$

    groa :0( &:226, to >=( &:20:,%

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media




    Stlma`]`tcf ton`y

    Stlma`]`tcf ls eow `e lethmr`d p`rt o

    tfh S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh$ wflcf provlnhs` sulth o shrvlchs to tfh ahnl` `en

    ahet`d fh`dtf shctors%

    ^fh S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh provlnhs sphcl`dlst support to ahnl`

    proghssloe`ds `en tfh ahet`d fh`dtf shctor `jout rhportlem `en

    otfhr rhprhshet`tloe og ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh!rhd`thn lssuhs%

    ^fh Chetrh ogghrs ` chetr`d shrvlch tf`t;

    g suppdlhs legora`tloe `en `nvlch to ahnl` proghssloe`ds

    lecdunlem koure`dlsts$ scrlptwrlthrs$ pronuchrs `en

    coaalssloehrs og nr`a`$ nocuahet`rlhs `en da$ `en

    tfh `nvhrtlslem lenustry le prhp`r`tloe og storlhs or

    otfhr portr`y`ds og ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh$ `en fhdps

    tfha to goddow tfh Alengr`ah mulnhdlehs

    g supports$ `nvlshs$ `en tr`les tfh ahet`d fh`dtf `en

    sulclnh prhvhetloe shctors le worilem wltf tfh ahnl`$

    p`rtlcud`rdy mroups wfhrh tfhrh `rh eo sphcl`dlst ahnl`

    phrsoeehd$ or wflcf f`vh otfhr sphclc ehhns$ sucf `s

    cudtur`ddy `en dlemulstlc`ddy nlvhrsh &C@DN, mroups

    g shdhcts$ tr`les$ supports$ `en nhjrlhgs hxphrt

    spoihsphopdh$ p`rtlcud`rdy tfosh wltf phrsoe`d

    hxphrlhech og ahet`d lddehss or og `tthapthn sulclnh or

    jhrh`vhahet nuh to ` nh`tf jy sulclnh

    g ophr`ths Stlma`]`tcf to `ct oe `en volch coaauelty

    ghhnj`ci to tfh ahnl` `jout fow tfhy rhport oe

    `en portr`y ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh$ hecour`mlem

    `ccur`th$ rhsphctgud `en rhspoesljdh rhportlem$ `en

    urmlem coeslnhr`tloe og tfh lap`ct stlma`tlslem

    rhprhshet`tloes f`vh oe phopdh dlvlem wltf ` ahet`d

    lddehss `en tfhlr g`aldlhs%

    Zhcomeltloe `en hecour`mhahet og `ccur`th$ rhspoesljdh$ `en

    posltlvh storlhs `jout ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh ls `e laport`et`sphct og Stlma`]`tcfs wori% @ Suen`y @mh prodh og @enrhw

    Zojj AR$ nhscrljlem fow fh dh`ret to a`e`mh fls nhprhssloe

    &:202,$ ls `e hx`apdh og sucf ` Moon Ehws story%

    ^fh Zlvhrs cdotflem coap`ey nlstrljuthn ` c`t`domuh c`ddhn0: N`ys

    og A`nehss wflcf a`nh gue og ahet`d lddehss le ornhr to shdd tfhlr

    pronucts &:22

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    Fow Stlma`]`tcf ophr`ths

    Zhports `rh sujaltthn to Stlma`]`tcf vl` `e oedleh gora

    &tfoumf tfhy `rh stldd `cchpthn jy otfhr ah`es, `en hv`du`thn

    `m`lest tfh Stlma`]`tcf crlthrl` `en tfh Alengr`ah Zhportlem

    Sulclnh `en Ahet`d Lddehss mulnhdlehs% Lg$ `gthr vhrlc`tloe$ `

    story ls gouen to jh stlma`tlslem$ le`ccur`th$ or lrrhspoesljdh$Stlma`]`tcf coet`cts tfh koure`dlst or ahnl` outdht `en

    hxpd`les tfh rh`soe gor coapd`let% ^fh koure`dlst or ahnl` outdht

    ls hecour`mhn to rhvlsh or wltfnr`w tfh `rtlcdh `en `nvlshn fow

    tfhy c`e hesurh `m`lest stlma`tlslem ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh

    lssuhs le tfh guturh%

    Stlma`]`tcf `dso provlnhs ahnl` proghssloe`ds wltf posltlvh

    ghhnj`ci wfhe ` Moon Ehwsrhport f`s jhhe sujaltthn$ to

    hecour`mh slald`r rhspoesljdh rhportlem le guturh% ^fls rhlegorchs

    tfh rodh posltlvh ahnl` covhr`mh pd`ys le tfh rhnuctloe og

    stlma`% @dd ahnl` `rh ogghrhn support le tfh prhp`r`tloe og

    guturh storlhs%

    Le tfh c`sh og ` ahnl` outdht rhguslem to `cieowdhnmh ` rhport$

    or g`ldlem to t`ih `pproprl`th `ctloe$ Stlma`]`tcf coeslnhrs

    hedlstlem support groa Stlma`]`tcfhrs to `nn prhssurh to tfh

    c`sh or le t`ilem tfh coapd`let to tfh rhdhv`et lenustry jony or


    ]fhe `ctloe ls t`ihe$ lt ls dommhn oe s`eh%orm uenhr

    Stlma`]`tcf @ctlvlty% ^fls suaa`rlshs tfh coapd`let orMoon

    Ehwsstory$ `ctloe t`ihe$ `en tfh rhspoesh rhchlvhn groa tfosh

    wfo `rh coet`cthn% Lg tfh rhport c`eeot jh vhrlhn$ tfhe `ctloe

    ls uedlihdy to jh t`ihe%

    A`ilem ` rhport

    Rhopdh a`ilem rhports og stlma` le tfh ahnl` `rh hecour`mhn to

    goddow gour laport`et sthps;

    g Mht tfh g`cts rlmft tfls lecdunhs$ n`th$ outdht$ `en

    sphclcs og coapd`let

    g Rrovlnh ` copy or dlei to tfh ltha

    g Rrovlnh legora`tloe `jout fow tfh ahnl` ltha

    coetr`vhehn tfh Stlma`]`tcf crlthrl` or$ le tfh c`sh

    ogMoon Ehws$ fhdphn tfha% &Lt ls eot sugclhet to

    sujkhctlvhdy eot dlih ` ahnl` ltha,%

    g Lg possljdh$ wrlth ` dhtthr og coapd`let or pr`lsh to tfh

    outdht tfhashdvhs so ahnl` proghssloe`ds c`e fh`r rst!

    f`en fow phopdh `rh `gghcthn jy tfhlr rhportlem `en

    portr`y`d og ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh%

    Zhportlem crlthrl` or Stlma`]`tcf

    Stlma` ^fh ahnl` ltha lecdunhs le`ccur`th or le`pproprl`th

    rhportlem og ahet`d lddehss or sulclnh


    Rosltlvh ^fh ahnl` ltha ls Moon Ehws$ eot`jdh gor `ccur`th or

    shesltlvh rhportlem og ahet`d lddehss or sulclnh

    D`emu`mh Lg tfh ahnl` ltha alsushs ` nl`meostlc thra$ sucf `s

    scflzopfrhel`$ `en/or tfh wornlem ushn sphclc`ddyrhghrhechs ahet`d lddehss% &Xsh og vhre`cud`r$ eoe!

    nl`meostlc thras sucf `s cr`zy or les`eh a`y eot

    jh stroem heoumf oe tfhlr owe to w`rr`et `ctloe%,

    Ahnl` ^fh ltha f`s `pph`rhn le tfh pujdlc ahnl`

    &h%m% ^W or whjslth$ r`nlo$ ehwsp`phr$ a`m`zleh$


    @ustr`dl`e ^fh ahnl` ltha orlmle`thn le tfh @ustr`dl`e ahnl`

    Currhet ^fh rhport ls shet wltfle oeh aoetf og pujdlc`tloe%

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    Jhehgts o Stlma`]`tcf

    @s `e lethmr`d p`rt og tfh S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh `en tfh

    Alengr`ah leltl`tlvh$ Stlma`]`tcf rhsudts le;

    g @e laprovhahet le tfh qu`dlty `en qu`etlty og

    rhports `en portr`y`ds og ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh

    ` rhnuctloe le shes`tloe`d or stlma`tlslem rhports

    pujdlsfhn le tfh @ustr`dl`e ahnl`$ `en `e lecrh`sh le

    `ccur`th$ shesltlvh `en posltlvh rhports `en portr`y`ds%

    g Laprovhn aor`dh wltfle tfh ahet`d fh`dtf shctor%

    ^froumf Stlma`]`tcf$ phopdh wltf ahet`d lddehss$

    g`aldlhs$ grlhens$ fh`dtf worihrs$ `en lethrhsthn

    coaauelty ahajhrs ieow tf`t soahoeh ls `nvoc`tlem

    oe tfhlr jhf`dg `en fodnlem tfh ahnl` to `ccouet gor

    le`ccur`th$ lrrhspoesljdh or oggheslvh rhportlem `en

    portr`y`d og ahet`d lddehss or sulclnh% Zhnuclem stlma`

    ls soahtflem hvhryoeh `gghcthn jy ahet`d lddehss or

    sulclnh `mrhhs ls laport`et9 tfls ls ` uelgylem lssuh gor `e

    otfhrwlsh gr`mahethn mroup%

    g Lecrh`shn hapowhrahet og phopdh `gghcthn jy ahet`d

    lddehss or sulclnh$ wfo `rh supporthn `en hecour`mhn to

    a`ih tfhlr owe coapd`let nlrhctdy to tfh rhdhv`et ahnl`

    outdht% ^fh S@EH Mulnh to Zhnuclem Stlma`w`s nhvhdophn

    hsphcl`ddy gor tfls purposh hapowhrlem tfha to t`ih

    `pproprl`th `ctloe le tfh guturh%

    g Zhportlem to Stlma`]`tcf ls ` voduethhr `ctlvlty%

    @ nhnlc`thn ehtwori og ovhr:$222 Stlma`]`tcfhrs

    `rouen @ustr`dl` aoeltor tfh ahnl` gor rhports `en

    portr`y`ds wflcf `rh le`ccur`th `en oggheslvh$ `en `dso

    uenhrt`ih to t`ih `ctloe `s ehhnhn% @ rhmud`r hJuddhtlels shet out to Stlma`]`tcfhrs to upn`th tfha oe `ctlvlty

    `s whdd `s sphcl`d @dhrts gor wfhe ` qulci rhspoesh ls


    g @cieowdhnmhahet `en v`dln`tloe og tfh nlstrhss phopdh

    c`e hxphrlhech tfroumf le`pproprl`th rhportlem `en

    portr`y`ds% Stlma`]`tcf hap`tfhtlc`ddy `cieowdhnmhs

    tfh nlstrhss og coapd`le`ets$ hvhe wfhe tfh rhport nohs

    eot t crlthrl` gor `e ogcl`d rhport$ so tfhy ieow tfhlr

    coechres f`vh jhhe fh`rn% ^fls `sphct og tfh promr`a

    ls rhsphctgud og coapd`le`ets hxphrlhechs `en ghhdlems$

    `en ls vhry laport`et gor ` mroup wfosh coechres f`vh

    too ogthe moeh uefh`rn%

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    8 Stlma`$ ahet`d lddehss$ `en tfh ahnl`

    Dooilem `fh`n

    Stlma` furts% Stlma` c`e cost dlvhs%

    S@EH @ustr`dl` ls coaaltthn tohesurlem Stlma`]`tcf wldd coetleuh

    to pd`y `e laport`et rodh le rhnuclem

    tfh lap`ct o stlma` `m`lest phopdh

    `hcthn jy ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh%

    Laprovhahets le tfh rhportlem `en rhprhshet`tloe og ahet`d

    lddehss `en sulclnh ovhr rhchet yh`rs `rh rh`d `en whdcoah%

    ^fhy `rh ` thst`ahet to tfh wori og S@EH @ustr`dl`$ tfh

    Alengr`ah leltl`tlvh$ `en otfhrs to laprovh fow tfh ahnl`

    covhrs tfhsh lssuhs%

    Nhsplth tfhsh laprovhahets$ fowhvhr$ tfh wori og Stlma`]`tcf

    `en tfh S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh ls vhry g`r groa ovhr%

    Rsycfotlc lddehss stldd alsrhprhshethn

    ]fldh tfhrh f`s jhhe `e laprovhahet le tfh qu`etlty `en qu`dlty

    og ahnl` covhr`mh og nhprhssloe &tf`eis hsphcl`ddy to tfh wori

    og jhyoenjduh,$ rhportlem `jout psycfotlc lddehsshs sucf `s

    scflzopfrhel` rha`les `dd too ogthe shes`tloe`dlshn$ le`ccur`th$

    `en `ssocl`thn wltf vlodhech% ^fls nhfua`elshs tfosh wfo `rh

    `gghcthn$ crh`tlem ` a`kor j`rrlhr to rhcovhry `en lecdusloe

    le soclhty% Lt ls hsshetl`d wh coetleuh to wori to cf`emh tfhsh

    `ttltunhs le tfh ahnl` `en le tfh coaauelty `t d`rmh%

    S@EH @ustr`dl` f`s c`ddhn or ` coaprhfheslvh$ e`tloe`d$

    coaauelty!j`shn c`ap`lme to rhnuch stlma` `m`lest phopdh

    dlvlem wltf psycfotlc lddehss% Stlma`]`tcf `en tfh S@EH

    Ahnl` Chetrh wldd jh `e laport`et coetrljutloe to tfls


    ^fh cf`emlem ahnl` d`ensc`ph

    ^fh wori og Stlma`]`tcf f`s coetleu`ddy hvodvhn slech

    jhlem hst`jdlsfhn% Cf`emhs to tfh ahnl` d`ensc`ph jrlem ehw

    cf`ddhemhs gor tfh j`ttdh `m`lest stlma` too%

    ]fhe Stlma`]`tcf jhm`e$ coapd`lets whrh ovhrwfhdalemdy

    `jout ehwsp`phr storlhs9 tfhrh `rh eow noujts `jout wfhtfhr

    prlet ehwsp`phrs wldd stldd hxlst le vh yh`rs tlah% ^fh s`ah

    tltdhs stldd hxlst oe tfh whj$ og coursh$ jut tfh e`turh og oedleh

    ehws ls vhry nlgghrhet% Lt hxlsts le ` :>!four ehws cycdh rhsudtlem

    le aorh furrlhn$ dhss coeslnhrhn wrltlem9 ls dhss prot`jdh$

    dh`nlem to dowhr hnltorl`d st`en`rns `s st`gem ls rhnuchn9 f`s

    ` dowhr `tthetloe sp`e$ hecour`mlem aorh shes`tloe`dlshn$

    hyhj`dd!mr`jjlem coethet9 tfh coesuaptloe `s whdd `s crh`tloe

    og coethet ls g`r aorh dlihdy to jh noeh oe tfh rue$ `en to

    jh vlhwhn oe ` aojldh nhvlch$ cf`emlem fow lt ls phrchlvhn%

    ^fh noale`ech og socl`d ahnl` `en jdoms ls `dso jdurrlem tfh

    nlstlectloe jhtwhhe prlv`thdy!crh`thn coethet `en tfh a`ss

    ahnl`% &A`ey jdoms eow f`vh ` rh`nhrsflp g`r hxchhnlem

    hst`jdlsfhn ehwsp`phr tltdhs%,

    ]fldh lapossljdh to aoeltor `dd socl`d ahnl`$ lt ls lecrh`slemdy

    laport`et to hnuc`th `en aonhd `pproprl`th wrltlem `jout

    ahet`d lddehss `en sulclnh or tfh oedleh coaauelty%

    Rrhvhetlem sulclnh@rouen two tfous`en @ustr`dl`es nlh jy sulclnh hvhry yh`r%

    Zhsh`rcf summhsts tf`t lrrhspoesljdh ahnl` covhr`mh og tfls lssuh

    c`e proapt otfhrs wfo `rh vudehr`jdh to t`ih tfhlr dlvhs too$ jy

    summhstlem ` ah`es$ or jy eora`dlslem or md`aorlslem sulclnh `s

    `e optloe wfhe phopdh `rh le ahet`d nlstrhss%

    Lt ls eo hx`mmhr`tloe to s`y tf`t worilem to laprovh ahnl`

    covhr`mh o tfls lssuh ls ` a`tthr o dlh `en nh`tf% Lt f`s

    ehvhr jhhe `e `la o Stlma`]`tcf to stlgh ahnl` rhportlem

    o sulclnh$ jut oe tfh coetr`ry to proaoth rhspoesljdh

    rhportlem; prhvhetlem f`ra `en hecour`mlem nhj`th oe

    laprovlem shrvlchs to rhnuch tfls ueehchss`ry doss o dlh%

  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


    Gor aorh leora`tloe

    g Stlma`]`tcfwww%s`eh%orm/stlma`w`tcf

    g S@EH Ahnl` Chetrh


    g Alenr`ah


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media


    @ e`tloe`d cf`rltyfhdplem dd phopdh

    `gghcthn jy ahet`d lddehssdh`n ` jhtthr dlgh%

    S@EH @ustr`dl`RO Jox ::7

    Soutf Ahdjoureh vlc3:28


  • 7/22/2019 Stigma Watch - Tackling stigma againstmental illness and suicide in the Australian media
