Stealth Health: Wellness Promotion at Work Cindy Wolff, PhD, RD Executive Director, Center of Nutrition and Activity Promotion California State University, Chico WIC Annual Meeting, 2011

Stealth Health: Wellness Promotion at Work Cindy Wolff, PhD, RD Executive Director, Center of Nutrition and Activity Promotion California State University,

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Stealth Health: Wellness Promotion at Work

Cindy Wolff, PhD, RDExecutive Director, Center of Nutrition and Activity Promotion

California State University, Chico

WIC Annual Meeting, 2011


Workshop Expectations: I will• Have a greater appreciation for why I/we

need to promote health at work.• Identify at least 2 changes I will

make/recommend for my work place.• Identify at least 2 changes I will

make in my personal work behavior.• Be an advocate by developing/

supporting a worksite policy.• Be aware of challenges and strategies to

changes I’d like in my behavior/work place.

Benefits of a Health Promoting Work Place

• We are happier

• It’s the ethical thing to do

• We feel better and are healthier

• Health care costs are less

• We perform better


April 4th – 8th is National Workplace Wellness Week

• National Forum April 5th - Workplace Wellness: How Business is Part of the Solution

• Forum will address:– how workplace programs are part of solution to

national health and wellness challenges– the state of workplace wellness programs– trends, challenges, and opportunities




1. WIC Worksite Wellness Program

2. Beware your Chair

3. Physical Activity Boosts Brain Power

4. How to Take off Pounds that Work Puts On

5. Portion Distortion/Defensive Dining

6. Goals for New Behaviors at Work

1. WIC Worksite Wellness Program Commitment FormI, _____________, on behalf of Local Agency ____________, recognize the value of converting my Local Agency and its offices into Wellness Worksites. We will follow the guidelines and criteria to develop a culture where wellness is the norm.

•The Agency will support employees in activities that foster and maintain health and create a well-being environment. We promise to use imagination to propose healthful activities, solicit ideas from our staff, and encourage a dialogue that will promote well-being among us.

•I further promise to create and work toward my own set of wellness goals and to support my fellow-employees as they work toward theirs.

Signed: ______________________ Date:__________

Core Strategies for Participation

• Insert 10-min. PA breaks during long meetings

• Support individual and group activity during routine “conduct of business,” e.g., walking meetings and scheduling sit-down meetings a short distance from workspace.

• Include healthy food choices at meetings and conferences in which food is served.


Core Strategies for Participation, cont.

• Post stair prompts and ask managers to take the lead in using stairs vs. elevators.

• Include ≥50% healthy food choices in vending machines, cafeterias, & on-site food vendors.

• Adopt written policies institutionalizing these practices and informal policies.

• Include wellness policy implementation duties in job descriptions of mgmt staff. 8

2. Beware Your Chair

• How many minutes have you been sitting without getting up?

• How many minutes have you sat so far today?


56 hrs per week!

Recent poll of 6,300 people conducted by the Institute for Medicine showed that on average, we spend 56 hours a week sitting behind a computer, driving, or in front of the TV.


Beware Your Chair

• Whether or not you have a regular exercise program, sitting for long periods is bad for you.

So what’s wrong with sitting?

1. Sitting weight gain.

2. Sitting increases blood fats and glucose which increases risk of heart disease andn diabetes. 11

Stand More, Sit Less

• Compared to sitting, standing is work.

• To stand, you have to tense your leg muscles, and engage your back and shoulder muscles.

• While standing, you often shift from leg to leg.

• All of this burns energy.


Stand More, Sit Less

• For many people, weight gain is a slow creep — 2 pounds this year, 3 pounds next year.

• You can gain this much if, each day, you eat just 30 calories more than you burn.

• 30 calories is hardly anything — it’s a couple of bits of banana or 3 potato chips.


Stand More, Sit Less

• More time on your feet can be the difference between staying lean and getting fat.

• You may think you have no choice about how much you sit. But this isn’t true.

• Weight gain is the outcome of small changes: – Do you take the stairs or the elevator? – E-mail or get up and go see your colleague? – When you get home, do you sit in front of the TV? 14

Stand More, Sit Less

• Evidence suggest that there’s a “physiology of inactivity” with sitting.

• Rates of heart disease and diabetes and obesity are doubled or sometimes even tripled in people who sit a lot.


Stand Up For Your Health (1:52)


Lipase Activity Slows with Sitting

• When lipase is active, muscles absorb fat.

• When we sit down, lipase activity slows.

• So, fat recirculates in blood and is either stored as fat or clogs arteries.

• Plasma samples taken from the same person after eating the same meal are cloudy when they ate sitting and clear while standing.

• Sitting can reduce HDL cholesterol levels by 22%!


Beware Your Chair

Compared to people who sit for long periods, people who take frequent, small breaks — standing up to stretch or walk down the hall have:

1. smaller waists

2. better sugar and fat metabolism


Stand More, Sit Less Ideas

• Replace your office chair with a therapy ball: – Use more muscles and more energy than a

normal chair – You have to support your back and work to keep

balanced – You also have the option of bouncing, if you like.

• Fidget while you sit.

• Watch television in a rocking chair: rocking takes energy and forces gentle flexing of the calf muscles. 20

The Desk Defying Workout


• Chest/shoulder stretch: Do this to pull shoulders back and stretch a tight chest.

• Neck stretch (extension): Focus on neck extension (look toward ceiling). Don't do flexion (chin to chest)

since we sit with necks already forward.

• Quad stretch: Stretch front of thigh. If pull your knee/thigh back, you'll stretch the hips, which tighten with sitting.



1. WIC Worksite Wellness Program

2. Beware your Chair

3. Physical Activity Boosts Brain Power

4. How to Take off Pounds that Work Puts On

5. Portion Distortion/Defensive Dining

6. Goals for New Behaviors at Work

• Researchers studied two elderly groups that had led different lifestyles:– one sedentary– one active

• Cognitive scores were much better for the active group:– executive function– spatial tasks– reaction times – quantitative skills


3. Physical Activity Boosts Brain Power

Physical Activity Boosts Brain Power

• The human brain evolved under conditions of almost constant motion.

• We can predict that the optimal environment for processing information would include motion.

• Indeed, the best business meeting would have everyone walking at about 1.8 miles per hour.


Walk More, Sit Less

• You have a choice about how much you move

• A study of doctors doing the same job, the same week, on identical wards found that some walked 4 times farther than others at work each day.


Three Ways Activity Improves Cognition

• Exercise increases oxygen flow into the brain. Oxygen an uptick in mental sharpness.

• Exercise increases blood flow to the brain which increased glucose as fuel.

• Exercise increases neurons’ creation, survival, and resistance to damage and stress.


Walk More, Sit Less

• The brain craves exercise.

• But we have created our work cubicles around sitting for 8 hours/day.

• It’s time for a change.




Your chair is your enemy.

Standing doubles the number of calories burned.

Your Chair is Your Enemy

• Get up from your desk as often as you can.

• Walk to the restroom that's further away.

• Walk to your co-worker's desk instead of emailing.

• Stand up even if just to stretch for a minute every 30-60 minutes throughout the day.

• Take short walking breaks. A few laps around the office or during lunch can do wonders.


Move More, Think Better:

• Take frequent breaks to stand up and move around.

• Focus on motion, not distance. Just standing up can help.

• Start a trend, like stand up meetings for shorter discussions and for talking on the phone.




1. WIC Worksite Wellness Program

2. Beware your Chair

3. Physical Activity Boosts Brain Power

4. How to Take off Pounds that Work Puts On

5. Portion Distortion/Defensive Dining

6. Goals for New Behaviors at Work

4. How to Take Off the Pounds 4. How to Take Off the Pounds

that Work Puts Onthat Work Puts On

I’ve been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.

Erma Bombeck (1927–1996)

Why Do Diets Typically Fail?

The solid line shows the typical results of weight-loss program participants in pounds.

The dotted line would be ideal—lose weight and keep it off for years.










Begin End of program 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

Healthy Eating + Activity Patterns = Success!









Diet Only Exercise Only Both

Body Fat Lean Tissue Total Weight

Activity Recommendations

• National guidelines are: - ≥30 min/day, but should be ≥60 min. - ≥10,000 steps/day

• Use a pedometer - ≥12,000 steps/day for weight loss

Build Activity into Your Work Day

• Bike or walk to work• Park your car far away and walk• Stand when you talk on the phone

– Standing burns twice the calories of sitting or about 120 calories per hour vs 60 calories/

– Walk while you talk and you can burn another 35 to 40 calories per hour

It Takes Practice and Time to Set New Patterns

Build Activity into Your Work Day

Riding Bikes with the Dutch (2:41)

Make Healthier Food Choices

Do You Eat Breakfast?

Skipping breakfast is associated with:An increased rate of overweightA decrease in dietary adequacyDecreased performance on memory tests

Fruits and Veggies

Higher fruit and vegetable consumption associated with: - healthy weight - lower blood pressure - healthier blood values

Avoid Mindless Overeating

Need to avoid portion distortion by reading food labels

Rethink Your Drink: Sweetened Beverages Add Pounds

National Weight Registry Tips

1. No diet out performed any other

2. Eat breakfast and don’t skip meals

3. Avoid sweetened beverages

4. Keep a food record

5. Read labels and use smaller plates, bowls, and cups

6. Partner with a friend or co-worker

7. Use a pedometer

Prescription PadPrescription for a Healthy Lifestyle

Name:______________________ Date:_____________I am choosing the following goals to achieve a healthier lifestyle:

□Eat breakfast every day□ Sleep at least 7 hrs every night□ Wear a pedometer and walk at least 10,000 steps per day□ Increase physical activity by 20 minutes per day□ Reduce screen time (TV, computer, etc.) by 20 min/day□ Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables each day□ Keep a healthy snack and water handy □ Sign up for a sports team or active recreation class□ Dine out less or make healthier choices □ Eat smaller portions (measure if helpful)□ Decrease sugary drinks(coffee drinks, soda, sports drinks)□ Get up from desk and stretch at least once per hour □ Keep food record

Signature: ___________________


Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle with Tools & Content

• Personalized diet & fitness plan • Calorie counter & exercise tracker • Fitness demonstrations & videos • Over 100,000 articles & recipes

Get Support fromHealthy Lifestyle Community

• Answers from dietitians & trainers on message boards

• Connect with others on teams • Personal homepage & blog



1. WIC Worksite Wellness Program

2. Beware your Chair

3. Physical Activity Boosts Brain Power

4. How to Take off Pounds that Work Puts On

5. Defensive Dining/Portion Distortion

6. Goals for New Behaviors at Work

5. Defensive Dining: Outsmarting Portion Distortion and Other Dietary Detours

COFFEE 20 Years Ago

Coffee(with whole milk and sugar)


Mocha Coffee(with steamed whole milk and

mocha syrup)

45 calories 8 ounces

How many calories are in today's coffee?

COFFEE 20 Years Ago

Coffee(with whole milk and sugar)


Mocha Coffee(with steamed whole milk and

mocha syrup)

45 calories 8 ounces

350 calories16 ounces

Calorie Difference: 305 calories

How long will you have to walk in order

to burn those extra 305 calories?*  How long will you have to walk in order

to burn those extra 305 calories?*  

*Based on 130-pound person

Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing ActCalories In = Calories Out

If you walk 1 hour and 20 minutes, you

will burn approximately 305 calories.*

If you walk 1 hour and 20 minutes, you

will burn approximately 305 calories.*

*Based on 130-pound person

Calories In = Calories Out


20 Years Ago Today

210 calories 1.5 ounces

How many calories are in today’s muffin?

20 Years Ago Today

Calorie Difference: 290 calories

500 calories 4 ounces


210 calories 1.5 ounces

How long will you have to vacuum in order to burn those extra 290 calories?* How long will you have to vacuum in order to burn those extra 290 calories?*

*Based on 130-pound person

Maintaining Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act: Calories In=Calories Out

If you vacuum for 1 hour and 30 minutes you

will burn approximately 290 calories.* If you vacuum for 1 hour and 30 minutes you

will burn approximately 290 calories.*

*Based on 130-pound person

Calories In = Calories Out


20 Years Ago Today

500 calories

How many calories are in two large slices of today’s pizza?

How many calories are in two large slices of today’s pizza?


20 Years Ago Today

500 calories 850 calories

Calorie Difference: 350 calories

How long will you have to bowl in order to burn those extra 350 calories?* How long will you have to bowl in order to burn those extra 350 calories?*

*Based on 160-pound person

Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing ActCalories In = Calories Out

If you bowl for 2 and one half hours you will burn

approximately 350 calories.* If you bowl for 2 and one half hours you will burn

approximately 350 calories.*

*Based on 160-pound person

Calories In = Calories Out


20 Years Ago Today

390 calories 1 ½ cups

How many calories are in today’s chicken Caesar



20 Years Ago Today

390 calories 1 ½ cups

790 calories

3 ½ cups

Calorie Difference: 400 calories

How long will you have to walk the dog in

order to burn those extra 400 calories?*  How long will you have to walk the dog in

order to burn those extra 400 calories?*  

*Based on 160-pound person

Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing ActCalories In = Calories Out

If you walk the dog for 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn approximately 400 calories.*If you walk the dog for 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn approximately 400 calories.*

*Based on 160-pound person

Calories In = Calories Out

Calories Count

1 Fig Cookie CaloriesFat free 51Regular 56

1/2 cup Vanilla Frozen YogurtNonfat 100Regular 104

2 Tbsp. Peanut ButterReduced Fat 187Regular 191

Read the nutrition labels and compare the calories in products.

Nutrient data taken from Nutrient Data System for Research, Version v4.02/30, Nutrition Coordinating Center, University of Minnesota

Reality Check: Serving Sizes

A serving of: margarine is postage stamp size (1 tsp) fish is size of a checkbook (3 oz) meat is a deck of cards (3 oz) potato is a computer mouse juice is one half cup (4 oz) pasta is size of tennis ball (1 cup) peanut butter is size of ping pong ball (2 tbsp) cheese is size of 3 dominoes (1½ oz of cheese)

5 Easy Ways to Downsize

Trim your trigger foodsSee less, eat lessShrink you platesRead food labelsMeasure food portionsCreate your own after meal ritualPractice mind over munching

Low Cal Dessert

Frozen Treat

Nibble on 1 frozen 100% fruit bar (with no sugar added).

40-80 calories, no fat

1. No diet out performed any other

2. Eat breakfast and don’t skip meals

3. Avoid sweetened beverages

4. Keep a food record

5. Read labels and use smaller plates, bowls, and cups

6. Partner with a friend or co-worker

7. Use a pedometer

National Weight Registry Tips

Prescription PadPrescription for a Healthy Lifestyle

Name:______________________ Date:_____________I am choosing the following goals to achieve a healthier lifestyle:

□Eat breakfast every day□ Sleep at least 7 hrs every night□ Wear a pedometer and walk at least 10,000 steps per day□ Increase physical activity by 20 minutes per day□ Reduce screen time (TV, computer, etc.) by 20 min/day□ Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables each day□ Keep a healthy snack and water handy □ Sign up for a sports team or active recreation class□ Dine out less or make healthier choices □ Eat smaller portions (measure if helpful)□ Decrease sugary drinks(coffee drinks, soda, sports drinks)□ Get up from desk and stretch at least once per hour □ Keep food record

Signature: ___________________

6. Goals for New Behaviors at Work

Healthy Eating + Activity Patterns = Success (HEAPS)

Set SMART Goals

S Specific

M Measurable

A Action-based

R Realistic

T Time-lined

SMART Goal in Action!

“My goal is to lose 10 pounds before the Annual WIC Conference next week!”

Is this a SMART goal??

How can we change this goal into a SMART goal?

SMART Goals in Action!

• Specific• Measurable• Action-based• Realistic• Time-oriented

“Each work day, I will eat breakfast, stand up for at least half of my phone calls, chose at least one fruit or veg. for a snack, and walk ≥20 minutes at lunch time.”

Persistence is the KEY!

• Learn from your “lapses” (not failures)• When you fall off the wagon, get right back


Diet is a Four Letter Word

• Make positive changes in eating and activity patterns that can last a life time.

• Start off small…the smallest changes over long periods of time can make the biggest impact.

• Lapses followed by recommitment foster success.

• Buddy up and work together!

Getting Down to Brass Tacks

• What is ≥ 1 behavior you are currently implementing that you feel good about?

• Identify ≥ 1 change you’d like to make in your behavior at work that would improve health?

• Identify ≥ 1 change you’d like to make in your work place to improve health?

• One challenge to a change you’d like in your behavior or work place and strategy(s) to address this challenge.

Write a SMART Goal for yourself!

SMART Goals in Action!

• Specific• Measurable• Action-based• Realistic• Time-oriented

“Each work day, I will eat breakfast, stand up for at least half of my phone calls, chose at least one fruit or veg. for a snack, and walk ≥20 minutes at lunch time.”


Work Performane and Health

Go hand in hand…




Wellness Is Cost Effective

Increases work performance


Wellness…. Investment in the Bottom Line

Performance• Increased readiness to work• Better work performance• Promotes positive attitudes toward work

Staffing• Fewer absences from work

Funds• Protects against health cost increases



Integrate Wellness Into Your Worksite’s Strategic Plans

Create/adopt a Worksite Wellness Policy

Include wellness in performance

evaluations and program improvement

Emphasize simple, effective approaches

Employer’s Pledge

We at ____{worksite name}___know people are our most valuable resource. We pledge to:

•Enhance the health and wellness of employees by improving health and self-esteem through education, resources, and support.

•Create a healthy, safe and more enjoyable work environment by providing employees access to the tools and information necessary.

Worksite Coordinator Signature Date

_________________________ ______91

Employee’s Pledge

My health is one of my greatest assets. Therefore, I make this pledge for myself knowing that my choices affect my wellbeing, my co-workers, and my family. I pledge to: •Commit to my own health every day •Establish goals to enhance my health and well-being •Make activity a regular and enjoyable part of my life •Strive to reduce poor health habits •Make time for what’s important and reduce stress •Be supportive of others in their quests for wellness •Be patient and forgiving when I experience lapses •Find ways to recreate and find joy in life

Employee Signature Date



Were Your Expectations Met?• Have a greater appreciation for why I/we

need to promote health at work.• Identify at least 2 changes I will

make/recommend for my work place.• Identify at least 2 changes I will

make in my personal work behavior.• Be an advocate by developing/

supporting a worksite policy.• Be aware of challenges and strategies to

changes I’d like in my behavior/work place.



Slide show will be posted on the CNAP website: www.csuchico.edu/cnap

Questions? Cindy Wolff, PhD, RD

Executive Director, Center of Nutrition and Activity Promotion

California State University, Chico530 898-5288
