Status Epilepticus Syndi Seinfeld 1 , Howard P. Goodkin 2 , and Shlomo Shinnar 3 1 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23298-0211 2 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908 3 Comprehensive Epilepsy Management Center, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York 10467 Correspondence: [email protected] Although the majority of seizures are brief and cause no long-term consequences, a subset is sufficiently prolonged that long-term consequences can result. These very prolonged sei- zures are termed “status epilepticus” (SE) and are considered a neurological emergency. The clinical presentation of SE can be diverse. SE can occur at anyage but most commonly occurs in the very young and the very old. There are numerous studies on SE in animals in which the pathophysiology, medication responses, and pathology can be rigorously studied in a con- trolled fashion. Human data are consistent with the animal data. In particular, febrile status epilepticus (FSE), a form of SE common in young children, is associated with injury to the hippocampus and subsequent temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in both animals and humans. S eizures are typically time-limited events that do not require emergent intervention or cause any lasting consequences. The exceptions are prolonged seizures, otherwise known as sta- tus epilepticus (SE), which are the subject of this article. DEFINITION The precise definition of SE depends on the con- text. Historically, the definition was based on the seizure being “long enough” to cause dam- age or, in the words of Gastaut (1983), “an en- during epilepticus condition.” “Long enough” was originally defined as 60 min but was then lowered to 30 min (Commission on Epidemiol- ogy Prognosis 1993; Dodson et al. 1993) after it was shown that seizures of 40 to 45 min in ado- lescent baboons cause pathological changes even if the animals were ventilated and paralyzed (Meldrum and Horton 1973). This remains the current definition when studying the conse- quences of prolonged seizures. More recent conceptual models of the defi- nition of SE are based on the fact that most seizures are self-limited. SE can then be thought of as the failure of the inhibitory mecha- nisms that ordinarily terminate a seizure. With- out such mechanisms and in the absence of an intervention, all seizures would not stop and would end up as SE. Based on this concept, the definition of SE is based on the time that one needs to intervene to stop the seizure. In other words, when is a seizure unlikely to stop soon unless a medication is used to stop it? This definition of SE was never based on 30 min and Editors: Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels Additional Perspectives on Epilepsy: The Biologyof a Spectrum Disorder available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022830 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2016;6:a022830 1 www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Press on September 4, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

Status Epilepticus - CSHL Pperspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/6/3/a022830... · 2016-02-22 · Status Epilepticus Syndi Seinfeld1, Howard P. Goodkin2, and Shlomo Shinnar3 1Virginia

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Page 1: Status Epilepticus - CSHL Pperspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/6/3/a022830... · 2016-02-22 · Status Epilepticus Syndi Seinfeld1, Howard P. Goodkin2, and Shlomo Shinnar3 1Virginia

Status Epilepticus

Syndi Seinfeld1, Howard P. Goodkin2, and Shlomo Shinnar3

1Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23298-02112University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 229083Comprehensive Epilepsy Management Center, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein Collegeof Medicine, New York, New York 10467

Correspondence: [email protected]

Although the majority of seizures are brief and cause no long-term consequences, a subset issufficiently prolonged that long-term consequences can result. These very prolonged sei-zures are termed “status epilepticus” (SE) and are considered a neurological emergency. Theclinical presentation of SE can be diverse. SE can occurat anyage but most commonlyoccursin the very young and the very old. There are numerous studies on SE in animals in which thepathophysiology, medication responses, and pathology can be rigorously studied in a con-trolled fashion. Human data are consistent with the animal data. In particular, febrile statusepilepticus (FSE), a form of SE common in young children, is associated with injury to thehippocampus and subsequent temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in both animals and humans.

Seizures are typically time-limited events thatdo not require emergent intervention or

cause any lasting consequences. The exceptionsare prolonged seizures, otherwise known as sta-tus epilepticus (SE), which are the subject ofthis article.


The precise definition of SE depends on the con-text. Historically, the definition was based onthe seizure being “long enough” to cause dam-age or, in the words of Gastaut (1983), “an en-during epilepticus condition.” “Long enough”was originally defined as 60 min but was thenlowered to 30 min (Commission on Epidemiol-ogy Prognosis 1993; Dodson et al. 1993) after itwas shown that seizures of 40 to 45 min in ado-

lescent baboons cause pathological changeseven if the animals were ventilated and paralyzed(Meldrum and Horton 1973). This remains thecurrent definition when studying the conse-quences of prolonged seizures.

More recent conceptual models of the defi-nition of SE are based on the fact that mostseizures are self-limited. SE can then be thoughtof as the failure of the inhibitory mecha-nisms that ordinarily terminate a seizure. With-out such mechanisms and in the absence of anintervention, all seizures would not stop andwould end up as SE. Based on this concept,the definition of SE is based on the time thatone needs to intervene to stop the seizure. Inother words, when is a seizure unlikely to stopsoon unless a medication is used to stop it? Thisdefinition of SE was never based on 30 min and

Editors: Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels

Additional Perspectives on Epilepsy: The Biology of a Spectrum Disorder available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org

Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022830

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all the clinical trials and guidelines suggest that�5 min is the appropriate time to intervene forconvulsive seizures (Dodson et al. 1993; Low-enstein et al. 1999; Shinnar et al. 2001a).

Recently, the International League AgainstEpilepsy (ILAE) Task Force for the classificationof SE developed a revised definition of SE thatincorporates both these features (Trinka et al.2015). In this new definition, there are two timepoints for SE, T1, and T2. T1, which is whentreatment should be initiated, is 5 min for con-vulsive SE based on studies that showed a sei-zure lasting 5 min is likely to be prolonged(Shinnar et al. 2001a; Hesdorffer et al. 2011).In contrast, T2, which is defined as the timepoint at which long-term consequences mayoccur, continues to be 30 min. For the purposesof this review that focuses on the pathophysiol-ogy and outcomes rather than on treatment, wewill continue to use the 30-min definition,which remains appropriate for this setting.


Although physicians often use the word “status”to denote an episode of generalized convulsiveSE (e.g., tonic clonic SE), the clinical presen-tation of SE is broad. The seizures of SE canbe either focal or generalized in onset and eitherconvulsive or nonconvulsive in presentation.During SE, consciousness can be preserved(e.g., focal motor SE), altered (e.g., complexpartial SE), or completely lost in the absenceof motor symptoms (e.g., absence SE or electro-graphic SE in the comatose patient in the inten-sive care unit [ICU] setting).


SE has been the subject of many large epidemi-ologic studies. Avalue of up to 200,000 episodesper year was derived from a prospective, popu-lation-based study performed in Richmond, VA,in which the estimated incidence was 41 per100,000 population (DeLorenzo et al. 1996).In a retrospective, population-based study per-formed in Rochester, MN, the age-adjusted in-cidence for the years 1965–1985 was 18.3 per100,000 population (Hesdorffer et al. 1998).

This lower value is in keeping with rates ob-tained from studies performed in Switzerland,Germany, and Italy (Coeytaux et al. 2000; Knakeet al. 2001; Vignatelli et al. 2003).

SE occurs at all ages but is most commonat the extremes of life. In the Richmond study,the incidence was nearly 150 per 100,000 per-sons in children less than 1 yr of age. The inci-dence dropped to ,25 per 100,000 persons by5 yr of age until it increased again to .50 per100,000 persons after 40 yr of age. In the Roch-ester study, the cumulative incidence was fourper 1000 to age 75 and showed greater increaseafter age 60 (Hesdorffer et al. 1998). Further, SEof longer duration (.2 h) occurred more fre-quently among infants and the elderly com-pared with persons aged 1 to 65 yr in that study.In another study (Wu et al. 2002), the incidencerate for children ,5 yr was 7.5 per 100,000 andthat in the elderly population was 22.3 per100,000.


The causes of SE are numerous (Maytal et al.1989; Dodson et al. 1993). In general, etiologiesare divided into “cryptogenic/unknown” whenthere is no clear known cause, “remote sympto-matic” when there is a prior insult such as strokeor head trauma, and “acute symptomatic” whenthere is an acute neurological (stroke, head trau-ma, or central nervous system [CNS] infection)or systemic (electrolyte disturbance or hypoxia)cause or progressive neurological disorder. Fe-brile SE, which is technically a form of acutesymptomatic SE, is usually classified separatelybecause of the distinct clinical features and dif-ferential prognosis from other forms of acutesymptomatic SE.

The causes of SE vary with age. In adults,common identifiable causes of SE include trau-ma, tumor, vascular disease, alcohol withdraw-al, and noncompliance with antiseizure medi-cations (Aminoff and Simon 1980; DeLorenzoet al. 1992; Lowenstein and Alldredge 1993).In contrast, in the pediatric population, themost common causes are unknown and remotesymptomatic causes. In acute cases in children,the most common identifiable causes are fever

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and infection (Maytal et al. 1989; Shinnar et al.1997).

In the prognosis section of this review, wefocus on febrile SE. Febrile SE accounts for�25% of all pediatric SE and more than 2/3of SE in the second year of life (Shinnar et al.1997). It is defined as an episode of SE that alsomeets the criteria for a febrile seizure: A seizureassociated with a febrile illness in the absenceof acute CNS infection, trauma, or electrolytedisturbances in a child with no prior history ofafebrile seizures (see consensus.nih.gov/1980/1980FebrileSeizures023html.htm; Commissionon Epidemiology 1993). It is a particularly in-teresting group to study because of its epidemi-ological association with hippocampal sclerosisand temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) (Shinnar2003).

A genetic predisposition to prolonged sei-zures has been supported by prior studies (Shin-nar et al. 2001a; Corey et al. 2004). A classicexample of a genetic predisposition to SE isDravet syndrome, which can result from a mu-tation in the gene (SCN1A) that encodes forthe a subunit of voltage-gated sodium channels(NaV1.1). Children with Dravet syndrome com-monly present with a fever-associated episodeof SE before 1 yr of age. But even in childrenwithout a defined gene mutation, there is clearlya familial predisposition to both febrile sei-zures and to SE including febrile status epilep-ticus (FSE).


Studies investigating the pathogenesis of SEhave been performed primarily in animal mod-els of convulsive SE induced using either a (1)chemoconvulsant, such as the muscarinic acidreceptor agonist pilocarpine in isolation orin combination with lithium, or (2) electri-cal stimulation. Models of nonconvulsive SE(NCSE) are limited (Krsek et al. 2001; Wonget al. 2003; Arcieri et al. 2014), and none ofthe currently available models replicate the keycomponents of the form of NCSE that occurs inthe ICU setting. SE can be induced using hyper-thermia in young rats and mice; however, todate, this “febrile SE” model has been primarily

used to study the epileptogenic process and notSE per se (Dube et al. 2010; Patterson et al.2014).

Why some seizures end spontaneously,whereas others become self-sustaining and per-sist for a prolonged period of time is not known.In its simplest terms, a failure for the seizure tostop could be the result of failed inhibition orpersistent excitation. Increasingly, there is evi-dence to support both of these mechanisms.

The g-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA)receptor is a predominantly postsynaptic recep-tor that mediates both fast phasic (i.e., synaptic)and prolonged tonic inhibition as the resultof a chloride flux that occurs on the receptor’sbinding of g-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Thereceptor is a heteromeric, pentameric structurethat can be formed from 16 subunits (Sieghart2006). The majority of the GABAA receptors inthe CNS are assembled from two copies of ana, two copies of a b, and a single copy of eithera g, d, or 1 subunit. The receptor’s subunit com-position determines its cellular surface loca-tion and its pharmacological properties. Forexample, receptors with a g2 subunit can enterthe synapse, whereas those with a d subunit areperisynaptic in location. Further, receptors witha g subunit are sensitive to the benzodiazepines,whereas those receptors with a d subunit areinsensitive to these positive allosteric GABAA

receptor modulators (Sieghart 2006).The genesis and maintenance of SE corre-

lates with a reduction in GABAA-mediated in-hibition (Kapur and Lothman 1989; Kapuret al. 1989). This reduction in GABA-mediatedinhibition corresponds to a rapid modificationin the postsynaptic principal neuron GABAA

receptor population as shown by a reductionin the potency of GABA (Kapur and Coulter1995). There is also a reduced potency of theGABAA receptor allosteric modulators Zn2þ

and diazepam (Kapur and Macdonald 1997).Prior hypotheses offered to explain these chang-es in the postsynaptic GABAA receptor popula-tion included an altered structural compositionof the receptors or posttranslational modifica-tions directly affecting a receptor’s single chan-nel conductance and its response to allostericmodulators.

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Subsequent studies using in vitro and invivo models of SE suggested a third possibility.Goodkin et al. (2005) observed that a prolongedperiod of increased neuronal activity in a net-work of cultured hippocampal neurons inducedby removal of magnesium from the externalmedium led to a reduction in the amplitudeof action-potential independent phasic GABAcurrents (mIPSCs). In the same study, it wasobserved that this increase in neuronal activitywas also associated with a rapid increase in theintracellular accumulation of GABAA receptorscontaining a b2/3 subunit. In subsequent ex-periments, several independent groups of inves-tigators (Naylor et al. 2005; Goodkin et al. 2008;Terunuma et al. 2008) recorded mIPSCs fromeither dentate granule cells or CA1 pyramidalneurons in hippocampal slices acutely isolatedfrom animals in SE induced using the combi-nation of lithium and pilocarpine, or continu-ous hippocampal stimulation. Similar to therecordings from the cultured hippocampal neu-rons, the amplitude of the mIPSC was reduced.This reduction in the amplitude in the synapticcurrent corresponded to a reduction in the sur-face expression of both b2/3 subunit and g2subunit-containing GABAA receptors. As themIPSC amplitude is dependent on the numberof receptors within the synapse, these studies ledto the hypothesis that activity-dependent traf-ficking of synaptic GABAA receptors leading toa decline in the surface expression of synapticGABAA receptors is, in part, responsible for therapid reduction in GABA-mediated inhibitionthat occurs during SE.

The phosphorylation and dephosphoryla-tion of GABAA receptors by protein kinasesand phosphatases is known to affect the traffick-ing of these receptors. Targeting of the traffick-ing machinery could prove to be a novel targetfor the treatment of SE, especially refractory SEthat has become resistant to benzodiazepines(see section below on Treatment). Moss and col-leagues (Terunuma et al. 2008) showed that dur-ing SE there is a reduction in the activity of b3subunit-associated protein kinase C (PKC) andan increase in the activity of b3 subunit-associ-ated protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Increasingthe activity of PKC in acutely obtained hippo-

campal slices from SE-treated animals served toincrease the percentage of phosphorylated re-ceptors with a corresponding increase in thesurface expression of the receptors and a resto-ration of the mIPSC amplitude. Other studieshave shown that inhibitors of PP2A as well asprotein phosphatase 2B (PP2B; calcineurin) wasalso effective in modulating the activity-de-pendent trafficking of the GABAA receptorsleading to similar restoration of the surface ex-pression of the receptors and a restoration ofthe mIPSC amplitude (Eckel et al. 2015; Joshiet al. 2015). Future experiments in vivo are re-quired to determine if activation of protein ki-nases or inhibition of phosphatases during SEalters the time course or treatment of SE.

The GABAA receptor d subunit commonlyassemblies with either ana4 ora6 subunit. Thiscombination of subunits renders the receptorbenzodiazepine-insensitive. These extrasynap-tic receptors are sensitive to general anesthetics(Lees et al. 1998; Feng and Macdonald 2004;Feng et al. 2004) and to neurosteroids (Hosieet al. 2006). The surface expression of these re-ceptors was not found to be reduced and may beincreased after SE (Goodkin et al. 2008; Teru-numa et al. 2008). There is recent evidence thattargeting these receptors may prove to be effi-cacious in the treatment of SE. Grosenbaughand Mott (2013) found that stirepentol, whichis a positive allosteric modulator of GABAA re-ceptors, including those with a d subunit, wascapable of terminating SE that was resistant todiazepam in an animal model of SE. Similarly,neuroactive steroids were effective in preventingchemoconvulsant-induced SE (Kokate et al.1996) and were recently shown to be effectivein terminating an episode of SE that had per-sisted for days and been refractory to medica-tions, including anesthetics, in two pediatricpatients (Broomall et al. 2014).

The excitatory amino acid glutamate actsthrough both ionotropic and metabotropic glu-tamate receptors. There is some evidence tosupport the idea that ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)receptors are involved in the generation andmaintenance of SE (Mazarati and Wasterlain

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1999; Mikati et al. 1999; Mazarati et al. 2006). Incontrast to the reduction in surface expressionobserved for the g2 subunit-containing GABAA

receptors, Wasterlain and colleagues (Mazaratiet al. 2006; Naylor et al. 2013; Wasterlain et al.2013) showed an increase in the immunoreac-tivity of the NR1 NMDA receptor subunit onthe cell surface of dentate granule cells in hip-pocampal slices that were acutely obtained afterSE. This finding was confirmed using electronmicroscopic techniques and corresponded to anincrease in the frequency and amplitude ofNMDA receptor-mediated currents in record-ings obtained from these cells.

AMPA receptors containing a GluA2 sub-unit with an arginine at the Q/R editing siteare calcium impermeable. AMPA receptors witha GluA2 subunit having a glutamine at the Q/Rediting site or those receptors lacking a GluA2subunit are calcium permeable. Currents re-corded from GluA2-lacking AMPA receptorsare inwardly rectifying and philanthotoxin sen-sitive.Rajasekaran andcolleagues(2012)studiedhippocampal slices acutely obtained from ani-mals at two different time points: 10 min and60 min post-SE onset. At both time points, thesurface expression of the GluA2 subunit was re-duced. A novel finding was that although AMPAreceptor currents recorded from CA1 neuronsafter 10 and 60 min of SE and DGCs after 10min of SE were found to be inwardly rectifyingand philanthotoxin sensitive, the recordingsfrom DGCs after 60 min were not, providingevidence that the changes that occur during SEare both time-dependent and region specific.

Together, these modifications in the surfaceglutamate receptor pool compound the reducedinhibition that results from the internaliza-tion of the g2 subunit-containing GABAA re-ceptors. These changes are further exacerbatedby trafficking of other channels such as the A-type potassium channel (Lugo et al. 2008) andHCN channel that affect the intrinsic excitabil-ity of the neurons as well as changes in the traf-ficking of chloride transporters (Lee et al. 2010;Deeb et al. 2012; Silayeva et al. 2015) that resultin chloride loading and a depolarizing responseto GABA. Recently, selective inhibition of thesechloride transporters was shown to lead to

hyperexctibability and epileptiform discharges(Sivakumaran et al. 2015).


The management of any patient presenting withan episode of SE begins with the ABCs (airwaybreathing and circulation). If available, the pa-tient is often placed on a cardiac monitor andpulse oximeter with the application of sup-plemental oxygen if indicated. Once stabilized,care moves toward terminating the seizure,identifying the underlying etiology, and devel-oping a management plan based on the individ-ual needs of the patient.

The evaluation of SE should be tailored toeach individual patient. Laboratory testing tobe considered based on history and physical ex-amination include blood glucose, electrolytes,magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, completeblood count, serum transaminases, and toxicol-ogy screen. If a person has a known diagnosis ofepilepsy, levels of the antiseizure medicationsshould be obtained to determine complianceand potentially future alterations in dosing.

For those patients who present with fever,cultures of bodily fluids (blood, urine, and ce-rebrospinal fluid [CSF]) should be consideredand antibiotics may be required. Although CSFpleocytosis may occur without infection withreported values during an episode of SE in theabsence of an insult being 28 � 106/L (Barryand Hauser 1994), the presence of white bloodcells (WBCs) in the CSF should not simply bedismissed as a consequence of the seizure (Rossiet al. 1986; Woody et al. 1988; Frank et al. 2012).In young infants, a higher degree of clinical sus-picion may be needed, even in the absence ofa clear pleocytosis, because they are recognizedto be at greater risk for presentation with CNSinfection showing minimal signs (Rossi et al.1986; Rider et al. 1995; Nigrovic et al. 2007).

There is an increasing recognition that SEcan be associated with antibody-mediated im-mune encephalitis. Examples include antigluta-mic acid decarboxylase antibodies, anti-NMDAreceptor antibodies, and antivoltage-gated po-tassium channel antibodies. When one of theseconditions is suspected, serum and CSF evalu-

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ation for the presence of these antibodies shouldbe undertaken.

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is not im-mediately required for treatment, and the ur-gency of this test depends on the patient’s clin-ical presentation and response to treatment. If apatient has continued abnormal movements oris not returning to baseline after emergent treat-ment then an EEG must be performed to eval-uate for persistence of the SE. If EEG is notavailable, additional empiric therapy may berequired if there is a concern for NCSE. NCSEwas documented in up to 1/3 of patients whowere admitted to an ICU following treatmentfor an episode of convulsive SE (DeLorenzo etal. 1998; Tay et al. 2006; Sanchez Fernandez et al.2014b). Other indications for emergent EEGin patients prone to or being treated for SE in-cludes the use of neuromuscular blockade andhigh-dose suppressive therapy for the treatmentof refractory SE (see section on Treatment).

Imaging of the head with either computedaxial tomography (CT) or magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) may be required to identifyhemorrhage, ischemia, or a mass. This imagingshould not proceed until the patient is stable.


Treatment for SE should begin promptly in aneffort to reduce the morbidity and mortalityassociated with SE (see section on Prognosis),especially given evidence from animal (Mel-drum and Horton 1973) and clinical studies(Fujikawa et al. 2000; Vespa et al. 2010) thatthe prolonged seizure may induce cerebral inju-ry. The current consensus is that treatmentshould be initiated after 5 min in cases of con-vulsive SE (Trinka et al. 2015). Based on severalrandomized trials (Treiman et al. 1998; All-dredge et al. 2001; Silbergleit et al. 2012; Cham-berlain et al. 2014), there is consensus that thefirst-line treatment is a benzodiazepine.

Unfortunately, despite the recognition forthe need for early treatment of SE, the initialtreatment and escalation to second and subse-quent line agents is often delayed in both the in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings. For thechildren enrolled in the FEBSTAT study (de-

scribed below; Seinfeld et al. 2014), the mediantime from the seizure onset to initiation of treat-ment was 30 min. In a recent study of 81 patientswho were refractory to initial treatment for SE,the first, second, and third dosing were admin-istered at a median of 28 min, 40 min, and50 min after onset (Sanchez Fernandez et al.2015). These values stand in stark contrast tomany guidelines that recommend initial treat-ment at 5 min after SE onset but are represen-tative of how long it takes for emergency med-ical services (EMS) to arrive and for treatmentto be started. These times are a major improve-ment over the more than median 2 h delay re-ported in the Veterans Administration Collabo-rative Trial (Treiman et al. 1998).

It is important to realize that more than halfof cases of SE have no prior history of seizures(Dodson et al. 1993). Therefore, having abortivetherapy at home is not an option for them. Un-fortunately, even when home abortive therapyis available, it is often not used (Sanchez Fer-nandez et al. 2015). Thus, prehospital treatmentprotocols, which have been shown to be safe andeffective in several excellent randomized con-trolled trials (RCTs), are of utmost importance(Alldredge et al. 2001; Silbergleit et al. 2012).

As noted, benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam,lorazepam, and midazolam) should be used asthe initial treatment of SE. The benzodiazepinesare available in formulations that permit intra-venous as well as rectal, intramuscular, and in-tranasal administration. If the seizure does notrespond to the initial or a subsequent benzodia-zepine administration, the other antiseizuremedications that are used for SE can be loadedintravenously (IV). At this point, there are sev-eral medications that are widely used includingfosphenytoin, levetiracetam, and valproate thathave some evidence supporting their use butthere is no clear data as to which is preferable.Phenobarbital is also effective but is not usuallya first choice owing to the increased risk of se-dation and respiratory depression, especiallywhen used immediately following a benzodia-zepine. Lacosamide, which has also been pro-posed as possibly effective, at this point has onlyanecdotal evidence to support its use althoughtrials are starting.

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There are currently no comparative treat-ment trials to guide the selection of the mostappropriate second line or subsequent medi-cations after the initial failure of a benzodia-zepine. The recently funded Established StatusEpilepticus Treatment Trial (ESETT) intendsto compare the effectiveness of fosphenytoin,levetiracetam, and valproic acid as second-lineagents. This multicenter, randomized, double-blind, comparative effectiveness trial will in-clude adults and children �2 yr of age withconvulsive SE who did not respond to adequatedoses of benzodiazepines (Bleck et al. 2013).The patients will be recruited by two nationalemergency research networks: Neurology Emer-gency Treatment Trials (NETT) network andPediatric Emergency Care and Applied ResearchNetwork (PECARN).

Refractory SE is defined as seizures lastinglonger than 60 min despite treatment with abenzodiazepine and an adequate loading doseof a standard intravenous antiseizure medica-tion (Mayer et al. 2002; Sanchez Fernandezet al. 2014a). Risk factors for refractory SE in-clude NCSE and focal motor seizures at onset(Mayer et al. 2002). Common causes of refrac-tory SE include encephalitis as well as the syn-drome of “febrile infection-related epilepsysyndrome” (FIRES) (Kramer et al. 2011).

SE resistant to standard management con-tinuing for .24 h has been labeled as super-re-fractory SE. It is estimated that �15% of all casesof convulsive SE admitted to hospital will fallinto this category (Shorvon and Ferlisi 2011).

Many SE treatment protocols call for theadministration of continuous intravenous infu-sion of antiseizure medications for the treat-ment of refractory and super-refractory SE(Shorvon 2011; Shorvon and Ferlisi 2011). Pen-tobarbital has been the agent most widely usedof the intravenous medications for this purpose.Other agents have included midazolam, propo-fol, ketamine, high-dose phenobarbital, thio-pental, lidocaine, and inhalational anesthetics(e.g., isoflurane). The use of these medicationspredisposes to the need for mechanical ven-tilation, hypotension, and infection. In addi-tion, recent reports have suggested that the useof continuous intravenous infusions for the

treatment of refractory SE increases the risk ofdeath, independently of SE (Rossetti et al. 2011;Schmutzhard and Pfausler 2011; Kowalski et al.2012; Hocker et al. 2013; Sutter et al. 2014).

Hypothermia, ranging from 20˚C to 35˚C,has been used to treat refractory SE in adultsand there are case series in pediatrics. In ratswith SE evoked by perforant pathway stimula-tion, moderate hypothermia (29˚C–33˚C) re-duced the frequency and severity of the clinicalmotor seizures but not of the epileptiform dis-charges (Schmitt et al. 2006). In a similar mod-el, deep hypothermia (20˚C) suppressed SE in40% of rats (Kowski et al. 2012). In a large pe-diatric case series that used mild hypothermia totreat refractory SE, it was found that hypother-mia decreased seizure burden during and afterpediatric refractory SE and may prevent refrac-tory SE relapse (Guilliams et al. 2013). However,it remains an experimental technique. Althoughappealing on a theoretical basis, hypothermiahas not yet been shown to be effective or foundwidely used in clinical practice


The cause of the SE, the patient’s age and un-derlying medical conditions all contribute tothe outcome of the patient. Overall, SE carriesa 7%–39% mortality rate (Towne et al. 1994;DeLorenzo et al. 1996; Coeytaux et al. 2000;Knake et al. 2001; Novy et al. 2010).

In children, the mortality is substantiallyless than the overall rate and is reported as,5% (Maytal et al. 1989; Dodson et al. 1993;DeLorenzo et al. 1996). In children, the primarydeterminant of mortality is etiology with es-sentially all cases in which mortality occurredassociated with acute symptomatic seizures(meningitis, trauma, etc.) or progressive neuro-degenerative diseases (Maytal et al. 1989). Du-ration is related to outcome as well; however, inmany cases, duration is associated with etiologyand the majority of the most prolonged cases ofSE are owing to acute symptomatic causes. Inthe very young, morbidity and mortality aresomewhat higher owing to the higher frequencyof bad etiologies in the first year of life (Maytalet al. 1989; Shinnar et al. 1997).

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The highest mortality is in elderly patients,with SE leading to death in .76% cases (Lo-groscino et al. 2002). This is likely due both tothe high rate of causes with poor prognosis suchas stroke, myocardial infarction, and other formsof ischemic brain injury and because of the re-duced ability of the elderly to tolerate the ex-treme metabolic stress placed on the brain andthe body by convulsive SE.

Although most patients who experience SEdo not have epilepsy at the time of their presen-tation, �1/4 of children with epilepsy will ex-perience at least one episode of SE (Sillanpaaand Shinnar 2002; Berg et al. 2004). Interesting-ly, the occurrence of SE is not random but seemsto occur in specific subgroups. If a child doesnot have an episode of SE in the first few years oftheir epilepsy, they are extremely unlikely to everdo so. Conversely, if they do experience an ep-isode of SE, there is a high likelihood they willdo so again (Sillanpaa and Shinnar 2002). Notsurprisingly, because in these cases the etiologyof the SE is the underlying epilepsy, the mor-bidity and mortality in these cases of SE are low(Sillanpaa and Shinnar 2002; Tsetsou et al.2015). In addition, despite the Gastaut defini-tion of SE as causing “a fixed and enduringepilepticus” focus (Gastaut 1983), SE has onlya modest influence on the probability of attain-ing remission (Sillanpaa et al. 1998) or leadingto an epilepsy-related mortality (Sillanpaa andShinnar 2010).

Of particular interest to the discussion ofprognosis is FSE (Shinnar 2003). These pro-longed febrile seizures constitute �5%–9% ofall febrile seizures (Berg and Shinnar 1996; Hes-dorffer et al. 2011) and account for two-thirdsof SE in the second year of life (Shinnar et al.1997). They are associated with essentially nomortality or detectable short-term morbidity(Maytal and Shinnar 1990; Shinnar et al.2001b). However, there is an association withsubsequent TLE. Whether or not this is a causalassociation has been the subject of a long dis-pute (Shinnar 2003). In animal models of hy-perthermic seizures in the immature brain, pro-longed seizures of 60 min or more will causedevelopment of TLE (Patterson et al. 2014). Inhumans, retrospective series of patients with

TLE undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgeryhave found that 30% of these patients have ahistory of prolonged febrile seizures in child-hood. Prospective studies to date have notfound this association (Shinnar 2003) but theduration of followup has been short. The re-ported latency from the febrile SE to develop-ment of the TLE is 8–11 yr. The multicenterFEBSTAT study (Consequences of ProlongedFebrile Seizures in Children), which is investi-gating the relationship between FSE and subse-quent TLE and hippocampal sclerosis, is pro-spectively addressing this controversy (Shinnaret al. 2008; Hesdorffer et al. 2012).

The FEBSTAT study cohort included 199children with FSE. The children had baselineMRIs and EEGs within 72 h of the episode offebrile SE. Median seizure duration was morethan an hour and the seizures proved surpris-ingly refractory to treatment (Seinfeld et al.2014). Approximately 12% had evidence of in-creased hippocampal T2 signal on the baselineMRI (Shinnar et al. 2012). This increased signalwas not seen in controls with brief febrile sei-zures. Other abnormalities included evidenceof hippocampal malformations as a predispos-ing factor. As a group, the children with febrileSE had slightly smaller hippocampi than age-matched controls with simple febrile seizures(Lewis et al. 2014). Review of their baselineEEGs showed that there was focal slowing orattenuation maximal in the temporal lobe ina substantial proportion of children, and theslowing and attenuation were highly associatedwith MRI evidence of acute hippocampal injury(Nordli et al. 2012). Spikes were not very fre-quent. This is consistent with an injury-basedmodel leading to epilepsy, as focal slowing andattenuation are what one would expect in thepresence of an injury.

At 1 yr, all the hippocampi that initiallyshowed increased T2 signal shrank and the ma-jority still showed evidence of increased T2 sig-nal, thus meeting radiologic criteria for hippo-campal sclerosis (Lewis et al. 2014). Acutely,the distribution of T2 signal was maximal inCA1. But, at 1 yr, the signal was more diffuselikely because CA1 had considerably shrank.The ADC map was initially consistent with ede-

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ma; but, at 1 yr, was more consistent with glio-sis. These findings indicate that, in at least aproportion of cases, febrile SE can lead to hip-pocampal injury. It also suggests that the MRIcan be a biomarker for those at high risk todevelop subsequent hippocampal sclerosis andTLE (Gomes and Shinnar 2011; Patterson et al.2014). Interestingly, in the children whose base-line MRIs after febrile SE were read as normal,the hippocampi did not shrink. However, nordid they grow, while in those children with sim-ple febrile seizures, the expected hippocampalgrowth occurred. The median age was 15 mo, atime the hippocampi should be growing.

The FEBSTAT cohort is being followed longterm, and the 5-yr assessment that includesmemory, imaging, EEG, and development ofepilepsy are almost completed. The plan is tofollow this cohort until a minimum of 10 yrto prospectively address the question of do pro-longed febrile seizures lead to hippocampalsclerosis and TLE. Furthermore, a goal is toidentify those at high risk to develop future tri-als of antiepileptogenesis agents. Such trials arealready in the preclinical phase and hopefullywill be translated to the human in the comingyears. This is an attractive model both in ani-mals and in the human to study antiepilepto-genesis as the insult as well defined and notdiffuse, there is a long latency, and we have po-tential biomarkers such as increased hippocam-pal T2 signal on MRI or focal slowing/attenu-ation on EEG that may help identify high-riskcandidates. Although the latency to clinical TLEin the humans can be long, hippocampal vol-ume loss occurs early so prevention of such vol-ume loss offers an attractive target with biolog-ical plausibility of future studies.


SE is a life-threatening neurological emergencyrequiring prompt therapy as early treatment isrecognized as essential to a favorable outcome.At the basic science level, there is a need to con-tinue to define the molecular and cellular path-ogenesis of SE along with understanding howbrain development, etiology, or type of SE (e.g.,febrile SE) may alter the pathogenesis. Clinical

research in the near future will be focused onestablishing the best agents to use when benzo-diazepines fail, on developing better approachesto refractory SE, on altering clinical practice toreflect the data from the clinical trials and insti-tute therapy early, and examining long-termconsequences of SE, particularly febrile SE. Thenext generation of researchers will have the op-portunity to extend these findings and focus onpreventing the consequences of SE.


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S. Seinfeld et al.

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Page 13: Status Epilepticus - CSHL Pperspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/6/3/a022830... · 2016-02-22 · Status Epilepticus Syndi Seinfeld1, Howard P. Goodkin2, and Shlomo Shinnar3 1Virginia

2016; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022830Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Syndi Seinfeld, Howard P. Goodkin and Shlomo Shinnar Status Epilepticus

Subject Collection Epilepsy: The Biology of a Spectrum Disorder

Research ChallengesThe Epilepsy Spectrum: Targeting Future

Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels EpilepsyEpileptogenesis and the Comorbidities of Common Mechanisms Underlying

Andrey Mazarati and Raman SankarRole of Sodium Channels in Epilepsy

David I. Kaplan, Lori L. Isom and Steven PetrouComorbiditiesImpact the Development of Epilepsy and

Epilepsy Model: How Past Events−The Diathesis

Christophe Bernard

the Ketogenic DietMechanisms of Action of Antiseizure Drugs and

M. RhoMichael A. Rogawski, Wolfgang Löscher and Jong

Potassium Channels in EpilepsyRüdiger Köhling and Jakob Wolfart

Epilepsy and AutismAshura W. Buckley and Gregory L. Holmes

GABAergic Synchronization in EpilepsyRoustem Khazipov

Immunity and Inflammation in Epilepsy

AronicaAnnamaria Vezzani, Bethan Lang and Eleonora

Status Epilepticus

ShinnarSyndi Seinfeld, Howard P. Goodkin and Shlomo

Nucleotide-Gated (HCN) Channels in EpilepsyHyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic

PoolosGary P. Brennan, Tallie Z. Baram and Nicholas P.

Genetic ModelsNeonatal and Infantile Epilepsy: Acquired and

Aristea S. Galanopoulou and Solomon L. Moshé

The Role of Calcium Channels in EpilepsySanjeev Rajakulendran and Michael G. Hanna

Epigenetics and EpilepsyDavid C. Henshall and Katja Kobow

EpilepsyInterneuron Transplantation as a Treatment for

Robert F. Hunt and Scott C. BarabanCells in Network SynchronizationMicrocircuits in Epilepsy: Heterogeneity and Hub

Anh Bui, Hannah K. Kim, Mattia Maroso, et al.

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