STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report to the Legislature March 21, 2001

STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,

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Page 1: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,


Policy and Quality Assurance

Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFMLegislative Auditor

Boards, Commissions, and Like EntitiesReport to the Legislature

March 21, 2001

Page 2: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,


Honorable John J. Hainkel, Jr.President of the Senate

Honorable Charles W. DeWitt, Jr.Speaker of the House of Representatives


Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM

This public document was published at a total cost of $214.79. Forty-seven copies of this publicdocument were published in this first printing at a cost of $63.92. The total cost of all printings ofthis document, including reprints is $63.92. This document was published by the LegislativeAuditor, State of Louisiana, Post Office Box 94397, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70804-9397, toreport financial and personnel information of certain boards, commissions, and like entities underauthority of R.S. 24:513.2(E). This material was printed in accordance with the standards forprinting by state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. A copy of this report is located onour website: www.lla.state.la.us.

In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance relative tothis report, or any report of the Legislative Auditor, please contact Skip Irwin, Director ofAdministrative Services, at (225) 339-3800.

Page 3: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,

Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities

March 21, 2001

Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFMLegislative Auditor

Page 4: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,

Table of Contents

Legislative Auditor’s Transmittal Letter ....................................................................................... v

Report Summary .......................................................................................................................vii

Licensing Agencies .................................................................................................................A-1

Port Commissions and Harbor Districts ...................................................................................B-1

Levee Districts........................................................................................................................ C-1

Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities....................................................................... D-1

Budget Units............................................................................................................................E-1

Index .......................................................................................................................................F-1

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Page iv 2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

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POST OFFICE BOX 94397TELEPHONE: (504) 339-3800FACSIMILE: (504) 339-3870


March 21, 2001

The Honorable John J. Hainkel, Jr., President of the SenateThe Honorable Charles W. DeWitt, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives

Dear Senator Hainkel and Representative DeWitt:

This report contains summary financial information and personnel data on 480 boards,commissions, and like entities. Although state law does not require the report to includeboards, commissions, and like entities that are budget units of the state or which are includedwithin such budget units, we have included information identifying these entities. This report isprepared to assist you in controlling the growth and costs of all boards, commissions, and likeentities within Louisiana. Information in this report was provided by the boards, commissions,and like entities; it has not been audited, and, accordingly, we express no opinion on theinformation.

Respectfully submitted,

Daniel G. Kyle, CPA, CFELegislative Auditor



Page 7: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,

Office of Legislative Auditor

Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM, Legislative AuditorPhone No. (225) 339-3800

Report SummaryBoards, Commissions, and Like Entities

Report to the Legislature

Louisiana Revised Statute 24:513.2(E) requires the legislative auditor to submit annually to thelegislature a report including summary financial and personnel information on all boards,commissions, and like entities created by law or executive order and to report findings andrecommendations resulting from any analysis of the information. Based on our analysis, wesubmit the following information and recommendations:

• As of August 2000, we identified 480 boards, commissions, and like entities createdby law or executive order.

• Of the 480 entities, 204 pay per diem, salaries, and/or travel of the board members.The current year budgets and prior year amounts totaled $1,268,680 and $965,707for per diem payments; $1,420,887 and $1,370,286 for board member salaries; and$2,220,710 and $1,833,307 for board member travel, respectively.

• Seventy-three boards, commissions, and like entities that were created during 1999or earlier have never been fully organized, have disbanded, or are currentlyinactive. The legislature or governor, as applicable, should consider abolishingthese entities.

• We were unable to determine the status of the Imports and Exports Trust Authority.Based on other information available to us, we recommend that the legislatureconsider abolishing this entity.

• The Certified Stress Analysts Board and the Polygraph Board do not have sufficientresources to continue the purposes for which they were established. Thelegislature should consider abolishing these entities.

• Other recommendations requiring legislative action:

• Legislation establishing the Advisory Committee on Respiratory Care and theNursing Supply and Demand Commission as licensing agencies in theDepartment of Health and Hospitals should be revised, as these entities donot serve a licensing function.

• Legislation providing for the governor to appoint an executive director of theOffshore Terminal Authority, rather than a governing board, should beenacted.

• Twenty-two boards, commissions, and like entities, 17 of which we determined areactive, did not provide the requested information. Louisiana law requires theseentities to provide requested information.

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Page 9: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,

Report Summary Page ix

Louisiana Revised Statute (R.S.) 24:513.2(E) requires the legislativeauditor to submit annually to the legislature a report containing summaryfinancial information and personnel data on (1) boards, commissions,and like entities created by law or executive order that are made part of,or are placed in, the executive branch of state government; and (2) localboards, commissions, and like entities that are specifically created bylaw. The statute provides for the legislative auditor to report findings andrecommendations resulting from any analysis performed of theinformation.

This report identifies 480 boards, commissions, and like entities, as ofAugust 2000. Our previous reports included the following number ofentities.

Growth of Entities


Number of Entities338

1993 3601994 4411995 4541996 4561997 418199819992000


Overall, these comparisons reflect an increase in the growth of boards,commissions, and like entities. The 1997 decrease in the number ofsuch entities is primarily attributable to the termination, in accordancewith R.S. 49:215(C), of entities that were created by executive order ofthe prior administration.

The recommendations included in this report are intended to control thegrowth of boards, commissions, and like entities.

Within the report, the boards, commissions, and like entities are groupedinto five categories: (1) licensing agencies; (2) port commissions andharbor districts; (3) levee districts; (4) other boards, commissions, andlike entities; and (5) budget units. The entities are arrangedalphabetically within each category and an alphabetical index is includedon pages F-1 through F-10 of this report.

R.S. 24:513.2(F) directs all agencies, boards, commissions, anddepartments of the state and its political subdivisions to furnishinformation and reports as requested by the legislative auditor to fulfill hisresponsibilities. R.S. 39:1335 and 1336 require licensing agencies tosubmit information on forms that were developed jointly by the legislativeauditor and the legislative fiscal office and approved by the JointLegislative Committee on the Budget. The information required bylicensing agency forms includes summary and detailed informationpertaining to actual and budgeted revenues by source, expenditures bycategory, and fund balances; the number of classified and unclassified

Legislative Mandate

Growth of Entities

Report Organization


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Page x 2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

personnel; performance indicators; and certain general informationpertaining to the board and its authority and functions.

All other boards, commissions, and like entities, except budget units,were requested to complete and submit similar forms, except that thefinancial and budget information was requested in summary form onlyand information pertaining to performance indicators was not requested.Budget units and entities that did not receive or expend funds, althoughmember travel and per diem may have been paid through another entity,were requested to complete and submit forms to provide generalinformation pertaining to the entity, its members, and its authority andfunctions.

In some instances, the submitted information was incomplete; in theseinstances, we have indicated that the information was not provided.

Some boards, commissions, and like entities did not respond to ourrequest for financial information and personnel data. In these instances,we have provided general information about the entities and indicatedthat the specific information that we requested is unknown.

This report includes basic information about those boards, commissions,and like entities that were created by law or executive order during 2000,and which were not fully organized at the time the financial and personnelinformation was requested.

Information included in this report was provided by the boards,commissions, and like entities; it has not been audited by this office, and,accordingly, we express no opinion on the information. We did correctobvious errors in the submitted information.

Of the 480 boards, commissions, and like entities included in this report,250 reported that their members do not receive any per diem payments,salaries, or travel expense reimbursements. Conversely, 204 suchentities reported that their members do receive these payments. Another26 boards, commissions, and like entities did not provide financialinformation on per diem payments, salary, and travel expensereimbursements.

Financial information relating to prior year payments and current yearbudgets for these costs is included in the body of this report andsummarized by report category on the following page.


No ResponseReceived

New Entities


Financial Information

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Report Summary Page xi

Financial InformationPayments Made to Board, Commission, or Like Entity Members

Per Diem Salaries TravelLicensing Agencies: Prior Year Actual $281,831 $7,200 $580,390 Current Year Budget $325,590 $7,200 $744,265

Port Commissions: Prior Year Actual $81,600 None $161,719 Current Year Budget $96,700 None $192,614

Levee Districts: Prior Year Actual $174,400 $112,378 $112,263 Current Year Budget $249,270 $120,536 $117,165

Other Boards and Commissions: Prior Year Actual $119,662 $164,180 $308,691 Current Year Budget $153,810 $179,180 $455,265

Budget Units: Prior Year Actual $308,214 $1,086,528 $670,244 Current Year Budget $443,310 $1,113,971 $711,401


Prior Year Actual $965,707 $1,370,286 $1,833,307 Current Year Budget $1,268,680 $1,420,887 $2,220,710

Responses to our request for financial information and personnel datafrom the following 73 boards, commissions, and like entities revealed thatthe entities were never fully organized; were disbanded with no plans toreorganize; are inactive; or have no funding prospects to undertake thefunctions for which they were established, even though the boardmembers may continue to meet.

Because these entities are not fulfilling their established functions, thelegislature or governor, as applicable, should consider their abolishment.

Inactive Entities

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Page xii 2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Boards, Commissions, and Like EntitiesNever Fully Organized, Disbanded, or Inactive

PageAdvisory Committee on Midwifery......................................................... D-5Advisory Committee on Pain................................................................. D-6Board of Morgan City, Berwick Port Pilot Commissioners and Examiners ................................................................................. D-33Catahoula Parish Port Commission .......................................................B-5Co-ordinating Council on Education.................................................... D-48Commemorative Coin Advisory Commission ..................................... D-49Community/Technical College and Adult Education Task Force ....................................................................................... D-55Concordia Parish Port Commission .......................................................B-7Coordinating Council on Telemedicine and Distance Education .......................................................................... D-57Council for the Development of Spanish in Louisiana (CODESIL)....................................................................... D-59Distance Learning Network Advisory Board........................................ D-69Drug Testing Task Force .................................................................... D-71Eddie G. Robinson Museum Commission .......................................... D-72Education Facilities Authority Board of Directors ................................ D-73Educational Facilities Trust Fund District Board of Trustees .............. D-74Electronic Benefits Transfer Program Task Force.............................. D-77Environment and Natural Resources Council ..................................... D-80Environmental Services Commission of St. Tammany Parish............ D-82First Stop Shop Coordinating Council ................................................. D-87Governor's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped ................................................................... D-96Governor’s Forest Products Industry Development Task Force ....................................................................................... D-98Governor's Mansion Commission ....................................................... D-99Grant Parish Port Commission ............................................................B-10High-Speed Rail Transportation Advisory Council ............................ D-107Historical Jazz Society ...................................................................... D-110Hospitality Research Program Advisory Committee ......................... D-113Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors ............................................. D-116Interagency Recreation Board .......................................................... D-120International Trade Commission ....................................................... D-121Justice System Funding Commission ............................................... D-126Kenner Naval Museum Commission................................................. D-127Lake Pontchartrain Sanitary District Board of Commissioners................................................................ D-129Landscape Architects Selection Board ............................................. D-130Latin American Business Development Commission ....................... D-131Licensing Board for Locksmiths ........................................................ D-132Litter Reduction and Public Action Commission ............................... D-134LUMCON Advisory Council ............................................................... D-141Marine Recreational Fishing Development Board............................. D-142Medicaid Drug Program Committee.................................................. D-145Mississippi River Road Commission................................................. D-148New Orleans-Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots Association Fee Commission ............................................................................ D-157North Bossier Levee District Board of Commissioners....................... C-11North Lafourche Revitalization Board ............................................... D-158Occupational Information Coordinating Committee .......................... D-160

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Report Summary Page xiii

Boards, Commissions, and Like EntitiesNever Fully Organized, Disbanded, or Inactive (Cont.)

PageOversize and Excess Weight Vehicle Task Force ............................ D-162Pan African Commission Board of Commissioners.......................... D-164Pointe Coupee-West Feliciana Bridge, Ferry, and Tunnel Authority ............................................................................. D-169Pork Promotion Board........................................................................E-100Postsecondary Review Commission................................................. D-171Primary Care Advisory Council ......................................................... D-173Project Restore Task Force .............................................................. D-174Rapides Parish Port Commission ........................................................B-28Red River Development Council ........................................................E-106River Parishes Transit Authority Board of Commissioners ............... D-188Rural Health Care Authority ...............................................................E-109School Based Health Clinic Task Force............................................ D-194SECURE Review Commission ......................................................... D-197Southern Louisiana Drinking Water Study Commission ................... D-202St. Mary Parish Mass Transit Authority Board of Commissioners................................................................ D-204St. Tammany Parish Port Commission................................................B-32Tangipahoa River Task Force........................................................... D-210Task Force for the Reduction of Automobile Insurance Rates............................................................................. D-211Tensas Parish Port Commission .........................................................B-33Terrebonne Parish Mass Transit Authority Board of Commissioners................................................................ D-217Transportation Infrastructure Model for Economic Development Review Task Force .................................................. D-220Tri-Parish Drainage and Water Conservation District Board of Commissioners................................................................ D-222United States Highway 71 Four-Lane Corridor Commission ............ D-224United States Highway No. 65 Commission ..................................... D-225Unmarked Burial Sites Board............................................................ D-226Washington Parish Port Commission ..................................................B-38Welfare Reform Coordinating Committee......................................... D-227Workers' Compensation Advisory Council.........................................E-134

As of January 16, 2001, we were unable to determine the actual status ofthe Imports and Exports Trust Authority. Because we have not receivedany indication that it is fulfilling its established function, we recommend itbe abolished.

Certain factors, such as the inability to generate adequate revenues,cause concern that an entity may require assistance from outsidesources to continue the purposes for which it was established. Based onthe information provided and other information available to us, weconclude that the Certified Stress Analysts Board (A-35) and thePolygraph Board (A-42) do not have sufficient resources to fulfill theirestablished purpose, causing us to question their viability. Werecommend these entities be abolished and their duties be transferred tothe Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public Safety Services.

Entity for Whichthe Status Is



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Page xiv 2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Licensing agencies are responsible for regulating, examining, certifying,and/or licensing persons in the state and enforcing laws relating theretoand are required to comply with the “Louisiana Licensing Agency BudgetAct” as contained in R.S. 39:1331 through 39:1342. As of January 16,2001, the Advisory Committee on Respiratory Care (page A-1) and theNursing Supply and Demand Commission (page A-40) are deemedlicensing agencies because they were transferred to the Department ofHealth and Hospitals pursuant to R.S. 36:803, which specifically relatesto licensing agency transfers. These entities serve neither the purposenor the function of a licensing agency.

Legislation should be amended to organizationally place these entitieswithin the Department of Health and Hospitals using another provision oflaw.

The statute creating the Offshore Terminal Authority Board ofCommissioners (page E-96) provides for a governing board ofcommissioners to be appointed by the governor. Responses to ourrequest for information about the board confirmed that there are noappointments made to a board of commissioners, rather an executivedirector is appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate.

The legislature should consider amending legislation to remove theprovision for a board of commissioners and to provide for theappointment of the executive director.

As of January 16, 2001, we identified 22 boards, commissions, and likeentities that have not responded to our requests for personnel data andfinancial information. Based on other information available to us, wedetermined that 17 of the 22 entities are active. However, we are unableto determine the status of the other five, for which we make norecommendation at this time.

Entities DeemedLicensing Agencies

Absence of aGoverning Board

No Responses

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Report Summary Page xv

Boards, Commissions, and Like EntitiesNo Responses

PageAdvisory Committee on Hospice Care .................................................. D-4Algiers Development District Board of Commissioners ...................... D-12*Avoyelles Parish Port Commission.......................................................B-3*Board of Certified Public Accountants ..................................................A-7*Board of Electrolysis Examiners .........................................................A-10*Board of Home Inspectors..................................................................A-19*Board of Veterinary Medicine Examiners ...........................................A-31*Boxing and Wrestling Commission.....................................................A-33*Cane River Waterway District Board of Commissioners ................... D-39*Columbia Port Commission ..................................................................B-6*Deferred Compensation Commission ............................................... D-67Disparity Commission ......................................................................... D-68*John K. Kelly Grand Bayou Reservoir District Board of Commissioners................................................................ D-124*Municipal Employees’ Retirement System Board of Trustees .......................................................................... D-151*Natchitoches Levee and Drainage District Board of Commissioners.................................................................... C-9*Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board ........................A-43*Registrar of Voters Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees .......................................................................... D-181Roadside Rest Area Task Force....................................................... D-190*Sheriffs’ Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees...................... D-198Statewide Intermodal Transportation Plan Steering Committee ....... D-207*Twin Parish Port Commission ............................................................B-35*Vinton Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners...................................................................B-37*Active entity

An alphabetical index of all 480 boards, commissions, and like entitiesincluded within this report is located on pages F-1 through F-10.Index

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Page xvi 2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

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Licensing Agencies

Licensing agencies are charged by law with regulating, examining, certifying,and/or licensing persons in Louisiana, and enforcing the laws relating thereto.Each of the following licensing agencies is subject to budget review and isrequired to comply with all accounting, reporting, auditing, and reviewingrequirements that are applicable to budget units.

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Licensing Agencies Page A-1

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mrs. Virginia G. BenoitExecutive DirectorBoard of Medical Examiners(504) 524-6763

Legal authority R.S. 37:3356

Year created 1985

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee advises the state Board of Medical Examiners inlicensing and regulating persons practicing respiratory therapy.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $2,518 $1,032 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Performance indicators None

Comments The committee is deemed a licensing agency by R.S.36:259(E)(18) as provided by R.S. 36:803; however, thecommittee does not appear to serve either the purpose orfunction of a licensing agency.

Recommendation Since this committee does not perform a licensing function, thelegislature may wish to organizationally place this committeewithin the Department of Health and Hospitals under R.S. 36:801or 36:802 rather than R.S. 36:803.

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Page A-2 Licensing Agencies

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Sherrie WilksExecutive Assistant(225) 922-2329

Legal authority R.S. 37:3111

Year created 1984

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged statutorily to adopt and enforce rules andregulations necessary for the proper regulation of auctions andauction houses under its jurisdiction in the state.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 7; current year estimated - 9

Authorized per diem $97 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $87,383 $82,000Total expenses/expenditures $55,768 $82,000 which include: Per diem $6,014 $8,000 Members' travel expenses $5,862 $11,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $87,355 $87,355

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 512 550Examinations taken 14 Not providedEnforcement actions closed None 4

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Licensing Agencies Page A-3

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Resa BradyAdministrative Secretary(318) 362-3014

Legal authority R.S. 37:2441

Year created 1969

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for protecting the public welfare byoverseeing those persons rendering or offering to renderservices for the sale, maintenance, and repair of any type ofhearing aid device and for examining and licensing hearing aiddealers in the state.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $16,218 $21,150Total expenses/expenditures $21,932 $21,150 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses Not provided Not provided Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $36,530 $36,530

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 113 145Examinations taken 15 20Enforcement actions closed None Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Page A-4 Licensing Agencies

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Teeny SimmonsExecutive Director(225) 925-4802

Legal authority R.S. 37:142

Year created 1910

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for conducting examinations, grantinglicenses, and regulating the practice of architecture withinLouisiana.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 2 classified; 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $284,068 $333,400Total expenses/expenditures $282,698 $333,400 which include: Per diem $6,000 $7,200 Members' travel expenses $23,029 $30,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $220,727 $220,819

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 3,000 3,055Enforcement actions closed 38 30

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Licensing Agencies Page A-5

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James A. AdamsPresident(225) 925-1701

Legal authority R.S. 37:341

Year created 1928

Organizational placement Department of Labor

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with examining and licensing barbers andbarber schools, registering and inspecting barber shops, andregulating the barbering industry in the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $100 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $219,058 $231,191Total expenses/expenditures $217,525 $260,019 which include: Per diem $14,700 $16,300 Members' travel expenses $35,334 $47,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $127,546 $98,718

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 4,802 5,270Examinations taken Not provided Not providedEnforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

Page 23: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,

Page A-6 Licensing Agencies

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Frances D. WebbAdministrative Assistant(225) 927-7600

Legal authority R.S. 37:3373

Year created 1987

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged to establish certification requirements,examine candidates, and investigate and regulate substanceabuse counselors and compulsive gambler counselors.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $121,094 $68,150Total expenses/expenditures $79,802 $93,477 which include: Per diem $6,200 $1,400 Members' travel expenses $3,866 $4,750 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $45,719 $20,392

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 487 170Enforcement actions closed None Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

Page 24: STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR · STATE OF LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR Policy and Quality Assurance Daniel G. Kyle, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CGFM Legislative Auditor Boards, Commissions,

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Michael HendersonExecutive Director(504) 566-1244

Legal authority R.S. 37:71

Year created 1908

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining applicants to be certifiedpublic accountants, identifying and establishing measures ofcontrol over individuals who have met prescribed requirementsand who offer their services to the public as professionalaccountants, and taking appropriate administrative action toregulate the practice of public accounting in the state.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem Officers - $150; Other members - $100

Employees 6 classified; 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Not provided

Performance indicators Not provided

Comments For the second year, the board has not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance with R.S.24:513.2(F). However, a June 30, 1999, audit is on file with thelegislative auditor.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Patricia A. OliverExecutive Director(225) 765-2322

Legal authority R.S. 37:2802

Year created 1974

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board licenses and regulates chiropractors in the state,approves educational training, certifies the proficiency ofchiropractic assistants, and conducts hearings on charges for therevocation or suspension of a license.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 8

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $149,917 $154,425Total expenses/expenditures $144,787 $143,210 which include: Per diem $2,300 $2,750 Members' travel expenses $15,465 $12,150 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $108,440 $119,655

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 706 Not providedExaminations taken 46 Not providedEnforcement actions closed 15 8

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. C. Barry OgdenExecutive Director(504) 568-8574

Legal authority R.S. 37:751

Year created 1888

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining and licensing applicantsfor the professions of dentist and dental hygienist and forinvestigating complaints of illegal practices when evidence ispresented to the board.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem $150 per day spent on board business

Employees 3 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,111,252 $850,600Total expenses/expenditures $953,227 $908,650 which include: Per diem $72,300 $70,000 Members' travel expenses $76,281 $100,000 Members' salary $7.200 $7,200Ending Balance $634,542 $576,492

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 409 450Examinations taken 115 125Enforcement actions closed 81 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Cheri L. MillerChairperson(337) 463-6180

Legal authority R.S. 37:3061

Year created 1979

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining and licensing applicants,accrediting electrolysis schools, and inspecting practitioners'offices for sanitary practices.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Performance indicators Not provided

Comments For the second year, the board had not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance with R.S.24:513.2(F). However, a June 30, 2000, audit is on file with thelegislative auditor.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Dawn P. ScardinoExecutive Director(504) 838-5109

Legal authority R.S. 37:832

Year created 1914

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board regulates embalmers, funeral homes, andprofessional funeral home directors and handles consumercomplaints. It also prescribes requirements for funeral homesand other establishments engaged in the care and disposition ofdead human bodies.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 7; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem $100 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $319,359 $295,010Total expenses/expenditures $285,066 $294,770 which include: Per diem $16,300 $16,000 Members' travel expenses $17,323 $17,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $353,602 $353,842

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 1,760 1,776Examinations taken 75 Not providedEnforcement actions closed 75 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Kemp WrightExecutive Director(225) 922-0009

Legal authority R.S. 37:2503

Year created 1969

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board was created to develop, impose, and enforcestandards for licensing nursing home administrators. The boardissues licenses and investigates complaints. In addition, itapproves and coordinates continuing education and conductsstudies toward improving the standards of practice of registerednurses and nursing home operations.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 3 classified; 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $353,768 $317,000Total expenses/expenditures $321,608 $312,773 which include: Per diem $5,475 $6,900 Members' travel expenses $3,373 $4,800 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $181,600 $185,827

Performance indicators Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Ron KingSecretary-Treasurer(318) 676-7439

Legal authority R.S. 37:2102

Year created 1954

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining and issuing licenses toindividuals qualified to inspect, educate, and investigate in thefield of environmental sanitation and public health.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $6,854 $6,400Total expenses/expenditures $6,089 $7,230 which include: Per diem $280 $480 Members' travel expenses $776 $1,200 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $12,764 $11,934

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 500 495Examinations taken 22 10Enforcement actions closed None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Suzanne L. PeveyAdministrator(225) 763-5480

Legal authority R.S. 37:2654

Year created 1972

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for protecting the health, safety, andwelfare of the public by providing for the licensure and regulationof persons practicing speech-language pathology and/oraudiology in the state. The board recognizes the NTE AreaExam in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified; 3 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $129,856 $193,244Total expenses/expenditures $172,951 $188,570 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $28,683 $29,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $144,363 $149,037

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 2,761 2,700Enforcement actions closed 9 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Tonya RomaireExecutive Director(225) 925-7671

Legal authority R.S. 37:2551

Year created 1970

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with encouraging proficiency in the practiceof shorthand reporting as a profession, promoting efficiency incourt and general reporting, and extending to the courts andpublic protection afforded by a standardized profession.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $108,730 $95,715Total expenses/expenditures $83,366 $95,715 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $2,958 Not provided Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $157,652 $157,652

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 1,137 1,300Examinations taken 104 185Enforcement actions closed None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Suzanne L. PeveyAdministrator(225) 763-5490

Legal authority R.S. 37:3084

Year created 1987

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for protecting the health, safety, andwelfare of the public by providing for the licensure and regulationof persons practicing the profession of dietetics and nutrition.The board accepts examinations administered by the AmericanDietetic Association.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 3 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $45,012 $68,860Total expenses/expenditures $41,128 $62,577 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,723 $5,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $24,230 $30,513

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 1,037 901Enforcement actions closed 10 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Mary NortonExecutive Assistant(225) 298-1283

Legal authority R.S. 37:3171

Year created 1984

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with the protection of the public health,safety, and welfare of the people of the state by prohibiting theuse of the title "interior designer" by nonlicensed persons,establishing rules and criteria for licensing, protecting the publicfrom those not competent, and prescribing penalties forviolations.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 7; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem $97 per meeting

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $66,122 $64,700Total expenses/expenditures $64,346 $64,700 which include: Per diem $3,880 $3,500 Members' travel expenses $3,828 $3,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $62,824 $62,824

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 520 Not providedEnforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Ouida M. NugentAccountant(225) 752-3425

Legal authority R.S. 37:2353

Year created 1964

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensure and regulation ofpsychologists within the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 24; current year estimated - 23

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $150,798 $149,400Total expenses/expenditures $144,251 $149,400 which include: Per diem $7,950 $8,400 Members' travel expenses $10,046 $10,700 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $24,245 $24,245

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 503 512Examinations taken 50 42Enforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Sidney ChaissonChairman(225) 769-6696

Legal authority R.S. 37:1474

Year created 1999

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for protecting the health, safety, andwelfare of the public by providing for the licensure and regulationof home inspectors.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Performance indicators Not provided

Comments As of January 16, 2001, the board had not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance with R.S.24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Pam DierLibrary Programs Coordinator(225) 342-4926

Legal authority R.S. 25:222

Year created 1926

Organizational placement Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing rules and regulations;electing officers; and prescribing examinations, qualifications,conditions, and requirements for persons seeking certificates orpermits to practice the profession of librarian. License revenue isremitted to the State Library of Louisiana.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $15 $20Total expenses/expenditures $15 $20 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed Not provided Not providedExaminations taken 3 4Enforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kayla AymondExecutive Director(225) 658-8941

Legal authority R.S. 37:3554

Year created 1992

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for the examination, licensure,registration, investigation, and regulation of persons practicing asmassage therapists within the state. The board may establishcontinuing education requirements for license renewal andcriteria for certifying massage therapy instructors.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $217,104 $199,725Total expenses/expenditures $207,202 $184,640 which include: Per diem $10,050 $4,600 Members' travel expenses $6,166 $7,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $60,234 $75,319

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 2,695 2,500Examinations taken 225 240Enforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mrs. Virginia G. BenoistExecutive Director(504) 524-6763

Legal authority R.S. 37:1263

Year created 1894

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examination, licensure orcertification and regulation of doctors of medicine, osteopathy,and podiatry; midwives; occupational therapists and occupationaltherapy assistants; respiratory therapists and technicians;acupuncturists and acupuncture assistants; et cetera.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 10

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 57 classified; 6 unclassified; 6 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $3,017,575 $3,571,613Total expenses/expenditures $2,815,836 $3,367,003 which include: Per diem $6,250 $8,800 Members' travel expenses $25,511 $28,598 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $2,966,209 $3,170,817

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 22,870 25,500Examinations taken None NoneEnforcement actions closed 298 316

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Barbara L. MorvantExecutive Director(504) 838-5385

Legal authority R.S. 37:914

Year created 1912

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for safeguarding the life and health ofLouisiana residents through the regulation of persons practicingor offering to practice as a registered nurse. The boardestablishes minimum curriculum requirements and approvesnursing schools.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 29 classified; 2 unclassified; 3 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,516,118 $2,457,050Total expenses/expenditures $1,894,288 $2,420,701 which include: Per diem $12,000 $21,060 Members' travel expenses $56,952 $84,810 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,749,795 $1,786,144

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 43,712 Not providedExaminations taken 1,967 Not providedEnforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. James SandefurSecretary(318) 335-2989

Legal authority R.S. 37:1042

Year created 1918

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing and regulating optometristsin the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $99,562 $120,075Total expenses/expenditures $60,503 $68,766 which include: Per diem $3,075 $3,675 Members' travel expenses $8,385 $8,875 Members' salary Not provided Not providedEnding Balance $248,843 $300,152

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed Not provided 505Examinations taken 9 25Enforcement actions closed 2 None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Malcolm J. BroussardExecutive Director(225) 925-6496

Legal authority R.S. 37:1172

Year created 1888

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for promulgating rules to regulate thepractice of pharmacy in the state, examining and licensingpharmacists, issuing permits and drug kits, and inspectingpharmacies.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 7 classified; 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,030,422 $1,020,350Total expenses/expenditures $890,587 $1,264,150 which include: Per diem $16,357 $22,000 Members' travel expenses $36,196 $63,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,267,074 $1,023,274

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 13,371 11,680Examinations taken 442 400Enforcement actions closed 137 40

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Cheryl GaudinExecutive Director(337) 262-1043

Legal authority R.S. 37:2401.1

Year created 1987

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining applications for thepractice of physical therapy, issuing licenses or permits to thosepossessing the necessary qualifications, and regulating thepractice of physical therapy in the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $231,512 $218,000Total expenses/expenditures $265,974 $222,100 which include: Per diem $4,850 $5,000 Members' travel expenses $3,900 $9,750 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $370,248 $366,148

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 2,162 Not providedEnforcement actions closed 26 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Claire GlavianoExecutive Director(504) 838-5791

Legal authority R.S. 37:962

Year created 1948

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board prescribes minimum curricula and standards forpractical nurses, examines and licenses qualified applicants,accredits practical nurse schools and courses, and conductshearings upon charges calling for discipline of a licensee.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 7 classified; 2 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $913,432 $901,125Total expenses/expenditures $692,115 $738,980 which include: Per diem $4,425 $5,000 Members' travel expenses $6,955 $9,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $522,602 $684,747

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 21,175 19,000Enforcement actions closed 247 225

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Jim BrownExecutive Director(225) 763-3556

Legal authority R.S. 37:3504

Year created 1992

Organizational placement Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining, licensing, registering,and regulating persons practicing as private investigators andprivate investigator businesses in the state.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 classified; 2 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $311,534 $270,500Total expenses/expenditures $243,833 $285,500 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $7,392 $8,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $290,323 $275,323

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 1,596 1,450Examinations taken 380 320Enforcement actions closed 41 26

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Wayne R. RogillioExecutive Secretary(225) 295-8486

Legal authority R.S. 37:3273

Year created 1985

Organizational placement Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing, regulating, and examiningthe contract security industry. The board is empowered to invokedisciplinary action by fine or revocation or suspension of licenses.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 9 classified; 2 unclassified; 8 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $457,874 $419,800Total expenses/expenditures $401,823 $668,850 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $10,562 $7,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $402,287 $153,237

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 10,866 10,780Examinations taken 53 50Enforcement actions closed 3,571 3,440

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Suzanne L. PeveyAdministrator(225) 763-5470

Legal authority R.S. 37:2704

Year created 1972

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with safeguarding the public against theunauthorized, unqualified, and improper practice of social work.The board is empowered to train, educate, examine, and licensesocial workers so that competency may be assured. The boardaccepts examinations administered by the American Associationof State Social Work Boards.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 10

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified; 3 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $317,659 $487,000Total expenses/expenditures $313,854 $471,260 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $51,235 $68,600 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $95,244 $110,984

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 3,358 7,000Enforcement actions closed 25 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kimberly B. BarbierAdministrative Director(225) 342-2176

Legal authority R.S. 37:1515

Year created 1908

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining and determining thequalifications and fitness of applicants for a license to practiceveterinary medicine in the state. The board investigatescomplaints against and disciplines licensees.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 2 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Not provided

Performance indicators Not provided

Comments As of January 16, 2001, the board had not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance with R.S.24:513.2(F). However, the June 30, 2000, audit is on file with thelegislative auditor.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. John LiggioExecutive Director(225) 295-8567

Legal authority R.S. 37:3463

Year created 1988

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board reviews and certifies applicants as wholesale drugdistributors, regulates the distribution of legend drugs,promulgates rules and regulations, monitors compliance with allfederal and state laws and regulations, and conducts inspectionsof wholesale drug facilities. The board does not administerexaminations.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $182,717 $179,110Total expenses/expenditures $162,993 $162,108 which include: Per diem $5,100 $3,000 Members' travel expenses $658 $1,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $209,652 $226,654

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 850 850Enforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Fielding LewisChairman(337) 828-7154

Legal authority R.S. 4:61

Year created 1974

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission regulates and licenses boxing and wrestlingcontests or exhibitions held, conducted, or given within the state.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Performance indicators Not provided

Comments For the fourth year, the commission has not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a June 30, 1998, biennial auditis on file with the legislative auditor and the 2000 biennial audit iscurrently engaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Lucille L. McCannDirector(504) 838-5267

Legal authority R.S. 8:61

Year created 1974

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board licenses cemeteries and monitors and reviewsperpetual care and merchandise trust funds. The board alsoinvestigates consumer complaints and concerns.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $172,889 $174,273Total expenses/expenditures $146,331 $163,419 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $2,788 $3,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $97,222 $108,076

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 451 450Enforcement actions closed None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Hezekiah L. ClarkSecretary-Treasurer(504) 241-5944

Legal authority R.S. 37:2865

Year created 1981

Organizational placement Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board certifies and regulates persons who useinstrumentation to analyze changes in voice patterns for thepurpose of detecting deception or verifying truthful statements.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Performance indicators Not provided

Comments For the fourth year, the board has not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance with R.S.24:513.2(F). However, a December 31, 1998, audit is on file withthe legislative auditor.

In prior reports, we questioned whether this board shouldcontinue to operate because of its limited resources.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board andtransferring its functions to the Department of Public Safety andCorrections, Public Safety Services.

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Contact: Ms. Lin FalconAdministrative Assistant(225) 765-2515

Legal authority R.S. 37:1104

Year created 1987

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing and regulating personspracticing as mental health counselors and those who use thetitle "licensed professional counselor." The board acceptsexaminations administered by the National Board of CertifiedCounselors.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $140,777 $138,800Total expenses/expenditures $105,314 $143,563 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $6,922 $15,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $180,937 $176,174

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 729 733Enforcement actions closed 24 18

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Jeanette MathesAdministrative Assistant(225) 922-1435

Legal authority R.S. 37:3444

Year created 1988

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing, examining, and regulatingthe practice of rehabilitation counseling in the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $26,175 $31,980Total expenses/expenditures $24,599 $46,890 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $14,324 ($586)

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 460 435Examinations taken 4 16Enforcement actions closed None None

Comments The board should limit expenditures to available resources.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kelli GautreauxAccountant(225) 765-2301

Legal authority R.S. 37:2151

Year created 1956

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing and regulating contractors.In addition, it is responsible for the health, safety, and generalwelfare of all contractees and the affording of such persons of aneffective and practical protection against the incompetent,inexperienced, unlawful, and fraudulent acts of contractors.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 18

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 53 classified; 2 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $2,766,672 $2,788,311Total expenses/expenditures $4,495,435 $3,084,626 which include: Per diem $27,825 $45,000 Members' travel expenses $31,852 $39,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,393,119 $1,096,804

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 14,271 15,796Examinations taken 3,883 3,800Enforcement actions closed 298 206

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Cynthia S. StyronAccountant Technician(504) 838-5207

Legal authority R.S. 32:1253

Year created 1954

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission regulates and licenses motor vehiclemanufacturers, distributors, new and used car dealers and theiragents, leasing/rental companies, lessors operating in the state,and sales finance companies to prevent fraud, impositions, andother abuses upon the citizens. The board does not examineapplicants for licensure.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 15; current year estimated - 15

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees 10 classified; 2 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,191,125 $1,096,000Total expenses/expenditures $1,067,928 $1,057,300 which include: Per diem $11,600 $4,450 Members' travel expenses $14,812 $19,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $658,461 $697,161

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 14,271 15,270Enforcement actions closed 99 62

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Pat FaxonDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-4773

Legal authority R.S. 37:1007

Year created 1991

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission was created to study all aspects of the supply ofand demand for nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses,registered nurses, nurses who have a baccalaureate degree, andnurse educators and to recommend action necessary to theresolution of any shortage of nurses.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Performance indicators None

Comments For the past four years, a representative of the Department ofHealth and Hospitals reported that the commission was in aninactive posture. It has since been reactivated to address thecurrent shortage of nurses.

The commission is deemed a licensing agency by R.S.36:259(E)(22) as provided by R.S. 36:803; however, thecommission does not appear to serve either the purpose orfunction of a licensing agency.

Recommendation Since this commission does not perform a licensing function, thelegislature may wish to organizationally place this commissionwithin the Department of Health and Hospitals under R.S.36:801or 36:802 rather than R.S. 36:803.

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Contact: Mr. Don TraylorExecutive Director(504) 826-2382

Legal authority R.S. 37:1361

Year created 1924

Organizational placement Department of Labor

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for protecting all persons who use andrely upon plumbing and medical gas piping systems for personalor commercial need and for affording protection againstincompetent, inexperienced, or unlawful acts by persons whoperform work on plumbing and medical gas piping systems. Theboard qualifies and examines applicants for plumbers' licensesand serves, licenses, and enforces the law.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 5 classified; 2 unclassified; 8 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $536,809 $531,600Total expenses/expenditures $540,968 $623,105 which include: Per diem $9,525 $13,500 Members' travel expenses $6,083 $10,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $377,687 $286,182

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 4,955 5,010Examinations taken 714 610Enforcement actions closed 260 550

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mrs. Vicki H. KingSecretary(225) 389-3836

Legal authority R.S. 37:2835

Year created 1980

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board regulates all persons who use polygraphinstrumentation to detect deception or verify the truth ofstatements and provides a system for certification for theseindividuals.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $3,322 $3,200Total expenses/expenditures $2,797 $2,850 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $618 $1,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $13,831 $14,181

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 74 74Examinations taken 2 2Enforcement actions closed Not provided Not provided

Comments With such limited resources, we question whether this boardshould continue to operate.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board andtransferring its functions to the Department of Public Safety andCorrections, Public Safety Services.

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Contact: Ms. Alice MartinaAdministrative Manager(225) 925-6291

Legal authority R.S. 37:683

Year created 1908

Organizational placement Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining, certifying, registering,and disciplining engineers and land surveyors in the state.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $100 per day spent on board business

Employees 11 classified; 2 unclassified; 6 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Not provided

Performance indicators Not provided

Comments As of January 16, 2001, the board had not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance with R.S.24:513.2(F). However, a June 30, 2000, audit is on file with thelegislative auditor and the 2001 and 2002 audits are currentlyengaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Jessie E. PughAdministrator(225) 231-4710

Legal authority R.S. 37:2303

Year created 1958

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing and regulatingprofessionals who service and repair radios, televisions, andrecording devices.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $89,130 $73,662Total expenses/expenditures $88,960 $92,714 which include: Per diem $2,400 $3,000 Members' travel expenses $3,125 $3,800 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $124,342 $105,290

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed Not provided Not providedExaminations taken 137 100Enforcement actions closed 15 15

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Richard S. WhitehornExecutive Director(504) 838-5231

Legal authority R.S. 37:3201

Year created 1984

Organizational placement Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for examining, licensing, and regulatingqualified applicants as radiologic technologists and to protect thepublic from the misuse of ionizing radiation.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 16

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $127,102 $174,000Total expenses/expenditures $129,688 $158,310 which include: Per diem $2,850 $3,500 Members' travel expenses $2,819 $3,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $372,943 $388,634

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 5,000 5,300Examinations taken Not provided Not providedEnforcement actions closed 8 8

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Albert RoweAccountant III(225) 925-4789

Legal authority R.S. 37:3394

Year created 1987

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing educationalrequirements for state certified real estate appraisers and forissuing certificates and conducting disciplinary proceedings. Theboard contracts for examination services.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $138,820 $120,530Total expenses/expenditures $124,183 $139,952 which include: Per diem $3,200 $10,800 Members' travel expenses $8,539 $15,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $66,418 $46,996

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 534 457Enforcement actions closed 6 6

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Albert RoweAccountant III(225) 925-4789

Legal authority R.S. 37:1432

Year created 1920

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for licensing real estate brokers,associate brokers, salesmen, and schools and for regulating thereal estate business in the state. The commission contracts forexamination services.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 29 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,801,202 $1,916,288Total expenses/expenditures $1,634,173 $1,835,596 which include: Per diem $12,750 $16,200 Members' travel expenses $49,212 $52,200 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $2,771,613 $2,852,305

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 19,808 20,895Enforcement actions closed 73 87

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Lynette BinningAccountant 2(225) 925-3870

Legal authority R.S. 32:772

Year created 1984

Organizational placement Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission licenses and regulates salesmen and salesrepresentatives of used cars and truck dealers; new and usedmotor homes, trailers, semi-trailers, all terrain vehicles, andmotorcycles; automotive dismantlers; parts recyclers; boatdealers; and dealers, manufacturers, and distributors of marineproducts and motorcycles. The commission does not administerexaminations.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 16; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 20 classified; 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,123,976 $1,080,000Total expenses/expenditures $1,017,227 $1,078,035 which include: Per diem $8,175 $15,075 Members' travel expenses $5,643 $7,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,308,146 $1,310,111

Performance indicatorsLicenses issued/renewed 12,804 12,900Enforcement actions closed 628 650

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Port Commissions and Harbor DistrictsA board of commissioners administers and operates each of the following portcommissions and harbor districts and regulates commerce and traffic of theseports and harbors in such a manner as may be in the best interest of thepublic. The boards have charge of and administer wharves, docks, sheds,and landings and are empowered to construct or acquire and equip wharves,landings, and other structures useful for the commerce of the port areas. Theport commissions and harbor districts may charge reasonable fees to eachvessel arriving in the port area and may enter into contracts and leases for theuse of the facilities or any part or portion thereof.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. James CampbellExecutive Director(337) 893-9465

Legal authority R.S. 34:333.1

Year created 1954

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $986,188 $801,001Total expenses/expenditures $915,472 $879,788 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,370,212 $1,291,425

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Page B-2 Port Commissions and Harbor Districts

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. John F. MarzulloExecutive Director(318) 473-1848

Legal authority R.S. 34:335.1

Year created 1987

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetApril 30, 2000 April 30, 2001

Total revenues $390,243 $362,000Total expenses/expenditures $241,503 $227,561 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $426,140 $560,579

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Gene BrittonPresident(318) 346-7011

Legal authority R.S. 34:1801

Year created 1960

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the commission had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Gloria WashingtonDirector of Administrative Services(318) 524-2272

Legal authority R.S. 34:3158

Year created 1962

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 12 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $11,561,818 $29,538,837Total expenses/expenditures $11,642,415 $29,169,823 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $26,153 $30,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $397,760 $766,774

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Shelia ClarkCatahoula Parish Police Jury(318) 744-5435

Legal authority R.S. 34:2151

Year created 1964

Status Never fully organized

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the seventh year, a representative of the Catahoula ParishPolice Jury informed us that the commissioners have never beenappointed. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Darron McGuffeeCommissioner(318) 649-6613

Legal authority R.S. 34:1901

Year created 1962

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the commission had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a December 31, 1999, audit ison file with the legislative auditor and the 2000 audit is currentlyengaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Robbie ShirleyConcordia Parish Police Jury(318) 336-7151

Legal authority R.S. 34:1851

Year created 1960

Status Inactive

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the seventh year, a representative of the Concordia ParishPolice Jury informed us that there have been no appointments tothe commission. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Darrell WilliamsSecretary(337) 775-5718

Legal authority R.S. 34:2501

Year created 1962

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $39,144 $56,125Total expenses/expenditures $13,311 $12,228 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $909,653 $953,550

Comments Administrative duties of the commission are performed byemployees of the Cameron Parish Police Jury.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Andy GallianoSecretary-Treasurer(504) 787-2500

Legal authority R.S. 34:3251

Year created 1982

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $93,104 $93,200Total expenses/expenditures $69,928 $119,025 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Randy BriggsGrant Parish Police Jury(318) 627-3157

Legal authority R.S. 34:2351

Year created 1966

Status Never fully organized

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the eighth year, a representative of the Grant Parish PoliceJury informed us that commissioners have never beenappointed. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Al StarnsDirector of Finance(225) 342-1660

Legal authority R.S. 34:1221

Year created 1952

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 44 classified; 3 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetOctober 31, 1999 October 31, 2000

Total revenues $12,595,298 $4,064,019Total expenses/expenditures $4,784,792 $4,966,945 which include: Per diem $22,425 $27,000 Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $23,594,596 $22,691,670

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Gary SoileauExecutive Director(337) 566-8867

Legal authority R.S. 34:1451

Year created 1956

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues Not provided Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures Not provided Not provided which include: Per diem $22,200 $29,700 Members' travel expenses $6,634 $7,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Susan MartinAccountant Administrator I(504) 632-6701

Legal authority R.S. 34:1651

Year created 1960

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 15; current year estimated - 16

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 22 classified; 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $12,864,923 $13,228,000Total expenses/expenditures $6,156,318 $13,544,200 which include: Per diem $30,000 $30,000 Members' travel expenses $3,200 $3,200 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $29,490,193 $29,173,993

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Matt SandersonSecretary-Treasurer

Legal authority R.S. 34:1401

Year created 1998

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Scott A. AdamsExecutive Director(504) 833-1881

Legal authority R.S. 34:2021

Year created 1963

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 5 classified; 14 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $1,615,840 $1,758,167Total expenses/expenditures $1,662,392 $1,776,622 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $426,504 $408,049

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Gregg GothreauxPresident and Chief Executive Officer(337) 593-1400

Legal authority R.S. 34:291

Year created 1971

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 8 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $1,886,813 $1,302,000Total expenses/expenditures $2,714,944 $1,296,000 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,192 $4,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $7,804,346 $7,825,346

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Glenwood W. WisemanExecutive Director(337) 439-3661

Legal authority R.S. 34:201

Year created 1924

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 121 classified; 11 unclassified; 27 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $18,755,648 $21,511,023Total expenses/expenditures $17,982,976 $22,508,205 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses Not provided Not provided Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $148,871,278 $147,874,096

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Wyly GilfoilPort Director(318) 559-2365

Legal authority R.S. 34:1501

Year created 1958

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $556,609 $2,252,600Total expenses/expenditures $580,789 $2,420,260 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $367,708 $200,048

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kathy W. JobeSecretary-Treasurer(318) 574-2181

Legal authority R.S. 34:2401

Year created 1966

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. John F. CratonAttorney(337) 785-1000

Legal authority R.S. 34:3221

Year created 1976

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 9

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $102,645 $51,910Total expenses/expenditures $105,179 $66,005 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $138,554 $124,458

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Ed Preau(225) 274-4320

Legal authority R.S. 34:3471

Year created 1999

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information BudgetJune 30, 2001

Total revenues $190,000Total expenses/expenditures $190,000 which include: Per diem None Members' travel expenses None Members' salary NoneEnding Balance None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Jerry L. HoffpauirExecutive Director(504) 384-0850

Legal authority R.S. 34:321

Year created 1952

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 classified; 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $4,365,866 $1,652,818Total expenses/expenditures $4,818,678 $1,722,181 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,491 Not provided Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $858,782 $789,419

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. David B. CarsonPresident(318) 352-7652

Legal authority R.S. 34:3151

Year created 1975

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $4,281,019 $3,727,560Total expenses/expenditures $3,951,934 $3,967,372 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $10,668 $9,830 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $353,675 $113,863

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Legal authority R.S. 34:2451

Year created 1967

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments Administrative duties of the board are performed by employeesof the Pointe Coupee Parish Police Jury.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Roy A. PontiffExecutive Director(337) 364-1065

Legal authority R.S. 34:241

Year created 1938

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,658,530 $1,341,327Total expenses/expenditures $562,500 $669,400 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $24,481 $24,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Michael G. SigurFinancial Services Section Team Leader(504) 528-3361

Legal authority R.S. 34:1

Year created 1896

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 330 classified; 22 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $56,703,497 $57,116,000Total expenses/expenditures $59,157,253 $104,826,512 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $29,125 $37,084 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $394,301,651 $411,643,151

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Cindy L. MartinFinance Director(504) 652-9278

Legal authority R.S. 34:2471

Year created 1975

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 19; current year estimated - 20

Authorized per diem None

Employees 60 classified; 5 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetApril 30, 2000 April 30, 2001

Total revenues $18,634,783 $19,283,154Total expenses/expenditures $15,831,124 $18,095,990 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $27,990 $45,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $23,832,856 $25,020,020

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Angie RichmondRapides Parish Police Jury(318) 473-6660

Legal authority R.S. 34:3201

Year created 1975

Status Inactive

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the eighth year, a representative of the Rapides Parish PoliceJury informed us that the commission is inactive. Thecommission is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Dayton CarlislePresident(318) 932-6721

Legal authority R.S. 34:3166

Year created 1975

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Fred M. BullingerExecutive Director(504) 386-9309

Legal authority R.S. 34:1951

Year created 1962

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 15

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $435,000 $445,000Total expenses/expenditures $293,000 $288,000 which include: Per diem $6,975 $10,000 Members' travel expenses $18,959 $20,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $377,930 $534,930

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mrs. Linda DufourSupervisor of Accounting(504) 277-8418

Legal authority R.S. 34:1701

Year created 1961

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 27; current year estimated - 24

Authorized per diem None

Employees 24 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,816,469 $2,674,340Total expenses/expenditures $2,900,708 $2,243,704 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $3,126 $5,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $2,279,454 $2,710,090

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Mary SpellSt. Tammany Parish Police Jury(504) 898-2522

Legal authority R.S. 34:2001

Year created 1963

Status Never fully organized

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the eighth year, a representative of the St. Tammany ParishPolice Jury informed us that the commissioners have never beenappointed. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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Port Commissions and Harbor Districts Page B-33

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Jane M. NettervilleSecretary-Treasurer(318) 766-6097

Legal authority R.S. 34:2281

Year created 1964

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The commission continues to meet and discuss the possibilitiesof constructing a port, even though the commission has nosources of revenue. In a prior year, the commission applied forbut was denied funding through the port priority program. Thecommission is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kayla DupreAccountant(504) 873-6446

Legal authority R.S. 34:2201

Year created 1964

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures $3,044 $1,314 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $3,629 $2,315

Comments Administrative duties of the commission are performed byemployees of the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Port Commissions and Harbor Districts Page B-35

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Wendell R. VerretAttorney(337) 988-3875

Legal authority R.S. 34:1601

Year created 1959

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the commission had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a December 31, 1999, audit ison file with the legislative auditor.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Ken DavisMayor's OfficeCity of Vidalia(318) 336-5206

Legal authority R.S. 34:1861 and 34:3141

Year created 1981

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments The commission is created in two separate sections of Title 34 ofthe Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950. A representative of theCity of Vidalia informed us that the commission was inactivebefore September 1997, at which time members were appointedto the commission. The members are currently trying to gainsupport for developing the port. The commission's only source ofrevenue is a bank account that earns approximately $100 peryear.

Recommendation No change recommended at this time.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Ms. Mary ViceSecretary(318) 589-7453

Legal authority R.S. 34:334.1

Year created 1956

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $35 per meeting

Employees 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the board had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a December 31, 1999, audit ison file with the legislative auditor and the 2000 audit is currentlyengaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Marsha T. JabourDirectorGovernor's Office of Boards and Commissions(225) 342-0919

Legal authority R.S. 34:3351

Year created 1985

Status Never fully organized

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the sixth year, a representative of the Governor's Officeinformed us that commission members have never beenappointed. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Darla B. PerryCertified Public Accountant(337) 528-4000

Legal authority R.S. 34:2101

Year created 1964

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $126,169 $137,600Total expenses/expenditures $110,126 $113,325 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $5,700 $6,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,310,734 $1,335,009

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Bonnie ConnerSecretary-TreasurerCameron Police Jury(337) 775-5718

Legal authority R.S. 34:2441

Year created 1968

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $350,792 $3,906,487Total expenses/expenditures $14,182 $3,654,048 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $341,548 $589,049

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Ms. Audrey L. BoudreauxOffice Manager(337) 828-3410

Legal authority R.S. 34:334.31

Year created 1976

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $509,312 $1,131,610Total expenses/expenditures $711,472 $1,256,177 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $940,573 $816,006

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Levee Districts

A board of commissioners administers the operations of each of the followinglevee districts. These boards have the authority to locate, relocate, construct,maintain, extend, and improve all levees, embankments, seawalls, jetties,breakwaters, water-basins, and other works to ensure the adequateprotection of the lands of the districts from damage by flood.

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Levee Districts Page C-1

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Debora AvantsAdministrative Specialist(225) 387-2249

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(A)

Year created 1890

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 65 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $3,442,087 $3,603,461Total expenses/expenditures $3,697,694 $4,026,352 which include: Per diem $29,400 $35,100 Members' travel expenses $22,121 $23,800 Members' salary $12,092 $12,000Ending Balance $6,045,110 $5,622,219

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Mary Jane EasterlyAdministrative Manager(318) 965-0668

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(B)

Year created 1892

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 13 classified; 10 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,250,778 $1,173,575Total expenses/expenditures $791,228 $1,660,004 which include: Per diem $8,775 $13,600 Members' travel expenses $4,226 $10,000 Members' salary $10,236 $10,236Ending Balance $3,606,759 $3,120,330

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Gaylyn BellAssistant Secretary(318) 221-2654

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(C)

Year created 1892

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 17 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,071,318 $1,485,000Total expenses/expenditures $1,297,194 $14,178,600 which include: Per diem $8,775 $18,900 Members' travel expenses $10,125 $15,930 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $14,748,932 $1,732,591

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mrs. Royce PayneAccountant(504) 733-0087

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(D)

Year created 1979

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 68 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $4,902,686 $4,732,000Total expenses/expenditures $5,084,945 $5,150,200 which include: Per diem $10,800 $10,800 Members' travel expenses $11,998 $13,500 Members' salary $12,000 $12,000Ending Balance $8,877,257 $8,459,057

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Levee Districts Page C-5

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Nancy G. WhittenAdministrative Assistant(318) 574-2206

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(E)

Year created 1853

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 8

Authorized per diem $68 per day spent on board business

Employees 15 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $877,412 $611,790Total expenses/expenditures $806,670 $722,579 which include: Per diem $7,425 $5,670 Members' travel expenses $3,416 $3,035 Members' salary $12,000 $12,000Ending Balance $681,303 $570,514

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Page C-6 Levee Districts

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Patricia BellangerSecretary(504) 787-3955

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(S)

Year created 1992

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $93,273 $89,250Total expenses/expenditures $57,449 $89,250 which include: Per diem $4,725 $5,400 Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary $12,000 $12,000Ending Balance $297,917 $297,917

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Levee Districts Page C-7

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Aubrey GravoisPresident(225) 265-7545

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(F)

Year created 1892

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 36; current year estimated - 36

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 30 classified; 12 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,445,106 $2,260,014Total expenses/expenditures $2,284,278 $2,851,840 which include: Per diem $21,675 $24,300 Members' travel expenses $13,679 $9,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $4,787,520 $4,195,694

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Page C-8 Levee Districts

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Daniel S. CaludaManager-Director(504) 682-5941

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(G)

Year created 1892

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 43 classified; 5 unclassified; 4 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,499,800 $2,418,000Total expenses/expenditures $2,515,500 $2,410,000 which include: Per diem $1,950 $2,100 Members' travel expenses $835 $1,200 Members' salary $6,750 $6,500Ending Balance $3,986,600 $3,994,600

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Cliff ConineAssistant Secretary and Attorney(318) 357-1853

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(H)

Year created 1938

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 4 classified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the district had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a June 30, 2000, audit is on filewith the legislative auditor and the 2001 and 2002 audits areengaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Emma F. HydeClerk(318) 627-3261

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(I)

Year created 1930

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 9

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $33,933 $35,300Total expenses/expenditures $22,730 $32,225 which include: Per diem $1,650 $1,800 Members' travel expenses $521 None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $176,873 $179,948

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Levee Districts Page C-11

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James D. SoutherlandSecretary(318) 965-2316

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(J)

Year created 1906

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $6,432 $6,209Total expenses/expenditures $3,028 $3,100 which include: Per diem $450 $700 Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $39,199 $42,308

Comments The district consists of about one mile of levee and does notcollect enough revenue to maintain the levees. The board ofcommissioners is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the district.

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Page C-12 Levee Districts

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Carol LeBlancAdministrative Assistant(504) 537-2244

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(T)

Year created 1992

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualDecember 31, 1999

Total revenues $848,068Total expenses/expenditures $346,675 which include: Per diem Not provided Members' travel expenses Not provided Members' salary NoneEnding Balance $1,999,779

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Mary E. Herbert, CPA, CGFMComptroller(504) 243-4068

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(K)

Year created 1890

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 314 classified; 2 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $46,982,153 $42,436,596Total expenses/expenditures $49,910,859 $44,422,312 which include: Per diem $8,400 $21,600 Members' travel expenses $1,535 None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $25,008,373 $23,022,657

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Aubrey J. LaPlacePresident(225) 869-9721

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(L)

Year created 1895

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 79; current year estimated - 66

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 36 classified; 2 unclassified; 11 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $4,713,058 $4,594,665Total expenses/expenditures $5,527,843 $5,458,100 which include: Per diem $19,725 $21,600 Members' travel expenses $3,418 $6,000 Members' salary None $8,400Ending Balance $8,341,567 $7,478,132

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Carrol SmithSecretary(318) 932-6615

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(N)

Year created 1936

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 4

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $42,050 $42,250Total expenses/expenditures $38,629 $39,500 which include: Per diem $5,625 $5,700 Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $35,740 $38,490

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Page C-16 Levee Districts

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Rita MaloneyAccounting Specialist II(318) 443-9646

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(M)

Year created 1890

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 36; current year estimated - 36

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 38 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues Not provided Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures Not provided Not provided which include: Per diem $11,350 $11,400 Members' travel expenses $1,910 $2,000 Members' salary $23,300 $23,400Ending Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Levee Districts Page C-17

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Windell A. CuroleGeneral Manager(504) 632-7554

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(P)

Year created 1968

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 25; current year estimated - 25

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 12 classified; 2 unclassified; 15 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,030,311 $2,068,300Total expenses/expenditures $1,284,844 $3,068,300 which include: Per diem $8,400 $15,300 Members' travel expenses $2,674 $4,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $2,497,573 $1,497,573

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. John StringerExecutive Director(318) 728-4446

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(Q)

Year created 1881

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 43 classified; 2 unclassified; 6 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,958,526 $2,675,770Total expenses/expenditures $3,196,179 $4,767,100 which include: Per diem $8,400 $13,000 Members' travel expenses $19,000 $19,000 Members' salary $12,000 $12,000Ending Balance $7,061,214 $4,969,884

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Levee Districts Page C-19

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Ms. Deborah Kern-KnoblockAdministrative Manager(504) 594-4104

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(U)

Year created 1997

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 28

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 1 classified; 8 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,438,287 $1,840,000Total expenses/expenditures $706,326 $1,028,700 which include: Per diem None $18,300 Members' travel expenses None $2,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $2,067,447 $3,143,300

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Page C-20 Levee Districts

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Harry CahillPresident(504) 340-0318

Legal authority R.S. 38:291(R)

Year created 1980

Status Active

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 36; current year estimated - 36

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 29 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $5,687,062 $2,705,750Total expenses/expenditures $5,840,620 $2,274,400 which include: Per diem $16,875 $24,000 Members' travel expenses $16,805 $6,700 Members' salary $12,000 $12,000Ending Balance $4,536,952 $5,121,860

Comments Budget information does not include the special revenue fund orthe capital project funds.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like EntitiesOther boards, commissions, and like entities include such entities created bylaw or executive order to carry out specific governmental functions, but whichare not authorized to perform a licensing function, are not created under thestatutes that establish port and harbor commissions or levee districts, and areneither budget units of the state nor included within a budget unit of the state.These entities, some of which are political subdivisions or advisory in nature,perform a variety of governmental functions.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Sheila TalamoDivision of Teacher Standards, Assessment and CertificationDepartment of Education(225) 342-3490

Legal authority R.S. 17:31

Year created 1986

Oversight agency Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for advising the Board ofElementary and Secondary Education in areas relating tostandards for teacher certification and certification programs.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Z. B. "Bo" BolourchiWater Resources Section ChiefDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1434

Legal authority R.S. 38:3098.6

Year created 1982

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee serves in an advisory capacity and makesrecommendations to the Department of Transportation andDevelopment on the licensing, qualifications, and standards ofconduct for those engaged in the business of drilling, or thoseabandoning, water wells and holes in the state.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-3

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Sandra VictorDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-3881

Legal authority R.S. 46:2675

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The advisory committee provides input to the Department ofHealth and Hospitals in the development and implementation ofthe Medicaid Assisted Living Pilot Project.

Members Number authorized - 18; currently serving - 18

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Elise MillsapsDepartment of Health and Hospitals(504) 588-3767

Legal authority R.S. 40:2191

Year created 1988

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Unknown

Purpose/function The committee has the responsibility to advise and makerecommendations to the Department of Health and Hospitalsconcerning matters of hospice services in the state.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the second year, the committee has not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended at this time.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mrs. Virginia G. BenoitExecutive DirectorBoard of Medical Examiners(504) 524-6763

Legal authority R.S. 37:3242

Year created 1988

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The committee was created to advise the state Board of MedicalExaminers on all matters dealing with licensing of midwiferypractitioners and on regulations relating to midwiferypractitioners.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments R.S. 37:3242(E) states that the committee may meet as needed,but shall meet at least twice a year. The committee has not metin the past four years and has no intention of meeting in thecurrent year. The committee is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the committee.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mrs. Virginia G. BenoitExecutive DirectorBoard of Medical Examiners(504) 524-6763

Legal authority R.S. 37:1285.2

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The committee was responsible for examining current andproposed practice guidelines on pain management, identifyingproblems in current treatment and practice guidelines, andmaking any recommendations to the state Board of MedicalExaminers concerning practice guidelines on pain management.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Board of Medical Examiners reported thatthe committee was never fully organized. The committee is notfulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the committee.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-7

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Linda RoseDirector(504) 568-5055

Legal authority R.S. 46:2265

Year created 1992

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The council advises the Office of Public Health on variousaspects of the development and implementation of the EarlyIdentification of Hearing Impairments in Infants Law. Thisincludes making recommendations on risk factors for hearingloss, program standards and quality assurance, programintegration with community resources, materials for distribution,and program implementation and follow-up.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Vera W. BlakesAssistant SecretaryDepartment of Social Services(225) 342-3950

Legal authority EO MJF 96-59

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The council's duties include making recommendations to thesecretary of the Department of Social Services regarding theexpenditure and disbursement of child care and developmentblock grant funds and for improving, modernizing, and updatingthe quality of child care at the day care centers which operatewithin the state.

Members Number authorized - 18; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None $2,100 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-9

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Virginia BeridonDivision of Special PopulationsDepartment of Education(225) 342-3633

Legal authority R.S. 17:1954

Year created 1977

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The panel shall advise the Department of Education of unmetneeds within the state in the education of children withdisabilities; in developing evaluations and reporting on data; indeveloping corrective action plans to address findings identifiedin federal monitoring reports; and in developing andimplementing policies relating to the coordination of services forchildren with disabilities.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $5,827 $7,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Glen D. SmithChairman(504) 737-1600

Legal authority R.S. 2:654

Year created 1992

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority was created to acquire, construct, lease, operate,maintain, or manage airports and airport facilities, except forthese which existed before 1992, either within or outside theterritorial boundaries of the authority.

Members Number authorized - 20; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None $670,000Total expenses/expenditures $21,697 $670,000 which include: Per diem None $10,200 Members' travel expenses None $10,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $4,988 $4,988

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-11

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Boyd PettyState Fire Marshal's Office(225) 925-4911

Legal authority R.S. 40:1662.13

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the state fire marshal with respect toadministration and enforcement of laws relating to alarmservices. The board also votes on requests for equivalency totraining.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Tamer AcikalinChairman(504) 392-2828

Legal authority R.S. 33:2740.27

Year created 1992

Status Unknown

Purpose/function The board is responsible for preparing a plan that specifies publicimprovements, facilities, and services proposed to be furnished,constructed, or acquired for the district. The board is alsocharged with conducting public hearings to inform the residentsof the district of its plan.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments For the third year, the board has not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance withR.S. 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended at this time.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-13

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Ms. Kathryn SealeSecretary(225) 296-4900

Legal authority R.S. 38:3301

Year created 1981

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board has the authority to establish adequate drainage, floodcontrol, and water resource development to include, but notlimited to, construction of reservoirs, diversion canals, gravity andpumped drainage systems, and other flood control works.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $60 per meeting

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues Not provided Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures Not provided Not provided which include: Per diem $5,340 $9,960 Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. Thomas EubanksDivision of ArchaeologyDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8170

Legal authority R.S. 41:1602

Year created 1974

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission advises the Department of Culture, Recreationand Tourism on matters relative to archaeology, antiquities, andother culture resources in an effort to protect and preserveproperties relating to the history, culture, and government of thestate.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Roy BrownFiscal Officer(225) 342-0820

Legal authority R.S. 38:2311

Year created 1975

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for selecting professional architects forprofessional service contracts to perform the design work on allcapital outlay projects with a construction cost greater than$500,000.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $37 $414 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Rick KasprzakArtificial Reef Coordinator(225) 765-2375

Legal authority R.S. 56:639.6

Year created 1986

Oversight agency Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for overseeing the development andimplementation of the Louisiana Artificial Reef DevelopmentPlan. The council is charged with providing guidance to theDepartment of Wildlife and Fisheries on policy and proceduralmatters concerning the program and making recommendationsto the department regarding the allocation of funds to variousprogram components.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James BordersDivision of the ArtsDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8180

Legal authority R.S. 25:891

Year created 1976

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for receiving applications for matchingfederal funds available from the National Endowment for the Artsand such other funds made available and making recommendationsthereon; reviewing and approving or rejecting grant applications;advising departmental officers on the design and execution of anannual state plan; and administering the Louisiana native craftsprogram.

Members Number authorized - 24; currently serving - 24

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Janet GonzalesSecretary(225) 644-1959

Legal authority R.S. 2:341

Year created 1982

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority is responsible for managing the airport upon itscompletion. The Department of Transportation and Developmentis responsible for land acquisition and construction of facilities.Upon completion of the construction, the facilities will be turnedover to the authority, which will be responsible for their operation.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $92,141 $85,300Total expenses/expenditures $66,642 $85,300 which include: Per diem $6,225 $8,100 Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance ($141,781) ($141,781)

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Cathy R. WellsExecutive Director(225) 928-8886

Legal authority R.S. 11:1401

Year created 1950

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for buying and selling securities forinvestment of surplus monies of the fund to allow disabilitypayments and retirement allowances for assessors andassessors' employees and to otherwise administer the fund.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 11

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetSeptember 30, 1999 September 30, 2000

Per diem $4,713 Not providedMembers' travel expenses Not provided Not providedMembers' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Michael R. Lorino, Jr.Chairman(504) 831-6615

Legal authority R.S. 34:1121

Year created 1968

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission governs the rates of the Associated BranchPilots for the Port of New Orleans and is authorized to holdhearings, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and takedepositions to resolve disputes in matters of pilotage rates andother commission business.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments In a prior year, we reported that the commission had not held ameeting in at least five years and had no plans to meet during thecurrent year. This year the chairman reported that thecommission is active but failed to provide information regardingthe number of meetings held.

Recommendation No change recommended at this time.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Malcolm GillisCommissioner(337) 436-0372

Legal authority R.S. 34:1121

Year created 1968

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission governs the rates of the Associated BranchPilots of the Port of Lake Charles and is authorized to holdhearings, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, takedepositions to resolve disputes regarding pilotage rates andother commission business.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Sandra DecoteauAtchafalaya Basin ProgramDepartment of Natural Resources(225) 342-0560

Legal authority R.S. 30:2000.8

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Department of Natural Resources

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee shall advise the Atchafalaya Basin Programwithin the Department of Natural Resources and the AtchafalayaBasin Promotion and Research Board on the implementation ofthe state master plan of the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 85; current year estimated - 71

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Sandra DecoteauAtchafalaya Basin ProgramDepartment of Natural Resources(225) 342-0560

Legal authority R.S. 30:2000.5

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Department of Natural Resources

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with the oversight of the Atchafalaya BasinProgram duties and functions relating to the Atchafalaya BasinFloodway System and the state's master plan.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ronald G. CouvillionAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Insurance(225) 342-7964

Legal authority R.S. 22:1417 (B)

Year created 1993

Oversight agency Department of Insurance

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for overseeing casualty insurancerates for individuals who are unable to procure such insurancethrough ordinary methods.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 15; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Hewitt CarterSecretary(318) 368-3397

Legal authority R.S. 38:2551

Year created 1956

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with the conservation of soil and water anddeveloping the natural resources and wealth of the district forsanitary, agricultural, and recreational purposes, as the samemay be conducive to the public health, safety, convenience orwelfare, or of public utility or benefit.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $48,485 $28,200Total expenses/expenditures $44,017 $16,248 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $175,565 $187,517

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Carol LeBlancAccountant(504) 447-7155

Legal authority Act 186 of 1970

Year created 1950

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with furnishing fresh water from theMississippi River to the incorporated villages, towns, and citiesalong Bayou Lafourche and within or adjacent to the boundariesof the district for purposes of drinking, irrigation, and industrialuses.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees 11 classified; 2 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $903,818 Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures $765,116 Not provided which include: Per diem $3,350 $3,600 Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,777,164 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Robert H. FelknorAdministrative Assistant(225) 343-3491

Legal authority R.S. 3:555.4

Year created 1978

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for receiving and disbursing funds tohelp develop, maintain, and expand markets for cattle and beefproducts produced, processed, or manufactured in the state andpermitting the cattle production and feeding industry of the stateto contribute to the development and sustenance of coordinatedprograms of product improvement.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $808,318 $781,000Total expenses/expenditures $831,825 $743,600 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $236,075 $273,475

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Dr. David CheramieDirectorCouncil for the Development of French in Louisiana(337) 262-5810

Legal authority EO MJF 96-72

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee meets, at regular intervals, with appropriateauthorities of the French community of Belgium to arrange forand organize educational, cultural, and touristic exchanges.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. M. D. LeComteCoordinating and Development Corporation(318) 632-2022

Legal authority R.S. 48:1702

Year created 1991

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission initiates and coordinates research, studies, andgathering of information on the construction, expansion,improvement, or extension of a route running through SabineParish, through Arkansas, and to the Oklahoma state line.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Carol H. GuidryAssistant Commissioner of Management and FinanceSecretary of State(225) 925-7874

Legal authority R.S. 18:23

Year created 1950

Oversight agency Department of State

Status Active

Purpose/function The board reviews election laws and procedures used inconducting elections in the state; reports its findings,observations, and recommendations annually to the legislature;and serves as a clearinghouse for proposed election-relatedlegislation.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Martin W. GouldPresident(504) 832-8955

Legal authority R.S. 34:1042

Year created 1942

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is required to report immediately to the governor allcases of neglect of duty, habitual drunkenness, and grossviolations of its rules. Upon referral by the governor, the board isrequired to investigate the cases and report its findings to thegovernor recommending, if justified, a penalty.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Thomas L. IttmannChairman(504) 288-0696

Legal authority R.S. 34:942

Year created 1865

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for setting rules and regulations togovern bar pilots and administering examinations as necessaryto maintain the number of pilots required by the board.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Thomas GoyneChairman(504) 384-0850

Legal authority R.S. 34:1101

Year created 1962

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The board is responsible for regulating pilots and masters andowners of vessels plying the navigable waters on the lowerAtchafalaya River and through the channel into the Gulf ofMexico by way of Oyster Bayou Light and Eugene Island Light.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The chairman reported that the board is inactive. The board isnot fulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Mr. Martin W. GouldPresidentBoard of Examiners for the New Orleans and Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots(504) 832-8955

Legal authority R.S. 34:1049

Year created 1983

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing rules and regulationsrelative to hearing complaints of misconduct of any bar pilot andconducting hearings of any such complaints.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Thomas L. IttmannChairmanBoard of Examiners of Bar Pilots for the Port of New Orleans(504) 288-0696

Legal authority R.S. 34:962

Year created 1988

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing rules and regulationsrelative to hearing complaints of misconduct of any bar pilot andconducting hearings of any such complaints.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Malcolm GillisCommissioner(337) 436-0372

Legal authority R.S. 34:1072

Year created 1928

Status Active

Purpose/function The board establishes rules and regulations that are necessaryfor the purpose of regulating pilots, pilot associations, masters,and owners of vessels plying the navigable waters within theboard's jurisdiction. The board makes recommendations to thegovernor for the commission of new pilots and for discipline forany pilot wrongdoing.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Donald ShortPresident(504) 392-8001

Legal authority R.S. 34:991

Year created 1950

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for formulating rules and regulationsestablishing qualifications of river port pilots, providing for theexamination and approval of apprentices, and policing river portpilots in the performance of their duties.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Donald ShortMember(504) 392-5116

Legal authority R.S. 34:991.1

Year created 1986

Status Active

Purpose/function The board reviews reports of the Board of River Port PilotCommissioners, reviews complaints filed against pilots, and filesan annual report with the Department of Transportation andDevelopment regarding investigations of pilot incidents.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Ms. Ann BrittainTreasurer(318) 352-8352

Legal authority R.S. 34:3261

Year created 1982

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing, operating, andmaintaining, either individually or in cooperation with the federalgovernment, the state of Louisiana and its various agencies,subdivisions, and public bodies, a navigable waterway system tobe known as the Cane River Waterway in Natchitoches Parish.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $200 for treasurer; $100 for chairman; and $50 for othermembers per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the board had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a June 30, 1999, audit is on filewith the legislative auditor and the 2000 audit is engaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. James F. BlankinshipDepartment of Treasury(225) 342-0049

Legal authority R.S. 39:371

Year created 1990

Oversight agency Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The board reviews and approves the cash management policiesand procedures adopted by state agencies and reports itsrecommendations for changes in cash management laws andprocedures to the legislature.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ron HarrellCorresponding Secretary(225) 922-6211

Legal authority R.S. 3:558.3

Year created 1991

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board promotes the growth and development of the catfishindustry in the state by research and advertisement.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $40 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualJune 30, 2000

Total revenues $76,640Total expenses/expenditures $40,868 which include: Per diem Not provided Members' travel expenses Not provided Members' salary NoneEnding Balance $157,346

Comments Budget information was not provided.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Dr. Jimmy GuidryChairman(504) 568-5073

Legal authority R.S. 40:2019

Year created 1992

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The panel is charged with establishing a process to review allunexpected deaths in children less than fifteen years of age;developing a standardized child death investigation protocol;establishing criteria for information that must be included in adeath investigation report; and collecting, reviewing, andanalyzing all death investigation reports.

Members Number authorized - 25; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Gwendolyn P. HamiltonExecutive DirectorChildren's Cabinet(225) 342-1677

Legal authority R.S. 46:2605

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the Children's Cabinet on ways to facilitateand require coordination of policy, planning, and budgeting thataffects programs and services for children and their families.

Members Number authorized - varies; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 9; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments In accordance with R.S. 46:2607, the board shall terminate onAugust 15, 2003.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Helene RobinsonDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-3807

Legal authority EO MJF 97-37

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force has the primary duty to advise the secretary ofDepartment of Health and Hospitals regarding the variousoptions available for a Children's Health Insurance Program.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Charlotte BennettExecutive DirectorClerks of Court Association(225) 293-1162

Legal authority R.S. 13:782(J)

Year created 1990

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for governing the certificationprogram, which was established to formalize and recognize theprofessional standards of clerks of court in the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Charlotte BennettExecutive DirectorClerks of Court Association(225) 293-1162

Legal authority R.S. 11:1541

Year created 1950

Status Active

Purpose/function The board was created to administer and manage the fund forthe purpose of providing regular disability and survivor benefitsfor clerks of court, their deputies and other employees, and theirbeneficiaries.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mrs. Virginia BenoistExecutive DirectorBoard of Medical Examiners(504) 568-6820

Legal authority R.S. 37:1314

Year created 1993

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is required to make recommendations to theBoard of Medical Examiners on the licensure of clinical laboratorypersonnel and rules and regulations for the appropriate trainingand competency of the profession.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 5 classified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember, 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $277,421 $279,394Total expenses/expenditures $281,816 $289,081 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses Not provided Not provided Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $334,579 $324,892

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Carole B. WallinDeputy Superintendent for Education(225) 342-3625

Legal authority R.S. 17:1903

Year created 1943

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The council was responsible for exchanging information betweenand making recommendations on matters of common interest tothe Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana State University andthe state Board of Education.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the second year, a representative of the Department ofEducation reported that the council had never been organized.The council is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kimberly RosenbergDeputy Executive CounselGovernor's Office

Legal authority EO MJF 99-36

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The commission was responsible for identifying at least threedesigns, emblematic of Louisiana, and submitting them to thegovernor. The governor chose one of those designs to appearon the back of quarter dollars.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The commission has fulfilled the purpose for which it wasestablished by executive order and has disbanded.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the commission.

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Contact: Mr. Harvey LandryFederal Energy AnalystDepartment of Natural Resources(225) 342-3842

Legal authority R.S. 40:1730.28

Year created 1997

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for providing advice andconsultation to the Office of the State Fire Marshal, the FacilityPlanning and Control section of the Division of Administration,and the Energy section of the Department of Natural Resourcesin the consideration of revisions or amendments to the energycode.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Natural Resourcesreported that the committee is currently inactive, but plans toreactivate in the current year.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Henry GabrielProfessor(504) 861-5667

Legal authority R.S. 24:81

Year created 1991

Oversight agency Department of Justice

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission examines the uniformity of legislation in thevarious states and territories of the union. It confers withcommissioners appointed by other states and territories for thesame purpose, considers and drafts uniform laws to besubmitted for approval and adoption by the several states, andgenerally devises and recommends such other or further courseof action as shall accomplish uniformity of legislation.

Members Number authorized - 4; currently serving - 2

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Beth ScalcoDepartment of Health and Hospitals(504) 568-7474

Legal authority R.S. 40:2018.1

Year created 1991

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission was charged to research and review all stateregulations, guidelines, policies, and procedures relative to HIVinfection and AIDS and to make recommendations to thegovernor, the Department of Health and Hospitals, and thelegislature.

Members Number authorized - 37; currently serving - 30

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 8

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $2,358 $3,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Comments In accordance with R.S. 40:2018.1(G), the commission shallterminate on September 1, 2005.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Robert BabinDivision of Research and DevelopmentDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-9513

Legal authority R.S. 40:2018

Year created 1989

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for researching and reviewing allstate laws, regulations, guidelines, policies, and procedures thatimpact perinatal care and, where appropriate, makingrecommendations to the legislature and secretary of theDepartment of Health and Hospitals. In addition, the commissionis responsible for providing a plan that the state can adopt toreduce the number of teenage pregnancies, sick infants, andinfant mortalities.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 7; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem None

Employees 16 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $2,400 $2,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Theresa AnzaloneBureau of LicensingDepartment of Social Services(225) 922-0015

Legal authority R.S. 46:1410

Year created 1985

Oversight agency Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for developing minimum standardsfor licensure of Class B child care facilities and consulting withthe Department of Social Services on matters pertaining todecisions to revoke or refuse to grant Class B licenses.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 10

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Stephen PerryChief of StaffGovernor's Office(225) 342-7015

Legal authority EO MJF 97-43

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The task force shall analyze economic and demographic trendsin the state and evaluate the impact the trends have upon thecompetitiveness of Louisiana businesses and industries and theability of the state's skilled labor force to meet the foreseeableand projected needs of those businesses and industries.

Members Number authorized - 28; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the third year, a representative of the Governor's Officereported that the task force has fulfilled the functions for which itwas established by executive order and has disbanded.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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Contact: Ms. Jannitta H. AntoineCorrections ServicesDepartment of Public Safety and Corrections(225) 342-6744

Legal authority EO MJF 97-32

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for examining the current responses ofpublic and private organizations to situations of domesticviolence; identifying barriers or areas for improvement amongthose who are charged with the public duty of responding todomestic violence; and making recommendations for improvedcooperation and coordination between public agencies and thoseentities which volunteer or offer assistance and services.

Members Number authorized - 20; currently serving - 20

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Senator Louis J. LambertChairman(225) 342-0667

Legal authority R.S. 45:835

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The council shall promote and ensure communication betweenpublic agencies in the area of telecommunications applications,planning, advancements, and technology as they apply totelemedicine and distance education.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The chairman reported that the council, which has not held ameeting since 1997, is inactive. The council is not fulfilling thefunctions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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Contact: Mr. Robert W. Scheffy, Jr.Attorney(225) 231-2032

Legal authority R.S. 39:1780

Year created 1985

Status Active

Purpose/function The corporation is a nonprofit entity responsible for financing andacquiring correctional facilities for lease to the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $6,182,123 $6,499,479Total expenses/expenditures $4,523,773 $4,334,992 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $2,337 $3,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance ($7,301,267) ($5,136,780)

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Juan BarrosoMember(225) 771-3030

Legal authority R.S. 25:671

Year created 1985

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The council is responsible for promoting the study of the Spanishlanguage and Hispanic culture in schools, colleges, anduniversities in Louisiana, and for developing a relationshipbetween the state of Louisiana and the Spanish-speaking nationsof the world.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A member of the council reported that the council, which has notmet since at least 1994, is inactive. The council is not fulfillingthe functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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Contact: Mr. Ronald G. CouvillionAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Insurance(225) 342-7964

Legal authority R.S. 22:15

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Insurance

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for undertaking a comprehensivestudy and providing oversight and enforcementrecommendations on a continuing basis of the effectiveness oflaw enforcement and implementation of programs aimed atenforcement in the various parishes of those laws and programswhich affect automobile insurance rates.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. Jimmy GuidryMedical DirectorDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-3417

Legal authority R.S. 46:2611

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is charged to collect and analyze data on theprevalence of obesity in Louisiana, determine the economicimpact obesity has on the state by treating obesity-relateddiseases, and develop a comprehensive statewide obesityprevention and management model.

Members Number authorized - 31; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ron HarrellCorresponding Secretary(225) 922-6211

Legal authority R.S. 3:556.3

Year created 1983

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board provides a voluntary method of raising revenues to beused to develop markets for Louisiana crawfish.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $40 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualJune 30, 2000

Total revenues $51,569Total expenses/expenditures $11,478 which include: Per diem Not provided Members' travel expenses Not provided Members' salary NoneEnding Balance $81,507

Comments Budget information was not provided.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Ms. Shelley JohnsonSecretary/Treasurer(337) 436-9588

Legal authority R.S. 48:1815

Year created 1995

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for developing and implementing a planfor the preservation, beautification, and promotion of the scenicdrive known as the Creole Nature Trail Scenic Byway District.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $96,911 $165,508Total expenses/expenditures $103,660 $165,508 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None $2,500 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $33,851 $33,851

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Allen LeVasseurExecutive DirectorCrescent City Connection(504) 376-8100

Legal authority R.S. 47:820.5.2

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority was created to prioritize projects that will beundertaken and paid from excess funds after all operation andmaintenance expenses of the bridges and ferries under theauthority of the Crescent City Connection Division, Department ofTransportation and Development have been paid.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Mark Delesdernier, Jr.Member(504) 392-5016

Legal authority R.S. 34:1121

Year created 1968

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission governs the rates of the Crescent River PortPilots Association and is authorized to hold hearings, subpoenawitnesses, administer oaths, and take depositions to resolvedisputes regarding pilotage rates and other commissionbusiness.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bryce MaloneAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 922-1227

Legal authority R.S. 3:557.4

Year created 1983

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board promotes the sale and consumption of Louisiana milkand dairy products.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualJune 30, 2000

Total revenues $703,201Total expenses/expenditures $718,152 which include: Per diem $1,680 Members' travel expenses Not provided Members' salary NoneEnding Balance $380,914

Comments Budget information was not provided.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Emery J. BaresChairman(225) 929-6300

Legal authority R.S. 42:1302

Year created 1982

Oversight agency Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for the administration of the stateemployees' deferred compensation plan through a contractualarrangement with an outside party.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments A commission activity account, which is financed by an annualfee charged to plan participants and earnings on investments, ismaintained to pay expenses of the commission and the planadministrator fees.

As of December 1, 2000, the commission had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith 24:513.2(F). However a December 31, 1999, audit is on filewith the legislative auditor.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Rudy MacklinProgram Director(225) 342-4886

Legal authority R.S. 40:1299.185

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Unknown

Purpose/function The commission was created to collect and analyze data relatedto the disparity in death rates in Louisiana between blacks andwhites, men and women, and elderly and young, whose deathsare caused by treatable illnesses or diseases for the purpose ofidentifying any gaps in the health care and social service deliverysystems in the state which contribute to the disparity, and makingrecommendations to reduce cultural, environmental, andsocioeconomic barriers to services and treatment.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the commission had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Marsha T. JabourDirectorGovernor's Office of Boards and Commissions(225) 342-0919

Legal authority EO MJF 98-15

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing distance learning siteswithin the state. Distance learning is a means to achieve efficientand cost-effective training of soldiers by educational trainingthrough electronically mediated instruction including audioconferencing, virtual office, video, audio graphic, computer,multimedia technology, and other forms of learning capabilitieswhen the soldier is geographically separated from the instructor.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the second year, a representative of the Governor's Officeinformed us that no appointments had been made to the board.The board is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Mr. E. Pete AdamsDirector(225) 267-4824

Legal authority R.S. 11:1651

Year created 1956

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for administering the system; approvinginvestments, retirements, and refunds; and handling all otherbusiness of the system for district attorneys and assistant districtattorneys in the state.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 December 31, 2000

Per diem $1,350 $2,000Members' travel expenses $2,700 $3,750Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kimberly RosenbergDeputy Executive CounselGovernor's Office(225) 342-0955

Legal authority EO MJF 97-33

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The task force is charged to determine the scope and content ofthe four drug testing programs that are authorized and mandatedby legislation; identify and analyze existing state programs whichmay be capable of providing support services for a central drugtesting program; delineate any limitations which the constitutionsof the United States of America and the state of Louisiana or anyfederal or state laws may have on the four drug testing programs;and recommend procedures for the implementation of the fourdrug testing programs in a consistent, uniform, and cost effectivemanner.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Governor's Office reported that the taskforce was never fully organized. The task force is not fulfilling thefunctions for which it was established by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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Contact: Ms. Marsha T. JabourDirectorGovernor's Office of Boards and Commissions(225) 342-0919

Legal authority R.S. 25:1232

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of State

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The commission adopts bylaws and establishes policies andprocedures for the museum's governance; advises the secretaryof state on all matters relating to the operations of the Eddie G.Robinson Museum; and sets and charges admission, tour, anduser or rental fees.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Governor's Office reported that membershave never been appointed to the commission. The commissionis not fulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Jim RyanLouisiana Municipal Association(225) 344-5001

Legal authority R.S. 17:2254

Year created 1999

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board governs the authority which was created to assistpublic elementary and secondary school systems in constructing,extending, rehabilitating, repairing, renewing, and maintaining theinfrastructure of the schools within the systems and to assist inthe financing of such needs.

Members Number authorized - varies; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Louisiana Municipal Association informedus that the board was never fully organized. The board is notfulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Terence SimsChief Financial OfficerNew Orleans Public Schools(504) 364-4757

Legal authority R.S. 47:2341

Year created 1993

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The district, which is governed by a board of trustees, seeksrevenue sources to assist in providing funding to the OrleansParish School Board for capital improvement and maintenance.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the New Orleans Public School Systemreported that the board is inactive. The board is not fulfilling thefunctions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James PruittDirector(225) 925-3772

Legal authority R.S. 3:551.2

Year created 1968

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission provides for inspection, grading, andcertification of eggs; collection of assessments; andpromotion of Louisiana eggs.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $15 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $62,847 $58,500Total expenses/expenditures $67,508 $65,050 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $166 $290 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $57,570 $51,020

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bobby E. WilliamsSecretary/Treasurer(318) 586-3516

Legal authority R.S. 48:1751

Year created 1992

Status Active

Purpose/function The management and control of the El Camino East-WestCorridor Commission is vested in the board of commissioners.The commission is authorized to initiate or coordinate research,studies, and gathering of information on the east-west corridorproject.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. J. Renea Austin-DuffinSecretaryDepartment of Social Services(225) 342-0286

Legal authority EO MJF 97-36

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for identifying, researching, andreporting on the problems associated with the electronic benefittransfer program that distributes benefits and services that areprovided by public entitlement programs.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Social Services reportedthat the task force, which has never held a meeting, is inactive.The task force is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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Contact: Lt. Col. Mark S. OxleyChairman(225) 922-2293

Legal authority R.S. 30:2364; EO MJF 96-48

Year created 1986

Oversight agency Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for establishing emergencyplanning districts, appointing local emergency planningcommittees (LEPCs), and supervising and coordinating theiractivities; providing the Federal Environmental Protection Agencydirector with information concerning releases of hazardoussubstances; designating, as necessary, additional facilities to becovered; recommending a standardized inventory form to beused in gathering required information; recommending, asnecessary, additional substances which should be defined ashazardous materials; acting as the centralized advisory body forcoordinating state and federal activities concerning community"Right to Know" legislation; establishing procedures for receivingand processing requests from the public for information; andreviewing LEPC emergency response plans and makingrecommendations to the LEPC on revisions on the plan.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Roy BrownFiscal Officer(225) 342-0820

Legal authority R.S. 38:2311

Year created 1975

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for selecting engineers to perform thedesign work on all capital outlay projects with a construction costgreater than $500,000.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $541 $414 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Marsha T. JabourDirectorGovernor's Office of Boards and Commissions(225) 342-0919

Legal authority R.S. 30:2005

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The council was created to serve in the development of anoverall environmental and natural resources policy and strategicplan for the state. The council is an advisory body to thegovernor regarding environmental and natural resources matterswhich include identifying issues necessary to preserve andprotect the environment of the state and recommending viablesolutions to the problems.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Governor's Office informed us thatappointments have never been made to the council. The councilis not fulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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Contact: Ms. Judy McClearyChairperson(225) 763-3537

Legal authority R.S. 30:2503

Year created 1993

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is charged to develop, review, approve, andtransmit a plan for environmental education to the governor, thelegislature, and the public; to provide advice on policies andpractices needed to provide environmental education; to serve asa forum for the discussion and study of environmental educationproblems; and to assist and obtain information to coordinateenvironmental education programs.

Members Number authorized - 25; currently serving - 25

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Richard HartDirector(504) 898-2535

Legal authority R.S. 33:4064.1

Year created 1986

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for the protection of public healthand the environment through the control, monitoring, andinspection of all sewerage and water systems and supervision ofenvironmental services located within the unincorporated portionof St. Tammany Parish.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualDecember 31, 1999

Total revenues NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None which include: Per diem $3,000 Members' travel expenses $503 Members' salary NoneEnding Balance None

Comments The commission was consolidated into the St. Tammany ParishCouncil and ceased to exist in accordance with Act 146 of theFirst Extraordinary Session of the 2000 Legislature. However,Act 146 did not abolish the commission.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. David M. OhlmeyerController/Chief Financial Officer(504) 582-3082

Legal authority Act 305 of 1978; Act 572 of 1984; Act 43 of 1992; Act 1013 of1993; Act 1174 of 1997

Year created 1978

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority was created to acquire, construct, reconstruct,extend, improve, operate and maintain convention, exhibition,and tourist facilities within Orleans Parish.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 11

Authorized per diem None

Employees 325 unclassified; 300 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $70,910,427 $60,436,878Total expenses/expenditures $51,893,016 $59,747,344 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $109,549,542 $110,239,076

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Mark SmithActing Assistant SecretaryDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8150

Legal authority R.S. 51:2131

Year created 1986

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission advises the Office of Film and Video on allmatters relative to the development and expansion of film,motion picture, video, multimedia, and still photography industriesin the state and on the development of the state marketing andpromotion plan for film-making.

Members Number authorized - 20; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Dawn MackState Fire Marshal's Office(225) 925-4911

Legal authority R.S. 40:1578.1

Year created 1974

Oversight agency Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for hearing appeals and renderingdecisions as to whether suggested alternatives to fire codes,rules, and regulations are acceptable as equivalencies to satisfythe requirements of fire safety.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Fire Marshal's Office informed us that theboard only meets when there are appeals to be resolved.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Michael HemphillChairman(225) 925-4060

Legal authority R.S. 11:2260

Year created 1980

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for the general administration andproper operation of the retirement system.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 4 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $5,625 $7,000Members' travel expenses $29,828 $53,000Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Amy EdwardsDeputy SecretarySecretary of State(225) 922-2675

Legal authority R.S. 49:229.1

Year created 1991

Oversight agency Department of State

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The council periodically reviews the operations of the First StopShop and provides advice and recommendations to the secretaryof state and to the legislature.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of State reported that thecouncil, which has not held a meeting since at least 1996, isinactive. The council is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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Contact: Ms. JoAnne C. SandersEngagement ManagerLegislative Auditor's Office(225) 339-3802

Legal authority R.S. 39:1351

Year created 1990

Oversight agency State Bond Commission

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for reviewing the financial stabilityof political subdivisions of the state and, where appropriate,initiating action requesting the Louisiana Attorney General to filea rule to appoint a fiscal administrator for any political subdivisionthat is reasonably certain to fail to make a debt service payment.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Joan WightkinMaternal and Child Health ProgramDepartment of Health and Hospitals(504) 568-5073

Legal authority R.S. 40:5.11

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board assists any public water system with at least fivethousand service connections to obtain funding for fluoridation ofits system by seeking all sources of funding, and it also assists ineducating the public on matters regarding dental health and theprevention of tooth decay.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $535 $2,400 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Maida OwensLouisiana Folklife ProgramDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8180

Legal authority R.S. 25:822

Year created 1981

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for advising the Office of CulturalDevelopment on the formulation of an annual state plan; outliningobjectives and budgeting needs in the identification, preservation,and presentation of Louisiana folk cultural resources; acting in anadvisory capacity to the Division of Arts and to the LouisianaState Arts Council with respect to the allocation of grant funds;advising the division and council on policies or guidelines as theyrelate to or affect the folk arts and artists in the state; formulatinglong-range goals for folklife activity; and advising the Office ofCultural Development as to the creation of a Division of Folklife.

Members Number authorized - 24; currently serving - 24

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. David CheramieDirectorCouncil on the Development of French in Louisiana(337) 262-5810

Legal authority EO MJF 96-72

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee meets, at regular intervals, with appropriateauthorities of France to arrange for and organize educational,cultural, and touristic exchanges.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. James "Bo" BlackmonChairperson(225) 342-4137

Legal authority R.S. 49:1053

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for directing the activities of theLouisiana Geographic Information Center; establishing policiesand procedures for the sharing of GIS data among stateagencies; and advising state agencies on the acquisition andimplementation of GIS.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Rosemary HannieChairperson(225) 756-2027

Legal authority EO MJF 99-27

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for advising the governor on all issuesconcerning people who have disabilities, providing assistance tothe Office of Disability Affairs, and coordinating state compliancewith the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Members Number authorized - 39; currently serving - 39

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Ann ReynoldsExecutive Director(225) 342-3422

Legal authority EO MJF 96-6

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for assisting in setting priorities on thestate's Safe and Drug-Free School and Communities ActProgram, contributing to the design of requests for proposals,reviewing and making recommendations on proposals, reviewingmonitoring reports on grantees, and recommending disposition ofcontracts in the case of noncomplying agencies.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. V. J. BellaState Fire Marshal(225) 925-4911

Legal authority EO MJF 96-46

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The strike force assists local fire departments in determining thecause and/or perpetrator(s) of a suspicious fire and compilesinformation about arsonists, arson prevention, and arsoninvestigation techniques for the education and benefit of firedepartments.

Members Number authorized - 20; currently serving - 20

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Garey ForsterSecretaryDepartment of Labor(225) 342-3011

Legal authority R.S. 23:2001

Year created 1960

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The committee was established to work in cooperation with thePresident's Committee on Employment of the PhysicallyHandicapped and other interested federal and state agencies,organizations, and employers in promotion job opportunities forthe physically handicapped and arousing community interest inthe employment problems of the physically handicapped.

Members Number authorized - 24; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Labor reported that noappointments have been made to the committee. Thecommittee is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the committee.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James E. ChampagneVice Chairman(225) 925-6991

Legal authority EO MJF 96-9

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is charged to address the unusually highincidence of drunk and drugged driving in the state, the difficultyin proving identification of multiple DWI offenders, refusals tosubmit to breath tests, problems with obtaining evidence fromdrivers who cause fatal or serious injury crashes, and the arrestand prosecution of drug-impaired drivers.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Cyril LeJeuneAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 922-1255

Legal authority EO MJF 96-75

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Departments of Economic Development and Agriculture andForestry

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for identifying opportunities for, andbarriers to, growth and development of the value-added forestproducts industry in the state, as well as developing ideas andplans that foster the growth of such industry.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the third year, a representative of the Department ofAgriculture and Forestry reported that the task force had met andprepared and submitted a report to the commissioner ofAgriculture and Forestry and to the Department of EconomicDevelopment. The task force has fulfilled the function for which itwas established by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Alice FosterChairperson(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 25:1011

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The commission was created to ensure a continuum in theappearance, contents, furnishings, and surrounding areas of thegovernor's mansion consistent with the historical significance andimportance of the governor's mansion.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The commission did not meet in 1998, 1999, or 2000 and there isno indication that it will meet in 2001. The commission is notfulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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Contact: Chris WeaverDirector(225) 342-2462

Legal authority EO MJF 96-28

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council shall oversee the implementation of the state'scomprehensive School-to-Work plan.

Members Number authorized - 25; currently serving - 23

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,504 $2,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James P. AntoonSanitarian ServicesDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 763-5556

Legal authority EO MJF 97-9

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for conducting in-depth studies andpreparing a preliminary and comprehensive report whichidentifies potential health and environmental problemsassociated with individual wastewater treatment systems, whichare those systems with a capacity of less than 1,500 gallons perday.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Charles DeGrawDepartment of Health and Hospitals(504) 568-5015

Legal authority EO MJF 96-60

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for identifying and examining allissues necessary to combat the disease of tuberculosis,recommending viable solutions to the problems raised by thoseissues, and evaluating existing and proposed measures that aredesigned to combat all forms of tuberculosis.

Members Number authorized - 30; currently serving - 30

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Cheryl H. LambertSupervisor of Finance(504) 835-3118

Legal authority Act 762 of 1986; R.S. 48:1251

Year created 1954

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for constructing, operating, andmaintaining the expressway. In addition, the commission policesthe Huey P. Long Bridge and the one-mile heavy marine trafficzone.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 20; current year estimated - 20

Authorized per diem None

Employees 101 unclassified; 7 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetOctober 31, 1999 October 31, 2000

Total revenues $36,209,559 $20,352,000Total expenses/expenditures $20,767,045 $20,352,000 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $7,538 $10,000 Members' salary $34,180 $34,180Ending Balance $45,501,962 $45,501,961

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Glenda WilliamsAdministrator(504) 598-0100

Legal authority R.S. 11:3681

Year created 1971

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for the general administration andproper operation of a retirement system for commissionedmembers of the Port of New Orleans' Harbor Police Department.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Denise CassanoExecutive Director(225) 342-0819

Legal authority R.S. 22:9

Year created 1993

Oversight agency Department of Insurance

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission was created to undertake a comprehensivestudy of the availability and affordability of health care in thestate. Specifically, the commission is to examine the rising costsof health care in the state and the implementation of issuesrelating to national health care reform initiatives. Thecommission submits its recommendations to the commissionerof insurance.

Members Number authorized - 45; currently serving - 43

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 10

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Madeline McAndrewAssistant SecretaryDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-8093

Legal authority R.S. 40:2743

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The council was created to design a Healthy People 2010 StatePlan that increases the span of healthy and worthwhile life,eliminates health disparities, and provides access to preventiveservices for all people in the state.

Members Number authorized - varies; currently serving - 26

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments R.S. 40:2743 provides that the council shall terminate onMarch 31, 2003.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Carol CranshawDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1851

Legal authority R.S. 48:108.1

Year created 1988

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The council is responsible for developing a short and long rangeresearch program into the development of a centralized andcoordinated planning and permitting process for the location ofhigh-speed rail lines and their construction, operation, financing,management, and maintenance in order to enhance thetransportation system of this state.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem Legislative members receive the standard per diem authorized bylaw.

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the council had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). In the prior year, we reported that thecouncil did not meet in 1998 and had no plans to meet in 1999.There is no indication that the council is fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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Contact: Mr. E. Joseph SavoieCommissioner of Higher Education(225) 342-4253

Legal authority R.S. 17:3129.2

Year created 1984

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for considering matters relating toeducation and making recommendations to the Board of Regentsas the committee deems necessary.

Members Number authorized - 36; currently serving - 36

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Kenneth A PerretAssistant SecretaryDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1248

Legal authority EO MJF 98-46

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for evaluating the feasibility ofupgrading Louisiana Highway 1 between Port Fourchon andAlexandria, from a 2-lane highway to a 4-lane highway or aninterstate; analyzing the need for and means to provide adequatefunding for the project; and evaluating and documenting the levelof resident support for the project by the residents of the state ofLouisiana.

Members Number authorized - 24; currently serving - 24

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 25:321

Year created 1993

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The society's purpose was to detail the origin of jazz and theimpact that jazz has had on society. The society was chargedwith establishing a national contest to be held annually inLouisiana to draw the attention of the public and jazz artists to thebirthplace of jazz, offering a jazz award to provide acommemorative for jazz as it has evolved in the state. Thesociety was also charged with establishing a jazz hall of fame.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the seventh year, a representative of the Department ofCulture, Recreation and Tourism informed us that societymembers have never been appointed. The society is not fulfillingthe functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the society.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. Florent Hardy, Jr.Director of State Archives(225) 922-1200

Legal authority EO MJF 98-31

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Department of State

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for sponsoring and publishing surveysof the conditions and need of historical records in the state andsoliciting and developing proposals for historical records projectsto be undertaken in the state with grants for the NationalHistorical Publications and Records Commission.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Pamela D. WallState Coordinator(225) 342-9442

Legal authority R.S. 17:407.3

Year created 1992

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board assists in developing standards for funding qualifiedHIPPY programs and public awareness for such programs and toprovide consultation and judicial guidance to the HIPPYcoordinator and the Department of Education.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Phillip J. JonesSecretaryDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8115

Legal authority R.S. 51:1291

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The advisory committee assists the secretary of the Departmentof Culture, Recreation and Tourism to develop a missionstatement and strategic plan for the program, which researchesproblems within the tourism industry.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Culture, Recreation andTourism reported that the committee was never fully organized.The committee is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the committee.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Jonathon P. Rovira, Sr.Chief Fiscal Officer(225) 342-1320

Legal authority R.S. 40:600.4

Year created 1980

Oversight agency Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The agency provides funds for acquisition of owner-occupiedhomes at below market interest rates to Louisiana families of lowand moderate income; for acquisition, rehabilitation, and newconstruction of multi-family housing projects that meet publicpurpose criteria; and for refinancing of existing housing issues toachieve operating capital to enable the developer or owner tohave viable multi-family projects.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees Not provided

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues Not provided Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures Not provided Not provided which include: Per diem $4,350 $8,000 Members' travel expenses $32,874 $33,657 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. David CraisChairman(504) 466-2030

Legal authority R.S. 9:2341(E)

Year created 1979

Oversight agency Louisiana Public Facilities Authority

Status Unknown

Purpose/function The authority is charged with promoting and facilitating the tradeof goods and services to benefit the residents of the state,developing financing mechanisms and trade promotion projectsto increase international trade services, and producing tangibleresults that nurture small and medium sized export and importbusinesses.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the fourth year, the board has not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance with R.S.24:513.2(F). There is no indication that the board is fulfilling thefunctions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Mr. John N. KennedyState Treasurer(225) 342-0010

Legal authority R.S. 48:82

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Treasury

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing and administering aninfrastructure bank to make loans and provide other assistanceto public and private entities carrying out or proposing to carry outeligible infrastructure projects.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The state treasurer reported that the board was never fullyorganized. The board is not fulfilling the functions for which itwas established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Mr. Ronald G. CouvillionAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Insurance(225) 342-7964

Legal authority R.S. 22:1192

Year created 1988

Oversight agency Department of Insurance

Status Active

Purpose/function The council reviews and evaluates each educational programapplying for certification as a registered insurance prelicensing orcontinuing education program and makes recommendations tothe commissioner of insurance with respect to applicants forcertification and educational requirements.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Carol CranshawPublic Transportation AdministratorDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1436

Legal authority EO MJF 96-18

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is charged with making recommendationsdesigned to maximize the utilization of transportation resourcesand to increase the cost efficiency of providing transportationservices through the coordination and consolidation of planning,funding, administration, and provision of public and specializedtransportation services.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Keyth DevillierVice Chairman(225) 342-2277

Legal authority EO MJF 96-2

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The council coordinates state services and assistance on behalfof homeless persons; conducts an annual assessment andevaluation of service needs and resources for the homeless;researches and assists in the development of funding resourcesfor homeless services; and submits annual reports to thegovernor and the legislature recommending improvements to theservice delivery system for the homeless.

Members Number authorized - 33; currently serving - 29

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James LeBlancWardenDixon Correctional Institute(225) 634-6201

Legal authority R.S. 40:2501

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of Public Safety and Corrections

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board shall provide for the development and operation ofgolf courses, tennis courts, ball parks, and other recreationalfacilities on suitable state land for the purpose of providingrecreation for the residents of the state, providing maintenancetraining for and as an aid to rehabilitate inmates, and providingrecreation for state employees and patients at state institutions inrural areas.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Dixon Correctional Institute reported thatmembers have never been appointed to the board. The board isnot fulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority EO MJF 97-12

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Economic Development

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The commission advises the secretary of the Department ofEconomic Development on policies, programs, and activities thatstimulate growth in international trade and investment,coordinates international trade and investment programs andactivities, and ensures that Louisiana products are competitive ininternational markets.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Economic Developmentreported that the commission was replaced by the InternationalTrade Development Board; however, the law establishing thedevelopment board did not abolish the commission.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the commission.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 51:1361

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for assisting, promoting, encouraging,developing, and advancing economic prosperity and employmentthroughout the state by fostering international trade andinvestment.

Members Number authorized - 23; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Carl BauerChairman(337) 482-5811

Legal authority EO MJF 97-38

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The primary duty of the task force was to submit to the governora comprehensive report which addressed the feasibility ofupgrading all or part of U.S. 90 between the WestbankExpressway in New Orleans and I-10 in Lafayette into anInterstate 49 South and prepare a report for the members of thestate of Louisiana's United States Congressional Delegationdocumenting why this section of road should be upgraded to aninterstate. The secondary duty of the task force is to meetquarterly to review and report to the governor on the progress ofthe project.

Members Number authorized - 22; currently serving - 22

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Mercer DupreeChairman(318) 932-3821

Legal authority R.S. 38:2701

Year created 1975

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with developing the wealth and naturalresources of the district by the conservation of soil and water foragricultural, recreational, commercial, industrial, and sanitarypurposes.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Comments For the third year, the board has not submitted informationrequested by the legislative auditor in accordance withR.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a December 31, 1999, auditis on file with the legislative auditor.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Barbara L. MorvantExecutive DirectorBoard of Nursing(504) 568-5464

Legal authority R.S. 37:1031

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for recommending rules andregulations to the Board of Nursing and the Board of MedicalExaminers regarding prescriptive authority for advanced practiceregistered nurses.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Teri RicksExecutive AssistantGovernor's Office(225) 342-7015

Legal authority EO MJF 98-33

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for evaluating the manner inwhich the offices and entities of the justice system are fundedand analyzing the need for and means to provide adequatesupplemental funding for any component of the justice systemthat is receiving inadequate funding.

Members Number authorized - 31; currently serving - 31

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Governor's Office reported that thecommission has been inactive since May 2000. The commissionis not fulfilling the functions for which it was established byexecutive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the commission.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-127

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 25:1005.1

Year created 1992

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The commission was created to acquire, lease, transport, berth,renovate, equip, operate, maintain, and exhibit the aircraft carrierUSS Cabot-Dedalo and any other property acquired for use as apermanent naval museum and to adopt rules and regulations forthe use of such museum and its properties.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the sixth year, a representative of the Department of Culture,Recreation and Tourism informed us that the commission isinactive. The commission is not fulfilling the functions for which itwas established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Steve DoylePresident(318) 766-4182

Legal authority R.S. 38:3087.34

Year created 1995

Status Active

Purpose/function The district is charged to preserve, promote, and develop thewealth and natural resources of the district by the conservation ofthe soil and water of Lake Bruin for agricultural, recreational,commercial, and sanitary purposes and by the regulation ofaquatic plant growth.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-129

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Margie AllenTangipahoa Parish Council Clerk(504) 748-3211

Legal authority R.S. 38:3201

Year created 1975

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board was established to adopt rules and regulationsgoverning the discharge of drainage, sewerage, and trade watersinto Lake Pontchartrain, and into channels which empty into LakePontchartrain, within the parishes of St. Charles, Jefferson,Tangipahoa, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, and Orleans.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the fourth year, a representative of the Tangipahoa ParishCouncil informed us that board members have never beenappointed. The board is not fulfilling the functions for which itwas established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Roy BrownFiscal Officer(225) 342-0820

Legal authority R.S. 38:2311

Year created 1975

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The board is responsible for selecting professional landscapearchitects for professional service contracts to perform thedesign work on all capital outlay projects with a construction costgreater than $500,000.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The board did not meet in 1999 or 2000 and has no plans tomeet in 2001. There is no indication that the board is fulfilling thefunctions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority EO MJF 97-54

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Economic Development

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The commission was created to identify and develop businessand trade opportunities in Latin America for Louisiana business,as well as to determine the means and techniques to attract LatinAmerican trade to Louisiana and Louisiana trade to LatinAmerica.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Economic Developmentreported that the commission did not meet last year and does notplan on meeting this year. It was also reported that there are nomembers currently serving on the commission. The commissionis not fulfilling the functions for which it was established byexecutive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Marsha T. JabourDirectorGovernor's Office of Boards and Commissions(225) 342-0919

Legal authority R.S. 37:1393

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board licenses natural persons engaged in or seeking toengage in the work of locksmithing. The board also establishesstandards of conduct and performance relative to competent andsafe locksmithing.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the fourth year, a representative of the Governor's Officereported that the board members have never been appointed.The board is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Billy GolsonChairman(225) 925-4898

Legal authority R.S. 40:1851

Year created 1989

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Commission onthe expenditure of funds collected from the market developmentassessment.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Darryl SerioFiscal OfficerDepartment of Environmental Quality(225) 765-0700

Legal authority R.S. 30:2523

Year created 1980

Oversight agency Department of Environmental Quality

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for serving as a coordinatingagency between various government and private organizationsseeking to aid in litter control and recycling efforts, assisting localgovernments in the adoption of ordinances aimed at litter control,and promoting public awareness and education in the areas oflitter control and recycling.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Environmental Qualityreported that the commission had no meetings in 1999 or 2000and does not plan to meet in 2001. The commission is notfulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. James R. RyanExecutive Director(225) 344-5001

Legal authority R.S. 33:4548.1

Year created 1991

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority was created to provide economic development,infrastructure, and environmental facilities; to assist politicalsubdivisions in constructing, extending, rehabilitating, repairing,and renewing infrastructure and environmental facilities; and toassist in the financing of such needs by political subdivisions ofthis state.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $157,111 $158,000Total expenses/expenditures $31,188 $149,138 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses Not provided Not provided Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $126,360 $135,222

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. James F. GoodrumVice President of Finance and Controller(225) 297-2012

Legal authority R.S. 47:9004

Year created 1990

Status Active

Purpose/function The board approves, disapproves, amends, and modifies thecorporation's budget and the terms of major lottery procurementsrecommended by the president of the corporation and serves as aboard of appeal for denial, revocation, or cancellation by thepresident of a contract with a lottery retailer.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees Not provided classified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues Not provided Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures Not provided Not provided which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $15,312 $16,930 Members' salary $130,000 $145,000Ending Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Winnie J. PaceEx Officio Secretary(225) 342-7825

Legal authority R.S. 23:103

Year created 1990

Oversight agency Department of Labor

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is required to inquire into the needs of theemployment service industry; to advise the assistant secretary onhow the council may best serve employment applicants; and tomake recommendations to the assistant secretary aboutemployment in the state, applicants for licenses, and complaintsagainst employment services.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Pam DierAdministrative Specialist 5Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-4926

Legal authority R.S. 25:2

Year created 1920

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with planning and working toward acoordinated system of parish and regional libraries throughoutthe state that will provide free library service of the highestquality.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $3,002 None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Bob MartinDeputy Assistant SecretaryDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(504) 568-6967

Legal authority R.S. 25:341

Year created 1906

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the secretary of the Department of Culture,Recreation and Tourism with respect to policies for the StateMuseum; exercises powers and duties with respect toaccessions, deaccessions, loans, and conservation of museumartifacts; serves as trustee for the William Irby Trust; and hiresthe museum director.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 11

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 51:1282

Year created 1990

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The district assists the state in the promotion of tourism and isauthorized to levy and collect a sales and use tax not to exceed$16,000,000 annually.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. Michael DaggExecutive Director(504) 851-2800

Legal authority R.S. 17:3453(F)

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Board of Regents

Status Active

Purpose/function The council meets as necessary to respond to requests of theLUMCON executive board for advice and information as well asto provide the board with the benefit of perspectives representedon the council.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of LUMCON informed us that the council wasinactive in prior years, but that it was reactivated in November1997. However, the council did not meet in 1997 and there is noindication that it met in 1998, 1999 or 2000 or plans to meet in2001. The council is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Randy PausinaProgram ManagerDepartment of Wildlife and Fisheries(225) 765-2889

Legal authority R.S. 56:580.1

Year created 1990

Oversight agency Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The board was created to expand public awareness of marinerecreational fishing opportunities and assist the industry inimproving the quality of its services and products, mainly throughmarketing channels.

Members Number authorized - 23; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheriesreported that the board, which has not held a meeting in at leastfive years, is inactive. The board is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority EO MJF 97-42

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for recommending legislation that isdesigned to enhance and protect the economic viability ofLouisiana's maritime industry; recommending economicdevelopment programs that foster and promote growth in themaritime industry; and suggesting means to enhance thecompetitiveness of Louisiana's maritime industry in national andinternational markets.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The task force did not meet in 1999 or 2000.

Recommendation No change recommended at this time.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. David CheramieDirectorCouncil on the Development of French in Louisiana(337) 262-5810

Legal authority EO MJF 96-72

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee meets, at regular intervals, with appropriateauthorities of the Maritime Provinces to arrange for and organizeeducational, cultural, and touristic exchanges.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. Philip J. MedonChairman(318) 342-3800

Legal authority R.S. 46:153.3

Year created 1989

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The committee was created to advise the secretary of theDepartment of Health and Hospitals in the prudent administrationof the Medicaid drug program. The committee is charged toreview expenditures and overall utilization of the drug program,make recommendations regarding additional category coverage,review drug utilization activities and results, makerecommendations for establishing prescribing protocols, makerecommendations to promote the effectiveness of drug utilizationreviews, and assist the department with budgetary funding andthe legislative appropriation process.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the second year, the chairman of the committee reported thatthe committee is inactive. The committee is not fulfilling thefunctions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the committee.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. Perry G. RigbyDirector of Health Care SystemsLSU Health Sciences Center(504) 568-8977

Legal authority R.S. 17:1519.8

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission recommends to the secretary of the Departmentof Health and Hospitals the distribution of funding for residencypositions, residency supervision, and other medical educationresources for the hospitals in the health care services division ofthe Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center amongmedical education programs providing services in such hospitals.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Rudy MacklinProgram Director(225) 342-4886

Legal authority R. S. 40:1299.181

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission studies issues relating to the delivery of andaccess to health and social services for minorities in the state;identifies gaps in the health and social services delivery systemsthat particularly affect minorities; and makes recommendations tothe Department of Health and Hospitals, other state agencies,and the legislature for improving the delivery of and access tohealth and social services for minorities.

Members Number authorized - 22; currently serving - 20

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem Legislative members receive the standard per diem authorized bylaw.

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments In accordance with R.S. 40:1299.183, the council will terminateon October 1, 2004.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority EO MJF 96-65

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The commission serves as an advisory body to the Departmentof Culture, Recreation and Tourism; the Department ofTransportation and Development; the Department of EconomicDevelopment; and to all other state agencies involved indeveloping the Mississippi River Road Corridor between BatonRouge and New Orleans into a viable resource for the state.

Members Number authorized - 27; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Culture, Recreation andTourism reported that members have never been appointed tothe commission. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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Contact: Ms. Mary WolbretteChairperson(225) 928-9304

Legal authority R.S. 48:2052

Year created 1999

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for preserving, enhancing, andpromoting the Mississippi River Road as a historic, cultural,scenic, natural, and economic resource for the state.

Members Number authorized - 27; currently serving - 25

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Lt. Col. Mark S. OxleyChairman(225) 922-2293

Legal authority R.S. 40:1486.1

Year created 1990

Oversight agency Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The committee provides advice, consultation, andrecommendations to those agencies authorized to regulate,license, and tax the motor carrier industry. The committee isalso the coordinating authority of the Louisiana Truck Center,which is the headquarters and central location for motor carriersin obtaining all permits and for payment of any fees or chargesrequired to engage in the motor carrier trade in the state.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The chairman reported that the committee is currently beingreorganized.

Recommendation No change recommended at this time.

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Contact: Mr. William ToadvienDirector(225) 925-4810

Legal authority R.S. 11:1821

Year created 1991

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for formulating and promulgating rulesand regulations to facilitate the proper functioning of theretirement system and the administration of any of its funds.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees Unknown

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Not provided

Comments In prior years, a representative of the board stated that he did notbelieve that R.S. 24:513.2(F) applied to the system, and,accordingly, the board would not submit the requestedinformation. The board has not submitted information requestedby the legislative auditor for at least nine years. However, aJune 30, 1999, audit is on file with the legislative auditor and the2000 audit is engaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Virginia S. EckertDirector(225) 929-7411

Legal authority R.S. 11:2211

Year created 1973

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for overall management of theretirement system, which includes reviewing and makingrecommendations relative to investments, member appeals,office procedures, personnel, and other matters.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 7 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Patricia DuncanArchitectural Historian(225) 342-8160

Legal authority R.S. 25:901

Year created 1979

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Departmentof Culture, Recreation and Tourism in matters relating to theconservation, preservation, and restoration of the historicresources of the state. The committee votes, at quarterly publichearings, on whether historic properties in the state will benominated to the National Register of Historic Places.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Maury DrummondExecutive Director(225) 342-1942

Legal authority R.S. 25:1001

Year created 1979

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission acquires, transports, berths, renovates, equips,operates, maintains, and exhibits the Destroyer USS Kidd for useas a permanent public Naval and Marine Corps memorial.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 8

Authorized per diem None

Employees 8 unclassified; 15 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Bonnie JohnsonProgram Coordinator(504) 940-2787

Legal authority R.S. 17:1970.24

Year created 2000

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The center was created to maintain a program of professionalquality training, coaching, and performing for high schoolsophomores, juniors and seniors who aspire to be artists,performers and arts technicians.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - not provided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Larry RivardeChief Fiscal Officer(504) 483-9374

Legal authority Act 130 of 1896; Act 104 of 1934; Act 492 of 1958; Act 405 of1962; Act 865 of 1982

Year created 1896

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The association manages and controls the New Orleans CityPark, providing recreational facilities for activities such as golf,tennis, baseball, boating, fishing, et cetera.

Members Number authorized - 37; currently serving - 37

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 250 classified; 14 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetSeptember 30, 1999 September 30, 2000

Total revenues $10,705,229 $10,930,728Total expenses/expenditures $10,593,624 $11,322,192 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,189,218 $797,754

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Captain C. E. ClaytonMember(504) 832-1199

Legal authority R.S. 34:1121

Year created 1968

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission governs the rates of the New Orleans-BatonRouge Steamship Pilots Association and is authorized to holdhearings, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and takedepositions to resolve disputes regarding pilotage rates and othercommission business.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The commission has not held a meeting in at least seven yearsand there is no indication that it will meet during the current year.The commission is not fulfilling the functions for which it wascreated by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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Contact: Mr. James StentzPresident

Legal authority R.S. 33:2740.20

Year created 1990

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board governs the district that was created to promote andencourage commercial and industrial development andredevelopment, to stimulate the economy through renewedcommerce and industry, and to use and develop human andother resources.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments In the prior year, a member of the board informed us that theboard has never met. The board is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Mr. James A. ErnyExecutive Director(504) 857-9666

Legal authority R.S. 38:3341

Year created 1988

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The board was charged with establishing adequate drainage,flood control, and water resources development withinTerrebonne Parish and outside the limits of the SouthTerrebonne Parish Tidewater Management and ConservationDistrict.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualJune 30, 2000

Total revenues $444,226Total expenses/expenditures $671,221 which include: Per diem $8,625 Members' travel expenses $8,662 Members' salary NoneEnding Balance $400,706

Comments Act 1407 of the 1997 Legislative Session merged this district withthe South Terrebonne Parish Tidewater Management andConservation District to form the Terrebonne Levee andConservation District. The act also abolished this district.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Gayle JosephAssistant SecretaryDepartment of Labor(225) 342-3111

Legal authority EO MJF 96-70

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Department of Labor

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The committee was created to plan, develop, and manage astatewide occupational information system that should have beenconsistent with the objectives and functions of the NationalOccupational Information Coordinating Committee.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Labor reported that thecommittee was never operational. The committee is not fulfillingthe functions for which it was established by the executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the committee.

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Contact: Ms. Mary PrudhommeDirector(225) 342-0500

Legal authority R.S. 25:372

Year created 1990

Oversight agency Department of State

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the secretary of state on all matters relating tothe operations of the Old State Capitol. The board, incooperation with any nonprofit corporation(s) established tosupport the Old State Capitol, may seek private funding tosupport programs for the Old State Capitol.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. John BasilicaUndersecretaryDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1270

Legal authority EO MJF 98-47

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for analyzing Louisiana's laws,rules, and regulations which pertain to the size, weight, width,height, length, and/or load of vehicles which operate on thehighways and/or roadways of this state; and evaluating adequacyof the standard and special taxes and/or fees assessed vehiclesthat exceed and vehicles that do not exceed the standardlimitations as compared to neighboring states.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Transportation andDevelopment reported that the task force is inactive. The taskforce is not fulfilling the functions for which it was established byexecutive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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Contact: Ms. Katherine VaughanDeputy SecretaryDepartment of Natural Resources(225) 342-1375

Legal authority R.S. 56:700.10

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Department of Natural Resources

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for developing rules and regulations tocompensate fishermen for damages caused by oil and gasindustry activities to their leased oyster beds.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $31,202 $31,202Total expenses/expenditures $31,202 $31,202 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 51:982

Year created 1992

Oversight agency Department of Economic Development

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The commission provides public relations and disseminatesinformation to government, business, and cultural leaders, with agoal of coordinating economic development and resourceutilization, including industrial solicitation, by fosteringentrepreneurial activity between Louisiana and the continent ofAfrica.

Members Number authorized - 25; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments According to information submitted to us, the council has not metfor the past seven years and has no plans to meet in the currentyear. The commission is not fulfilling the functions for which itwas established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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Contact: Mrs. Kelvie BushAdministrative Services AssistantDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8111

Legal authority R.S. 56:1681

Year created 1934

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission promotes the goals and objectives of the Officeof State Parks, acts in an advisory capacity to the office, andscreens qualified projects for federal grants administered by theoffice.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $25 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Thomas B. SimsAdministrative Director(225) 928-1361

Legal authority R.S. 11:1981

Year created 1953

Status Active

Purpose/function The board formulates and promulgates any and all necessaryrules and regulations to facilitate the proper functioning of theretirement system. The system provides retirement benefits foremployees of 61 civil parishes of Louisiana.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 6 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Per diem $1,500 $2,625Members' travel expenses $15,604 $22,410Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Betty TerrellDepartment of Public Safety and Corrections, Public Safety Services(225) 925-6103

Legal authority R.S. 47:463.57

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The advisory council is responsible for assisting the secretary ofthe Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices, in establishing guidelines for the expenditure of the PetOverpopulation Fund and to review and make recommendationson who should receive the grants that will be distributed solely forthe purposes of providing low-cost pet sterilizations by licensedveterinarians. The Pet Overpopulation Fund is funded from theproceeds of a pet overpopulation prestige license plate.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments There must be at least 101 applications for the petoverpopulation license plate before the department willmanufacture and issue the plate. As of December 1, 2000,the council had not been organized.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mrs. Virginia G. BenoitExecutive DirectorBoard of Medical Examiners(504) 524-6763

Legal authority R.S. 37:1270.1

Year created 1993

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee advises the state Board of Medical Examiners onall matters specifically dealing with licensing or discipliningphysician assistants and on drafting and promulgatingregulations relating to physician assistants. The committee alsoreviews and makes recommendations to the board onapplications for licensure as physician assistants.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 4

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Jessie C. MeansChairman(504) 635-6428

Legal authority R.S. 48:1091; Act 319 of 1977

Year created 1977

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The authority is charged with studying the feasibility ofestablishing, constructing, acquiring, maintaining, administering,and operating toll bridge, tunnel, or ferry facilities across andunder the Mississippi River between the parishes of PointeCoupee and West Feliciana. If the authority determines suchconstruction and operation to be feasible, it is charged withconstructing and operating a toll bridge, tunnel, or ferry facility.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the authority informed us that the authorityhas not met within the past fourteen years. The authority is notfulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the authority.

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Contact: The Honorable Patricia H. MinaldiChairperson(337) 437-3400

Legal authority EO MJF 00-26

Year created 2000

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission was created to evaluate the need for and, ifappropriate, to recommend legislation and policy changesnecessary to allow incarcerated persons who were convictedbefore the existence or wide-spread availability of DNA testing tohave access to such testing when it would be able to conclusivelydetermine the person's guilt or innocence.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - not provided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Marsha T. JabourDirectorGovernor's Office of Boards and Commissions(225) 342-0919

Legal authority EO MJF 96-71

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The commission conducts and coordinates the review ofinstitutions of higher education pursuant to federal law andensures that each institution remains in compliance with thestandards required by that law.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the second year, a representative of the Governor's Officeinformed us that members were never appointed to thecommission. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the commission.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Michael L. ThompsonExecutive Director(318) 878-8572

Legal authority R.S. 38:3087.1

Year created 1992

Status Active

Purpose/function The district is responsible for developing the wealth and naturalresources of the district by the conservation of soil and water foragricultural, recreational, commercial, industrial, and sanitarypurposes.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $6,260,351 $198,458Total expenses/expenditures $6,269,412 $198,458 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $270,572 $270,572

Comments Actual amounts include the district's capital outlay account;however, the budgeted amounts do not.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Suzanne LavergneDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-9513

Legal authority R.S. 40:2194.3

Year created 1989

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The council was created to study and recommend programpriorities and recommend and review contracts for theCommunity-Based Health Care Program.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - 36

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The council did not meet in 1997, 1998, 1999 or 2000. Thecouncil is not fulfilling the functions for which it was establishedby law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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Contact: Mr. Darryl SerioFiscal OfficerDepartment of Environmental Quality(225) 765-0700

Legal authority EO MJF 96-56

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The task force researches and analyzes the potential of usingnonhazardous waste materials for coastal restoration projects.

Members Number authorized - 26; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The task force has not held a meeting since its inception in 1996.The task force is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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Contact: Mr. John N. KennedyState Treasurer(225) 342-0010

Legal authority R.S. 11:121

Year created 1988

Oversight agency Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee coordinates orderly and consistent strategies forcontinuing development and growth of state and statewideretirement systems and pension plans or funds that will attainand maintain their soundness and advises the Joint LegislativeRetirement Committee of all findings and recommendations.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Dr. Melinda OliverCenter for Scientific and Mathematical LiteracyLouisiana State University(225) 388-6001

Legal authority R.S. 17:374

Year created 1992

Status Active

Purpose/function The council annually allocates all monies appropriated to it fromthe Quality Science and Mathematics Equipping Fund. Thecouncil is charged to establish the criteria and eligibility standardsfor the receipt of materials and supplies and establish aninventory and monitoring process for equipment and suppliesthat are distributed.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $180,000 $180,000Total expenses/expenditures $179,307 $180,000 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Dr. David CheramieDirectorCouncil on the Development of French in Louisiana(337) 262-5810

Legal authority EO MJF 96-72

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is required to meet at regular intervals, with theappropriate authorities of the Province of Quebec to arrange forand organize educational, cultural, and touristic exchanges.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Morgan W. CollinsAccountant(318) 352-3652

Legal authority R.S. 34:2301

Year created 1965

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission establishes, operates, and maintains anavigable waterway system extending from the vicinity of theconfluence of the Red River with the Old River and theAtchafalaya River north westward in the Red River Valley to thestate boundary.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $7,405,456 $7,350,000Total expenses/expenditures $6,385,399 $17,099,787 which include: Per diem $18,075 $27,000 Members' travel expenses $30,973 $44,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $57,081,386 $47,331,599

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Nicholas B. SilveyDirector of Management and Finance(504) 568-6611

Legal authority R.S. 33:131

Year created 1962

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission develops and maintains plans for thedevelopment of the regional planning area based on studies ofphysical, social, economic, and government trends andcoordinates development of the regional planning area topromote the general welfare and prosperity of its people.

Members Number authorized - 26; currently serving - 26

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees 22 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $2,591,235 $4,214,889Total expenses/expenditures $2,548,972 $4,214,889 which include: Per diem $3,450 $6,000 Members' travel expenses $10,584 $18,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $135,148 $135,148

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Alan F. PeggChief Financial Officer(504) 248-3649

Legal authority R.S. 48:1654

Year created 1979

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority is responsible for planning, designing, maintaining,and administering a transit system within the New Orleansmetropolitan area.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 1086 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $100,968,263 $104,525,464Total expenses/expenditures $102,629,310 $100,162,843 which include: Per diem $4,200 $8,400 Members' travel expenses $4,588 $10,800 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance ($54,405,385) ($50,042,764)

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Lorraine C. DeesDirector(800) 510-8515

Legal authority R.S. 11:2032

Year created 1955

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for managing the system to provideretirement allowances and other benefits for registrars of voters,their deputies, and their permanent employees.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the board had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F). However, a June 30, 1999, audit is on filewith the legislative auditor and the 2000 audit is engaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Jeff BountyDepartment of Wildlife and Fisheries(225) 765-2815

Legal authority R.S. 56:632

Year created 1991

Oversight agency Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for assessing and analyzing thereptile and amphibian industry in Louisiana and for reporting itsconclusions and recommendations regarding propermanagement and regulation of the industry to the legislature.

Members Number authorized - 18; currently serving - 18

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kelli GautreauxAccountantLicensing Board of Contractors(225) 765-2301

Legal authority R.S. 37:2165

Year created 1995

Oversight agency Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function Subject to the approval of the State Licensing Board forContractors, the subcommittee is responsible for adopting rulesand regulations to govern residential building contractors in thestate; for issuing, suspending, modifying, or revoking licenses;and for prescribing and adopting regulations and policies forcontinuing education.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 13

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem $4,050 $9,000 Members' travel expenses $5,567 $9,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Comments The subcommittee's financial information is included with theState Licensing Board for Contractors.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Darryl SerioFiscal OfficerDepartment of Environmental Quality(225) 765-0700

Legal authority R.S. 30:2305

Year created 1980

Oversight agency Department of Environmental Quality

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority is charged with conducting a comprehensive solidwaste disposal, resource recovery, energy generation usingenergy sources other than lignite or nuclear as fuel. Theauthority may own, operate, and maintain solid wastemanagement projects; provide for the collection, transportation,storage, and disposal or diversion of solid waste; make plans,surveys, studies, and investigations in conformity with the stateplan; initiate and encourage programs, including research anddevelopment leading to maximum recovery and reuse ofrecycling materials; and plan and develop energy parks andwaste parks.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Rochelle DugasDirector(225) 342-7009

Legal authority R.S. 51:1318

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Office of Lieutenant Governor

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for formulating and modifying astrategic plan for retirement development, jointly with the office ofthe lieutenant governor, and developing guidelines that certifyLouisiana communities as "retirement ready and friendly."

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Leonard J. HensgensChairman(337) 783-3283

Legal authority R.S. 3:551.63

Year created 1972

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board promotes the growth and development of the riceindustry in Louisiana. It serves all rice farmers in Louisiana andbusinesses serving the rice industry through promotion andresearch activities.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues Not provided Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures Not provided Not provided which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,000 $4,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance Not provided Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. R. E. GirouardChairman(337) 788-7531

Legal authority R.S. 3:551.73

Year created 1972

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board administers rice research check-off funds collected bythe Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, selectsprojects for funding, and reviews the progress of research.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. A. J. LaicheDirector of FinanceSt. James Parish Council(225) 562-2261

Legal authority R.S. 48:1603

Year created 1976

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board governs the mass transit system within the parishes ofSt. Charles, St. James, and St. John the Baptist.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the St. James Parish Police Jury informed usthat there have never been any appointments to the authority.The authority is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the authority.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: The Honorable Louis LambertChairman(225) 675-6896

Legal authority R.S. 40:1300.61(C)

Year created 1995

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing and operating the RiverRegion Cancer Screening and Early Detection Center whichscreens persons for cancer as well as promoting and conductingscientific research and training.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualJune 30, 2000

Total revenues $271,945Total expenses/expenditures None which include: Per diem None Members' travel expenses None Members' salary NoneEnding Balance $507,437

Comments Budget information was not provided.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Rodney BraxtonGovernor's Office(225) 342-8381

Legal authority EO MJF 98-65

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Unknown

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for evaluating the present conditionof Louisiana's thirty-four roadside rest areas, the servicesavailable at those rest areas, and the manner in which those restareas are designed, maintained, and patrolled and makingrecommendations for a cost effective and efficient revitalizationof the rest areas.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the second year, the task force has not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended at this time.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Roger OdgenChairman(504) 866-9757

Legal authority EO MJF 97-31

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board provides advice to the Division of Administration andthe Louisiana Supreme Court regarding the expenditure of allfunds and all contracts, bids, proposals, and plans associatedwith renovating the building that will eventually house theLouisiana Supreme Court, Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court ofAppeal, the Law Library of Louisiana, the Louisiana JudicialAdministrator's Office, a satellite office of the Louisiana AttorneyGeneral, and a museum or tourist information center.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Benny LongPresident(318) 727-9351

Legal authority Act 105 of 1976; R.S. 56:801

Year created 1976

Oversight agency Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for administering the game andfish reserve and for providing rules and regulations for the controlthereof.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Weegie PeabodyExecutive DirectorBoard of Elementary and Secondary Education(225) 342-5840

Legal authority R.S. 17:10.1

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission was created to advise the state Board ofElementary and Secondary Education on all aspects of astatewide system of school and district accountability.

Members Number authorized - 27; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments In the prior year, a representative of the Board of Elementary andSecondary Education reported that the commission had fulfilledthe functions for which it was established by law and haddisbanded. However, this year we were informed that thecommission is active and has plans to meet four times.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Andy KopplinGovernor's Office(504) 568-5050

Legal authority EO MJF 96-74

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for developing and recommendinga uniform parental consent form which takes into considerationthe needs of adolescent students to have appropriate medicalattention or counseling, evaluating the types of services offeredby school health clinics, and recommending any necessarychanges to those services.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the third year, a representative of the Governor's Officereported that the task force has fulfilled the functions for which itwas established by executive order and has disbanded.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Charlene QuinnAccountant Supervisor(225) 925-6491

Legal authority R.S. 11:1001

Year created 1946

Oversight agency Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for managing the system to provideretirement allowances and other benefits for school bus drivers,janitors, custodians, maintenance employees, and otheremployees of the public school system.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 38 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $5,850 $9,000Members' travel expenses $18,258 $35,000Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Stacey WebbGovernor's Office(225) 342-1608

Legal authority EO MJF 99-42

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission's duties include the recommendation of statepolicy changes leading to an improved secondary school systemoffering clear multiple pathways for all Louisiana youth, includingthose choosing to immediately begin full-time employment, thosewho enter an apprenticeship or a two-year college, or those whopursue a four-year degree.

Members Number authorized - 34; currently serving - 34

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,400 None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Comments The commission will terminate on March 1, 2001, in accordancewith EO MJF 99-42.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Mark C. DrennenCommissioner of Administration(225) 342-7000

Legal authority EO MJF 98-13 and EO MJF 99-3

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The Select Council on Revenues and Expenditures in Louisiana'sFuture (SECURE) Review Commission is responsible forreviewing SECURE's recommendations pertaining to governmentexpenditures and organization; analyzing the recommendedstrategies to reduce the cost of government and to improvegovernment services; as well as updating, implementing, andevaluating the progress the state has made regarding therecommendations.

Members Number authorized - 18; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Division of Administration reported thatthe commission had not met since March 1, 1999. Thecommission is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Annetta McGeeExecutive Director(225) 922-0465

Legal authority R.S. 11:2171

Year created 1946

Status Active

Purpose/function The board oversees the operations of the fund, to includeapproving expenditures, making policy decisions, proposinglegislation, approving purchases and sales of investments, andapproving applications for benefits.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees Unknown

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Not provided

Comments In prior years, a representative of the board stated that he did notbelieve that R.S. 24:513.2(F) applied to the system, and,accordingly, the board would not submit the requestedinformation. The board has not submitted information requestedby the legislative auditor for at least ten years. However, aJune 30, 1999, audit is on file with the legislative auditor and the2000 audit is engaged.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Darryl SerioFiscal OfficerDepartment of Environmental Quality(225) 765-0700

Legal authority R.S. 30:2062

Year created 1992

Oversight agency Department of Environmental Quality

Status Active

Purpose/function The panel is responsible for rendering advisory opinions to theDepartment of Environmental Quality on the effectiveness of theSmall Business Stationary Source Technical and EnvironmentalCompliance Assistance Program.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Darryl SerioFiscal OfficerDepartment of Environmental Quality(225) 765-0700

Legal authority R.S. 37:3152

Year created 1983

Oversight agency Department of Environmental Quality

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing a certification programfor operators of solid waste disposal facilities that accommodateresidential and commercial solid waste. The board establishesfees paid by applicants for examination, training, and certification.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Deborah Kern-KnoblockSecretary(504) 594-4104

Legal authority R.S. 38:3321

Year created 1986

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The board had authority to establish adequate drainage, floodcontrol, and water resources development, to includeconstruction of reservoirs, diversion canals, gravity and pumpdrainage systems, erosion control measures, marshmanagement, and other flood control works as they relate totidewater flooding, hurricane protection, and salt-water intrusion.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 24; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information ActualJune 30, 2000

Total revenues $896,494Total expenses/expenditures $1,103,206 which include: Per diem $704 Members' travel expenses $1,274 Members' salary NoneEnding Balance $1,337,319

Comments Act 1407 of the 1997 Legislative Session merged this district withthe North Terrebonne Parish Drainage and Conservation Districtto form the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District. The actalso abolished this district.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Marsha T. JabourDirectorGovernor's Office of Boards and Commissions(225) 342-0919

Legal authority R.S. 40:2491

Year created 1984

Oversight agency Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for restoring the public'sconfidence in the quality of the drinking water of the parishes ofAscension, Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans,Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John theBaptist, and Terrebonne.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the second year, a representative of the Governor's Officereported that no appointments had been made to thecommission. The commission is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Kyle McCannManager(225) 922-6209

Legal authority R.S. 3:551.32

Year created 1968

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board promotes the growth and development of thesoybean, wheat, corn, and grain sorghum industries in Louisianathrough research and advertisement. Assessments are levied onthe sale of soybeans, wheat, corn, and grain sorghum within thestate and the board remits 50% of assessments collected to theUnited States Soybean Board.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $974,608 Not providedTotal expenses/expenditures $958,510 Not provided which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $6,106 $6,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $1,070,603 Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kimberly PusateriSt. Mary Parish Council(337) 828-4100

Legal authority R.S. 48:1635

Year created 1979

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board was created to govern the mass transit systemlocated in St. Mary Parish.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the fourth year, a representative of the St. Mary ParishCouncil informed us that board members have never beenappointed. The board is not fulfilling the functions for which itwas established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Wade H. AdamsAccount Administrator(225) 922-0185

Legal authority R.S. 11:401

Year created 1946

Oversight agency Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for managing the system to provideretirement allowances and other benefits to employees of thestate of Louisiana and their beneficiaries.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 94 classified; 11 unclassified; 7 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $14,475 $16,200Members' travel expenses $30,278 $58,200Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Walter W. SmithDirector(225) 925-4878

Legal authority R.S. 11:1302

Year created 1938

Oversight agency State Police Retirement System

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for managing and administering thefund; authorizing the retirement of any police employee who maybe eligible to retire; determining monthly pensions and retirementsalaries; and incurring whatever expenses may be necessary toproperly administer the fund.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 7; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 2 classified; 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Eric KalivodaDeputy Assistant SecretaryDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1214

Legal authority EO MJF 96-77

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Department of Transportation and Development

Status Unknown

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for providing guidance, support,and executive leadership for implementation of the statewideintermodal transportation plan, drafting legislation to implementthe plan, as well as coordinating the implementation of the plan.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the committee had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Suzanne BowmanAccountant 4Department of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 922-1255

Legal authority R.S. 3:473

Year created 1958

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board promotes the general well-being of the strawberryindustries in Louisiana by expanding the market for the productand increasing consumption through acquainting the public withhealth-giving quantities and food value of Louisiana-grownstrawberries, wherever they may be sold.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem $20 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $1,828 $2,000Total expenses/expenditures $15,648 $5,000 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $11,808 $8,808

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bryce MaloneAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 922-1277

Legal authority R.S. 3:451

Year created 1942

Oversight agency Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for expanding the market for andincreasing the consumption of sweet potatoes by acquainting thegeneral public with the health-giving qualities and the nutritionalfood values of sweet potatoes grown in Louisiana.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $15 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Brad SpicerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry

Legal authority EO MJF 96-76

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for coordinating the efforts of allstate agencies involved in the cleanup of the Tangipahoa Riverand monitoring the cleanup to ensure its safety for recreationaluse.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Agriculture and Forestryreported that the task force has not been involved in this cleanupeffort. The task force is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by executive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Ronald G. CouvillionAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Insurance(225) 342-7964

Legal authority EO MJF 96-15

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Department of Insurance

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The task force researched and analyzed the factors thatcontribute to the escalating automobile insurance rates in thestate and developed a comprehensive, detailed and actuarially-sound plan that will cause dramatic reduction of automobileinsurance rates in the state.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the fourth year, a representative of the Department ofInsurance reported that the task force has fulfilled the purposefor which it was created and has disbanded.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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Contact: Mr. George H. GuidryModerator(225) 388-9061

Legal authority EO MJF 96-29

Year created 1996

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force facilitates discussions and exchanges betweenenvironmentalists, conservationists, business interests, andindustrialists on prevailing environmental concerns.

Members Number authorized - varies; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Lisa Ponce de LeonDirector(504) 568-5323

Legal authority R.S. 51:1304

Year created 1988

Oversight agency Department of Revenue

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission provides refunds of state and local sales tax tointernational visitors on items purchased in Louisiana atparticipating stores.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees 10 classified; 2 unclassified; 7 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $583,176 $750,000Total expenses/expenditures $615,929 $739,042 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $427,713 $438,671

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Beverly M. CampbellAccountant 2(225) 925-1750

Legal authority R.S. 11:821

Year created 1936

Oversight agency Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for the general administration andproper operation of the Teachers' Retirement System, whichprovides retirement allowances and other benefits for theteachers of the state.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 121 classified; 4 unclassified; 6 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $19,800 $22,725Members' travel expenses $56,028 $90,400Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Jason D. DupuisExecutive Director(337) 233-6902

Legal authority R.S. 38:3086.3

Year created 1986

Status Active

Purpose/function The board governs the affairs of the district, which establishes,maintains, and protects a fresh water supply in Bayou Teche andVermilion River in the parishes of Iberia, St. Martin, Lafayette,and Vermilion.

Members Number authorized - 4; currently serving - 4

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 18

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 11 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetDecember 31, 1999 December 31, 2000

Total revenues $1,276,824 $2,055,000Total expenses/expenditures $2,064,658 $1,863,380 which include: Per diem $3,300 $4,000 Members' travel expenses $3,300 $4,000 Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $13,736,552 $13,928,172

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Donna HanneyBudget AdministratorDepartment of Education(225) 342-3621

Legal authority R.S. 17:3921.2

Year created 1997

Oversight agency Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee assists the Department of Education in reviewingand verifying all applications for the technology grant program.The grant funds are used to purchase various educationaltechnologies for use by teachers and students for the purpose ofimproving student learning.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 7; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues None NoneTotal expenses/expenditures None None which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,607 None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Kevin GhiardiPublic Transit AdministratorTerrebonne Parish Consolidated Government(504) 873-6401

Legal authority R.S. 48:1503

Year created 1975

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The board was created to govern the mass transit system withinTerrebonne Parish.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the fourth year, a representative of the Terrebonne ParishConsolidated Government informed us that the board membershave never been appointed and that the parish governmentoperates a mass transit system. The board is not fulfilling thefunctions for which it was established.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Mr. Mark DrennenCommissioner of Administration(225) 342-7000

Legal authority EO MJF 00-2

Year created 2000

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for determining the value, andevaluating the risks, of the state of Louisiana receiving its portionof the tobacco settlement in annual payments over a 25-yearperiod in comparison to exchanging, pledging, and selling itsannual payments for an immediate lump-sum payment andexploring and evaluating all payment options available.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 51:1256

Year created 1964

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission serves in an advisory capacity to the assistantsecretary of the Office of Tourism and the secretary of theDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism on mattersrelating to the development and implementation of programspromoting tourism and the historical, cultural, recreational, andscenic legacy of the state.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. John BasilicaUndersecretaryDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1270

Legal authority EO MJF 98-06

Year created 1998

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The task force shall review the incomplete projects in theTransportation Infrastructure Model for Economic Development(TIMED) program and evaluate the continued need for thoseprojects as they relate to the state's transportation infrastructureimprovement needs and the overall economic development goalsof the state.

Members Number authorized - 23; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Transportation andDevelopment reported that the task force is inactive. The taskforce is not fulfilling the functions for which it was established byexecutive order.

Recommendation The governor should consider abolishing the task force.

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Contact: Mr. Darby Simoneaux IIIProgram Manager(225) 925-3502

Legal authority R.S. 46:2634

Year created 1994

Oversight agency Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing priorities and criteria forthe disbursement of monies collected as additional fees imposedon all motor vehicle violations for driving under the influence,reckless operation, and speeding in the state, to be used solelyfor programs designed to provide services to Louisiana residentsdisabled by traumatic head and spinal cord injuries.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ted DenstelSecretary(225) 383-4755

Legal authority R.S. 38:3361

Year created 1990

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The board is charged to govern the affairs of the district, whichprovides drainage and water conservation in parts of PointeCoupee and Iberville parishes and all of West Baton RougeParish. The board may construct reservoirs, diversion canals,gravity and pumped drainage systems, and other flood controlworks.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the third year, a representative of the board reported that thedistrict is inactive. The district is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the district.

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Contact: Mr. M. D. LeComteCoordinating and Development Corporation(318) 632-2022

Legal authority R.S. 32:1751

Year created 1990

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is charged with conducting research studiespertaining to the four-laning, construction, expansion,improvement, or extension of Louisiana Highway 1 and providingfor the long-term economic/industrial development and tourismdevelopment of the corridor area.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Ronald BuschelMember(337) 585-6637

Legal authority R.S. 48:1821

Year created 1993

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The commission was created to gather information on theconstruction of new roadways and bridges and the improvementsor extension of existing roadways along the route of U.S.Highway 71 between the City of Alexandria and the Town ofKrotz Springs.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For the seventh year, a member of the commission informed usthat the commission has never met. The commission is notfulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. L. S. SpillersVolunteer(318) 757-3033

Legal authority R.S. 48:1811

Year created 1993

Status Never fully organized

Purpose/function The commission was created to initiate and coordinate researchstudies and the gathering of information on the improvement orextension of existing roadways and bridges along the route ofU.S. Highway 65 within the boundaries of Louisiana.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments For at least seven years, we have been notified that thecommission has never been fully organized. The commission isnot fulfilling the functions for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the commission.

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Contact: Dr. Thomas EubanksDirector, Division of Archaeology(225) 342-8170

Legal authority R.S. 8:675

Year created 1991

Oversight agency Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is authorized to adopt, implement, and enforce rulesand regulations to protect the burial sites of earlier residents ofthe state from desecration and to enable the properarchaeological investigation and study when disturbance of aburial site is necessary or desirable.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The board has not held a meeting in at least seven years. Theboard is not fulfilling the functions for which it was established bylaw.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Mr. Percy ManuelDirector of Budget and Business ServicesDepartment of Social Services(225) 342-9391

Legal authority R.S. 46:458

Year created 1990

Oversight agency Department of Social Services

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The committee is authorized to provide oversight of the LouisianaWelfare Reform Act to ensure cooperation at all levels ofgovernment; to avoid duplication among agencies and programs;to ensure smooth implementation of the program; to encourageinvolvement by the public, private, and nonprofit sectors in thestate; and to provide ongoing planning.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Comments The committee has not held a meeting in at least seven years.The committee is not fulfilling the functions for which it wasestablished by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the committee.

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Contact: Ms. Sandra AndersonRecording Secretary(337) 528-9378

Legal authority R.S. 33:4576

Year created 1992

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority is charged with building, maintaining, and operatinga rodeo arena, sports complex, or community center withinCalcasieu Parish.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 classified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $999,574 $865,000Total expenses/expenditures $93,768 $162,750 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $2,238,492 $2,936,742

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Doug RagusaChairman(337) 479-2316

Legal authority R.S. 48:1683

Year created 1987

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission initiates or coordinates research, studies, andthe gathering of information on the Western Corridor Project;contracts or performs work relating to the construction,expansion, improvement, or extension of U.S. Highway 171within the boundaries of the district; and contracts for orconstructs bridges, overpasses, causeways, underpasses, trafficcircles, interchanges, and landscaping relating to the highway.Such work shall be performed by or through the authority of theDepartment of Transportation and Development.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Len BahrExecutive Assistant(225) 342-3968

Legal authority R.S. 49:213.1

Year created 1989

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority was created to develop and annually update thestate's overall strategy for conserving and restoring coastalwetlands through the construction and management of coastalwetlands enhancement projects.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Other Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Page D-231

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Len BahrExecutive Assistant(225) 342-3968

Legal authority R.S. 49:213.5

Year created 1989

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force was created to assist the Wetlands Conservationand Restoration Authority in carrying out its purpose.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Wynnette B. KeesAccountant Administrator(225) 765-2862

Legal authority Article VI, Section 1 of the 1921 Louisiana Constitution; Article IX,Section 7 of the 1974 Louisiana Constitution; R.S. 56:1; R.S.36:601

Year created 1921

Oversight agency Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for the control and supervision ofthe wildlife of the state, including all aquatic life. The commissionhas general control, management, supervision, and direction ofthe department. It is a policy-making and budgetary-controlboard with no administrative functions. The commission has thesole authority to establish definite management programs andpolicies and to approve and accept all contracts.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $25 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Vera ClayOffice of Women's ServicesGovernor's Office(225) 922-0960

Legal authority EO MJF 00-6

Year created 2000

Oversight agency Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission's duties include advising the governor on theparticular hardships, concerns, and needs that challengeLouisiana women; identifying and analyzing trends that negativelyimpact on the health and prosperity of Louisiana women; andmonitoring the status of Louisiana women for the purpose ofevaluating their economic, educational, and health concerns,needs and hardships.

Members Number authorized - 23; currently serving - 23

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Robert BottOffice of Emergency Preparedness(225) 342-3566

Legal authority EO MJF 99-51

Year created 1999

Oversight agency Military Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The team is responsible for coordinating and overseeing thedelivery of essential state agency services and operations duringthe Y2K transition.

Members Number authorized - varies; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Patrick WittyTreasurer(225) 753-8801

Legal authority R.S. 48:1804

Year created 1992

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for initiating and coordinating researchstudies for the construction of a highway traversing the LouisianaHighway 1 and Louisiana Highway 10 corridor and which willcross the Mississippi River by way of a bridge, which is plannedfor construction in the vicinity of St. Francisville and New Roads.The commission is authorized to assess the feasibility ofobtaining designation of the highway as a National DefenseHighway and as a part of the National Highway System.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Financial/budget information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Total revenues $76,646 $75,800Total expenses/expenditures $71,986 $75,800 which include: Per diem None None Members' travel expenses Not provided Not provided Members' salary None NoneEnding Balance $106,118 $106,118

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Budget Units

A budget unit is any spending unit of the state authorized to exercise, or thatdoes exercise, any functions of the state in the executive branch and which isdeclared to be a budget unit by the Division of Administration. Budget unitsare included in the executive budget of the state. The following boards,commissions, and like entities are budget units of the state or are includedwithin such budget units.

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Budget Units Page E-1

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 925-3770

Legal authority R.S. 3:3211

Year created 1975

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for establishing pesticideprograms encompassing all phases of pesticide regulationincluding registration, distribution, sale, application, storage, anddisposal; certification of pesticide users; environmentalmonitoring; and remediation of soil and water contaminated withpesticides.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $480 $1,000 Members' travel expenses $667 $1,100 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Dr. Janie PonthieuxExecutive Secretary(225) 219-4437

Legal authority R.S. 17:3141.3

Year created 1972

Budget unit Board of Regents

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for establishing standards for theconduct of solicitors and for the operation of approximately 170proprietary schools by reviewing and recommending, to theBoard of Regents, schools for initial licensure and for yearlyrenewal; for providing for the investigation and the disposition ofcomplaints relating to the standards; and for providing remediesfor violations of the standards.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $276 $500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Budget Units Page E-3

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Ronald G. CouvillionAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Insurance(225) 342-7964

Legal authority R.S. 22:1922

Year created 1984

Budget unit Department of Insurance

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for assisting the commissioner ofinsurance in establishing educational and informational servicesto foster a greater awareness of the opportunities available in theinsurance industry and of the skills, training, and educationnecessary to prepare for employment in the industry; forreviewing all complaints alleging violations; and for reportingapparent violations to the commissioner.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,298 $500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Theresa AnzaloneDirector of Bureau of LicensingDepartment of Social Services(225) 922-0015

Legal authority R.S. 46:1406

Year created 1985

Budget unit Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for developing the initial minimumstandards for licensure of Class A facilities and advising theDepartment of Social Services on matters pertaining to thereview and revision of rules, regulations, and standards forlicensure of Class A licensed child day care centers, child placingagencies, child residential facilities, and maternity homes. Thecommittee also advises the department on all decisions torevoke or refusals to grant or renew licenses.

Members Number authorized - 20; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 10

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,461 None Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Ed LeachmanDirectorData Base Commission(225) 219-4025

Legal authority R.S. 39:303

Year created 1997

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council advises the Data Base Commission in all matterspertaining to accessibility of public data bases by individuals whoare blind or visually impaired.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $464 $500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. William BoudreauxDirector(225) 922-1341

Legal authority R.S. 3:3401

Year created 1940

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for grading, sampling, andinspecting all grain subject to inspection under an official USDAdesignation; for inspecting moisture metering devices foraccuracy; for certifying elevator grades and samplers; forlicensing, inspecting, supervising, and auditing all grain dealersand warehouses in the state; and for licensing and supervising allcotton buyers in the state.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $1,320 $1,200 Members' travel expenses $1,385 $1,200 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Frank MillicanDirector(225) 922-1292

Legal authority R.S. 3:264

Year created 1983

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority is responsible for providing capital at lower interestrates for loans made by lending institutions to farmers andcommercial agricultural businesses through a bond program.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Steve ErwinBureau of Health Services FinancingDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-0138

Legal authority R.S. 40:1235

Year created 1997

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee advises the Department of Health and Hospitalson establishing and updating a list of required medical and safetyequipment which shall be carried as part of the regularequipment of every ambulance.

Members Number authorized - 18; currently serving - 18

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Cecil R. FormbyProgram Compliance Officer ManagerDepartment of Labor(225) 342-7820

Legal authority R.S. 23:382

Year created 1938

Budget unit Department of Labor

Status Active

Purpose/function The council, subject to approval of the secretary of theDepartment of Labor, is responsible for establishing standardsand procedures for registration and deregistration ofapprenticeship programs, for approving apprenticeshipagreements, and for issuing related rules and regulations.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $35 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 25:1222

Year created 1997

Budget unit Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function In general, the main goals of the Atchafalaya Trace Commissionare to appropriately plan and promote the Trace Area as aheritage region; coordinate tourism promotion and otherdevelopment efforts within the Trace Area; inventory, preserve,conserve, and interpret the cultural, historic, natural, and scenicresources of the Trace Area and the Basin; encourageappropriate economic development and revitalization within theTrace Area; create an overall management plan for the TraceArea; designate a Trace Driving Corridor by linking together anumber of Scenic Byways and seek National Heritage Areadesignation for the Trace Area.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary $431 None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 25:1223.1

Year created 1999

Budget unit Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the Atchafalaya Trace Commission on allaspects of the commission's duties and authority.

Members Number authorized - varies; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 51:923

Year created 1952

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for approving or disapproving taxexemption applications for new manufactured establishmentsand expansion of existing establishments and for propertyowners who propose development of existing structures in adowntown, historic, or economic development district.

Members Number authorized - 23; currently serving - 20

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees 11 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $6,027 $12,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 37:493

Year created 1950

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for supervising, investigating, andregulating the beauty and hairdressing industry in the state. Theboard is authorized to issue, suspend, or revoke licenses ofcosmetologists, operators, hairdressers, estheticians,manicurists, managers, beauty shop owners, teachers, schools,and students to protect the health and welfare of the people ofthe state.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 27 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $21,060 $76,500 Members' travel expenses $8,755 $27,590 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Weegie PeabodyExecutive Director(225) 342-5840

Legal authority R.S. 17:1

Year created 1974

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for supervising and controlling thepublic elementary and secondary schools and special schoolsunder its jurisdiction and is responsible for all funds appropriatedor allocated by the state for those schools.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 33; current year estimated - 33

Authorized per diem $103 per day spent on board business

Employees 8 classified; 9 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $58,883 $66,319 Members' travel expenses $44,127 $48,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. JoAnn R. JohnsonAdministrative Director(225) 922-1400

Legal authority R.S. 42:1132

Year created 1996

Budget unit Department of State Civil Service

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for administering and enforcingprovisions of the Code of Governmental Ethics, the ElectionIntegrity Act, the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act, and theLobbyist Disclosure Act.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 11

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 22 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $4,250 $5,590 Members' travel expenses $10,039 $5,008 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Eileen McCarrollAdministrative Specialist II(225) 342-5421

Legal authority Article IV, Section 5(E) of the 1974 Louisiana Constitution

Year created 1968

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, CorrectionsServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for receiving and examining informationand documents to make recommendations to the governorregarding applications for clemency and pardon of individualswho are incarcerated.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 classified; 5 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Members and employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $9,681 $3,000 Members' salary $186,000 $186,000

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Fred Y. ClarkChairman(225) 342-6622

Legal authority R.S. 15:574.2

Year created 1968

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, CorrectionsServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for determining the time and conditionsof parole for convicted felons sentenced to prison and confined inthe state and for revoking and returning to incarceration thoseoffenders who are unable to adjust and have violated theconditions of their parole.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 8 classified; 3 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $62,118 $4,393 Members' salary $271,896 $271,896

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Marlene FreemanAssistant Commissioner of Fiscal Affairs(225) 342-4253

Legal authority Article VIII, Section 5 of the 1974 Louisiana Constitution

Year created 1975

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for planning, coordinating, andbudgeting for all public higher education in the state; foradministering the Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund asrequired by Act 1020 of 1986; and for formulating a master planfor higher education, including as a minimum within the masterplan, a formula for the equitable distribution of funds.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees 15 classified; 41 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $19,500 $24,000 Members' travel expenses $21,234 $29,609 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Marie WilliamsClerk(225) 922-0172

Legal authority R.S. 47:1401

Year created 1942

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for acting as an appeal board to hearand decide questions arising from disputes between taxpayersand the state.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 28

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 2 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $34,200 $34,000 Members' travel expenses $3,643 $8,575 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 925-3770

Legal authority R.S. 3:1604

Year created 1992

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for suppressing or eradicating theboll weevil and cooperating with state and federal agencies in theadministration of cost-sharing programs for the suppression oreradication of the boll weevil.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Sharon PerezDirector(225) 342-0040

Legal authority R.S. 39:1401

Year created 1968

Budget unit Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission issues and sells all general obligation bonds ofthe State of Louisiana issued pursuant to Article VII, Section 6 ofthe Constitution, payable from the Bond Security andRedemption Fund. In addition, state agencies and politicalsubdivisions may not incur debt or levy taxes, or hold electionsthereof, without approval or authorization of the commission.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 17; current year estimated - 17

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 10 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $7,034 $12,000 Members' travel expenses $4,357 $4,400 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 51:2384

Year created 1996

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The group is responsible for advising, coordinating with, andproviding research, informational and staff support to theEconomic Development Council to implement the strategiceconomic development plan for the state.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments Expenses of the group are reported with the EconomicDevelopment Council.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Coe HaygoodDirector(318) 995-6845

Legal authority R.S. 25:380.21

Year created 1997

Budget unit Department of State

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for establishing policies, rules, andregulations for the operation of the museum including setting andcharging admission and tour fees and user or rental fees to anyor all museum buildings and exhibits.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ray WhitingAdministrator(504) 568-3335

Legal authority R.S. 40:1299.88

Year created 1980

Budget unit Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for directing disbursements of grantmonies from the Cancer and Lung Trust Fund to be used solelyfor research, clinical investigations, and training in the cancer andcardiopulmonary fields.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $658 $3,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Dana Carpenter, Ph.D.Chairperson(225) 922-2700

Legal authority R.S. 46:2663

Year created 1996

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for directing the operation andmanagement of community-based programs and servicesrelative to public health, mental health, developmentaldisabilities, and substance abuse services for the parishes ofAscension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, andWest Baton Rouge.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 173 classified; 3 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Gwendolyn P. HamiltonExecutive Director(225) 342-1677

Legal authority R.S. 46:2602

Year created 1992

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The cabinet is responsible for facilitating and requiring thecoordination of policy, planning, and budgeting which affectsprograms and services for children and their families;coordinating delivery of services to children and their families;and eliminating duplication of services where appropriate. Thecabinet is responsible for assuring the most efficient andeffective use of resources, particularly through programs forintervention and prevention.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Comments R.S. 46:2607 provides for the cabinet to terminate and itslegal authority to cease, as well as for the repeal of Title 46,Chapter 45, on August 15, 2003.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Judy HarrisonExecutive Director(225) 342-2245

Legal authority R.S. 46:2404

Year created 1983

Budget unit Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for reviewing, evaluating, adopting,coordinating, and revising the comprehensive state plan for childabuse prevention, which is to be funded through the LouisianaChildren's Trust Fund. The board reviews, evaluates, andawards grants from the fund for child abuse and neglectprevention and monitors and evaluates the programs andservices that have been funded by grants from the trust fund.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None None Members' salary None $5,000

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Anne SoileauDeputy Director(225) 342-8070

Legal authority Article XIV, Section 15(c) of the 1921 Louisiana Constitution(adopted as Constitutional Amendment), continued by Article X,Section 3 of the 1974 Louisiana Constitution

Year created 1952

Budget unit Department of State Civil Service

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for the administration andregulation of a merit system for state employees within theclassified service.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 21; current year estimated - 24

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 111 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $15,150 $15,450 Members' travel expenses $10,738 $11,388 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Jan FaulknerExecutive Director(225) 925-4177

Legal authority R.S. 46:2351

Year created 1980

Budget unit Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for promoting and coordinatingpublic and private services for deaf and/or hard of hearingindividuals; serving as an advocate for the needs and rights ofthe deaf and hearing impaired; certifying and maintaining aregistry of certified interpreters; reviewing and reporting on thestatus of available services; and recommending priorities forappropriate programs and services for the deaf and hearingimpaired.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,216 $1,250 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ronnie HarrellDirector(225) 925-3780

Legal authority R.S. 3:4603

Year created 1952

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for testing and inspectingcommercially used weights, measures, and measuring devices tomaintain a fixed standard by which sales and purchases can bemade with confidence.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $120 $400 Members' travel expenses $242 $900 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Michael DuffyActing Assistant SecretaryDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-6717

Legal authority R.S. 46:2500

Year created 1984

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission serves as the advisory board for the Office forAddictive Disorders on state policy with respect to addictivedisorders; advises other state entities on state addictivedisorders policy; recommends policy, program initiatives, andgoals relative to addictive disorders prevention and treatment tobe included in an annual state plan; and serves as a liaison tostate and local entities advocating prevention and treatment ofaddictive disorders.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,142 $4,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mrs. Loyce Pierce WrightExecutive Director(225) 342-6969

Legal authority R.S. 51:2231

Year created 1988

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for assuring that the state hasappropriate legislation prohibiting discrimination in employmentand public accommodations sufficient to justify the deferral ofcases by the federal Equal Employment OpportunityCommission, the Secretary of Labor, and the Department ofJustice, and to safeguard all individuals within the state fromdiscrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age,disability, national origin, sickle cell trait, pregnancy, or othermedical conditions; and to further the interest, rights, andprivileges of individuals within the state.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem $65 per meeting day

Employees 4 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $845 None Members' travel expenses $876 None Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Judy MoutonDeputy Director(225) 925-4430

Legal authority R.S. 15:1201

Year created 1976

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for studying and encouragingadoption of methods that make law enforcement more effectiveand justice administration more efficient and fair, for encouragingpublic understanding of the responsibilities and problems of lawenforcement officers and agencies, and for developing publicsupport for their efforts.

Members Number authorized - 54; currently serving - 54

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees 60 classified; 1 unclassified; 61 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Wayne McCartneyProgram AdministratorDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 765-5058

Legal authority R.S. 40:1142

Year created 1972

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for advising and assisting the statehealth officer in the administration of the certification program foroperators of all water production facilities, treatment plants,distribution systems, and sewerage collection systems andtreatment plants. The committee conducts all work necessary topromote the certification program by developing examinations,examining certificate candidates, and maintaining records.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Judy MoutonDeputy DirectorCommission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice(225) 925-1997

Legal authority R.S. 15:1231

Year created 1994

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee advises law enforcement agencies and seniorcitizen organizations in the study and evaluation of the "TriadPrograms," sponsored by the National Sheriffs' Association, theInternational Association of Chiefs of Police, and the AmericanAssociation of Retired Persons, as an effective response to theproblems of crime against elderly persons.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Carol ColtharpExecutive Assistant to the President(225) 219-8700

Legal authority R.S. 17:1871

Year created 1998

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for the supervision and management ofthe Community and Technical Colleges System, which includesinstitutions that provide programs of vocational-technicaleducation.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 17

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 11

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 classified; 33 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $17,550 $18,000 Members' travel expenses $30,763 $30,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Dr. David CheramieDirector(337) 262-5810

Legal authority R.S. 25:651

Year created 1968

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is empowered to do any and all things necessary toaccomplish the development, utilization, and preservation of theFrench language as found in the state for the cultural andeconomic benefit of the state.

Members Number authorized - 50; currently serving - 50

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 4 classified; 1 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Aubrey FutrellDeputy Assistant DirectorCommission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice(225) 925-1997

Legal authority R.S. 40:2403

Year created 1976

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council has broad supervisory authority over education(training standards) made available to law enforcement officers.This council is responsible for accrediting law enforcementtraining centers; developing minimum curriculum requirements;establishing instructor qualifications; certifying officers andinstructors; inspecting and evaluating training centers, courses,and programs; and adopting, amending, or repealing rules andregulations to implement and interpret applicable acts.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bob WertzProgram Manager(225) 925-1997

Legal authority R.S. 46:1801

Year created 1982

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is used by the Louisiana Commission on LawEnforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice to administerfederal Victims Reparations funds. The board is responsible forreviewing and approving or denying reparations' applications forvictims of violent crimes.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $8,700 $9,000 Members' travel expenses $8,262 $8,500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bob SimonDirector(225) 922-1346

Legal authority R.S. 3:4106

Year created 1974

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing (without charge) andauditing processors, distributors, and retail stores selling dairyproducts and for conducting investigations to detect and preventviolations of laws, rules, and regulations.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem $30 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $150 $400 Members' travel expenses $145 $900 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ed LeachmanDirector(225) 219-4025

Legal authority R.S. 39:291

Year created 1991

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission provides consistent financial, economic,demographic, and other data to be readily accessible in auniform format for management and policy planning purposes.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Judy MoutonDeputy DirectorCommission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice(225) 925-1997

Legal authority EO MJF 96-41

Year created 1996

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with developing, promoting, monitoring,and evaluating the DARE program throughout the state. Theboard serves as an advisory body to the Louisiana Commissionon Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice inthis respect.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Judy MoutonDeputy DirectorCommission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice(225) 925-1997

Legal authority EO MJF 96-44

Year created 1996

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The duties of the board include, but are not limited to, serving asan advisory body to the Louisiana Commission on LawEnforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice anddeveloping a statewide drug control and violent crime strategyencompassing all components of the criminal justice system.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Steve YoungGovernor's Office(225) 342-3423

Legal authority R.S. 49:219.2

Year created 1990

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for identifying, examining, selecting, ordeveloping and recommending or implementing drug controlpolicies to more effectively combat illegal drugs and alcoholabuse; evaluating how anti-drug monies are used inimplementing related programs; identifying and evaluating theeffectiveness of public awareness and drug prevention programs;and assessing the role of law enforcement in combating drugabuse and trafficking.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Dennis ManshackExecutive Director(225) 342-5675

Legal authority R.S. 51:2311

Year created 1988

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for governing the EconomicDevelopment Corporation, which serves as the single reviewboard for all financial assistance, grants, and investmentprograms, administered by the Department of EconomicDevelopment.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 8 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,662 $5,087 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 51:2377

Year created 1996

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for formulating and recommending acomprehensive strategic plan for economic development in thestate and working in concert with the Cabinet Advisory Group onEconomic Development to provide direction and coordination forthe implementation of any state measures the legislature decidesto pursue.

Members Number authorized - 20; currently serving - 20

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 51:2382(B)(1)

Year created 1996

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is authorized to divide the work of the EconomicDevelopment Council into discrete areas and to establish andappoint subcommittees. The committee also meets quarterlywith the Cabinet Advisory Group on Economic Development toexchange information and facilitate implementation strategiesregarding the state master plan for economic development.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments Expenses of the committee are reported with the EconomicDevelopment Council.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Weegie PeabodyExecutive DirectorBoard of Elementary and Secondary Education(225) 342-5840

Legal authority R.S. 17:24.4(J)

Year created 1986

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for studying elementary andsecondary education testing issues and indicators of studentperformance. The commission serves in an advisory capacity tothe Board of Elementary and Secondary Education byrecommending procedures for conducting, maintaining, andreporting reliable accountability measures of studentperformance.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $5,689 None Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Beth CourtneyExecutive Director(225) 767-4200

Legal authority R.S. 17:2503

Year created 1971

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority, which serves four million Louisiana residents andschool children through six television licenses and severalcooperative endeavors, is responsible for promoting the use ofeducational and public television in the state.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $25 per meeting day

Employees 78 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. E. Wayne WattsFirst AssistantDepartment of State(225) 925-4792

Legal authority R.S. 25:380.11

Year created 1993

Budget unit Department of State

Status Active

Purpose/function The governing board is charged with establishing policies, rules,and regulations for the operation of the Edward Douglass WhiteHistoric Site, including setting and charging admission, tour,user, or rental fees to site buildings and exhibits.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Nancy BourgeoisBureau of Emergency Medical ServicesDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-4881

Legal authority R.S. 40:1232.2

Year created 1997

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission advises the Bureau of Emergency MedicalServices within the Department of Health and Hospitals onrequirements and standards for certification of emergencymedical personnel and continuing education requirements forcertification.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None $1,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Nancy BourgeoisBureau of Emergency Medical ServicesDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-4881

Legal authority R.S. 40:1300.105

Year created 1995

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The council advises the Department of Health and Hospitals andthe coordinator of the Emergency Medical Services for Childrenprogram on all matters concerning emergency medical servicesfor children.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetSeptember 30, 1999 September 30, 2000

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $2,335 $5,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Joseph W. BryantDeputy UndersecretaryDepartment of Labor(225) 342-3137

Legal authority R.S. 23:1652

Year created 1936

Budget unit Department of Labor

Status Active

Purpose/function The board serves as the third level of employer claims hearing ofappeals. The board is responsible for disposing of appeals filedto the higher authority.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem $60 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $7,720 $8,150 Members' travel expenses $11,439 $12,398 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Paul ColombStaff Attorney(225) 342-7100

Legal authority R.S. 46:933

Year created 1992

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for developing and implementingpolicies and procedures pertaining to the Office of Elderly Affairswithin the Office of the Governor; for approving matters of policyand all rules and regulations pertaining to elderly affairs and allvoluntary parish councils on aging; and for reviewing and makingrecommendations to the director of the Office of Elderly Affairson matters of general importance and relevance to the planning,monitoring, coordination, and delivery of services to the elderly.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $520 $1,000 Members' travel expenses $1,107 $2,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 925-3770

Legal authority R.S. 3:1892

Year created 1948

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for registering and regulatingoperations of the feed industry in Louisiana to ensure qualityproducts for the farmers and consumers in the state.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 925-3770

Legal authority R.S. 3:1312

Year created 1948

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for registering and regulating theactivities of the fertilizer industry so that it may provide qualityproducts to the farmers and consumers of the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Nancy DeWittHuman Resource Director(225) 925-6067

Legal authority R.S. 33:2006

Year created 1967

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for deciding questions of eligibility offiremen to receive supplemental pay out of state funds.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Not provided

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the board had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Paul D. FreyState Forester(225) 925-4500

Legal authority R.S. 3:4271

Year created 1921

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for protecting, conserving, andreplenishing the natural resources of the state. The commissionprepares plans for execution of laws relating to forestry, selectsand employs the state forester and controls his tenure of office,and directs and advises the state forester in the work of thecommission.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $356 $500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry

Legal authority EO MJF 98-48

Year created 1998

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is responsible for evaluating the extent ofFormosan termite infestations in the state and the extent ofeconomic and property damage that has resulted from thatactivity; analyzing strategies for treating areas infested withFormosan termites; and eradicating the termites.

Members Number authorized - 25; currently serving - 25

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Greg LinscombeProgram ManagerDepartment of Wildlife and Fisheries(337) 373-0032

Legal authority R.S. 56:266(C)

Year created 1986

Budget unit Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for reviewing and approvingrecommended procedures and programs to be funded from theLouisiana Fur and Alligator Public Education and Marketing Fundand the Louisiana Alligator Resource Fund and ensures that anymonies from the fund are expended for the specific goals of thecouncil.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $12,194 $25,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Lana TramonteAdministrative Assistant(225) 295-8450

Legal authority R.S. 27:11

Year created 1996

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board has all regulatory authority, control, and jurisdiction,including investigation, licensing, and enforcement, and all powerincidental or necessary to such regulatory authority, control, andjurisdiction over all aspects of gaming activities and operationswithin the state.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 17

Authorized per diem $100 per meeting

Employees 1 classified; 3 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $7,600 None Members' travel expenses $14,457 $81,280 Members' salary $222,073 $249,947

Comments Members' salary for the budget year also includes per diem.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. E. Wayne WattsFirst AssistantDepartment of State(225) 925-4792

Legal authority R.S. 25:380.1

Year created 1992

Budget unit Department of State

Status Active

Purpose/function The board adopts bylaws and establishes policies andprocedures for the museum's governance in accordance with theAdministrative Procedure Act; advises the secretary of state onall matters relating to the operations of the Louisiana StateCotton Museum; and sets and charges admission, tour, and useror rental fees.

Members Number authorized - 22; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Durand "Rudy" MacklinExecutive Director(225) 342-4886

Legal authority R.S. 40:2451

Year created 1980

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for developing, fostering, andcoordinating services and programs of physical fitness andsports for the people of Louisiana; sponsoring physical fitnessand sports workshops; giving recognition to outstandingdevelopments and achievements in physical fitness and sports;stimulating physical fitness research; and enlisting the support ofindividuals, civic groups, amateur and professional sportsassociations, and other organizations to promote and improvephysical fitness and sports programs.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Sue M. BollinProgram SpecialistDepartment of Social Services(225) 925-4135

Legal authority EO MJF 96-43

Year created 1996

Budget unit Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The council advises the Office of Rehabilitation Services withinthe Department of Social Services in the development ofprograms, methods, and strategies designed to enhanceopportunities of employment and independence for persons withdisabilities.

Members Number authorized - 30; currently serving - 30

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $23,934 $25,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Louis PrejeanGovernor's Office of Disability Affairs(225) 219-7550

Legal authority EO MJF 96-42

Year created 1996

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for jointly developing, in conjunctionwith the Office of Rehabilitation Services, a state plan forindependent living services and centers for independent livingand monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating implementation of thisstate plan.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Colonel Michael BrownAssistant DirectorOffice of Emergency Preparedness(225) 342-6629

Legal authority EO MJF 96-49

Year created 1996

Budget unit Military Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The team advises and assists the Office of EmergencyPreparedness in updating and improving its disaster assistanceand emergency preparedness plans. The team also reviews andrecommends funding for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program,Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants, and Project ImpactSelections.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Marshall J. RyalsExecutive Director(504) 568-5835

Legal authority R.S. 17:3053

Year created 1968

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority is responsible for promoting the medical and healtheducation activities of private and public institutions in the state,assisting in providing prompt and efficient medical and healthcare services at a reasonable cost, and striving to achievesuperlative standards of attainment in health care and education.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None $4,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. James E. ChampagneExecutive Director(225) 925-6991

Legal authority R.S. 48:1351

Year created 1968

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for developing and administeringthe state's traffic safety program by cooperating with the federalgovernment and other entities for the purpose of highway safety;preparing highway safety plans; studying, evaluating, andpreparing statistics regarding motor vehicle crashes, injuries, anddeaths; and obtaining federal funds for use within the state forhighway safety purposes.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 16 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,660 $2,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 925-3770

Legal authority R.S. 3:3801

Year created 1950

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for governing the qualificationsand practices of professional arborists, retail and wholesaleflorists, horticulturists, landscape architects, landscapecontractors, nursery stock dealers, and cut flower dealers. Thecommission establishes examinations and collects examination,license, and permit fees.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $40 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $120 $250 Members' travel expenses $283 $300 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Jelpi Picou, Jr.Director(504) 568-8530

Legal authority R.S. 15:151

Year created 1997

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for providing supplemental funds, whenappropriated, to judicial district indigent defender boards andthrough its established programs for the purposes of complyingwith the requirements of the constitutions of the United Statesand Louisiana and specific statutory provisions affording the rightto counsel to indigent defendants in criminal cases.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $101 per meeting

Employees 5 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $2,222 $3,636 Members' travel expenses $2,214 $5,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Ronald G. CouvillionAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Insurance(225) 342-7964

Legal authority R.S. 22:1401

Year created 1992

Budget unit Department of Insurance

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for regulating insurancecompanies and rating organizations governing the application ofrules and rates; reviewing and approving or disapproving rates tobe charged on all casualty-surety-fire and inland marine risks,including applications for deviations from rates, plans, schedules,or rules; and calling and conducting hearings when modified priorapproval rate filings are not sufficiently documented by actuarialevidence.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 15; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $5,950 $16,000 Members' travel expenses $13,550 $16,203 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Carle JacksonCriminal Justice Policy Advisor(225) 925-4440

Legal authority R.S. 15:1228

Year created 1999

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for coordinating the design,development, maintenance, and use of an Integrated CriminalJustice Information System that serves the criminal justiceagencies in Louisiana.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Janie MartinExecutive Director(225) 219-7560

Legal authority R.S. 17:1979

Year created 1987

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for advising and assisting theDepartment of Education in identifying sources of fiscal and othersupport for services for early intervention programs for infantsand toddlers with special needs; assisting in achieving the fullparticipation, coordination, and cooperation of all public agenciesin Louisiana; assisting in assigning financial responsibility toappropriate agencies; and promoting interagency agreements.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - 32

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employee participates in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $6,467 $8,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Cynthia B. DuhonBoard Secretary(225) 342-0349

Legal authority R.S. 39:461; Article VII, Section 7 of the 1974 LouisianaConstitution

Year created 1974

Budget unit Department of Treasury

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for obtaining funds, either from thestate General Fund or by borrowing on the full faith and credit ofthe state, when an emergency situation arises between sessionsof the legislature. In addition, the board recommends prioritychanges in the capital outlay program and approves financialinstitutions as state depositories/fiscal agents.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $103 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information ActualJune 30, 2000

Per diem $675 Members' travel expenses $263 Members' salary None

Comments A representative of the board informed us that members' perdiem and travel expense reimbursements cannot be budgetedbecause the board only meets for emergencies.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Jan FaulknerExecutive DirectorLouisiana Commission for the Deaf(225) 925-4177

Legal authority R.S. 46:2352(7)(c)(i)

Year created 1993

Budget unit Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for reporting to and advising theLouisiana Commission for the Deaf in the administration of thecertification program for sign language interpreters, including anyspecialized interpreters.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None $250 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Gerald BreauxPresident(337) 232-3737

Legal authority R.S. 48:1831

Year created 1993

Budget unit Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is charged with developing and implementing a planfor the preservation, beautification, and promotion of the scenicdrive and the natural, historic, and cultural sites and attractions ofthe route of Louisiana Highway 82, beginning at the VermilionParish line and ending at Holmwood, Louisiana.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Dr. Leslie TremaineExecutive Director(504) 838-5215

Legal authority R.S. 28:831

Year created 1989

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for directing the operation andmanagement of mental health, mental retardation, andsubstance abuse services for Jefferson Parish.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 157 classified; 53 unclassified; 10 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Rodney WatsonDivision of School Standards, Accountability and AssistanceDepartment of Education(225) 342-3513

Legal authority EO MJF 96-8

Year created 1996

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission oversaw the development of a stateconsolidation plan to improve education, developedrecommendations regarding the implementation of the plan, andis currently overseeing the implementation of the plan.

Members Number authorized - unlimited; currently serving - not provided

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None $4,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Charles M. FullerExecutive Director(225) 925-4895

Legal authority R.S. 40:1841

Year created 1950

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for regulating the LiquefiedPetroleum Gas and Anhydrous Ammonia CommercialDistribution System within the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 14

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees 10 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $4,200 $4,800 Members' travel expenses $4,468 $4,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Michelle RiberaDirector(225) 922-1238

Legal authority R.S. 3:732

Year created 1944

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for investigating livestock thefts,maintaining brand records, and reporting livestock marketinformation. The commission receives assistance from the statepolice, local sheriffs, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and lawenforcement officials in other states.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $136 $600 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Dr. Maxwell LeaDirector(225) 925-3980

Legal authority R.S. 3:2091

Year created 1908

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for licensing and supervising livestockdealers and auction markets and for requiring livestock owners toquarantine, test, or vaccinate livestock to prevent, control, anderadicate disease. The board serves all livestock producers andowners in the state.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 14

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,789 $3,500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Mary PerraultDirector(225) 342-9149

Legal authority R.S. 25:1232

Year created 1999

Budget unit Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for planning and developingactivities to commemorate the bicentennial of the LouisianaPurchase. The commission also serves as a clearinghouse forcollecting and disseminating information about bicentennialevents and plans in the state.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Brother David SinitiereExecutive Director(318) 357-3174

Legal authority R.S. 17:1964

Year created 1982

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board establishes policies necessary for an efficientoperation, selects and employs staff, establishes a curriculum,and otherwise provides for the general operation of the school.

Members Number authorized - 24; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 15 classified; 75 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $3,711 $4,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Todd M. Barre'Director of Budget(225) 388-6935

Legal authority R.S. 17:1453

Year created 1855

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for the supervision and management ofthe Louisiana State University and Agricultural and MechanicalCollege System. The mission of the system involvesdevelopment of the highest levels of intellectual and professionalendeavor in programs of instruction, research, and service.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 4 classified; 17 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Members and employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $9,343 $10,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. William J. HebertFinancial Operations Manager(504) 851-2800

Legal authority R.S. 17:3451

Year created 1979

Budget unit Board of Regents

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for administering the affairs of theconsortium. The board reports to the Board of Regents on allfiscal and programmatic matters of the consortium.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bryce MaloneAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 922-1277

Legal authority R.S. 3:401

Year created 1940

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for promoting Louisiana products,administering loan programs for Louisiana agricultural industries,and enforcing regulations on Louisiana products. Thecommission serves all farmers subject to rules governing gradingand certification of farm products and agribusinesses eligible forloans and loan guarantees for processing and storing agriculturalproducts.

Members Number authorized - 12; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Not provided

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Rhonda R. ClarkSection ManagerOffice of Motor Vehicles(225) 925-6983

Legal authority R.S. 40:1351

Year created 1968

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for advising the Department of PublicSafety and Corrections, Public Safety Services, with respect tothe visual ability or physical condition of driver's licenseapplicants insofar as any impairment or disability may hinder theperson's ability to maintain reasonable control of a motor vehicle.

Members Number authorized - 18; currently serving - 18

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Louis LylesProgram ManagerDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-3922

Legal authority R.S. 46:2604

Year created 1992

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for advising the secretary of theDepartment of Health and Hospitals in the administration of theMedical Assistance Trust Fund and the Community BasedServices Trust Fund; providing recommendations, advice, andassistance in the analysis and preparation of rules andregulations pertinent to the operation and administration of thetrust funds; and reviewing the financial records and accounts ofthe trust funds and making such recommendations to thesecretary as are deemed appropriate.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Paula KramerDivision of Research and DevelopmentDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-4702

Legal authority R.S. 40:1299.40(E) and (F)

Year created 1975

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The panel is responsible for determining which risks and hazardsrelated to medical care and surgical procedures must bedisclosed by a physician or other health care provider to a patientor person authorized to consent for a patient and to establish thegeneral form and substance of such disclosure.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 3

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $162 $700 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Sandra R. AlfordExecutive Staff Officer(225) 342-6052

Legal authority R.S. 40:1299.44(D)

Year created 1990

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for the management, administration,operation, and defense of the Medical Malpractice Patient'sCompensation Fund.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees 28 classified; 1 unclassified; 5 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $4,350 $8,850 Members' travel expenses $1,808 $2,400 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Kevin RobshawDirector(225) 342-6678

Legal authority R.S. 28:64

Year created 1977

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board governs the Mental Health Advocacy Service, whichprovides legal counsel and representation for mentally disabledpersons and ensures that their rights are protected. The MentalHealth Advocacy Service provides legal counsel to all patientsrequesting such service who are admitted for treatment pursuantto involuntary admission, commitment, legal competency, changeof status, transfer, or discharge.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 14 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Bonnie YarbroughAccountant 3(225) 342-4533

Legal authority R.S. 30:121

Year created 1936

Budget unit Department of Natural Resources

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for leasing state lands for mineralexploration and development. The board reviews existingmineral leases for proper maintenance, development, andoperation; reviews payments pursuant to state leases; anddocuments agreements affecting state leases, includingunitization, compromise, consent letters, and assignments.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting day

Employees 10 classified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $22,650 None Members' travel expenses $21,089 $6,225 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Sidney BabinChief Landscape Architect(225) 379-1550

Legal authority R.S. 48:101(A)

Year created 1980

Budget unit Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is an affiliate of the National Mississippi RiverParkway Planning Commission and is required to cooperate withand assist it in promoting interest in the development of the GreatRiver Road as designated by the federal authorities and to servein an advisory capacity to the Department of Transportation andDevelopment.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $4,429 $14,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 25:315

Year created 1979

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for promoting and developingpopular commercial music and its related industry in Louisiana.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees 1 classified; 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,230 $1,500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Weegie PeabodyExecutive DirectorBoard of Elementary and Secondary Education(225) 342-5840

Legal authority R.S. 17:11

Year created 1975

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for advising and counseling theBoard of Elementary and Secondary Education relative toguidelines for private and proprietary schools' minimumrequirements of a sustained curriculum or specialized course ofstudy of quality at least equal to that prescribed for similar publicschools.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 5

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,635 $2,200 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Terry W. GeeExecutive Director(225) 379-1235

Legal authority R.S. 34:3104

Year created 1972

Budget unit Department of Transportation and Development

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The authority is charged with promoting the industrial andpetrochemical base of the Mississippi Valley by providingadequate deep draft port facilities; promoting scientific and otheruses relating to offshore terminal facilities; accommodating andplanning for technological innovations occurring in the worldwideand domestic shipping industry to increase efficiency and theflow of commerce; protecting environmental values andLouisiana's coastal marshland ecosystem; and asserting andprotecting Louisiana's economic, social, and environmentalinterests in the development of any offshore terminal facilitiesoutside the State of Louisiana where such development mayhave an impact upon the state.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments R.S. 34:3104 specifies that the authority shall be governed by aboard of commissioners appointed by the governor. According tothe executive director, a board of commissioners does not existand he was appointed by the governor and confirmed by theSenate.

Recommendation The legislature should consider amending R.S. 34:3104 as itpertains to the existence of a board of commissioners and toprovide for the executive director's appointment.

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Contact: Mr. Gary RossPetroleum Engineer ManagerDepartment of Natural Resources(225) 342-6089

Legal authority R.S. 30:83

Year created 1993

Budget unit Department of Natural Resources

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for approving lists of contractorsacceptable to conduct site assessment and restoration; reviewingthe administration of site restoration activities and the adequacyof restoration assessments; and administering and managing theOilfield Site Restoration Fund.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 10

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mrs. Tracy MitchellActing Executive DirectorSeafood Promotion and Marketing Board(504) 568-5693

Legal authority R.S. 56:421

Year created 1999

Budget unit Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Active

Purpose/function The task force is charged to study the decline in molluscanshellfish salability, to monitor the water quality and managementrequirements of the state's molluscan shellfish propagatingareas, and to coordinate efforts to increase oyster production andsalability.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 8; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $286 None Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Sandee WinchellExecutive Director(225) 342-6804

Legal authority R.S. 28:750

Year created 1982

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is established to plan effective coordination of stateresources to meet the needs and promote the dignity of personswith developmental disabilities; to serve as an advisor to thegovernor, the secretary of the Department of Health andHospitals, and the legislature on programs and policies pertainingto services; and to promote provision of a full range of services,assistance, and opportunities for persons with developmentaldisabilities, including housing, education, rehabilitation,employment, recreation, family support, and other neededsupport services in the least restrictive environment.

Members Number authorized - 24; currently serving - 22

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 5; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 9 classified; 2 unclassified; 1 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $15,451 $15,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bryce MaloneAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 922-1277

Legal authority R.S. 3:551.82

Year created 1972

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The board was established to promote the growth anddevelopment of the pork industry in Louisiana through researchand advertisement.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments For the seventh year, a representative of the Department ofAgriculture and Forestry reported that the board is inactive. Theboard is not fulfilling the functions for which it was established bylaw.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the board.

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Contact: Ms. Ginger WilliamsonExecutive Officer(225) 342-6603

Legal authority R.S. 15:1155

Year created 1983

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, CorrectionsServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the secretary of Corrections Servicesregarding the management of the agricultural and industrialprograms that are operated by Prison Enterprises at the variousstate correctional institutions.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $4,800 $7,875 Members' travel expenses $3,095 $4,836 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mrs. Von M. MeadorUndersecretary(225) 342-4421

Legal authority R.S. 45:1161.1

Year created 1921

Budget unit Public Service Commission

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for fixing and regulating the ratesand services of public utilities; prescribing rules and regulationsgoverning the operation of contract carriers in competition withcommon carriers; and prescribing minimum rates, fares, andcharges.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees 99 classified; 17 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Members and employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $33,884 Not provided Members' salary $225,000 $225,000

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 4:144

Year created 1940

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for instituting and maintaining aregulatory program for horse racing in Louisiana to protect publichealth, safety, and welfare.

Members Number authorized - 10; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 7

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees 13 classified; 65 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $2,900 $20,000 Members' travel expenses $33,626 $12,626 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Louis CornayMember(337) 662-5876

Legal authority R.S. 48:2002

Year created 1995

Budget unit Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for developing and implementing a planfor the preservation, beautification, and promotion of the scenicdrive beginning at LA 93 from Bayou Fusilier and ending at theintersection with US 167.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Curtis G. PattersonAssistant Secretary, Public Works and Intermodal TransportationDepartment of Transportation and Development(225) 379-1294

Legal authority R.S. 38:20

Year created 1978

Budget unit Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The purpose and function of the Compact Commission is toadminister and enforce compliance with the provisions of theCompact among the four signatory states, Texas, Oklahoma,Arkansas, and Louisiana. The Compact is simply a contractbetween the four states to divide and apportion the waters of theRed River in a fair and equitable manner. The primary businessof the Compact Commission is to establish equitable rules forapportioning the waters and equitable methods for calculatingand monitoring compliance with the apportionment rules.

Members Number authorized - 2; currently serving - 2

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $100 $100 Members' travel expenses $411 $600 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Kathy BlankenshipFiscal OfficerDepartment of Economic Development(225) 342-9658

Legal authority R.S. 51:2402

Year created 1989

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Disbanded

Purpose/function The council was charged to develop a master plan for utilizationof the fresh water supply of the Red River and for thedevelopment of the area within the watersheds of the Red Riverand its tributaries and for the protection of the watersheds.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments The council completed its mission and submitted the master planto the governor and the legislature in February 1991. The councilhas fulfilled the function for which it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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Contact: Mr. Forrest DunnAdministrator(318) 632-2020

Legal authority R.S. 25:379.1

Year created 1991

Budget unit Department of State

Status Active

Purpose/function The board establishes policies, rules, and regulations for theoperation of the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum and advises thesecretary of state on all matters relating to the operation of themuseum.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees 7 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. John TravisCommissioner of Financial Institutions(225) 925-4660

Legal authority R.S. 6:1093

Year created 1999

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the commissioner of financial institutions onwhat continuing professional education is necessary andappropriate for residential mortgage lenders in the state.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses None $1,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Suzanne LavergneProgram ManagerDepartment of Health and Hospitals(225) 342-9513

Legal authority R.S. 40:2198

Year created 1993

Budget unit Department of Health and Hospitals

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The authority, through the Department of Health and Hospitals,was authorized to establish primary health clinics in each ruralparish and to enhance comprehensive regional treatment centersto meet the special health care needs of rural Louisiana in theareas of Alexandria, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Shreveport,Monroe, New Orleans, and Lake Charles. The authority wascharged with establishing three commissions in south Louisianaand three commissions in north Louisiana to meet the healthcare needs of those areas.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments For the third year, a representative of the Department of Healthand Hospitals reported that the authority is inactive. Theauthority is not fulfilling the functions for which it was establishedby law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the authority.

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Contact: Ms. Linda Curtis-SparksExecutive Director(318) 256-4112

Legal authority R.S. 38:2322

Year created 1950

Budget unit Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for conserving, storing, controlling,preserving, using, and distributing the waters of the rivers andstreams of the Sabine watershed; draining and reclaiming themarsh, swamp, and overflow lands in the district; controllingfloods and causing settlement and cultivation of the lands; andconserving and beneficially using the water resources of theSabine River and its tributaries.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 13

Number of meetings Prior year actual - not provided; current year estimated - notprovided

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees 59 classified; 2 unclassified; 32 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $5,400 $16,250 Members' travel expenses $4,298 $5,093 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Brad SmithBoard of Elementary and Secondary Education(225) 342-5840

Legal authority EO MJF 99-41

Year created 1999

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for analyzing the financing of thepublic education system in Louisiana and making writtenrecommendations; evaluating current goals of the minimumfoundation program (MFP) and determining whether there is aneed to modify, delete, or supplement the goals; evaluating theadequacy of the method used to determine the cost of educatingchildren; and determining an equitable distribution of the MFPfunds to the local school districts.

Members Number authorized - 27; currently serving - 27

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 27; current year estimated - 27

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $8,446 $5,000 Members' salary None None

Comments The commission will terminate on March 1, 2001, in accordancewith EO MJF 99-41.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mrs. Tracy MitchellActing Executive Director(504) 568-5693

Legal authority R.S. 56:578.2

Year created 1981

Budget unit Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Status Active

Purpose/function The board functions as a liaison with other state, federal, andregional fishery development agencies regarding investment, taxincentives, and other means of assisting the economicdevelopment of the Louisiana's commercial seafood industry.The board also develops markets and marketing strategies for allLouisiana seafood products.

Members Number authorized - 15; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 6; current year estimated - 6

Authorized per diem $35 per meeting

Employees 2 classified; 2 unclassified; 2 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $305 None Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 925-3770

Legal authority R.S. 3:1432

Year created 1946

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for licensing and regulating theseed industry and for providing quality seed for Louisianaconsumers and producers. The commission is also responsiblefor a seed certification system that keeps pedigree records forcrop varieties and provides a source of genetically pure seed andpropagating materials for general distribution.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 2; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Carle L. JacksonPolicy Advisor for Criminal Justice(225) 925-4440

Legal authority R.S. 15:322

Year created 1987

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission was created to serve local and state criminaljustice agencies by formulating advisory sentencing guidelines tobe considered by the judiciary in determining sentences inparticular court cases. The commission was charged to conductan annual review on sentencing in Louisiana and advise thegovernor and legislature on all matters relating to sentencing.

Members Number authorized - 23; currently serving - 23

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Beverly ShawFiscal OfficerDepartment of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(225) 342-8198

Legal authority R.S. 49:1112

Year created 1993

Budget unit Office of Lieutenant Governor

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is charged with encouraging community serviceas a means of community and state problem-solving, promotingand supporting citizen involvement in government and privateprograms, developing a long-term comprehensive vision andplan for action for community service initiatives in Louisiana,acting as the state's policy-making body for the corporation onNational and Community Service, and serving as the state'sliaison to national and state organizations which support itsmission.

Members Number authorized - 25; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $158 None Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Henry StamperDirectorSmall and Emerging Business Development(225) 342-5373

Legal authority R.S. 51:1765

Year created 1996

Budget unit Department of Economic Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for reviewing and commenting uponthe processes used by the Division of EconomicallyDisadvantaged Business Development in determining qualifiedbusinesses, advising the division regarding approaches indelivering developmental assistance to disadvantaged business,monitoring the efforts of the division, and conducting regionalmeetings to inform the citizenry of the work of the division.

Members Number authorized - 11; currently serving - 11

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 7; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 10 classified; 1 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information ActualJune 30, 2000

Per diem $1,725 Members' travel expenses $2,359 Members' salary None

Comments The director advised us that funding for the council waseliminated for fiscal year 2000-01.

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Dena SloanExecutive Secretary(228) 539-1179

Legal authority R.S. 48:1671

Year created 1980

Budget unit Department of Transportation and Development

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission was created to investigate the feasibility of railpassenger service in the tri-state area and to promote and initiatethis service based on feasibility.

Members Number authorized - 21; currently serving - 21

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 10; current year estimated - 11

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 2 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetSeptember 30, 1999 September 30, 2000

Per diem $7,200 $16,000 Members' travel expenses $44,374 $36,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Myron K. LawsonChairman(225) 771-4600

Legal authority R.S. 17:1851 and 17:3216

Year created 1975

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for supervising and managing theSouthern University System. The system includes SouthernUniversity and Agricultural and Mechanical College at BatonRouge, Southern University Law Center, Southern University atShreveport, and Southern University at New Orleans.

Members Number authorized - 17; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $12,450 $25,000 Members' travel expenses $60,988 $60,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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(Political Subdivision)

Contact: Mr. Lonnie StockwellAccountantPostlethwaite & Netterville(504) 837-5990

Legal authority Act 541 of 1976; Act 640 of 1993

Year created 1976

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for financing and operating a multi-purpose domed stadium and related facilities.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 13; current year estimated - 11

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None $8,640 Members' travel expenses None $19,860 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bruce J. MinorFiscal Officer(225) 925-6615

Legal authority R.S. 42:871

Year created 1979

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for adopting rules and regulations forthe administration of the State Employees Group BenefitsProgram. The board provides group health and accidentinsurance and group life insurance to state employees, stateretirees, school board employees, school board retirees, andtheir dependents.

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 16

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 14; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 392 classified; 4 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $7,021 $12,500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Debra JohnsonDirector(225) 925-7057

Legal authority Article X, Part IV, Section 41 of the 1974 Louisiana Constitution

Year created 1991

Budget unit Department of State Civil Service

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for administering and regulatingthe state police classified and unclassified service.

Members Number authorized - 7; currently serving - 7

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees 4 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $3,675 $4,000 Members' travel expenses $2,803 $3,500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Bradley E. SpicerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 922-1269

Legal authority R.S. 3:1204

Year created 1938

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The committee is responsible for assisting the supervisors of soiland water conservation districts in carrying out any of theirprograms.

Members Number authorized - 8; currently serving - 8

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 11; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem $35 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $2,170 $2,100 Members' travel expenses $4,765 $3,800 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. Matthew KeppingerAssistant CommissionerDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry(225) 925-3770

Legal authority R.S. 3:3363

Year created 1942

Budget unit Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for regulating the structural pestcontrol industry to protect the interests, health, safety, andwelfare of the public.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $40 per meeting day

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $320 $500 Members' travel expenses $522 $600 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Connie AlmondFiscal Officer(225) 922-1041

Legal authority R.S. 36:642

Year created 1964

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for assisting postsecondarystudents in obtaining financial resources for the pursuit of theiracademic goals. Assistance is provided through the guaranteeof student loans and through scholarships, grants, andentitlements.

Members Number authorized - 19; currently serving - 19

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 18; current year estimated - 18

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees 151 classified; 3 unclassified; 154 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $7,450 $8,100 Members' travel expenses $10,534 $10,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Nancy DewittHuman Resources Director(225) 925-6067

Legal authority R.S. 33:2218.7

Year created 1962

Budget unit Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public SafetyServices

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for determining the eligibility ofmunicipal police officers to receive additional pay out of statefunds.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - unknown

Number of meetings Prior year actual - unknown; current year estimated - unknown

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments As of December 1, 2000, the board had not submittedinformation requested by the legislative auditor in accordancewith R.S. 24:513.2(F).

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Diane PfeiferContracts and Fiscal Coordinator(225) 922-0690

Legal authority R.S. 17:2757

Year created 1992

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for recommending and supportingchange and improvement in school mathematics and science tothe Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Board ofRegents, the management boards for colleges and universities,the State Superintendent of Education, and the Commissioner ofHigher Education.

Members Number authorized - 28; currently serving - 28

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 2

Authorized per diem None

Employees 2 classified; 6 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Ms. Diane PfeiferContracts and Fiscal CoordinatorSystemic Initiatives Program Council(225) 922-0690

Legal authority R.S. 17:2758(A)(4)

Year created 1995

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The executive committee is authorized to act for the council in itsabsence, except that the executive committee may not authorizethe allocation of funds to professional development projects ormodify salaries of council staff.

Members Number authorized - 6; currently serving - 6

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 1; current year estimated - 1

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $429 None Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Contact: Mr. James D. PetersAdministrator(225) 925-7830

Legal authority R.S. 47:1831

Year created 1916

Budget unit Department of Revenue

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for administering and enforcingLouisiana laws relating to local property tax and public serviceproperty tax assessments. The commission is charged with theresponsibility of formulating and implementing a system thatensures uniformity of tax assessments throughout all parishes ofthe state.

Members Number authorized - 3; currently serving - 3

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 28; current year estimated - 33

Authorized per diem None

Employees 30 classified; 4 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Members and employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $12,150 $12,500 Members' salary $181,128 $181,128

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Budget Units Page E-129

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Don HutchinsonDeputy Commissioner of Administration(225) 342-7105

Legal authority R.S. 39:212

Year created 1997

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The council is responsible for establishing policies, procedures,and criteria relative to innovative technological systems andservices and their applications to government as well asrecommending funding for those proposed projects that meetestablished requirements.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 3; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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Page E-130 Budget Units

2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Jan FaulknerExecutive DirectorCommission for the Deaf(225) 925-4177

Legal authority R.S. 46:2352

Year created 1995

Budget unit Department of Social Services

Status Active

Purpose/function The board advises the Commission for the Deaf on mattersrelating to the statewide program to provide access to all publictelecommunications services by persons who are deaf,deaf/blind, and others such as severely hearing impaired orseverely speech impaired.

Members Number authorized - 13; currently serving - 12

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem None

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $1,429 $1,500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Connie AlmondFiscal Officer(225) 922-1041

Legal authority R.S. 17:3093

Year created 1993

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The authority was created to provide financing assistance foreducation and protection against rising tuition costs and toencourage savings to enhance the ability of citizens to obtainaccess to postsecondary institutions.

Members Number authorized - 23; currently serving - 23

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 18; current year estimated - 18

Authorized per diem $50 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $50 $450 Members' travel expenses None $780 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Bobby P. JindalSystem President(225) 342-6950

Legal authority Article VIII, Section 6 of the 1974 Louisiana Constitution andR.S. 17:1831

Year created 1974

Budget unit Department of Education

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for supervising and managing statecolleges and universities that are not managed by a highereducation board created specifically for such a purpose. Thefollowing universities are under the specific supervision andmanagement of the board:

• Grambling State University at Grambling• Louisiana Tech University at Ruston• McNeese State University at Lake Charles• Nicholls State University at Thibodaux• University of Louisiana at Monroe• Northwestern State University of Louisiana at

Natchitoches• Southeastern Louisiana University at Hammond• University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Members Number authorized - 16; currently serving - 15

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 9; current year estimated - 8

Authorized per diem $50 per day spent on board business

Employees 2 classified; 13 unclassified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $9,350 $14,250 Members' travel expenses $22,875 $33,250 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Joey StricklandExecutive Director(225) 922-0500

Legal authority R.S. 29:253

Year created 1944

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for adopting and promulgatingrules and regulations governing the operations of the Departmentof Veterans Affairs, advising the department's director inproblems concerning the welfare of veterans, making andpublishing annual and special reports to the governor concerningthe operations of the department, and establishing service officesthroughout the state.

Members Number authorized - 9; currently serving - 9

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 4; current year estimated - 4

Authorized per diem $75 per day spent on board business

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem $5,375 $13,500 Members' travel expenses $6,031 $5,000 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Dan BoudreauxAssistant SecretaryDepartment of Labor(225) 342-7561

Legal authority R.S. 23:1294

Year created 1989

Budget unit Department of Labor

Status Inactive

Purpose/function The council is responsible for monitoring and reporting to thegovernor and the legislature on the implementation andadministration of laws pertaining to the administration of workers'compensation claims and to make specific recommendationsthereon.

Members Number authorized - 14; currently serving - none

Number of meetings Prior year actual - none; current year estimated - none

Authorized per diem $75 per meeting

Employees None

Participation in state benefit plans None

Members' expense information None

Comments A representative of the Department of Labor reported that thecouncil is inactive. The council is not fulfilling the functions forwhich it was established by law.

Recommendation The legislature should consider abolishing the council.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Mr. Joseph San MarieDirector(225) 342-7868

Legal authority R.S. 23:1372

Year created 1974

Budget unit Department of Labor

Status Active

Purpose/function The board is responsible for administering the Workers'Compensation Second Injury Fund to determine whether anemployer or his insurer is entitled to reimbursement from thefund when a handicapped employee receives a subsequentinjury that creates a greater disability than would have resultedfrom the subsequent injury alone. The board serves allemployers and insurance companies writing workers'compensation insurance.

Members Number authorized - 5; currently serving - 5

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 13 classified

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report


Contact: Ms. Chris WeaverExecutive Director(225) 342-2462

Legal authority R.S. 23:71

Year created 1997

Budget unit Executive Department

Status Active

Purpose/function The commission is responsible for developing a multiagencycooperative approach to workforce education, training anddevelopment by promoting comprehensive workforcedevelopment programs, especially professional and technicalprograms that equal the highest standards for achievement. Thecommission also serves as the state's Workforce InvestmentBoard for implementation of the federal Workforce InvestmentAct of 1998.

Members Number authorized - 25; currently serving - 20

Number of meetings Prior year actual - 12; current year estimated - 12

Authorized per diem None

Employees 3 unclassified; 8 part-time

Participation in state benefit plans Employees participate in state benefit plans.

Members' expense information Actual BudgetJune 30, 2000 June 30, 2001

Per diem None None Members' travel expenses $8,020 $10,500 Members' salary None None

Recommendation No change recommended.

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An alphabetical index of the 480 boards, commissions, and like entitiesincluded within this report is located on the following pages.

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Boards, Commissions, and Like EntitiesReport to the Legislature


2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Abbeville Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners ..............................................................B-1Advisory Commission on Pesticides ..........................................................................................................E-1Advisory Commission on Proprietary Schools ...........................................................................................E-2Advisory Commission on Teacher Education and Certification ................................................................ D-1Advisory Committee for the Regulation and Control of Water Well Drillers.............................................. D-2Advisory Committee on Assisted Living .................................................................................................... D-3Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunity ................................................................................................E-3Advisory Committee on Hospice Care ...................................................................................................... D-4Advisory Committee on Licensing of Child Care Facilities and Child Placing Agencies......................................................................................................................................E-4Advisory Committee on Midwifery ............................................................................................................. D-5Advisory Committee on Pain ..................................................................................................................... D-6Advisory Committee on Respiratory Care ..................................................................................................A-1Advisory Council for Technology Access by the Visually Impaired ............................................................E-5Advisory Council on Early Identification of Hearing Impairment in Infants ................................................ D-7Advisory Council on the Child Care and Development Block Grant Program........................................... D-8Advisory Panel for the Education of Children with Exceptionalities .......................................................... D-9Agricultural Commodities Commission ......................................................................................................E-6Agricultural Finance Authority ....................................................................................................................E-7Airport Authority Board of Commissioners .............................................................................................. D-10Alarm Services Advisory Board............................................................................................................... D-11Alexandria Regional Port Authority Board of Commissioners....................................................................B-2Algiers Development District Board of Commissioners .......................................................................... D-12Ambulance Standards Committee .............................................................................................................E-8Amite River Basin Drainage and Water Conservation District Board of Commissioners....................................................................................................................... D-13Apprenticeship Council...............................................................................................................................E-9Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission ............................................................................... D-14Architects Selection Board ...................................................................................................................... D-15Artificial Reef Development Council ........................................................................................................ D-16Arts Council ............................................................................................................................................. D-17Ascension-St. James Airport and Transportation Authority Board of Commissioners....................................................................................................................... D-18Assessors' Retirement System Board of Trustees ................................................................................. D-19Associated Branch Pilots for the Port of New Orleans Fee Commission................................................ D-20Associated Branch Pilots of the Port of Lake Charles Fee Commission ................................................ D-21Atchafalaya Basin Advisory Committee .................................................................................................. D-22Atchafalaya Basin Levee District Board of Commissioners ...................................................................... C-1Atchafalaya Basin Promotion and Research Board ................................................................................ D-23Atchafalaya Trace Commission ...............................................................................................................E-10Atchafalaya Trace Commission Advisory Board ......................................................................................E-11Auctioneers Licensing Board......................................................................................................................A-2Automobile Insurance Plan Governing Committee ................................................................................. D-24Avoyelles Parish Port Commission ............................................................................................................B-3Bayou D'Arbonne Lake Watershed District Board of Commissioners....................................................................................................................... D-25Bayou Lafourche Fresh Water District Board of Commissioners ........................................................... D-26

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Page F-2 Index


2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Beef Industry Council .............................................................................................................................. D-27Belgium-Louisiana Joint Committee........................................................................................................ D-28Bi-State Corridor Commission................................................................................................................. D-29Board for Hearing Aid Dealers ...................................................................................................................A-3Board of Architectural Examiners...............................................................................................................A-4Board of Barber Examiners........................................................................................................................A-5Board of Certification for Substance Abuse Counselors ............................................................................A-6Board of Certified Public Accountants........................................................................................................A-7Board of Chiropractic Examiners ...............................................................................................................A-8Board of Commerce and Industry ............................................................................................................E-12Board of Cosmetology..............................................................................................................................E-13Board of Dentistry.......................................................................................................................................A-9Board of Election Supervisors ................................................................................................................. D-30Board of Electrolysis Examiners ..............................................................................................................A-10Board of Elementary and Secondary Education ......................................................................................E-14Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors.............................................................................................A-11Board of Ethics .........................................................................................................................................E-15Board of Examiners for New Orleans and Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots for the Mississippi River............................................................................................................... D-31Board of Examiners for Nursing Facility Administrators...........................................................................A-12Board of Examiners for Sanitarians .........................................................................................................A-13Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology .....................................................A-14Board of Examiners of Bar Pilots for the Port of New Orleans ............................................................... D-32Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters.............................................................................A-15Board of Examiners of Dietetics and Nutrition .........................................................................................A-16Board of Examiners of Interior Designers ................................................................................................A-17Board of Examiners of Psychologists.......................................................................................................A-18Board of Home Inspectors .......................................................................................................................A-19Board of Library Examiners......................................................................................................................A-20Board of Massage Therapy......................................................................................................................A-21Board of Medical Examiners ....................................................................................................................A-22Board of Morgan City, Berwick Port Pilot Commissioners and Examiners ............................................. D-33Board of New Orleans and Baton Rouge Steamship Pilot Review for the Mississippi River ........................................................................................................................ D-34Board of Nursing ......................................................................................................................................A-23Board of Optometry Examiners................................................................................................................A-24Board of Pardons .....................................................................................................................................E-16Board of Parole ........................................................................................................................................E-17Board of Pharmacy...................................................................................................................................A-25Board of Physical Therapy Examiners .....................................................................................................A-26Board of Practical Nurse Examiners ........................................................................................................A-27Board of Private Investigator Examiners..................................................................................................A-28Board of Private Security Examiners........................................................................................................A-29Board of Regents .....................................................................................................................................E-18Board of Review of the Associated Branch Pilots for the Port of New Orleans.............................................................................................................................. D-35Board of River Port Pilot Commissioners and Examiners for the Port of Lake Charles ............................................................................................................................. D-36Board of River Port Pilot Commissioners for the Port of New Orleans ................................................... D-37Board of River Port Pilot Review for the Port of New Orleans ................................................................ D-38Board of Social Work Examiners .............................................................................................................A-30Board of Tax Appeals...............................................................................................................................E-19Board of Veterinary Medicine Examiners .................................................................................................A-31Board of Wholesale Drug Distributors......................................................................................................A-32Boll Weevil Eradication Commission .......................................................................................................E-20

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Index Page F-3


2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Bond Commission ....................................................................................................................................E-21Bossier Levee District Board of Commissioners....................................................................................... C-2Boxing and Wrestling Commission ..........................................................................................................A-33Cabinet Advisory Group on Economic Development ...............................................................................E-22Caddo Levee District Board of Commissioners ........................................................................................ C-3Caddo Pine Island Oil and Historical Museum Governing Board ....................................................................................................................................E-23Caddo-Bossier Parishes Port Commission................................................................................................B-4Cancer and Lung Trust Fund Board.........................................................................................................E-24Cane River Waterway District Board of Commissioners......................................................................... D-39Capital Area Human Services District Governing Board..........................................................................E-25Cash Management Review Board........................................................................................................... D-40Catahoula Parish Port Commission ...........................................................................................................B-5Catfish Promotion and Research Board.................................................................................................. D-41Cemetery Board .......................................................................................................................................A-34Certified Stress Analysts Board................................................................................................................A-35Child Death Review Panel....................................................................................................................... D-42Children's Cabinet ....................................................................................................................................E-26Children's Cabinet Advisory Board.......................................................................................................... D-43Children's Health Insurance Program Task Force .................................................................................. D-44Children's Trust Fund Board ....................................................................................................................E-27Civil Service Commission.........................................................................................................................E-28Clerks of Court Certification Program Committee................................................................................... D-45Clerks of Court Retirement System Board of Trustees........................................................................... D-46Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee............................................................................................... D-47Columbia Port Commission........................................................................................................................B-6Co-ordinating Council on Education........................................................................................................ D-48Commemorative Coin Advisory Commission.......................................................................................... D-49Commercial Building Energy Conservation Code Advisory Committee.................................................. D-50Commission for the Deaf .........................................................................................................................E-29Commission for the Promotion of Uniform Legislation............................................................................ D-51Commission of Weights and Measures ...................................................................................................E-30Commission on Addictive Disorders ........................................................................................................E-31Commission on HIV and AIDS................................................................................................................ D-52Commission on Human Rights ................................................................................................................E-32Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice..............................................E-33Commission on Perinatal Care and Prevention of Infant Mortality.......................................................... D-53Committee of Certification of Waterworks and Sewerage Works Operators...........................................E-34Committee on Law Enforcement for the Elderly.......................................................................................E-35Committee on Private Child Care............................................................................................................ D-54Community and Technical Colleges Board of Supervisors ......................................................................E-36Community/Technical College and Adult Education Task Force ............................................................ D-55Concordia Parish Port Commission ...........................................................................................................B-7Coordinating Council on Domestic Violence ........................................................................................... D-56Coordinating Council on Telemedicine and Distance Education ............................................................ D-57Correctional Facilities Corporation Board of Directors ............................................................................ D-58Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL)............................................................E-37Council for the Development of Spanish in Louisiana (CODESIL) ......................................................... D-59Council on Automobile Insurance Rates and Enforcement .................................................................... D-60Council on Obesity Prevention and Management ................................................................................... D-61Council on Peace Officer Standards and Training ...................................................................................E-38Crawfish Promotion and Research Board............................................................................................... D-62Creole Nature Trail Scenic Byway District Board of Commissioners....................................................................................................................... D-63Crescent City Connection Oversight Authority ........................................................................................ D-64

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Page F-4 Index


2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Crescent River Port Pilots Association Fee Commission ....................................................................... D-65Crime Victims Reparations Board ............................................................................................................E-39Dairy Industry Promotion Board .............................................................................................................. D-66Dairy Stabilization Board ..........................................................................................................................E-40Data Base Commission............................................................................................................................E-41Deferred Compensation Commission ..................................................................................................... D-67Disparity Commission ............................................................................................................................. D-68Distance Learning Network Advisory Board............................................................................................ D-69District Attorneys' Retirement System Board of Trustees ....................................................................... D-70Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Advisory Board....................................................................E-42Drug Control and Violent Crime Policy Board ..........................................................................................E-43Drug Policy Board ....................................................................................................................................E-44Drug Testing Task Force ........................................................................................................................ D-71East Cameron Port Commission................................................................................................................B-8East Jefferson Levee District Board of Commissioners............................................................................ C-4Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors .........................................................................E-45Economic Development Council ..............................................................................................................E-46Economic Development Council Executive Committee ...........................................................................E-47Eddie G. Robinson Museum Commission .............................................................................................. D-72Education Facilities Authority Board of Directors .................................................................................... D-73Educational Assessment Testing Commission ........................................................................................E-48Educational Facilities Trust Fund District Board of Trustees .................................................................. D-74Educational Television Authority ..............................................................................................................E-49Edward Douglass White Historic Site Governing Board ..........................................................................E-50Egg Commission ..................................................................................................................................... D-75El Camino East-West Corridor Commission........................................................................................... D-76Electronic Benefits Transfer Program Task Force.................................................................................. D-77Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission..........................................................................E-51Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Council....................................................................E-52Emergency Response Commission........................................................................................................ D-78Employment Security Board of Review ....................................................................................................E-53Engineers Selection Board...................................................................................................................... D-79Environment and Natural Resources Council ......................................................................................... D-80Environmental Education Commission ................................................................................................... D-81Environmental Services Commission of St. Tammany Parish................................................................ D-82Ernest N. Morial New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority Board of Commissioners....................................................................................................................... D-83Executive Board on Aging ........................................................................................................................E-54Feed Commission ....................................................................................................................................E-55Fertilizer Commission...............................................................................................................................E-56Fifth Louisiana Levee District Board of Commissioners ........................................................................... C-5Film and Video Commission ................................................................................................................... D-84Fire Prevention Board of Review............................................................................................................. D-85Firefighters' Retirement System Board of Trustees ................................................................................ D-86Fireman's Supplemental Pay Board.........................................................................................................E-57First Stop Shop Coordinating Council ..................................................................................................... D-87Fiscal Review Committee........................................................................................................................ D-88Fluoridation Advisory Board .................................................................................................................... D-89Folklife Commission................................................................................................................................ D-90Forestry Commission ...............................................................................................................................E-58Formosan Termite Task Force ................................................................................................................E-59France-Louisiana Joint Committee ......................................................................................................... D-91Fur and Alligator Advisory Council ...........................................................................................................E-60Gaming Control Board .............................................................................................................................E-61Geographic Information Systems Council............................................................................................... D-92

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Index Page F-5


2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Governing Board of the Louisiana State Cotton Museum........................................................................E-62Governor's Advisory Council on Disability Affairs.................................................................................... D-93Governor's Advisory Council on Safe Drug-Free Schools and Communities ......................................... D-94Governor's Arson Strike Force................................................................................................................ D-95Governor's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped ................................................. D-96Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports ................................................................................E-63Governor's DWI/Vehicular Homicide Task Force ................................................................................... D-97Governor's Forest Products Industry Development Task Force ............................................................. D-98Governor's Mansion Commission ........................................................................................................... D-99Governor's Rehabilitation Advisory Council .............................................................................................E-64Governor's School-to-Work Council...................................................................................................... D-100Governor's Statewide Independent Living Council...................................................................................E-65Governor's Task Force on Individual Wastewater Treatment Systems................................................ D-101Governor's Task Force on Tuberculosis ............................................................................................... D-102Grand Isle Independent Levee District Board of Commissioners ............................................................. C-6Grand Isle Port Commission ......................................................................................................................B-9Grant Parish Port Commission.................................................................................................................B-10Greater Baton Rouge Port Commission...................................................................................................B-11Greater Krotz Springs Port Commission ..................................................................................................B-12Greater Lafourche Port Commission .......................................................................................................B-13Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission ................................................................................... D-103Greater Ouachita Port Commission .........................................................................................................B-14Harbor Police Retirement System Board of Trustees ........................................................................... D-104Hazard Mitigation Team ...........................................................................................................................E-66Health Care Commission ...................................................................................................................... D-105Health Education Authority of Louisiana (HEAL)......................................................................................E-67Healthy People 2010 Planning Council ................................................................................................. D-106High-Speed Rail Transportation Advisory Council ................................................................................ D-107Higher Education Executive Advisory Committee................................................................................. D-108Highway 1 Project Task Force .............................................................................................................. D-109Highway Safety Commission....................................................................................................................E-68Historical Jazz Society........................................................................................................................... D-110Historical Records Advisory Board........................................................................................................ D-111Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Advisory Board...................................................................................................................... D-112Horticulture Commission of Louisiana......................................................................................................E-69Hospitality Research Program Advisory Committee ............................................................................. D-113Housing Finance Agency Board of Commissioners.............................................................................. D-114Imports and Exports Trust Authority Board of Trustees........................................................................ D-115Indigent Defense Assistance Board .........................................................................................................E-70Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors.................................................................................................. D-116Insurance Education Advisory Council.................................................................................................. D-117Insurance Rating Commission .................................................................................................................E-71Integrated Criminal Justice Information System Policy Board .................................................................E-72Inter-Agency Transportation Coordination Committee.......................................................................... D-118Interagency Action Council for the Homeless ....................................................................................... D-119Interagency Coordinating Council for ChildNet ........................................................................................E-73Interagency Recreation Board............................................................................................................... D-120Interim Emergency Board ........................................................................................................................E-74International Trade Commission ........................................................................................................... D-121International Trade Development Board ............................................................................................... D-122Interpreter Certification Board ..................................................................................................................E-75Interstate 49 South Project Task Force ................................................................................................ D-123Jean Lafitte Scenic Byway District Board of Commissioners...................................................................E-76

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Page F-6 Index


2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Jefferson Parish Economic Development and Port District Board of Commissioners........................................................................................................................B-15Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority Board of Commissioners ....................................................E-77John K. Kelly Grand Bayou Reservoir District Board of Commissioners .............................................. D-124Joint Administration Committee on Prescriptive Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses ............................................................................................... D-125Justice System Funding Commission ................................................................................................... D-126Kenner Naval Museum Commission..................................................................................................... D-127Lafayette Economic Development Authority Board of Commissioners....................................................B-16Lafourche Basin Levee District Board of Commissioners......................................................................... C-7Lake Borgne Basin Levee District Board of Commissioners .................................................................... C-8Lake Bruin Recreation and Water Conservation District Board of Commissioners..................................................................................................................... D-128Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners .....................................................B-17Lake Pontchartrain Sanitary District Board of Commissioners ............................................................. D-129Lake Providence Port Commission..........................................................................................................B-18Landscape Architects Selection Board ................................................................................................. D-130Latin American Business Development Commission ........................................................................... D-131Learn Commission ...................................................................................................................................E-78Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners ..........................................................................A-36Licensed Professional Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Board of Examiners................................................................................................................................A-37Licensing Board for Contractors...............................................................................................................A-38Licensing Board for Locksmiths ............................................................................................................ D-132Liquefied Petroleum Gas Commission.....................................................................................................E-79Liquefied Petroleum Gas Commission Advisory Board ........................................................................ D-133Litter Reduction and Public Action Commission ................................................................................... D-134Livestock Brand Commission...................................................................................................................E-80Livestock Sanitary Board..........................................................................................................................E-81Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority Board of Directors .......................................................................................... D-135Lottery Corporation Board of Directors.................................................................................................. D-136Louisiana Private Employment Service Advisory Council ..................................................................... D-137Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Commission ........................................................................................E-82Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts Board of Directors ......................................................E-83Louisiana State Library Board of Commissioners ................................................................................. D-138Louisiana State Museum Board of Directors......................................................................................... D-139Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Board of Supervisors..............................................................................................................................E-84Louisiana Tourism Promotion District Board of Directors ..................................................................... D-140Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education (LUMCON) Advisory Council....................................................................................... D-141Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education (LUMCON) Executive Board..........................................................................E-85Madison Parish Port Commission ............................................................................................................B-19Marine Recreational Fishing Development Board................................................................................. D-142Maritime Advisory Task Force............................................................................................................... D-143Maritime Provinces-Louisiana Joint Committee.................................................................................... D-144Market Commission .................................................................................................................................E-86Medicaid Drug Program Committee...................................................................................................... D-145Medical Advisory Council .........................................................................................................................E-87Medical Assistance Trust Fund Advisory Council ....................................................................................E-88Medical Disclosure Panel .........................................................................................................................E-89Medical Education Commission ............................................................................................................ D-146Medical Malpractice Patient's Compensation Fund Oversight Board ......................................................E-90

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Mental Health Advocacy Service Board of Trustees................................................................................E-91Mermentau River Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners...............................................B-20Millennium Port Authority .........................................................................................................................B-21Mineral Board ...........................................................................................................................................E-92Minority Health Affairs Commission ...................................................................................................... D-147Mississippi River Parkway Commission of Louisiana ..............................................................................E-93Mississippi River Road Commission ..................................................................................................... D-148Mississippi River Road Commission ..................................................................................................... D-149Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners .......................................................B-22Motor Carrier Advisory Committee........................................................................................................ D-150Motor Vehicle Commission ......................................................................................................................A-39Municipal Employees' Retirement System Board of Trustees .............................................................. D-151Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System Board of Trustees ................................................... D-152Music Commission ...................................................................................................................................E-94Natchitoches Levee and Drainage District Board of Commissioners ....................................................... C-9Natchitoches Parish Port Commission.....................................................................................................B-23National Register Review Committee ................................................................................................... D-153Naval War Memorial Commission Board of Commissioners................................................................ D-154New Orleans Center for Creative Arts/Riverfront Board of Directors.................................................... D-155New Orleans City Park Improvement Association Board of Commissioners........................................ D-156New Orleans-Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots Association Fee Commission........................................ D-157Nineteenth Louisiana Levee District Board of Commissioners ............................................................... C-10Nonpublic School Commission ................................................................................................................E-95North Bossier Levee District Board of Commissioners ........................................................................... C-11North Lafourche Conservation, Levee, and Drainage District Board of Commissioners....................................................................................................................... C-12North Lafourche Revitalization Board.................................................................................................... D-158North Terrebonne Parish Drainage and Conservation District Board of Commissioners..................................................................................................................... D-159Nursing Supply and Demand Commission ..............................................................................................A-40Occupational Information Coordinating Committee .............................................................................. D-160Offshore Terminal Authority Board of Commissioners.............................................................................E-96Oilfield Restoration Commission ..............................................................................................................E-97Old State Capitol Advisory Board.......................................................................................................... D-161Orleans Levee District Board of Commissioners .................................................................................... C-13Oversize and Excess Weight Vehicle Task Force ................................................................................ D-162Oyster Lease Damage Evaluation Board .............................................................................................. D-163Oyster Task Force....................................................................................................................................E-98Pan African Commission Board of Commissioners .............................................................................. D-164Parks and Recreation Commission....................................................................................................... D-165Parochial Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees ............................................................... D-166Pet Overpopulation Advisory Council .................................................................................................... D-167Physician Assistants Advisory Committee ............................................................................................ D-168Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities ......................................................................................E-99Plumbing Board........................................................................................................................................A-41Pointe Coupee Port, Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners ..........................................B-24Pointe Coupee-West Feliciana Bridge, Ferry, and Tunnel Authority..................................................... D-169Polygraph Board.......................................................................................................................................A-42Pontchartrain Levee District Board of Commissioners ........................................................................... C-14Pork Promotion Board............................................................................................................................E-100Port of Iberia District Board of Commissioners ........................................................................................B-25Port of New Orleans Board of Commissioners ........................................................................................B-26Port of South Louisiana Commission .......................................................................................................B-27Post-Conviction DNA Testing Advisory Commission ............................................................................ D-170Postsecondary Review Commission..................................................................................................... D-171

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Poverty Point Reservoir District Board of Commissioners .................................................................... D-172Primary Care Advisory Council ............................................................................................................. D-173Prison Enterprises Board .......................................................................................................................E-101Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board..............................................................................A-43Project Restore Task Force .................................................................................................................. D-174Public Retirement Systems' Actuarial Committee................................................................................. D-175Public Service Commission....................................................................................................................E-102Quality Science and Mathematics Council ............................................................................................ D-176Quebec-Louisiana Joint Committee ...................................................................................................... D-177Racing Commission ...............................................................................................................................E-103Radio and Television Technicians Board.................................................................................................A-44Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners ............................................................................................A-45Rapides Parish Port Commission ............................................................................................................B-28Real Estate Appraisers State Board of Certification ................................................................................A-46Real Estate Commission..........................................................................................................................A-47Real French Destination Scenic Byway District Board of Commissioners.............................................E-104Red River Compact Commission...........................................................................................................E-105Red River Development Council ............................................................................................................E-106Red River Levee and Drainage District Board of Commissioners .......................................................... C-15Red River Parish Port Commission..........................................................................................................B-29Red River Waterway Commission Board of Commissioners................................................................ D-178Red River, Atchafalaya and Bayou Boeuf Levee District Board of Commissioners....................................................................................................................... C-16Regional Museum Governing Board of the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum....................................................................................................................................E-107Regional Planning Commission of Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard, and St. Tammany Parishes................................................................................................................. D-179Regional Transit Authority Board of Commissioners ............................................................................ D-180Registrar of Voters Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees ................................................ D-181Reptile and Amphibian Task Force ....................................................................................................... D-182Residential Building Contractors Subcommittee ................................................................................... D-183Residential Mortgage Lending Board .....................................................................................................E-108Resource Recovery and Development Authority Board of Directors .................................................... D-184Retirement Development Commission ................................................................................................. D-185Rice Promotion Board ........................................................................................................................... D-186Rice Research Board ............................................................................................................................ D-187River Parishes Transit Authority Board of Commissioners ................................................................... D-188River Region Cancer Screening and Early Detection District Board of Commissioners..................................................................................................................... D-189Roadside Rest Area Task Force........................................................................................................... D-190Royal Street Project Advisory Board ..................................................................................................... D-191Rural Health Care Authority ...................................................................................................................E-109Sabine River Authority Board of Commissioners ...................................................................................E-110Saline Lake Game and Fish Preserve Board of Commissioners.......................................................... D-192School and District Accountability Advisory Commission...................................................................... D-193School Based Health Clinic Task Force................................................................................................ D-194School Employees' Retirement System Board of Trustees .................................................................. D-195School Finance Commission..................................................................................................................E-111Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board ..............................................................................................E-112Secondary School Redesign Study Commission .................................................................................. D-196SECURE Review Commission.............................................................................................................. D-197Seed Commission ..................................................................................................................................E-113Sentencing Commission ........................................................................................................................E-114Serve Commission .................................................................................................................................E-115Sheriffs' Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees ........................................................................... D-198

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

Small and Emerging Business Development Advisory Council .............................................................E-116Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel......................................................................................... D-199Solid Waste Management System Operators Board of Certification and Training ........................................................................................................................................ D-200South Lafourche Levee District Board of Commissioners ...................................................................... C-17South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission ............................................................................................B-30South Terrebonne Tidewater Management and Conservation District Board of Commissioners..................................................................................................................... D-201Southern Louisiana Drinking Water Study Commission ....................................................................... D-202Southern Rapid Rail Transit Commission ..............................................................................................E-117Southern University Board of Supervisors .............................................................................................E-118Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board............................................................................ D-203St. Bernard Port, Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners................................................B-31St. Mary Parish Mass Transit Authority Board of Commissioners ........................................................ D-204St. Tammany Parish Port Commission ....................................................................................................B-32Stadium and Exposition District Board of Commissioners.....................................................................E-119State Employees Group Benefits Program Board of Trustees ..............................................................E-120State Employees' Retirement System Board of Trustees ..................................................................... D-205State Police Commission .......................................................................................................................E-121State Police Retirement System Board of Trustees.............................................................................. D-206State Soil and Water Conservation Committee .....................................................................................E-122Statewide Intermodal Transportation Plan Steering Committee ........................................................... D-207Strawberry Marketing Board.................................................................................................................. D-208Structural Pest Control Commission ......................................................................................................E-123Student Financial Assistance Commission ............................................................................................E-124Supplemental Pay Board of Review for Municipal Police Officers .........................................................E-125Sweet Potato Advertising and Development Commission .................................................................... D-209Systemic Initiatives Program Council .....................................................................................................E-126Systemic Initiatives Program Council Executive Committee..................................................................E-127Tangipahoa River Task Force............................................................................................................... D-210Task Force for the Reduction of Automobile Insurance Rates ............................................................. D-211Task Force on Environmental Protection and Preservation.................................................................. D-212Tax Commission ....................................................................................................................................E-128Tax Free Shopping Commission........................................................................................................... D-213Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana Board of Trustees............................................................. D-214Teche-Vermilion Freshwater District Board of Commissioners ............................................................ D-215Technology Advisory Committee........................................................................................................... D-216Technology Innovations Council ............................................................................................................E-129Telephone Access Program Board ........................................................................................................E-130Tensas Basin Levee District Board of Commissioners ........................................................................... C-18Tensas Parish Port Commission..............................................................................................................B-33Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District Board of Commissioners ................................................. C-19Terrebonne Parish Mass Transit Authority Board of Commissioners ................................................... D-217Terrebonne Port Commission ..................................................................................................................B-34Tobacco Settlement Payment Options Task Force .............................................................................. D-218Tourism Development Commission ...................................................................................................... D-219Transportation Infrastructure Model for Economic Development Review Task Force ............................................................................................................................. D-220Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board .................................................... D-221Tri-Parish Drainage and Water Conservation District Board of Commissioners..................................................................................................................... D-222Tri-State Corridor Commission ............................................................................................................. D-223Tuition Trust Authority ............................................................................................................................E-131Twin Parish Port Commission ..................................................................................................................B-35United States Highway 71 Four-Lane Corridor Commission ................................................................ D-224

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2001 Boards, Commissions, and Like Entities Report

United States Highway No. 65 Commission.......................................................................................... D-225University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors............................................................................E-132Unmarked Burial Sites Board................................................................................................................ D-226Used Motor Vehicle and Parts Commission.............................................................................................A-48Veterans Affairs Commission.................................................................................................................E-133Vidalia Port Commission ..........................................................................................................................B-36Vinton Harbor and Terminal District Board of Commissioners ................................................................B-37Washington Parish Port Commission ......................................................................................................B-38Welfare Reform Coordinating Committee............................................................................................. D-227West Calcasieu Parish Community Center Authority............................................................................ D-228West Calcasieu Port, Harbor, and Terminal District Board of Commissioners........................................B-39West Cameron Port Commission ............................................................................................................B-40West Jefferson Levee District Board of Commissioners ........................................................................ C-20West St. Mary Parish Port and Harbor District Board of Commissioners ................................................B-41Western Corridor Commission Board of Commissioners ..................................................................... D-229Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Authority ............................................................................... D-230Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force ........................................................................... D-231Wildlife and Fisheries Commission ....................................................................................................... D-232Women's Policy and Research Commission ........................................................................................ D-233Workers' Compensation Advisory Council .............................................................................................E-134Workers' Compensation Second Injury Board .......................................................................................E-135Workforce Commission..........................................................................................................................E-136Year 2000 Transition Team................................................................................................................... D-234Zachary Taylor Parkway District Board of Commissioners ................................................................... D-235