Standard Operation Procedure Issue N o 01 Revision 00 January 2016 Section2: POLICY Sub-section 2.1 Operation policies Page:1 of 13 2.1 Operation policies 2.1.1 Acceptable Behavior - Students at Parsis Aviation Training Center (P.A.T.C) are being taught to become professional pilots; as such, their behavior is expected to be appropriate. The following, while not limited to, includes violations of the school’s student conduct policy: destroying or damaging school property, engaging in unlawful or improper action, acting with disrespect toward a member of the school staff or another student, alcohol or drug abuse. 2.1.2 Company Morale - It is the duty of both staff members and students to keep the morale of P.A.T.C.at a high level. Slandering of other students, members of P.A.T.C., or P.A.T.C. itself, will result in termination of flight privileges or employment. 2.1.3 Illness - In case of illness, the student and instructor needs to inform P.A.T.C.as soon as possible before any scheduled activities, so measures can be taken to advise or reschedule the persons and aircraft concerned. See cancellation policy for details on associated fees if no Doctor excuse is provided to operation. 2.1.4 Harassment - P.A.T.C is committed to providing a quality working and learning environment for men and women of all ages, races, creeds, and ethnic origins. This goal is best achieved when the environment supports respect for the individual and academic freedom. Harassment on the basis of age, sex, race, creed or ethnic origin of any P.A.T.C. staff member or student at P.A.T.C. undermines the basic principles of the community and will not be tolerated. 2.1.5 Smoking - Smoking is not allowed in all office departments , any aircraft, on the flight line or within 100 feet of any fuel or of any of the P.A.T.C. facility unless in a designated smoking area. 2.1.6 Flight holds Students will be restricted from participating in training operations if they have been placed on a flight hold. A-Financial Hold Used at the discretion of the head of operation for students who are unable to maintain a minimum of 1 hour’s flight in their P.A.T.C. student account.

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Section2: POLICY Sub-section 2.1 Operation policies Page:1 of 13

2.1 Operation policies

2.1.1 Acceptable Behavior - Students at Parsis Aviation Training Center (P.A.T.C) are being

taught to become professional pilots; as such, their behavior is expected to be appropriate. The

following, while not limited to, includes violations of the school’s student conduct policy:

destroying or damaging school property, engaging in unlawful or improper action, acting with

disrespect toward a member of the school staff or another student, alcohol or drug abuse.

2.1.2 Company Morale - It is the duty of both staff members and students to keep the morale

of P.A.T.C.at a high level. Slandering of other students, members of P.A.T.C., or P.A.T.C. itself,

will result in termination of flight privileges or employment.

2.1.3 Illness - In case of illness, the student and instructor needs to inform P.A.T.C.as soon as

possible before any scheduled activities, so measures can be taken to advise or reschedule the

persons and aircraft concerned. See cancellation policy for details on associated fees if no

Doctor excuse is provided to operation.

2.1.4 Harassment - P.A.T.C is committed to providing a quality working and learning

environment for men and women of all ages, races, creeds, and ethnic origins. This goal is best

achieved when the environment supports respect for the individual and academic freedom.

Harassment on the basis of age, sex, race, creed or ethnic origin of any P.A.T.C. staff member

or student at P.A.T.C. undermines the basic principles of the community and will not be


2.1.5 Smoking - Smoking is not allowed in all office departments , any aircraft, on the flight

line or within 100 feet of any fuel or of any of the P.A.T.C. facility unless in a designated

smoking area.

2.1.6 Flight holds

Students will be restricted from participating in training operations if they have been placed on

a flight hold.

A-Financial Hold

Used at the discretion of the head of operation for students who are unable to maintain a

minimum of 1 hour’s flight in their P.A.T.C. student account.

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Section2: POLICY Sub-section 2.1 Operation policies Page:2 of 13

B-Operational Hold

A student may be operationally grounded for violation of P.A.T.C policies or C.A.O regulations.

If students don’t flight more than 4 months s/he shall be held until passing SOP and POH

refresh course.

C-Mishap Hold

Used at the discretion of the head of operation for students or instructors involved in any

incident or accident involving injury or damage to persons or property.

This flight hold does not assign blame; it is a precautionary action until the cause has been

determined and it could be a rest period for crew mental recovery.

D-Medical Hold

Pilots may be medically held if suffering from an extended illness. If medical condition persists

the instructor and students may be removed from the flight schedule after meeting with the

head of Operation.

2.1.7 No show policy

No Show fee of 30% the scheduled ground and flight instruction may be charged to a student if

he or she fails to arrive for a scheduled flight without prior contact to P.A.T.C operation office.

Instructors and Students are required to be at the airport a minimum of 60 minutes prior to any

scheduled activity.

Students failing to check-in prior to their scheduled check-in time are considered to be a No-


All cancellations must be approved by the CFI.

In the event of a medical illness, a doctor’s note is required to be credited with an excused

absence from a scheduled activity.

Two No-Shows will require the student to meet with their CFI to determine the student’s

eligibility to continue flight training and may be assigned to training board.

2.1.8 Schedule

Each week, flight students will be required to submit a Flight Block Availability Form. Students

shall be available for at least three flights a week in order to obtain the most from training and

complete the course in a reasonable length of time. Check the schedule in person by Noon

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Section2: POLICY Sub-section 2.1 Operation policies Page:3 of 13

time for scheduled of the next day. Flight schedules may be accessed from the P.A.T.C’s web

site at www.parsisaviation.com or by calling to dispatch number: 026 332 66125-6

2.1.9 General Flight Restrictions

a) Aerobatic maneuvers or flight maneuvers not stated in the syllabus and not directly related to the clear objective of the lesson are prohibited.

b) All pilots must perform clearing turns prior to flight maneuvers.

c) Simulated forced landings will terminate prior to 500 feet AGL unless in the traffic pattern of an airport.

d) Student pilot solo emergency landing practice is prohibited.

e) No P.A.T.C Aircraft will be flown lower than 500 feet AGL except for takeoff, landing or declared emergency.

f) Aircraft checklists must be complied with as directed in the approved PATC aircraft checklist.

g) Any pilots not flying with P.A.T.C within the preceding ninety (90) days will be required to

receive a recurrent checkout dual flight with a designated flight Instructor by CFI.

h) It is the responsibility of the student/Instructor to keep an updated Pilot Information file

with P.A.T.C. Any new documents (medical, pilot certificate, etc.) shall be copied and

updated in P.A.T.C records.

i) Any change in type of aircraft during flight training will be required to receive at least 2

hours of dual flight on new aircraft type with a designated flight Instructor by CFI.

j) It is the responsibility of the students/Instructors to read pilot information folder (PIF) which

is available in dispatch office and execute according to any new operational's changes

mentioned there ,and this should be done each day prior flight.

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Section2: POLICY Sub-section 2.1 Operation policies Page:4 of 13

2.1.10 Duty Limitation Rest Period

A continuous period of 10 hours of uninterrupted time away from scheduled activities. This

period should include a minimum of 6 hours of sleep.

Between each flight training a minimum of 10 minutes rest shall be observed Duty Period

A period of time that starts at 1 hour before the beginning of the first scheduled activity of

the day and ends with 1 hour after a last flight. Flight Instructor

Maximum 12-hour duty period that must be preceded by a rest period.

No more than 6 hours of flight training in any 24-consecutive hour period which s/he planned.

No more than 36 contact hours in any 7-consecutive day period.

No more than 100 contact hours in any 28-consecutive day period.

No more than 900 hours in any 12-consecutive month period.

Note: if a flight instructor makes 25 touch and goes in a day his/her flight will be limited to 5


Note: if a flight instructor makes 30 touch and goes in a day his/her flight will be limited to 4

hours. Students

Maximum 12-hour duty period that must be preceded by a rest period.

No more than 6 hours of Cross country flight training in any 24-consecutive hour period.

No more than 4 hours of local flight training in any 24-consecutive hour period.

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2.1.11 Weather and Fuel Minima policy

Flights will not dispatch in the vicinity of thunderstorms.

Takeoffs, approaches, and landings must not be attempted when thunderstorms are near

the airport.

A 20 mile minimum distance will be maintained prior to dispatch or while operating in the

vicinity of thunderstorm cells.

Flight shall be planned to avoid thunderstorms by a minimum of 20NM either side. The PIC

must use his/her best judgment to avoid flights near thunderstorms.

If on the ground:

Cancel or reschedule the flight.

Delay your departure until the weather has dissipated.

If airborne:

Use appropriate diversion procedures to an airport not affected by the storm. The weather condition for Piper-28

Visibility should not be less than 5 KM, except for special VFR conditions.

Ceiling should not be less than 1500Ft AGL for local flights and navigation flights.

During departures, for dual flight maximum wind is 30Kts and maximum cross wind factor

should not exceed 17Kts

During departures, for solo flight maximum wind is 15Kts and maximum cross wind factor

should not exceed 10Kts and tailwind not exceed 6Kts.

For the first solo flight maximum wind is 12Kts and maximum cross wind should not exceed

5Kts and tailwind not exceed 6Kts.

Temperature should not be more than ISA+25. The weather condition for Tecnam

Visibility should not be less than 5 KM, except for special VFR conditions.

Ceiling should not be less than 1500Ft AGL for local flights and navigation flights.

During departures, for dual flight maximum wind is 25Kts and maximum cross wind factor

should not exceed 15Kts

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During departures, for solo flight maximum wind is 15Kts and maximum cross wind factor

should not exceed 07Kts and tailwind not exceed 6Kts

Temperature should not be more than ISA+21 Fuel Reserve

The required fuel calculation is according to ICAO annex 6 part II.

Piper-28: The minimum fuel for local flight dispatching should not be less than 20 US Gallon.

Tecnam: The minimum fuel for local flight dispatching should not be less than 40 litters.

Minimum Fuel

The PIC must advise ATC when the fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching

the destination, he cannot accept any undue delay.

This is not an emergency situation, but merely an advisory that indicates that an emergency

situation is possible should any undue delay occur.

The PIC will submit a P.A.T.C Safety Report.

2.1.12 Flight grading

After ends of the flight, instructors should fill the specific grade sheet for each type of flights and

mark the correct score for each training subject and at the end they should mark the total grade

number and write student’s score in correct position as following:

Above Average (AA) = 90% and more

Average (A) = 80% up to 89%

Below Average (BA) = 70% up to 79%

Unsatisfactory (U) = 69% and below

In order to evaluate the total grade at first glance we use the color coding system for grading as


(AA)= Green

(A)= Black


(U)= Red

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If any student received consecutive 3 BA grades or total of 4 BA grade his/her flight will be on

hold and in training board must decide about continue or discontinue of his/her training course.

If any student received total of 2 U grades his/her flight will be on hold and in training board

must decide about continue or discontinue of his training course.

If any student received BA or U in attitude his/her total grade score will be change to U.

When students received more than 5 BA item in each lesson the overall grade should report

BA and /or U grade and their lesson should be repeat.

Normally pre solo student will be ready for first solo check after 13 hours of dual flights, in

case of not being ready for check in this hours, flight instructor can extend pre solo student

lessons up to 17 hours with approval form CFI.

In case student could not make it within 17 lesson of training, training board should decide

about his/her cautioning or not.

When students received a BA or U grade, the instructor should submit a pilot report form for

recording in student's flight training file.

If student have air sickness during flight the instructor shall write that in instructor comments.

If take off – landing and emergency procedure was BA in each lesson after first solo flight

the overall grade should report BA and /or U grade.

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Section2: POLICY Sub-section 2.2 Responsibility Page:8 of 13

2.2 Responsibility

This revision of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) supersedes all previous editions.

Additionally, students, instructor pilots and staff members are responsible to incorporate

changes into their SOP as they are made available.

Students, instructor pilots and staff members of the P.A.T.C.are required to comply with the

regulations, policies, and procedures contained within this manual as well as the IR-CAO


Failure to comply with any of the above may results in disciplinary action including dismissal

from training and/or employment.

In case of inadequacy, no one is allowed to alter the SOP or to invent any procedure except in

an emergency situation (in this case a written report is required).

2.2.1 Flight Instructors

Flight instructors are responsible for conducting all flight instruction and ground briefings in

accordance with C.A.O Regulations and Parsis Aviation Training Center’s TPM.

Flight instructors are responsible for solo flight which is released by them and they have to

follow up solo flight and give him necessary advises.

Ensure compliance with the training course outline.

Instruct students in a classroom setting.

Conduct ground & flight training as specified by the Parsis Aviation Training Center’s TPM.

Report and document student progress clearly in her/his grade.

Develop new teaching methods.

Flight Instructors are responsible for the safety of each training flight conducted.

Flight Instructors are required to arrive a minimum of 60 minutes prior to their scheduled lesson

to become familiar with the students' progress and develop a plan of action for that lesson.

All flight instructors will have pilot proficiency check 2 times in12 consecutive months.

All flight instructors are limited to maximum 4 landing (3touch and goes and 1 full stop landing)

during each lesson of flight, except authorized by CFI even verbally.

All flight instructors are limited to maximum 2 simulated engine failures landing during each

lesson of flight, except authorized by CFI even verbally.

When a flight is canceled due to bad attitude or poor documentation of the student, It is the

responsibility of flight instructor to fill a pilot report for recording in student's file, this report

considered as a below average gade(blue) in student's file.

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2.2.2 Required Items

All Pilots will be required to wear uniform and impend the ID card and required to purchase or

obtain the following materials prior to beginning flight training:

Pilot certificate, medical certificate, ID card.

Aircraft Checklists (For each aircraft flown)

Aviation Headset

Aviation Logbook

Chart and Navigation equipment

2.2.3 Student Preparation

The student will have a good understanding of each maneuver, procedure, or task, including all

memory items.

Review the objectives and completion standards of the lesson. The student will be prepared to

brief the IP on these items.

Review the Emergency Procedure of the day. The student will be prepared to brief the IP on

the applicable procedure.

For pre solo flight, a weight & balance and performance calculation and taking emergency

exam will be required prior to each flight.

For cross country flights, a Navigation Log by student should be prepared.

Students will take randomly emergency procedure, POH and SOP exam ,and in case of failed,

their flights will be on hold until they pass the exam.

2.2.4 Operation authorization

All flight activities must be authorized by CFI or designated person by CFI by releasing the flight


2.2.5 Dispatch authorization

All flight activities must be authorized by dispatch, pilots should receive signed dispatch release

form from flight dispatcher prior their flight and after checking the information should sign the

form and return it to dispatch officer.

2.2.6 Fill up the ATL

All pilots should sign flight book and ATL(Aircraft Technical Logbook) before and after their

flights and make sure about maintenance signatures and aircraft remain time.

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After filled up the ATL pilot should report their flight time to dispatch.

This is pilot responsibility to check documents required to be on board including:

Air worthiness


Radio station license

Operating hand book

Weigh and balance certificate


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Section2: POLICY Sub-section 2.3Safety Page:11 of 13

2.3 Safety

2.3.1 Purpose

Safety is the number one priority of PATC Safety Program which eliminates unsafe situations

through superior training and education.

2.3.2 Philosophy

The philosophy of the safety program is to identify and eliminate unsafe situations in order to

prevent injury or equipment damage.

P.A.T.C staff will collect safety related information and disseminate this data to all students,

pilots, and staff members in an effort to educate and apply safety procedures in order to create

a safe work and flight environment where safety is a way of thinking.

2.3.4 Reporting Accidents and Incidents

Accidents or accidental damage to any person or P.A.T.C. property, aircraft, must be reported

to Parsis Aviation Training Center’s Safety Manager or representative as soon as possible.

2.3.5 Safety Report

All students and instructors are encouraged to file safety reports. These reports allow P.A.T.C

to improve operations and learn from the observations and experiences of others.

Safety reports may be filed anonymously.

Safety reports are read only by the Director of Safety.

Sensitive information will always be kept anonymous.

2.3.6 Reasons for filing safety reports include:

Accidents and incidents.

Situations that could have led to an accident or incident.

Policies or procedures that could be improved.

Misunderstandings regarding weather or aerodynamics.

Confusing runway or taxiway markings.

Lack of professionalism or an error on the part of ATC.

Anything else you would like to bring to the attention of the Safety department.

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2.3.7 Pilots “I’M SAFE” Checklist

The acronym “I’M SAFE” is recommended by the P.A.T.C as a guideline to check your

readiness for flight.







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