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STAGING AND PERFORMING REVOLUTIONARY CITIZENSHIP: CONSUMPTION, MOBILIZATION, CRITIQUE HISTORY IN AN OBJECT: : drive towards communism: -radical agrarian reform: 76% of land goes to state hands in 1963, centralization of political structures, Communist Party declared vanguard party in 1965 workers guaranteed year round employment and social benefits but lose right to strike or organize independently of the state social benefits very real for those who dont leave, education, health care, day care housing etc. Society as a whole must be converted into a gigantic school 1965 TRANSCEND MATERIAL NEEDS It is not a matter of how many kilograms of meat one has to eat, or of how many times a year someone can go to the beach, or how many pretty things from abroad you might be able to buy with present-day wages. It is a matter of making the individual feel more complete, with much more inner wealth and much more responsibility. People in our country know that the glorious period in which they happen to live is one of sacrifice; they are familiar with sacrifice. LOYAL AND WATCHING Our aspiration is for the party to become a mass party, but only when the masses have reached the level of the vanguard, that is, when they are educated for communism. Our work constantly strives toward this education. The party is the living example; its cadres must teach hard work and sacrifice. CRITICAL Within the revolution, everything, outside the revolution, nothing 10 MILLION TON HARVEST Alma Guillermoprieto, Looking for History: Later, when you cut cane against the clock for grueling months on end, you do it to meet his goal: 10 million tons! That endless, agonizing harvest of turns the island upside down and mobilizes nearly every able-bodied youth in Cuba. It produces barely 8 million tons of sugar, and Cubas productive infrastructure is nearly destroyed as a result of the effort. But when he offers to resign you are in the Plaza, weeping and shouting No! You donate blood for Fidel when he demands your international solidarity for disaster victims overseas, and you are awed and moved to tears again at the endless generosity, de espiritu de sacrificio with which his words fill you. Your voice thunders through the actos, the revolutionary gatherings where faith is rekindled: Fi-del! Fi-del! Fi-del! Retreat to Socialism: opening to Eastern bloc and global markets -greater emphasis on consumerism domestically -opening of venues for popular participation Rectification of errors and negative tendencies: return to tighter economic controls and more disciplined notion of citizenship Whats it like to be a revolutionary citizen? Oscar Lewis and his oral history project: Elizabeth Dore and her oral history project: FOR THURSDAY Read Neighbors and article by Elizabeth Dore, as posted on website. How do those lives intersect with the themes of consumption, mobilization, critique? How would you respond in the contexts described? Papers due! FAMILY CODE, 1975 BALSERO CRISIS, EARLY 90S Quinceaera, 2005 LOOKING AHEAD Final paper/project: 20% -Historiographic essay (choose 1 week and read one more book)2000 words. -Multimedia project with some scholarly content and at least 1500 words. -Choose one author we have read and read another book by that author. Write an essay on their historical perspective, methods, and aims words. Due April 7, in class. For March 19, please hand in a one-paragraph proposal for your paper/project. INCLUDED AND PREPARED