F FACTS AND FANCIES. A Movement in Business. The St. Paul Carpet Company. will be open on Third street tomorrow. For the past few days Mr. fccott has been re- moving their extensive stock to. as well as receiving fresh goods for. their new headquarters at the corner of Third and Minnesota streets, opposite Mannheiiner Brothers. Tomoi row morning they will be ready to hanndle trade from their new site and have an excellent selection of everything pertaining to Carpets, Draperies and Wall Papers for spring trade to show to appreciative customers. Every thine; at the present time is pres- ents for Christinas, and something orna- . mental to the home is quite appropriate. How about a handsome pair of Curtains or a rich Kua? With the latter the re- cipient is sure to trample on your gift. •\u2666Special" Sale Watches— il9lss. 14-carat solid cold case. Elgin movement. B.B. Marshall & Son, reliable jewelers, established twenty-five years, 242 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis. mSM Fancy Goods Sale Of Holiday Novelties at Donaldson's till Xmas. 189 East Seventh street. Buy Your Holiday Presents At Prister's, 215 East Seventh. You will get good goo Is and save money. I'ocZict Cutlery. 200 styles JXL and American Pock- et Knives, 10 cents to $3. St. Paul Hardware Company. 7S and 80 East Seventh street. Open until 9:30 p. m. Christinas week. Don't Forget It, The old Jewelry Stand of E. Geist, 85 East Third. " : For the Fair Sex. jara. He is a good man who can 5^ receive a gift well. We are V*3" either glad or sorry at a pres- ' K/K^ sent, and both emotions are ««"'I»«a unbecoming: but kind rcad- bS jSjS ci". ifyou want an appro- s''(-& v*i priate article to make a i:en- d|MH tleinan friend the recipient RIB of, cast your eyes on the su- ITbB H^ pei'b selection of rich Neck- \u25a0lS E3 wear .' handsome Hanilker- >-^^fl chiefs, and Gents' Furnish- i mk ings, to be found at Schus- P ebb ler's, 318 and 315 Jackson Hil street. Your judgment and f- HI nuances will do the rest. Fancy Goods Sale Of Holiday Novelties at Donaldson's till 2unas. Everything marked down. Gold Fish. De Cou & Co., 21 West Third. \u25a0 A Ton of Shoe Leather Saved. A bushel or fun trained by using a Flexible Flyer for coasting. NOBTUWESTERN H A ROWABE Co., , 417 and 410 Wabasha Street. A Look Tki'!;ii^°li Our stock is all we ask; our prices and styles do the rest. Louis W. Schroeder, 10 East Sixth street. L,ijclie*». INSPECT OUR STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S EAR. GOYERBUOS. FURNISHING GOODS COMPANY, 326 ROBERT STREET. #16 4O—Special Sale Watches. Solid gold case. Elgin move- ment. B.B.Marshall & Son, 242 Nic- ollet avenue, Minneapolis. :-'.> » Scroll Saws And Scroll Saw Woods and Patterns.. St. Paul Hardware Company, 78 and 80 East Seventh street. Open until 9:30 p. in. during Christmas week. For the Holidays. In looking up your Holiday Presents examine the stock at Piaster's jewelry Store, 215 East Seventh street. It will pay you. Painted Satin and Celluloid Goods marked down at Donaldson's. .""•Irv Vrooman , Has some, very choice Gloves for Xmas presents. 75 East Third street. I>yc(»i>odiuiii. De Cou &Co., 21 West Third. Vaivi cures ailments peculiar to wo- men. Lady attendants. 20, Maun- heiuier block. Christmas Turkeys, 13c Per pound at Schoch's. Mrs. Franklin continues to sell Grany Switch at cost, Grand Block. Kolicc to Depositors. The semi-annual interest for the term ending Jan. 1. 1892, will be paid on or alter Jan. 2 on presentation of pass books— s per cent interest guaranteed. Deposits made on or before Jan. 3 draw interest from Jan. 1. Minnesota Sav- ings Bank, 322 Wabasha street, between Third and Fourth. Imported Winter Millinery. The finest assortment. Exclusive styles, Mine. Coe, Lowry Arcade. C'liii»tiuiiS Trees. De Cou & Co., 21 West Third. La Grippe anil Khcumatism. Radam's Microbe Killer, sure cure. Choice A' nt as Glorcs. Ladies and gentlemen's, at Mrs. Vroo- uian's. 75 £a:>t Third street. To. Sc'.iroeder's For your Xmas eifts. Lowest prices. Latest styles, 10 East Sixth street. Pigeons, ."»:> Cents a Pair. >c Cou & Co., 21 West Third. Mrs. Winslow'&SootlHUK Syrup is an uncx Celled medicine for Children while Teething The "Matchless"* Shaw Pianos. 'i-'fec^fc^P^T lie °* these would WtotMQ&M make an elegant pres- /^psl!^|g|jsj ent. Quality consid- ered.our prices are very E"Mis*j33^ca £ low—we a:sk no fancy p§|j&Ns«|ggj prices. Second- hand -r.*..".!'^^,. upriphts all prices from fl3o up. It will pay you to sec us. li.vcDKxr.rsii Co.. x I^owry Arcade. Christmas Turkeys, 13e Per pound at Schoch's. I^le^aiit Fur Capes at Greatly reduced prices at Habighorst & (Jo's., 233-237 P]nst Seventh street. Fl«:xil>2« Flyers and Flying Coasters* All sizes. Best for easy steering, speed, comfort, strength and safety. NOKTHWKSTEKX llai:i)wai:e Co.. 417 ana 419 Wabasha Street. Hole; Metropolitan is popularly known as the only first-class European Plan House ii! the Northwest. Its Cafe serv- ice is superior, and the evening "Table d'Hote" is a perfect dinner. Christmas Gifts. Large and best-selected stock of Watches, American and imported, at lowest prices, at Henry Bock'struck's, 11 E:isl Seventh. l{<illi:i(h<-s. De Cou & Co., 21 West Third. ahuseheiits TAWTPUT lifTROP^LTfA^I PRICES > 1 UJNIUII 1 iyi^O PI^^.IaSXI 25, 50, 75c U«a I- N SCOTT. MANAGER _^| ailCl $1. Four Performances, Commencing This (SUNDAY) Night The Disting uished Tragedian, Mr. THOMAS W. KEENE! Supported by a Most Capable Company of Players in the Following Se- lect Repertoire: Tonight Monday Tuesday Wednesday Richard 111. Richelieu. Louis XL Richard 111, rAimv DIPC \ JrTRO^OLITfiK I a jolly FANNY RICE I^'o'zs^&lJAN surprise mm mm-mmmm.—m—M*mmmm »** B LN SCOTT. MANAGER. I Vl COMXEKCHrC^== f% a \ sea \ \u25a0« mm± m •• ThurQfiau Ren /i I HI HOLIDAY IllUloUdj; bubBLT A HaTTRAPTinM Extra Matinee Xmas Day. i %mS\ I § 1iB Mi ' lIAU 1 lUri MERRY In Arthur Waliick's New Musical Comedy, Full of Pleasi ng Surprises ! Bright, Catchy Music ! Laughable Situations ! THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1891.— TWENTY PAGES. The Andrew Schoch Grocery Company still sell fancy Geniton Apples atf2 per barrel. A larjre assortment of fine Candies, -Nuts, Oranrei, Lemons, Pineapples, Bananas, crisp Celery, Pears. Popcorn, Sweet Potatoes, etc.. at lowest prices. For the accommodation of our cus- tomers we will keep open evenings until Christmas. The Ajtdbkw Schoch Gbockrt Co.. Seventh and Broadway. Elegant Line of Holiday i-loo.ls At Northwestern Hardware Co., 417 and 41'J \\ abasha Street. i:i(1 » I >»< Import* d Dress Hate- rial And .Trimmings at less than cost all this week. sSß&ieollet, Miss Philbrook. Order Furlong** ••Clincher" And "Auditorium" Cigars forCinistmas presents. 910.10- Filled Cnsc. WarraiUfd five years. Elgin move- ment. 13. B. Marshall & Son, reliable jewelers, established twenty-five years, 24> Nlcollet avenue, Minneapolis. Jolly For the boys and girls, De Cou &Co.. 21 West Third. You Know Everything you get at Geist'a Jewelry Store is reliable and prices reasonable. End Geist, the Jeweler, Has the greatest selection of Riugs from Child's at f 1 to Ladies' at $5. AMHOIHiCEMEITS. K. HAI,K.],ITTs GUAM) (II'HRA House Work, fills teeth without rein. i>h:i>. TAYLOR— San Francisco, Cal.. Dec 9. 3891. Mrs. Charlotte B. Taylor, mother of Nathaniel Sleeper, of New Yorrf, and Julian 11. Sleeper, of thia city. Funeral from the Hotel Sherman today "at 2:33 p. m. Services at St. John's church, corner Ashland and Mackubiii streets, at. -i o'clock. Friends are invited. VAlL— AtEvanslon, Ill.'.Mrs. France* L.. wife of I). V. Vf.il.of St. Paul, Minn.. Dec. IS. at 7 o'clock p. m.. at the home of his sister. Mrs. E. M. Vandercook, 452 Church street, Evan- Mon, 111. Funeral nnnoniicement later. BIRMINGHAM— In this city, at the family residence. 610 Olive street. Dec. 19. 1891". Thomas Birmingham, aped seventy-eisht years. Funeral Tuesday 9:30. Services at St. Mary's church at 10 a.m. Friends in- vited to attend. KELLY— In St Paul. Saturday, December i'.t.li. at7:il p.m., Mrs. Mary J*. Kelly, aped 35 years, beloved wife Of L. \V." Kelly. Funeral from residence, 398 Ooodhue St.. Monday. December 2lst, at 8:30 a. m. Serv- ices at St. James' church at 9 i"clock. MARTY— St. Paul. Minn., Doc. 10. 1801, Mrs. Elizabeth Marty, aired sixty-five years. Funeral today (Sunday), Dec. -'0, at 2p. m., from residence of her daughter. Mrs. John Marty, No 498 East Seventh street. Friends ore invited to attend. S FENCER Minneapolis, on the 19th inst,, at 11 a. in., at the residence of her parents, 17(8 Thomas place. Minneapolis, Louise, wife of C. E. Spencer and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Starkweather. Notice Co funeral hereafter, Detroit papers please copy. ROGERS— St. Paul, Minn.. Dec. 18, 1891, Miss l.ois L. Rogers, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. B. P. (iniy. . Funeral from Christian chapel, corner Louis and Carroll streets, Sunday, Dec. 20, at 2:30 p. m. For Funeral Carriages. S-: Hearse, $4. No. CM East Ninth st. E. \V. Shirks. Tele phone. 455-2. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. We have now inour hands with- out exception the most beautiful piece of residence property in St. , Paul. This isClay's Addition,frout- ing on the river at the foot of Cleveland avenue. It is covered with fine trees, and lies perfectly. We propose to make this a choice residence neighborhood, and we will ffiirantee none but desirable neighbors. We will not sell to speculators, but to the right people desiring to build we ofter special inducements. We do not intend to have any cheap houses on this ad- dition. But if you will agree to build a good house, and are the right sort of man, we will sell you a lot 50 by 150 feet, worth §1,000 0r51.200, fora nominal price. The. West Seventh street electric line runs within a block of this addition, ! and it is accessible to the beautiful scenery and attractive society of Fort Snell ing 1 We have, also, the best property in South St. Paul, as well as good property in other parts of the city, and fine acre property for market gardens. ODIN G. CLAY & CO, 207 Bank of Minnesota. AMUSEMENTS. ST. IP-AJCJL Choral Association. HANDEL'S MESSIAH PEOPLE'S CHURCH Tuesday, Dec. 22. Miss Mary Beesley Soprano Miss Alma Norton Johnson Contralto Mr. William l.avin Tenor Mr. Emil Fischer ... Basso Samuel A. Baldwin Conductor Seats on sale at Dyer's. PEOPLE'S CHURCH! Readings, Songs, Stories BY SIR EDWIN ARNOLD Author of "Light of Asia," "Light of the World," MONDAY, DEC. 28, 8 P. M. Sale of Scats at Dyer's at 9 a. m. Tomorrow. "Views Afoot in Ireland." Green. Saturday. PEOPLE'S CHURCH. CONCERT BY THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS Tuesday, Dec. 29, 8 p. m. Ticket* at Dyer's, sOc, 75c, $1.00. "Views Afoot in Ireland." Green. Saturday. iiGnß.^jisriD.ii Tonight and All Christmas Week. Extra Matinee Christmas Day. HELD ITlie Greatest BY THE I War Play ENEMY. I Ever Written. Next Sunday. "MIDNIGHT ALARM." DE GARMO'S CLASSES IN DANCING. LETT'S HALL. Grand Opera House Buildin?. Sixth and St. Peter Afternoons— Tuesdays at 4; Saturdays, 3 o'clock Evenings— Tuesdays nnd Fridays. 8 o'clock. Private Lessons by special appointment. I". O. address and"residence, ?4s Dayton avenue car G rotto. Write for Circular. WEST SIDE SEIBERT CONCERT Today, 3 P \u25a0\u0084 MARTIN'S HALL. . :Admis3lon 25 Cents:— By Request, "ATexas Steer Overture,*' In- troduciug a Traveling Street Band— the Bit of the hay, In the Popular Due. I <Mlii)iiHillliii g i We are too busy to say what we would | I like to in this advertisement, and you would I I agree with us if you saw every salesman in 1 I our house as busy as a bee during the j 1 past week. [ how so? 1 Because we sell goods cheap and give I I just what we advertise, and the people ap- I I preciate it. ) DON'T FORGET I Our Special Inducements we have of- 1 I fered on our 1 I . Fancy Rockers, I I Children's Rockers, 1 I Children's High Chairs I I And Sideboards, I I ALSO that we are selling anything and every- \ 1 thing in our China and Crockery Departments I 1 at Actual Wholesale Prices. | I We Keep Open Every Evening to Dec. 25th. 1 Pj We want your You can buy as well by mail as Every Electric Car P gj Patronage and Our if you were in our store. One passes our door. Our *H gj Prices will Merit It. price to all. Terms to suit pur- Motto: Low Prices JH gg chaser. Freight paid 100 miles. ami Large Sales. R 1 Furnishing Company, ( 1 THE LIBERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, .-; - ' | I 434 AND 436 WABASHA STREET. I WITHOUT A/ PARALLEL J?L % V 4 A WITHOUT A PARALLEL This is the Buyer Week. Ton cannot failbut to be impressed with the immense advantages THIS BROKEN-LOT SALE OF HEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS OFFERS. These are not the od is and ends of the accumu- lations of years, bat new goods, right np in this season's style. If you can be fitted yon can save ju3t 25 per cent of your purchase. For in- stance, TAKE A 510 SUIT OR OVERCOAT AND YOUGET ITFOR $7.59. 20 Jo for Another Week i On all Smoking Jackets, Dressing Gowns and Bath Robes. Encouraged by the remarkable success of this sals during the past week, we shall continue itfrom now until Christmas, thus affording the Ladies the very best opportunity 1 3 buy same of the Choicest and M:st Acceptable and Appropriate of Christmas Gifts, at these phenomenally lowprices: $6.00 Smoking Jacket, with 20 par cent, yon get for $4.80. ' $8.00 Smoking Jacket, with 20 per cent, you get for $6.40. $10.00 Smoking Jacket, with20 par cent, you get for $8.00. Come inand see them. The largest line in the city to select from. BROWNING, * >v^ KING & CO. Manufacturers (s^^i >&X Fine 0/ dV^ 5 vvi* clothin g> JT ft OFF 2 Seventh %^\.^V^ mid V St. Paul, Robert Streets, Minnesota, . \u25a0> lOIS "* " IMWn TOYS - . lOifc* ivlO \u25a0.-..- „.„„ TO STS __^ . . : \u25a0 XUX b, . I DRY GOODS CO., § iUlo * BB9^ £ M pr\TrcW TOYS iOlb; lISEVENTH AND JACKSON, ST. PAUL. TOYS ifSEVENTH AND JACKSON, ST. PAUL. §jg TOYS , - \u25a0 . lOYb' {• __ TOYS TOYS "~- —-' ' TOYS TOYS - ! TOYS TOYS f* mPK na mm »... TOYS HfinnriT Tnv pur TnmsnnnniEi i ™| Ui ofllr yilnnUi'l toys ul l Lhl 11 IUI Us ILL IUS lU§ IIUI Ixolll TOYS ' T0>YS i TOY'S i-^-r=" \u25a0!\u25a0 ii" üßiiiwanß- i.Trr-.VP^ ' TOYS 588 Large Assortment of Tin Toys ! Large Assortment of Iron Toys ! Is!! TOYS , i TOYS TOYS _ _ = TOYS TOYS TRICES LOWER THAN ELSE- nURIQTMAQ RIFTS PRICES LOWER THAN ELSE- toys toys WHERE. PLEASE COMPARE. WinftlMAs UINS mm PLEASE COMPARE. |8?| ! TOYS lOYS TOYS 50 Cents for Nice Trunks. For Yonna and Old DollCarrlaqes. TOYS TOYS 98 Cents for Large Trunks. * w Yonnfl ana 01<1! Dolls inan Endless Variety. JOYS ! TOYS 50 Cents for Wheelbarrows. Parlor Sets for Children. ri\YK TOYS See Our r-afn| and nrnampitn! Pnrante ? Christmas Tree Fences. TOYS TOYS Toy Furniture, LSeiUI m UrnamCntlll tTeo3ntS I Christmas Tree Holders. TOYS* ir * * Secretary Desks, Complete Wire Beds. TOYS toys . ash stands Bureaus, For the accommodation of onr Cabinets. Mirrors. TOYS TOYS Ki *chen Tables, Leaf Tables, trade v;e devoto the largest part Picture Frames. Drnms. ?Hv« TOYS School Desks, of our lower floor, and also the Hobby Horses. Doll Cradles. tovq TOYS Office Chairs, upper floors, for the sale of Toys Manicure Sats from 39 cents to toys TOYS Albums from 39c to $15 each. and Dolls, Fancy Goods, Etc. $25 each. toys ™v£ - TOYS l»io TOY*4 I ENORMOUS STOCK OF IRON AND TIN TOYS Hi i \f i o Toys toys sc, !Oc, 25c, 50c Tables. Large Variety of Toys and Games. toys |P - - TOYS T ;; Y 2 : "" TOYS |!GREAT-:-BOOK-:-SALE Ml { v s ' TOYS' i?r. , TOTS Sx42 toys I CLOAKS! MUFFS! APRONS TOYS i U V o toys 500 Fur Muffs 33 1-3 to 50 per cent lower than ever before. , ' toys toys •\u25a0 .- toys lUlo \u25a0 - \u25a0. \u25a0 TOYS' lIGUSTAVE HEINEMANN DRY GOODS COMPANY, I pnnVG Ol S 1811 SEVENTH AND JACKSON STREETS, ST. PAUL. toys # PROSPECTIVE PIANO PURCHASERS l^^^^^ffl f MUSIC STORE, ' 97 East Third St. We Sell a Good Piano - - for $75 A Better One - - * for $100 A Fine One - . •* /or V/ 4/7 f%cf/7^ (7/?e ... for $200 *7i& A Small Cash Payment; Balance During the Coming Year. MUSICAL BOXES! * _ * . One Air to Forty Airs ! Small Musical Instruments ||x^ —^^^sr^ll i of Every Kind. W/ >Sfip And Many Novelties Not Found Elsewhere. // &Jj£>___ j|-\ \\ I FINE EDITIONS OF MUSICAL WORKS II i^^^ \V i^^^^ h\ ! Of Allthe Great Masters. I [ 1 1 1 J^ 1 1 1,000 Copies, 225 Pages Each, \\ \^ jT% ' W^^^ // j WE HOPE TO SEE YOU. j\ // j WHITNEY'S V3^ >M fir fir ## aB ffiff. # fi3 \*^v>v^ x^^^^ J^j^^l) Music Store, l^^j^l:, ROT TIHIF BUD'ffB 1

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1891-12-20 [p 8] · 2017. 12. 14. · F FACTS AND FANCIES. A Movement in Business. The St. Paul Carpet Company. willbe open on Third street

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1891-12-20 [p 8] · 2017. 12. 14. · F FACTS AND FANCIES. A Movement in Business. The St. Paul Carpet Company. willbe open on Third street


FACTS AND FANCIES.A Movement in Business.

The St. Paul Carpet Company. willbeopen on Third street tomorrow. Forthe past few days Mr. fccott has been re-moving their extensive stock to. as wellas receiving fresh goods for. their newheadquarters at the corner of Third andMinnesota streets, opposite MannheiinerBrothers. Tomoi row morning they willbe ready to hanndle trade from theirnew site and have an excellent selectionof everything pertaining to Carpets,Draperies and Wall Papers for springtrade to show to appreciative customers.Every thine; at the present time is pres-ents for Christinas, and something orna-

. mental to the home is quite appropriate.How about a handsome pair of Curtainsor a rich Kua? With the latter the re-cipient is sure to trample on your gift.

•\u2666Special" SaleWatches— il9lss. 14-carat solid coldcase. Elgin movement. B.B. Marshall& Son, reliable jewelers, establishedtwenty-five years, 242 Nicollet avenue,Minneapolis. mSM

Fancy Goods SaleOf Holiday Novelties at Donaldson'stillXmas. 189 East Seventh street.

Buy Your Holiday PresentsAt Prister's, 215 East Seventh. Youwillget good goo Is and save money.

I'ocZict Cutlery.

200 styles JXL and American Pock-et Knives, 10 cents to $3. St. PaulHardware Company. 7S and 80 EastSeventh street. Open until 9:30 p. m.Christinas week.

Don't Forget It,The old Jewelry Stand of E. Geist, 85East Third.


For the Fair Sex.jara. He is a good man who can5^ receive a gift well. We areV*3" either glad or sorry at a pres-

'K/K^ sent, and both emotions are

««"'I»«a unbecoming: but kind rcad-bS jSjS ci". ifyou want an appro-s''(-& v*ipriate article to make a i:en-

d|MHtleinan friend the recipientRIBof, cast your eyes on the su-•ITbB H^pei'b selection of rich Neck-

\u25a0lS E3 wear.' handsome Hanilker->-^^fl chiefs, and Gents' Furnish-i mk ings, to be found at Schus-P ebb ler's, 318 and 315 Jackson

Hil street. Your judgment andf-HI nuances willdo the rest.

Fancy Goods SaleOf Holiday Novelties at Donaldson's till2unas. Everything marked down.

Gold Fish.De Cou &Co., 21 West Third. \u25a0

A Ton ofShoe Leather Saved.A bushel or fun trained by using aFlexible Flyer for coasting.

NOBTUWESTERN HAROWABE Co.,, 417 and 410 Wabasha Street.

A Look Tki'!;ii^°liOur stock is all we ask; our prices andstyles do the rest. Louis W. Schroeder,10 East Sixth street.








#16 4O—Special SaleWatches. Solid gold case. Elginmove-ment. B.B.Marshall & Son, 242 Nic-ollet avenue, Minneapolis. :-'.>» Scroll SawsAnd Scroll Saw Woods and Patterns..St. Paul Hardware Company, 78 and 80East Seventh street. Open until9:30p. in. during Christmas week.

For the Holidays.Inlooking up your Holiday Presents

examine the stock at Piaster's jewelryStore, 215 East Seventh street. It willpay you.

Painted Satin and CelluloidGoods marked down at Donaldson's.

.""•Irv Vrooman ,Has some, very choice Gloves for Xmaspresents. 75 East Third street.

I>yc(»i>odiuiii.De Cou &Co., 21 West Third.

Vaivicures ailments peculiar to wo-men. Lady attendants. 20, Maun-heiuier block.

Christmas Turkeys, 13cPer pound at Schoch's.

Mrs. Franklin continues to sell GranySwitch at cost, Grand Block.

Kolicc to Depositors.

The semi-annual interest for the termending Jan. 1. 1892, will be paid on oralter Jan. 2 on presentation of passbooks— s per cent interest guaranteed.Deposits made on or before Jan. 3 drawinterest from Jan. 1. Minnesota Sav-ings Bank, 322 Wabasha street, betweenThirdand Fourth.

Imported Winter Millinery.The finest assortment. Exclusive

styles, Mine. Coe, Lowry Arcade.

C'liii»tiuiiS Trees.De Cou &Co., 21 West Third.

La Grippe anil Khcumatism.Radam's Microbe Killer, sure cure.

Choice A'ntas Glorcs.Ladies and gentlemen's, at Mrs. Vroo-uian's. 75 £a:>t Third street.

To. Sc'.iroeder'sFor your Xmas eifts. Lowest prices.Latest styles, 10 East Sixth street.

Pigeons, ."»:> Cents a Pair.>c Cou & Co., 21 West Third.

Mrs. Winslow'&SootlHUK Syrup is an uncxCelled medicine for Children while Teething

The "Matchless"* Shaw Pianos.

'i-'fec^fc^P^T lie°* these would

WtotMQ&M make an elegant pres-/^psl!^|g|jsj ent. Quality consid-

ered.our prices are very

E"Mis*j33^ca £ low—we a:sk no fancyp§|j&Ns«|ggj prices. Second- hand-r.*..".!'^^,. ,» upriphts all prices from

fl3oup. Itwillpay you to sec us.li.vcDKxr.rsii Co..

x I^owryArcade.

Christmas Turkeys, 13ePer pound at Schoch's.

I^le^aiitFur Capes atGreatly reduced prices at Habighorst &(Jo's., 233-237 P]nst Seventh street.

Fl«:xil>2« Flyers and FlyingCoasters*

Allsizes. Best foreasy steering, speed,comfort, strength and safety.

NOKTHWKSTEKX llai:i)wai:eCo..417 ana 419 Wabasha Street.

Hole;Metropolitan ispopularly knownas the only first-class European PlanHouse ii!the Northwest. Its Cafe serv-ice is superior, and the evening "Tabled'Hote" is a perfect dinner.

Christmas Gifts.Large and best-selected stock of

Watches, American and imported, atlowest prices, at Henry Bock'struck's, 11E:isl Seventh.


De Cou &Co., 21 West Third.



1UJNIUII1 iyi^OPI^^.IaSXI 25, 50, 75c— U«a I-NSCOTT. MANAGER _^| ailCl$1.

Four Performances, Commencing

This (SUNDAY) NightThe Disting uished Tragedian, Mr.


KEENE!Supported by a Most Capable Company ofPlayers inthe Following Se-

lect Repertoire:

Tonight Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Richard 111. Richelieu. Louis XL Richard 111,

rAimv DIPC \ JrTRO^OLITfiKIa jollyFANNY RICE I^'o'zs^&lJAN surprisemmmm-mmmm.—m—M*mmmm »**B LNSCOTT. MANAGER.IVl

COMXEKCHrC^== f% a \ sea \ \u25a0« mm± m ••

ThurQfiau Ren /i IHI HOLIDAYIllUloUdj;bubBLT A HaTTRAPTinM

Extra Matinee Xmas Day. i%mS\ I§ 1iBMi' lIAU1lUri


In Arthur Waliick's New Musical Comedy,

Fullof Pleasi ng Surprises !Bright, Catchy Music!

Laughable Situations !


Company still sell fancy Geniton Applesatf2 per barrel.

Alarjre assortment of fine Candies,-Nuts, Oranrei, Lemons, Pineapples,Bananas, crisp Celery, Pears. Popcorn,Sweet Potatoes, etc.. at lowest prices.

For the accommodation of our cus-tomers we will keep open eveningsuntil Christmas.The Ajtdbkw Schoch Gbockrt Co..

Seventh and Broadway.

Elegant Line of Holiday i-loo.lsAt Northwestern Hardware Co., 417 and41'J \\ abasha Street.

i:i(1»I>»< Import*d Dress Hate-rial

And.Trimmings at less than cost all thisweek. sSß&ieollet, Miss Philbrook.

Order Furlong** ••Clincher"And"Auditorium" Cigars forCinistmaspresents.

910.10- Filled Cnsc.WarraiUfd five years. Elgin move-

ment. 13. B. Marshall & Son, reliablejewelers, established twenty-five years,24> Nlcollet avenue, Minneapolis.

JollyFor the boys and girls, De Cou &Co..21 West Third.

You KnowEverything you get at Geist'a JewelryStore is reliable and prices reasonable.

End Geist, the Jeweler,Has the greatest selection of Riugs fromChild's at f1to Ladies' at $5.


House Work, fills teeth without rein.

i>h:i>.TAYLOR— San Francisco, Cal.. Dec 9.

3891. Mrs. Charlotte B. Taylor, mother ofNathaniel Sleeper, of New Yorrf, andJulian 11. Sleeper, of thia city. Funeralfrom the Hotel Sherman today "at 2:33 p.m. Services at St. John's church, cornerAshland and Mackubiii streets, at. -io'clock.Friends are invited.

VAlL—AtEvanslon, Ill.'.Mrs.France* L.. wifeof I). V. Vf.il.ofSt. Paul, Minn.. Dec. IS. at 7o'clock p.m.. at the home of his sister. Mrs.E. M.Vandercook, 452 Church street, Evan-Mon, 111. Funeral nnnoniicement later.

BIRMINGHAM—Inthis city, at the familyresidence. 610 Olive street. Dec. 19. 1891".Thomas Birmingham, aped seventy-eishtyears. Funeral Tuesday 9:30. Services atSt. Mary's church at 10 a.m. Friends in-vited to attend.

KELLY—In St Paul. Saturday, Decemberi'.t.li.at7:il p.m., Mrs. Mary J*. Kelly,aped35 years, beloved wife Of L. \V."Kelly.Funeral from residence, 398 Ooodhue St..Monday. December 2lst, at 8:30 a. m. Serv-ices at St. James' church at 9 i"clock.

MARTY— St. Paul. Minn., Doc. 10. 1801,Mrs. Elizabeth Marty, aired sixty-five years.Funeral today (Sunday), Dec. -'0, at 2p. m.,from residence of her daughter. Mrs. JohnMarty, No 498 East Seventh street. Friendsore invited to attend.


Minneapolis, on the 19th inst,,at 11 a. in., at the residence of her parents,17(8 Thomas place. Minneapolis, Louise,wife ofC. E. Spencer and only daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Perry Starkweather. NoticeCo funeral hereafter, Detroit papers pleasecopy.

ROGERS— St. Paul, Minn.. Dec. 18, 1891,Miss l.ois L.Rogers, daughter of Mr.andMrs. B. P. (iniy.. Funeral from Christianchapel, corner Louis and Carroll streets,Sunday, Dec. 20, at 2:30 p. m.

For Funeral Carriages. S-: Hearse, $4. No.CM East Ninth st. E. \V. Shirks. Telephone. 455-2.

BEAUTIFUL HOMES.We have now inour hands with-

out exception the most beautifulpiece of residence property in St.,Paul. This isClay's Addition,frout-ing on the river at the foot ofCleveland avenue. It is coveredwith fine trees, and lies perfectly.We propose to make this a choiceresidence neighborhood, and wewillffiirantee none but desirableneighbors. We will not sell tospeculators, but to the right peopledesiring to build we ofter special

inducements. We do not intend tohave any cheap houses on this ad-dition. But if you will agree tobuild a good house, and are theright sort ofman, we will sell youa lot 50 by 150 feet, worth §1,0000r51.200, fora nominal price. The.West Seventh street electric lineruns withina block of this addition, !and it is accessible to the beautifulscenery and attractive society ofFort Snell ing1 We have, also, thebest property in South St. Paul, aswell as good property in otherparts of the city, and fine acreproperty for market gardens.

ODIN G. CLAY & CO,207 Bank of Minnesota.


Choral Association.HANDEL'S


Tuesday, Dec. 22.Miss Mary Beesley SopranoMiss Alma Norton Johnson ContraltoMr. William l.avin TenorMr.Emil Fischer ... BassoSamuel A.Baldwin Conductor

• Seats on sale at Dyer's.

PEOPLE'S CHURCH!Readings, Songs, Stories



"Light of Asia," "Lightof the World,"

MONDAY,DEC. 28, 8 P. M.Sale of Scats at Dyer's at 9 a. m.


"Views Afoot in Ireland." Green. Saturday.



MANDOLIN CLUBSTuesday, Dec. 29, 8 p. m.

Ticket* at Dyer's, sOc, 75c, $1.00.

"Views Afoot in Ireland." Green. Saturday.

iiGnß.^jisriD.iiTonight and All Christmas Week.

ExtraMatinee Christmas Day.

HELD ITlieGreatestBY THE I War PlayENEMY. I Ever Written.Next Sunday. "MIDNIGHTALARM."


LETT'S HALL.Grand Opera House Buildin?. Sixthand St. Peter

Afternoons— Tuesdays at 4; Saturdays, 3o'clockEvenings—Tuesdays nnd Fridays. 8 o'clock.Private Lessons by special appointment.I".O. address and"residence, ?4s Dayton avenue

car Grotto. Write for Circular.



:Admis3lon 25 Cents:—ByRequest, "ATexas Steer Overture,*' In-

troduciug a Traveling Street Band— theBitof the hay, Inthe Popular Due.

I <Mlii)iiHillliii gi We are too busy to say what we would |Ilike to in this advertisement, and you would IIagree withus if you saw every salesman in 1Iour house as busy as a bee during the j1 past week. [

how so?1 Because we sell goods cheap and give IIjust what we advertise, and the people ap- IIpreciate it. )

DON'T FORGETI Our Special Inducements we have of- 1I fered on our 1

I. Fancy Rockers, II Children's Rockers, 1I Children's High Chairs II And Sideboards, IIALSO that we are selling anything and every- \1 thing in our China and Crockery Departments I1 at Actual Wholesale Prices. |I We Keep Open Every Evening to Dec. 25th. 1Pj We want your You can buy as well by mail as Every Electric Car Pgj Patronage and Our if you were in our store. One passes our door. Our *Hgj Prices willMerit It. price to all. Terms to suit pur- Motto: Low Prices JHgg chaser. Freight paid 100 miles. ami Large Sales. R

1 Furnishing Company, (1 THE LIBERALHOUSE FURNISHERS, .-;



J?L %V 4 A

WITHOUT A PARALLELThis is the Buyer Week.

Ton cannot failbut to be impressed with the immense advantages THISBROKEN-LOT SALE OF HEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS ANDOVERCOATS OFFERS. These are not the odis and ends of the accumu-lations of years, bat new goods, right np in this season's style. If youcan be fittedyon can save ju3t 25 per cent of your purchase. For in-stance, TAKE A 510 SUIT OR OVERCOAT AND YOUGET ITFOR $7.59.

20 Jo for Another WeekiOnallSmoking Jackets, Dressing Gowns and Bath Robes. Encouragedby the remarkable success of this sals during the past week, we shallcontinue itfrom now untilChristmas, thus affording the Ladies the verybest opportunity 13 buy same of the Choicest and M:st Acceptable andAppropriate of Christmas Gifts, at these phenomenally lowprices:

$6.00 Smoking Jacket, with 20 par cent, yon get for $4.80.'$8.00 Smoking Jacket, with 20 per cent, you get for $6.40.

$10.00 Smoking Jacket, with20 par cent, you get for $8.00.Come inand see them. The largest line in the city to select from.

BROWNING, *>v^ KING & CO.Manufacturers (s^^i >&X

Fine0/ dV^ 5 vvi*


JT ft OFF 2

Seventh %^\.^V^mid V St. Paul,Robert Streets, Minnesota,

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i TOY'Si-^-r="\u25a0!\u25a0 ii" üßiiiwanß- i.Trr-.VP^ ' TOYS

588 Large Assortment of Tin Toys ! Large Assortment of Iron Toys ! Is!!TOYS , iTOYSTOYS

——_ _ — =TOYS


!TOYS lOYSTOYS 50 Cents for Nice Trunks. For Yonna and Old DollCarrlaqes. TOYSTOYS 98 Cents forLarge Trunks.

*w Yonnflana 01<1! Dolls inan Endless Variety. JOYS! TOYS 50 Cents for Wheelbarrows. Parlor Sets for Children. ri\YKTOYS See Our r-afn| and nrnampitn! Pnrante ? Christmas Tree Fences. TOYSTOYS Toy Furniture, LSeiUI m UrnamCntlll tTeo3ntS I Christmas Tree Holders. TOYS*ir**Secretary Desks, Complete Wire Beds. TOYS

toys .ash stands Bureaus, For the accommodation of onr Cabinets. Mirrors. TOYSTOYS Ki*chen Tables, Leaf Tables, trade v;e devoto the largest part Picture Frames. Drnms. ?Hv«TOYS School Desks, of our lower floor,and also the Hobby Horses. Doll Cradles. tovqTOYS Office Chairs, upper floors, for the sale of Toys Manicure Sats from 39 cents to toysTOYS Albums from 39c to $15 each. and Dolls, Fancy Goods, Etc. $25 each. toys™v£


l»io TOY*4


toys sc, !Oc, 25c, 50c Tables. Large Variety of Toys and Games. toys

|P - -TOYS

T;;Y2 : ""TOYS

|!GREAT-:-BOOK-:-SALE Ml{ vs' • TOYS'

i?r. , TOTSSx42 toys


toys 500 Fur Muffs 33 1-3 to 50 per cent lower than ever before. , ' toystoys •\u25a0 .- toys

lUlo \u25a0-

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l^^^^^ffl f MUSIC STORE,'

97 East Third St.

We Sell a Good Piano- -

for $75

A Better One- - * for $100

A Fine One- • . •* /or

V/4/7 f%cf/7^ (7/?e ... for $200

*7i& A Small Cash Payment; Balance During the Coming Year.


One Air to Forty Airs!Small Musical Instruments ||x^—^^^sr^ll i

of Every Kind. W/ >SfipAnd Many Novelties Not Found Elsewhere. // &Jj£>___ j|-\ \\ I

FINE EDITIONS OF MUSICAL WORKS II i^^^\Vi^^^^h\ !Of Allthe Great Masters. I[ 1 11 J^ 11

1,000 Copies, 225 Pages Each, \\ \^ jT% ' W^^^ // j

WE HOPE TO SEE YOU. j\ // jWHITNEY'S V3^ >Mfirfir ## a B ffiff.# fi3 \*^v>v^ x^^^^ J^j^^l)

Music Store, l^^j^l:,