THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, TUESDAY MOKxNIiNG, AUGUST 26, IBB4. 3 MILWAUKEE LETTER. Reorganization of the Wisconsin Editorial Association. The Great Encampment at Cold Spring" DrivingPark. Death of Dr. Perkins— The Soldiers' Home Investigation— Short Notes. I Special Correspondence of the Globe. | Milwaukee, Aug. 23. The- convention of editors of Wisconsin, whose programme ot ex- ercises was outliueil in last week's letter, was quite successful. The attendance was lighter than usual, probably because uo elaborate plan for pleasure had been drafted, the officers pre- ferring to make an effort to more thoroughly or- ganize the association; but those who attended had an enjoyabb time, nevertheless. The Merchant's association gave them a carriage drive Tnursday afternoon, the Evening Wisconsin provided the visitors with tickets and car fare to Schlitz park the same evening, and on Friday the Detroit and Milwau- kee Railroad company gave the editors, their wives and d£ghters, a ride to Grand Haven and buck on the magnificent iron steamer, City of Milwaukee. The literary part of the proceedings was excellent, but rather long, an! the discus- sion of this question treated by the essayists mighthave been more general. An interpolation in the programme Wednesday afternoon was the one spicy event of the session. L'uder the guise of a paper on foreign advertising James A. Pow- ers, a discharged employe of Cramer, Athens & Cramer, proprietors nf the Milwaukee Newspaper union, vented his spleen on his former employers by attacking the business of printing what are generally termed "PATENT INSIDiCS," For country newspapers as a gigantic monopoly. The editors were prepared to hear a bitter rebuke of the pjoprietors who ba 1 had the temerity to discharge Mr.Powers, hut they were not pre- pared to listen to private agreements filched from the archives or the office of which the speaker had been B trusted employee for ten years. The reading of a number of agreements and tha con- fession of the inner workings of the bustness pool was edifying to many of the country pub- lishers, but the gem ral verdict after .Mr. Powers bad concluded, was that he had rained his char- acter by betraying the trust of his employers. Judge Sam Ryan, of Appleton, voiced in the opinion of the majority when he said "Powers has eternally damned himself." Disgust over Mr. Powers' miserable confession was general, some of the members expressing the opinion that the association shonld have refused to listen to the black betrayal. The officers of the associa- tion will not permit the printing of Mr. Powers' sddress in the records. Wednesday afternoon the old association elected V.. I), loe, of Whitewater, president, selected a good list of vice presidents, and an executive committee, and chose J. E. Heg, Geneva Lake, mid David Atwood, of .Madison, secretary aud treasurer respectively. Wednesday the editors reorganized under the name of the Wisconsin Press association, adopted a constitution and chose the officers elected the day previous. About tl ft v members signed the new constitution, and it is expected thai before tbe books are closed the number will be increased to 100. This reor- ganization willbe fruitful of good, and is the best thing the editors have done for years. The as- sociation will meet at Appleton next year. BUERXAH M. BOOTH. A conspicuous figure at the editorial conven- tion was Sherman M. Booth, who was a promin- ent fighter against slavery in ante-helium days. He wa editor of 1 1 1 - Free Democrat,^, Milwaukee abolition paper, when In March, 1854, Joshua Glover, au escaped slave from Missouri, was ar- i, ted a) Kaclne, brutally beaten and brought to Milwaukee. Booth rode through the streets icattering handbills (ailing a rally, and shouting "Freemen to the rescue!" The result of the meeting was that (iiover was rescued and at lit to Canada. Booth was arrested mdafter exciting litigation was sentenced to a months Imprisonment and to pay a fine of nearly $1,600. Ihe supreme court of the state released Booth on a writ of habeas corpus and he was es- corted to the Madison train by a band and . .11 the route, while a cannon spoke the peoples joy in thtodering tones. At Madison reme court re-affirmed its decision that tbe fugitive slave law was unconstitutional, and Booth was discharged, Tho United states supreme court then issued an order, in 1658-9, remanding Booth to tho custody of the United Stales authorities. The Wisconsin supreme COttrl denied tne order and the legislature hacked the court and went so fur aa to counsel resist- ance. In I s.j'.i Booth uas arrested and locked up In prison, from which he was rescued by friends. Bootb was finally betrayed and arrested at Klpon, but after serving nearly a year was pardoned by President Buchanan, For one with h. much history, Booth is still a sturdy and vig- orous man, although silver hairs me rapidly weaving the enai raia of age in his bushy beard, wbli n has been for so many years a marked fea- ture of his facial appearance that were be to cut it oil iii besi friend would not recognize him. ltooih's political rewards have not been commen- surate with his sufferings for the cause of free- dom, probably owing to an unfortunate criminal trial which soiled his fair name and thereby stunted his politicalgrowth; but bo cannot be robbed of the laurels won at a time wbeu free men were tried !>y tiro, TIIK XXI AMI'MFKT. Preparation! for the grand military encamp- ment nt Cold Springdriving park next week are Complete. A city of tents lias been built, with md avenues laid out by exact geometri- cal measurements. The camp litis been officially named camp Alexander .Mitchell, after the tfreat financier, who acknowledged tbe honor by pre- sentlng the soldier boya with a handsome gaiTi- Hon dag and a tall staff. It is expected that fully ilitiamen will participate in the encamp- ment exercise* The price drill will take plate \\ ndneadn] . and :i street parade Thursday. Itis expected thai the greatest attraction willbo the abam battle, which will take place Friday. A fort will be erected, to be defended by a regiment of infantry, n battery of heavy artillery and two Gut linggun*, under command ot Major Powell, of the regular tinny. i'lte attacking force will con* il of three regiments otinfantrgr, one squad- ron of avalrj and two sections of li.;ht artillery. The first prize for the drill on We lues, lav is a company trophy valued al 1830. I auspi iule.l from n musket, and iv a apace above a crossed musket and sword i- amoud. In the surround- \u25a0mailer diamond*. The sec- ond prixe will be without diamonda, but similar to the tirst prise, ao i will be given to each mem- ber of the company The third ami fourth prizes arc gold badges constating ol shields and circles given to each ot tbe companies in competition. For the individual drills the first tiful diamond badge, and tbe sec- ond a loss valuable but bandaoms piu. The prospects foi the success ot the camp are excel- lent, the writer, of course, feeing the doubtful factor. TllKrotTRTH BATTAUOB TBOVmUtB, Tho trouble between a number of officers of the Fourth battalion and Major Slower, their commander, growing ont otsevere criticism of the militiaboys nj rol. chas. Stag, in the Sun- day Telegraph, of which Mower is ore of tho smoothed down by a ter- n authoritative rebuke by tbe major. barked bj the Influence of Adjutant Geaeral Chandler I. Chapman. At the officers drill eight, Capt. Traeataer, of the Lincoln guard, reiterated his objection to newspaper Ho AH not care per- t his men felt bad about it. Capt. Borchardt, of the Kosciusko guard, a Polish company Of the South side. f wepapei criticism, snd Sranted Major Mower to promise that the censor- . case. Mower, of course, I Uardt. forgetting himself, then >er he must take the consequences. The major then brought his military dignity into I rem] Mod Pocvtiardt of his subordinate | Adjutant General Chapman was pres- ' lid not take part in the dscussion. He i y srinked at the difficulty in order to I avoid taking offeteJ cognizance of it. After the | kat was acain broached | quietly and the trouble -. It is ' hardly probable that Capt. E _am stir i th the Sanaa* - ihe Nation*': guarded sdttoc. Monet - - to play suator, and the growlers are no - tOWesßfnt epaulettes, ltisa Case ol "so U ''.aii ' all are- TU« IIOHI ISVEsTWiaTtON. Tkvs InveeligatSoa of the management of the t :s Home is already a thine of rho pasl. at .: investigations has resulted In uoihing satisfactory to the complaining In- \u25a0 made were mainly objec- - ike of discipline at the home, by parlies who had been fined or placed at work on the \u25a0 -uaip far intra; liens thereof. Tha most m7~sT~S*. '\u25a0 SB "SuT supplies Brain Power. I finH AM *52 Sintering from complaint! hsf4&*7 V turn peculiar to their sex will find In DR. HAIITZKS lEOKTONIC a iwfsand speedy cure. Gives v clear, heal tliy complexion. !\u25a0 . «. -iiuri. l attempts at counterfeiting only add to tho popularity of tho original. Do notex- perimeut—(,-et tho oiuuin'al and Best. HARPER'S ° M K*f l |&f3gg l UV IHI r I LLfe CRip^Sri^^avT; i ,.— mawsm msWamm B?vm» constipates. Persons snffariotl from TORPIDITY of the lAVKH erlmwtl ity of the Bowels, will lind upurmannnt CURB by thon-« of Miami Pills. No medicine should be taken without first Cl«»Dslna the Stomach and Bowali with nd—» et HASTEH'S 1.1VF.8 PILLS. Bample dose Sent Free onapplication by postal. CSandytmr address toTbe I>r. Ha^nr Med.Co. V St. 1.r.-!s. Mo.for oir "DREAMBOOK."! I'ullof strange and useful ttfjrmat'ia,{ree.# LEGAL. OTATH OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY -< District Court, BecowJ Judicial Dlstriet. KittleDodge, plaintiff, atralust Clarence 1. Dodge. defendant. SI' SIMONS. The State of Mlnnessta to the above named dcfend- ii m: Too, Clarence I. Podge, are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which is on file inthe office of the eterk Of tho district court, second judicial dis- Irlct, Ramsey county. Minnesota, aud to serve a copy -MviTto s.iid complaint on the subscribers, a: their office. In the city of saint Paul. 43 Ka strict. In the s-.ii.l county i internee J. within thirty In- afl r tbe Irvi c \u0084f tills summons upon you, ex- clusive of the day of racfa service; and. if you fail to answer the said complaint withinthe time sfuioaalil iff in this action WfH apply to the court for rlie relief iliiiusmlsd therein, together with the costs and dtaburaaßM nts herein. Dated St. Paul. July Stth, A. P. 1884 OOFOBTH A ROBSKTB, aul!-7w tn Plaintiffs attorneys. St. Paul. Minn. Notice of Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default has been made In the conditions of a certain mortgage executed and delivered by Olive A Gregg and Joslah C. C-regg, her husband. J Royal] McMurraa. dated the ISth day of March A D. 1884, aud duly recorded !a the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Ramsey, state of a. on the 29th day of March, A. P. 18*4, In -of mortgage deeds, page H, 1 * whereby said iri cranted. mortgaged and conveyed uuto T. Koyatl MeMurrnn ai! those tracts and parcels of land situated and lyingin the county o* iTsmsfJ state of Minnesota, described as foi- '..•«« lots number twenty (201 and twenty- hteek number three (3> In Itoicomb's ad- dition to Saint Paul, according to the plat thereof or file Ivthe office of the Register of Deeds la and for :he county of Ramsey aforesaid, which said mortgage was g'.Ten for the purpose of securing the pari r of the sum of one hundred and sixty and tn - . bearing date of March'itth, 1-s.i. payable at the National German American ', Bank. Sain: Pan". Minn., onor before July ioth, js-j. withinterest before and after maturity at the rate of ten par cent, per annum until paid, executed and I by said Olive A. Gregg ha J. Royal! Mc- Murrsn; whereas, default baring been made In the condition* of said note, and there Is due npon said note and mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of one hundred and sixty-seven and 73-InO dollars i#I6T.T3!;and whereas, by the terms of said mortgage, there Is allowed to said mortgagee, as an attorney's fee in case of foreclosure of said mortgage the sum of fifty dollars oSSO); and no suit or pro- . t any ktnd having been Instituted at law or otherwise to recover thedebt so remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; B tfceratsNt notice Is hereby given that by ' \u25a0 power of sale contained la said mortgage and the statute In such cases made and provide.;, the said mortgage willbe foreclosed by sale of tbe said -•v. herein described, at the front FtM street' of the office of the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey county, by the Sheriff of said county, to the highest bidder, as by law prescribed, at teu o'clock on the morning of Friday, the l*th day of September, A. D. I*M. aad the proceed* of said sale applied to the payment; firs: of the """^rrt Wfta '.merest due bysaid mortgage. Including twenty- -.-a attorney's fee, and also to the disburse- ments attending this foreclosure. Dated July isth, ISS4. J. ROYALLMcifrRRAN. Mortgagee. Rats 4FacxTUBOT. Attorney for said Stwrt^agee. augS-iw wa STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. District Court, Second Judicial District. Patrick McNulty, plaintiff, vs. Thomuß F.ODea, de- fendant. SUMMONS. The State of Minnesot n to tbe above named defendant: You arc hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitled action, which Is on file in the office of the clerk of the eatd court, atbis office at Saint Paul, Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the subscriber, at his office Inthe city of Saint Paul, in the county of Ramsey, withintwenty days after the Bervlce of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and, If you fall to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to court forthe relief demanded therein, together with tbe costs aud dis- bursements herein. Dated July 22, A. D. 18S4. W. J. RODGERS, Jyls-7w-tu _ Plaintiffs Attorney, St. Paul, Minn. y TATEOF MINNESOTArcOUNTYOF RAMSEY ss. District Court, Second Judicial District. Jeremiah Webber, plaintiff, vs. The unknown hoirs of W. H. Morton, James D. Goodrich and J. A. Pace, deceased; and also all other persons or par- ties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate, lands, tenements and hereditaments described in the complaint herein, defendants. SUMMONS FOB RELIEF. The state of Minnesota to the above named defent- ants: You, are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which has been tiled in the office of the Clerk of said court, at Saint Paul, in 6ald county, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the subscribers, nt their office, in the city ofSaint Paul, in the said couaty of Ramsey within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you. exclu- sive of the day of Buch service; and, if you fall to an- swer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded inthe complaint. Dated July 19, A.D. 1884. WILLIS & WILLARD, Plaintiff's Attorneys, St. Paul, Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. District Court, Second Judicial District. Jeremiah Webber, plaintiff, vs. The unknown heirs of W. H. Morton, James D. Goodrich and J, A. Pace, deceased; and also all other pcrsonß or parties un- known, claiming any rlirht, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate, lands, tenements and hereditaments described inthe complaint herein, defendants. NOTICE OP LIS PENDENS. Notice Is hereby given that a civil action has been commenced inthe District Court of the State of Min- nesota In and for the Second judicial district of said state, and the county of Ramsey therein, wherein Jeremiah Webber is plaintiff and the unknown heirs of W. 11. Morton, James D. Goodrich and J. A. Pace, and also all other persons or parties unknown, claim- ingany right, title, estate. Ilea or interest In the real estate, lands, tenements and hereditaments described in the complaint in said action, are defendants; that said action Is now pending and undetermined and that tbe object of such action is to quiet in the plaintiff, Jeremiah Webber, the title to that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the said county of Ramsey and State of Minnesota and described as follows, that is to say: Lor numbered fourteen (11) in block numbered one (1) of Nelson, Stevens aud King's ad- dition to West St. Paul, according to the piat thereof on file and of record in the office of the register of deeds withinand for said Knmsey county, and the further object of said action is to determine any claim, Hen. estate or Interest in said land adverse to the estate of the plaintiff therein. The plaintiff In said action Is the sole owner in fee simple of the tract of land aforesaid. JEREMIAH 'WEBBER, Plaintiff. Willis * Willard, Attorneys for Plaintiff. St. Paul, Minn., July 21, 1884. jy22-7w-tu STATE OF MINNESOTA, COTJNTJf OF RAMSEY ss. District Court, Second Judicial District. Michael McNeil, plaintiff, against Charles Bodwell, defendant. SUMMONS. The State of Minnesota, to the above named defend- ant: You are hereby summoned and required to answer to the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court, in his office, in said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in the city of St. Paul, state of Minnesota, within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, ex- clusive of the day of such service, and If you fall to answer the said complaint withinthe time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this action will take Judgment against you for the sum of *2SO, with interest thereon from March Ist. ISS4, together with his costs and disburse- ments of suit. 11. TV. CORY, r.ul2-Tw tv Plaintiff's Attorney, St. Paul, Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COCNTY OF RAMSEY ss. In Pronate Court, general term, August 4, 1831. In the matter of the estate of Adam Gotzian, de- ceived. On reading and filing the petition of James Middle- ton and Josephine Gotzian, executors of the estate of Adam Gotzian, deceased, representing among other things, tbat they have fully administered said estate, and praying that a time and place be fixed for exam- ining and allowing their account of administration, and tor tbe assignment and distribution of the residue of said estate uj the persons thereto entitled under the will of said deceased, nnd as provided for In the will Of the late Adam Gotzian. It Is ordered, that said account be examined, and petition heard, by the Judge of this court, on Fri- day, the 29th day of August, A. D. 1884, at ten o'clock a. m., at the probate office in said county. And it Is further ordered, that notice thereof be given to all perioral Interested, by publishing a copy of this order for two successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. In the Daily Glouk, a newspaper, printed aud published at Saint Paul In said county. Bythe Court. WM. H. McGROBTY, [L. s.] Judge of Probate. Attest: FrankRor.KET, Jr., Clerk. O'BniKK & Wilson and Hakvf.v Ofticbr, Attorneys for executors. aus-4\v-tu UTATE OF MINNESOTA. DISTRICT COURT, *3 Second Judicial District, Couuty of Ramsey. Josepb (.'hapron, plaintiff, against Clotilda C hapron, defendant. RVMMOSfS. The State of Minnesota, to the abovenamed defend- ant: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in tills action, which has been llled with the clerk of said court, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers, at their office Iv No. 83 Ea^t Third,street, city of Saint f'aul. State of Minnesota, withinthirtydays ufterthe service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, an 1 if you fallto answer tbe said Complaint withinthe time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this action will demand the relief asked for In said complaint. Dated August 4, A. D. IPS 4. GRISWOLD & TEEPLE. anS-7w-to Plaintiffs Attorney, St. Paul Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COCNTY OF BAMSET ss. In Probate Court, general t erm, held July 7. 1884. Iv the matter of the estate of Bridget Daley, de- ceased. On reading and filing the petition of John Cunnlff, tide, olatratof of said estate, setting forth that no pen >nal estate has come to his hands^thc amount of debts outstanding against said deceased, and a de- scription of all the real estate of which said deceased died seized, and tbe condition and value of the re- spective portions thereof; and praying that license be to him granted to sell at private sale all the real estate set forth and described In said petition; And It appearing, by said petition, that there Is not sufficient personal estate Inthe hands of said admin- istrator to pay said debts, and that It ts necessary In order to pay the same, to sell all of said real estate; It Is therefore ordered, that all pers ms interested in said estate, appear before the judge of this court, on Thursday, the 2lst day of August, A. I). 1884, it 10 o'clock a. m., at the probate office inSaint Paul in said county, then and there to show cause, (If any l here he i whylicense should not be granted to said a lmtr.l trator to sell said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. And it Is further ordered. That a copy of thisorder shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, the last of which publications shall be at least fourteen days before said day of hearing. In the Dally Globe, a newspaper printed and published at Saint Paul in said county, and per- •Ottaflj served on al! persons Interested insaid estate, residing In said county, at least fourteen days before said day of hearing, and upon all other persons ln- teresteil. according to law. By the Court, [I-.s.j WM. B. McORORTY, Judge of Probate. Att.-st: FmxK RonEST. Jr.. Clerk. jys-sw.tu SJTATEUF MINNKSOTA. COUXTT OF RAM3EY -»ss. la Probate Court, special term, August JB, 18*4, In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Shaw, dr ceased. On reading and filing the petition of Nicholas Kovltz, of snu. county, representing, among other things, that Elizabeth Shaw, late of said county, on the sth day of August. UU, st St. Pattt, In said coun- ty, died intestate, and being an inhabitant of this coun- ty at the time of her death, leavinggoods, chattels and estatJ" withinthis county, and that the said petitioner is one of the children and heirs of said deceased and fraying that administration of said estate be to Patrick T. Kavansirh or some other suitable person prranted; It Is rordered, that said petition be heard before the Jndgeof this court, onFrldsy.the l'ithdayofSeptem- ber A.D. I**4. at ten o'clock a. m.. at the probate office. In said county. Ordered further, tbat notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons inter- j ested, by publishing a copy of this order for three weeks prior to said day of hearing. In the IHti.t Glosi. a newspaper printed and published at Saint PauL in said county. By the Court, [L.S.] WM. B. McGRORTT. Judge of Proiiate. Attest: Fxaxk Robzbt, Jr., Ccrk an!9-4w-tu Notice to Creditors. State of Minnesota. County of Ramsey— ss. In Pro- bate Court, special term. August 15. 1884. inthe matter of the estateof Chariest.. Kltteuhouse. j deceased. No doe is herehy gftr n that the Judge of Probate Ofthe county of Itameey. will upon the first Monday of f the month of November, me, st ten o'clock a. m.. receive, hear, examine and adjust, all claims and de- mands of a':! persons against said deceased: and that s.i months from and after the date hereof have been allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims sgalnst said estate, a; the expiration of which tfthe all claims not presented or not proven to Its sat- isfaction, shall he forever barred, unless for good cause shown further time be allowed. By the Court, fr-s-j WM. B. McGRORTT. Judge of Probate, Hin-bt B. Tabwtlx. Administrator. ani9-3w-tu Notice to Creditors. State of Minnesota. County ot Ramsey, ss. InPro- bate Court, special term, Angus: '.6, IBM. In the matter of roe estate ot John Hanig. de- ceased. Notice !s hereby given that the Judge ot Probate of the coa-ty of Ramsey, will upon the first M»a>iav of t the month of November. IS*«. ax ten o'clock a. m_ } receive, hear, examine and adjust all claims aad de^ [ maods of all persons against said deceased: and that ' stx mor.ths from and after tbe date hereof have been i allowed aad limited for creditors to present their < claims against said estate, at the expiration of which time all claims not presented or not proven to Its satisfaction, shall be forever barred, unless ft* good cause shown further time be allowed. By the Coon. ;- - WM. B VrGRORTT. Judge cf P'obate. Assa Exto. AdßltntstratiA asi^»-5w iv Conllrinatioii of Assessment for Grading Maale Avenue, Office of the Boaud of Public Works, ) Citt of St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 20, 1884. f The assessment of benefits costs and expenses arising from the grading of Oakdale Avenue, from State street to the south city limits, in the Sixth ward, of the City of St, Paul, Minnesota, having been completed by the Board of Public Works in aud for said city, said Board will meet at their office in said city at 2 p. m., on the Bth day of September, A. D., 1884, to hear objec- tions (ifany) to said assessment, at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, said assessment will be confirmed by said Board. The following is a list of the supposed own- er's names, a description of the property bene- fited and the amounts assessed against the same to- wit: Woodbury and Case's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. E Langevin 5 3 ""278 00 S J Garlough & J T Merk- ley 6 3 231 00 CHLienau 4 3 17 00 Same 3 3 17 00 Same 2 3 17 00 Same 1 3 16 00 Lme M^:::::::::::::: ! i\ ** 0350 fame 3 ™::::::::::::::: 9 8 i {'»»«> Alex Berghold 10 4 16 00 E R Bryant 11 4 15 00 Sam'lL Garlaugh 12 4 15 00 AlexBerghold 13 4 15 00 Same 14 4 14 00 S I Garlough 5 4 16 00 Same 4 4 16 00 E Langevin 3 4 16 00 ES Fuller 2 4 15 00 Chas Chapman 1 4 14 00 Auguste Nagel 6 9 166 50 EmilGerlach 7 9 203 50 JohnMahleman 8 9 15 00 Edw Kane 9 9 14 00 Same 10 9 14 00 Helena Dom 11 9 14 00 Same 12 9 14 00 West Side Land & Cottage Co 5 9 10 00 Ed McCourt 4 9 16 00 Geo B Evans 3 9 15 00 Same. W3ft of 2 9 100 T J McGoveru (except W 3 f t) 2 9 14 00 Same 1 9 14 00 FJTorrens. N100 ft of.. 1 10 74 00 I Rogerson. Ssoft of 1 10 92 50 F McArdle. N5O ft of S 100 ft of 1 10 92 50 Edward Compion (except N and S 100 ft) 1 10 23100 Jas Kilshaw 2 10 222 00 West St Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndi- cate 3 10 213 00 Same 4 10 218 00 Same 5 10 213 00 Chas F Meyer 1 14 266 00 Same 2 14 26100 Bryant and Minea's Rearrangement of block 13, Woodbury and Case's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. West Side Land and Cottage C0 . .. 7 $70 50 Same 8 70 50 Same 9 70 50 Same 10 70 50 Same 11 70 50 Same 12 70 50 Same 13 70 50 Same 14 15 00 Same 15 12 00 Woodbury and Case's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndi- cate 1 20 $261 00 Same ,2 20 266 00 Same 1 19 261 00 Same 3 19 240 00 Same " 24 492 00 Same 1 23 266 00 Same 2 23 271 00 Same 1 29 267 00 Same 2 29 272 00 Same 3 29 65 00 Same 5 28 500 00 Same 4 28 75 00 Same 3 28 70 00 Same 2 28 65 00 Same 1 28 65 00 .Belividere Park Subdivision of Lot 2, BidweH's Addition to West St, Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. AG Stewart and C F Meyer 1 1 $74 00 Same and same 2 1 77 75 Peter Madscu 3 1 77 75 Jas Gurball, (except S 79.6 ft) 5&4 1 83 25 Jas HolTbeck. S 79.6 ftof. 5&4 1 120 25 A GStewart and CF Meyer 6 11 Same and same 7 I>\u25a0 $229 50 Same and same 8 1) Same and same 9 1 55 50 Same and same 10 1 87 00 Same aud same 11 1 18 50 Same and fame 1 2 74 00 Same and same 2 2 18 50 Same and same 3 2 77 75 same and same 4 2 77 75 Same and same 5 2 77 75 Same nnd same 0 2 79 50 Same and same 7 2 79 50 Same and same 8 2 79 50 Same nnd same 9 2 10 00 Same nnd same 10 2 10 00 Sameandsame 1 3 72 00 Same and same 2 8 72 00 Same and same 3 8 72 00 Same and same 4 3 74 00 Same and same 5 3 74 00 Same and same 6 3 74 00 Same and same 7 3 10 00 S»m. .ml «nTT,o .. 8 3 10 00 Same and same 9 3 10 00 Same and same 10 3 10 00 Bidwell' a Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. A W Maitenson, X 191.25 ft. 0t... 1 $75 00 Supposed owner and description. Benefits. PhilipKessler. Commencing at a point on W line of lot 1, Bidwell's Addition to West St. Paul, 191.25 ft.Strom NW corner of said lot 1 ; thence S along said W line 57 ft. ;thence X 121 Jf ft. ; thence N57 ft. ; thence W to begin- ning, being part of said lot 1 $12 00 Martin Steveken. Commencing at a point on W live of lot 1, Bidwell's Addition to West St. Panl, 248.25 ft. S from NW corner of said lot 1 ; thence S along said W line 57 ft; thence E 121 X ft: thence N57 ft; thence W to beginning, being part of said lot 1. $12 00 R. J. Wood and S. J. White. The EH of the following described land, to wit: Commencing on W line of lot 1, Bidwell's Addition to West St. Pan], 191. ,'5 ftS from NW corner of said lot 1 ; thence S along said W line to Nline of S 6u ftof N"!s of said lot 1: thence E along Nline of said 8 CO ft toE liceof 6aid lot 1 : thence N along said E line to a point 191.25 ftS from NE cor- ner of said lot 1; thence Wto begin- ning, being part of said lot 1 $35 00 Nclliie M. Cooper. Commencing at a point on W line of lot 1, Bidwell's Ad- dition to West St Paul. 305.25 ft S from NW corner of said lot 1 ; thence E 121 Hft ; thence S 77.25 ft; thence W 121!, ft: thence N to beginning, being part of said lot 1 $;o 00 Eidwells Addition to West St. PauL Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. Nellie MCooper, S 60 ftof NH of. .1 $24 00 W Monnagha, S % ot 1 $600 00 Belividere Park Subdivision of Lot 3. Bidwell's Addition to West St. PauL Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. McClung and McMurran... 1 1 $20 00 Same and same 2 1 10 00 John B Schmidt 8 1 9 00 McClung and McMurran... 4 1 c 00 \u25a0 Same and same 5 1 7 00 ! Same and same 6 1 700 I Same and same 7 1 8 00 !Frank EClift 8 : 8 00 | McClung and McMurran ..9 1 10 00 Sameandsame 10 1 10 00 Same and same... 11 1 10 00 ! Clarissa Hand 1 2 10 00 j McClung snd McMurran... 2 2 10 00 Lewis A Springer 3 2 10 00 j McClung and McMurran... 4 2 9 00 Same and same 5 2 8 00 Same and same \u0084..6 2 700 Same and same 7 2 7 00 Sameandsame 8 2 8 00 Sine and same * 2 9 00; r-ame and same 10 2 to 00 Sameandsame 11 2 10 00 I Same and same 12 2 10 00 j ! Beery Gaefke 1 3 10 00] \u25a0 Henry Bliesenbacb 2 3 10 00 McClung AMurran 3 3 10 00 i i Sameandsame 4 3 9 00 i Sameandsame 5 3 8 00 Mose Iresstien and Samuel Goldstein 6 3 7 00 McClungA McMurran. 7 3 7 00 Same and same ...8 3 800 Sameandsame 9 3 9 00 Sameandsame 10 3 10 00 Same and same 11 3 10 00 Same aud aaa*. 13 3 IQOOJ Woodbury A Case's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. E Langevin 2 1 $1100 Same 3 1 11 00 Louisa Conrad 4 1 1100 Same 5 1 11 00 JohnMWhite 1 2 1100 Same 2 2 12 00 HJ Peters 3 2 13 00 Same 4 2 14 00 Same 5 2 14 00 E Langevin 6 2 14 00 C D Bell 7 2 15 00 PaulMartln 8 2 16 00 Henry Gaho 1 5 14 00 E Langevin 2 5 14 00 Alex Berghold 3 5 14 00 Same 4 5 14 00 E Langevin 5 5 14 00 Same ...6 5 14 00 JacTMarkley 7 5 14 00 Same 8 5 14 00 B Mcintosh 9 5 14 00 DanielJ Harrington 10 5 14 00 GeorgeNDeeks 11 5 14 00 ER Bryant 12 6 14 00 E Langevin 13 5 14 00 Same 14 5 14 00 Alex Berghold 15 5 14 00 Same 16 5 14 00 E Langevin 17 5 14 00 Same 18 5 14 00 Alex Berghold 19 5 .14 00 Same ; 20 5 14 CO J MWhite 1 6 $13 00 Same 2 6 13 00 Alex Berghold 3 6 13 Oo Same 4 6 13 00 E Langevin 5 6 13 00 Same 6 6 13 00 John McCloskey 7 6 13 00 Gustave Beck 8 6 13 00 E Langevin 9 6 13 00 Same 10 6 13 00 Same t 11 6 13-00 Adolf Traura 12 6 13 00 J MWhite 13 6 13 00 Same 14 6 13 00 West Side Land and Cottage Co 1' 7 13 00 Herman Seibold 2 7 13 00 West Side Land and Cottage Co ..3 7 13 00 Same 4 7 13 00 Same, E 46 ft of 5 7 11 50 John Frick, W6ft of 5 7) Ci ann Same,E46ftof 6 7, *" 00 -West Side Laud and Cottage ) Co, WIS ftof 6 1> $14 50 Same 7 7 ) Carl W Cross 8 7 13 00 Otto Lux 9 7 13 00 Constantine Herdick 10 7 13 00 Vincent Blackka 11 7 13 00 Same 12 7 13 00 Same 13 7 13 00 N P Sattler 14 7 13 00 West Side Land and Cot- tage Co 1 8 14 00 Same 2 8 14 00 Same 3 8 14 00 John J. Acilt 4 8 14 00 Mary E. McDonnell 5 8 14 00 West Side Land and Cot- tage Co 6 8 14 00 Same 7 8 14 00 Same. 8 8 14 00 Alphonse Kirch, (Except W. 3ft.) 9 8 13 00 M.M. Merritt, W. 3 ft. of.. 9 8 100 West Side Land and Cot- tage Co 10 8 14 00 Same 11 8 14 00 John Bracken 12 8 14 00 HHageman 13 8 14 00 Herman Graven 14 8 14 00 Wm Newton 15 8 14 00 Same 16 8 14 00 John E Garlaugh 17 8 14 00 West Side Land and Cottage Company 18 8 14 00 Same 19 8 14 00 John J Dobson 20 8 14 00 Chas F Meyer 1 15 60 00 Same 3 15 60 00 Same 3 15 65 00 Same 4 15 70 00 Scheffer &Martin's Rearrangement of Block 16 Woodbury &Case's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits O C Houghton 1 16 $1100 Same 2 16 11 00 Josephine Anstett 3 10 1100 Same 4 16 11 00 Same 5 16 11 00 Paul Martin 6 16 1100 .losenhine Anstett 7 16 11 00 Same 8 10 11 00 Annießyan 9 16 1100 Henry Martin 10 10 1100 Same 11 16 11 00 Frank J Torrence 12 10 11 00 Same 13 16 1100 Supposed owner and description. Benefits. Scheixur aud Martin. Commencing on N line of block 16, Woodbury and Case's addition to West St. I'aul, 100 feet W of NE corner of said block; tbence Won said N line 150 ft: thence S paral- lel with W line of said block 133 ft; thence E parallel with N line of said block 150 ft; thence N* to beginning, being part of said block 10, as re-ar- rauged by Scheffer and Martin $33 00 Williams' Re-arrangement of Block 17, Wood- bury & Case's Addition to St. West Paul. Supposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Robert II Williams 1 17 $10 00 Same 2 17 10 00 Same 3 17 10 00 Same 4 17 10 00 Same 5 17 10 00 Same 6 17 10 00 Same 7 17 10 00 Same 8 17 10 00 Same 9 17 10 00 Same 10 17 10 00 Same 11 17 10 00 Same 12 17 10 00 Same 13 17 10 00 Same 14 17 10 00 Victoria La Croise 15 17 10 00 Same 10 17 10 00 It II Williams 17 17 10 00 Same 18 17 10 00 Paul Martin's Rearrangement of Block 18, Wood- bury and Case's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. CWSpeel 1 $1100 Same 2 11 00 Paul Martin 3 11 00 Same 4 11 00 same 5 11 00 Same 6 11 00 Same 7 12 00 Same 8 12 00 Same 9 12 00 Same 10 12 00 Same 11 12 00 Same 12 12 00 Same 13 12 00 Same 11 12 00 Same 15 12 00 Same 10 12 00 Same 17 12 00 Same 18 12 00 Same 19 11 00 Same 20 11 00 Same 21 11 00 Same 22 11 00 C W Speel 23 11 00 Same 24 11 00 Lawton AMeyer's Rearrangement of Block 25, Woodbury A Case's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. Wm Funk 1 $n 00 Same 2 11 00 C F Meyer and A Korfbage 3 11 00 Wm Funk 4 11 00 Same 5 11 00 Same 6 11 00 C F Meyer and A Korfhage 7 12 00 Same and came 8 12 00 Same and same 9 12 00 Same and same 10 1200 Same and same 11 12 00 Same and same 12 12 00 Same and same 18 12 00 Same and same 14 12 00 Same and same 15 12 00 Same and same 18 12 00 Same and same 17 12 00 Same and same 18 12 00 Same and same 19 11 00 Same and same 20 1100 Wm Funk 21 11 00 Same 22 11 00 Same 23 11 00 Same 24 11 00 Woodbury A Case s Addition to West St PauL Supposed owner and description. Lot Block. Benefits. West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndi- cate 1 28 |55 00 Same 2 28 60 00 Same 3 26 65 00 Same 1 27 55 00 Same 2 27 60 00 Same 3 27 65 00 Brown A Jackson's Addition to West St. PauL Supposed owner aad description. Block. Benefits. GW Griggs 35 $60 00 West Side Land and Cottage Co.'s Subdivision of Block 36, Brown AJackson's Addition to Weet St. PauL Supposed owner and description. Lot. BWt. Benefits. Aug Jobs: I SO j- 00 Same S 36 8 00, West Side Land and Cottage Co.'s Subdivision of Block 36, Brown A Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Aug Jobst 3 36 $10 00 Same 4 86 11 00 Same 5 36 12 00 Same 6 36 12 00 Same 7 86 12 00 Same 8 86 12 00 Cath Schiller 9 86 12 00 Same 10 86 12 00 Louis Peters 11 36 12 00 MLux 12 36 12 00 RA Smith ..13 86 12 00 Same 14 36 12 00 Same 15 86 12 00 Same 16 86 12 00 Same 17 36 12 00 Same 18 86 12 00 Same 19 86 12 00 Same 20 36 12 00 Same 21 36 11 00 Same 22 36 10 00 Same 23 36 9 00 Same 24 36 8 00 Brown &Jackson's Addition to West St, Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. MB Hall, E 50 f t of S X of 1 41 $10 00 S DLord, (except east 50 ft) S % of 1 41 15 00 Same, E 50 ft of N 4 0f... 1 41 10 00 HR Brill,W 68 tf ft of N V, of 1 41 15 00 Same, E 31 Vt ft of N % 01. 2 41 8 00 Annie Goss, W 87 ft of N Hot 2 41 1 s Same, El3ftof N % 0f. ... 3 41 \ * 60 uu S DLord, E 32 ft of S H of 2 41 8 00 MB Hall, W 30 ft of E 68 ft of S X of 2 41 10 00 Thos Scott, W 51 ft of S V t of 2 41 12 00 John J Buckhoat, W 50 ft of E 63 ft of N& of 3 41 12 00 Chas Colter, (Except E 63 ft)Nj* of ....3 41 14 00 Thos Scott, E2l ft of S^ of 3 41 5 00 S DLord, W 36 ft of E 57 ft of S& of 8 41 8 00 J R Colter, E 20 % ft of WB2 ft of 0% of 3 41 5 00 Lillian Houghton, W 61y t ft of SI A of 3 41 15 00 Same, W 100 ft of NH of.. 4 41 25 00 Same.S^of 4 41 30 00 Chas Colter, E 18 % ft of HTJiof 4 41 5 00 JJ Ward 1 42 45 00 Same 2 42 50 00 Same 3 42 55 00 Same .' 4 42 00 00 E S Eldridge, S l A of.l, 3, 3&4 50 105 00 S P Richardson, N y, 0t ... 1 50 22 50 Same. M y t of 3 50 27 50 JasPMcMott, N tf of 4 50 30 00 Jos S Bennett, N H of 2' 50 25 00 J B and W H Sanborn 1 51 45 00 same anu same a 51 50 oo Same and same 3 51 55 00 Same and same 4 51 60 00 FredßSmedley 1 5S 40 00 Same 2 58 45 00 Same 3 58 50 00 Same 4 58 55 00 West St Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndi- cate 1 61 35 00 Same 2 61 40 00 Same 3 61 45 00 Same 4 61 50 00 Stuart's Rearrangement of Block 68, Brown & Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. Frank O'Brien 1 $8 00 Same 2 8 00 AG Stuart 3 8 00 Snmn A « OO II C Temple 5 8 00 Christian Wayman 6 7 00 AG Stuart 7 7 00 Same 8 7 00 Same 9 6 00 Chas Hingisz 10 6 00 AG Stuart 11 6 00 Same 12 6 00 Same 13 6 00 Same 14 6 00 F S Barris 15 6 00 FS Bans Jr 16 6 00 AG Stuart 17 7 00 Same 18 7 00 Same 19 7 00 Same 20 8 00 Same 21 8 00 Same 22 8 00 Same 23 8 00 Same 24 8 00 Brown &Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. West St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndi- cate '. 1 5? «50 00 Same 2 59 55 00 Same 3 59 60 00 David Morgan ,1 60 45 00 Same 2 60 50 00 Same 3 60 55 00 J W McClung 1 69 45 00 Same 2 69 50 00 Same 3 69 55 00 Brown &Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Block. Benefits. J B & W H Sanborn "A" $75 00 Same and same "B" 70 00 Same and same "C" 70 00 All objections to said assessment mnst be made in writingand be filed with tbe Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. Joun Faiuungton, President. Official. R. L. Gobman, Clerk Board of Public Works. CITY NOTICE. Omen or the Crrr Treasotibr, ) St. Paul, Minn., August 20, 1884. ( All persons interested in the assessments for t he Grading of Locust Street, from Fourth Street to Seven, h Street. Grading and Guttering of Jos- ette Street, from Dayton Ave- nue to Fuller Street. Construction of a Sewer on Western Avenue, from Seventh Street to a point 40 feet south of the south line of Yon Min- den Street, and for Construction of a Sewer on Seventh Street, from Jefferson Avenue to View Street. WILL TAKE NOTICE, that on the 19th day of Aneust, 1884, 1 did receive different warrants from the City Comptroller of the City of St. Paul, for the collection of the above named assessments. Tbe nature of these warrants la, that if you fall opay the assessments within THIETY DAYS after the first publication ot this notice, Tshall report you and your real estate so assessed as delinquent, and apply to the District Court of the county of Ramsey, Minnesota, for judgment against your lands, lots, blocks, or parcels there- of so assessed, including interest, cost and ex- penses, and for an order of the Court to sell the same for the payment thereof. 234-244 GEORGE REIS, City Treasurer. CONTRACT WORK. Grarling and Guttering FarriMtoo mm, Omce or tot Board or Public Works. ) Cmror St. Pacl. Minn., August 20. 1384. ' Sealed bids will be received by tbe Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of tbe city ot St. PauL Minnesota, at their office in said city until 12 m, on tbe Ist day of September, A. D. 1884, for tbe grading and guttering of Parting- ton avenue, from Dayton avenue toOomo avenue, in said city, according to plans and specifi- cations on file in tbe office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in a rum of at least 'twenty 120) per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. Tbe said Board reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. JOHX FARRI>'GTOX, President Official: R. L. (ioSMAM. Clerk Board of Public Works. **>*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Confirmation of Assessment for Grading BonHo Street. Office of the Board of Public Works, } City of St. Paul, Minn., Ang. 20, 1834. \ The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses arising from tbe grading and guttering without curbs Rondo street, from Rice street to a point about 425 feet west of Louis street, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, having been completed by the Board of Public Works, in and for said city, said Board will meet at their office in said city at 2 p. m., on the Bth day of September, A. D.1884, to hear objections (If any) to said assessment, at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the con- trary, said assessment will be confirmed by said Board. The following is a list of the supposed owners' names, a description of the property benefited, and the amounts assessed against the same, to- wit: Beaumette's Subdivision of Block 1, Rondo's, Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot Benefits. Greve &Oppenhim, S 45 f t 0f .... 1 $70 00 Michael Morisette 12 28 00 Same n 28 00 Jas F Reilly 10 28 00 Rondo's Addition to St. PauL Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Peter Haupers 1 7 $35 00 Same 2 7 35 00 Servatus Hermes 3 7 35 00 Mand S Biesius 4 7 35 00 J Peglow 5 7 35 00 Geo Weikert, E y. of 6 7 35 00 AGerth, W l A of 6 7 35 00 <T Rapp l 6 70 00 M Scbillo, E M of N y t of.. 2 6 35 00 Henry Nachtsheim . WH ol WH of 2 6 85 00 Same. Ny 3 of 3. 6 17 50 J Schmitzius. E% 0f...1, 2&3 2 85 00 JRemer. \V& of E*3 of.l, 2&3 2 35 00 FBeckman. WJsj 0f...1, 2&3 2 35 00 Henry Scharfbiilig. EH of 9&10 2 35 00 Lorentz Mitsch. WJ$ of E*i of 9&10 2 35 00 MSohns. WH of 9&10 2 35 00 Thomas Wheeler. EH 0f.1&2 3 35 00 SDLord. W?,' of 1&2 3 70 00 Wm Coffin 9&10 3 105 0! Eubn's Subdivision of Block 5, Rondo's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. JohuLux. NMof 1} ft Same. NMof 2f $19 00 M Kuhn 3 35 00 Same 4 35 00 G Ortbaus 5&6 70 00 Rondo's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Alex McGingan 1 4 $60 00 Jas Stinson 10&9 4 89 50 Bailey's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. RO'Oonner 1&2 1 $70 00 ALMayall 5 1 24 50 Same 6 1 24 50 Same 7 1 34 50 Same 8 1 24 50 Nininger's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. > Lot. Block Benefits. Chas Teske 1 7 $25 00 D HSchwabe 2 7 25 00 WmDyson 3 7 25 00 Same 4 7 25 00 EmilyHMiller 5 7 25 00 JJ Pearson 32 8 25 00 Same '..31 8 25 Oo Same 30 8 25 00 Lawrence McGrath 29 8 25 00 ThosEO'Toole 28 8 25 00 Jas Bovard 27 8 7 50 Wm Wheeler 26 8 7 50 Ed Power 25 8 7 50 R A Smith 24 8 7 50 D McDonnell 23 8 7 50 Matt Cuff 22 8 7 50 Isaac Morrisette 21 8 7 50 Henry McCartney 20 8 7 50 RASmitu 19 8 7 50 JForrest 18 8 7 50 J Becker 17 8 7 50 Helen J McGinggan 6 7 7 50 JABnllard 7 7 7 50 EugeneS Holmes 8 7 7 50 Richard J Lewis 9 7 7 50 PatFallihee 10 7 7 50 Same 11 7 7 50 Frank I Flibotte 12 7 7 50 N Esch 13 7 7 BO Annie E Wanzry 14 7 7 50 \u0084'ohnJohnke 15 7 7 50 ALemire 16 7 7 50 AJohnke 16 1 7 50 John Greene 15 1 7 75 Mary Shcnran 14 1 7 7ii Hannah Barrett.. 13 1 7 75 Adelina L l-'ubanl: 12 1 7 75 J Bowleu 11 1 7 75 Same ; »J0 1 7 7J II and G Doran »i' 6 1 7 75 Geo W Moore 1 2 i T5 Same 2 2 7 75 Same 3 2 7 7; Sheldon and Anable 4 2 7 7." Same aud same 5 2 7 71 Mary Madigan 6 2 7 75 Maria Conroy, (except W 8% «.) 7 2 6 00 John Maloney, W Btf ft of 7 2 1 75 Same 8 2 7 75 Grace's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Rt Rev TLGrace 16 1 $7 50 Same 15 1 T 50 Same 14 1 7 50 Same 13 1 7 50 Same 12 1 7 50 Same 11 1 7 50 Same 10 1 7 50 Same 9 1 7 50 Same 1 2 7 5C Same 2 2 7 5C Same 3 2 7 50 Same 4 2 7 50 Same 5 2 7 50 Same 0 2 7 50 J C Nolan 7 2 7 50 Same 8 2 7 00 Mackubln A Marshall's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description Lot. Block. Benefits, Ann CauWeld 30 15 $8 00 Same 29 15 8 0C Same 28 15 8 00 Max Huxlley 27 15 8 00 AW Comfort 26 15 8 00 Pierri Dronin 25 15 8 00 ABeyer 24 15 8 00 E P Bassford 28 15 8 00 E Weidlich 22 15 8 00 R Douet 21 15 8 00 John Metzger 20 15 8 00 GeoSchleif 19 15 8 °° LLLamprey 18 15 8 00 Same 17 15 8 00 Same 16 15 8 00 NX Johnson 1 18 8 00 CbasA Johnßon 2 18 8 00 Olaf Olson 3 18 8 00 Wm Heiser 4 18 8 00 EmmaFPierce 5 18 8 00 C'DElfelt 6 18 8 00 Same 7 18 8 00 Alphonse Cbarboncau 8 18 8 00 AJManley 9 18 8 00 Same 10 18 8 00 EM Mackubln 11 18 8 00 JBHawley 12 18 8 00 EMMackubin 13 18 8 00 Same 14 18 8 00 Same 15 18 8 00 GeoAßubar... 1 17 8 00 Same 2 17 8 00 JohnKlng 3 17 8 00 Cocbran <fc Barbour 4 17 8 00 Edward Ingham 5 17 8 00 FHauck 6 17 8 00 E P BPresley 7 17 8 00 Same 8 17 8 00 MVSewall 9 17 8 00 Same 10 17 8 00 Same 11 17 8 00 Same 12 17 8 00 Same 13 17 8 00 Same 14 17 8 00 Same 15 17 8 00 Louis Chanson 30 16 8 00 Leonbart Mere 29 16 8 00 ASLarson 28 16 8 00 JS Rogers 27 16 8 00 Same 26 16 8 00 AWaessert 25 1C 8 00 C Friend, Jr, and J W Bar- wise 24 16 8 00 Sameandsame 23 16 8 00 Mary Griffin 22 16 8 00 JDFry 21 16 8 00 Same 20 16 8 00 Same 19 16 8 00 Same 18 16 8 00 Carl Simmon 17 16 8 00 Same 16 16 8 00 All objections to said assessment muat be made hi writing and filed with the Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. The confirmation notice heretofore ifiven,dated August 6th, 1844, has been annulled. JOHN FARRINGTOX, President. Official: B. L. Gobjla*, Clerk Board of Public Work*. 887-231- serious charge was by a veteran named Moulton, whs claimed that he had been forcibly taken from the hospital and conveyed to an insane asylum. A lawyer attempted to worm in on this case as counsel for the complainant, but ho was ruled out. Moulton's case was shattered by the discovery that references inregard t o his integrity to (Jen. 11. C. Uobart and Col. J. A, Watrous were fraudulent, those parties hav- ing given him no authority to use their names. A prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic informed the Globe correspondent that there are old growlers out there who can never be satisfied. The very ones who are in need of dicipline growl the most. In answer to a question as to the advisability of placing the variou s Domes under civilrule, the G. A. It. member, who is an ex-officer, said that it mili- tary rule were abolished at the home the people of Milwaukee would wish the institution many miles away. The board of examiners willreport that the Milwaukee home is well managed aud the growlers will re-engage in nursiug their grievances. DEATH Or DR. PERKINS. D. W. Perkins, the well known dentist, died at his residence, corner of Ninthand Cedar streets. Monday morning. His illness, which was ot an organic nature, commenced in November last. During the last ten weeks of his life he was con- tinually confined to his bed. Dr. Perkins was 68 yearf old and had practiced his profession in this city from 1857. A wife and five children survive him. Two of his sons reside in Chicago, W. P. and Joseph Perkins. The other children a;e Dr. James Perkins, Mrs. Charles Skinner and Miss Fannie Perkins. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, the interment being in Forest Home cemetery. Dr. Perkins' will was filed Friday, the petition forits probate stating that the personal property of 'the deceased amounts to the value of 31,200 and the real estate to about $7,000. Besides this the doctor left a life insurance policy for several thousand dollars. lie bequeathed to his wife, Mary n. Perkins, $3,000, to be received by her in lieu of all dower and household rights, and to his daughter Fannie H. Perkins Si, ooo. The resi- due of his estate he bequeathed to his wife and five children, to be divided into six parts, share and share alike. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Rev. J. W. Ilealy, for many years pastor of Hanover Street Congregational church, in this city, was recently married to Mrs. Ellen E. White, at Santa Monica, Cal. Mr. Ilealyis pastor of the Presbyterian church in that place. Tne board of aldermen last Mohday unani- mously confirmed Capt. Jaa. F. TroweU for the position of harbor master. Nearly 100 city and county officials and em- ployes left for Ashland on an excursion Tuesday morning. They returned to-day. Father Mahoney, of St. John's cathedral, has been transferred to Yankton, Dakota, not Den- ver, Col., as stated in last week's letter, Mon- day night he was given a farewell reception at Bishop's hall, at wbich he received a goldbeaded cane, $300 in cash and other valuable gifts. The reception closed with a supper. Father Nangh- ton, of l'io Xoiio college, succeeds Father Maho- ney at the cathedral Mrs. Mary W. Barnes, mother of Mrs. A. J. Aikens, died at Wauconda, 111., a week ago, aged seventy-four years. Mrs. Aikens was with her mother during her last hours. The first annual meeting of the Wisconsin Ger- man Press association opened at St. Charles hotel this aftern on. Dr. Knotser, qf the See- bote, delivered the address. The members of the association will visit the parks and the Sold- iers' home to-morrow. Caesak. Cause of Failure. Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures to-day. A. B. Wilkes, B. it E. Zimmerman and E. Stierle, the druggists, are not liable to fail for want of confidence in Dr. Basanko's Cough andLuug Syrup. He; gives away a bottle free to all who are Buffering with coughs, colds, asth- ma, consumption, aud all affections of the throat and lungs. Not Lost on the Tallapoosa. Savannah, Aug. 25. The steamer Gate City which arrived here last night reports she saw the Tallapoosa signals at 11:15 p.m. and being a short distance off bore up at ouce. At 12:30 p. in. she had on board the entire number of survivors so far as she was able to pick them up. The night was clear anil there was not a sign of fog. The next morning the survivors landed but were not mustered owing to the loss of the ship's papers. The Gate City resumed her voyage supposing all had beeu sent ashore. It was discovered later that Seaman W. E. Jones bad gone among the steerage passengers and fallen asleep. In the landing of his com- panions he was overlooked aud brought to Savannah. (\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Z'-^nre&^iiMSi vVlll pnrlfvthe ItliOOD, Tepu- l:ue LI V i:ii and hIhSRVS and KusvoUß TUB UKALTU \u25a0 IGOR of YOUTH. a. Want of Appetite, In- stlou. Lack ofStrength, I Tired Fcelliigabsolutelv red. Uoiics, muscles and lerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-08-26 [p 3] · ganization willbe fruitfulof good, and is the best thing the editors have done for years. The as-sociation willmeet at

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-08-26 [p 3] · ganization willbe fruitfulof good, and is the best thing the editors have done for years. The as-sociation willmeet at



Reorganization of the WisconsinEditorial Association.

The Great Encampment at Cold Spring"DrivingPark.

Death of Dr.Perkins— The Soldiers' HomeInvestigation— Short Notes.

ISpecial Correspondence of the Globe.|Milwaukee, Aug. 23.

—The- convention of

editors of Wisconsin, whose programme ot ex-ercises was outliueil in last week's letter, wasquite successful. The attendance was lighterthan usual, probably because uo elaborate planfor pleasure had been drafted, the officers pre-ferring to make an effort tomore thoroughly or-ganize the association; but those whoattended had an enjoyabb time,nevertheless. The Merchant's association gavethem a carriage drive Tnursday afternoon, theEvening Wisconsin provided the visitors withtickets and car fare to Schlitz park the sameevening, and on Friday the Detroit and Milwau-kee Railroad company gave the editors, theirwives and d£ghters, a ride to Grand Haven andbuck on the magnificent iron steamer, City of

Milwaukee. The literary part of the proceedingswas excellent, but rather long, an! the discus-sion of this question treated by the essayistsmighthave been more general. An interpolationin the programme Wednesday afternoon was theone spicy event of the session. L'uder the guiseof a paper on foreign advertising James A. Pow-ers, a discharged employe of Cramer, Athens &Cramer, proprietors nf the Milwaukee Newspaperunion, vented his spleen on his former employersby attacking the business of printing what aregenerally termed


For country newspapers as a gigantic monopoly.The editors were prepared to hear abitter rebukeof the pjoprietors who ba 1 had the temerity to

discharge Mr.Powers, hut they were not pre-pared to listen to private agreements filched fromthe archives or the office of which the speakerhad been B trusted employee for ten years. Thereading ofanumber of agreements and tha con-

fession of the inner workings of the bustnesspool was edifying to many of the country pub-lishers, but the gem ral verdict after .Mr. Powersbad concluded, was that he had rained his char-acter by betraying the trust of his employers.Judge Sam Ryan, of Appleton, voiced in the

opinion of the majority when he said "Powers

has eternally damned himself." Disgust overMr. Powers' miserable confession was general,some of the members expressing the opinion thatthe association shonld have refused to listen to

the black betrayal. The officers of the associa-tion will not permit the printing of Mr. Powers'sddress in the records.

Wednesday afternoon the oldassociation electedV.. I),loe, of Whitewater, president, selected agood list of vice presidents, and an executivecommittee, and chose J. E. Heg, Geneva Lake,mid David Atwood, of .Madison, secretary audtreasurer respectively. Wednesday the editorsreorganized under the name of the WisconsinPress association, adopted a constitution andchose the officers elected the day previous. Abouttlft v members signed the new constitution, andit is expected thai before tbe books are closedthe number will be increased to 100. This reor-ganization willbe fruitfulof good, and is the best

thing the editors have done for years. The as-sociation willmeet at Appleton next year.


A conspicuous figure at the editorial conven-tion was Sherman M. Booth, who was a promin-ent fighter against slavery inante-helium days.He wa editor of 111• -

Free Democrat,^, Milwaukeeabolition paper, when In March, 1854, JoshuaGlover, au escaped slave from Missouri, was ar-i, ted a) Kaclne, brutally beaten and brought to

Milwaukee. Booth rode through the streetsicattering handbills (ailinga rally,and shouting"Freemen to the rescue!" The result of themeeting was that (iiover was rescued andat lit to Canada. Booth was arrestedmdafter exciting litigation was sentenced to amonths Imprisonment and to pay a fine of nearly$1,600. Ihe supreme court of the state releasedBooth on a writ of habeas corpus and he was es-corted to the Madison train by a band and

. .11 the route, while a cannon spoke thepeoples joy in thtodering tones. At Madison

reme court re-affirmed its decision thattbe fugitive slave law was unconstitutional, andBooth was discharged, Tho United states

supreme court then issued an order, in 1658-9,remanding Booth to tho custody of the UnitedStales authorities. The Wisconsin supremeCOttrl denied tne order and the legislature hackedthe court and went so fur aa to counsel resist-ance. In Is.j'.i Booth uas arrested and lockedupIn prison, from which he was rescued byfriends. Bootb was finallybetrayed and arrestedat Klpon, but after serving nearly a year waspardoned by President Buchanan, For one withh. much history, Booth is still a sturdy and vig-orous man, although silver hairs me rapidlyweaving the enai raia of age inhis bushy beard,wblin has been for so many years a marked fea-ture of his facial appearance that were be to cut

it oiliii besi friend would not recognize him.ltooih's political rewards have not been commen-surate with his sufferings for the cause of free-dom, probably owing to an unfortunate criminaltrial which soiled his fair name and therebystunted his politicalgrowth; but bo cannot berobbed of the laurels won at a time wbeu freemen were tried !>y tiro,


Preparation! for the grand military encamp-

ment nt Cold Springdriving park next week areComplete. A city of tents lias been built, with

md avenues laid out by exact geometri-cal measurements. The camp litis been officiallynamed camp Alexander .Mitchell, after the tfreatfinancier, who acknowledged tbe honor by pre-sentlng the soldier boya with a handsome gaiTi-Hon dag and a tall staff. It is expected that fully

ilitiamen will participate in the encamp-ment exercise* The price drill will take plate\\ ndneadn] . and :istreet parade Thursday. Itisexpected thai the greatest attraction willbo theabam battle, which will take place Friday. Afort willbe erected, to be defended by a regimentof infantry, n battery of heavy artillery and twoGutlinggun*, under command ot Major Powell,of the regular tinny. i'lte attacking force willcon* ilof three regiments otinfantrgr, one squad-ron of • avalrj and two sections ofli.;ht artillery. The first prize for the drill onWe lues, lav is a company trophy valued al 1830.

Iauspi iule.l from n musket,and iva apace above a crossed musket andsword i- amoud. Inthe surround-

\u25a0mailer diamond*. The sec-ond prixe willbe without diamonda, but similarto the tirst prise, ao iwillbe given to each mem-ber of the company The third ami fourth prizesarc gold badges constating ol shields and circles

given to each ot tbe companies incompetition. For the individual drills the first

tifuldiamond badge, and tbe sec-ond a loss valuable but bandaoms piu. Theprospects foi the success ot the camp are excel-lent, the writer, of course, feeing the doubtfulfactor.

TllKrotTRTH BATTAUOB TBOVmUtB,Tho trouble between a number of officers of

the Fourth battalion and Major Slower, theircommander, growing ontotsevere criticism ofthe militiaboys nj rol.chas. Stag, in the Sun-day Telegraph, of which Mower is ore of tho

smoothed down by a ter-

n authoritative rebuke by tbe major.barked bj the Influence of Adjutant GeaeralChandler I. Chapman. At the officers drill

eight, Capt. Traeataer, of the Lincolnguard, reiterated his objection to newspaper

Ho AH not care per-t his men felt bad

about it. Capt. Borchardt, of the Kosciuskoguard, a Polish company Of the South side.f wepapei criticism, sndSranted Major Mower to promise that the censor-. case. Mower, of course,

I Uardt. forgetting himself, then>er he must take the consequences.

The major then brought his military dignity intoIrem] Mod Pocvtiardt of his subordinate

| Adjutant General Chapman was pres-' lidnot take part in the dscussion. He i

y srinked at the difficulty in order to Iavoid taking offeteJ cognizance of it. After the |

kat was acain broached |quietly and the trouble -. Itis

'hardly probable that Capt. E _am stir i

th the Sanaa*-ihe Nation*':

guarded sdttoc. Monet- -to play suator, and the growlers are no-

tOWesßfnt epaulettes, ltisaCase ol "so U''.aii

'all are-


Tkvs InveeligatSoa of the management of thet :s Home is already a thine of rho

pasl. at .: investigations has resultedInuoihing satisfactory to the complaining In-

\u25a0 made were mainly objec--ikeof discipline at the home, by

parlies who had been fined or placed at work onthe \u25a0 -uaip far intra; liens thereof. Tha most

m7~sT~S*. '\u25a0 SB "SuT supplies Brain Power.IfinH AM *52 Sintering from complaint!hsf4&*7 V turn %£ peculiar to their sex willfind In DR.HAIITZKSlEOKTONICa iwfsandspeedy cure. Gives v clear, healtliycomplexion.

!\u25a0 . «. -iiuri.lattempts at counterfeiting only addto tho popularity of tho original. Do notex-perimeut—(,-et thooiuuin'al and Best.


MK*fl|&f3gglUVIHIrILLfeCRip^Sri^^avT;i,.—mawsm msWamm B?vm» constipates.Persons snffariotlfrom TORPIDITY of the lAVKHerlmwtl ityof the Bowels, willlind upurmannntCURB by thon-«of MiamiPills. Nomedicine shouldbe taken without first Cl«»Dslna the Stomach andBowali withnd—» et HASTEH'S 1.1VF.8PILLS.

Bample dose Sent Free onapplication by postal.

CSandytmr address toTbe I>r.Ha^nr Med.Co. VSt. 1.r.-!s. Mo.for oir "DREAMBOOK."!I'ullof strange and useful ttfjrmat'ia,{ree.#


-< District Court, BecowJ Judicial Dlstriet.KittleDodge, plaintiff, atralust Clarence 1. Dodge.

defendant.SI' SIMONS.

The State ofMlnnessta to the above named dcfend-iim:Too, Clarence I.Podge, are hereby summoned and

required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff inthe above entitled action, which ison file inthe officeof the eterk Of tho district court, second judicial dis-Irlct,Ramsey county. Minnesota, aud to serve a copy

-MviTto s.iid complaint on the subscribers,a: their office. In the cityof saint Paul. 43 Kastrict. In the s-.ii.l county iinternee J. within thirtyIn-afl r tbe Irvi c \u0084f tills summons upon you, ex-

clusive of the day of racfa service; and. if you fail toanswer the said complaint withinthe time sfuioaalil

iff in this action WfHapply to the court forrlie relief iliiiusmlsd therein, together with the costs

and dtaburaaßM nts herein.Dated St. Paul. July Stth, A.P. 1884

OOFOBTH A ROBSKTB,aul!-7w tn Plaintiffs attorneys. St. Paul. Minn.

Notice of Mortgage Sale.Whereas, default has been made Inthe conditions

of a certain mortgage executed and delivered byOlive A Gregg and Joslah C.C-regg, her husband.t» J Royal] McMurraa. dated the ISth day of MarchA D. 1884, aud duly recorded !a the office of theRegister of Deeds of the county of Ramsey, state of

a. on the 29th day of March, A. P. 18*4, In-of mortgage deeds, page H,1* whereby saidiricranted. mortgaged and conveyed uuto

T. Koyatl MeMurrnn ai! those tractsand parcels of land situated and lyingin the countyo* iTsmsfJ state of Minnesota, described as foi-'..•«« lots number twenty (201 and twenty-

hteek number three (3> In Itoicomb's ad-dition to Saint Paul, according to the plat thereofor file Ivthe office of the Register of Deeds la andfor :he county of Ramsey aforesaid, which saidmortgage was g'.Ten for the purpose of securing thepari r of the sum of one hundred and sixty and

tn- . bearing date of March'itth,

1-s.i. payable at the National German American', Bank. Sain: Pan". Minn., onor before July ioth, js-j.withinterest before and after maturity at the rateof ten par cent, per annum untilpaid, executed and

Iby said Olive A. Gregg ha J. Royal! Mc-Murrsn; whereas, default baring been made In thecondition* of said note, and there Is due npon saidnote and mortgage, at the date of this notice, thesum of one hundred and sixty-seven and 73-InOdollars i#I6T.T3!;and whereas, by the terms of saidmortgage, there Is allowed to said mortgagee, as anattorney's fee incase of foreclosure of said mortgagethe sum of fiftydollars oSSO); and no suit or pro-. t any ktnd having been Instituted at lawor otherwise to recover thedebt so remaining securedbysaid mortgage, or any part thereof;

B tfceratsNt notice Is hereby given that by'\u25a0 power of sale contained la said mortgage

and the statute In such cases made and provide.;, thesaid mortgage willbe foreclosed by sale of tbe said

-•v. herein described, at the frontFtM street' of the office of the Register of

Deeds of said Ramsey county, by the Sheriff of saidcounty, to the highest bidder, as by law prescribed,at teu o'clock on the morning of Friday, the l*thday of September, A. D. I*M.aad the proceed* ofsaid sale applied to the payment; firs: of the """^rrtWfta '.merest due bysaid mortgage. Including twenty-

-.-a attorney's fee, and also to the disburse-ments attending this foreclosure.

Dated July isth, ISS4.J. ROYALLMcifrRRAN.

Mortgagee.Rats 4FacxTUBOT. Attorney for said Stwrt^agee.

augS-iw wa

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY—ss. District Court, Second Judicial District.

Patrick McNulty,plaintiff,vs. Thomuß F.ODea, de-fendant.

SUMMONS.The State ofMinnesot n to tbe above named defendant:

You arc hereby summoned and required to answerthe complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitledaction, which Is onfile in the office of the clerk of theeatd court, atbis office at Saint Paul, Minnesota, andto serve a copy of your answer to said complaint onthe subscriber, at his office Inthe city of Saint Paul,in the county of Ramsey, withintwenty days afterthe Bervlce of this summons upon you, exclusive ofthe day of such service, and, If you fall to answerthe said complaint within the time aforesaid, theplaintiffin this action willapply to court forthe reliefdemanded therein, together with tbe costs aud dis-bursements herein.

Dated July 22, A. D. 18S4.W. J. RODGERS,

Jyls-7w-tu _ Plaintiffs Attorney, St. Paul, Minn.yTATEOF MINNESOTArcOUNTYOF RAMSEY—

ss. District Court, Second Judicial District.Jeremiah Webber, plaintiff, vs. The unknown hoirs

of W. H. Morton, James D. Goodrich and J. A.Pace, deceased; and also allother persons or par-ties unknown, claiming any right,title,estate, lienor Interest in the real estate, lands, tenements andhereditaments described in the complaint herein,defendants.

SUMMONS FOB RELIEF.The state of Minnesota to the above named defent-

ants:You, are hereby summoned and required to answer

the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitledaction, which has been tiled in the office of the Clerkof said court, at Saint Paul, in6ald county, and toserve a copy of your answer to said complaint on thesubscribers, nt their office, in the city ofSaint Paul,in the said couaty of Ramsey within twenty daysafter the service of this summons upon you. exclu-sive ofthe day of Buch service; and, if you fall to an-swer the said complaint within the time aforesaid,the plaintiff in this action willapply to the court forthe relief demanded inthe complaint.

Dated July 19, A.D. 1884.WILLIS & WILLARD,

Plaintiff's Attorneys, St. Paul, Minn.

STATE OF MINNESOTA,COUNTY OF RAMSEY—ss. District Court, Second Judicial District.

Jeremiah Webber, plaintiff,vs. The unknown heirs ofW. H. Morton, James D.Goodrich and J, A. Pace,deceased; and also allother pcrsonß or parties un-known, claiming any rlirht, title, estate, lien orinterest in the real estate, lands, tenements andhereditaments described inthe complaint herein,defendants.

NOTICE OP LIS PENDENS.Notice Is hereby given that a civilaction has been

commenced inthe District Court of the State of Min-nesota In and for the Second judicialdistrict of saidstate, and the county of Ramsey therein, whereinJeremiah Webber is plaintiff and the unknown heirsof W. 11. Morton, James D. Goodrich and J. A.Pace,and also all other persons or parties unknown, claim-ingany right, title, estate. Ilea or interest In the realestate, lands, tenements and hereditaments describedin the complaint in said action, are defendants; thatsaid action Is now pending and undetermined and thattbe object of such action is to quiet in the plaintiff,Jeremiah Webber, the title to that certain tract orparcel of land situate in the said county of Ramseyand State of Minnesota and described as follows,that is to say: Lor numbered fourteen (11) in blocknumbered one (1) of Nelson, Stevens aud King's ad-dition to West St. Paul, according to the piat thereofonfile and of record in the office of the register ofdeeds withinand for said Knmsey county, and thefurther object of said action is to determine anyclaim, Hen. estate or Interest insaid land adverse tothe estate of the plaintiff therein. The plaintiff Insaid action Is the sole owner in fee simple of thetract of land aforesaid.

JEREMIAH 'WEBBER, Plaintiff.Willis*Willard, Attorneys for Plaintiff.

St. Paul, Minn., July 21, 1884. jy22-7w-tu

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COTJNTJf OF RAMSEY—ss. District Court, Second Judicial District.

Michael McNeil, plaintiff, against Charles Bodwell,defendant.

SUMMONS.The State of Minnesota, to the above named defend-

ant:You are hereby summoned and required to answer

to the complaint in this action which has been filedwiththe clerk of said court, in his office, in saidcounty, and to serve a copy of your answer to thesaid complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in thecityof St. Paul, state of Minnesota, within twentydays after the service of this summons upon you, ex-clusive of the day of such service, and If you fall toanswer the said complaint withinthe time aforesaid,the plaintiff In this action willtake Judgment againstyou for the sum of *2SO, withinterest thereon fromMarch Ist. ISS4, together withhis costs and disburse-ments of suit.

11. TV. CORY,r.ul2-Tw tv Plaintiff's Attorney, St. Paul, Minn.

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COCNTY OF RAMSEY—ss. In Pronate Court, general term, August

4, 1831.Inthe matter of the estate of Adam Gotzian, de-

ceived.On reading and filing the petition of James Middle-

ton and Josephine Gotzian, executors of the estate ofAdam Gotzian, deceased, representing among otherthings, tbat they have fullyadministered said estate,and praying that a time and place be fixed for exam-iningand allowing their account of administration,and tor tbe assignment anddistribution of the residueof said estate uj the persons thereto entitled underthe willof said deceased, nnd as provided for In thewillOf the late Adam Gotzian.ItIs ordered, that said account be examined, and

petition heard, by the Judge of this court, on Fri-day, the 29th day of August, A. D. 1884, at teno'clock a. m., at the probate office insaidcounty.

And itIs further ordered, that notice thereof begiven to all perioral Interested, by publishing a copyof this order for two successive weeks prior to saidday of hearing. In the DailyGlouk, a newspaper,printed aud published at Saint Paul Insaid county.

Bythe Court. WM. H. McGROBTY,[L.s.] Judge ofProbate.

Attest: FrankRor.KET, Jr., Clerk.O'BniKK & Wilson and Hakvf.v Ofticbr, Attorneys

for executors. aus-4\v-tuUTATE OF MINNESOTA. DISTRICT COURT,*3 Second Judicial District, Couuty of Ramsey.Josepb (.'hapron, plaintiff, against Clotilda Chapron,


The State of Minnesota, to the abovenamed defend-ant:You are hereby summoned and required to answer

the complaint in tillsaction, which has been llled withthe clerk of said court, and to serve a copy of youranswer to the said complaint on the subscribers, attheir office Iv No. 83 Ea^t Third,street, city of Saintf'aul. State of Minnesota, withinthirtydays uftertheservice of this summons upon you, exclusive of theday of such service, an1if you fallto answer tbesaidComplaint withinthe time aforesaid, the plaintiff Inthis action willdemand the relief asked for In saidcomplaint.

Dated August 4, A.D. IPS 4.GRISWOLD & TEEPLE.

anS-7w-to Plaintiffs Attorney, St. Paul Minn.

STATE OF MINNESOTA,COCNTY OF BAMSET—ss. In Probate Court, general term, held

July 7. 1884.Iv the matter of the estate of Bridget Daley, de-

ceased.On reading and filing the petition of John Cunnlff,

tide, olatratof of said estate, setting forth that nopen >nal estate has come to hishands^thc amount ofdebts outstanding against said deceased, and a de-scription of all the real estate of which said deceaseddied seized, and tbe condition and value of the re-spective portions thereof; and praying that licensebe tohim granted to sell at private sale all the realestate set forthand described Insaid petition;

And It appearing, by said petition, that there Is notsufficient personal estate Inthe hands of said admin-istrator to pay said debts, and that It ts necessary Inorder to pay the same, to sell all of said real estate;

It Is therefore ordered, that allpers ms interestedinsaid estate, appear before the judge of this court,on Thursday, the 2lst day of August, A. I). 1884, it10 o'clock a. m., at the probate office inSaint Paul insaid county, then and there to show cause, (If anylhere he i whylicense should not be granted to saida lmtr.l trator to sell said real estate according to theprayer of said petition.

And it Is further ordered. That a copy of thisordershall be published for four successive weeks prior tosaid day of hearing, the last of which publicationsshall be at least fourteen days before said day ofhearing. In the Dally Globe, anewspaper printedand published at Saint Paul in said county, and per-•Ottaflj served on al! persons Interested insaid estate,residing In said county, at least fourteen days beforesaid day of hearing, and upon all other persons ln-teresteil. according to law.

By the Court,[I-.s.j WM. B. McORORTY,

Judge of Probate.Att.-st: FmxK RonEST. Jr.. Clerk. jys-sw.tu

SJTATEUF MINNKSOTA. COUXTT OF RAM3EY-»ss. la Probate Court, special term, August JB,

18*4,In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Shaw,

dr ceased.On reading and filing the petition of Nicholas

Kovltz, of snu. county, representing, among otherthings, that Elizabeth Shaw, late of said county, onthe sth day of August. UU,st St.Pattt, In saidcoun-ty,died intestate, and being an inhabitant of this coun-ty at the time of her death, leavinggoods, chattels andestatJ" withinthis county, and that the said petitioneris one of the children and heirs of said deceased andfraying that administration of saidestate be toPatrickT. Kavansirh or some other suitable person prranted;

It Is rordered, that said petition be heard before theJndgeof this court, onFrldsy.the l'ithdayofSeptem-ber A.D. I**4.at ten o'clock a.m.. at the probateoffice. In said county.

Ordered further, tbat notice thereof be givento the heirs of said deceased, and to allpersons inter- jested, by publishing a copy of this order for three

weeks prior to said day ofhearing. In theIHti.tGlosi. a newspaper printed and published atSaint PauL insaid county.

By the Court,[L.S.] WM.B. McGRORTT.

Judge of Proiiate.Attest: Fxaxk Robzbt, Jr., Ccrk an!9-4w-tu

Notice to Creditors.State ofMinnesota. County of Ramsey— ss. InPro-

bate Court, special term. August 15. 1884.inthe matter of the estateof Chariest.. Kltteuhouse. j

deceased.No doe is herehy gftrn that the Judge of Probate

Ofthe county of Itameey. willupon the first Monday of fthe month of November, me, st ten o'clock a.m..receive, hear, examine and adjust, allclaims and de-mands of a':! persons against said deceased: and thats.i months from and after the date hereof have beenallowed and limited for creditors to present theirclaims sgalnst said estate, a; the expiration of whichtfthe allclaims notpresented or notproven toIts sat-isfaction, shall he forever barred, unless for goodcause shown further time be allowed.

By the Court,fr-s-j WM.B.McGRORTT.

Judge of Probate,Hin-bt B. Tabwtlx. Administrator. ani9-3w-tu

Notice to Creditors.State ofMinnesota. County ot Ramsey, ss. InPro-

bate Court, special term, Angus: '.6, IBM.In the matter of roe estate ot John Hanig. de-

ceased.Notice !s hereby given that the Judge ot Probate

of the coa-ty ofRamsey, willupon the first M»a>iav of t

the month of November. IS*«. ax ten o'clock a. m_ }receive, hear, examine and adjust allclaims aad de^ [maods of allpersons against said deceased: and that

'stx mor.ths from and after tbe date hereof have been iallowed aad limited for creditors to present their <claims against said estate, at the expiration of whichtime all claims not presented or not proven to Itssatisfaction, shall be forever barred, unless ft*goodcause shown further time be allowed.Bythe Coon.

;- - WM. B VrGRORTT.Judge cf P'obate.

Assa Exto. AdßltntstratiA asi^»-5w iv

Conllrinatioii of Assessment for Grading

Maale Avenue,

Office of the Boaud of Public Works, )

Cittof St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 20, 1884. fThe assessment of benefits costs and expenses

arising from the grading of Oakdale Avenue,from State street to the south city limits,in theSixth ward, of the City of St, Paul, Minnesota,having been completed by the Board of PublicWorks in aud forsaid city, said Board will meetat their office in said city at 2 p. m., on the Bthday of September, A.D.,1884, to hear objec-tions (ifany) to said assessment, at which timeand place, unless sufficient cause is shown to thecontrary, said assessment willbe confirmed bysaid Board.

The followingis a list of the supposed own-er's names, a description of the property bene-fitedand the amounts assessed against the sameto-wit:

Woodbury and Case's Addition to West St. Paul.Supposed owner and

description. Lot. Block.Benefits.E Langevin 5 3 ""278 00S J Garlough & J TMerk-

ley 6 3 231 00CHLienau 4 3 17 00Same 3 3 17 00Same 2 3 17 00Same 1 3 16 00

LmeM^::::::::::::::! i\ **0350

fame3™::::::::::::::: 98 i{'»»«>

Alex Berghold 10 4 16 00E R Bryant 11 4 15 00

Sam'lL Garlaugh 12 4 15 00AlexBerghold 13 4 15 00Same 14 4 14 00SIGarlough 5 4 16 00Same 4 4 16 00E Langevin 3 4 16 00ES Fuller 2 4 15 00Chas Chapman 1 4 14 00Auguste Nagel 6 9 166 50EmilGerlach 7 9 203 50JohnMahleman 8 9 15 00Edw Kane 9 9 14 00Same 10 9 14 00Helena Dom 11 9 14 00Same 12 9 14 00West Side Land & Cottage

Co 5 9 10 00Ed McCourt 4 9 16 00Geo B Evans 3 9 15 00Same. W3ft of 2 9 100T J McGoveru (except W

3 ft) 2 9 14 00Same 1 9 14 00FJTorrens. N100 ft of.. 1 10 74 00IRogerson. Ssoft of 1 10 92 50F McArdle. N5O ft of S

100 ft of 1 10 92 50Edward Compion (except N

and S 100 ft) 1 10 23100Jas Kilshaw 2 10 222 00West St Paul Real Estate

and Improvement Syndi-cate 3 10 213 00

Same 4 10 218 00

Same 5 10 213 00Chas F Meyer 1 14 266 00Same 2 14 26100

Bryant and Minea's Rearrangement of block 13,Woodbury and Case's Addition to West

St.Paul.Supposed owner and

description. Lot. Benefits.West Side Land and Cottage C0... 7 $70 50Same 8 70 50

Same 9 70 50Same 10 70 50Same 11 70 50Same 12 70 50Same 13 70 50

Same 14 15 00

Same 15 12 00

Woodbury and Case's Addition to West St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

West St. Paul Real Estateand Improvement Syndi-cate 1 20 $261 00

Same ,2 20 266 00

Same 1 19 261 00Same 3 19 240 00Same " 24 492 00Same 1 23 266 00

Same 2 23 271 00Same 1 29 267 00Same 2 29 272 00Same 3 29 65 00Same 5 28 500 00Same 4 28 75 00Same 3 28 70 00Same 2 28 65 00

Same 1 28 65 00

.Belividere Park Subdivision of Lot 2, BidweH'sAddition to West St, Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

AGStewart and C F Meyer 1 1 $74 00Same and same 2 1 77 75Peter Madscu 3 1 77 75Jas Gurball, (except S

79.6 ft) 5&4 1 83 25Jas HolTbeck. S 79.6 ftof. 5&4 1 120 25AGStewart and CF Meyer 6 1 1Same and same 7 I>\u25a0 $229 50Same and same 8 1)Same and same 9 1 55 50Same and same 10 1 87 00Same aud same 11 1 18 50Same and fame 1 2 74 00

Same and same 2 2 18 50Same and same 3 2 77 75same and same 4 2 77 75Same and same 5 2 77 75Same nnd same 0 2 79 50Same and same 7 2 79 50Same and same 8 2 79 50Same nnd same 9 2 10 00Same nnd same 10 2 10 00Sameandsame 1 3 72 00Same and same 2 8 72 00Same and same 3 8 72 00Same and same 4 3 74 00Same and same 5 3 74 00Same and same 6 3 74 00Same and same 7 3 10 00S»m. .ml «nTT,o.. 8 3 10 00

Same and same 9 3 10 00Same and same 10 3 10 00

Bidwell'a Addition to West St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Benefits.

A W Maitenson, X 191.25 ft. 0t... 1 $75 00

Supposed owner anddescription. Benefits.

PhilipKessler. Commencing at a pointon W line of lot 1, Bidwell's Additionto West St. Paul, 191.25 ft.Strom NWcorner of said lot 1; thence S alongsaid W line 57 ft.;thence X 121 Jf ft.;thence N57 ft.;thence W to begin-ning, being part of said lot 1 $12 00

Martin Steveken. Commencing at apointon W live of lot 1, Bidwell'sAddition to West St. Panl, 248.25 ft. Sfrom NW corner of said lot 1;thenceS along said W line 57 ft; thence E121 X ft: thence N57 ft; thence Wto beginning, being part of said lot 1. $12 00

R. J. Wood and S. J. White. The EHof the following described land, towit: Commencing on W line of lot1,

Bidwell's Addition to West St. Pan],191.,'5 ftS fromNW corner ofsaid lot1;thence S along said W line to Nline ofS 6u ftof N"!s of said lot 1: thence Ealong Nline of said 8 CO ft toE liceof6aid lot1:thence N along said E line

to a point191.25 ftS from NE cor-ner of said lot 1;thence Wto begin-ning, being part of said lot 1 $35 00

Nclliie M. Cooper. Commencing at apointon W line of lot1, Bidwell's Ad-dition to West St Paul. 305.25 ft Sfrom NW corner of said lot 1; thenceE 121Hft;thence S 77.25 ft;thence W121!, ft:thence Nto beginning, beingpart of said lot1 $;o 00

Eidwells Addition to West St. PauL

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Benefits.

Nellie MCooper, S 60 ftof NH of..1 $24 00W Monnagha, S % ot 1 $600 00

Belividere Park Subdivision of Lot 3. Bidwell'sAddition to West St.PauL

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

McClung and McMurran... 1 1 $20 00Same and same 2 1 10 00John B Schmidt 8 1 9 00McClung and McMurran... 4 1 c 00

\u25a0 Same and same 5 1 7 00!Same and same 6 1 700ISame and same 7 1 8 00!Frank EClift 8 : 8 00| McClung and McMurran ..9 1 10 00

Sameandsame 10 1 10 00Same and same... 11 1 10 00

!Clarissa Hand 1 2 10 00 jMcClung snd McMurran... 2 2 10 00Lewis A Springer 3 2 10 00 jMcClungand McMurran... 4 2 9 00Same and same 5 2 8 00Same and same \u0084..6 2 700Same and same 7 2 7 00Sameandsame 8 2 8 00Sine and same

* 2 9 00;r-ame and same 10 2 to 00Sameandsame 11 2 10 00

ISame and same 12 2 10 00 j

!Beery Gaefke 1 3 10 00]\u25a0 Henry Bliesenbacb 2 3 10 00

McClung AMurran 3 3 10 00iiSameandsame 4 3 9 00i Sameandsame 5 3 8 00Mose Iresstien and Samuel

Goldstein 6 3 7 00McClungA McMurran. 7 3 7 00Same and same ...8 3 800Sameandsame 9 3 9 00Sameandsame 10 3 10 00Same and same 11 3 10 00Same aud aaa*. 13 3 IQOOJ

Woodbury ACase's Addition to West St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

E Langevin 2 1 $1100Same 3 1 11 00Louisa Conrad 4 1 1100Same 5 1 11 00JohnMWhite 1 2 1100Same 2 2 12 00HJ Peters 3 2 13 00Same 4 2 14 00Same 5 2 14 00E Langevin 6 2 14 00C D Bell 7 2 15 00PaulMartln 8 2 16 00Henry Gaho 1 5 14 00E Langevin 2 5 14 00Alex Berghold 3 5 14 00Same 4 5 14 00E Langevin 5 5 14 00Same ...6 5 14 00JacTMarkley 7 5 14 00Same 8 5 14 00B Mcintosh 9 5 14 00DanielJ Harrington 10 5 14 00GeorgeNDeeks 11 5 14 00ER Bryant 12 6 14 00E Langevin 13 5 14 00Same 14 5 14 00Alex Berghold 15 5 14 00Same 16 5 14 00E Langevin 17 5 14 00Same 18 5 14 00Alex Berghold 19 5 .14 00Same ; 20 5 14 COJ MWhite 1 6 $13 00Same 2 6 13 00Alex Berghold 3 6 13 OoSame 4 6 13 00E Langevin 5 6 13 00Same 6 6 13 00John McCloskey 7 6 13 00Gustave Beck 8 6 13 00E Langevin 9 6 13 00Same 10 6 13 00Same t 11 6 13-00Adolf Traura 12 6 13 00J MWhite 13 6 13 00Same 14 6 13 00West Side Land and Cottage

Co 1' 7 13 00Herman Seibold 2 7 13 00West Side Land and Cottage

Co ..3 7 13 00Same 4 7 13 00Same, E 46 ft of 5 7 11 50John Frick, W6ft of 5 7) CiannSame,E46ftof 6 7,


-West Side Laud and Cottage )Co, WIS ftof 6 1> $14 50

Same 7 7 )Carl W Cross 8 7 13 00Otto Lux 9 7 13 00Constantine Herdick 10 7 13 00Vincent Blackka 11 7 13 00Same 12 7 13 00Same 13 7 13 00

N P Sattler 14 7 13 00West Side Land and Cot-

tage Co 1 8 14 00Same 2 8 14 00Same 3 8 14 00John J. Acilt 4 8 14 00Mary E. McDonnell 5 8 14 00West Side Land and Cot-

tage Co 6 8 14 00Same 7 8 14 00Same. 8 8 14 00Alphonse Kirch, (Except

W. 3ft.) 9 8 13 00M.M. Merritt, W. 3 ft.of.. 9 8 100West Side Land and Cot-

tage Co 10 8 14 00Same 11 8 14 00John Bracken 12 8 14 00HHageman 13 8 14 00Herman Graven 14 8 14 00Wm Newton 15 8 14 00Same 16 8 14 00John E Garlaugh 17 8 14 00West Side Land and Cottage

Company 18 8 14 00Same 19 8 14 00John J Dobson 20 8 14 00Chas F Meyer 1 15 60 00Same 3 15 60 00Same 3 15 65 00Same 4 15 70 00

Scheffer &Martin's Rearrangement of Block 16Woodbury &Case's Addition to West

St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits

O C Houghton 1 16 $1100Same 2 16 11 00Josephine Anstett 3 10 1100Same 4 16 11 00Same 5 16 11 00Paul Martin 6 16 1100.losenhine Anstett 7 16 11 00

Same 8 10 11 00Annießyan 9 16 1100Henry Martin 10 10 1100Same 11 16 11 00Frank J Torrence 12 10 11 00Same 13 16 1100Supposed owner and

description. Benefits.Scheixur aud Martin. Commencing on N

line of block 16, Woodbury and Case'saddition to West St. I'aul, 100 feetW of NE corner of said block; tbenceWon said N line 150 ft: thence S paral-lel with W line of said block 133 ft;thence E parallel with N line of saidblock 150 ft; thence N* to beginning,being part of said block 10, as re-ar-rauged by Scheffer and Martin $33 00

Williams' Re-arrangement of Block 17, Wood-bury &Case's Addition to St. West Paul.

Supposed Owner andDescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

Robert IIWilliams 1 17 $10 00Same 2 17 10 00Same 3 17 10 00Same 4 17 10 00Same 5 17 10 00

Same 6 17 10 00Same 7 17 10 00Same 8 17 10 00Same 9 17 10 00Same 10 17 10 00Same 11 17 10 00Same 12 17 10 00Same 13 17 10 00Same 14 17 10 00Victoria La Croise 15 17 10 00Same 10 17 10 00It IIWilliams 17 17 10 00Same 18 17 10 00

Paul Martin's Rearrangement of Block 18, Wood-bury and Case's Addition to West

St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Benefits.

CWSpeel 1 $1100Same 2 11 00Paul Martin 3 11 00Same 4 11 00same 5 11 00Same 6 11 00Same 7 12 00Same 8 12 00Same 9 12 00Same 10 12 00Same 11 12 00Same 12 12 00Same 13 12 00Same 11 12 00Same 15 12 00Same 10 12 00Same 17 12 00Same 18 12 00Same 19 11 00Same 20 11 00Same 21 11 00Same 22 11 00C W Speel 23 11 00Same 24 11 00

Lawton AMeyer's Rearrangement of Block 25,Woodbury ACase's Addition to West

St. Paul.Supposed owner and

description. Lot. Benefits.Wm Funk 1 $n 00Same 2 11 00C F Meyer and A Korfbage 3 11 00Wm Funk 4 11 00Same 5 11 00Same 6 11 00C F Meyer and A Korfhage 7 12 00Same and came 8 12 00Same and same 9 12 00Same and same 10 1200Same and same 11 12 00Same and same 12 12 00Same and same 18 12 00Same and same 14 12 00Same and same 15 12 00Same and same 18 12 00Same and same 17 12 00Same and same 18 12 00Same and same 19 11 00Same and same 20 1100Wm Funk 21 11 00Same 22 11 00Same 23 11 00Same 24 11 00

Woodbury ACase s Addition to West St PauL

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot Block. Benefits.

West St. Paul Real Estateand Improvement Syndi-cate 1 28 |55 00

Same 2 28 60 00Same 3 26 65 00Same 1 27 55 00Same 2 27 60 00Same 3 27 65 00

Brown AJackson's Addition to West St. PauL

Supposed owner aaddescription. Block. Benefits.

GW Griggs 35 $60 00

West Side Land and Cottage Co.'s Subdivision ofBlock 36, Brown AJackson's Addition

to Weet St. PauL

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. BWt. Benefits.

Aug Jobs: I SO j- 00Same S 36 8 00,

West Side Land and Cottage Co.'s Subdivision ofBlock 36, Brown AJackson's Addition

to West St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

Aug Jobst 3 36 $10 00Same 4 86 11 00Same 5 36 12 00Same 6 36 12 00Same 7 86 12 00Same 8 86 12 00Cath Schiller 9 86 12 00Same 10 86 12 00Louis Peters 11 36 12 00MLux 12 36 12 00R ASmith ..13 86 12 00Same 14 36 12 00Same 15 86 12 00Same 16 86 12 00Same 17 36 12 00Same 18 86 12 00Same 19 86 12 00Same 20 36 12 00Same 21 36 11 00Same 22 36 10 00Same 23 36 9 00Same 24 36 8 00

Brown &Jackson's Addition to West St, Paul.Supposed owner and

description. Lot. Block. Benefits.MB Hall, E 50 ftofS X of 1 41 $10 00S DLord,(except east 50 ft)

S % of 1 41 15 00Same, E 50 ft of N 4 0f... 1 41 10 00HR Brill,W 68 tf ft of N V,

of 1 41 15 00Same, E 31Vt ft of N% 01. 2 41 8 00Annie Goss, W 87 ft of N

Hot 2 41 1 sSame, El3ftof N% 0f.... 3 41 \*60 uu

S DLord, E32 ft of S Hof 2 41 8 00MBHall, W 30 ft ofE 68 ft

of S X of 2 41 10 00Thos Scott, W 51 ft of S Vt

of 2 41 12 00John JBuckhoat, W 50 ft

of E 63 ft of N&of 3 41 12 00Chas Colter, (Except E 63

ft)Nj*of ....3 41 14 00Thos Scott, E2l ft of S^

of 3 41 5 00S DLord, W 36 ft of E 57

ft of S& of 8 41 8 00J R Colter, E 20 % ft of

WB2 ft of 0% of 3 41 5 00Lillian Houghton, W 61yt

ft of SIA of 3 41 15 00Same, W 100 ft ofNH of.. 4 41 25 00Same.S^of 4 41 30 00Chas Colter, E 18 % ft of

HTJiof 4 41 5 00J J Ward 1 42 45 00Same 2 42 50 00Same 3 42 55 00Same .' 4 42 00 00E S Eldridge, S lAof.l, 3, 3&4 50 105 00S P Richardson, N y, 0t... 1 50 22 50Same. M yt of 3 50 27 50JasPMcMott, N tf of 4 50 30 00Jos S Bennett, N H of 2' 50 25 00J B and W H Sanborn 1 51 45 00same anu same a 51 50 ooSame and same 3 51 55 00Same and same 4 51 60 00FredßSmedley 1 5S 40 00Same 2 58 45 00Same 3 58 50 00Same 4 58 55 00West St Paul Real Estate

and Improvement Syndi-cate 1 61 35 00

Same 2 61 40 00Same 3 61 45 00Same 4 61 50 00

Stuart's Rearrangement of Block 68, Brown &Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Benefits.

Frank O'Brien 1 $8 00Same 2 8 00AG Stuart 3 8 00Snmn A « OO

IIC Temple 5 8 00Christian Wayman 6 7 00AG Stuart 7 7 00Same 8 7 00Same 9 6 00Chas Hingisz 10 6 00AGStuart 11 6 00Same 12 6 00Same 13 6 00Same 14 6 00F S Barris 15 6 00FS Bans Jr 16 6 00AGStuart 17 7 00Same 18 7 00Same 19 7 00Same 20 8 00Same 21 8 00Same 22 8 00Same 23 8 00Same 24 8 00

Brown &Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

West St. Paul Real Estate& Improvement Syndi-cate '. 1 5? «50 00

Same 2 59 55 00Same 3 59 60 00David Morgan ,1 60 45 00Same 2 60 50 00Same 3 60 55 00J W McClung 1 69 45 00Same 2 69 50 00Same 3 69 55 00

Brown &Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Block. Benefits.

J B & W H Sanborn "A" $75 00Same and same "B" 70 00Same and same "C" 70 00

Allobjections to said assessment mnst bemade in writingand be filed with tbe Clerk ofsaid Board at least one day prior to said meeting.

Joun Faiuungton, President.Official.

R. L. Gobman, Clerk Board of Public Works.


Omen or the Crrr Treasotibr, )

St. Paul, Minn.,August 20, 1884. (

Allpersons interested in the assessments for


Grading of Locust Street, from

Fourth Street to Seven, h

Street.Grading and Guttering of Jos-

ette Street, from Dayton Ave-nue to Fuller Street.

Construction of a Sewer onWestern Avenue, from Seventh

Street to a point 40 feet south

of the south line of Yon Min-

den Street, and for

Construction of a Sewer onSeventh Street, from Jefferson

Avenue to View Street.

WILLTAKE NOTICE,that on the 19th day of Aneust, 1884, 1didreceivedifferent warrants from the City Comptroller ofthe City ofSt. Paul, for the collection of theabove named assessments.

Tbe nature of these warrants la, that if you fallopay the assessments within

THIETY DAYSafter the first publication ot this notice, Tshallreport you and your real estate so assessed asdelinquent, and apply to the District Court of thecounty of Ramsey, Minnesota, for judgmentagainst your lands, lots, blocks, or parcels there-of so assessed, including interest, cost and ex-penses, and foran order of the Court to sell thesame for the payment thereof.234-244 GEORGE REIS, City Treasurer.

CONTRACT WORK.Grarling and Guttering FarriMtoo


Omce or tot Board or Public Works. )

Cmror St. Pacl. Minn., August 20. 1384.'

Sealed bids willbe received by tbe Board ofPublic Works in and for the corporation of tbecity ot St.PauL Minnesota, at their office in saidcity until 12 m, on tbe Ist day of September, A.D.1884, for tbe grading and guttering of Parting-ton avenue, from Dayton avenue toOomo avenue,

in said city, according to plans and specifi-cations on file in tbe office of said Board.

Abond with at least two (2) sureties, inarumof at least 'twenty 120) per cent, of the grossamount bid, must accompany each bid.

Tbe said Board reserves tbe right to reject anyor all bids.

JOHX FARRI>'GTOX, PresidentOfficial:R.L.(ioSMAM. Clerk Boardof Public Works.


Confirmation of Assessment for Grading

BonHo Street.Office of the Board of Public Works, }

City ofSt. Paul, Minn., Ang. 20, 1834. \The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses

arising from tbe grading and gutteringwithout curbs Rondo street, from Ricestreet to a point about 425 feet west ofLouis street, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota,havingbeen completed by the Board of PublicWorks, in and for said city, said Board willmeetat their office in said city at 2 p. m., on the Bthday of September, A.D.1884, to hear objections(Ifany) to said assessment, at which time andplace, unless sufficient cause is shown to the con-trary, said assessment will be confirmed by saidBoard.

The followingis a list of the supposed owners'names, a description of the property benefited,and the amounts assessed against the same, to-wit:

Beaumette's Subdivision of Block 1, Rondo's,

Addition to St. Paul.Supposed owner and •

description. Lot Benefits.Greve &Oppenhim, S 45 ft 0f.... 1 $70 00Michael Morisette 12 28 00Same n 28 00Jas F Reilly 10 28 00

Rondo's Addition to St. PauL

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

Peter Haupers 1 7 $35 00Same 2 7 35 00Servatus Hermes 3 7 35 00Mand S Biesius 4 7 35 00J Peglow 5 7 35 00Geo Weikert, E y.of 6 7 35 00AGerth, W lAof 6 7 35 00<T Rapp l 6 70 00MScbillo, E M of N yt of.. 2 6 35 00Henry Nachtsheim . WHol

WH of 2 6 85 00Same. Ny3of 3. 6 17 50J Schmitzius. E% 0f...1, 2&3 2 85 00JRemer. \V&of E*3 of.l, 2&3 2 35 00FBeckman. WJsj 0f...1, 2&3 2 35 00Henry Scharfbiilig. EH of 9&10 2 35 00Lorentz Mitsch. WJ$ of

E*i of 9&10 2 35 00MSohns. WH of 9&10 2 35 00Thomas Wheeler. EH 0f.1&2 3 35 00SDLord. W?,' of 1&2 3 70 00Wm Coffin 9&10 3 105 0!

Eubn's Subdivision of Block 5, Rondo's Additionto St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Benefits.

JohuLux. NMof 1} ftSame. NMof 2f $19 00

M Kuhn 3 35 00Same 4 35 00G Ortbaus 5&6 70 00

Rondo's Addition to St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

Alex McGingan 1 4 $60 00Jas Stinson 10&9 4 89 50

Bailey's Addition to St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

RO'Oonner 1&2 1 $70 00ALMayall 5 1 24 50Same 6 1 24 50Same 7 1 34 50Same 8 1 24 50

Nininger's Addition to St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. > Lot. Block Benefits.

Chas Teske 1 7 $25 00D HSchwabe 2 7 25 00WmDyson 3 7 25 00Same 4 7 25 00EmilyHMiller 5 7 25 00J JPearson 32 8 25 00Same '..31 8 25 OoSame 30 8 25 00Lawrence McGrath 29 8 25 00ThosEO'Toole 28 8 25 00Jas Bovard 27 8 7 50Wm Wheeler 26 8 7 50EdPower 25 8 7 50R ASmith 24 8 7 50D McDonnell 23 8 7 50Matt Cuff 22 8 7 50Isaac Morrisette 21 8 7 50Henry McCartney 20 8 7 50RASmitu 19 8 7 50JForrest 18 8 7 50J Becker 17 8 7 50Helen J McGinggan 6 7 7 50

JABnllard 7 7 7 50EugeneS Holmes 8 7 7 50Richard J Lewis 9 7 7 50PatFallihee 10 7 7 50Same 11 7 7 50Frank IFlibotte 12 7 7 50N Esch 13 7 7 BOAnnie E Wanzry 14 7 7 50\u0084'ohnJohnke 15 7 7 50ALemire 16 7 7 50

AJohnke 16 1 7 50John Greene 15 1 7 75Mary Shcnran 14 1 7 7iiHannah Barrett.. 13 1 7 75Adelina Ll-'ubanl: 12 1 7 75J Bowleu 11 1 7 75Same ;»J0 1 7 7JIIand G Doran »i'61 7 75Geo W Moore 1 2 iT5Same 2 2 7 75Same 3 2 7 7;

Sheldon and Anable 4 2 7 7."Same aud same 5 2 7 71Mary Madigan 6 2 7 75Maria Conroy, (except

W 8% «.) 7 2 6 00John Maloney, W Btf ft of 7 2 1 75Same 8 2 7 75

Grace's Addition to St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription. Lot. Block. Benefits.

Rt Rev TLGrace 16 1 $7 50Same 15 1 T 50

Same 14 1 7 50Same 13 1 7 50Same 12 1 7 50

Same 11 1 7 50Same 10 1 7 50Same 9 1 7 50Same 1 2 7 5CSame 2 2 7 5CSame 3 2 7 50

Same 4 2 7 50Same 5 2 7 50

Same 0 2 7 50J C Nolan 7 2 7 50

Same 8 2 7 00

Mackubln AMarshall's Addition to St. Paul.

Supposed owner anddescription Lot. Block. Benefits,

Ann CauWeld 30 15 $8 00Same 29 15 8 0CSame 28 15 8 00Max Huxlley 27 15 8 00AW Comfort 26 15 8 00Pierri Dronin 25 15 8 00

ABeyer 24 15 8 00E P Bassford 28 15 8 00

E Weidlich 22 15 8 00R Douet 21 15 8 00John Metzger 20 15 8 00GeoSchleif 19 15 8

°°LLLamprey 18 15 8 00

Same 17 15 8 00Same 16 15 8 00NX Johnson 1 18 8 00CbasA Johnßon 2 18 8 00

Olaf Olson 3 18 8 00Wm Heiser 4 18 8 00EmmaFPierce 5 18 8 00C'DElfelt 6 18 8 00Same 7 18 8 00Alphonse Cbarboncau 8 18 8 00AJManley 9 18 8 00Same 10 18 8 00EM Mackubln 11 18 8 00JBHawley 12 18 8 00EMMackubin 13 18 8 00Same 14 18 8 00Same 15 18 8 00GeoAßubar... 1 17 800Same 2 17 8 00JohnKlng 3 17 8 00

Cocbran <fc Barbour 4 17 8 00Edward Ingham 5 17 8 00FHauck 6 17 8 00


BPresley 7 17 8 00Same 8 17 8 00MVSewall 9 17 8 00Same 10 17 8 00Same 11 17 8 00Same 12 17 8 00Same 13 17 8 00Same 14 17 8 00Same 15 17 8 00Louis Chanson 30 16 8 00Leonbart Mere 29 16 8 00ASLarson 28 16 8 00JS Rogers 27 16 8 00Same 26 16 8 00AWaessert 25 1C 800C Friend, Jr,and J W Bar-

wise 24 16 8 00Sameandsame 23 16 8 00Mary Griffin 22 16 8 00JDFry 21 16 8 00Same 20 16 8 00Same 19 16 8 00Same 18 16 8 00Carl Simmon 17 16 8 00Same 16 16 8 00

Allobjections to said assessment muat be madehi writingand filed with the Clerk of said Boardat least one day prior to said meeting.

The confirmation notice heretofore ifiven,datedAugust 6th, 1844, has been annulled.

JOHN FARRINGTOX,President.Official:

B.L.Gobjla*,Clerk Board of Public Work*.887-231-

serious charge was by a veteran named Moulton,whs claimed that he had been forcibly takenfrom the hospital and conveyed to an insaneasylum. A lawyer attempted to worm inonthis case as counsel for the complainant, but howas ruled out. Moulton's case was shatteredby the discovery that references inregard tohis integrity to (Jen. 11. C. Uobart and Col. J.A,Watrous were fraudulent, those parties hav-ing givenhim no authority to use their names.Aprominent member of the Grand Army of theRepublic informed the Globe correspondentthat there are old growlers out there who cannever be satisfied. The very ones who are inneed ofdicipline growl the most. In answer toa question as to the advisability of placing thevariou s Domes under civilrule, the G. A. It.member, who isan ex-officer, said that it mili-tary rule were abolished at the home the peopleofMilwaukee would wish the institution manymiles away. The board ofexaminers willreportthat the Milwaukee home is well managed audthe growlers will re-engage in nursiug theirgrievances.


D. W. Perkins, the well known dentist, died athis residence, corner of Ninthand Cedar streets.Monday morning. His illness, which was ot anorganic nature, commenced in November last.During the last ten weeks of his life he was con-tinuallyconfined to his bed. Dr. Perkins was 68yearf old and had practiced his profession inthis city from 1857. A wife and five childrensurvive him. Two ofhis sons reside in Chicago,W. P. and Joseph Perkins. The other childrena;e Dr.James Perkins, Mrs.Charles Skinner andMiss Fannie Perkins. The funeral took placeWednesday afternoon, the interment being inForest Home cemetery. Dr. Perkins' will wasfiled Friday, the petition forits probate statingthat the personal property of 'the deceasedamounts to the value of 31,200 and the realestate to about $7,000. Besides this the doctorleft a life insurance policy for several thousanddollars. lie bequeathed to his wife,Mary n.Perkins, $3,000, to be received by her in lieu ofall dower and household rights, and to hisdaughter Fannie H. Perkins Si,ooo. The resi-due of his estate he bequeathed to his wife andfive children, tobe divided into six parts, shareand share alike.


Rev. J. W. Ilealy, for many years pastor ofHanover Street Congregational church, in thiscity, was recently married to Mrs. Ellen E.White, at Santa Monica, Cal. Mr. Ilealyispastor of the Presbyterian church in that place.

Tne board of aldermen last Mohday unani-mously confirmed Capt. Jaa. F. TroweU for theposition ofharbor master.

Nearly 100 city and county officials and em-ployes left forAshland on an excursion Tuesdaymorning. They returned to-day.

Father Mahoney, of St. John's cathedral, hasbeen transferred to Yankton, Dakota, not Den-ver, Col., as stated in last week's letter, Mon-day night he was given a farewell reception atBishop's hall, at wbich he received a goldbeadedcane, $300in cash and other valuable gifts. Thereception closed with a supper. Father Nangh-ton, of l'io Xoiio college, succeeds Father Maho-ney at the cathedral

Mrs. Mary W. Barnes, mother of Mrs. A. J.Aikens, died at Wauconda, 111., a week ago, agedseventy-four years. Mrs. Aikens was with hermother during her last hours.

The first annual meeting of the Wisconsin Ger-man Press association opened at St. Charleshotel this aftern on. Dr. Knotser, qf the See-bote, delivered the address. The members ofthe association willvisit the parks and the Sold-iers' home to-morrow. Caesak.

Cause of Failure.Want of confidence accounts for half of

the business failures to-day. A. B. Wilkes,B. itE. Zimmerman and E. Stierle, thedruggists, are not liable to fail for want ofconfidence inDr. Basanko's Cough andLuugSyrup. He; gives away a bottle free to allwho are Buffering with coughs, colds, asth-ma, consumption, aud all affections of thethroat and lungs.

NotLost on the Tallapoosa.Savannah, Aug. 25.

—The steamer Gate

City which arrived here last night reports shesaw the Tallapoosa signals at 11:15 p.m.and being a short distance off bore up atouce. At 12:30 p. in. she had on boardthe entire number of survivors so far as shewas able to pick them up. The night wasclear anil there was not a sign of fog. Thenext morning the survivors landed but werenot mustered owing to the loss of the ship'spapers. The Gate City resumed her voyagesupposing all had beeu sent ashore. It wasdiscovered later that Seaman W. E. Jonesbad gone among the steerage passengers andfallen asleep. In the landing of his com-panions he was overlooked aud brought toSavannah.


vVlllpnrlfvthe ItliOOD,Tepu-l:ue LIV i:iiand hIhSRVSand KusvoUß TUB UKALTU

\u25a0IGOR of YOUTH. D»a.Want of Appetite, In-stlou. Lack ofStrength,ITired Fcelliigabsolutelvred. Uoiics, muscles andlerves receive new force.Enlivens the mind and