St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 8:30 a.m. Service Prelude Welcome to Worship Gathering [Please stand as you are able] Call to Worship A This is the day that the Lord has made. C Let us rejoice and be glad! A We come to worship you today. C We come to sing, pray, and listen. A Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. C Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Gathering Song For the Music of Creation Text: Shirley Erena Murray, b. 1931 Text: Copyright © 1992 Hope Publ. Co. All rights reserved. OneLicense.net #A703603.

St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

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Page 1: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213

May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter

8:30 a.m. Service Prelude Welcome to Worship

Gathering [Please stand as you are able] Call to Worship

A This is the day that the Lord has made. C Let us rejoice and be glad! A We come to worship you today. C We come to sing, pray, and listen. A Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. C Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Gathering Song For the Music of Creation

Text:  Shirley  Erena  Murray,  b.  1931  Text:  Copyright  ©  1992  Hope  Publ.  Co.  All  rights  reserved.  OneLicense.net  #A-­‐703603.  

Page 2: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

2 Tune:  Nettleton,  87  87  D.    J.  Wyeth,  1813.     Opening Litany for the Seventh Sunday of Easter & Apostolic Greeting

P The Lord is risen! C He is risen indeed! P We were lost, O Lord, in our sinfulness. C Thank you, Jesus, for finding us and saving us. P We were lost in our selfishness. C Thank you, for finding us and helping us to see the value in regarding others

more than ourselves. P We were lost in our greediness. C Thank you, for finding us and helping us to see that all we truly need is you. P We were lost, O Lord, in anger and hatred. C Thank you, for finding us and loving us and teaching us how to love as you

have loved us. Prayer of the Day page 215 [Please be seated] Anthem How Can I Keep from Singing? arr. by Eric Nelson Senior Choir

My life flows on in endless song; above earth's lamentation, I hear the sweet, though far-off hymn that hails a new creation; Through all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing; it finds an echo in my soul.

How can I keep from singing? What though my joys and comforts die? The Lord my Savior is living. What though the shadows gather round? A new song Christ is giving. No storm can shake my inmost calm while to that Rock I'm clinging. Since Love

commands heaven and earth, how can I keep from singing? The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, a fountain ever springing! All things are mine

since I am his! How can I keep from singing? – Robert Lowry, 1826-1899 Word First Reading Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

In the days between Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost, Peter oversees the process whereby one of the members of the community of believers is chosen to be the twelfth apostle, in order to fill the vacancy created by Judas’ treachery and death.

Second Reading 1 John 5:9-13

God has borne witness to the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in the Son of God believes in the witness of God and has the promise of eternal life.

Page 3: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

3 [Please stand as you are able] Gospel Acclamation Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Text:  Arden  W.  Mead.  Copyright:  ©  1999  Creative  Communications.  Used  with  permission.  Music:  Lobe  den  Herren,  14  14  478.  

  Gospel Luke 15

Jesus tells stories that suggest a curious connection between the lost being found and sinners repenting. God takes the initiative to find sinners, each of whom is so precious to God that his or her recovery brings joy in heaven. Jesus also tells a parable about a son who ponders his father’s love only after he has spurned it. The grace he receives is beyond his hopes. That same grace is a crisis for an older brother who believed it was his obedience that earned his place in the father’s home.

Gospel Response P The Gospel of the Lord for you this day. C Thanks be to God. Alleluia! [Please be seated] Sermon Pastor Ed Weiskotten

Page 4: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

4 [Please stand as you are able] Hymn of the Day And Jesus Said [Prayer cards will be collected during the Hymn of the Day]

Text:  Gracia  Grindal  based  on  Luke  15:1-­‐10.  Text  Copyright  ©  1994  Selah  Publ.  Co.,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  OneLicense.net  License  #A-­‐703603.  Tune:  Melita,  88  88  88.  John  B.  Dykes,  1823-­‐1876.   Nicene Creed Inside back cover of the Hymnal Prayers of Intercession

P Confident that the resurrection of Christ has defeated sin and death, we offer our prayers for the church, the world, and all people in need.

P ...We pray to the Lord. C Lord, hear our prayer.

P Holy God, by the death and resurrection of your Son, you have granted new life,

abundant renewal, and salvation. Hear our prayers for the sake of the one who has set us free, Jesus Christ our Lord.

C Amen.

Page 5: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

5 Sharing the Peace of Christ

P Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled.” The peace of the risen Lord be with you always.

C And also with you. Thanksgiving [Please be seated] Musical Offering For Remembered Music Sounding by K. Lee Scott Senior Choir

For remembered music sounding when the last note fades away and our hearts are left a bounding with new confidence to pray, for the preludes that recenter each distracted, fussing soul so the peace of God may enter and restore and make us whole,

for the hymns of adoration that unite us in one voice as we join the whole creation and together we rejoice, for laments and psalms of sorrow that release our needed tears and that help us reach tomorrow and to look beyond our fears,

for the carols waking wonder at the birth of Christ our Lord, for a tombstone split asunder by an alleluia chord, for the Spirit’s sudden coming when an anthem lifts our heart, for the angels we hear humming while we play or sing our part,

for the beauty, for the glory, for the church alive with praise, singing of the story that redeems our silent days – God, our thanks are never ending while our spirits pray and long to create, as you’re intending, that new world we glimpse through song. -Thomas H. Troeger

[Please stand as you are able] Canticle of Thanksgiving page 219, Salvation Belongs to Our God Thanksgiving for the Word page 220 The Lord’s Prayer page 221 [Traditional Version]

8:30 The Sr. Kindergarten Class will lead us in the Lord's Prayer today. The congregation is asked to pray it silently while the class recites the prayer.

Page 6: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

6 Sending [Please be seated] Today’s Highlights

For more information on the church’s activities, please pick up the bulletin announcements from the Welcome Center, ask an usher or go to our website.

[Please stand as you are able] Blessing Sending Song #537 On Our Way Rejoicing [Requested by Pastor Ed Weiskotten upon his 60 years of ordination] Dismissal Postlude Toccata by Eugene Gigout

Music is an endowment and a gift of God. It drives away the devil and makes people cheerful; one forgets all anger, unchasteness, pride, and other vices. I place music next to theology and give it the highest praise. And we see how David and all saints put their pious thoughts into verse, rhyme, and songs, because music reigns in time of peace. –Martin Luther

Your presence has blessed our worship service. May you be strengthened by the strong word of God expressed through music and worship today. The peace of the Lord be with you as you go.

Page 7: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213

May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter

11:00 a.m. Service

Prelude Welcome to Worship

Gathering [Please stand as you are able] Order of Confession and Forgiveness

P In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. C Amen. P If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. C If we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just, will forgive our sins,

and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

[Silence for meditation and self-examination]

P Almighty and most merciful God, C we confess that we have not followed you in all that we say and do, that we

have sinned against you in thought, word and deed. We confess our broken relationships, our weak discipleship, and our basic insecurities. Renew us with your Spirit; give us strength of faith and courage to be disciples of faith, hope and love.

P Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. For his sake, and in his name, I declare to you the full forgiveness of all your sins. Rejoice! The lost has been restored!

C Amen.

Call to Worship A This is the day that the Lord has made. C Let us rejoice and be glad! A We come to worship you today. C We come to sing, pray, and listen. A Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. C Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Page 8: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

2 Gathering Song For the Music of Creation

Text:  Shirley  Erena  Murray,  b.  1931  Text:  Copyright  ©  1992  Hope  Publ.  Co.  All  rights  reserved.  OneLicense.net  #A-­‐703603.  Tune:  Nettleton,  87  87  D.    J.  Wyeth,  1813.     Opening Litany for the Seventh Sunday of Easter & Apostolic Greeting

P The Lord is risen! C He is risen indeed! P We were lost, O Lord, in our sinfulness. C Thank you, Jesus, for finding us and saving us. P We were lost in our selfishness. C Thank you, for finding us and helping us to see the value in regarding others

more than ourselves. P We were lost in our greediness. C Thank you, for finding us and helping us to see that all we truly need is you. P We were lost, O Lord, in anger and hatred. C Thank you, for finding us and loving us and teaching us how to love as you

have loved us. Prayer of the Day page 142

Page 9: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

3 [Please be seated] Anthem How Can I Keep from Singing? arr. by Eric Nelson Senior Choir

My life flows on in endless song; above earth's lamentation, I hear the sweet, though far-off hymn that hails a new creation; Through all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing; it finds an echo in my soul.

How can I keep from singing? What though my joys and comforts die? The Lord my Savior is living. What though the shadows gather round? A new song Christ is giving. No storm can shake my inmost calm while to that Rock I'm clinging. Since Love

commands heaven and earth, how can I keep from singing? The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, a fountain ever springing! All things are mine

since I am his! How can I keep from singing? – Robert Lowry, 1826-1899 Word First Reading Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

In the days between Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost, Peter oversees the process whereby one of the members of the community of believers is chosen to be the twelfth apostle, in order to fill the vacancy created by Judas’ treachery and death.

Second Reading 1 John 5:9-13 God has borne witness to the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in the Son of God believes in the witness of God and has the promise of eternal life.

[Please stand as you are able] Gospel Acclamation Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Page 10: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude


Text:  Arden  W.  Mead.  Copyright:  ©  1999  Creative  Communications.  Used  with  permission.  Music:  Lobe  den  Herren,  14  14  478.   Gospel Luke 15

Jesus tells stories that suggest a curious connection between the lost being found and sinners repenting. God takes the initiative to find sinners, each of whom is so precious to God that his or her recovery brings joy in heaven. Jesus also tells a parable about a son who ponders his father’s love only after he has spurned it. The grace he receives is beyond his hopes. That same grace is a crisis for an older brother who believed it was his obedience that earned his place in the father’s home.

Gospel Response P The Gospel of the Lord for you this day. C Thanks be to God. Alleluia! [Please be seated] Sermon Pastor Ed Weiskotten [Please stand as you are able] Hymn of the Day And Jesus Said [Prayer cards will be collected during the Hymn of the Day]

Page 11: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude


Text:  Gracia  Grindal  based  on  Luke  15:1-­‐10.  Text  Copyright  ©  1994  Selah  Publ.  Co.,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  OneLicense.net  License  #A-­‐703603.  Tune:  Melita,  88  88  88.  John  B.  Dykes,  1823-­‐1876.   Nicene Creed Inside back cover of the Hymnal Prayers of Intercession

P Confident that the resurrection of Christ has defeated sin and death, we offer our prayers for the church, the world, and all people in need. P ...We pray to the Lord. C Lord, hear our prayer.

P Holy God, by the death and resurrection of your Son, you have granted new life, abundant renewal, and salvation. Hear our prayers for the sake of the one who has set us free, Jesus Christ our Lord.

C Amen. Sharing the Peace of Christ

P Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled.” The peace of the risen Lord be with you always.

C And also with you. Meal [Please be seated]

Page 12: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

6 Musical Offering For Remembered Music Sounding by K. Lee Scott Senior Choir

For remembered music sounding when the last note fades away and our hearts are left a bounding with new confidence to pray, for the preludes that recenter each distracted, fussing soul so the peace of God may enter and restore and make us whole,

for the hymns of adoration that unite us in one voice as we join the whole creation and together we rejoice, for laments and psalms of sorrow that release our needed tears and that help us reach tomorrow and to look beyond our fears,

for the carols waking wonder at the birth of Christ our Lord, for a tombstone split asunder by an alleluia chord, for the Spirit’s sudden coming when an anthem lifts our heart, for the angels we hear humming while we play or sing our part,

for the beauty, for the glory, for the church alive with praise, singing of the story that redeems our silent days – God, our thanks are never ending while our spirits pray and long to create, as you’re intending, that new world we glimpse through song. -Thomas H. Troeger

[Please stand as you are able] Offertory #182 Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful Offertory Prayer

A Let us pray. Heavenly Father, though we rebel and wander, you await our return, and celebrate our homecoming with astounding generosity. These gifts, though small in comparison to the storehouses of your grace, are yours to use. Accept them, with our thanks for your generosity. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

C Amen. Words of Institution The Lord’s Prayer page 145 [Traditional Version] Invitation to Communion [Please be seated] Lamb of God page 146 Communion Hymn #496 One Bread, One Body [Please stand as you are able] Prayer after Communion

A Let us pray. Lord Jesus Christ, you have saved us, lost and alone, and you have set a festive table, celebrating our return. Give us gracious hearts, that we might invite many to join us, here and in your heavenly courts above. You are the Lord forevermore.

C Amen.

Page 13: St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church...St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter 11:00 a.m. Service Prelude

7 Sending [Please be seated] Today’s Highlights

For more information on the church’s activities, please pick up the bulletin announcements from the Welcome Center, ask an usher or go to our website.

[Please stand as you are able] Blessing Sending Song #537 On Our Way Rejoicing [Requested by Pastor Ed Weiskotten upon his 60 years of ordination] Dismissal Postlude Toccata by Eugene Gigout

Music is an endowment and a gift of God. It drives away the devil and makes people cheerful; one forgets all anger, unchasteness, pride, and other vices. I place music next to theology and give it the highest praise. And we see how David and all saints put their pious thoughts into verse, rhyme, and songs, because music reigns in time of peace. –Martin Luther

Your presence has blessed our worship service. May you be strengthened by the strong word of God expressed through music and worship today. The peace of the Lord be with you as you go.