1 Open wide the window of our spirits, O Lord, and fill us full of light; open wide the door of our hearts, that we may receive and entertain you with all our powers of adoration and love.” Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) Dear Friends, There is no question that this week has been a week of highs and lows. The emotions of national pride and heroic actions of Sunday’s Euro final, were marred by the outpouring of racism and hatred by a minority of cowards who have used the mask of social media to spout their poison. In response the humility and grace of the young men targeted has held the flame of righteousness high and given many of our young people a hugely positive example to look up to. It has also been a week when, with a heavy heart, we have held the funerals of three of Newick & Chailey’s faithful. Monday I travelled to Brighton where we held the family service for Fiona Bamford. James & Angela would like you all to know that there will be a memorial service for Fiona at St Peter’s on the Friday 6 th August at 2pm On Thursday with thanksgiving and a sad heart we said goodbye to our much loved David Strachan, who will be missed by so many in the village for all the community work he quietly and gently carried out, especially his 20+ year career scoring for the cricket club, and we continue to hold Daphne, Rob & the family in our prayer. Wednesday saw the funeral of John Turner a long time Newick resident and Newick Bonfire Society Member, our love and continued prayer to Lesley, Michael, Wendy and all John’s family. Then I received the wonderful new that our very own Alan Young had been joyfully accepted for Reader Training by the Diocese. It is always a privilege and a joy to walk with someone through their discernment process into ministry in the God’s church and I would ask that you would pray for Alan and for Louise and Alan prepares to start the college training at St Augustine’s this September. This weeks Gospel invites us to think about our own ministry as people of faith in our communities of Newick & Chailey and the need for nurturing a work life balance of rest alongside enabling the spiritual and physical wellbeing of those around us. The disciples meet with Jesus and share with him all they have done and seen since he sent them out in mission. Jesus responds by offering time for quiet and rest. However, the crowd continue to seek Jesus for teaching and healing. Achieving a healthy balance between having compassion and concern for others and maintaining appropriate self- care is a lifelong struggle for many people , especially those who work in nursing, teaching or ministry Learning the importance of this balance and receiving encouragement in working at it is vitally important, and I am ever thankful to our Churchwardens and PCC’s who continue to be watchful of my own ministry and retreat. If I’m honest I’m a bit rubbish at taking time out. Rest and silence can be a challenging and rather scary place, places of retreat are known as places of calling and transformation, and so I would much rather just keep busy. But this isn’t a great model and probably not sustainable, so I should listen to the words of a wise soul who said to me this week “I am only saying this because we care, but perhaps you could practice what you preach” . . . Ouch! God promises his people that he will give them shepherds that will truly guide them in the ways of peace, justice and liberty. And although we usually divide up the roles, making some pastors and others sheep, we must admit that we must all be loving pastors of all. So this week I’m going to encourage you to ask the question; Do I recognize my responsibility for the fate of my brothers and sisters? St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 18 th July 2021

St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 18 July 2021

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Page 1: St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 18 July 2021


Open wide the window of our spirits, O Lord, and fill us full of light; open wide the door of our hearts,

that we may receive and entertain you with all our powers of adoration and love.”

Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)

Dear Friends,

There is no question that this week has been a week of highs and lows. The emotions of national pride and heroic

actions of Sunday’s Euro final, were marred by the outpouring of racism and hatred by a minority of cowards

who have used the mask of social media to spout their poison. In response the humility and grace of the young

men targeted has held the flame of righteousness high and given many of our young people a hugely positive

example to look up to.

It has also been a week when, with a heavy heart, we have held the funerals of three of Newick & Chailey’s


Monday I travelled to Brighton where we held the family service for Fiona Bamford. James & Angela would like

you all to know that there will be a memorial service for Fiona at St Peter’s on the Friday 6th August at 2pm

On Thursday with thanksgiving and a sad heart we said goodbye to our much loved David Strachan, who will be

missed by so many in the village for all the community work he quietly and gently carried out, especially his 20+

year career scoring for the cricket club, and we continue to hold Daphne, Rob & the family in our prayer.

Wednesday saw the funeral of John Turner a long time Newick resident and Newick Bonfire Society Member, our

love and continued prayer to Lesley, Michael, Wendy and all John’s family.

Then I received the wonderful new that our very own Alan Young had been joyfully accepted for Reader Training

by the Diocese. It is always a privilege and a joy to walk with someone through their discernment process into

ministry in the God’s church and I would ask that you would pray for Alan and for Louise and Alan prepares to

start the college training at St Augustine’s this September.

This weeks Gospel invites us to think about our own ministry as people of faith in our communities of Newick &

Chailey and the need for nurturing a work life balance of rest alongside enabling the spiritual and physical

wellbeing of those around us.

The disciples meet with Jesus and share with him all they have done and seen since he sent them out in mission.

Jesus responds by offering time for quiet and rest.

However, the crowd continue to seek Jesus for teaching and healing.

Achieving a healthy balance between having compassion and concern for others and maintaining appropriate self-

care is a lifelong struggle for many people , especially those who work in nursing, teaching or ministry

Learning the importance of this balance and receiving encouragement in working at it is vitally important, and I

am ever thankful to our Churchwardens and PCC’s who continue to be watchful of my own ministry and retreat.

If I’m honest I’m a bit rubbish at taking time out. Rest and silence can be a challenging and rather scary place,

places of retreat are known as places of calling and transformation, and so I would much rather just keep busy.

But this isn’t a great model and probably not sustainable, so I should listen to the words of a wise soul who said

to me this week “I am only saying this because we care, but perhaps you could practice what you preach” . . .


God promises his people that he will give them shepherds that will truly guide them in the ways of peace, justice

and liberty.

And although we usually divide up the roles, making some pastors and others sheep, we must admit that we must

all be loving pastors of all.

So this week I’m going to encourage you to ask the question; Do I recognize my responsibility for the fate of my

brothers and sisters?

St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 18th July 2021

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Do I feel responsible for their lives, their peace, their happiness, or do I always leave the welfare of others to

someone else?"

I’m not doing a prayer slot this week but I would like to pray this prayer and to hear the words of St. Teresa of

Ávila,( I have shared them before but they are too good not to share again)

Teresa lived in Spain in the days of Martin Luther (1515-1582). She entered a Carmelite convent in 1535 and was

beset by illness and poor health most of her life there. She began to receive mystical visions, many of which were

disturbing, but was helped to discern God’s voice in them

Christ Has No Body

Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are his body.

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

What will your shepherding look like this coming year?

How can you be ‘Christ’ to those around you?

“Open wide the window of our spirits, O Lord, and fill us full of light; open wide the door of our hearts, that we

may receive and entertain you with all our powers of adoration and love.” Christina Rossetti (1830-1894), English


Have a good week, keep praying, keep in touch and keep the faith.

There will be an 8:00 a.m. BCP and 10:00.a.m. service at both St Peter’s Chailey and St Mary’s Newick

this Sunday

Our Streamed services will be available on - St Mary’s Church, Newick-Facebook

https://www.facebook.com/saintmarysnewick/ or

https://vimeo.com/stmarysnewick or on the website https://newickchurch.org/

Our Prayer for Growth

God of Mission Who alone brings

growth to your Church,

Send your Holy Spirit to give

Vision to our planning,

Wisdom to our actions, and power to our witness.

Help our church to grow in numbers,

In spiritual commitment to you,

And in service to our local community,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Please remember those on our prayer list.

Rosemary Blake, Beryl Campion-Smith, Harri Gande, Geoffrey Harrison,

John Hart, Joy Hay, Mike Hawkes, Spike MacGuire, Christina McCann,

John Morrison, Adrian, Andrea & Amber Pariss,

Gemma Peacock, Kevin Slipper, Cheryl Stewart,

Daphne Strachan, Martin Tardiff, Dave Tolhurst,

Danielle Tora, Toni Warrilow, Sean Watson, Mick Weeding,

Jenny Weller, Allen Whitmore, Nasima Wright

If you would like to receive prayers or know someone who would, please contact Rev Paul Mundy on 01825 723186 or [email protected]

Page 3: St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 18 July 2021


The women in our bible who lived so long ago, left stories which live on, we are a

fascinating, diverse breed; their role, actions and influence still has an impact on us as

we learn about them, I often wonder how different women from previous times are

from the women of today and I am keen to explore the lives of Biblical women in

more depth, especially those lesser known ones.

Consequently l am planning to run some informal, fun sessions for this purpose, to

tuck into coffee, tea and cake and aim to understand much more about their lives

and impact and also to feel a connection with our sisters from so long ago.

Please contact me if you would like to join me and we can find some convenient

dates and times, there are some fascinating female characters that will be

inspirational to meet!

I have also been wondering if we had any local

women from previous centuries who left a legacy

which touches lives today. Of course we have our

very own Lady Louisa Vernon, the mother of

children who died so young, commemorated on

the plaques on the North facing wall of the church.

Lady Vernon was very advanced for her time when

illiteracy was commonplace, in 1771 she started the

School for girls at Fonthill, the girls were taught

reading, writing and needlework, training useful for

employment as servants but also for motherhood

and keeping house. Her legacy reaches out to

young people today through her Educational Trust;

I benefited from it myself when I was younger.

I found another interesting character whom I had

never heard of but had lived in Newick Park from

1794 until 1809 when year her husband Sir Elijah

Impey died and she moved to London.

Lady Mary Impey is remembered as a natural historian, she married in 1768, had four children which she left

behind in order to go to live in India in 1774 with her husband who was appointed Chief Justice in Bengal. There

she commissioned three Indian artists to create a series of two hundred mostly life sized drawings of the exotic

birds which she carefully studied in her garden. These drawings have proved very important to ornithologists.

Lady Impey produced a further four children. The Impey’s returned to England and leased Newick Park, there

having another child.

When in India she tried to domesticate a type of pheasant which was named ‘The Impeyan Pheasant’ in her

honour, which she tried to domesticate here in Britain, these birds have very beautiful, multi coloured feathers

and are the National Bird of Nepal, bigger than the pheasants we are used to seeing locally - some standing over

two feet tall.

Both of these Newick Women from years back had very privileged backgrounds, they were able to leave a legacy

which has lasted over the centuries, in my life time I have met many local women of equal worth in our village

from a whole variety of backgrounds with busy and productive lives who live on in our memories, if not as

famous as those above. I would love to hear if you have memories of special women from our village and


Also please contact me if you would like to join me in my quest to feel closer to the biblical women who, in so

many ways have helped shape our Christian teaching.

Wishing you a happy and healthy week ahead. Patsy.

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Church Café is re-opening on

Sunday 25th July. It will be

alternating between the Church and

the Barn Centre. We need

volunteers to run the Barn Centre

dates, if you could spare some time

to make and serve refreshments,

please sign up - sheet in church.

The first barn centre date is the

8th August.

P.S. - Don’t forget your reusable mug is you have one.

You would be most welcome

New Informal Prayer Group

Monday 26th July

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

St Mary’s Church

For more information - Audrey 01825 722773

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Audrey Ford, our prayer warrior, led the first meeting of our new prayer group on Monday 12

th July.

We enjoyed a good start to our program. Pat Beeston, of Ministry of Cake fame, offered welcome coffee and

biscuits as we arrived. Thanks, Pat! Our meeting was well attended, friendly and rewarding.

Our next meeting will be in the Church at 11.00 a.m. on Monday 26th July.

We shall be meeting fortnightly.

For our next outing on the 26th July, Audrey has asked us to choose a Bible verse which we can use as a basis for

our prayer that day.

We are keen to build our prayer life at St Mary’s. We aspire

to be a prayer driven Church.

Our Rector, Rev Paul Mundy, is running an excellent series

of notes in our weekly newsletter on how to pray. Different

techniques and methods. There are many and varied

approaches to prayer, and Paul’s series of short suggestions

in his Rector’s Ramblings section each week is a good place

to look for stimulating and rewarding prayer ideas. Give it a


The Church is now fully equipped with fine new

candle holders on our pew ends.

Clive Maxwell designed and constructed them with

real flair and craftsmanship. They are excellent, and a

fine complement to our beautiful Church.

Clive and Allen Lucas carefully installed the fittings

which support the candle holders last week.

To top it all off, Clive and Anne have donated all the

materials so our candle holders are a splendid gift to

St Mary’s from them. Brilliant!

Congratulations on your achievement Clive and many

thanks to you and to Anne for your magnificent


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For the Shortcakes

325g plain flour

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon baking powder

5 tablespoons caster sugar

125g unsalted butter (frozen)

1 large egg (beaten)

125ml single cream

1 large egg white (lightly beaten)

For the Filling

300g strawberries

1 tablespoon caster sugar

250ml double cream (or crème fraiche)


1. Preheat the oven to 220ºC/200ºC Fan/gas mark 7.

2. Mix the flour, salt, baking powder and 3 tablespoons of the sugar in a bowl. Grate the butter into these dry

ingredients and use your fingertips to finish crumbling the butter into the flour. Whisk the egg into the cream, and

pour into the flour mixture a little at a time, using a fork to mix. You may not need all of the eggy cream to make

the dough come together, so go cautiously.

3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, and roll gently to a thickness of about 2cm / ¾ inch. Dip a 6½

cm / 2½ inch round cutter in flour and cut out as many rounds as you can. Work the scraps back into a dough, re-

roll and finish cutting out you should get 8 in all. Place the shortcakes about 2½ cm / 1 inch apart on a lined

baking sheet, brush the tops with the egg white, and sprinkle them with the remaining 2 tablespoons of caster

sugar with the rest of your cooking, or life in general, you can cover and refrigerate them now for up to 2 hours.

Bake for 10-15 minutes, until golden-brown, and let them cool for a short while on a wire rack. Meanwhile, crush

half the strawberries with the spoonful of sugar and halve or quarter the remaining strawberries, depending on

their size. The shortcakes should be eaten while still warm, so split each one across the middle and cover with a

spoonful of the crushed strawberry mixture, a few halved or quartered strawberries, then dollop some whipped

cream or crème fraiche on top, and set the top back on


As a Church, we support FSW, the Family support charity helping children and

families in Sussex.

Our particular support is giving food – cans, pasta etc. to the Uckfield branch of FSW

to distribute through their food bank. The current Covid pandemic is causing a sharp

increase in the demands on the foodbank – there is real suffering, hurt and hardship

out there.

Ron and June Perou collect donations which can be left in the church porch they

then deliver them to the food bank. If you have a chance to pick up an extra item at

the supermarket or are able to add an additional item to your online delivery please

be assured that they will be very gratefully received.

A lot of small donations make a big difference


Specific Items Needed Locally

Pasta Sauce

Sponge Puddings


Rice Pudding (Tinned)



Chocolate Spread - (Not Peanut


Long Life Juice - Orange/apple

Hygiene Products

Toiletries – deodorant, toilet paper,

shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap,

toothbrushes, tooth paste, hand wipes

Household items – laundry liquid

detergent, laundry powder, washing up


Feminine products – sanitary towels and


Baby supplies – nappies, wipes and food

General Items




Tinned tomatoes

Lentils, beans and pulses

Tinned meat

Tinned vegetables/fruit



From Nigella - How to be a

Domestic Goddess

Page 7: St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 18 July 2021


Owls Club May-Aug

(Barn Centre, Newick Church)

After a few months of virtual Sunday Club, Owls Club Live is

back! Yippee! We meet on the 3rd Sunday of every month in

the Barn Centre, just up from Newick Church. Sign-up via

Calendly each month for track and trace. Parents/carers drop

children at the Club and then attend the service in Church.

The sign-up link is:

Owls Club (Newick Barn Centre at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)


Owls Club (Newick)

Sunday 16th May

Sunday 20th June

Sunday 18th July

The Clubs are subject to a strict Risk Assessment and all possible protocols will be put in

place to reduce the transmission of Covid 19.

The Risk Assessment is here

The Carer’s Disclaimer form is here

What are we thinking about in each session?

We are going to follow the Messy Church

sessions each month this year, with craft /

game / story.

May: Saul to Paul on the Road to Damascus

June: Parable of talents Matt 25:14-30

July: Rich young ruler Mark 10:17-27

August 24th/25


th is Holiday Club!

Questions?: Email Ali on [email protected]

Page 8: St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 18 July 2021


Sunday 4th July

5th Sunday after


BCP Holy Communion*

Holy Communion Livestream*

2 Corinthians 12. 2-10

Mark 6. 1-13

Preacher: Rev. Paul Mundy

8:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Sunday 11th July

6th Sunday after


BCP Holy Communion*

Preacher: Fr Martin Morgan

Morning Worship Livestream*

Ephesians 1.3-14

Mark 6.14-29

Preacher: Ian Reekie

8:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Sunday 18th July

7th Sunday after


BCP Holy Communion*

Morning Worship Livestream*

Ephesians 2.11-22

Mark 6.30-34,53-end

Preacher: Rev. Paul Mundy

8:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Sunday 25th July

8th Sunday after


BCP Holy Communion*

Holy Communion

Ephesians 3. 14-end

John 6.1-21

Preacher: Reader Jeremy Burdett

8:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

*Denotes standard Year B Lectionary readings.

All communion services are said and will be taken in one kind.

*Also live-streamed on https://www.facebook.com/saintmarysnewick and can be

seen at www. https://newickchurch.org/services

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With thanks for this week’s photographs from Rebecca Hume and Jane Welfare.

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For the lastest publication

click here

Please take a look at www.newickchurch.org

Notices & Newsletters Click here

Church Service Information Click here

The PCC Click here

Events Click here

Owls Club Click here

Owls Picture Gallery Click here

Donations Click here

Newick -Automated External Defibrillators Click here

Faith in Sussex Magazine Click here

If you have been out and about and would like to share a photograph please send it to me at

[email protected]

If you would like to add anything to the newsletter or any details on the newsletter to be updated or amended please email [email protected]

Newick Memory

Moments Café

Meetings started again on the 18th May in the Village Hall.

Membership is limited though so please ring 01273 494300 to

check availability.


Lady Vernon Trust

“Lady Vernon Trust” For information about grants for

educational purposes for young people up to the age of 25


Please contact Linda Farmer 01825 722061 or email

[email protected]

Newick Trust

Relieving Poverty in Newick. For financial support in times of


Contact Geoff 01825 722512

Newick Good Neighbours

Following the support given through the pandemic via Newick

Community Response, there is now a permanent group of

volunteers set up via Newick Good Neighbours, who will be

there to continue to support those in the community who need

help with shopping, prescription collections and so on.

If you need a little help please

contact [email protected]


What3words is a geocode system for the communication of

locations with a resolution of three metres. What3words

encodes geographic coordinates into three dictionary words;

the encoding is permanently fixed.

For example, St Mary’s Church Newick is located with

