Sunday, May 31, 2020 Pentecost Sunday St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church 414 West Madison Street Decatur, Indiana 46733 Phone: (260)724-9159 Fax: (260)724-8948 www.stmarysdecatur.org Please do not put this copy in the hymnal rack. Take it home with you and keep your pew neighbors safe!

St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church€¦ · St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church 414 West Madison Street Decatur, Indiana 46733 Phone: (260)724-9159 Fax: (260)724-8948

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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Pentecost Sunday

St. Mary of the Assumption

Catholic Church

414 West Madison Street

Decatur, Indiana 46733

Phone: (260)724-9159

Fax: (260)724-8948


Please do not put this copy

in the hymnal rack.

Take it home with you and

keep your pew neighbors safe!

St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church • Decatur, Indiana Page 2


PARISH MINISTERS: Please update your

online profiles in the

ministry scheduler, especially your

contact information.

Sponsor of the Week Kintz Insurance

318 W. Monroe St., Decatur, IN 46733 Offering many options through multiple agencies.

260-728-8888 www.kintzinsurance.com

June 1-7 Adjusted Mass Schedule

Adoration Hours & Confessions Monday, June 1

8:10 a.m. No Mass due to church cleaning

5:00 p.m. Adoration until 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Confessions 6:00 p.m. David Kable † Tuesday, June 2

8:10 a.m. Mary Schirack †

5:00 p.m. Adoration until 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Confessions 6:00 p.m. Living-Deceased: Ron Aspy Family

Wednesday, June 3

7:00 a.m. No Mass due to church cleaning

8:10 a.m. Robert Loshe †

Thursday, June 4

8:10 a.m. Robert & Helen Darling † † 6:00 p.m. Anna Marie Kruse †

6:30 p.m. Adoration until 8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Confessions 7:00 p.m. Holy Hour to pray for priests

First Friday, June 5

8:10 a.m. Paul Weaver † 9:00 a.m. Holy Hour until 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Confessions 1:30 p.m. No Woodcrest Mass until further notice

First Saturday, June 6

8:10 a.m. Living-Deceased: Herman & Kathryn Alberding Family

9:00 a.m. Confessions (no evening Confessions)

4:00 p.m. Living-Deceased: Francis & Mary Geimer Family 6:00 p.m. Frank & Mary Baker † † Sunday, June 7 The Most Holy Trinity

7:00 a.m. Don Tuszynski † 9:00 a.m. Jacob Binegar: In honor of his 10th birthday 11:00 a.m. Norma Stimpson† & Her Family 1:00 p.m. Timothy & Janet Zoll Family 6:00 p.m. People of St. Mary’s Parish

Pentecost Collection for Seminarian Education Thank you for your generous response to the Pentecost Collection. This important collection is vital to our Diocesan efforts to educate our Dioce-san Seminarians, including parish son Vince Faurote, and Steve Horton, who is spending some time with us this summer. If you were unable to contribute this week, please bring your contribution in the Pentecost collection envelope and place it in the Offertory box next weekend. Thank your again for your support!

From the Pastor’s Desk Our first reading (Acts 2:1-11) for Pentecost sums up this Feast in one simple sentence: “All were filled with the Holy Spirit.” These words re-peat both in St. Luke’s Gospel and in his Acts of the Apostles. Consider these quotes... Of John the Baptist it says, “He will be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:15). Of Elizabeth, John’s mother, it says, “Filled with the Holy Spirit, she said [to Mary], ‘Most blessed are you among women’” (Luke 1:41-42). Of Zechariah, John’s father, it says, “Filled with the Holy Spirit, he prophesied, saying, ‘Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel’” (Luke 1:68). Of Jesus it says, “Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert.” (Luke 4:1). Of the apostles it says, “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and be-gan to speak” (Acts 2:4). Of Peter it says, “Filled with the Holy Spirit”, he answered [the elders]. (Acts 4:8). Of the Christian community it says, “As they prayed, . . . they were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 4:31). Of St. Stephen, deacon and martyr, it says, “So they chose Stephen, a man filled with faith and the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5; also 7:55). Of St. Paul it says, “But Saul, also known as Paul, [was] filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 13:9).

New Mass Schedule The new Mass schedule for weekdays and Sun-days will remain in effect through Sunday, June 14th. Unless there are major changes to the Indiana Stage 4 implementation, then Mass schedules will return to normal beginning Mon-day, June 15th.

Fr. Dave Ruppert

Weekend Offertory Collections Please consider including

St. Mary’s Parish in your will or estate. MAY 24 2020 – WEEKEND MASSES RESUME

Weekend Offerings/Envelopes -------------------- 16449.00

Online Giving same period -------------------------- 7357.00

Loose Change ---------------------------------------------- 170.01

Total Offerings for the Week ------------------------ 23976.01

Current debt to the Diocese --------------------- 764235.13

Cost of operation of the church and school is supplemented by wills,

endowments, grants, Bishop’s Appeal Overage, and other offerings to

the parish. Please consider these means of contributing.

Page 3 Pentecost Sunday • May 31, 2020

Steph’s Spot Religious Education News

►First Communion is postponed to a later date, yet to be determined. ►Confirmation has also been postponed by Bishop Rhoades. No date has been set at this time. ►Religious Ed student workbooks may be pickup up on the Parish Hall (if your child missed the last R.E. class on March 15th). They are located on the first table to the right as you enter the Parish Hall from the 5th Street parking lot. ►Confirmation requirements may also be turned in at this spot.

Catechists Needed for RE If you are interested, please contact Steph Brite at

[email protected] or 260-223-9789.

►All Knighting and further advancement will be postponed to a later date, yet to be determined. ►Please contact the Rectory if you or a loved one needs to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.

Steph Brite, 724-9159, ext. 127

or Direct Line at 706-7127

Religious Education & Pastoral Care

223-9789 (cell); 724-6979 (home)

[email protected]

“Serving you in Christ”

Red Cross Blood Drive June 28 Mark your calendars for our parish blood drive, currently scheduled for Sunday, June 28th, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS or go to red-crossblood.org, sponsor code stmccdec to schedule your blood donation appointment.

Gift Shop & Book Store While our gift shop in the Parish Hall will remain closed for the time being, you may visit the shop by appointment only. Call Amanda Johnson at (260) 223-2502 to make arrangements.

SCRIP Certificates Still Available SCRIP is still available. Come to the SCRIP office door in the Parish Hall to put in an order. Follow the directions on the door and Suzan will be glad to fill your order. Now more than ever, there are St. Joseph School parents that will appreci-ate your financial assistance by being “adopted” through this program. Call Suzan at 260-223-3022.

Fall Fest Auction Committee The Fall Fest Committee is looking for someone to chair the auction committee and organize donated items for the festi-val on the weekend of September 12-13th. Do you love to organize? Do you love to ask for free things? Then we are looking for YOU! Contact Abby Wilder at 724-9159, ext. 112 or by email at [email protected].

Pray for Vocations Pentecost Sunday ● May 31, 2020

“There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit”

If the Lord inviting you to share your gifts as a priest, deacon, sister or brother? Contact the Vocation Office at 260-422-4611 or by email at [email protected].

Millennium Madness Winner Congratulations to Mary Arend, the winner of $150 with num-ber 254.

We Still Have to Pay Bills! If you do not use Online Giving, please consider mailing your Sunday collection envelope to the church office at 414 Madison St., Decatur, IN 46733. At diocesan direction, we are continuing to pay our school faculty and parish support staff during this uncertain time. You may also use the rectory drop-slot in the back door of the office. Come to the breezeway porch between the ga-rage and rectory. Office door #5 faces N. 5th Street and a second unmarked door faces the parking lot. We prefer that you do not leave your envelopes unattended in church or the Parish Hall.

Computer Prayer Line St. Mary’s computer prayer-line welcomes anyone to use it. There are three ways: 1. Request prayers, submit prayer in-tentions, send update to current people on the prayer line; 2. Become a Prayer Warrior; 3. Submit events for spiritual and church life (a separate email sent once a week). Submit your requests and-or become a Prayer Warrior via our website at https://www.stmarysdecatur.org/ click on the HOW CAN WE HELP tab and click on Prayer Request. Con-tact Angie Richert at 260-525-0424 (call or text) or email at [email protected]. If you are currently a Prayer Warrior, you can also reply to any Prayer Request email. Prayer request emails are generally send 1-2 times per week and you can stop at any time. Our computer prayer line is powered by FlockNote. If you received prayer request emails in the past and are no longer getting them, please add [email protected] to your address book to see if they start coming through – send Angie an email and she will try to help. We are hoping to expand Flock Note in the near future. If you have a parish group or ministry that you would like to add, please contact Angie and she will set you up.

Word Among Us Subscriptions We are continuing to put the Word Among Us monthly devo-tional books in the Confessional Booth next to the Madison Street entrance. These books are for subscribers only.

The pandemic has brought us more time together as a family than we ever imagined. With parts of the country slowly reopening, families can still make the most of this time together over the summer. Here are some ideas:

Rosaries for Troops. Men and women in harm’s way appreciate handmade Rosaries that meet special criteria for those serving in hostile areas. Consider making this a family project. This website can show you how: http://www.seatofwisdom.net/rosary.htm.

Get away at home. Sick of being at home? Take a virtual trip each day for a week to a place you have always wanted to visit. On Italy day, for example, play

a game of soccer, listen to Italian arias, dance the tarantella, eat pasta and sauce.

Joyful Noise Night. Children of Christ have much to celebrate.

Designate one night a week as Joyful Noise Night

and ask each person to bring to the table one joke, cartoon, comic or funny story. Outlaw glum faces for the entire evening.

Every Sunday Holiday. Make every summer Sunday a family

holiday. Prohibit chores. Turn off personal devices. Dress up and stream Mass

together if you can’t get to church. Make an act of spiritual communion.

Spread joy and hope by creating driveway or sidewalk art with a hopeful Biblical message or create your own sacred art.

Make the most of family time

© Copyright 2020 Success Publishing & Media, LLC


St. Francis Caracciolo Originally named Ascanio,

Francis was born in the Abruzzi region of Italy to a noble Neopolitan family. Even as a child, he was noted for his gentleness and virtue. He often slipped away to visit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and shared his food with the poor. This kindness and holiness marked the rest of his life. At twenty-two, he became a priest. He befriended the nobleman, Adorno, with whom he co-founded the Minor Clerks Regular.

A good friend Friendship skills aren’t natural to

everyone. One has to be a friend to attract friends. Some examples include: staying in touch by phone, smiling and waving “hello,” listening when a friend talks.

Thou shall not killOne way to model the

Fifth Commandment – “You shall not kill” - is to avoid watching television shows or movies about murder and to refuse to allow violent video games.

Why do Catholics need their priests?

Partners inFFAAIITTHHFFAAIITTHHHelping our children grow in their Catholic faith. June 2020

At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, offering himself under the veils of bread and wine (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), #1374), to the Father and then giving himself to us.

To ensure the sacrifice of

the Mass would be offered until his return, Jesus ordained his Apostles as the first bishops. As well as saying Mass and ministering sacraments, the

priest is to be a spiritual father to the souls in his care, teaching,

consoling, and praying for them.

Stephanie Brite, Director of Religious EducationSt. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church

Partners in Faith TM June 2020 Page 2

Parents and faith matter more than ever

To help parents raise faithful Catholic childrenSuccess Publishing & Media, LLC

Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™(540)662-7844 (540) 662-7847 fax

www.partnersinfaith.com(Unless noted, Bible quotes and references are from the

Revised Standard Version and New American Bible (Rev.).)

ScriptureLESSO N

In this passage, Jesus outlines the challenges of discipleship. Because he is God, we are called to love him above all things – our families included. He calls us to take up our crosses and to follow him. He calls us to spend our lives, not seeking our own comfort and security, but in loving service to others, firstly to God. We do all of these by God’s grace, not our own strength.

Jesus identifies closely with his disciples. At Baptism, God came to dwell in our souls. Our mission is to

make Christ’s love for others visible. We pass by Jesus every day, present in our neighbors, however hidden.

This is why every kindness done to our neighbors, God counts as done to

him personally. He will reward us even if it’s just a cup of cold

water. What can a parent do?

Encourage your child to do something unselfish for someone else today. Tell her that even if no one else notices, God will, and he will reward her here, if not in Heaven. And that’s what truly matters.

Matthew 10:37-42, “Whoever receives you receives me”

June 7 – The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Today, we celebrate the Trinity – one of the great mysteries of our Faith. The Trinity is one God in three Divine Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ revealed this mystery before his Ascension into Heaven (Matthew 28:19).

June 19 – St. Juliana Falconieri (1341). Born in answer to a prayer by her devout parents, Juliana grew up to become the foundress and mother superior of the Servite Nuns. She was known for her charity, holiness, and wise counsel. © Copyright 2020 Success Publishing & Media, LLC

As my children get older, my old discipline tools don’t work as well as in the past. When they break rules or make bad choices, “go to your room” isn’t enough.

So I bought a few Catholic reference books, a children’s Catechism, Butler’s Lives of the Saints and some drawing and writing materials. When the girls need “redirecting,” I now assign short reports, projects, or essays depending upon the misdeed.

When Tessa “forgot” to put the money I gave her into the poor box, I assigned a three-paragraph report on St. Nicholas who gave away his money to the poor. When Kara missed turning in a couple of assignments, I had her illustrate a comic book about St. Catherine of Alexandria, who is said to have converted 50 pagan philosophers using her wisdom and knowledge.

Partnering with the saints to raise my children works so much better than giving time-outs.

When the world around us looks so very different from what we have come to know, the one constant on which we can rely for strength is our faith. In close and loving faithful families, parents pass on their faith to their children so that it’s available when needed. Building trust and showing love are important first steps.

Close parent-child bonds make the difference. Researchers found that when a child feels emotionally close to a parent, he or she is more likely to adapt the parent’s religious practices. When

raised by a warm and affirming parent, it is easier for a child to understand and relate to a warm and loving God.

Religious parents model what they preach. Children are motivated to follow in their

parents’ religious footsteps when the parents practice what they preach. That kind of authenticity is compelling. Surrounding children with a loving

faith community, teaching faith practices, encouraging service, and being a consistent presence were noted as convincing to children who adopted their parents’ faith

when grown.

June 20 – The Immaculate Heart of Mary. In response to the request made by Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Pius XII consecrated the world to Mary’s gentle and devout Immaculate Heart in 1942, and initiated this feast in 1944.

June 30 – First Martyrs of Rome (64). Men, women, and children who were martyred under the Emperor Nero, who blamed the Christians for the disastrous fire of 62. A piazza in Rome is named in their honor.

Saturday,June 6

ProjectPosey Day!

...and we need some help!Come join us on

Saturday, June 6 at 9 a.m. as we plant flowers and mulch the gardens around St. Mary’s.

Bring your gloves and your family and help us make our gardens

beautiful!Lunch and drinks will be provided.

St Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church 414 West Madison Street Decatur, Indiana 46733

Phone: (260) 724-9159 ~ Fax: (260) 724-8948 www.stmarysdecatur.org

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday ............................8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Parish Staff Pastor .................................................Fr. David A. Ruppert

Parochial Vicar .................Fr. Jose Panamattathil, VC

Financial Manager ............................... Judy Converset 724-9159, ext. 128

Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Care Ministry ................. Stephanie Ortiz Brite 724-9159, ext. 127

Music Director ............................................... Parker Maas 419-672-9254

Safe Environment Coordinator ............. Debbie Myers [email protected]..................................... 724-9159

Development Director ................................ Abby Wilder 724-9159, ext. 112

Youth Ministry .............................................. Karen Weber 223-3138

Secretary ............................................................Toni DeBolt 724-9159, ext. 126

Parish Hall Rental ............................... Suzan Downing [email protected] ................................. 223-3022

Computer Prayer Line https://www.stmarysdecatur.org/157

St. Vincent DePaul ..................... Chris Hakes, 728-9423 Food Pantry ........................ 301 Mercer Ave., 728-9423

Store .......................... 1209 Village Green Dr., 724-8500

St. Joseph Cemetery, 651 W. 600 N., Decatur Patty Kriegel .......................................................... 223-1950 Don Kriegel ............................................................ 223-1949 By email at................ [email protected]

Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses Saturday ................................................................. 4:00 p.m. Sunday ......................................... 7:00, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass ........................ See Schedule in the Bulletin

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Monday .................................................................. 5:00 p.m. Saturday ............................................ 8:45 a.m., 5:15 p.m.

or Anytime by Appointment

Sacrament of Baptism Call Fr. Dave Ruppert at 725-9159, ext. 130 to schedule a baptism or register for class.

Sacrament of Marriage

Call the Parish Office six months in advance.

Sacrament of the Sick Call the Parish Office to make arrangements.

Bulletin Deadline ................................ Monday at Noon

Call the rectory or email information to [email protected]

New to Parish/Registration

Stop by or call the Parish office.

St Joseph Catholic School 127 North 4th Street

Decatur, Indiana 46733 Phone .............................................................(260)724-2765 Fax ..................................................................(260)724-4953


St. Joseph Catholic School provides a Christian learning environment that nurtures the growth of each student in mind, body and spirit. Our school offers unique educational experiences that provide the values, knowledge and skills students need to be successful in life.

School Office Hours 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

During the school year.

Principal ....................... Brian Baker, 724-2765, ext. 110

Secretary ..................... Jane Beery, 724-2765, ext. 108

Development ........... Abby Wilder, 724-9159, ext. 112

Home And School Association President Erika Hebble ..........................................................724-2765

School Board President Kyle Heimann ........................................................223-4737

Preschool Supervisor Laura Sutton ..........................................................724-2765

Scrip Coordinator Suzan Downing .....................................................223-3022

St. Joe Daycare ....................................................724-2737

Athletic Director ............................. Amy Ross, 724-2765

St. Mary of the Assumption Parish Directory