MARCH 1, 0 1 RAN RRY TWP. LLW D ITY. Z LI N PL The Cities Of God St. Ferdinand Parish WEL ME EVE Y NE No tter w t your st or rese t st tus is i te t oli ur , your urre t f ily or rit l st tus, your st or urre t religious ffili tio , your erso l istory, ge, kgrou d or et i ity, you re i vited, e ted d ost wel o e t t. Ferdi d P ris . We o e rist will ri g full ess i to your life, d t t we rovide you wit i for tio d s iritu l su ort. PARI H GROUPING WEEKEND MA CHEDULE SAINT E O Y PA ISH 2 West e ver treet, Zel eno le tur y V l 5 00 m un y 11 00 m ommun on str ut on fter M ss unt l 12 15 m HOLY EDEEME PA ISH 415 4th treet, Ellwoo ty tur y V l 5 00 m un y 10 00 m ommun on str ut on fter M ss unt l 11 15 m SAINT FE DINAND PA ISH 25 5 Ro hester Ro , r n erry Townsh tur y V l 4 00 m ommun on str ut on fter M ss unt l 5 15 m un y 10 00 m ommun on str ut on fter M ss unt l 11 15 m

St. Ferdinand Parish

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Page 1: St. Ferdinand Parish

M A R C H 2 1 , 2 0 2 1

C R A N B E R R Y T W P . E L L W O O D C I T Y . Z E L I E N O P L E

The Cities Of God

St. Ferdinand Parish


No matter what your past or present status is in the Catholic Church, your current family or marital status,

your past or current religious affiliation, your personal history, age, background or ethnicity, you are invited,

accepted and most welcome at St. Ferdinand Parish. We hope Christ will bring fullness into your life, and

that we provide you with information and spiritual support.






2 West Beaver Street,


Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm

Sunday 11:00 am

Communion distribution after

Mass until 12:15 pm


415 4th Street,

Ellwood City

Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm

Sunday 10:00 am

Communion distribution after

Mass until 11:15 am


2535 Rochester Road,

Cranberry Township

Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm

Communion distribution after

Mass until 5:15 pm

Sunday 10:00 am

Communion distribution after

Mass until 11:15 am

Page 2: St. Ferdinand Parish


MARCH 2 1 , 2 02 1

P R A Y E R & W O R S H I P


Rev. Philip N. Farrell, Administrator

Rev. John P. Gallagher, Senior Priest

Rev. Mark L. Thomas, Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. David J. Egan, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Mr. Donald Pepe, Deacon


Kathy Bachik, Pastoral Associate & Adult Formation

Audra Brown, Director of Faith Formation

Luma Bunni, Bulletin & Website Editor

Joseph Burkot, Parish Business Manager

Beth Gavaghan, Youth Ministry, 6th & 7th Grade

Program Manager

Dr. Brian Hart, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy

Cathy Nowak, Parish Grouping Safe Environment


Andrea Wheeler, Youth Minister & 8th Grade

Program Manager


Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am-12:00 pm


By appointment only and during Faith Formation



Catholic Charities 724.775.0758 ext. 4052

Parish Office 724.776.2888


Bulletin Email [email protected]

Faith Formation Office 724.776.9177

Faith Formation Fax 724.776.6640

General Email [email protected]

Parish Administration Office 724.776.2888

Parish Fax 724.776.2378

Parish Business Manager [email protected]

Pastoral Associate &

Adult Formation 724.776.1357

Pastoral Council [email protected]

Safe Environment Email [email protected]

Small Faith Communities 724.776.1357

Website www.stferd.org

Youth Ministry Office 724.776.1920


Fifth Sunday of Lent

4:00 pm (C) Joe Brunner (Wife & Family)

4:00 pm (H) Peter Peragine (SVDP)

Sun. March 21 Fifth Sunday of Lent

10:00 am (C) Paula Poleski

(Alex Baumler, Sara, Jason & Grant)

10:00 am (H) Michael Margo

(Jim & Marge Lautenschlage)

Mon. March 22

8:30 am Dennis Mason (John & Pam Mayberry)

Tues. March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo,


8:30 am David Rocco (Dick & Ann Collins)

7:00 pm Confession

Wed. March 24

8:30 am Margaret Haggerty

(Frank & Norma Wolff)

7:00 pm Robert Heagle (Don & Alida)

Thurs. March 25 The Annunciation of The Lord

8:30 am Repose Soul Of Helen Myers

(Kelly Family)

Fri. March 26

8:30 am Lucy DePalma (Family)

Stations of The Cross and Eucharistic Adoration

after 8:30 am Mass

Sat. March 27

10:00 am Reconciliation

Palm Sunday

4:00 pm (C) Edward (Ted) McClain

(Marguerite Dinello)

4:00 pm (H) George Thomas Evans

(Sue Tomaszewski)

Sun. March 28 Palm Sunday

10:00 am (C) Paul Balik (Alex & Danette Mallozzi)

10:00 am (H) Mary Metarko

(Kyle & Sherri Snyder)

Page 3: St. Ferdinand Parish


MARCH 21, 2021

P R A Y E R & W O R S H I P


The Sanctuary Candle will burn

this week in loving memory of

Gregory Miller

from Tim & Carol O’Shea



A prayer Garden Candle will burn this week in loving

memory of:

Kathy Marchuk

from Gregg & Annette Lecheler

Ann Sheehy

from family



George Law, husband of Maryann Law. May the

souls of our deceased parish members and the

souls of all the faithfully departed, through the

mercy of God, continue their journey to eternal

life in the heavenly kingdom. Amen.


Confession/Reconciliation: Saturdays at 10:00 am.

Anointing: Contact the Parish Office before

entering the hospital for a scheduled surgery or an

emergency illness, or contact the Pastoral Care

Department of the Hospital.

Marriage: Please call six months in advance for an

appointment with a priest. Marriage preparation

classes are required. Call the Parish Office as soon as

possible to schedule.

Baptism for Adults: Through Rite of Christian

Initiation of Adults.

Baptism for Infants: By appointment. Please call

the Parish Office at least two months in advance.

A Baptism class is required for parents. Please call

the Parish Office to register.


First Reading: All, from least to greatest, shall know

me, says the LORD, for I will forgive their evildoing

and remember their sin no more. (Jer 31:34)

Psalm: Create a clean heart in me, O God. (Ps 51)

Second Reading: Son though he was, he learned

obedience from what he suffered; (Heb 5:8)

Gospel: Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of

wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a

grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.

(Jn 20:24)

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass ©

1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy

Corporation. All rights reserved.



Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 [12a]/

Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 or Ez 37:12-14/

Rom 8:8-11/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [7]/

Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45

Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/

Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [4ab]/ Jn 8:1-11

Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21 [2]/

Jn 8:21-30

Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/

Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 [52b]/Jn 8:31-42

Thursday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/

Ps 40:7-8, 8-9, 10, 11 [8a, 9a]/

Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38

Friday: Jer 20:10-13/

Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7[cf. 7]/

Jn 10:31-42

Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/

Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/

Jn 11:45-56

Victims of Sexual Abuse Hotline 1-888-808-1235

Diocesan Victim Assistance Office 412.456.3093

PA Childline 1.800.932.0313

Page 4: St. Ferdinand Parish


MARCH 2 1 , 2 02 1


Doing the Right Thing

We all struggle with making

decisions at times. Our lives are

very complicated because we are

involved in so many things, and the

options to pursue those things

seem to multiply every day. At the same time, if

we are responsible for overseeing the lives of

others, the web becomes even more entangled.

Did you ever notice how our first choice is quite

frequently what we return to and follow through

on? We seemed to know what to do all along, but

we allowed the many possibilities to cloud our

thinking and confuse our determination. Even if

that decision is the most difficult of all the choices,

we still know that we have to accept it because we

know it’s the right thing to do. Call it instinct…Call

it intuition…Maybe call it God.

Today, the Lord speaks to His people through

His prophet Jeremiah reminding them that it was

too easy for them to break the Law given on Mount

Sinai since it was just written down on stone

tablets and could be easily forgotten or ignored.

Now, the Lord promises to write the Law directly

on their hearts so that they will know His way

implicitly and without hesitation. There can be no

running away from it or claiming never to have

heard about it. It is right before them, and it is right

before us as well. This isn’t a curse but a gift since

now we know what to do and what works. Jesus,

then, tells us what is the most important – and the

most difficult – reality of life. It’s not about us, and

it’s not even about this life. It’s all about eternal life.

If we think we are the center of attention and need

to outshine everyone else, if we think we need to

prove to others how important we are, then we’ve

lost the meaning and value of living. But we

already know that. We just thought we could come

up with a better answer, and Jesus tells us we are

dead wrong – dead as in forfeiting eternal life. All

along, we’ve known that pursuing the good of

others is the best course of action; we just kill

ourselves trying to find something different. Jesus

reminds us that if we claim to serve Him, we must

follow His path, and whoever serves Him will be

honored by the Father. But, here again, we already

knew that.

WE are embarking on a course of action among

OUR three parishes that is neither simple nor

direct. Remember, God draws in crooked lines, not

straight ones. How easy it is to be a naysayer; how

easy it is to propose other options or alternatives;

how easy it is to ignore the whole thing. But at the

end of the day, WE all know that the plan that

WE’ve been working on from the beginning is

the right plan…because it’s God’s plan. It’s about

acknowledging differences and accepting them.

It’s about going out of OUR way to accept others

unknown to US and allowing OURselves to be

known by others. It’s about seeing that WE are all

good and that the good WE have is meant to be

shared. It’s about sharing OUR differences in order

to make each other better. It’s about seeing Jesus

Christ in the face of one another, even if WE’ve

never seen that other before, and serving Him. This

isn’t new to US. This isn’t abnormal for US. It’s just

the right thing to do, and WE’ve known it all along.

God wrote this on OUR hearts; now, WE have to live

according to OUR hearts.

God Bless The Cities of God!

Scripture Study with Father Mark Thomas

Please join Father Mark Thomas on Zoom on

Monday, April 5 at 7:00 pm. He will be leading us

in a scripture study that will take us a little deeper

into the Sunday Gospel. Discover the beauty of

scripture and grow in your relationship with Christ

as Father Mark explains, discusses, and answers

questions about the week’s Gospel. All are

welcome no matter where you are in your faith

journey and regardless of your previous scripture

study experience.

To join Father Mark for this Scripture Study, you

must register by Wednesday, March 31 so you can

receive the Zoom link. Please send an email to

[email protected] with your name and preferred

email address. You will then receive a link to join

the Zoom session by Thursday, April 1.

Page 5: St. Ferdinand Parish


March 21, 2021





Cities of God

Parish Renewal

“Be Still and Know That I am God”

Psalm 46:10

Please join us on Wednesday,

March 24, for our final evening of

Parish Renewal. Our evening will

begin at 7:00 pm with Mass, followed

by our speaker, Father Tom Sparacino.

We will also be hearing from one of our

parishioners, Terri Coyner, and will conclude our

evening with Eucharistic Adoration. You may join

us in person at St. Ferdinand Church or join us on

Facebook for the live-stream.

About our Speaker…

The Very Reverend Thomas A. Sparacino, “Fr. Tom”

has been a priest of Jesus Christ, for the Diocese

of Pittsburgh, PA since 6 June 1998 at 10:59 am

when then Bishop Donald Wuerl, laid his hands

on Fr. Tom’s head and ordained him for a life of

service. Since then he has served as Parochial

Vicar, Pastor, High School Chaplain, Co-Vocation

Director and most recently has been serving as

Rector of Saint Paul Seminary and director of

Pre-Ordination Formation for the diocese. If he

could pinpoint a charism of the priesthood that

he lives, Fr. Tom would say “Joy at the foot of the

Cross”. For there with Mother Mary, “Ma” as he calls

her, is experienced the fullness of joy in faith,

hope in mercy and the ultimate love and grace

that abounds in Jesus Christ. Fr. Tom lives to

answer the call of Jesus to “Feed my Sheep”

(John 21:15-17). With the role model of Saint Joseph

and the witness of his own father, two brothers and

uncles, Fr. Tom strives to be a “Spiritual Dad” to all

God’s children.

You will not want to miss our final evening of our

Parish Renewal. It is sure to be a special night!

Lenten Prayer and Reflection Opportunities

The Cities of God Parish

Update/ New Date: Lenten Renewal live

(St. Ferdinand Parish) and live streamed (Facebook

Live) 3/24 at 7:00 pm.

St. Ferdinand Parish

Stations of the Cross with Eucharistic Adoration

Friday following 8:30 am Mass.

Stations of the Cross Friday at 7:00 pm.

Ignatian Prayer and Reflection 3/22 on Zoom at

7:00 P.M, please contact Julie at [email protected] for

the zoom link.

Living Rosary 4/12 on Zoom at 7:00 pm

sponsored by the Knights of Columbus

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 879 7745 6756 Passcode: 020821

Lenten Confessions (in addition to Saturday)

3/23, 3/29, 3/30 at 7:00 pm.

Stations of the Cross on Zoom – Fridays at

10:00 am, please contact Barb McCarthy

at [email protected] for the Zoom link.

Contemplative Prayer

Meets every Tuesday at 9:30 am on Zoom

please contact Becky at

[email protected] for the Zoom link.

Holy Redeemer

Stations of the Cross Friday at 7:00 pm.

Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration and

recitation of the Rosary every Monday during Lent

at 7:00 pm.

St. Gregory

Stations of the Cross Friday at 7:00 pm.


Best Lent Ever – through Dynamic Catholic – Daily

Lenten Reflections.

Please remember St. Ferdinand Parish in your will.

Page 6: St. Ferdinand Parish


MARCH 2 1 , 2 02 1


Holy Thursday

St. Ferdinand: Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:00 PM (adoration until 11:00 PM)

St. Gregory: Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:00 PM (adoration until 11:00 PM)

Holy Redeemer: Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:00 PM (adoration until 10:00 PM)

Good Friday

St. Ferdinand: Stations of the Cross – 12:00 Noon; Passion – 1:30 PM;

Living Stations – 8:00 PM

St. Gregory: Passion – 1:30 PM; Stations of the Cross – 7:00 PM

Holy Redeemer: Passion – 1:00 PM.; Divine Mercy Chaplet – 2:30 PM; Tenebrae – 7:00 PM

Holy Saturday

St. Ferdinand: Blessing of Easter Food – 12:00 Noon

St. Gregory: Blessing of Easter Food – 12:00 Noon

Holy Redeemer: Blessing of Easter Food – 12:00 Noon

Easter Vigil

St. Ferdinand: (church only) 7:30 PM

St. Gregory: 8:30 PM

Holy Redeemer: 7:00 PM

Easter Sunday

St. Ferdinand: Mass (church & hall) – 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM

St. Gregory: Mass – 8:00 AM, 11:30 AM

Holy Redeemer: Mass – 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM

Page 7: St. Ferdinand Parish


MARCH 21, 2021


Holy Week and Easter Mass Sign Up

St. Ferdinand Parish Holy Week and Easter Mass

registration sign up will begin on Thursday,

March 25, 2021 by calling the parish office

724.776.2888 or register online via our website

https://stferd.org/stf-signupgenius. The last day

and time to register for Holy Thursday is at 2 pm

on Thursday, April 1, 2021, for Good Friday is at

9 am on Friday, April 2, 2021 and for Easter Vigil and

Easter Masses is at 10 am on Saturday, April 3, 2021.

Fr. Ed Kunco privately celebrated Masses for the

following intentions:

Harry Stadelmyer

Deceased Members of the Brennan and Loscamp


Mildred Casy

Elizabeth Ungarion

Peggy Bell

Martha Maskin

Eileen Parry

Alex Thomaszewski

Marcie Peaco

St. Ferdinand Staff

Zachary Hunger

Ed Beckwith

Bob Isler

Harry Stadelmyer

Mary Ann Jack

Rhonda Parker Joslin

Paul Glackin Sr

Rhonda Parker Joslin

Lenten Confession Schedule

All Saturdays as scheduled and

March 23- St. Ferdinand 7 pm

March 29- St. Ferdinand 7 pm

March 30- St. Ferdinand 7 pm

Any good teacher or parent will tell you that once

a lesson is really learned it doesn’t need to be

taught again. When we internalize things we have

learned, they become a part of who we are and

influence how we perceive and interact with our

world. The same is true for the law God has written

upon our hearts. Once humanity learns this lesson,

we will simply know it to be true and act

accordingly. Sometimes, it is hard to get people to

learn the lessons they need to learn. They are often

distracted, disinterested, conflicted, misdirected, or

just too stubborn and unable or unwilling to see

what is right before their eyes. Understanding that

God is in a loving and committed relationship with

those fashioned and formed in God’s own image,

seems like such a simple lesson to learn. But

history and experience has proven that it is not.

We struggle with faith, especially when that faith

asks us to learn something very particular about

ourselves. We must, like a grain of wheat, fall to the

ground and die. Because God’s DNA is at the very

core of who we are, there are specific pearls of

wisdom that must be acquired before we can live a

full life. One very powerful lesson is that it is not the

task of the world to tell us who we are and what

has meaning, but God. For many, death is not an

opportunity for greater life but a permanent

ending to the life they have known. Jesus knew

every dimension to what it means to be fully

human because he was! He knows the joys,

limitations, sorrows, frustrations, wonders,

suffering, opportunities, and joys of the human

experience. Jesus can teach us a wealth of

knowledge and life’s lessons from his example,

especially obedience.

When we accept the law God has placed in our

hearts and gain wisdom from it, then when we

suffer we learn to listen more attentively to the

Voice behind that law. We naturally flee to our

Creator for inspiration, consolation, hope, direction,

and comfort as we navigate through this time of

darkness. We will not need to run from it, subdue it,

fight it, or be overcome by it because we will know,

having internalized this profound lesson before,

that God will bring new life. God’s law is love and

love never fails. Even in the moments of Jesus’

deepest despair, he glorified the name of his

Father. What he learned allowed him to put

everything in perspective and be obedient to the

tender, loving Voice that echoed within. As Lent

quickly winds down, may we learn the same! Then,

may we gain the fortitude and wisdom to help

others see what is right before their eyes. @LPi

Page 8: St. Ferdinand Parish


MARCH 2 1 , 2 02 1


Knights of Columbus 2021 C.O.A.L. Raffle

There is still time to get your Knights of Columbus

Chance of a Lifetime tickets. You could win one of

sixteen cash prizes. They are available for $5.00

each. The drawing date is April 30, 2021. The Grand

Prize is $15,000. All other prizes are cash ranging

from $1,000 to $10,000. Tickets can be ordered by

emailing name, address, and number of tickets

requested to John Impavido, Chairperson of the

C.O.A.L. campaign at [email protected].

Proceeds benefit The Pennsylvania State

Scholarship Fund and Knights of Columbus

Council 11838 charitable efforts.

Listen to Mass from your car

Sunday and Holy Day Masses will be broadcast on

short range FM radio. Simply pull into the Saint

Ferdinand Parking Lot and tune your car radio

to 96.3 FM. You can listen to the Mass from the

comfort of your car. Or bring your smartphone or

cellular enabled tablet and watch the live stream

right on our Facebook page https://


Holy Communion will be distributed outside of the

doors of the Church, you will be called forward at

the appropriate time. You must be on the Saint

Ferdinand property to access the FM radio

broadcast as the coverage is limited. So bring your

smartphone/tablet OR tune in to 96.3 FM for the

4:00 PM Saturday, 10:00 AM Sunday Mass.

Parish Contribution Tax Statement Request

Due to the current circumstances, a seven day

notice is required to process a contribution

statement request. Please call the parish office at

724.776.2888 to request yours. Statements can be

mailed or picked up.

Gift Cards

Gift cards are available for purchase at the parish

office only at the present time. They make great

gifts for Birthdays, Baptisms, First Communion,

Confirmation, Easter, Get Well, or any special


To purchase gift cards, please call the parish office

724.776.2888 or stop by during business hours.

Thank you for your continued support.


Saint Ferdinand Catholic Church is a large, vibrant

parish that has a tradition of serving God’s people

with the warmth of a small parish. Inspired by the

Holy Spirit, we prayerfully seek to serve God by

the way we worship, celebrate the sacraments,

witness the Gospel, and serve one another. We

are committed to live our Christian life as a

community of hospitality, spiritual enrichment,

and service through works of compassion, mercy,

and evangelization. We are called to proclaim,

teach and model the good news of Jesus Christ.

We pledge our time, talent, and treasure for the

fulfillment of our parish mission.

Page 9: St. Ferdinand Parish

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