1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius Feast Day: Feb 14th These two Byzantine brothers and missionary monks were so committed to Christ that they left the safety of the Byzantine empire in order to share the Gospel with Slavic people in the 9th century. Learn more on page 9!

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius

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Page 1: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

February 9, 2020

Saints Cyril & Methodius Feast Day: Feb 14th

These two Byzantine brothers and missionary monks were so committed to Christ that they left the safety of the Byzantine empire in order to share the Gospel with Slavic

people in the 9th century. Learn more on page 9!

Page 2: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius


Pastor: Rev. Fr. Sengole T. Gnanaraj [email protected]

Journeying together as missionary disciples, committed to bring everyone to Christ in His Holy Church

St. Andrew St. Mary Holy Family

235 S. 5th Street Sunday Worship:

10:00am - English

01:30pm - Spanish

720 North “A” Street Sunday Worship:

Saturday - 5:00pm - English

815 W. Main Street Sunday Worship:

8:00am - English

PARISH OFFICE: 240 SOUTH 6TH STREET, RICHMOND, INDIANA 47374 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m-4:00 p.m. | Phone: 765-962-3902 | Fax: 765-966-0820 | Web: setoncatholics.org

Deacon: Rev. Mr. Jim Miller [email protected]

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish C A T H O L I C C H U R C H

Saturday, 2/8


8:15 am 5:00 pm

Phillip Pappin For the people of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

Sunday, 2/9



8:00 am 10:00 am 1:30 pm

David Elsrod Louis Kettler Socorro & Auxilio Huijon

Monday, 2/10 HF 8:15 am Communion Service

Tuesday, 2/11 SA 8:15 am Special Intention (Brown Family)

Wednesday, 2/12 SM 8:15 am Raymond DeLucio

Thursday, 2/13 HF 8:15 am Fr. Kevin Morris

Friday, 2/14 SA 7:00 am Mary Rose Massmann

Saturday, 2/15 SM SM

8:15 am 5:00pm

Billy Nakis Special Intention

Sunday, 2/16



8:00 am 10:00 am 1:30 pm

Ron & Dan Oberle For the People of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Max Dillan

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Readings: A cycle February 9, 2020

HOLY MASS SCHEDULE & Intentions Stewardship commitment 2/2

Stewardship Reflection: The Gospel today reminds us that our lives and our deeds must serve

as examples to others, pointing the way to the Father. Not for our own benefit do we labor, but so that others

may see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven.

281/600 47% Envelopes 12,062.00

Loose 00% 2,399.49

Faith Direct (35) We Share (69) Online Total (87)

(Jan) 7,751.89(Jan) 11,668.06


(Avg) 4,854.99

Spanish 1:30pm 197.97

Actual Offertory RECEIVED 19,247.45

Budget (weekly) We Need 20,169.71

2nd Collection 2/2 Last Week

Needs for the Parish-St. Mary



2nd Collection 2/16 Next Week

Diocese of Palayamkottai

Thank you!

Thank you for your generosity!

Please consider setting up online giving!

Contact the Parish office for assistance.

Our Mission Statement

As committed Christians of the Roman Catholic Church in Richmond, Indiana, we are a com-

munity, centered in Christ, rooted in the Eucharistic communion, journeying together in our call

to be holy, constantly discerning the charisms of the Spirit,

making one another disciples of Christ and seeking God’s kingdom

in service, stewardship and charity.

Saints Cyril and Methodius, Byzantines by culture, were “daring enough to translate the Bible into a language accessible to the Slavic peoples (Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, etc), so that the divine Word could precede human words”. They remain “a model of evangelization and a challenge to proclaim the Gospel to the next generation.”

Page 3: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius


A note from Fr. Sengole

This Week’s Community Activities

This Week’s Liturgy: Feb.10 - Feb-15














Communion Service

Prayer Group

Holy Hour - Reparation

Bible Study












Individual Confession

Schola Practice













Mass - Rosebud Village

CS - Forest Park

Parish Council Mtg.



















Eucharistic Adoration

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Hour of Power

Evening Prayer









Prayer Group










Individual Confession














Religious Education

Misa en Español

MON St. Scholastica, Virgin

TUE Weekday [5]

WED Weekday [5]

THU Weekday [5]

FRI Sts. Cyril, Monk, & Methodius, Bishop

SAT Weekday [5]

As a precautionary measure to

limit the spread of flu, we will

suspend the distribution of the

Blood of Christ at all Masses

through March 1st, 2020.

Precautionary measure for health

I just finished reading “Rediscover the Saints: Twenty-five questions that will change your life.” I love to read Matthew Kelly’s books. This book is another good read. Parents should encourage their young children to read or read it with them. I want to thank Dr. Sam Krutz for purchasing many free copies for our parish community. I hope that many of our parishioners read this book. What got my attention was the twenty-five questions. I wrote them down separately, so I can look at them and ask myself these ques-tions. Here are his twenty-five questions that are very meaningful and challenging: 1. What do you believe about your past that is keeping you from your

future? 2. Have you ever allowed yourself to rest in God’s love? 3. When was the last time you felt full alive? 4. Do your daily routines reinvigorate you? 5. Have you ever been taught how to pray? 6. Are you an emotionally intelligent person? 7. What are you dissatisfied with at this time in your life? 8. When was the last time you paused to listen to your conscience

before making a decision? 9. Do you allow people to really get to know you? 10. Are you part of a vibrant community? 11. Are your friends helping you become the-best-version-of-yourself? 12. When was the last time you did something with your whole heart? 13. Are you open to the possibilities that only God can see for you? 14. Do your doubts unsettle you, or do you see them as an invitation to

grow? 15. Are you committed to the pursuit of excellence? 16. What list of attributes describes your best self? 17. For whom are you willing to lay down your life? 18. How do you celebrate truth, beauty, and goodness? 19. How coachable are you? 20. Is the culture helping you or hurting you? 21. What can you learn from the real Santa? 22. What prevents you from surrendering yourself completely to God? 23. What stimulates your curiosity and desire to learn? 24. How often do you forget that we are just passing through this

place? 25. How can you recapture the wonder of childhood?

I like to ask questions. I like questions, particularly open ques-tions. I believe each saint had a big question in their heart. Jesus as presented in the Gospels gave them greatly fulfilled their longing for a better-version-of-themselves by his very life. The saints are the best interpreters of the Bible by the way they lived the Gospel. Living the Gospel is the most central aspect of Christian life. Let us follow the saints in the path they traced for us. Who is your favorite saint? In love of Christ and his holy Church, Fr. Sengole T. Gnanaraj

Page 4: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius


Cartoon of the Week!

RCIA Classes: Fr. Hillman Hall at 7:00pm

Mark your calendars!

Feb 22, 2020 Chocolate Fest

Feb 11, 2020 Social Justice

Feb. 18, 2020 Election: Saying Yes To Jesus

Feb 25, 2020 Living Lent

Feb 26, 2020 Ash Wednesday


When writing out your check for the New Year, please

make sure you make the check payable to St. Elizabeth

Ann Seton; the dollar amount in the box and written dollar

amount must be the same amount. For your security,

please do not abbreviate the year 2020 as (‘20). Don’t

forget to sign your check. Thank you.

Meet the Musician: Grace Blakely

Chocolate Fest

Chocolate Fest committee members are in the back of church selling

tickets to the event. Your ticket entitles you to a buffet meal and spe-

cial chocolate desserts. In addition you may play some pull tabs and

bid on items in the silent auction, including an exciting, one - week

stay at one of three different locations: Gulf Shores, Alabama; Hilton

Head, South Carolina and St. Augustine, Florida. Additional raffle

tickets if you want to purchase more are available. You do NOT need

to be present to win the raffle. You may mail your envelopes back to

the Catholic Office at 240 S. 6th St, Richmond, IN 47374, or drop

them in the collection basket at Mass. All funds will be used for the

parish needs— new sound system for St. Mary, and updates to the

sound systems at St. Andrew and Holy Family.

This is a FUNDRAISER; please support this event.

I’m a senior at Center-ville High School and I’m on the bowling team, in Concert Band and Jazz Choir. I also take part in drama club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Science and English academic teams. I plan to going to Marian University next fall and

be a part of the San Damiano program. I have been involved in parish music on Sundays since I was a freshman, and during junior high I sang at the Tues-day Masses with a few others.

Total Online Giving 19,419.95

Total Sunday Offering 54,745.80

Spanish Mass 803.87

Total Offertory 74,969.62

Budget Monthly 84,137.50

Difference (9,167.88)

January, 2020 Monthly Stewardship Report

Saint Meinard Retreats

With so much trouble in the world, many Christians

feel a real need to connect with spiritual values. May

God bless you, prosper your prayer and works, and

keep you in His loving care. For upcoming retreats

please visit our website @ www.saintmeinrard.org.

Just click the “Retreats” at the top of the page. Then

click on the title of the retreat that interests you and

it will give you a full description of the retreat and a

link to register. February 14-16, 2020 - Fr. Noël

Mueller, OSB (Valentine Retreat, Married Couples

Only) Together in Christ - In the sacrament of mar-

riage, the couples invite Christ into their married life

together. This retreat will offer the opportunity to ex-

plore this spiritual reality in some practical ways to

enhance it.

Page 5: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius



Febrero 29, 2020 5to. Domingo Tiempo Ordinario Ciclo: A


Taller de Trabajo para Primera Comunión

Mensaje por el Padre Sengole Gnanaraj

Fr. Sengole Gnanaraj

Incluso más que el nacimiento de Jesús, su muerte me

hace preguntarme cada vez más y más. Realmente no puedo ver la

cuna de la Navidad, excepto en las sombras de la Cruz. Vivir en Dios

es el significado supremo de la gente en Navidad, y la gente tiene

dificultad de aceptar que Jesús es Dios. Esto pasa porque no ven el

significado de su muerte. Su muerte fue una muerte de amor, un

amor que murió para mostrarle al mundo lo que el amor podría

hacer. Cuando el mundo ya no pudo ver y comprender el verdadero

amor, Dios vino a mostrarnos qué era el amor.

Sin Jesús, el mundo no habría entendido cómo es el verdadero

amor. Jesús y el Amor están tan entrelazados que no podemos im-

aginar el amor sin la más minima referencia a Jesús. Jesús es amor.

El amor y la verdad van de la mano. Además, somos personas desti-

nadas a la eternidad…Y Jesús nos muestra que el amor es el

camino a la eternidad. Su amor no fue consumido por la muerte,

porque el amor es eterno.

En nuestro exámen final ante Dios, creo que la única pregunta que

tendremos, será: “¿Me amas?” San Pedro no estaba listo para esta

pregunta, pero nosotros debemos estarlo, ya que Jesús nos hará la

misma pregunta. También seremos juzgados por lo bien que hemos

amado al prójimo. Debido a ésto, debemos preguntarnos: “¿Cómo

podemos amar a las personas sin conocerlas? ¿Cómo podemos

conocer a las personas sin prestar atención a lo que hacen y dicen?”

La Madre Teresa me mostró que incluso para ser caritativo, debe

venir de Dios. Porque Dios es Caridad. En el momento en que empi-

ezo a amar a alguien, empiezo a recorrer un camino que es de Dios.

Sé amar, pero mi amor siempre será imperfecto, porque Dios es

amor. ¡Podría alcanzar el 99% de amor pero nunca el 100%! Si lo

hiciera, ¡Me habría convertido en Dios! La única persona que puede

mostrar el amor perfecto es Jesús.

Queremos amar a las personas como Dios las amaría. Sin embargo,

nuestro amor es a menudo finito. Comenzamos a amar a las per-

sonas y dejamos de amar a las personas, pero Dios nunca deja de

amar. ¡Incluso antes de que comenzáramos a amar a nuestros seres

queridos, Dios los amó y murió en la Cruz por ellos para mostrarnos

la profundidad de su amor por ellos! Nosotros como humanos somos

tan bendecidos de que Dios se convirtiera en uno de nosotros. Jesús

es la razón verdadera por la cual podemos ser buenos y servir a los


Deseándoles la alegría de nuestra salvación, ¡La única razón por la

cual Jesús nació! ¡Nada más y nada menos! ¡Les deseo un Año Nue-

vo abundate en bendiciones de Dios!

Totus Tuus--- ¿Qué es? Agenden la fecha: Del 19 al 24 de Julio

Totus Tuus es un programa nacional, avalado por la Arquidiócesis

de Indianápolis. Es un grupo de jóvenes adultos católicos, bien

capacitados, que vendrán a nuestra Parroquia a darnos “Escuela

Católica de la Biblia en las Vacaciones”, para niños y niñas de 1ero.

A 6to. Grado, de 9:00-2pm todos los días de esa semana. Los niños

experimentarán un programa dinámico que les ayudará a entender

la importancia de Cristo y su Iglesia en sus vidas.Durante las tardes,

éste mismo grupo de jóvenes adultos católicos, estará atendiendo

un programa del Ministerio de la Juventud, para conectarse con los

adolescentes de la parroquia.También estamos necesitando ayuda

de ustedes para ofrecer su casa y éste equipo tenga un lugar para

descansar ésta semana. Favor de contactarme en caso que puedan

ofrecer ayuda, ya sea después de misa o enviando mensaje al 765-

338-9901. También en las oficinas de la Iglesia con Laurie Miller.

“Queridos hermanos y hermanas…

os acompañe la Virgen María, que

en el Magnificat cantó la Santidad

Misericordiosa de Dios. Os animo a

no perder de vista éste objetivo im-

portante: Ayudar a la Asamblea

Litúrgica y el Pueblo de Dios a per-

cibir y participar, con todos los senti-

dos, físicos y espirituales, al mis-

terio de Dios. La música sacra y el

canto litúrgico tienen la tarea de

donarse en el sentido de la Gloria

de Dios, de su belleza, de su san-

tidad que nos envuelve como una

“nube luminosa”.”

Papa Francisco


Domingo 23 de Febrero del 2020

Hora: 11:15 a 12:15 pm

Lugar: Cafetería de la Preparatoria Seton.

Page 6: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius


5to. Domingo Tiempo Ordinario Ciclo: A 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time


February 9, 2020

Join the Men of our Parish!



Women’s Ministry—Women’s Conference

• Confirmation Class: Sun, Feb 9th: 11:15am-12:45pm in

Father Hillman Hall/Seton High Cafeteria. All classes are mandatory

for candidates.

• Baptism Class: 2nd Thursday of every Month; Next Meeting is

Feb 13th, 6:30pm at the Catholic Office behind St. Andrew

Church. Please notify Kyle if planning to attend (required).

• First Communion Workshop: Sunday, February, 23rd: 11:15-

12:15pm in the Seton Catholic High Cafeteria.

Preparation for the Sacraments

Questions about the Sacraments or your faith? Contact Kyle King, our

Parish Catechetical Leader, at [email protected] or leave him a

voicemail or text message at 765-541-8420.

Coming soon—more information on Catholic Heart Workcamp Totus Tuus is a program run across the nation and endorsed by the Archdi-


to our parish to run a ‘Catholic Vacation Bible School’ for children in grades

2pm every day. Children experience dynamic pro-

gramming that better helps them understand the importance of Christ and

adults also run a youth ministry program that will connect with the teens of

Saturday, March 21st, 2020 at the Indiana Convention Center.

8:30am-4:45pm Lunch included.

Contact Rosemarie Burroughs if interested in attending. We

encourage all women of our parish to consider this wonderful

opportunity to grow your faith in the Lord!

[email protected] or 765-518-8995

Starting today, you can join Fran-

ciscan University of Steubenville

president, Father Dave Pivonka,

TOR, for a deeper look at the life

of Christian discipleship and on-

going conversion in his new vid-

eo series, Metanoia: A Journey

With Christ Into Conversion.

Available for viewing

at wildgoose.tv at no cost, the

series begins with “Who Do You

Say That I Am?” In this episode,

Father Dave takes viewers to

Caesarea Philippi, a site of pa-

gan worship and idols, to ask us

the same defining question Jesus

asked his Apostles.

Filmed on location in the Holy

Land and beautifully produced

by 4PM Media, the 10-

episode Metanoia series exam-

ines what it means to have our

hearts changed by a relationship

with Christ.


Page 7: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius



Like what you see? Visit ‘THE KIDS’ BULLETIN’ online for more great content! https://thekidsbulletin.com/

Page 8: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius


Faith Formation Article

“Cyril and Methodius were blood brothers, born

in Thessalonica, Greece early in the ninth centu-

ry. Their birth names weren’t actually Cyril and

Methodius. Cyril was baptized Constantine and

Methodius was Michael. (A monk’s monastic

name had to begin with the same letter as his

baptismal name.) Both brothers were very bright

and well educated…

Emperor Michael III received a request from

Prince Ratislav of Moravia. Ratislav told Michael

III that his Slavic people had rejected paganism

and that they had embraced the Christian law,

but they had no teacher to evangelize them in

their own language. Other missionaries had at-

tempted to evangelize the Slavs, but none were

successful, because they all had tried to do so

in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. The Slavs needed

missionaries who could literally speak their lan-

guage. Cyril learned the Slavonic language as

a child, and Methodius was a quick study, so

Michael III sent the brothers on mission to evan-

gelize the Slavic peoples, in their own language.

Benedict XVI said the following about

these Apostles to the Slavs: “Cyril and Methodius

are in fact a classic example of what today is

meant by the term ‘inculturation’: every people

must integrate the message revealed into its

own culture and express its saving truth in its

own language.” The pastoral brilliance of Cyril

and Methodius, in the language of Pope Fran-

cis, is that they first encountered the Slavic peo-

ple – then, and only then, were they able to

evangelize them. The brothers didn’t impose a

foreign language or unfamiliar customs on the

Slavs, rather, they lived with them and learned

their culture and their traditions, and soon be-

came masters of the Slavic language. Over

time, the brothers earned the trust of the Slavic

peoples. The Slavs didn’t see them as threaten-

ing or condescending – they knew that Cyril

and Methodius respected them and loved

them, which made them ripe for evangelization.

Soon the brothers were preaching and teach-

ing the Slavs in their native tongue. And alt-

hough the Slavs had a language, they didn’t

yet have an alphabet. So, one of the most im-

portant things that Cyril and Methodius did for

the Slavs was to give them one. (Today this al-

phabet is known as “Cyrillic,” named after St.

Cyril who developed it.)

Cyril and Methodius translated the liturgy and

prayers into the Slavic language and they also

wrote books in Slavonic on Christian dogmas.

And the Slavs devoured it. Eventually, the

scriptures too would be translated, and the

Slavs would soon be able to encounter God in

his Word. Benedict XVI observes, “Cyril and

Methodius were convinced that the individual

peoples could not claim to have received the

Revelation fully unless they had heard it in heir

own language and read it in the characters

proper to their own alphabet.”

by Fr Damien Ference

Reflection Question:

How can we be more like these two

brothers in bringing the good news

of Jesus Christ to those who do not

fully understand him?








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5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2020

Page 10: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish · 2020. 2. 9. · 1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Richmond, IN 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Saints Cyril & Methodius


Here is an illustration of Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP)

that explains how it works. Most of the ministry volun-

teers should have their login and password to access the

program either on the mobile APP or on computer. Many

have expressed that they have difficulties understanding

how the MSP works.

This is an easy program with no hassles. Take control of

your time and your preference. Once you made your

choices based on your best available time to serve,

someone on the office side, will approve your selections.