St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

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Page 1: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)
Page 2: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

St. Edward Parish Office Monday-Friday 8 a.m.—7 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m.—2 p.m.

(949) 496-1307

33926 Calle La Primavera Dana Point, California 92629

Fax: (949) 496-1557


CLERGY Rev. Philip Smith

Administrator (949) 429-2880

[email protected]

Rev. Marco Hernandez Parochial Vicar (949) 429-2870

[email protected]

Rev. Tony Park Parochial Vicar (949) 542–4312

[email protected]

Deacon Mike Stock [email protected]


Chief of Parish Opera ons (949) 429-2878

[email protected]

Eucharis c Liturgies (Mass) Saturday 8:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Vigil Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m., 12:30 Spanish & 5:30 p.m. Weekday 8:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Holy Day Vigil 5:30 p.m. evening prior to the holy day Holy Day 8:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Penance (Confession) Monday 6:00—7:00 p.m. Saturday 4:00—5:00 p.m.

Confessions at San Felipe de Jesus Chapel 1st Friday 6:00—7:30 p.m. You may also call a priest to schedule an appointment.

Sacrament of the Sick/ Emergency In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, contact the Parish office to arrange for Anoin ng of the Sick and Eucharist. In case of a medical emergency a er office hours, call (949) 257-8017.

Sacrament of Bap sm Infant Bap sms are celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each month following catechesis for parents and godparents. Parents of infants should contact the Faith Forma on office (949) 496-6011 to enroll.

Celebra on of Chris an Funerals At the me of death, a family member should contact the Parish office to arrange the date and me for the funeral liturgy.

Chris an Ini a on of Adults (RCIA) Adults reques ng informa on about full ini a on and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Bap sm, Eucharist and Confirma on) may contact the Faith Forma on office at (949) 496-6011.

Sacrament of Matrimony The Sacrament presumes ac ve sacramental par cipa on on the part of one or both persons. Couples must begin prepara on for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. Please visit our website for informa on and forms or call the Parish office.

Eucharis c Adora on On the first and third Monday of the month for 24 hours beginning a er 8:15 a.m. Mass. Adora on at San Felipe de Jesus Chapel on the first Friday of every month from 8 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

We extend a warm welcome to all who a end our church. We hope you will find our parish community a place where your faith will be nourished. If you haven’t registered as a member of

our parish, we encourage you to register today. You can register on our website or complete the form in our parish office.

Easter Sunday Page 2

Faith Formation (949) 496-6011

Youth Ministries (949) 496-9719

Parish Ministries (949) 429-2889

Parish School (949) 496-1241

Parish Business Office

(949) 429-2874

Page 3: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

April 21, 2019 Page 3

Le damos una cálida bienvenida a todos los que asisten a nuestra iglesia. Esperamos que en esta comunidad parroquial encuentre un lugar en el que se nutra su fe. Si no se ha registrado como feligrés, le animamos para que

se registre hoy. Puede registrarse en la pagina web o llene un hoja de registro en la oficina parroquial.

San Felipe de Jesús

Horario de Oficina los Domingos:

de 9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m. (949) 493-8918

26010 Domingo Ave Capistrano Beach, CA 92624


Llame a la oficina de San Eduardo de Lunes a Viernes de

8 a.m. – 7 p.m. O

Sábados y Domingos de 8 a.m. a 2 p.m.

para hablar con alguien en español al (949) 496-1307

PASTORAL MINISTER Diacono Víctor Sámano

Coordinadora de la Formación de la Fe: Karina L. Perea (949) 429-2888

(949) 496-6011 ext. 2202 [email protected]

Misas en Español Domingo 10:00 a.m. (San Felipe) 12:30 p.m. (San Eduardo) Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m. (San Felipe)

Confesiones en San Eduardo Lunes de 6:00—7:00 p.m. Sábado de 4:00—5:00 p.m.

Confesiones en la Capilla de San Felipe de Jesús Primer Viernes del Mes de 6:00— 7:30 p.m.

Unción de los Enfermos/Emergencia En caso de una enfermedad seria o emergencia médica, un fallecimiento o la necesidad de recibir la unción de los enfermos o la Eucaris a, llame a la oficina de San Eduardo. Si su emergencia es después de las 7:00 p.m. al (949) 257-8017.

Sacramento del Bau smo Bau zos: segundo sábado del mes a las 11:00 a.m. Plá cas pre bau smales: primer martes del mes de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. en la Capilla de San Felipe de Jesús (949) 496-8918 de 5pm-8pm.

Funerales En el momento de la muerte, un miembro de la familia debe ponerse en contacto con la oficina de la parroquia para reservar la fecha y hora de la liturgia fúnebre (949) 496-1307.

Rito de Iniciación Cris ana para Adultos (RICA) Los adultos que soliciten información acerca del programa de RICA para recibir (los sacramentos del Bau smo, Eucaris a y Confirmación) puede llamar a Karina L. Perea (949) 429-2888.

Sacramento del Matrimonio Las parejas deben comenzar la preparación para el Sacramento del Matrimonio al menos seis meses antes de su boda. Por favor visite nuestro si o web para obtener información detallada y formularios o llame a la oficina parroquial.

Quinceañeras en Grupo Tercer sábado del mes a las 11:00 a.m. en San Eduardo. También hay individuales. Llame a la oficina para mas información.

Adoración al San simo Sacramento Primer viernes del Mes de 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (San Felipe) 1er y 3er lunes del Mes las 24 horas (San Eduardo)

Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888

Caballeros de Colon

Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130

Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110

Ministerios Eucarísticos

Roberto Santana (949) 606-6590

Jóvenes para Cristo

Lucila Jiménez (949) 322-9682

Lectores Guadalupe Paniagua

(949) 290-0239

Encuentro Matrimonial

Jaime & Lourdes Pérez

(949) 375-9289


Gloria Luz Gálvez

(949) 566-4587

Ujieres Cesar Ruiz (818) 747-1879

Page 4: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

Easter Sunday Page 4

Aleluya! Este saludo alegre, que significa "Alabado sea el Señor", resuena en nuestra iglesia en la Pascua. Con esto viene un deseo sincero de parte de San Eduardo el Confesor y San Felipe de Jesús de que todos los que vengan a adorar al Señor puedan experimentar la alegría, el amor y la paz de Cristo resucitado. San Pablo dice: "Si Cristo no ha resucitado, vuestra fe es inútil" (1Co. 15:17). Pero Cristo ha resucitado, y esto da valor a nuestra fe, nuestras buenas obras, nuestra esperanza y nuestro gozo. ¡Espero que experimenten todo esto y más en este glorioso domingo de Pascua! Estos saludos son para todos los que lean estas palabras. Ya sea que usted sea un feligrés habitual, un visitante ocasional o alguien que simplemente esté con nosotros en este día, queremos que se sienta bienvenido en San Eduardo el Confesor y en San Felipe de Jesús. El Señor resucitado está entre nosotros, y El está presente cada vez que las personas se reúnen en su nombre (Mateo 18:20). Esperamos que todos aquí reconozcan y disfruten su presencia. Si está buscando un hogar espiritual, esperamos que lo haga con nosotros. Encontrará que hay muchas maneras (incluyendo más de 70 ministerios) para participar en la vida de esta vibrante parroquia. Un recordatorio sincero: la Pascua es más que un solo día especial. En la Iglesia católica, el tiempo de Pascua dura cincuenta días; e incluso después de que termina el tiempo de Pascua, todos los domingos son como una "pequeña Pascua", en la que celebramos la resurrección de Cristo, que ocurrió el primer día de la semana (Juan 20:1). Si nos invitan a una fiesta especial, es bueno estar allí al comienzo de las festividades, pero sería una pena abandonar la fiesta antes de tiempo. El domingo de Pascua es sólo el comienzo de las festividades! Por favor continúe viniendo aquí todos los domingos, durante la temporada de Pascua y más allá. El Señor te guardará grandes cosas. Un agradecimiento especial a todos los que han ayudado a que esta Cuaresma, Semana Santa y Semana Santa sean tan maravillosas aquí en San Eduardo el Confesor y San Felipe de Jesús. Nuestros servicios devocionales y liturgias han sido hermosos, y muchas personas han participado y contribuido de diferentes maneras. A medida que nuestra celebración de Pascua continúa, esperamos fervientemente que el Señor resucitado recompense a todos los que forman parte de esta celebración. ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! Con agradecimiento, Padre Felipe

Page 5: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

April 21, 2019 Page 5


This joyful greeting, which means “Praise the Lord,” rings out in our churches on Easter. With it comes a sincere wish here at St. Edward the Confessor and San Felipe de Jesús that everyone who comes to worship the Lord with us may experience the joy, love, and peace of the Risen Christ. St. Paul says, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile” (1 Cor. 15:17). But Christ has been raised, and this gives value to our faith, our good works, our hope, and our joy. May you experience all this and more on this glorious Easter Sunday! These greetings are meant for everyone who reads these words. Whether you are a regular parishioner, an occasional visitor, or someone who just happens to be with us on this day, we want you to feel welcome at St. Edward the Confessor and San Felipe de Jesús. The Risen Lord is among us, as he is present whenever people gather in his name (Mt. 18:20). We hope that everyone here will recognize and enjoy his presence. If you are looking for a spiritual home, we hope you will make that home with us. You will find that there are many ways (including over 70 ministries) to participate in the life of this vibrant parish. A heartfelt reminder: Easter is more than a single, special day. In the Catholic Church, the Easter Season lasts fifty days; and even after the Easter season is over, every Sunday is like a “little Easter,” in which we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, which happened on the first day of the week (Jn. 20:1). If we are invited to a special party, it is nice to be there at the beginning of the festivities, but it would be a pity to leave the party early. Easter Sunday is only the beginning of the festivities! Please continue to come here every Sunday, throughout the Easter Season and beyond. The Lord has Sgreat things in store for you. Special thanks to all who have helped make this Lent, Holy Week, and Easter so wonderful here at St. Edward the Confessor and San Felipe de Jesús. Our devotional services and liturgies have been beautiful, and many people have participated and contributed in different ways. As our Easter celebration continues, we fervently hope that the Risen Lord may reward all who are part of this celebration. Christ has risen! Alleluia! Gratefully yours, Fr. Philip

Page 6: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

Easter Sunday Page 6

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church & Servants of the Word

Present: Serenity Day Retreat on Tuesday, May 21, 2019

With guest speaker Sr. Jeanne Fallon, CSJ ,Loyola Institute for Spirituality, Orange Retreat topic: “Finding God in All Things”

Sr. Jeanne is a Sister of St. Joseph, a former missionary in Papua New Guinea, a spiritual director and supervisor of spiritual directors. Her ministry in spirituality for the past 33 years reflects a holistic approach, integrating body, mind, spirit and emotions as well as promoting the healing of the whole person through BioSpiritual Focusing. “Finding God in All Things” presents the Ignatian sense of sentir, attending to a felt-knowledge that connects us to our inner selves, to God and to others.

Please join us for this Silent Retreat offering a morning of

prayer, reflection and inspiration.

To register please contact Ginny Stamberger

(260) 918-1332 or [email protected] St. Edward the Confessor Church

33926 Calle La Primavera, Dana Point, CA 92629

Schedule: 8:00am Registration, Knight Hall 8:15am Mass, St. Edward's Church 9:00am-noon-Lite Fare and Program, Knight Hall All are Welcome! Suggested Donation $10

Page 7: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

April 21, 2019 Page 7

Faith Formation is for Everyone

on-going Religious Education and Spiritual Growth for Everyone, ALL THE TIME! Connect with us 365 days, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week : stedward.com/faithformation


Sunday, April 21– He is Risen!

Tuesday, April 23 7:00p.m.—RCIA-(Reflections on the Easter Vigil (Church)

Wednesday, April 24 7:00p.m.—First Communion Rehearsal A Group (Church)

Saturday, April 27 10:00a.m.—First Communion Mass A Group (Church) Sunday, April 28 9:00a.m.—Family Faith Formation “FISH” Group (School) 9:00a.m.—Tiny Angels Group (School) 11:00a.m.—Hispanic RICA Group (School) 4:00p.m.—Outlet Middle School Group (Knight Hall) 7:00p.m.—Confirmation Speaker Series #3 (Church)

First Communion

April 27 at 10 am *May 11 at 10 am May 18 at 10 am

*This mass includes the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation and will be

longer than usual.

Celebrate the Sacraments with Us


Sunday, May 12 at 3:00 pm Sunday, May 26 at 3:00 pm

Rejoice! 140 teens will be sealed with the

gifts of the Holy Spirit! Please keep them in your prayers!

Mark your calendars for June 24-28 ~ mornings – half day. Online registration will be available May 1st

Available to children going into regular Kindergarten (not Transitional Kindergarten) to Grade 8.


We are in need of ADULT and HIGH SCHOOL volunteers. If you would like to come and be part of this energy-packed and fun week, please fill out the form on-line.

Registration for both students and volunteers will be on-line after May 1st at the following URL:


Page 8: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

Easter Sunday Page 8

Have you ever been told that you’re a “people person”? If so, then the Usher Ministry Team may be just up your alley!

Contact Maria Whelan 949.233.8288 today to join this dynamic Ministry

Ushers' Motto "Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as unto

the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."

Col. 3: 23, 24

New Parishioners’ Reception Sunday, April 28 at 10:00 a.m.

Please R.S.V.P.

If you’re a new parishioner at St. Edward or San Felipe de Jesus, you and your family are invited to join us for a welcome reception on Sunday, April 28 in Knight Hall after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Come meet Father Philip, staff, ministry leaders, and hear a brief presentation about our active faith community. We will finish by 11:00 a.m. We will serve a light breakfast so please let us know how many people in your family will attend. You may R.S.V.P. to our parish office at [email protected] or call (949) 429-2889.

Sunday, April 28 6:30 PM—Dinner (Knight Hall) 7:00 PM—Talk Begins (Church)

Presenter: Richard and Danielle Borgman




Everyone is invited to join Father Ken Schmit for a prayer service in celebration of the National Day of Prayer—at NOON, on May 2nd at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Laguna Beach


Page 9: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

April 21, 2019 Page 9

Parish Happenings

April Monday 22

8:00am Charter School SFJ 8:15am Mass 5:30pm Mass 6:00pm Confessions 6:00pm JPC San Felipe

Saint Adalbert of Prague

Tuesday 23 8:15am Mass 5:30pm Mass 6:00pm WA of Fatima 6:30pm Alanon Meeting 7:00pm JPC Choir

Saint George

Wednesday 24 8:15am Mass 9:00am Circle of Praise 9:00am Women of Wisdom 11:00am Spanish Lessons 1:00pm Families of Nazareth 5:30pm Mass 6:00pm JPC San Felipe 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Bible Study 7:00pm Encuentro Matrimonial

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen

Thursday 25 8:15am Mass 5:30pm Mass 6:00pm Knights of Columbus 6:00pm JPC San Felipe 7:00pm Baptismal Classes 7:00pm Mendoza Choir (Sp)

Saint Mark

Friday 26 8:15am Mass 11:00am FAM at San Felipe 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry 2:00pm Daisy Scouts 5:00pm JPC Retreat 5:30pm Mass

Saint Pedro de San José Betancourt

Saturday 27 6:00am JPC Retreat 8:15am Mass 1:00pm Baptisms 4:00pm Confession 5:30pm Mass

Saint Louis Mary

Grignion de Montfort

Divine Mercy Sunday April 28

Acompáñenos a una Hora Santa en San Eduardo de 3:00 pm a 4:00 pm. Adoraremos al Santísimo Sacramento y habrá bendición, esta será dirigida por el Diácono Michael Stock.

Join us at St. Edward the Confessor from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm for a Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction led by Deacon Michael Stock.

Page 10: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

The Deceased

Please Pray for…

Mass Intentions

Apr. 21: Clyde Leon Kelly (2000), Robert A. Fuller(2000), Margaret Rizzotto (2012) Apr. 22: Josephine Sliney (1996), Richard Manley (1996), Camilla Marie Schmidt (2004), Richard Blatz (2006), Cathy Hunt (2009), Robert Eggers (2010), Karianne Tremain (2012), Gregg Lynch (2013) Apr. 23: Teresa Renden (1996), Anita Enzweiler (2008), Alex Nocon (2009) Apr. 24: Mary Furst (1994), Anthony Spinogatti (1995), Ruben Lopez (2001), John R. Casato (2016) Apr. 25: James Von Harz (1993), Marc Mele (2002), Frances Ruston (2005), Robert Flood (2010), Martin Zarate (2012) Apr. 26: Alice McGowan (1980), Lydia Ruth Flahive (1999), Kimberly Bell (1999), Leonard Van Luven (2001), Mary Jane Morris (2001), Bernice Hill (2006), Joseph Naya (2008), Daniel Berney (2008), Apr. 27: Dorothy Farkas (1983), Raquel Garcia (1987), Dan Deichmeister (1996), Stefania Raiola-Chadsey (2011)

Easter Sunday Page 10

The Sick

Please Pray for…

In Memoriam

Ruby Dolores Vogeler Sadie Spinogatti Thomas Box

Sunday Apr 21 7:00 a.m. Mass for the People 7:00 a.m. KH Peggy Tolmachoff † 9:00 a.m. Andrea Leon 9:00 a.m. KH Sean O’Brien † 11:00 a.m. Ron Milfs † 11:00 a.m. KH Tjhion Tsen 1:00 p.m. Aureliano Bautista † 5:30 p.m. No Mass †

Monday Apr 22 8:15 a.m. Rachel Burton 5:30 p.m. Karina Perea

Tuesday Apr 23 8:15 a.m. Bill Schwartz † 5:30 p.m. Ann MacVicar †

Wednesday Apr 24 8:15 a.m. Joseph & Hillary McDonald 5:30 p.m. Maryann Lacobucci †

Thursday Apr 25 8:15 a.m. Joseph Straub † 5:30 p.m. Frances Lefner †

Friday Apr 26 8:15 a.m. Daniel Berney † 5:30 p.m. John Lefner †

Saturday Apr 27 8:15 a.m. Anne Ianiro † 5:30 p.m. Joanne Kelly † Sunday Apr 28 7:30 a.m. Mass for the People 9:00 a.m. Jeanne Kelly † 11:00 a.m. Alicia Bardia † 12:30 p.m. Manuel & Paz Anguiano † 5:30 p.m. Jakob & Regina Molitor †

Pete Tucker Mike Herman Dolores Escarcega Sallyann Lassey Josue Ulloa Claudine Moran Laurie Paolone Pamela Douglas Irene McCarthy Noel Rofoli Aliyah Marquez

Louann Hill Rosemary Sinacori Mark Gulickson Emmett Hines Charles Albernathy Maggie Prendiville Jeanette Woller Erica & Tut Totera Carol Munroe Don Reis Steve Schreiber


Laurence Rozunko Tuesday, April 23 at 11 a.m.

Page 11: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

April 21, 2019 Page 11

Scripture Readings In the month of March

St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus

Good Stewards All

Baptisms 16 Individuals

Weddings 4 Couples

Quinceañeras 1 Young Women

Bereavement 6 Funerals

Wedding Banns

To include a family member’s name serving our country, please email first and last name of the service

member to [email protected]

Jack & Katie Fitzgerald Kenny Maddox Joseph E. Sawyer, III Conner Kelly Dakota B. Mastromonico Timothy Dunn Marshall Halper Jorge Navarrete Jack Monday Erin Conner Brennan DePriest Paul Yates Landon York Alex Vestal Daniel H. Walch Christopher M. Yslas Sean O’Connor Marc Austria Eric Liberatore Andrew Hayes Joseph Ian Wynn Major Lance Day

Steve Palacios Matthew DeGrassi Isaiah Padilla Gabriel Padilla Dominic De La Hay Keith Bacon Charles Benson J.L. Bruce Rick Bruce Miguel Angel Farias Hanz Gleason Marvin Gold Sharon Gold Michael McLain Bryan E. Miller Stephen G. Ramella Steve D. Ramella Stephanie Rodriguez Katherine Walde Katherine M.M. Downes

Mario Lopez & Kimberly Zamora ♥ April 27, 2019 Justin Collins & Amy Brehm ♥ May 04, 2019

Felix Carduño & Violeta Carmona ♥ May 04, 2019

Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wed: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31


Se busca Asistente Administrativo de medio tiempo (6-10 horas por semana), en la Oficina de

Formación de la Fe Hispana. Los requisitos incluyen habilidades informáticas básicas, bilingüe. Debe poseer buenas habilidades de organización y comunicación. Envíe un correo electrónico a Karina Perea, coordinadora de los programas de formación en la fe hispana, [email protected] o llame al: 949-429-2888


Part-time Administrative Assistant (6-10 hours per week) is sought in the Office of Formation of the Hispanic Faith. Requirements include basic computer skills, bilingual. Must possess good organizational and communication skills. Send an email to Karina Perea, coordinator of Hispanic formation programs, [email protected] or call: 949-429-2888

Page 12: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

Easter Sunday Page 12


Help Us Build a House In a Day Saturday, May 4

Join us for the unique experience of providing a

worthy family in Tecate with a new home in one day. Please sign up today at www.corazon.org

If you have not gone on a built since September, 2018 you will need to create a new profile before you register, as the website was completely updated.

We have space for 50 volunteers to help build this house. You will need to be at St. Edward’s parking lot at 4:00 a.m. to depart on the bus. We will depart from the house site in Mexico by 5 p.m. Each participant is asked to pay $40 towards the cost of the bus. No construction skills are required. Age: families with teenagers and older youth are welcome. You will need a U.S. passport to participate. To register visit www.corazon.org Click on CALENDAR on the right side of the page. Follow the instructions to create a new account if needed. Once you have your account established go back to the calendar as a “returning volunteer”, click on the St. Edward Church: Spring 2019 build on May 4, and follow the instructions to register. If you have any problems, contact [email protected] or (949) 443-5443 for assistance. For information, please contact: Ralph Loconte: [email protected] (949) 351-4266 or Rob Wagner: [email protected] (949) 842-2277

Page 13: St. Edward Parish O · Monaguillos Urbana Aranda (949) 633-9888 Caballeros de Colon Mauricio Lizama (949) 573-0130 Coros Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110 Ministerios Roberto Santana (949)

St. Matthew’s Financial Corner Former Tax Collector & Patron Saint of ‘Money’

Feast Day Sept 21

1. Reminder that if you have owned your stock for 1 year or more you can gift it to the church without any tax liability. Contact your broker or Tom Leeman at the Parish Business Office for more information at (949) 429-2874 or [email protected] 2. Turn Your TAXABLE RMD (Required Minimum Distributions) into Charitable Donations.

IRS rules mandate that individuals age 70 1/2 and older take RMDs from their IRA each year, regardless of whether the income is needed. These annual withdrawals are subject to ordinary income taxes. By making a charitable contribution from your IRA, you can satisfy your RMD amount without reporting additional income.

Another way to donate to the Capital Campaign!

Reminder that you can donate to the Pastoral Center Campaign by using WeShare,

our online service. It is very flexible in terms of payment method, frequency and amount.

Check it out at steward.com/parish-donations.com/

For assistance contact:

Tom Leeman at (949) 429-2874 or [email protected]

Debi Leeds at (949) 542-4310 or [email protected]