St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO BÁ THÔNG NGUYEN, PASTOR RICK RAFTER, DEACON PATTIE LIEBL, PARISH SECRETARY CELESTE GISH, DRE KATHY O’SAKO, OUTREACH ASSISTANCE DON SMITH, CUSTODIAN PARISH STAFF EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. WEB ADDRESS www.sbcatholic.com BAPTISMS/WEDDINGS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment. WEDDINGS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment a minimum of four months before wedding date. PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (912) 754-7473 Fax: (912) 754-1201 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS Saturday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Or Upon request WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m. Friday 7:00 p.m. Religious Education Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. When school is in session ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact Fr. Martino at 706-825-3032 Bulletin Deadline We welcome your contributions to the bulletin. Deadline for submission is Wednesday, by 12:00 noon

St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 …St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO

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Page 1: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 …St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO

St. Boniface Catholic Church

1952 GA Hwy. 21 South

Springfield, GA 31329

May 12, 2019

The Fourth Sunday of Easter





PARISH STAFF EMAIL [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected].

WEB ADDRESS www.sbcatholic.com

BAPTISMS/WEDDINGS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment.

WEDDINGS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment a minimum of four months before wedding date.

PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (912) 754-7473 Fax: (912) 754-1201

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

CONFESSIONS Saturday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.


Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m.

Friday 7:00 p.m. Religious Education

Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. When school is in session

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact Fr. Martino at

706-825-3032 Bulletin Deadline

We welcome your contributions to the bulletin. Deadline for submission is Wednesday, by 12:00 noon

Page 2: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 …St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO

12 de mayo de 2019 4º domingo de Pascua "Los discípulos se llenaron de alegría y del Espíritu Santo." (HECHOS 13:52) Los discípulos escucharon el llamado de nuestro Señor y pudieron difundir el mensaje del Evangelio con fuerza y vitalidad. Nosotros también podemos experimentar ese mismo gozo si hacemos espacio para que el Espíritu Santo llene nuestros corazones. Cuando usamos nuestros dones de la manera que Dios quiere, Él nos llena de alegría so-brenatural. Una alegría que otros notan y a la que se sien-ten atraídos.

SHEPHERDS LIKE JESUS Each year this Fourth Sunday of Easter celebrates Jesus the Good Shepherd. Today’s Gospel seems espe-cially timely, for as Christians worldwide suffer persecu-tion like Paul and Barnabas, Jesus promises his sheep enduring, invincible safety: “They shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand.” But we who are free to live our faith peacefully sometimes take our member-ship in Jesus’ flock for granted, wandering astray to seek our own pleasure and prosperity. The simple cross that Pope Francis always wears seems to show us how Jesus responds to that. Francis’s cross features an image of Je-sus, who has sought and found a lost sheep, then joyfully set it on his shoulders to carry it gently home. May Good Shepherd Sunday inspire us, so often lost and found our-selves, to assist Jesus in seeking, finding, and gently car-rying home our fellow precious lambs. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


First Reading — The word of the Lord continued to spread through the whole region (Acts 13:14, 43-52).

Psalm — We are his people, the sheep of his flock (Psalm 100).

Second Reading — I had a vision of a great multitude

(Revelation 7:9, 14b-17).

Gospel — My sheep hear my voice; I know them and give them eternal life (John 10:27-30).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora-tion. All rights reserved.


Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4;

Jn 10:1-10

Tuesday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8;

Jn 15:9-17

Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8;

Jn 12:44-50

Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;

Jn 13:16-20

Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6

Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14

Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a;

Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35


Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day;

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Monday: Our Lady of Fatima

Tuesday: St. Matthias

Wednesday: St. Isidore the Farmer

Saturday: St. John I; Armed Forces Day

May 12, 2019

4th Sunday of Easter

“The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy

Spirit.” (Acts 13:52)

The disciples heard Our Lord’s call and were able to

spread the Gospel message with strength and vitali-

ty. We, too, can experience that same joy if we make

room for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts. When we use

our gifts in the way that God intends, He fills us with

supernatural joy. A joy that others notice and are at-

tracted to.

Page 3: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 …St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO

Liturgical Ministry Schedule

May 18 5:00 p.m. AS P Galasco, B Klutzke, & P Tanguay EM A & G Bazemore, B Milne, J Branham, & N McEvoy L Don Smith U C Reynolds, G Hixenbaugh, & Volunteer May 19 8:30 a.m. AS R Burton, D & H Matzdorf EM A & J Baker, B Ellis, & M Heyman L S Gobrogge U M Felipe, M Tessier, & Volunteer 11:00 a.m.-Graduation Mass AS L Usher, L Davis, & A McIntosh EM B Rafferty, J & Y Davis, & P Rodriguez L E Pazos U J Williamson, R Monteleone, Y Carr, & Volunteer NO Children’s Liturgy

This Week at St. Boniface - May 12-May 18

Sunday: Mother’s Day Mass -8:30 & 11:00 a.m. No Catholic Focus Monday: Counting Team -2-10:00 am Tuesday: Mass- 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice- 6:00 p.m. Quilt Grp.-10:00 a.m. Wednesday: Mass - 8:30 a.m. Adoration following Mass Rosary Group-9:30 a.m. Outreach Office -11:00 a.m. Sunday Choir Practice-5:30 p.m. Youth Group-7:00 p.m. Thursday: Mass- 8:30 a.m. Yoga-9:30 a.m. Finance Council Mtg.-7:00 p.m. K of C Officers Mtg.-7:00 p.m. Friday: Mass-7:00 p.m. Followed by Adoration Saturday: Reconcilliation-4:00 p.m. Rosary-4:30 p.m. Mass-5:00 p.m.


The reception of Holy Communion at Sunday Mass is such an expected feature of the Mass these days that it is surprising to realize that for many centu-ries, receiving Communion was a relatively rare event in the life of a faithful Christian. “Easter duty” means that Catholics must celebrate reconciliation if aware of serious sin, and receive Holy Communion during the Easter season. For a while, this was a requirement of Easter week, and later extended to the whole season of fifty days, and even beyond that by a few weeks. For the majority of people long ago, this meant Commun-ion was a once-a-year moment. A rather complex bu-reaucracy grew up around this rule in the Middle Ages. Amazingly, people received a kind of token at confes-sion admitting them to Communion in their home par-ish, which then kept careful records and reported them to the bishop.

Surviving records can tell us a great deal about our ancestors. In fact, people were encouraged to jour-ney to the church of their baptism in order to fulfill their duty, and therefore the Easter duty includes in its origins a grateful pilgrimage to the font in which you were first embraced by Christ. If your “Holy Mother Church” is within a drive, why not make a pilgrimage to that font a feature of your Easter celebration of these fifty days?

—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Prayer to the Mother of our Lord for all Mothers

Mary, on this day when we honor all mothers, we turn to

you. We thank the Lord whom you serve for the great gift of motherhood. Never has it been known that an-yone who sought your intercession was left unaided by grace. Dear Mother, thank you for your "Yes" to the invitation of the angel which brought heaven to earth and changed human history. You opened your-self to God's word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Dear mother, intercede for all of our mothers. Ask your Divine Son to give them the grace of surren-dered love so that they could join with you in giving their own "Fiat." May they find daily strength to say yes to the call to the sacrificial love- the very heart of the vocation of motherhood. May their love and wit-ness be a source of great inspiration for all of us called to follow your Son. On this Mothers day, Mother of the Word Incarnate, pray for us who have recourse to you.


Page 4: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 …St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO

Weekly Collection with YTD figures July 1 - May 05

Weekly Offertory Collection: $8,594.75 Year to Date Collection: $303,816.03 Bills Paid this week: $8,234.14 Bills Paid to Date: $308,787.24 Building Fund Collection: $1,786.50 Building Fund YTD: $81,613.95 Bishop Annual Appeal Goal: $29,281.00 Bishop Annual Appeal Given: $21,015.00

Mass Intentions

Sunday 05/12 +Larry Williamson

Tuesday 05/14 ♥Jay Stahl

Wednesday 05/15 ♥Jill Newman

Thursday 05/16 +Michael Cook

Friday 05/17 ♥Dorothy Green

Saturday 05/18 ♥Brent Fisher

Attention St. Boniface Seniors

You'll want to mark your calendar to save Thursday, May 23, @ 12:30 for the next get-together lunch in the parish hall. Coordinator- Emma- 912-657- 4888 to RSVP.

New Comers Welcome Breakfast To all new parishioners who have registered at St. Boniface since January, 2019…WELCOME. You are invited to a Parish Welcoming Breakfast on May 19th, 2019. Father Martino wants to personally meet you and introduce you to the vari-ous ministries within the parish. The meal will be after the 8:30 Mass. till 10:45 on Sunday, May 19, 2019. Please ‘save the date’ if you can…. So we can get a head count for the meal, please RSVP by May 14th, 2019 to: Dale or Dawn De Roia at 912-596-6186 or 912-660-4695…text or message. Or email at [email protected]

Family Promise Night with the Savannah Bananas

Join us at a Savannah Bananas Game this summer! Have

fun, enjoy good food and support Family Promise all at the

same time! Get your tickets NOW for June 11th. Tickets are

$18 each and this includes UNLIMITED burgers, dogs,

chicken sandwiches, popcorn, cookies, soda, etc.! Call 912-

519-0567 or email [email protected] for

tickets! It is also Bark in the Park so bring your furry friends


Save the Date

Grayson Stadium, July 25, 2019.

Catholic Night at the Ballpark.

Blessed Sacrament Church is seeking a Part-time recep-tionist/office assistant, M-F mornings. This is a part-time, 8:30-12:30 pm hourly position. Poten-tial applicants should be proficient in Microsoft Office Suites (specifically Word, Excel, Publisher, Outlook) and have experience coordinating ministry or volunteer sched-ules. Strengths of organization and time management are highly desired, and of course, a smile and desire to serve! To apply send your resume to Fr. Brett Brannen at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>.

Thank you

I would like to thank my parish family for their

thoughts and prayers, meals, and visits while my

daughter Brenda, my granddaughter Gabriella, and

myself were in the hospital and during our recov-

ery. Through the grace of God, we have pulled

through and are all recovering well. A special

thanks to Denise Burdick for helping take care of

our newborn grandson, Reid, while Brenda was in

the hospital and I was unable to take care of him.

To the CCW for all of their prayers and visits.

May God Bless you abundantly,

--Pattie Liebl


Though she was the Mother of the Lord, yet she desired to learn the precepts of the Lord, and she who brought forth God, yet desired to know God. —St. Ambrose

To the faithful of St. Boniface Catholic Church

I want to thank you for the collection of paper products and

kitchen supplies that you donated to our community last

month. It is a great blessing for our community to support

the Food Pantry at St. Boniface. We look forward to con-

tinue to support your ministry to those in need in Effing-

ham County.

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Hubbard and the faithful of

St. Mary Magdalene Orthodox Church

Page 5: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 …St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO

Please pray

For all those homebound, in the hospital or nursing homes and especially those who care for them. We also ask prayers for those not listed and those we are not aware of that are ill. Kaye Wolfe Babot, Fr. Isador Baky, Tami Brant, Marlee Brantley, Chuck Brown, Beth Buchsbaum, Nadine Chapman, Andy & Kathy Chester, Nancy Corley, Loretta Dahlweiner, Peter DI Lella, Rindy Den-mark, Susan Dehyle, Isabell Duffy, Clyde Erley, Tracey Edenfield, Wendy Fears, Becky Fields, Dan Gonzales, Eric Guge, Felipe & Manuela Garza, Greg Hlavac, Muriel Healy, Ruthann Hein, Collen Higgs, Jim Hester, Diane Hunter, Brantyne Knight, Nicholas Knight, Sandy Kowalski, Michelle Kronen, Josette Lafond ,Brenda Liebl, Gabriella Liebl, Kim Liebl, Linda Liebl, Rosa Lewis, Debra Lafferty, Vince & Sandra Mackey, Frances Maher, John & Michael Maher, Tom and Bridget Maher, Michael Martin, David & Henry Matzdorf, Mary McGrath, Justin McGregor, Nancy Miller, Halario Miranda, Porfirio & Eliza-beth Miranda, Tracey Hickox Mulligan, Phil Pastrano, Steve and Mary Pizzino, Ol-ga Ramirez, Lynn Richardson, Lora Riner, Joel Rivera, Richard Rohrer, Gloria Ruiz, Kathy Singley, Eva Shelley, Tara Shelley, Alan Swartz, Tim & Jill Shumacher, Elijah Sims, Abby Smith, Angel Smith, Tim Strickland, Ed & Delores Talick, Boris Tang, Burr & Helen Tolles, Gene Tyre, Rosemary Usher, Bryan Van Buren, Rita Visconti, Darwin Webb, Bernie Weber, Julie & Larry Weddle, Theresa Wichert, Paul Wiedemann, Gary Wilkes,

A time of war, and a time of peace: We pray for those that serve in our military COL Brian Healy, MSGT Brian A. Lafond, Capt. Dwayne Garfield, SSGT Steven Liebl, A1C Cameron Rahn, E3 Steven Talick Jr., CW4 Scott Durrer Protect and guide our men and women in uniform, strengthen them in their trials. Give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Congrats to our First Communicants! Zachary Araya, Ava Green, Avery Edwards, Lillian Harstine, Mya Jakiela, Jazira Jerome, Devin Sharrow, Alakai Soto, Colt Tabolt, Britney Thieme, Hayden Thieme, Bronwyn Yarberry and Liam Zambrano re-ceived the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 5. We’re so proud of you and all your hard work! Special thanks to Linda Santos and Janice Howard and to parents for the amazing job they did in preparing the kids for this most important mile-stone in their lives as Catholics. Another year winds down We have come to the end of the 2018/19 Faith Formation year—-and what a year it’s been! We had160+ registered in Pre-K through high school, a Confirmation class of 21 and 13 First Communicants. Thanks to everyone involved for your dedication and hard work. It has been a blessing and a privilege to work with children, parents and catechists. I look forward to seeing you all again in August. In the meantime, have a safe and blessed summer! Please watch the Bulletin for information on when to register for next year! Keeping our kids safe Thanks to everyone for your cooperation in updating VIRTUS back-ground checks and your patience with the system. This is an important part of keeping St. Boniface safe for our kids. Confirmation set for December 7, 2019 Confirmation will be celebrated at 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, December 7, at St. Boniface. Bishop Gregory Hartmayer, OFM Conv., will be the celebrant. For more information about Faith Formation, please contact Celeste Gish at [email protected] or 912.754.1432.

Page 6: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 …St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO

Sunday Mornings

8:15 am -12:30 p.m.

Please contact Denise Burdick

for nursery needs during meet-

ings at 912-604-4178.

Ave Maria Shop

St. Boniface Catholic Gift

Shop Open after Saturday

and Sunday Masses. Bibles,

Catholic Children Books,

Gifts, Rosaries,

Register your Kroger Rewards card

to help benefit the

Outreach Assis-

tance program.

Need help? See

Pattie in the

Harland Howard


Painting Services

No Job too Big or too

Small !

Phone: 912-429-9383






P.O Box 3822, Bluffton, SC 29910

Office-(843) 987-0500

* Fax (843) 987-0600