St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3rd, 2011 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: 310-670-2243 Fax: 310-670-5052 Website: www.st-anastasia.org E-mail: [email protected] Parish established in 1953 in honor of James Francis Cardinal McIntyre

St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in …...St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3rd, 2011 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045

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Page 1: St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in …...St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3rd, 2011 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045

St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 3rd, 2011

7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: 310-670-2243 Fax: 310-670-5052

Website: www.st-anastasia.org E-mail: [email protected] Parish established in 1953 in honor of

James Francis Cardinal McIntyre

Page 2: St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in …...St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3rd, 2011 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045


Within your temple, we ponder your loving kindness, O God. As your name, so also your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with justice. —Psalm 47:10-11

Reflection on Today’s Readings:

St. Anastasia Catholic Church, Los Angeles, California 14th Sunday in ordinary time July 3rd, 2011

^ Ì The Family Visitation Ministry offers spiritual support to those in need. Please call Sr. Teresita at 310-216-2001, or call the Rectory Office at 310-670-2243, x42.

Jesus liked children, and they see to have liked Him. The disciples tried to send them away, but Jesus rebuked them. In today’s Gospel, Jesus lets us in on a secret. He says that the children understand what the “learned and clever” can’t quiet grasp. “Come to me all who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you.” A simple message, one that a child would believe. Our Savior will come “riding on an ass,” and He will proclaim “peace to the nations.” Only a child, or a Christian, would believe that. Adults solutions to problems are much more complex. Adults go to health spas, they work out, they take stress management classes, they spend years in therapy, they get ulcers and high blood pressure. Children take naps, they play; when something hurts them they cry. Children have an easier time that adults do admitting that some things are out of their control, and that Jesus can refresh and renew them. To recognize our Savior, to rejoice and shout for joy, we must be like children. We must give our cares and concerns to the Lord, take up his yoke and shout for joy!

LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER … For those who are ill, and those in need of our prayers … Please let us know about the condition of those we’re praying for. We’ll keep/remove their name(s) as requested, after the first few weeks.

ËTo receive Holy Communion (for those who are sick, hospitalized, or home bound) please call Gloria Bowen, 310.670.5971, Eucharistic Minister to the Sick. To have the name(s) included in our prayers, call the Parish Office at 310-670-2243. _ Please pray for those who have died, especially Salvador Diaz, Jr. (nephew of Fred & Esmeralda Balsz), that they may rest in peace.

Helen Grisby Connie Kane Julia Cox Donna House Linda M. Lang-Curran Jeff Bristol Lucille Burk Delgado Emmeline Mallo Randy Huartson

Martha Keglevich Gerald Stutts Jody Bruno Shirley Spehar Bertha Marcinkus Jeanne Ahern Baby Jack Muñoz Bonnie Hocksteen Jack Hayes

Sheila Moore Terry Ehret Joseph Rehberger Derek Comas Janice Hatzikian Kenneth Rivin Luanne Sinski Ed Kwinn Benita Bicarme

FACT OF LIFE “Where Do We Draw the Line?” — In serious illness, what means of treatment are we obliged to use, and what are we not required to

use? The means we use have traditionally been classified as either “ordinary” or “extraordinary.” “Ordinary” means must always be used. This is any treatment or procedure which provides some benefit to the patient without excessive burden or hardship. “Extraordinary” means are optional. These are measures which do not present an excessive burden, or simply do no good for the patient. The distinction here is NOT between “artificial” and “natural.” Many artificial treatments will be “ordinary” means in the moral sense, as long as they provide some benefit without excessive burden. It depends, of course, on the specific case in point, with all its medical details. We cannot figure out ahead of time, in other words, whether or not we ourselves or a relative want some specific treatment to be used on us “when the time comes,” because we do not know in advance what our medical situation will be at the time. When the time does come, however, we must consult on the medical and moral aspects of the situation. Remember, procedures providing benefit without unreasonable hardship are obligatory; others are not. (Fr. Frank Pavone, International Director, Priests for Life). Prayer for Life: Lord God, we confess that in You we live and move and have our being. Because You are, we are. May we find grace from You to affirm the life of every human and may we labor to make this truth known to the world around us. Amen.

Marriage Ministry - We invite all couples who desire some time away to share fellowship and faith with other couples. We are starting new small Faith Sharing Groups designed to meet once a month. There is always room for spiritual growth and strengthening in our lives and this is a fun positive way to do it!! Please call Suzette at 310-670-2243 x 51 to join!


He shall proclaim peace to the nations!

Page 3: St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in …...St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3rd, 2011 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - “Let all Your works give You thanks, Oh Lord, and let Your faithful ones bless You,” says the psalmist. Stewardship is this “attitude of gratitude” for the many gifts God has given us. See Psalm 145

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministries in Action … July 3rd, 2011

St. A’s Bible Study - We are currently on break for the summer. We will resume our study of the Gospel of Matthew on September 6th. If you would like to join us in the fall, please call Susan Senia at 310.822.6511 or e-mail at [email protected].

Always Keep an Up-to-Date Photo of Your Child — Picture this: A good photo could save a child’s life. One of the most important tools for law enforcement in the

case of a missing child is an up-to-date (take a new one every six months), good-quality photograph. The photograph should be a recent head-and-shoulders color photograph of the child in which the face is clearly seen. It should be of school-portrait quality, and the background should be plain or solid so it does not distract from the subject. When possible, the photograph should be in a digitized form and available on a compact disk (CD), as opposed to just a hard copy. This minimizes the time necessary to scan, resize and make color corrections before disseminating it to law enforcement. The photograph should have space for accurate, narrative description useful to identify the child, such as name, nickname, height, weight, sex, age, eye color, identifying marks, glasses, and braces. For more information, please visit: www.missingkids.com. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650.

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY!! Ä Theology On Tap! Save the Dates!!

Saturday, July 16, 23, 30, August 6 7-9 PM (5:30 pm Mass in the Church—optional)

Church of the Good Shepherd Parish Hall, 504 N. Roxbury Dr., Beverly Hills, 90210 July 16th — “Faith & Culture” — Bishop Edward Clark July 23rd — “It’s Not You, It’s We: The Work of Relationships & Becoming Relationship-Ready” — Mr. Len Velez & Dr. Carleen Curley Velez July 30th — “Decompartamentalizing God: Letting God Be a Part of Everything We Do—And Enjoying It” — Fr. Tom Wellers August 6th — “Prayer 101: Pray As You Are” — Ms. Delis Alejandro

For more info and updates check the website: www.yamola.org.

SUMMER SEMINARS at LMU This Summer the Center for Religion and Spirituality at LMU will be offering the series of Theological Responses to Suffering which seeks to provide participants food for reflection for their Spiritual and ministerial development. Topics for upcoming workshops are as follows: ◊ Biblical Responses to Suffering—July 16th, from

9 am-12 pm ◊ Accompanying Others Through Life’s Challenges—

August 13th, from 9:30 am-12 pm For more information, contact [email protected], call at 310-338-7758 or visit http://etension.IMU.edu/crs.

Dear Parishioners, On this Fourth of July weekend, we all pray for our beloved country. We are especially mindful of all the men

and women in the Armed Services who place their lives at risk and our willing to offer their sacrifices for the good of us all. We are proud of them and pray for their families. We thank the Lord for the freedom to worship Him openly according to the faith and tradition of our Holy Church. We will have Mass on Monday, July 4 at 9:00 a.m., and I invite as many of you as possible to consider coming to Mass as we pray together for our country. May God bless the United States of America. Devotedly, Fr. Gabe

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY IN OUR ARCHDIOCESE Mary & Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes is looking to gather a group of young adults and those who minister to young adults to brainstorm ideas about retreats and the spiritual needs of young adults in Los Angeles. If you might be interested in being a part of this session when it’s scheduled (food will be provided!), please email Dr. Tammy Ichinotsubo-Ezzi at [email protected].

“Walk for Hope” will take place Sunday, November 6 in Duarte to benefit City of Hope cancer center and the research and treatment of women’s cancers. Natasha Asinas, a member of Cathedral Young Adults and the Archdiocesan Young Adult Ministry Advisory Board, is organizing young adults and young adult groups to participate in this event. This is a great way for young adults to meet and work with other young adults in the Archdiocese, so please consider participating. For more information, email Natasha at [email protected], or check the fundraising page at http://nationalevents.cityofhope.org/goto/LAYoungAdultMinistry.

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord; blessed is he who hopes in God. —Matthew 11:28

Page 4: St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in …...St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3rd, 2011 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Caring for Creation, Caring for the Poor … July 3rd, 2011

TRAVELING HOLY FAMILY SCHEDULE - Attention All Parishioners: The Holy Family offers each of us a chance to experience the beauty and serenity of the "Domestic Church" in our very own homes. If you would like to be added to or removed from the list of people to host our Holy Family, please contact Suzette Sornborger at 310-670-2243 x51, or [email protected]. Thank you! Traveling Holy Family - Family 1 Gina & David Hamilton 410-9300 07/03/11 God’s Big Backyard 670-2243 07/10/11 Traveling Holy Family - Family 2 Wayne & Carolyn Godlewski 645-9260 07/03/11 John & Sarah Lehne 337-9957 07/10/11


This week, the Coalition launched a new initiative called Climate Challenges on its Facebook and Twitter pages. Each week, a new Climate Challenge will be posted as a way to become more engaged in the Church’s authentic response to climate change. You are encou- raged to post comments about how the Challenge is going, and to offer additional ways we can each more fully care for God’s Creation and the poor! This week’s Climate Challenge: Take time to read Climate Change Informed by the 7 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Then, post your favorite quote to your Facebook Newsfeed and/or Twitter Status (along with the link facebook.com/catholicclimatecovenant so your friends know where to go for more!). If you haven’t already, please “Like Us” at facebook.com/catholicclimatecovenant and follow us on Twitter@CatholicClimate. To learn more, visit: www.catholicclimatecovenant.org

From the Music Director… As you may already know, the words we use in the Mass are scheduled to change later this year in Advent. The 2001 Vatican document

Liturgiam Authenticam ("On the Use of Vernacular Languages in the Publication of the Book of the Roman Liturgy") outlined new rules and principles for translation, requiring that English and other vernacu-lar versions of the Roman Missal match the original Latin texts more closely (or literally). The new transla-tions affect the Order of Mass, including both the Presider's and people's parts (responses). Lectionary readings, including responsorial psalms, are not affected at this time. We invite you to begin your own preparations for this change with prayer and some reflection over the changes. Our parish will provide several ways to stay informed and become engaged with the new texts beginning in the fall. In the mean-time, read the bulletin for articles relating to the changes and find numerous resources on the internet by typing "New Roman Missal" in your search box. Presider: "The Lord be with you." Assembly: "And with your spirit." - Greg Koppenhaver


SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th Sign-ups in the Courtyard TODAY.

There are still some spots available. Please call Jonette at 310-670-2243 for information.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Your wedding was just one day in your life, but your marriage is forever. The weekend is a powerful experience

for couples who believe that their Sacrament of Matrimony is a sign of love in a world that hungers for stability and commitment. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is July 22-24, 2011. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, visit our website at: ilovemyspouse.org or call Jacob & Sarah Flores at (562) 923-7335 or Brian & Denise Keckeisen at (562) 461-7278.

Save the Date: The 16th Annual St. Anastasia Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, October 17, 2011 at Skylinks Golf Course in Long Beach. For more info, please contact Chris Turkmany (310) 200-8021.

Page 5: St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in …...St Anastasia Catholic Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3rd, 2011 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045

Next Week Celebrating Our Faith

Sat., July 9th & Sun., July 10th 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We encourage all to read and reflect on the Biblical passages that will be proclaimed at all Masses next Sunday: Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel: Is 55:10-11 Rom 8:18-23 Mt 13:1-23

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time FAITH FORMATION and more … July 3rd, 2011

Stewardship is a way of Life for

St. Anastasia Church

Living Faith for Kids… “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. Matthew 11:29 A yoke is like a large collar that oxen or other farm animals wear, allowing them to pull a plow or wagon. Fitted to the animals’ shoulders correctly, the yoke makes it easier for them to do their work. If we want following Jesus to be easier, we need to listen to His words and learn what He is teaching us. Trying to get along without Jesus is like trying to carry all the burdens of life by yourself. By taking on the yoke of the Gospel message, we find more and better rest than we can imagine. Lord Jesus, teach me your ways, and I will follow you.

Masses: 5:30 pm. 7:30 am. 9:00 am. 10:30 am. 12:00 Noon 7:30 pm.

Celebrants: Msgr. Vadakin Fr. Tom Msgr. Cox Msgr. Vadakin Msgr. Vadakin Msgr. Gonzales

CONFESSIONS: 3:30 to 5 pm and 7:30 to 8 pm. ** Msgr. Vadakin ** ** Msgr. Vadakin ** ** Msgr. Vadakin **

REMINDERS . . . Ì Monday, July 4th, Office is CLOSED in celebration of 4th of July, Independence Day! Ì Monday, July 4th, there will be only ONE

Mass at 9 am. (No 6:30 or 8 am Masses). Ì There will be no Once-a-month Ministry Mass Monday, July 4th. Ì Next Sunday, July 10th, Nurse Ministry. Blood pressure readings after the 10:30 am and 12 noon Masses in the Diamond Courtyard. Ì There will be no 11 am First Friday Mass during the month of August (August 5). The First Friday 11 am will commence again on Friday, September 2.

FAILURE TO DELIVER - Knowing the truth and not doing it is as foolish as writing a love letter and not mailing it. - Anonymous UNITY - Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. - John Dickinson

BAPTISM MINISTRY IN THE NEWS It is with great admiration and gratitude that we say farewell to Linda and Kevin McNally as our Baptism Ministry Coordinators. Linda and Kevin have been

faithful stewards serving in this ministry for over 25 years! Of course, Linda and Kevin wanted no public recognition of this service and absolutely no special accolades. The McNally’s have always acknowledged that “many hands do God’s work” but we just couldn’t let this one go bye. We as a parish are blessed to have couples such as Linda and Kevin who live as true disciples in their dedication to parish life.

Calling All Mt. Carmel Alumni! Join fellow alumni at a Mass and Luncheon in honor

of the Feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel Sat., July 16, 2011. Mass will start at 11 AM

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 1441 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach

A catered lunch will follow on the premises. Cost: $40

Mail checks to: Mrs. Bridgett Green Crespi Carmelite High School

5031 Alonzo Ave., Encino, CA 91316 Any questions? Call Mrs. Green at 818-654-1321

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2011

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

—Matthew 11:28

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Ministers of the Eucharist Gloria Bowen-to the Sick.. .. 670-5971 Jan & Herb Masi... .............. 641-2819 Ministers of the Word ......... Carl Pentis ........... .............. 649-4238 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) Evelio Leon .......... .............. 670-1298 Pat Hendon .......... .............. 337-9191 Altar Care Dolores Saenz ..... .............. 337-7213 Altar Servers Ed Charette.......... .............. 823-3118 Offertory Gifts Parish Volunteers .............. 670-2243 Liturgy Committee Richard Arias ....... .............. 641-4194

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASSES - WEEKDAYS Mon-Fri: 6:30AM & 8:00AM First Friday: 6:30AM, 8AM, 11AM (School in session) Saturday: 8:00AM WEEKENDS Saturday (Vigil): 5:30PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 10:30AM, 12 & 7:30PM HOLY DAYS Holy Day Vigil Mass: 5:30PM Holy Day: 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 11AM (during the School year) & 7:00PM

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30PM-5:00PM & 7:30-8:00PM DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena, Rosary and Benediction - Monday, following the 8AM Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Saturday of the month from 8:30AM- 9:30AM ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Sacrament for the Sick is celebrated upon request of family

BAPTISM: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in preparation program. Contact Linda & Kevin McNally @ 641-1979. MARRIAGE: Engaged couples must contact the Rectory no later that 6 months before their proposed wedding date. (Request the Pastor) R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Please call the Rectory. Funerals: Contact the Pastor by calling the Rectory.

St. Anastasia Catholic Church 7390 W. Manchester Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-670-2243 Office 310-670-5052 Fax

Website: www.St-Anastasia.org Email: [email protected]

St. Anastasia Catholic School 8631 S. Stanmoor Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045

310-645-8816 Office Website: www.school.St-Anastasia.org

Email: [email protected] PARISH LIFE MINISTRIES

Bereavement Laure Healy………………….410-1206

Young Adult Ministry Nancy Albin ......... ............... 927-8891

Ministry to the New Parishioner Rectory Office ..... ............... 670-2243

Prayer Group—English Lori Mountain ...... ............... 502-9105

Rosary Ministry Rose De Leonardis………...645-7175 Ben Oakley………………….670-2771

Social Justice Elizabeth O’Neill……….213-595-1533

Respect Life Jim & Nancy Taylor ............. 645-7671

Safe Guard the Children Rose Healy-Fissinger.......... 670-2243 Karen Diaz .......... ............... 670-2243

Career Ministry Sarah Lehne………………...863-1744 Ken Lance …………………. 946-6722

St. Joseph Center Jayne Cram........... ............... 645-1140

Homeless Weekend Program/ St. Robert’s Center Bob & Lori Caldwell............. 823-7417

St. Margaret’s Center Mary Agnes Erlandson........ 672-2208

Catholic Charities Cindy Begazo...... ............... 306-9390

Adopt-A-Family Rose and Matt Fissinger ..... 645-8285

Bundles for Babies and Diaper Drive Teressa Syta ....... ............... 670-0285

Nurses Ministry Nancy Reilly ........ …….424-228-4767

Pen Pal Project - Prison Ministry Suzette Sornborger……….. 670-2243 ………………. [email protected]

Ministry for Married Couples Jon & Suzette Sornborger... 670-2243

Women’s Faith Sharing Suzette Sornborger………...670-2243

Men’s Spirituality Joe Berberich ...... ............... 745-7009 Shad Meshad...... ............... 568-1065

MOMS Ministry Jayne Cram………………….645-1140

Natural Family Planning Phyllis Jones………………...670-3505

Bible Study Susan Senia........ ............... 822-6511

Social Ministry Laurette Bibeau……………..670-2488

Family Visitation Ministry Sr. Teresita………………….216-2001


Parish Finance Council Dave DeVito ........ ............... 822-2842 Pastor Advisory Council Libby DuBay........ ............... 305-1126 Site Committee Jim Healy ............ ............... 410-1206 Men’s Club Chris Turkmany... ............... 642-6646 Knights of Columbus Jim Taylor............ ............... 645-7671 Arts and Education Jayne Cram......... ............... 645-1140 Stewardship Bob Gunnell…………………578-5186


PASTOR Msgr. Gabriel Gonzales Priest in Residence Msgr. Gregory A. Cox Pastors Emeriti Rev. Thomas F. King Msgr. Royale M. Vadakin, P.A.

Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Aleida Rodriguez Project Coordinator Ken Lance Director of Religious Education Jonette Mauch Confirmation Coordinator Shawna Wiseman Director of Adult Faith Formation and Stewardship Suzette Sornborger Director of Music Ministry Greg Koppenhaver School Principal Rosemary Connolly Assistant Principal Patricia Davis School Secretary/Bookkeeper Louise Lance Office Assistant Linda Schmidt Consultative School Board Cheryl Hesse PTO-Parent Teacher Organization Sue Leifield ADESTE (After School Program) Elizabeth Soriano Maintenance Javier Antunes

SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults First Reconciliation & First Eucharist Jonette Mauch..... ............... 670-2243 Confirmation Shawna Wiseman ............... 670-2243 Infant Baptism Kevin and Linda McNally..... 641-1979