Oldpapers.in 1 ROLL NUMBER No. of question: 200 No. of printed pages: 28 SSC Junior Hindi Translator Exam MODEL PAPER SET NO. 1 Time: 2:40 Hours Maximum Marks: 200 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE EXAMINEES: 1) You have to enter ROLL number on the test booklet in the Box alongside. Do not write Anything else on the Test Booklet. 2) This Test Booklet contains 200 items (Questions). Each item comprises four responses (answer). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet .In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, Mark the response which you consider the best, in any case, Choose only one response for each question. 3).All Questions (Items) Carry Equal Marks 4).All the questions are compulsory. 5).Sheets for rough are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 6).You should treat this like the actual SSC Junior Hindi Translator Model paper Exam Question Paper.

SSC Junior Hindi Translator Exam - Old Papers · 21. ित्र-िेखि नकतिे प्रकार के होते है ? a) 3 b) 8 c) 2 d) 5 22. इिमें

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    No. of question: 200

    No. of printed pages: 28

    SSC Junior Hindi Translator Exam


    Time: 2:40 Hours

    Maximum Marks: 200


    1) You have to enter ROLL number on the test booklet in the Box alongside. Do not

    write Anything else on the Test Booklet.

    2) This Test Booklet contains 200 items (Questions). Each item comprises four

    responses (answer).

    You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet .In case

    you feel that there is more than one correct response, Mark the response which you

    consider the best, in any case, Choose only one response for each question.

    3).All Questions (Items) Carry Equal Marks

    4).All the questions are compulsory.

    5).Sheets for rough are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.

    6).You should treat this like the actual SSC Junior Hindi Translator Model paper

    Exam Question Paper.

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    General Hindi

    1. निम्न मे से कौि सी भाषा देविागरी निनि में निखी जाती है ?

    a) नसिंधी

    b) उनिया

    c) गुजराती

    d) मराठी

    2. दनिणी भारत मे नहन्दी प्रचार सभा का मुख्यािय कहॉ िर स्थित है ?

    a) मैसूर

    b) चेन्नई

    c) बिंगिोर

    d) हैदराबाद

    3. महेन्द्र का सस्ि नवचे्छद क्या है ?

    a) महो+इन्द्र

    b) महा+इन्द्र

    c) महे+इन्द्र

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    4. निम्न मे से कौि सी भाषा देविागरी निनि में निखी जाती है ?

    a) नसिंधी

    b) उनिया

    c) गुजराती

    d) मराठी

    5. कवगग का उच्चारण-थिाि है ?

    a) मूधाग

    b) दन्त

    c) ओष्ठ

    d) कण्ठ

    6. इिमें से कौि सा शब्द सिंज्ञा से बिा हुआ नवशेषण है?

    a) इचु्छक

    b) प्यास

    c) िशु

    d) सन्तोष

    7. कौि सा शब्द सिंसृ्कत से तद्भव बिाया गया है ?

    a) बच्चा

    b) वच्छ

    c) (A) और (B) दोिोिं

    8. दनिणी भारत मे नहन्दी प्रचार सभा का मुख्यािय कहॉ िर स्थित है ?

    a) मैसूर

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    b) चेन्नई

    c) बिंगिोर

    d) हैदराबाद

    9. इिमें से कौि नवधेय-नवशेषण है ?

    a) मेरा िड़का आिसी है।

    b) सतीश सुिंदर िड़का है।

    c) (A) और (B) दोिोिं

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    10. नहन्दी भाषा का जन्म कहााँ हुआ है ?

    a) उत्तरभारत

    b) आिंध्रप्रदेश

    c) जमू्म कश्मीर

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    11. इिमें से नकस शब्द में नििंगप्रत्यय-सिंबिंधी अशुस्ियााँ है?

    a) अिािा

    b) गानयका

    c) गोिी

    d) िारर

    12. इिमें से अल्पनवराम कौि सा है ?

    a) वह रोज आता है,

    b) यह हािी है।

    c) धीरे-धीरे

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    13. सिंज्ञा के नकतिे भेद है ?

    a) दस

    b) िााँच

    c) सात

    d) आठ

    14. खटमि शब्द (Gender) है ?

    a) िुिंनििंग

    b) स्त्रीनििंग

    c) उभयनििंग

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    15. श्याम सोता है यह कौि सी निया है ?

    a) अकमगक निया

    b) सकमगक निया

    c) (A) और (B) दोिोिं

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

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    16. इिमें से कौि सी शब्द देशज है ?

    a) नचनड़यााँ

    b) कीमत

    c) (A) और (B) दोिोिं

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    17. इिमें से हवा का ियागयवाची कौि है ?

    a) धीर

    b) तिुज

    c) बयार

    d) िाराच

    18. 'मस्ियााँ मारिा' मुहावरे का अिग बताइए ?

    a) इन्तजार करिा

    b) िाभ के बदिे हानि

    c) बेकार बैठे रहिा

    d) साहनसक कायग

    19. इिमें से कौि-सी युग्म शब्द गित है ?

    a) िगर- शहर

    b) िशा- मद

    c) िारी- स्त्री

    d) निसाि- नचह्न

    20. तुम, तुमिे, तुमिोगो यह वाक्य नकस वचि से है ?

    a) एकवचि

    b) बहुवचि

    c) नि वचि

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    21. ित्र-िेखि नकतिे प्रकार के होते है ?

    a) 3

    b) 8

    c) 2

    d) 5

    22. इिमें से अिग के अिेकािगक शब्द क्या है ?

    a) कारण, मतिब, धि

    b) सत्य, जि, धमग

    c) सूयग, नप्रय, सहयोगी

    d) रनहत, दीि, उदे्दश्य

    23. नहन्दी में व्यिंजिवणो की सिंख्या नकतिी है ?

    a) 22

    b) 10

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    c) 33

    d) 30

    24. निम्न में से सघोष व्यिंजि समूह है_ a) क,ख,च,छ,

    b) ग,घ,ज,झ

    c) छ,ज,क,ि

    d) त,फ,ट,ब

    25. िानवगक व्यिंजि है_

    a) ि

    b) स

    c) ड़

    d) श

    26. नजि ध्वनियोिं के सिंयोग से शब्दोिं का निमागण होता है , उने्ह कहते हैं-

    a) ध्वनि

    b) प्रनतध्वनि

    c) वाणी

    d) वणग

    27. यनद नहन्दी वणगमािा में ‘ ऋ ‘ को सनममनित कर नदया जाए, तो वणाग की कुि सिंख्या नकतिी हो जाएगी ?

    a) 45

    b) 52

    c) 56

    d) 57

    28. नहन्दी की देविागरी वणगमािा में स्पशग व्यिंजि हैं –

    a) 25

    b) 28

    c) 26

    d) 27

    29. स्वरोिं के दो प्रकार कौि – कौि हैं?

    a) स्वर और व्यिंजि

    b) ध्वनि और वणग

    c) मूिस्वर और सिंनध

    d) उियुगक्त सभी

    30. नजि स्वरोिं के उच्चारण में कम से कम समय िगता है, अिागत् नजिके उच्चारण में अन्य स्वरोिं की सहायता िही िं

    िेिी िड़ती है, उने्ह कहते हैाँ –

    a) अल्प स्वर

    b) मूि स्वर

    c) व्यिंजि

    d) सिंनध स्वर

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    31. नजि स्वरोिं के उच्चारण में मूि स्वरोिं की सहायता िेिी िड़ती है, उने्ह कहते हैं –

    a) मूि स्वर

    b) दीधग स्वर

    c) सिंनध स्वर

    d) सिंयुक्त स्वर

    32. जो स्वर सजातीय स्वरोिं के सिंयोग से बिे हैं उने्ह कहते हैं।

    a) दीधग स्वर

    b) ह्रस्व स्वर

    c) मूि स्वर

    d) अल्प स्वर

    33. दीघग स्वर के सही उदाहरण हैं-

    a) आ, ई, ऊ

    b) अ, इ, उ

    c) ए, ऐ, ओ

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    34. जो स्वर नवजातीय स्वरो के मेि से बिे है उने्ह कहते है-

    a) दीघग स्वर

    b) महास्वर

    c) सिंयुकत स्वर

    d) उियुगक्त सभी

    35. सिंयुक्त स्वर’ के उदाहरण हैं-

    a) अ, इ, उ

    b) आ, ई, ऊ

    c) ए, ऐ, औ, औ

    d) उियुगक्त सभी

    36. स्त्रीत्व’ शब्द में कौि सी सिंज्ञा है ?

    a) जानतवाचक सिंज्ञा

    b) व्यस्क्तवाचक सिंज्ञा

    c) भाववाचक सिंज्ञा

    d) द्रव्यवाचक सिंज्ञा

    37. सूयग’ शब्द का स्त्रीनििंग क्या होगा ?

    a) सूयागणी

    b) सूयागयी

    c) सूयाग

    d) सूयो

    38. निम्ननिस्खत शब्दोिं में से कौि सा शब्द सिंज्ञा है ?

    a) िुि

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    b) िोध

    c) िोधी

    d) िोनधत

    39. निम्ननिस्खत शब्दोिं में से एक शब्द िुिंनििंग है, उसे बताइए –

    a) बुढ़ािा

    b) जड़ता

    c) छटिा

    d) दाया

    40. नहन्दी में शब्दोिं का नििंग निधीरण नकसिे आधार िर होता है

    a) िड़किि

    b) सवगिाम

    c) निया

    d) प्रत्यय

    41. राष्ट्र भाषा कहिाती है

    a) सिंनवधाि िारा स्वीकृत भाषा

    b) सकारी काम - काज की भाषा

    c) बहुसिंख्यक देशवानसयोिं िारा प्रयोग की जावािे िी भाषा

    d) सानहत्य सृजि की भाषा

    42. जीतिे की इच्छा रखिे वािा ‘ कहिाता है

    a) उन्माद

    b) नजगेषु

    c) आकािंिी

    d) नजगीषा

    43. समूहवाचक सिंज्ञा है

    a) अिंगुर

    b) गुिाब

    c) चावि

    d) िौधे

    44. ‘निधगि’ शब्द में कौि - सा समास है ?

    a) कमगधारय

    b) तत्परुष

    c) िन्द्ि

    d) बहुब्रीनह

    45. ‘आिंखोिं’ में खूि उतरिा मुहावरे का अिग कौि - सा है ?

    a) बीमार होिा

    b) नविाश करिा

    c) िोध में अशब्द कहिा

    d) िोध से आिंख - मुाँह िाि होिा

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    46. नहन्दी वणगमािा में नकतिे सिंयुक्त व्यिंजि हैं ?

    a) तीि

    b) चार

    c) सात

    d) िााँच

    47. नचनड़या ’का बहुवचि क्या होगा ?

    a) नचनड़यााँ

    b) नचनड़याओिं

    c) नचनड़योिं

    d) ये सभी

    48. शुि वाक्य है -

    a) उसिे एक मोती का हार खरीदा ।

    b) तुम्हारी घड़ी में नकतिे बजे हैं ?

    c) उिकी व्यवहार अच्छी िही िं है ।

    d) मैं िढ़िे का व्ययाम करता हाँ ।

    49. ‘ बाबा बटेसरिाि ’ के िेखक हैं -

    a) िागाजुगि

    b) राजेन्द्र यादव

    c) महादेवी वमाग

    d) िामवर नसिंह

    50. सही वतगिी के निए नवकल्प चुनिए

    a) अवथिाििा

    b) आवथिििा

    c) अवसिाििो

    d) अवाथिाििा

    51. ‘गत’ का नविोम शब्द बताइए

    a) अगत

    b) गगद

    c) स्वागत

    d) नवराम

    52. ‘स्त्री’ नजसे स्वामी पे्रम ि करें ‘, कहिाती है

    a) दुभगगा

    b) स्वकीया

    c) पे्रमानवहीता

    d) िरकीया

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    53. नकतिे भारतीय राज्ोिं की राजभाषा नहन्दी है ?

    a) 10

    b) 15

    c) 12

    d) 8

    54. उद्योग’ में कौि – सी सस्ि है ?

    a) नवसगग

    b) स्वर

    c) व्यिंजि

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    55. उिसगग’ नकसका नविोम है ?

    a) प्रत्यय

    b) सगग

    c) सस्ि

    d) समास

    56. सााँस’ का तत्सम रूि क्या है ?

    a) शवास

    b) शवास

    c) नििःवास

    d) हुसास

    57. आाँख का अिा िाम ियि – सुख’ िोकोस्क्त का अिग है

    a) आाँखोिं की ज्ोनत का जिा

    b) हर चीज का करिा होिा

    c) अिोिं को ऑख होिा

    d) गुण के नविरीत िाम

    58. दही ‘ शब्द है

    a) िुस्लिंग

    b) स्त्रीनििंग

    c) ििुिंसकनििंग

    d) इिमें से कोई िही िं

    59. छ्त्र + छाया

    a) छत्रछाया

    b) छत्रच्छाया

    c) छागछाया

    d) छ्त्रछाय

    60. ‘ भूखा – प्यासा’ में समास बताइए

    a) िन्द्ि

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    b) निगु

    c) अव्ययीभाव

    d) ततु्परुष

    61. िकीर का फकीर होिा?

    a) सरि जीवि यािि करिा

    b) िरम्परावादी होिा

    c) झाड़-फूक िर नववास करिा

    d) आिम्बर नवरोधी होिा

    62. ‘Honorarium’ का अिग है?

    a) िाररश्रनमक

    b) मािेदय

    c) भुगताि

    d) वेति स्थिरीकरण

    63. ‘मैनििी’ का नवकास नकस अिभ्रिंश से मािा जाता है?

    a) शौरसेिी अिभ्रिंश

    b) मागधी अिभ्रिंश

    c) अधगमागधी अिभ्रिंश

    d) महाराष्ट्र ी अिभ्रिंश

    64. स्वर रनहत ‘र’ का प्रयोग हुआ है?

    a) टरक में

    b) िुिनिगमाण में

    c) त्राटक में

    d) शतु्र में

    65. ‘बाररश होगी तो हम भी निकनिक चिेंगे’ इस वाक्य में है?

    a) सम्भाविािग वृनत्त

    b) सिंकेतािग वृनत्त

    c) निश्चयािग वृनत्त

    d) आज्ञािग वृनत्त

    66. नहन्दी भाषा में सतत और व्यािक मूल्ािंकि करते समय आि नकस बात िर नवशेष ध्याि देंगे?

    a) भाषा प्रयोग की कुशिता

    b) शुि वतगिी

    c) िररयोजिा कायग

    d) शुि उच्चारण

    67. निम्ननिस्खत तत्सम-तद्भव में से कौि-सा नवकल्प अशुि है?

    a) िृत्य-िाच

    b) शृ्रिंगार-नसिंगार

    c) चिु-आाँख

    d) दनध-दही

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    68. ‘आवतग’ शब्द का सही अिग क्या है?

    a) गोि

    b) ढक्कि

    c) चााँदिी

    d) भाँवर

    69. भोिा का नविोम है?

    a) चािाक

    b) तेजस्वी

    c) बुस्िमाि

    d) चिंचि

    70. रिंगमिंच के िदे के िीछे का थिाि?

    a) िृष्ठभूनम

    b) िेिथ्य

    c) मिंचिृष्ठ

    d) गुह्यमिंच

    71. ‘अने्वषण’ का सस्ि-नवचे्छद होगा?

    a) अि + वेषण

    b) अिु + एषण

    c) अिु + ऐषण

    d) अिव + एषण

    72. नवस्मयवाचक वाकय का चयि कीनजए?

    a) मधुर भाषण वाणी का ति है।

    b) कटु वचि मि को आहत करता है।

    c) नछ: नकतिी गिंदी बात है।

    d) गिंदगी सदैव हानिकारक है।

    73. ‘मैंिे यह कुसी सौ रुिए की खरीदी है’ इस वाक्य में दोष है?

    a) नवशेषण का

    b) निया का

    c) िरसगग का

    d) नियानवशेषण का

    74. नशव का तािंिव भी उतिा ही मिोहारी है नजतिा नक ……….।

    a) रास

    b) महारास

    c) िास्य

    d) उलास

    75. तब उसे समाज कहते हैं?

    a) व ि र य

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    b) य र ि व

    c) र ि व य

    d) ि य र व

    76. ‘ मरीनच – मरीची ‘ शब्द – युग्म का सही अिग क्या है

    a) नकरण – सूयग

    b) एक रािस – प्रकाश

    c) नकरण – चिंद्रमा

    d) सूयग – मृगतृष्णा

    77. ‘ आनद – आदी ‘ शब्द – युग्म का सही अिग है

    a) प्रारिंभ – आनदवासी

    b) आनदवासी – इत्यानद

    c) प्रारिंभ – अभ्यस्त

    d) इत्यानद – आनदवासी

    78. ‘ अिि – अनिि ‘ शब्द – युग्म का सही अिग है

    a) अनि – जि

    b) वायु – अनि

    c) जि – वायु

    d) अनि – वायु

    79. ‘ अजर – अनजर ‘ शब्द – युग्म का सही अिग है

    a) आाँगि – अजीणग

    b) देवता – आाँगि

    c) देवता – अजीणग

    d) आाँगि – देवता

    80. इिमें से कौिसा शब्द सिंज्ञा से बिा हुआ नवशेषण िही िं है

    a) मािवीय

    b) िाटकीय

    c) स्वकीय

    d) नवत्तीय

    81. कौिसा शब्द सिंज्ञा से बिा हुआ नवशेषण हैं

    a) सुखी

    b) प्रसन्न

    c) कटु

    d) सुन्दर

    82. कौिसा शब्द सिंज्ञा से बिा हुआ नवशेषण िही िं है

    a) फेनिि

    b) धूनमि

    c) िौनकक

    d) प्रािनमक

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    83. कौिसा शब्द सिंज्ञा से बिा हुआ नवशेषण िही िं है

    a) भयिंकर

    b) शुभिंकर

    c) रूनचकर

    d) िाभकर

    84. इिमें से नकस शब्द में स्वर ( मात्रा ) सिंबिंधी अशुस्ि है

    a) सरोनजिी

    b) गृनहणी

    c) अहल्ा

    d) प्रदनशगिी

    85. इिमें से नकस शब्द में व्यिंजि सिंबिंधी अशुस्ि है

    a) अभीष्ट्

    b) नवनशष्ट्

    c) स्वानदष्ट्

    d) गररष्ठ

    86. निम्न मे से शैनिक मिोनवज्ञाि का िेत्र िही िं है?

    a) सीखिे की प्रनिया

    b) मािि तिा मूल्ािंकि

    c) खेिो का प्रनशिण

    d) िाठ्यिम निमागण

    87. निम्न में से नशिण का कौि सा किागत व्यवहार किा में निरिं कुश वातावरण का निमागण िही िं करता है?

    a) निदेश देिा

    b) िााँटिा

    c) व्यग्य करिा

    d) नवचारोिं को स्वीकार करिा

    88. ‘ मिोनवज्ञाि व्यवहार का शुि नवज्ञाि है’ किि है ?

    a) वुिविग का

    b) जेम्स िर ेवर का

    c) वाटसि का

    d) नसकिर का

    89. निम्न मे से कौि सा िेत्र मिोनवज्ञाि के अन्तगगत िही िं आता है?

    a) औद्योनगक मिोनवज्ञाि

    b) राजिैनतक मिोनवज्ञाि

    c) नवकृत मिोनवज्ञाि

    d) असामान्य मिोनवज्ञाि

    90. नशिा मिोनवज्ञाि जरूरी है ?

    a) नशिक के निये

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    b) छात्र के निये

    c) अनभभावक के निये

    d) सभी के निये

    91. आधुनिक नशिा प्रणािी का केन्द्र नबन्द्दु है?

    a) िाठ्यिम

    b) अध्यािक

    c) बािक

    d) सू्कि का वातावरण

    92. नशिण अनधगम प्रनिया के तीि प्रमुख अिंग है?

    a) उदे्दश्य, नशिण व मूल्ािंकि

    b) नवद्यािय प्रनिया, मूल्ािंकि व िाठ्यिम

    c) नवद्यािय, समुदाय सरकार

    d) उदे्दश्य, अध्यायि अनधगम िररस्थिनतयािं, मूल्ािंकि

    93. प्रभावशािी नशिक बििे के निए आवश्यक है नक …….

    a) वह अििे नवषय को अच्छी प्रकार जािता हो

    b) वह अििे नवद्यानिगयोिं से अनधकतम सभव अन्तनकग याए नियाएिं करें

    c) उसे नशिण नवनधयोिं का िूरा ज्ञाि हो

    d) उियुगक्त सभी

    94. अििे नशष्य के सिंवेगात्मक नवकास के निए अध्यािक को चानहए नक –

    a) वह नशष्य के माता – निता का थिाि हड़ििे की कोनशश ि करें

    b) वह आिे नशष्य के प्रनत पे्रम तिा से्नह नवकनसत करें

    c) वह अििे नशष्य की शरारत के प्रनत भी पे्रम कर रवैया आिाये

    d) अििे कुछ चुनििंदा नशष्यो के प्रनत िितािूणाग व्यवहार करें

    95. सीखिे की प्रनिया को प्रभानवत करिे वािे कारक है?

    a) अिुकरण

    b) प्रिंशसा एविं नििंदा

    c) प्रनतयोनगता

    d) ये सभी

    96. मािव का नविोम शब्द क्या होगा?

    a) आतिंक

    b) दािव

    c) मिुष्य

    d) दैत्य

    97. ‘ साधु शब्द का स्त्रीनििंग क्या है?

    a) साधुवा

    b) साध्वी

    c) साधुता

    d) साधो

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    98. ‘ िेता’ का सही स्त्रीनििंग शब्द क्या है?

    a) िेतृ

    b) िेनति

    c) िेत्री

    d) िेताइि

    99. निम्ननिस्खत में से कौि सा अन्य तीि से नभन्न है?

    a) सुन्दरी

    b) सस्क्त

    c) कान्ता

    d) वनििा

    100. नजसकी आशा ि की जाए –

    a) निराशा

    b) उदास

    c) प्रत्यानशत

    d) अप्रत्यानशत

    General English

    101. Against each key word are given four suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word. ANTAGONIST:

    a) Hostile

    b) Pluralistic

    c) Mockery

    d) Aghast

    102. Against each key word are given four suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word. APPERTAIN:

    a) Give up

    b) Offence

    c) To be Appropriate

    d) Thankful

    103. Against each key word are given four suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the key word. LURID:

    a) Murky

    b) Dismal

    c) Ignorant

    d) Mild

    104. Against each key word are given four suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the key word. MANIFEST:

    a) Unmistakable

    b) Apparent

    c) Obscure

    d) Irrelavant

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    105. Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the capitalised word. ABASE:

    a) Humiliate or degrade oneslef

    b) Uncouth

    c) Baseless

    d) Forceful

    106. Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the capitalised word. SHAM:

    a) Rubbish

    b) Lovable

    c) Pretence

    d) Guilty

    107. In the following question pick the wrong spelt word.

    a) Autopsy

    b) Autocratic

    c) Akward

    d) Asylum

    108. In the following question pick the wrong spelt word.

    a) Abnormity

    b) Aberration

    c) Abstinant

    d) Abstention

    109. Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence, the letter of that part will be the answer.

    In an effort.

    a) / to make peace

    b) / Priya spoke separately

    c) / to both the person.

    110. They had a narrow escape

    a) / when skating as

    b) / roaring avalanche

    c) / just missed them.

    111. The movie star should not have

    a) / allowed the press

    b) / at the scene had he

    c) / known about the fuss. Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the given options to fill up the blank in the sentence.

    112. When he reached the doctors house he ....... out already.

    a) Went

    b) gone

    c) has gone

    d) had gone

    113. The Government agreed to pay compensation ......... damaged crops, land and catle.

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    a) to

    b) through

    c) for

    d) of Directions : Choose the Antyonym of the following:

    114. EXONERATE

    a) Moderate

    b) Accuse

    c) Watchful

    d) Acquire

    115. REPLETE

    a) Disentangle

    b) Improper

    c) Devoid

    d) Renovate Directions : Choose the Synonym of the following :

    116. SPORADIC

    a) Epidemic

    b) Whirling

    c) Occasional

    d) Stagnant

    117. SOPORIFIC

    a) Flattering

    b) Sickening

    c) Exciting

    d) Sleep-producing Directions : In the following questions, you have a brief passage with five questions following the passage. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and indicate your correct alternative. While it may suit adult students very well it is very doubtful whether correspondence education would be qdequate for undergraduates of the usual college age group of sixteen to twenty. Young people in their teems need the discipline and the supervision of a regular college course with all that it involves in the observance of an integrated schedule of work and play the personal association with teachers, and the psychological stimulus provided by competition with other students. There are obvious exceptions of course, such as the physically handicapped, who cannot get full value from a normal college education, but on the whole this distinction between young students and mature scholars is valid enough. It is therefore evident that the correspondence system of education. with provide access to higher. studies to people who would otherwise be danced it, but it will do little to ease the pressure on existing colleges.

    118. Correspondence courses are most suitable for :

    a) teenagers

    b) villagers

    c) Those who are between sixteen and twenty

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    d) none of the above

    119. Correspondence courses are designed in such a way as to :

    a) enforce better discipline in schools and colleges.

    b) Stimulate the students for competition.

    c) gain a personal association with teachers through correspondence.

    d) enable those who could not as adults attend colleges to obtain education if they so desire.

    120. The difference between the young students and mature scholars is:

    a) that the former are more disciplined than the latter.

    b) that the latter need lesser personal attention than the former.

    c) that the former are more competitive than the latter.

    d) that the latter are psychologically better equipped than the former.

    121. A regular college course for youngsters is desirable because :

    a) they cannot carry on with their studies independently.

    b) that ensures a neatly arranged programme of academic work that is proper for their age.

    c) they always need the assistance of teachers to study properly.

    d) otherwise, they will be physically and mentally handicapped

    122. The correspondence system of education is expected to:

    a) reduce the quantum of rush to the colleges existing at present.

    b) bring about no change in the pattern of admissions to colleges.

    c) creat more opportunities for the weaker sections to obtain higher education

    d) increase the number of educated unemployed in the country. Directions: In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. It called for help from the jackal to get out of the well. But the jackal ran away smiling and with the pride of having …(93)… the poor goat. On the way he met a cat. Most sarcastically he told the cat, “Oh ! You lot is really pitiable. For food you have to …(94)… on left-overs. You have to go to the backside of houses, hotels or garbage dumps for your food. I catch fouls, kill and eat them.” When he was …(95)… like this some hunting dogs came that way. The cat was clever. It jumped up on a tree. But the jackal had …(97)… to go. Even though it tried to run, the hunting dogs …(97)… it and killed it. All his slyness, could not save him, from his doom.

    123. (a) won (b) gained (c) ditch (d) cheated

    124. (a) depend (b) hunt (c) wait (d) bent

    125. (a) whispering (b) moaning (c) boasting (d) crying

    126. (a) everywhere (b) nowhere (c) not (d) place

    127. (a) avoided (b) catch (c) powered (d) overpowered Directions: From the four words, identify the one which can be substituted for the sentences in questions.

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    128. Life history of a person written by another

    a) Autobiography

    b) Biography

    c) Bibliography

    d) Memoir

    129. A post without remuneration

    a) Voluntary

    b) Sinecure

    c) Honorary

    d) Involuntary

    130. One who cannot die

    a) Stable

    b) Immortal

    c) Perpetual

    d) Perennial

    131. Consider the given statement/s to be true and decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Statements: 1. All books are trees. 2. All trees are lions. Conclusions: I. All books are lions. II. All lions are books. III. All trees are books IV. Some lions are books.


    a) Only conclusions I and III follow

    b) Only conclusions I and IV follow

    c) None of the conclusions follow

    d) All conclusions follow

    132. The ground was wet outside when I got up in the morning yesterday. I had been raining all in the night.

    a) rained all in

    b) been raining all though

    c) raining all in

    d) No improvement

    133. No sooner has she agreed to marry him than she started having terrible doubts.

    a) She no sooner had agreed

    b) No sooner had she agreed

    c) No sooner did she agreed

    d) No improvement

    134. The Women’s Emancipation Bill was sent back to the Lok Sabha by the President for further examination.

    a) further security

    b) further reading

    c) further perusal

    d) No improvement

    135. The Finance Minister said that he would work for the impartial distribution of wealth.

    a) equitable

    b) just

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    c) fair

    d) No improvement

    136. Will you lend me few rupees in this hour of need?

    a) borrow me a few rupees

    b) lend me any rupees

    c) lend me few rupees

    d) No improvement

    137. After the heavy rains last week, the water in the lake raised another two feet.

    a) would raise another two feet

    b) raise another two feet

    c) rose another two feet

    d) No improvement

    138. Unless you work hard, you will not pass.

    a) as long as you work hard

    b) till you work hard

    c) until you work hard

    d) No improvement

    139. The minister was removed from a key post.

    a) thrown out

    b) rusticated

    c) ousted

    d) No improvement

    140. Audacity is the mother of invention.

    a) tenacity

    b) necessity

    c) paucity

    d) No improvement

    141. Professionals must continuously improve their skills.

    a) hone

    b) fine tune

    c) explore

    d) No improvement

    142. Mr. Raj has been asked to submit details of his tax returns.

    a) give

    b) furnish

    c) disclose

    d) No improvement

    143. I .......tennis every Sunday morning.

    a) playing

    b) play

    c) am playing

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    d) am play

    144. Don't make so much noise. Noriko ..... to study for her ESL test!

    a) try

    b) tries

    c) tried

    d) is trying

    145. Jun-Sik ..... his teeth before breakfast every morning.

    a) will cleaned

    b) is cleaning

    c) cleans

    d) clean

    146. Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She ..... a bath!

    a) is having

    b) having

    c) have

    d) has

    147. ..... many times every winter in Frankfurt.

    a) It snows

    b) It snowed

    c) It is snowing

    d) It is snow

    148. How many students in your class ..... from Korea?

    a) comes

    b) come

    c) came

    d) are coming

    149. Weather report: "It's seven o'clock in Frankfurt and ..... ."

    a) there is snow

    b) it`s snowing

    c) it snows

    d) it snowed

    150. Babies ..... when they are hungry.

    a) cry

    b) cries

    c) cried

    d) are crying

    151. Jane: "What ..... in the evenings?" Mary: "Usually I watch TV or read a book."

    a) you doing

    b) you do

    c) do you do

    d) are you doing

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    152. Jane: "What ..... ?" Mary: "I'm trying to fix my calculator."

    a) you doing

    b) you do

    c) do you do

    d) are you doing

    153. Jane ..... her blue jeans today, but usually she wears a skirt or a dress.

    a) wears

    b) wearing

    c) wear

    d) is wearing

    154. I think I ..... a new calculator. This one does not work properly any more.

    a) needs

    b) needed

    c) need

    d) am needing

    155. Sorry, you can't borrow my pencil. I ..... it myself.

    a) was using

    b) using

    c) use

    d) am using

    156. At a school dance: Jane: " ..... yourself?" Mary: "Yes, I'm having a great time!"

    a) You enjoying

    b) Enjoy you

    c) Do you enjoy

    d) Are you enjoying

    157. I've just finished reading a story called Dangerous Game. It's about a man who ..... his wife because he doesn't want to lose her.

    a) kills

    b) killed

    c) kill

    d) is killing

    158. What time .....

    a) the train leaves?

    b) leaves the train?

    c) is the train leaving?

    d) does the train leave?

    159. Jane: "Are you going to the dance on Friday?" Mary: "No, I'm not. I ..... school dances; they're loud, hot and crowded!"

    a) not enjoy

    b) don`t enjoy

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    c) doesn`t enjoy

    d) am not enjoying

    160. I ..... for my pen. Have you seen it?

    a) will look

    b) looking

    c) look

    d) am looking

    161. You can keep my iPod if you like. I ..... it any more.

    a) don`t use

    b) doesn`t use

    c) didn`t use

    d) am not using

    162. The phone ...... Can you answer it, please?

    a) rings

    b) ring

    c) rang

    d) is ringing

    163. Jenny ___________ tired.

    a) be

    b) is

    c) has

    d) have

    164. ___________ is she?" "She's my friend from London"

    a) Who

    b) Why

    c) Which

    d) What

    165. Today is Wednesday. Yesterday it ___________ Tuesday.

    a) were

    b) is

    c) be

    d) was

    166. It's Thursday today. Tomorrow it ___________ Friday.

    a) be

    b) was

    c) will be

    d) will

    167. ___________ lots of animals in the zoo.

    a) There

    b) There is

    c) There are

    d) There aren't

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    168. How many people ___________ in your family?

    a) are there

    b) is there

    c) there are

    d) there

    169. "Has Steve got a sister?" "No, he ___________, but he's got 2 brothers."

    a) has

    b) hasn't

    c) haven't

    d) not

    170. Where ___________ Sarah live?

    a) are

    b) is

    c) do

    d) does

    171. ___________ to London on the train yesterday?

    a) Did Mary went

    b) Did Mary go

    c) Mary go

    d) Mary goes

    172. Jack ___________ English, Spanish and a bit of French.

    a) speaks

    b) speak

    c) speaking

    d) is speaking Direction: In the following question find the synonym of the given word?

    173. Hound

    a) Migrate

    b) Beagle

    c) Critic

    d) Variable

    174. Barrier

    a) Comfort

    b) Justify

    c) Prescribe

    d) Embargo

    175. Find out the word opposite in meaning of the given word? Blindness

    a) Confront

    b) Contour

    c) Vista

    d) Outlook

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    Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone does not lead to increased performance. Ability and technology moderates the relationship between motivation and performance. The higher the levels of ability and motivation the ______ the level of performance will be. However, increasing motivation beyond an ______ level tends to ______ a dysfunctional result because it is ______ by an increased level of anxiety.

    176. Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone.

    a) Affected

    b) Effected

    c) Influenced

    d) Measured

    177. The higher the levels of ability and motivation the ______ the level of performance will be.

    a) Higher

    b) Smaller

    c) Larger

    d) Lower

    178. However, increasing motivation beyond an ______ level.

    a) Increased

    b) Certain

    c) Desired

    d) Optimal

    179. tends to ______ a dysfunctional result.

    a) Introduce

    b) Induce

    c) Deduce

    d) Produce

    180. Because it is ______ by an increased level of anxiety.

    a) Accompanied

    b) Affiliated

    c) Amalgamated

    d) Abandoned Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. The _____ of energy in India are met from both commercial and non-commercial sources. The most _____ sources of energy today are coal and natural gas, hydro-electricity and nuclear power. On the other hand, firewood, cow-dung cakes and vegetable waste, etc. _____ non-commercial forms of energy. While non-commercial forms of energy _____ demand, coal is the _____ source of commercial energy in India.

    181. The _____ of energy in India are met from both commercial.

    a) Availability

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    b) Sources

    c) Lessen

    d) Requirements

    182. The most _____ sources of energy today are coal and natural gas.

    a) Important

    b) Extensive

    c) Vital

    d) Insignificant

    183. On the other hand, firewood, cow-dung cakes and vegetable waste etc. _____ non-commercial forms of energy.

    a) Combines

    b) Mixes

    c) Collaborates

    d) Constitutes

    184. While non-commercial forms of energy _____ demand,

    a) Rests

    b) Meet

    c) Need

    d) Shed

    185. Coal is the _____ source of commercial energy in India.

    a) Hardest

    b) Smallest

    c) Heaviest

    d) Largest Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. Literature is a medium through which a person conveys his ideas towards or protest against different norms of society. The words that deal with a _____ issue are of particular importance in literature. They are _____ with a particular purpose in _____.

    186. The words that deal with a _____ issue

    a) Moral

    b) Insensitive

    c) Economical

    d) Broad

    187. They are _____ with a particular purpose

    a) Written

    b) Represented

    c) Brought

    d) Founded

    188. a particular purpose in _____.

    a) All

    b) Hand

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    c) Mind

    d) Total Direction: Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.


    a) Ajournment

    b) Ajornment

    c) Adjournment

    d) Adjourmant


    a) Conniosseur

    b) Connoisseur

    c) Connossieur

    d) Connosseiur


    a) Inkulcate

    b) Debilitate

    c) Impecable

    d) Harrass Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    192. A wild goose chase

    a) Timely search

    b) Wrong decision

    c) Useless search

    d) Fruitful search

    193. A moot point

    a) Unclear

    b) Unknown

    c) Agreeable

    d) Disputed

    194. Cat-nap

    a) Fitful sleep

    b) Long sleep

    c) Short sleep

    d) Rest

    195. To pull a long face

    a) Looked sad

    b) Looked calm

    c) Looked surprised

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    d) Looked happily

    196. Fit her like a glove.

    a) Too large

    b) Too shabby

    c) Too tight

    d) Perfectly Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

    197. One who is not easily pleased by anything

    a) gullible

    b) fastidious

    c) innocent

    d) amenable

    198. A person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.

    a) egoist

    b) unselfish

    c) altruist

    d) welfarist

    199. Violation of that which is holy and sacred

    a) malevolent

    b) sacrilege

    c) bizarre

    d) iniquitous

    200. Misappropriation of money

    a) Abridgement

    b) Condiment

    c) Embezzlement

    d) Bereavement