2 SRI SHAKTIDARSHAN JUNE- 2010 Programs are liable to change. Readers are advised to contact the office and ascertain exact dates before coming. Programs for June 2010 Programs for July 2010 Our office staff will be in meditation from 10am to 12pm in the presence of Poojya Guruji. Your call may not be answered during these 2 hours. Kindly co-operate. 5 Mrutyunjaya Homa and whole night dhyana session with Sadguruji 6 Satchintana 7 to 12 Dhyana in Silence (Last 3 days after 2pm, discussion with Sadguruji) 12 & 23 Kriya Yoga Punaschethana 14 & 21 Public Meet 17 to 20 Kundalini Beejamantra Camp with information about Premadhara 2012 20 Kundalini Beejamantra Dhyana Punaschethana 26 On the occassion of full moon (Poornima), whole night dhyana session with Sadguruji 3 Mrityuanjaya homa and whole night meditation with Poojya Guruji 4 Satchintana 5 to 14 BrhamaVidya camp for gents 10 Kriya yoga punaschetana 18 Kundalini beejamantra punaschetana 19 & 26 Public meet 25 (Sunday) Gurupoornima 19 to 24 Teachers refresher camp 31 Mrityuanjaya homa and whole night meditation with Poojya Guruji Program for Gurupoornima 25.7.2010 9 to 9.30 am :Inauguration 9.30 to 10 am: Reading Gurugeetha 10 to 11.15 am : Meditation with Sadguru 11.15 to 11.30 am: Drinks Interval 11.30 to 1 pm: Satsangh with Sadguru & later Prasad distribution 1.15 to 2 pm: Lunch 2 to 2.30 pm: Satsangh Reports from Satsangh Pradhans 2.30 to 3.30 pm : Question & Answers

SRI SHAKTIDARSHAN - Yogashramyogashram.in/magazines/JUN2010.pdf · SRI SHAKTIDARSHAN 5 JUNE- 2010 GURUJI SPEAKS... The wonder of the Infinite power! Mother Kundalini Part V The mooladhara

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Page 1: SRI SHAKTIDARSHAN - Yogashramyogashram.in/magazines/JUN2010.pdf · SRI SHAKTIDARSHAN 5 JUNE- 2010 GURUJI SPEAKS... The wonder of the Infinite power! Mother Kundalini Part V The mooladhara


Programs are liable to change. Readers are advised to contact the officeand ascertain exact dates before coming.

Programs for June 2010

Programs for July 2010

Our office staff will be in meditation from 10am to 12pm in thepresence of Poojya Guruji. Your call may not be answered during

these 2 hours. Kindly co-operate.

5 Mrutyunjaya Homa and whole night dhyana session with Sadguruji6 Satchintana7 to 12 Dhyana in Silence (Last 3 days after 2pm, discussion with Sadguruji)12 & 23 Kriya Yoga Punaschethana14 & 21 Public Meet17 to 20 Kundalini Beejamantra Camp with information about Premadhara 201220 Kundalini Beejamantra Dhyana Punaschethana26 On the occassion of full moon (Poornima), whole night dhyana session

with Sadguruji

3 Mrityuanjaya homa and wholenight meditation with PoojyaGuruji

4 Satchintana5 to 14 BrhamaVidya camp for gents10 Kriya yoga punaschetana18 Kundalini beejamantra

punaschetana19 & 26 Public meet25 (Sunday) Gurupoornima19 to 24 Teachers refresher camp31 Mrityuanjaya homa and whole

night meditation with PoojyaGuruji

Program for Gurupoornima25.7.2010

9 to 9.30 am :Inauguration9.30 to 10 am: Reading Gurugeetha10 to 11.15 am : Meditation with

Sadguru11.15 to 11.30 am: Drinks Interval11.30 to 1 pm: Satsangh with Sadguru &

later Prasad distribution1.15 to 2 pm: Lunch2 to 2.30 pm: Satsangh Reports from

Satsangh Pradhans2.30 to 3.30 pm : Question & Answers

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Vol. : IX Issue:IX JUNE-2010

A Magazine dedicated to Yoga and Meditation

Printed by K. Bhavanishankar Shetty and Published by Smt. Vyjayanthi Raoon behalf of Shri Shaktidarshan Yogashram (R), Yelathur Temple Road,Talipadi, Kinnigoli - 574 150 D.K. District and Printed at Guruprasad Printers,Urwa Store, Mangalore - 575 006 and Published at Shri ShaktidarshanYogashram (R), Yelathur Temple Road, Talipadi, Kinnigoli - 574 150 D.K.District. Editor : Smt. Vyjayanthi Rao

The Ashram / Editorial Board does not accept any responsibilityfor the views expressed in the articles / contributions publishedin this Magazine.












Honorary Editor

Sri B. Devadas Rao Yogacharya

Editor Smt. Vyjayanti Rao

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Shri ShaktiDarshanYogashram

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|| Aum Aum Aum ||Dear Dhyanabandhus,

|| Sharanagataha ||




Akbar and Birbal were one day watching the sunrise, when they heard some noise nearby.

They went to investigate and found that a party of travellers had been robbed and the robbers

had decamped.

The Emperor sent his royal guards to search for the robbers, but to no avail. They had vanished

without any trace. Akbar was disappointed, he told Birbal “What is the use of being the Emperor

of India if people can be robbed off under my very nose?”

Birbal replied: “Even the most powerful lamp that illuminates an area of miles around it casts a

dark shadow below it”. Akbar felt consoled.

The world is like space and we should learn to be like clouds to float in the space of life. If one

learns to give into the lord one floats in his play. Fighting gives food to the ego. Floating is

surrendering your ego to the cosmic will.

To float requires one to empty oneself of one’s thoughts, like a boatman empties the water in the

boat. One has to learn to be like a flute and then one finds the Lord’s music flowing through the

flute of our life.

Let our life be filled with trust then every person and situation will turn out to be wonderful.

When we open the windows of our mind the magical morning sun fills our life with light. We see

God’s love in abundance.

A new horizon and a broader vision will open up in our lives.

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The wonder of theInfinite power!

Mother KundaliniPart V

The mooladhara chakra is the resid-ing place of kundalini shakti. It is possible tofind and experience this enlightening kundalinishakti, through the inner vision. Concentra-tion of the mind is the path to such an experi-ence. It is this unique and enlightening light,which destroys all prarabdha and rendersprogress to the disciple’s sadhana.

This light travels furtheracross all chakras and takes one to “BrahmaChaitanya”. It may also give the person, theexperience of the great truth “Aham

Brahmasmi”.The Lord, SriKrishna hasshown us thistruth, throughhis courageousacts. The‘Kalingamardhana’is one such in-cident of hiscourage.

Sri Krishna dances on the five-hoodsof Kalinga, holding the tail of kalinga tightly inhis left hand. He dances naked on the five-hooded naked snake. What must be the sig-nificance of this? It’s not just a story. Thesnake kalinga is nothing but kundalini shakti.The river water represents the mind. It is easierto catch a snake when it is on the ground. Butwhen it enters the water, its speed increasesthousand times. The ground signifies earthlyqualities; Mooladhara Chakra. One canprogress by somehow identifying the kundalinishakti which is stably situated in themooladhara chakra. But once kundalini shaktisurrounds the mind, it is impossible to get holdof her. When the mind merges with its de-sires, and surrounds the kudalini shakti, thereemerges a churning of sorrow only. At suchtimes, one may resort to sinful activities. Thereason for this is the mind; and no guidance.Here the mind becomes victorious. This leadsto re-birth time and again. Therefore, we re-quire Sri Krishna’s (A Brahmajnani’s) helpand guidance, through which wisdom dawnsin the spiritual aspirant and the desires openup. When the tail of the kundalini shakti(Snake), is held and when one steps uponthe hood, then the kundalini shakti begins thesupreme activity of travelling across eachchakra. The five hooded snake is symbolicof the 4 petals of the mooladhara chakra with

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the kundalini shakti in the centre. To step onthe hood of this kundalini shakti and progressahead, one needs the grace and blessings ofLord Krishna (the supreme soul). Here liestotal surrender. The feeling of total faith andsurrender in God, will protect the sadhak(spiritual aspirant), and the kundalini shakti willsurrender and further help to progress with love.Until one crosses the manipura chakra, onemay face difficulties and disturbances of themind. After crossing the manipura chakra, suchdisturbances decrease. The prarabdha’s ofvarious lives are collected and stored upto theVishuddhi Chakra. As such, one may have toface various experiences until one reaches theVishuddhi Chakra. It is possible to disciplinethe fluctuating mind through Kundalini BeejaMantra Dhyana. One who practices this for30 minutes on a daily basis, will easily progresson this path. It is possible to control and disci-pline the mind through Kriya Yoga andPranayam too.

In case there are a lot of prarabdhasin one’s mooladhara chakra, then the sadhakmay have to go through tough times. Kundalini

Shakti is the treasure of the MooladharaChakra. Generally one can find here the shapeof an elephant’s trunk. The sages state that it isGanapathy.

When we say ‘KUNDA’ we are re-minded of ‘AGNI-KUNDA’(Fire Pot). Thisis a vessel in which glowing charcoal is kept.Importance of the glowing charcoal is it radi-ates heat of the blazing fire(AGNI). Likewise,the abode of the continuing blazing Shaktiwhich is like a Volcanic Shakti is known asKUNDALINI POWER. This Potential En-ergy, which is bound at Mooladhara Chakra,when awakened flows out as Kinetic Energy.A light flows out in the form of a serpent froma black SHIV LING shaped form which is hid-ing at the centre of Mooladhara. When thisShakti comes out there is every possibility thatit may produce a special sound ‘OMKAR’.Then we can see the Sadhak breathing withsound. This breathing is the breathing patternin KRIYA YOGA No.1. This can also be com-pared to ‘KAPALA BHATHI’ breathing.

Like this the ascending Shakti flowsthrough the ‘SUSHMNA NADI’! First it trav-els through the petals of Mooladhara Chakra.It is in these petals ‘PRARABDAKARMAS’of our past many lives are accu-mulated. The flame of Kundalini Shakti startsburning the prarabda karmas one by one. Atthe same time our mind joins with this blazeand gathers these karmas and then we start

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seeing the excesses of the mind. There is ev-ery possibility that this results in laughing, cry-ing, shouting, getting angry etc. There are twoShakties in each petal. one is Prakriti(Kundalini)Shakti and the second is Purusha Shakti. Forexample :- when Kundalini Shakti comes outwith “KLEEM” sound(vibration) it pours outboth KAMA and PREMA -DESIRE andLOVE. She is PARVATHI Shakti which is alsoknown as perfect and absolute love. At thesame time it pours out the desires(Kama) ofthe many past lives which were hiding on herpath of movement. There is a natural effect onthe mind of the Sadhak because these desiresgather in it and creat excesses. Therefore oneneeds to be with an able Guru for controllingthose excesses of the mind.


We can see black ShivLing shapedform in the Mooladhara Chakra (Pic.2.) We

can see a serpentlike form coiledon it. This is thelight of that ser-pent shapedform. It is like alight produced bythousand light-nings. There is

blazing heat in this. This is explosive Shakti. Ithas come out after exploding. The centre point

of that explosive Shakti is in the tail of the ser-pent shaped form(at the base of the Shiv Ling).They named it as BRAHMA GRANTHI. Theinner journey of mother Kundalini begins onlyafter BRAHMA GRANTHIBEDHANA(PIERCING). But when it startsmoving there is celebration everywhere. Thereis new dynamism(CHAITANYA) in theSadhak.

There is a fountain of love whichspreads everywhere. Even then the only powerwhich blocks her is the accumulated prarabdain the mind. Because of this her movementslows down naturally. These prarabdas areaccumulated in the petals of the Chakras. HerShakti moves in the form of a serpent by eat-ing each petal. That itself is the Kriya of thedestruction of the prarabdas. If the prarabdasare more, she may stay for a long time in oneChakra only. After destroying most of theprarabdas she moves from Mooladhara toSwadhishtana. For a Sadhaks withoutprarabdas the beauty of this movement wouldbe a time for rapture. But for a sadhak withprarabdas it might look like a very sorrowfulevent.

We are solely responsible for our sor-rows. Not the Kundalini Shakti. As theseprarabdas are gathered in us from past manylives, we should accept these difficulties asGod’s gracious gift. One cannot avoid sor-rows after being born as a human being. But

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Dear Dhyanabandhus,We have begun with the con-

struction of a new AnnapoornaHall (kitchen),

for the convenience of all whovisit the Ashram. We sincerely

request your whole-hearteddonations in cash, building

material and service.Looking forward to your

willing co-operation...

we cannot also forget the fact that it is we whoare solely responsible for that. It is our dutyand dharma to pray God for giving us enoughwill power to face all problems of life boldlyand with patience. Do not forget, we ourselvesprayed and got this present life. Having falleninto the web of desires and earning prarabdas,we ourselves are now struggling to come outof that! The moment we realise this secret ofhuman life, we become free. The prarabdas ofthis mind are created because the delusions ofmind itself.

When we are freed from these delu-sions then we get spiritual satisfaction. It isbetter if we remember the 65th Shloka of theII Chapter in Bhagawad Gita:-“PRASADE SARVA DUKHANAAM HAAVI




Meaning:- When there is inner spiri-tual satisfaction, the mind moves forward withcomplete peace. Then no sorrow will enter in-side. A person will not be hungry if he drinksAMRIT. A spiritually satisfied yogi’s intellectfights all odds and abides in God. His intellectis motionless like the flame of a candle kept ata place of calm with little breeze. He is in asteady state of SAMADHI.

A person who is unable to control hismind and senses through his intellect will cer-tainly be bound by the mundane world. A per-

son without a steady intellect is emotionless. Aperson without emotions will never get peacein his life.

When a person is not interested in adisciplined life with steady intellect thenagitation(not peaceful) itself is his relative.Moksha will never even turn its face towardsa sinful person. He will never get an iota ofpeace. How can a person get happiness whenhe is not peaceful.

Shloka 66-II Chapter of BhagawadGita:-“NAASTHI BUDDHIRA YUKTASYA NACHAA





....to be contd.

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SAINTS OF TAMILNADU II: SUNDARAR--- Ramakrishnan, Chennai Satsang

The great lineage of rishis of our country have played an importantrole in flying the flag of spirituality high as we saw in the last articleon Manikavasagar (Jan 2010). Another important seer of the Southis Sundarar, who is one among the four important saiva saints ofTamilnadu.

Sundarar had the Sakhya Bhava or the attitude of a friendtowards the Lord. He freely demanded of the Lord whatever hewanted. He did not do so with selfish desire, however. Whatever heasked for was for the sake of those who were dependent on him.He lived only eighteen years.

Sundaramurthi Nayanar was born in Thiru Navalur toSadaiyanar and Isaignaniar and was named ‘Nambi Arurar’.Sundarar was, therefore, born as Arurar. The king of that place, Narasinga Munaiyar, liked himand wanted to bring him up himself and asked for the parents’ permission. Sadaiyanar, whosemind was full of dispassion and who was not attached to anything in this world, immediatelycomplied with the king’s wish. At the proper age, the parents wanted to get their son married.Sadaiyanar sought Sandakavi Sivachariar’s consent to obtain his daughter’s hand for his son,Arurar. Sivachariar gladly agreed. But, the wedding was not to take place.

Just when the ceremony was to begin, an old Brahmin, with sacred ashes on his body,Rudraksha around his neck and matted locks on his head appeared and said: ‘This man, Arurar,is my bond-slave. I have a document to that effect executed by his grandfather. He cannotmarry.’ Sundarar and the old man had a heated argument. Sundarar asked him: ‘Who are youand from where have you come?’ To which the Brahmin replied: ‘I belong to Tiruvennai Nellur.’Sundarar called him a liar and said: ‘Come, let us go to Tiruvennai Nellur and get this disputesettled by the wise men there.’

At Tiruvennai Nellur, before an assembly of wise men the old Brahmin produced thedocument which read as follows:

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I, Aruran, the Adi Saivite of Tirunavalur, execute this bond of slavery with heart andsoul. I and my progeny for all time to come are bond-slaves to Pithan of Tiruvennai Nellur, andwe are bound to serve him by all means.

After examining the witnesses cited in the document and verifying the grandfather’ssignature, the assembly confirmed the old man’s claim. Sundarar had to accept it as God’s will.Followed by all of them the Brahmin entered the temple of Tiru Arul Turai on the pretext ofshowing them his house, and promptly vanished. Arurar understood that it was the Lord Him-self who had appeared as the old man to save him from the shackles of Samsara. He wasafflicted very much at heart that he had not recognised Him earlier. He cried aloud. The Lordappeared before him and blessed him: ‘Oh noble soul. You are already my Bhakta. You were inmy abode in Kailasa before this birth as a man. A wrong thought made you take this birth. NowI have myself come to save you.’ Even today, a pair of wooden sandals supposed to be theones worn by Lord Siva is kept in the sanctum.

In his previous incarnation Arurar was Alala Sundarar, who was an ardent devotee ofLord Siva. When the Milky Ocean was being churned by Devas and Asuras, a deadly poisonbegan to spread on the surface of the ocean threatening the existence of all beings. Then AlalaSundarar collected that poison in his hand and gave it to Lord Siva, who drank it for theprotection of the world. Hence, Sundarar got the word Alala (for Halahala, the poison) pre-fixed to his name.

Once when Alala Sundarar was living by the side of Lord Siva in Mount Kailas, servingthe Lord and bringing flowers from the garden for His worship, he cast a lustful look at Aninditiand Kamalini, the attendants of Goddess Parvathi who had also gone to the garden to collectflowers for the divine Mother’s worship. They, too, fell in love with him. Lord Siva, through Hisdivine vision, understood all that had happened in the garden. He called Alala Sundarar andsaid: ‘Sundarar, since you fell in love with these girls, you and they, too, will go down to theearth and take a human birth. You will marry them and enjoy the pleasures of the world.’Sundarar wept bitterly, regretting his folly which had resulted in his separation from the Lord.He prayed to the Lord: ‘Oh Lord! It is due to my evil thought that I have to undergo thisseparation from Thee. I am afraid lest I should be steeped in ignorance and forget Thee. OhLord of mercy! Let this not happen to me. Oh Lord of compassion! Dispel my ignorance soonand take me back to Your lotus feet.’ Lord Siva granted this wish.

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There was another cause for Sundarar’s human birth. To an ordinary man it mayappear that Sundarar was a victim to lust, even in the divine realm of Kailasa. It was not so.Sundarar was only an instrument in the hands of God. It was Lord Siva’s wish that Sundararshould sing Tiru Thonda Thogai for the benefit of mankind. So, Lord Siva entered his mind andcreated a desire for these two girls. Also, the Lord wanted to teach mankind a great lesson.Lust is extremely powerful. It can delude even a great devotee of the Lord like Sundarar, if heis not ever vigilant. Maya’s charms are powerful. Unless this evil quality is burnt, the Jivacannot reach Siva. Yet another lesson. The lustful eye was the cause of Sundarar’s downfall.But, when it is used in the service of the Lord (for looking at the holy shrines, holy images ofGod, saints, and study of scriptures) the very same organ will help towards our emancipation.

Sundarar later visited a number of holy places and sang the praise of the Lord in all ofthem. He came to Adigai Virattanam, the sacred place where Appar served the LordViratteswarar and was blessed. Sundarar did not like to place his foot on the sacred groundand so stayed on the outskirts of the village.He then visited many other shrines and came toTiruvarur. As Sundarar was worshipping the Lord in the temple, he heard a heavenly voice:‘Sundarar! I have made you my friend. I prevented you from getting married. Hereafter youwill appear for ever as a bridegroom and sport on earth.’ Immediately, Sundarar became ahandsome bridegroom. People called him Tambiran Thozhar (friend of God).

In Tiruvarur, there was a chaste woman by name Paravayar who was none other thanKamalini, the attendant of Parvathi in Kailasa. Daily she would go to the temple and worshipthe Lord with faith and devotion and sing His glories. One day, she came to the temple, asusual, with her friends, to worship the Lord. At the same time, Sundarar, with his devoteesentered the temple. Prompted by past Karma, Sundarar was attracted by Paravayar’s beautyand married her.

Sundarar went out on another pilgrimage again. On the way, he was afflicted withhunger and thirst. The Lord who is the Indweller of our hearts, erected a water-shed and waswaiting for Sundarar there in the guise of a Brahmin. Sundarar and the devotees entered theshed, singing the Panchakshara. The Brahmin offered him food and water and asked him torest awhile. All of them appeased their hunger, but the quantity of the food remained the same.When they were resting, after food, the Lord disappeared. They knew that it was none otherthan the Lord Himself. Sundarar sang a song alluding to this incident.

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Later on, he went to Tiruvotriyur and stayed there for some time, worshipping the Lordthere. Aninditiyar, the other maid-servant of Parvathi in Kailasa, who had also taken a humanbirth, was now Sangilyar in Jnayiru in Thondai Nadu. Her father was Jnayiru Kizhar, a Vellalaby caste. He was also a staunch devotee of Lord Siva. He took her to Tiruvotriyur and built asmall Ashram for her there. Sundarar met Sangilyar at the temple and he wanted to marry her.They got married on the condition that Sundarar would not separate from her.

However, When Sundarar remembered about the Vasantha Utsava at Tiruvarur andstarted out, he lost his eye sight. He went from place to place and at Kancheepuram, he sangin praise of the Lord and Kamakshi and got his eye sight. He was pleased and reached Tiruvarur.At Tiruvarur, the lord himself went and told Paravayar about their previous existence and thenshe took him back.

Sundarar visited many Siva shrines in the entire region and sang in praise of the lordeverywhere. At last at Kodunkalur, the King of the area, Cheraman, received Sundarar withgreat veneration. Sundarar stayed with the king for some time. One day Sundarar visited thetemple alone and worshipped the Lord. The very sight of the Lord sent him into trance. Herolled on the ground shedding tears of God-love. He regained consciousness after a long time.He was tired of worldly existence and so requested the Lord to take him back to Kailasa. Hesang a Padigam.

The Lord, desiring to take Sundarar back to His Abode, commanded the celestials tobring him to Kailasa on a white elephant. In a Padigam he sang on this occasion, Sundararhimself reveals that this departure for Kailasa was not in his physical body, but in his spiritualbody. The physical body was discarded here in this world itself, and the elements of which itwas composed were returned to their sources. Sundarar, as before, engaged himself in Hisservice with all his heart and soul. Paravayar and Sangiliyar, being purged of their Karmas, alsoreached Kailasa and resumed their original duty as the servants of Mother Parvathi.

Sadhak: What is the easiest way to attain one-pointedness of mind ?Ramana Maharshi: The best way is to see the source of the mind. See ifthere is such a thing as the mind. It is only if there is a mind that the questionof making it one-pointed will arise. When you investigate by turning inwards,

you will find there is no such thing as mind.

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It was some time in 1960s. Sri Sathya SaiBaba of Puttaparthi was not known tomany people in Dakshina Kannada. Thosedays Ajji and Ajja came across a lady by

the name of Venkamma. She was a teacher in T.C.H College Mangalore. Venkamma spokeelaborately about Sri Baba to Ajji and Ajja. [With Love and respect, devotees address SriSathya Sai Baba as ‘Swamy’]. Ajji and Ajja became so interested in Swamy that along withVenkamma teacher they started their first journey towards Puttaparthi in 1962. They also metand received an interview with Swamy. Ajji was totally inspired by that meeting.

That inspiration itself grew with time and for the next 42 years, it helped thousands ofpeople in the form of ‘Message’ or ‘Sandesha’.

Ajji was so inspired by her meeting with Swamy that she too felt a very strong need tohelp the needy in every possible way. Till her last breath she maintained one single truth aboutthis inspiration that, ”Swamy speaks through me”. Here we have to understand that for Ajji, SriBaba, different forms of God, Guru and Saints were all the manifestations of one SINGLETRUTH. Her Swamy was that ultimate all pervading Truth which is ‘Sakar’ as well as ‘TheNirakara’

So Ajji started giving ‘Cheeti Sandesha’ in the first two years which was in 1964-65.Ajji herself wrote different answers to the questions asked by devotees in small piece of paper,folded them and spilled them before God. Then she herself picked one piece and whateveranswer was written on that was considered as the message. Everyone had the honest belief thatthe answer was given by the Lord himself and they came true as well.

In 1966-67 Ajji was giving ‘Rangoli Sandesha’. This was very unique. Ajji stood in herPooja room, she continuously hit her right big toe to the floor and her right fore-finger to the leftpalm and would go on telling the Sandesha without stopping. These Sandeshas were success-fully written down by Ajji’s daughter Jayalakshmi. Those Sandeshas contained the Spiritualknowledge and guidelines. Apart from the spiritual guidance, they also contained the poeticform of Ramayna, BalaRamayana, devotional songs and often even many unique recipes!

After a few years Ajji started giving Sandesha in the Pooja room with her focus down-wards. By 1970 Ajji was telling Sandesha at any time in any place. She was capable of answer-


Contd from previous issue...

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ing any questions asked by anyone. Ajji always spoke a language called Havyaka at home. ButSandesha was always given in Kannada. So it was easy to recognise the Sandesha. Often Ajjiwould stay quiet for a while and then would tell the answer/Sandesha starting, ‘Swamy says.....’

Ajji’s Sandesha pulled countless people towards her. People had the strong belief thatAjji’s Sandesha was Lord’s Sandesha. Sai devotees believed that Ajji’s Sandesha was indeedSai Sandesha. Hence her house was always filled with visitors. Every type of people came totake solace in Ajji’s message. She was capable of giving consolation and solution to any type ofthe trouble one was facing. Be it family related or individual, social or spiritual she listened to alland she answered all. She never denied or criticised any faith. The answers to the questionswere always according to the person’s faith. Often she herself would tell the question in theperson’s mind, [even before the person spoke] and then give the answer. Her Sandesha wasnot only for the visitors, but also for her own family. Her children were married as per theguidance of her Sandesha.

Strangely Ajji rarely remembered the question asked to her or the answer given. None-theless her concern was such that she often asked, ’ What did Swamy tell child? Have yougotten a satisfactory solution to your problem!?”

Often the solution included NamaSmaran [chanting Lord’s name] or reading Stothrasby observing some discipline. In many cases Swamy told Ajji to perform all that on behalf of thesufferer. Ajji must have done lakhs of NamaSmaran to help the sufferers.

All those visitors were served the way the guests were being served in their house.Everyday at least 8-10 such visitors would stay overnight. Often some visitors would get up at3-4am and ask for hot water for bathing! And yet Ajji never complained or questioned! It wasnot in her nature to feel bitter, but just to serve. Ajji’s family tried to co-operate to the possibleextent.

During those years Ajji’s house was like an Ashram where anyone could stay and doSadhana. Ajji was ever immersed in incessant NamaSmaran. She was also conducting halfhour Bhajan sessions in the evening. Entire family used to participate in this session. On everyThursday devotees from Sai organisation gathered in her house and sang Bhajans. Even onother days if the devotees had no place to conduct Bhajan sessions they gathered in Ajji’shouse and did Bhajan. Along with this numerous Akhanda Bhajans [24 hour Bhajan] were alsoorganised in her house for many years.108 SathyaNarayana Poojas were performed everymonth for many months. Apart from all these, Lalitha Sahasranama, Lakshmi Sahasranama,

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Lalitha trishathi and many such Sthothras were also being recited every day.Ajji’s followers also would stay with her for days together and chant Lord’s name

continuously or do other Spiritual Sadhanas under the direct guidance of Ajji. But Ajji neverexpected anything in return. The service was totally selfless.

Even though the financial situation wasn’t great, Ajji or Ajja never desired any kind offavour from any visitor. Ajji and Ajja never accepted any favours from the visitors, leave alonefinancial assistance, even if anyone was willing to offer.

Apart from the Poojas and Chantings, Ajji also had arranged a cot, bed and a pillowfor Swamy in her Pooja room. Mosquito net was attached to the cot. A ceiling fan would slowlyrun 24hrs in the Pooja room. Ajji personally offered bed-coffee to Swamy every morning. Thenagain she would offer breakfast. At around 10’oclock in the morning she offered juice or sweet-ened buttermilk. Then she offered Naivedya of a good meal at lunch time. On every Friday Ajjioffered very tasty Payasam[Kheer/Sweet pudding]to God, made from Rice, Bengal gram andJaggery. After offering this Payasam to Swamy she distributed it among all including the neighbours.At lunch time white rice and coconuts were offered as Naivedya. Later evening snacks anddinner too were served to Swamy. In addition, she always offered Butter and Curd to LordKrishna everyday!

Like Shabari, Ajji always tasted food before offering to God, but she never acceptedanything for herself without offering to God first. Be it food and drink or anything else, sheaccepted only after offering it to God.

As though all this glory was not enough, many miracles too were happening in Ajji’shouse. Vibhoothi[Sacred Ash] was flowing continuously from God’s photos. It had very sooth-ing smell. Ajji mixed that Vibhoothi with Vibhooti from Palani temple and distributed to theVisitors along with sugar candy as Prasadam. Although other miracles gradually stopped, Vibhootiwas given as Prasadam till end.

Ajji had often described these miracles to me. “Those days on some occasions I usedto place some sweet candys before God and start reciting Lalitha Sahasranama. By the time Icompleted the stothra, the condys would arrange themselves in the form of a necklace. Therewere occasions where sweets were created before God.”

“Once we had no helper to water the coconut and other plants in our backyard. Iprayed to God for help since the plants were drying out. After a while a lady appeared at ourdoor. She was wearing a very muddy saree, her hair looked as though she had never washed

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them. She asked me if I had any work for her. I told her to water the plants and went on with mywork. After she finished watering the plants, I gave her coffee and Dosa. She accepted veryhappily and went away. When I checked the back yard , it was so drenched in water as thoughthere had been a heavy rain few minutes ago. But the lady never returned, nor did I see heragain. And then Swamy gave a Sandesha saying ‘It was me who came to water your plants’.”

At one time Ajji and her close family travelled to Pandarapur. While they were drivingtowards Pandarapur, they saw a teenager boy standing on the road, asking them to stop thevehicle. When stopped, he asked if they were going to Pandarapur and that he knows Pandarapurvery well, so he could be of help. Since Ajji and family knew nothing about Pandarapur, theyagreed to the boy’s proposal. The boy guided them to Pandarapur, made arrangements fortheir stay, helped in performing Pooja etc. Thus he spent two happy days with Ajji’s family andjoined them on the return journey. After travelling for sometime he told them to stop the vehicleand got down from the vehicle. He asked for some money, Ajja gave 2Rs. But he demandedmore. So Ajja gave 5 more Rs and the boy said he is very happy now. Thus saying he disap-peared then and there as Ajji and family watched in amazement!

When Ajji spoke of such miracles she always maintained that they are Lord’s Leelas[Plays] and she never had the attitude that they were the title to her own glory!

By God’s grace Ajji’s health was good in those days. But with age her health toostarted to deteriorate. At the age of 48 she experienced symptoms of pre-heart attack, and shewas hospitalised for a week. Although the symptoms did not appear ever again, the doctoradvised her to take good rest and do some exercises every day. Hence Ajji’s routine becamemore relaxed and the visitor’s timings were restricted for couple of hours in the morning as wellas in the evening. But she was available all the time for those who really needed the guidance.

In 1981 Ajji was diagnosed with Tuberculosis of Spine. She was treated in the hospitalfor 3 weeks and the medication was continued for 6 more months. Even though she was curedfrom TB, the back ache, burning sensation on the spine and itching continued to trouble Ajji forthe rest of her life. Yet Ajji never complained. She remained unperturbed and ever blissful.

In 1991, Ajji fell ill again. She suffered from very high fever and general weakness.While suffering from high fever, one morning Ajji had not got up even after sunrise. When Ajjawent to see what was wrong, she was lying unconscious on the bed. Ajja had no idea when shelost consciousness. Ajja and the cook couldn’t lift Ajji, so Ajja informed elder son to comeimmediately. By the time son Krishna and his wife arrived, Ajji was still lying unconscious. She

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was hospitalised imme-diately. No one reallyhad any hopes that shewould survive. But sheregained consciousness,recovered well in thehospital and she lived for13 more years.

About her ail-ments Ajji had told me,“Child, when the painand burning sensationbecomes too much tobear with, I pray toSwamy to take away mylife. But Swamy says,‘Not yet, you need to beof help to many morepeople. So shall I take allyour ailments and giveyou complete health?’Then I say, No Swamy Ishall experience and fin-ish off my Prarabdakarmas”.

We will learn moreabout Ajji’s nature

and her personality,in the next issue.

to be contd...

There is a wonderful littlestory about two monkswho lived together in a

monastery for many years; they were great friends. Then they diedwithin a few months of one another. One of them was reborn in theheaven realms, the other monk was reborn as a worm in a dungpile. The one up in the heaven realms was having a wonderful time,enjoying all the heavenly pleasures. But he started thinking abouthis friend, "I wonder where my old mate has gone?" So he scannedall of the heaven realms, but could not find a trace of his friend.Then he scanned the realm of human beings, but he could not seeany trace of his friend there, so he looked in the realm of animalsand then of insects. Finally he found him, reborn as a worm in adung pile... Wow! He thought: "I am going to help my friend. I amgoing to go down there to that dung pile and take him up to theheavenly realm so he too can enjoy the heavenly pleasures andbliss of living in these wonderful realms."

So he went down to the dung pile and called his mate. Andthe little worm wriggled out and said: "Who are you?", "I am yourfriend. We used to be monks together in a past life, and I havecome up to take you to the heaven realms where life is wonderfuland blissful." But the worm said: "Go away, get lost!" "But I amyour friend, and I live in the heaven realms," and he described theheaven realms to him. But the worm said: "No thank you, I amquite happy here in my dung pile. Please go away." Then the heav-enly being thought: "Well if I could only just grab hold of him andtake him up to the heaven realms, he could see for himself." So hegrabbed hold of the worm and started tugging at him; and the harderhe tugged, the harder that worm clung to his pile of dung.

Do you get the moral of the story? How many of us areattached to our pile of dung?

THE WORM--- Govind Acharya’s Collection

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--- Banumati, Chennai Satsang

Jayadevar’s Ashtapathi is said to be the ancient form of SringaaraKaavyams. These songs describe the celestial love between Radha and Krishna (jeevatma &Paramatma). First Jayadevar describes the Dasaavathaarams of Lord Krishna. Then he de-scribes the Vasantha Ruthu (Spring season, characterized by a clear sky, lovely breeze andflowering plants.)Afterwards he elaborates the Raasleela of Lord Krishna. Krishna (the su-preme) is united with every Gopi and dances with each Gopi according to the divine inner tune.In their union with God, the Gopi’s forget about themselves. When the Gopi’s get involved withtheir minds, then Krishna disappears and makes them cry for his arrival. They suffer the pangsof separation (Viraha).

Like the other Gopi’s, Radha too suffered the pangs of separation from Krishna. Sheeagerly waits for him, after making a lot of preparation to meet him. She brings sweets andbutter from her home to give Krishna. She prepares a garland, to decorate his neck, andcollected lot of flowers to offer at his feet. With a lot of dreams and hope she was waiting forhim to come. But Krishna did not turn up that evening. He visited some other Gopi’s house. Shewas totally annoyed, and preferred to stay alone in the garden. She requested her friend to goand explain to Krishna about her plight and to bring Him to her. She remembers the good olddays, how she spent the evenings with Lord Krishna. She also requested her friends - thecloud, tree, birds and cows, to explain her state of plight to Lord Krishna and request him tocome and meet her.

Radha’s friends go to lord Krishna, explain her position and plead God to pleaseRadha, by his presence before her. They explained that Radha’s condtion was becoming worse.In-fact, she started blabbering like a mad person when she imagined her Krishna being in thecompany of other Gopi’s. She became very weak and was not able to move from one place toanother. Explaining thus, they requested him to go to Radha. So, he visited Radha in the earlymorning hours. By that time she was in the highest pain of separation and she scolded Krishna,

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“Do not come here. Go to the same place where you spent the previous night.” (“YAAHIMAADHAVA”17TH Ashtapathi). Krishna silently went back. Radha’s friends criticized herangry mood, which made Krishna disappear. Her friend advises her to behave well, when hecomes next time. Radha also realized her mistake and repents.

Next day, Krishna arrives, and smiling at Radha, He apologizes for not visiting her. Hetries to make up by promising her that he would never leave her side henceforth. He first vowedon fire that he would not leave her side. But Radha, refused this promise as the fire will obeyKrishna’s Sudarshan Chakra only. Secondly Krishna vowed on the snake, yet that too was notagreeable to her, since Krishna is always resting on the snake and at times dancing on it too.Finally he says he will vow on the Devas; she refuses that also, since Krishna dwells as oneamong the Devas. Now Krishna does not know how to convince her. Then he catches hold ofher feet and requests her pardon.

While writing all the above incidents, Jayadevar got stuck up here, as he was not ableto digest that Lord Krishna, the supreme is falling at the feet of Radha. Being unable to continuewith the Ashtapathi further, He stops writing here and proceeds to bathe. Padmavathi, ob-served that her husband is going to bathe and therefore she attends her routine work. Aftersome time she heard the voice of her husband calling her. He ordered her to bring the Astapathisong, in order to complete the verse. (Lord Krishna himself came as jayadevar). He said thatwhile going to the river to bathe, he remembered some words and wanted to complete the songbefore he forgets. She brought the incomplete Astapathi to him. He sat on a wooden swing, andcompleted the song. (samakarana mantalam, mama sarsa mantalam 19th shloka).

Now after returning from his bath, Jayadevar takes the incomplete Ashtapathi, andnotices that the particular verse was completed, stating that Lord Krishna seeks the pardon ofRadha by keeping his head at her feet. He was surprised to see that the poem was completed.He had planned to omit the incident of the lord falling at the feet of Radha, but it appeared as itis. He asked Padmavathi, “who has written these words?”. She replied that “you only came justfew minutes back and completed the verse.” But he refused and said that he was coming homeonly now only after bathing at the river. Padmavathi replied in surprise “you only called me insuch a sweet voice and ordered me to bring the verse; and in front me you sat on that swing andcompleted the verse. No one knows about your poem. You never reveal it to anybody. So theonly person who has heard your song is Lord Krishna who is dwelling in your heart. ThenJayadevar realized that it was God only, who came and completed the verse. He was so happy

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and praised Padmavathi that she had seen God who sat right in front of her and completed thepoem. Jayadevar also considered Padmavathi as the most fortunate, because the Lord calledher by name. Padmavathi replies saying, “Even God has appeared before me as you (Jayadevar)only. So Pathi (Husband) seva is most important. I have seen you as the Lord from day one.You are my ultimate.”

After this both of them used to spend their time singing the Ashtapathi daily. SometimePadmavathi used to dance according to the music (Ashtapathi) sung by Jayadevar. One day,while Padmavathi was dancing for the pangs of separation (viraha), Jayadevar was not satisfiedwith her bhava (feeling). Padmavathi explains that, in dance there are navarasas (9 forms ofexpressing feelings), which can be exhibited easily. But among them, the pain of separation isvery difficult to exhibit. Jayadevar then told her that one can reach God with the help of the mindonly. Mind can do wonders. He tells her “Please raise your bhava (feeling). Think that you areRadha only. Completely forget the other surroundings. Totally become Radha, and then it willbe easy for you to feel the pain of separation from Lord Krishna.” After hearing this she imme-diately raised her mind to the level of Radha and thus became Radha herself. She attainedrealization at that very moment itself. By becoming Radha, she felt the pain of separation fromGod. She fell on the ground, breathless. Her bangles broke away from her hand. She whis-pered the Lord’s name. Now Jayadevar understood her state. He becomes the friend of Radhaand consoles her. He gave her a lot of hope that Krishna will be coming back to her soon.Padmavathi had seen the Supreme Lord Krishna, who is always dwelling in her heart.

The King accepted Jayadevar as his Guru and takes him to the palace. One day he tellsJayadevar about his desire that he wants to go for Yatra along with him. Jayadevar consents andthey proceed for Yatra. The queen and Padmavathi stay in the palace. After a few days whenboth the Queen and Padmavathi were sitting at the top of the palace and enjoying the nature,they saw a burial ground where the body of a male was being burnt. The wife of that personalso jumped in the pyre. After seeing the incident, the queen said that it was difficult job, andappreciated the act of the wife. But Padmavathi disagreed saying that the woman’s breath wasstill running, after hearing the news of death of her husband, and so the woman’s act was not upto the mark. After hearing the comments of Padmavathi, the queen wanted to test her. Shewaited for a few days, and one morning said to Padmavathi that she heard the news from theking, that her husband Jayadevar died during the yatra. Soon after hearing the news, Padmavathi

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Name of the cowBhagya


Adopted byShri ChandrashekarSmt. Vimala Shekar

left her body. Nowthe queen realizedher mistake. Exactlyat that time, both theKing and Jayadevarreturned to the pal-ace. The queen con-fesses the truth to herhusband and seekshis pardon. WhenJayadevar came toknow about thedeath of Padmavathi,He said that shewould not die with-out his permission.So, he goes near thebody and sings theAshtapathi, whichwas written by God.Soon her body be-comes active andshe returns to normallife.Thus Padmavathi’slife is an example forthe housewives. Shehas shown the way tolead the family life.***************

Both husband and wife Shri Chandrashekar and Smt. VimalaShekar are employed in Canara Bank. Since both have come fromfamilies with agricultural background, naturally they have lots of lovefor cows from their childhood itself.

This breed of Cow(Kapila) is on the road to extinction. Hence,Poojya Guruji, Ashram and Gaumala are taking measures, to breedand protect this type of cow. After seeing this husband and wife teamtook a decision to adopt one of that breed. They like God and medi-tation since their younger days. They are members of our Ashram forthe past 3 years. They have attended both Kriya Yoga and BeejamantraCamps conducted by the Ashram. Poojya Guruji has blessed them.Gaumala has blessed them. We all pray that their life is full of peaceand contentment.


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********** FILL IN THE MISSING NUMBERS **********

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Answers: Previous Issue (Animal pictorial Crossword)1) Gorilla, 2) Koala, 3) Bear, 4) Rabbit, 5) Tiger

TRIANGLESThe figure shown below is made from six line segments of the same length. How manytriangles are formed by the six line segments?

Send your answers with a complete explanation to [email protected]

A bear walks onekilometre south, one

kilometre east, and onekilometre north. At thatpoint the bear is back

where it started.What colouris the bear?

A bird walks onekilometre south, one

kilometre east, and onekilometre north. At thatpoint, the bird is backwhere it started from.What is the colour of

the bird?

Hint:Certain birds

and animals arefound only in

certainlocations in the


Find a different figure that produces the same no. of equilateral triangles and that is also madefrom exactly six line segments of the same length.

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Q : What is the relationship between Shoonya(Void), Brahma Granthi Bhedana & KundaliniShakti?A: There is a very close relationship between all these. Perhaps this is what scientists call asBlack Hole. There is everything in this Shoonya. It is not darkness only. Our Cosmos’s onlyAtma is in this Shoonya. When Kundalini gets awakened Brahma Granthi Bhedana takesplace at the base of a Shivling like form. Chaitanya Shakti flows out in the form of a serpent.This is Kundalini Shakti, this is awakened aadhyatmic shakti and this itself is Cosmic Shakti.Q : Is it necessary to ascend only after each of the seven chakras starting from Mooladharachakra, are awakened one by one? Or can any one of the chakras be awakened?A: Because of the past lives ‘prarabdas’ some peoples some of the chakras may have gotawakened during their birth itself. It will be beneficial for them to awaken the remainingchakras in their order. But any one chakra can also be awakened independently. Generally,dhyanies concentrate their mind on the Anahata chakra and meditate. It is possible that overa period of time their anahata chakra will get awakened. It is not wrong to do so, we mayadd.Q : How is the Kundalini of a steady and perinnial dhyanie?A: A steady and perinnial dhyanie’s outer body may look spiritless. But internally, Chaitanyaalways flows in that person.Q : What are the benefits of Kriya Yoga?A: Good health and the unity of the mind and intellect pushes the sadhak of Kriya Yoga intodhyana without being aware of it. Kriya Yogi becomes a disciplined soldier unaware. It is notpossible to practice Kriya Yoga for a person without discipline. It very easily takes us into astate of SAMADHI. He lives for long as he attains good health and peace of mind. Eventoday there are many Kriya Yogies who are more than 100 years of age living a blissful lifein the Himalayas.Q : Is Kapala Bhathi a Kriya? Why Kapala Bhathi takes one into a State of unawareness?A: Kapala Bhathi is a Kriya. When we practice this all the impurities in the lower abdomenget thrown out. When the pressure is more on Swadhishtana and Manipura chakras mind

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becomes Shoonya. We may reach this statewhen we do more than 1000 Kapala Bhathis.This is related to Kriya Yoga No.1.Q : What is PURUSHARTHA ? Is there anyimportace for this in Yoga?A: “PURA” also means a town. Here it ismeant and used as a humanbody(ARTHYATHE YOCHYATHE ITHI)Artha can be explained as desire or wish.Those desires which are natural to a humanbeing are called as PURUSHARTHAS. It isdivided into four parts DHARMA, ARTHA,KAMA and MOKSHA.DHARMA: It no longer means as it was knownbefore. It really has a true and deep meaning.Those who do not know this have changedDHARMA recording to their conveniences.Today ‘Schools of thought’(PANTHA) arewrongly called as dharma. The schools ofthought and dharmas created by human be-ings will not last forever. They will be ruinedone day. The natures is discipline which liveswith the immortal TRUTH of the cosmos canbe described as DHARMA. Today everycaste, religion, school of throught have ac-cepted yoga. All countries in the world haverecognised Yoga. This is real DHARMA. Sincethis is born out of PRAKRITI it doesn’t getdestroyed.ARTHA: True ARTHA is to earn for a decentliving like-for eating, for clothing , for a houseand for a vehicle earning more than what is

needed for a comfortable living would leadto mishaps. That which is earned by truth anddharma for living a fairly comfortable life wouldbe truly ARTHA with DHARMA.KAMA : The desires of the mind and sensesare called KAMA. Fulfilling desires isDHARMA, ARTHA , KAMA. It is not realliving if we fulfil the desires of the stomachonly. To take forward the beauty of living oneneeds to eat and desires need to be fulfilled.We have to live, so that God’s creation cancontinue. To live we have to eat. This itselfshould be our way of living.MOKSHA: Our mind which is entangled withdesire, attachment and aspiration has to getliberated from these. A mind without desireswill never be reborn. Such a mind will neverhave sorrows. When neither any wish nor anyregret remain in the mind it attains blissfull state.Perpetual bliss is ATMA SWAROOP andPARAMATMA SWAROOP. This is the goalof human life. To reach this state a householder (sansari) should have value addedDHARMA, ARTHA and KAMA too.DHARMA: Moral values.ARTHA : One can call it as physical valuesKAMA : Values based on the mind.MOKSHA : Spiritual Values last step.Yoga gives recognition to all these. To seethat the all the above carry on according toGod’s creation is known as yoga.

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3.4.2010 : Mrityunjay Homa was conductedfrom 3 pm to 7pm. It was sponsored by Smt.Sarojini Nayak. There was SanjiviniPranayama at 7.30 pm. Later whole nightMeditation was conducted by Poojya Guruji4.4.2010 : Satchintana was conducted by theinmates of the Ashram. It was Inaugurated byPoojya Guruji at 9.30 am. About 60 peopleparticipated(Pic-1,2,3).5 to 10.4.2010 : Silence Meditation of themonth was conducted. 6 Dhyanies partici-pated in it.12 & 19.4.2010 : Public meet was con-ducted 18 and 30 persons met Poojya Gurujirespectively.14.4.2010 : Silence meditation was con-ducted between 9.30 am and 3 pm for Uni-versal peace10 to 13.4.2010 : Kundalini Beeja MantraCamp was conducted. 8 Persons participated.18.4.2010 : Kundalini Beeja MantraPunaschethana was conducted.20 to 30.4.2010 : Kriya Yoga Teachers’Camp was conducted for new teachers. 6Persons participated.26 to 30.4.2010 : Kriya Yoga camp wasconducted. 18 Persons participated (Pic-4).





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May 19th Charming ChildAadhish’s 2nd Birthday

On this wonderful occasion of Aadhish’s 2nd yearbirthday, Poojya Guruji has sent forth his personal wishes for theoverall development and progress of little Aadhish, and blessed him.The ashram inmates and dhyanabandhus meditated for Aadhish on hisspecial day wishing that God’s Blessings and Guru’s grace alwaysshower on him.

Aadhish’s affectionate parents Smt. and SriShrinath Hebbar, invoke God’s blessings in rendering ahappy and healthy life to their darling son.