Speaker: Terance L. Edwards 1 Macro-Inequities and Micro- Inequities Please sit with new or unfamiliar people “When BIG and Little Things Matter”

Speaker: Terance L. Edwards

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Macro-Inequities and Micro-Inequities. “When BIG and Little Things Matter”. Speaker: Terance L. Edwards. Please sit with new or unfamiliar people. Overview . Examine definitions and explore concepts surrounding macro-inequities, micro-inequities, and micro-affirmations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Speaker: Terance L. Edwards

Speaker: Terance L. Edwards


Macro-Inequities and Micro-Inequities

Please sit with new or unfamiliar people

“When BIG and Little Things Matter”

Page 2: Speaker: Terance L. Edwards

Overview Examine definitions and explore concepts surrounding

macro-inequities, micro-inequities, and micro-affirmations

Provide examples of macro-inequities, micro-inequities, and micro-affirmations

Explore the impact of socialization on macro-inequities, micro-inequities, and micro-affirmations

Explore what we can do to minimize the effects of macro-inequities and micro-inequities in the workplace and at home

Explain your role as an employee in promoting a non-discriminatory workplace.


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Interactive Training – We have fun!! Questions are welcomed Cell phones off or on vibrate Use “I” Statements


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A one word adjective that describes your personality


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Most will experience a micro-inequity today and not know it.

Most will experience a macro-inequity at least twice a year.

Most will provide someone today with a micro-inequity.

Most will have a “light bulb” experience before this workshop is over.

Did You Know?


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In 1973, while researching racial and gender exclusion in the workplace, Mary Rowe, Ph.D. discovered that women and people of color were bothered by subtle, seemingly harmless messages of devaluation that kept them from flourishing. Dr. Rowe coined the terms “Micro-Inequities and Micro-Affirmations”.



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What Are Micro-Inequities?

Micro-Inequities refer to the ways in which persons are “either singled out or overlooked, ignored, or otherwise discounted” (Wikipedia).

They are often terms and sayings used to infer and denigrate persons who are being mistreated.

They are covert in nature, sometimes deeply rooted, and unconscious at times.


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Small messages of prejudice. Often subconscious. Subtle in nature. Verbal or non-verbal. Change in voice pitch, volume, or rate. Change in body posture, hand movements,

and gestures, i.e., fake or forced smile. Comments about weight and dress. Comments about a person’s intellect.

What Do Micro-Inequities Look Like?


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Excluding someone from a relevant e-mail. Excluding someone from an important

meeting. Neglecting to include someone in an

introduction. Frequently mispronouncing someone’s

name. Interrupting someone while they’re

speaking. Inattention to the speaker in conversation. Listening with folded arms.

Everyday Micro-Inequities


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Identify your micro-inequities. Explore possible sources of your micro-

inequities. Consider the potential negative impact in your

workplace. Address any perceptions of inequities. Seek feedback on your behavior. Apply the “Platinum Rule”. Respect differences and learn about others. Be clear and respectful in your communications. Use Micro-Affirmations.

Eliminating Micro-Inequities


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Provide positive and constructive feedback about performance.

Seek clarification. Avoid taking what is heard at face value. Seek to understand so as to confirm or

discredit information given about groups. Be inquisitive (learn about others). Be generous in judgment of others. Speak up when something offends you. Praise for work well done in public. Use Micro-Affirmations.

Eliminating Micro-Inequities (cont)


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Learn to Communicate

The most powerful aspect of communication is not verbal communication but nonverbal. According to Diversity Inc., it is estimated that most adults receive and send anywhere between 40 to 150 micro-messages (subtle nonverbal signals) to each other in an average 10 minute conversation.

Take the time to “listen” versus “hearing” what is being said.


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Inequalities vs. Inequities An Inequality implies there is some comparison

being made. For example, if your boss provides constructive feedback to your co-workers, that in and of itself may not be an inequality. However, if your boss provides constructive feedback to all your co-workers, but not to you, that might be an inequality.

An Inequity by contrast is something (that maybe perceived to be) unfair or unjust under the circumstances. Thus inequities may occur with only one person on the scene. (However, it is possible and even likely that many inequities support or lead to an unequal environment for people of a given group, but the two concepts are different.)


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Dr. Rowe coined the phrase “Micro-Affirmation,” whichis defined as a subtle message that lets an employee know they are doing well and are expected to succeed.

Provide clear expectations for performance. Provide constructive feedback. Provide opportunities for professional

development. Be the position example. Be open to other’s ideas, comments, and

observations. Share the power. Praise for work well done in public.



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What Are Macro-Inequities?

Macro-Inequities are often terms and photos used to infer and to denigrate persons who are being mistreated.

The “In Your Face” comments and treatment that are hard to ignore and come from a place of ignorance and prejudice.


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Examples of Macro-Inequities Racial, religious, weight, sexual orientation, gender, age,

or disability slurs. Stereotyping, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Television programs that deal with controversial issues

i.e. South Park or Family Guy. Pictures and images i.e., a burning cross, a hanging

noose, swastika, etc. Some forms of advertising concerning weight or other

social issues. Postings of offensive materials on social networks. Picketing at funerals. Showing up in cultural costuming. Wearing and/or use of “Black Face”. Mimicking a person’s accent.

Note: Some forms of macro-inequities are considered protected speech.


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Everyday Macro-Inequities

Referring to persons by “them” and “those people.”

The use of the “N” word and profanity in daily conversation.

Showing images of one race in a negative light in media.

Ignoring cultural difference, needs, or sensitivities. Discounting a person because of race, religion,

sexual orientation, gender or disability. Telling someone to “shut up” etc.


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Impact of Macro & Micro-Inequities Frustration Failure to accommodate (religion or disability) Distraction from Agency mission Decreased morale Lower self-esteem Reduced productivity Lack of motivation Increased turn-over Liability Employees begin to mirror the micro-messages Broad-brush application of stereotypes Public humiliation Fractions in society and work Hostile work/home environments

(source Drop by Drop) 18

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Eliminating Macro-Inequities Identify your own biases. Explore possible sources of your macro-inequities. Consider the potential negative impact in your

workplace, community, and on your personal reputation. Address any perceptions of inequities, i.e., stereotypes. Speak up and out on the offensive conduct or behavior. Apply the “Platinum Rule”. Respect differences and learn about others. Be clear and respectful in your communications when

voicing your concerns. Use Micro-Affirmations. When necessary, confront the responsible source. (Source: Drop by Drop)


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Group Exercise

“Do Tell” Let’s divide the room into five groups, as equal as possible. While in your groups, each participant will be asked to share Macro and MicroInequities they personally observed or experienced. Let’s limit our examples to these categories: Sex Age Religion Sexual orientation Race Within your group, share your experiences, then chart a few examples along with how you dealt with it.

We will reconvene and report out by group in 15 minutes.


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15 minutes


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Inequities vs. Rudeness

Micro-Inequities have a way of boxing a person in or creating a less than cultural or working climate. They are not always conscious behaviors but are damaging.

Rude behavior occurs during a person’s interaction with someone or something (business representatives, movies, television programs, manager, or co-worker).

Macro-Inequities are done with the purpose to inflict harm and demonstrate a dislike for a class of people


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An all encompassing educational process from which beliefs, values, attitudes, and goals are acquired (Appiah, Pg. 179).

An elaborate process when individuals become distinctive and actively functioning members of the society in which they live. It is the primary method of learning one’s culture.



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Family Media Peers and friends Teachers and schools

( Anderson, Pg. 86-89)

Socialization Influences


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Responding to Unprofessional Workplaceand Cultural Behavior

Make time to discuss. Explore differences. Encourage respect. Take responsibility.


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“People Pusher” -someone who has the influence to create a negative or positive working environment. This could be a bully or a peace broker.

“People Protector” -someone who stands up for those who

are not able, willing, or feel disenfranchised. They are normally well versed in policies and procedures.

“People Pleaser” -someone who is normally the “yes”

person. They don’t question authority and are mostly submissive.

“People Pops” -someone who is just hoping not to be drawn into the fray. They are frozen like popsicles. Typically, they say nothing and remain under the radar.

Does the Shoe Fit?


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Don’t get your “Ps” crossed

Personal Professional Pain Pride Price

What you talking about Terance?


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Don’t get your “Ps” crossed

“When you allow your personal issues to affect your professional life there is bound to be pain. When our pride determines our purpose, there is usually a price to pay.”

Terance Edwards


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Never confuse the effect with the cause Acknowledge the root cause of your bias

and filters Personal behavior could cause harm to

your CYA (Career and Your Agency) Seek feedback regarding your

communication style and messaging


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Summary Socialization Micro-Inequities Macro-Inequities Intent vs. Impact Know your “Ps” Personality Types Communication


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Questions for me?


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Reference Materials Anderson, Margaret L. and Howard F. Taylor,

Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. Appiah, Anthony K. and Amy Gutman, Color

Conscious: The Political Morality of Race. Armstrong Lisa, Small Slights Big Programs Micro-

Inequities. Working Mothers (February/March 2010) www.workingmother.com.

Drop by Drop, Coastal Productions. Hinton, Eric L., Micro Inequities: When Small Slights

Lead to Huge Problems in the Workplace (May 22, 2003) Diversity, Inc.

Dr. Mary Rowe, Ph.D. Wikipedia


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Presenter Contact Information


“Excellence Through Diversity and Service”

Thank you for coming!

Terance L. EdwardsSenior EEO Program Manager

HQ, Eastern Region & Federal Air Marshal Service Operations, Analysis, & Consultative Services Branch

Civil Rights Division Office of Civil Rights, Ombudsman & Traveler Engagement

Phone: (571) 227-2346Email: [email protected]