DOI: 10.1126/science.1172974 , 1123 (2010); 328 Science , et al. Scott Fendorf and Southeast Asia Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Arsenic in South This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles ): December 8, 2011 www.sciencemag.org (this infomation is current as of The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/328/5982/1123.full.html version of this article at: including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2010/05/26/328.5982.1123.DC1.html can be found at: Supporting Online Material http://www.sciencemag.org/content/328/5982/1123.full.html#ref-list-1 , 6 of which can be accessed free: cites 50 articles This article http://www.sciencemag.org/content/328/5982/1123.full.html#related-urls 1 articles hosted by HighWire Press; see: cited by This article has been http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/geochem_phys Geochemistry, Geophysics subject collections: This article appears in the following registered trademark of AAAS. is a Science 2010 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science on December 8, 2011 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from

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Spatial and Temporal Variations ofGroundwater Arsenic in South andSoutheast AsiaScott Fendorf,1* Holly A. Michael,2* Alexander van Geen3*

Over the past few decades, groundwater wells installed in rural areas throughout the major river basinsdraining the Himalayas have become the main source of drinking water for tens of millions of people.Groundwater in this region is much less likely to contain microbial pathogens than surface water butoften contains hazardous amounts of arsenic—a known carcinogen. Arsenic enters groundwater naturallyfrom rocks and sediment by coupled biogeochemical and hydrologic processes, some of which arepresently affected by human activity. Mitigation of the resulting health crisis in South and SoutheastAsia requires an understanding of the transport of arsenic and key reactants such as organic carbon thatcould trigger release in zones with presently low groundwater arsenic levels.

“The largest poisoning of a populationin history” is how Smith et al. (1)described the health impact of el-

evated groundwater arsenic (As) concentrationsin many parts of Bangladesh. Estimates of therural population exposed to unsafe As levelsby drinking untreated groundwater in India,China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Vietnam, Nepal, andCambodia have grown to over 100 million (2).Widespread symptoms of disease in people drinkinggroundwater high inAs in some of these countriesand epidemiological studies conducted elsewherelead to predictions of a doubling of the lifetimemortality risk caused by cancers of the liver, blad-der, and lung (3, 4). Groundwater containing Asalso causes cardiovascular disease and inhibits themental development of children (5, 6).

The affected areas of South and SoutheastAsia are low-lying, topographically flat floodplainsof rivers that drain the Himalayas (Fig. 1A) (7).Unconsolidated sands underlying these floodplainshost increasing numbers of inexpensive wellsmade of polyvinyl chloride pipe with a cast-ironhandpump mounted on top (tubewells) that areinstalled to avoid drinking surface water con-taminated with microbial pathogens. Extensive, al-though by no means sufficient, testing of tubewellwater for As has been carried out in most of thecountries that are at risk, withMyanmar the glaringexception.

Within the arsenic-affected areas of South andSoutheast Asia there is extensive variation in thedepth distribution of wells (Fig. 1B). In Bangla-desh and the bordering state of West Bengal,

India, tubewells extend to depths of ~350 m com-pared to a maximum of ~100 m in Nepal, Cam-bodia, and Vietnam, owing to difference in thethickness of unconsolidated sand deposits (8).More than half the wells in at least one depthinterval in each of the five affected countries donot meet the World Health Organization (WHO)guideline of 10 mg/liter As in drinking water(Fig. 1B). There are also numerous wells con-taining <10 mg/liter As at all depths. The ex-tensive spatial variability of As concentrations atshallow depths (9–11), even within a single village,hinders comparisons among field sites and the rec-ognition of presumably common biogeochemical-hydrological processes that regulate As levels ingroundwater. The source of As is not a mystery,however; what is less clear is how the current dis-tribution of dissolved As in the subsurface reachedits current state. This review focuses on what hasbeen learned from a decade of field researchconducted in South and Southeast Asia aboutthe processes that resulted in the current dis-tribution of As in groundwater and the key

factors that will control changes in the distri-bution of As over time.

What Drives the Release ofArsenic to Groundwater?Weathering of Himalayan-derived sediment dur-ing erosion and transport leads to downstream dep-osition of As. The primary sources of As withinthe Himalayas are thought to be eroding coalseams and rocks containing sulfide minerals (12).Exposed to the atmosphere, the minerals con-tained within these deposits are oxidized, andmuch of their As content is transferred to sec-ondary phases including iron (Fe) hydroxides,oxyhydroxides, and oxides, collectively referredto as Fe oxides hereafter (13, 14). There is indeeda positive relation between As and Fe extractedfrom hundreds of sediment samples from theGanges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Mekong, and RedRiver basins (Fig. 2) (15–18). Grain-size separa-

tion of river-borne and aquifer sedi-ments has shown that the fine-grained,high–surface area fraction (<10 mm)contains five times asmuchAs as bulksediments ormica separates (9, 19–21).DestabilizingAs on these Fe oxides isnow recognized as a key step in thewidespread contamination of ground-water, with other phases possiblyplaying a subordinate role (14, 22, 23).

Arsenic is released fromFe oxidesinto groundwater as a result of twopotentially concurrent processes un-der the anoxic conditions that pre-vail in the subsurface. First, field andlaboratory evidence suggest that mi-crobial reduction of Fe(III) oxidesliberates As into the dissolved phase(23, 24). Reduction of As(V) to morelabile As(III) probably contributes tothis release but is hard to distinguish

from the reduction of Fe oxides under naturalconditions given the rates of groundwater flow.Second, dissolution of Fe oxides is accompaniedby the release of other ligands such as phosphatethat compete with As for adsorption on theremaining Fe oxide surface sites (9).

The restriction of high dissolved As concen-trations to aquifers composed of gray-colored sands,indicative of coatings of reduced or mixed-valenceFe(II+III) oxides, and the absence of elevated con-centrations from aquifers containing orange sandscoated with Fe(III) oxides (Box 1) suggest that Fe(III) reduction is a primary factor contributing tohigh As concentrations in groundwater (9, 24–28).A systematic analysis of the composition of hun-dreds of groundwater samples from the Bengal,Mekong, and Red River basins has shown thathigh concentrations of As in groundwater prevailunder advanced stages of reduction rather thanthe onset of Fe oxide reduction (29).

Microbial Fe(III) and As(V) reduction bothrequire a supply of labile organic carbon. Whenthe biological oxygen demand from the decom-


1Department of Earth System Sciences, Stanford University,Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2Department of Geological Sciences,University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716,USA. 3Lamont-DohertyEarth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964,USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected] (S.F); [email protected] (H.A.M.);[email protected] (A.v.G.)C




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position of organic carbon exceeds the rate of ox-ygen infusion, anaerobic metabolism prevails and,following nitrate andmanganese reduction, causesmicrobiallymediated reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II),as well as As(V) to As(III). Elevated groundwaterAs concentrations that broadly correspond withincreased levels of metabolic by-products ingroundwater including inorganic carbon, ammo-nium, andmethane, in addition to dissolved Fe(II),are consistent with the central role of organic-matter metabolism (18, 19, 28–30).

Where Does Arsenic Release toGroundwater Occur?There are three environmental requirements forgroundwater As concentrations to increase: watersaturation (which limits diffusion of atmosphericoxygen), a limited supply of sulfur, and a sourceof organic carbon to drive microbial dissolutionof Fe oxides. The height of the water table, typ-ically within 5 m of the surface, indicates whereoxygen supply is limited and reductive dissolu-tion can potentially be initiated (Fig. 3B). The

domain within which As can be released togroundwater is restricted in some shallow (<20m)aquifers where sulfate supplied by recharge hasnot been depleted. This is because sulfate re-duction promoted by organic carbon producessulfide that can bind As, forming sparingly sol-uble sulfides mineral that effectively remove Asfrom groundwater (13, 29). Marine-influencedareas also show inhibition of As release by sul-fate reduction along the coasts of Bangladesh (9)and Vietnam (31).

The availability of labile organic carbon as adriver of microbial reduction is possibly the mostprominent outstanding issue limiting our abilityto predict the distribution of As in groundwater.Organic carbon necessary to drive reduction ofFe(III) and As(V) can be supplied through variouspathways. One is co-deposition of plant materialwith sediments over geologic time, also referred toas an autochthonous source of carbon (9). Dis-solved organic carbon (DOC), produced by re-cent degradation of plants in modern soils or inburied peat layers and transported to a different

location by groundwater flow, could be an alter-native allochtonous supply (26, 28). The reac-tivity of organic matter needs to be considered aswell (32, 33), as indicated by dissolved inorganiccarbon typically being younger thanDOC (14, 28)and by assays of microbial decomposition (34).The relative importance of different sources oforganic carbon remains undetermined and evencontroversial (32–34).

In principle, where As is released from aquifersediment and in what quantity will depend on theamount of reactive organic carbon and availabilityof As in the sediment. Sediment with recalcitrantorganic carbon and/or As-bearing Fe oxides isexpected to release As slowly. In contrast, highlyreactive forms of both organic carbon and labilesediment-bound As should result in the strongestrelease. Field evidence from Nepal, West Bengal,Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Vietnam suggestsboth rapid, shallow release of As as well as moregradual release at depth (9, 17, 18, 25, 28, 35, 36).The available data show that the geologicalsetting likely plays an important role, but there


BNepal India (West Bengal) Bangladesh Cambodia Vietnam

Fraction of wells with >10 g/liter per depth quartile

Well water As ( g/liter)


th (




0 400 800 km




4000.3 0.6

Ganges Ganges













0.9 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9

1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000

Fig. 1. Distribution of arsenic in groundwater of South and Southeast Asia. (A)Map of four major river basins draining the Himalayas. (B) Depth distribution ofAs in groundwater determined for five affected countries. Concentrations of As

are shown on a logarithmic scale. Symbols are color-coded according to the majorriver basins shown in (A). The pink line depicts the fraction of wells that exceedthe WHO As guideline of 10 mg/liter for each depth quartile of the available data (54).

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remain notable uncertainties regard-ing rates of carbon metabolism cou-pled to As release.

The pool of labile As within aninterval of an aquifer sediment is fi-nite and can become depleted despitecontinued reduction of Fe oxides.Such a situation has been docu-mented for deeper aquifers of Bang-ladesh where dissolved As levels arelow despite elevated Fe(II) concen-trations in groundwater (16). In othersituations, the available pool of labileorganic carbon has been depleted al-though some labile As is still boundto sediment particles. Sediments de-posited prior to about 20,000 yearsago and that were well drained be-cause of incision during the last glacialsea-level low stand, for instance, con-tain limited reactive organic matter.The orange color of these oxidizeddeposits indicates that they were de-posited with a low concentration oforganic carbon or that their initialorganic carbon was oxidized during the low stand(9, 15, 16, 25, 26).

After the initial biogeochemical transforma-tions that result in As release from the sediment,adsorption on residual or newly formed aquifersolids will control dissolved As concentrations.Weaker surface complexes of As(III) and thedegradation of Fe oxides (9) mean that adsorptionis less pronounced than for As(V) in oxidizedsurface environments (37). Nevertheless, adsorp-tion of As(III) does occur within reduced aquifers,as indicated by a fairly systematic relation betweendissolved and adsorbedAs across a broad range ofconditions in Bangladesh (38). This implies thatAs transport is substantially retarded relative to

groundwater flow, even if adsorption sites may besaturated in aquifer sands under certain conditions(9, 28).

How Does Groundwater Flow Affect theDistribution of Arsenic?Groundwater flow transports dissolved As as wellas DOC, oxygen, sulfate, and competing adsorb-ates, all of which influence As concentrations.When the system is not in a steady state, eitherhydrologically or biogeochemically, As concen-trations can be expected to change over time.Groundwater flow therefore plays a key role in thecurrent distribution of groundwater As and itsevolution.

The main river basins affectedby As (Fig. 1A) share similar hy-drogeologic features, most notablya monsoonal climate and rapidsediment accumulation. Ground-water flow systems range in scalefrom the local (tens of meters) tothe regional (hundreds of kilo-meters). Studies of local-scale flowsystems (39–42), which are mostrelevant to the distribution of As inshallow aquifers, illustrate the com-plex, site-specific, and transient na-ture of natural patterns of rechargeand discharge (Fig. 3B). Further,abundant surface water bodies suchas rivers, ponds, and wetlands inter-act with the groundwater systems.Monsoonal rains and dry-seasonirrigation pumping cause reversalsin hydraulic gradients that can trans-form awater body from a source toa sink of groundwater and backover a year (39–42). Constructedponds, for instance, are numerous

in the Bengal Basin and vary in their contribu-tion to aquifer recharge (34, 39, 43), dependingon the accumulation of fine-grained bottomsediment. Such seasonally and spatially varia-ble forcing can result in highly complex ground-water flowpaths connecting recharge and dischargeareas.

High groundwater pumping can substantiallyalter natural flow patterns. In Bangladesh, the rateof groundwater pumping for irrigation is at leastan order of magnitude higher than integratedflow from hand pumps (16, 39, 44). Irrigationpumping and return flow through fields rearrangerecharge and discharge areas, increase rechargerates, andmodify regional and local flow patterns(34, 39, 44–46). Groundwater use for irrigation isgreatest in the Bengal Basin and the Terai Basinalong the southern border of Nepal, less in theRed River Basin (17), and least in the MekongRiver Basin (41). Because elevated As concen-trations are observed in all these areas (Fig. 1B),processes associated with irrigation pumping,though potentially important, cannot be the onlytrigger of As release to groundwater.

The time since recharge, or groundwater age,is also an important factor that influences ground-water As concentrations. Groundwater age, mea-sured by two different radioactive clocks, rangesfrom less than 1 year to a few decades in shallow(<20m deep) aquifers in Bangladesh and Vietnamand from centuries to thousands of years in deeperstrata of Bangladesh (50 to 400m deep) (Fig. 3A).The vertical gradient in groundwater ages reflectsregional flow systems and flowpaths that linkdistant recharge and discharge areas beneath morevigorous shallow and local groundwater circula-tion (Fig. 3B). Irrigation water is typically drawnfrom shallow (<100 m) depths and may be partlyresponsible for the pronounced difference in agebetween shallow and deeper aquifers (39, 45).






0 2 4 6 8 10

Extractable As (mg/kg)









Vietnam (18)

Vietnam (50)

Fig. 2. Relation between As and Fe concentrations for a suite of sediment samplesfrom three countries based on different extraction methods (9, 14, 18, 50).

Box 1: The color of aquifer

sands is a useful visual indicator

of the redox state of an aquifer.

(Bottom) Orange sands from

Vietnam indicate the presence

of Fe(III) oxides that are

consistently associated with

low- As water, whereas gray

sands with reduced or mixed-

valence Fe(II+III) oxides (top)

are often, though not always,

associated with higher dissolved

As. Sand color has been used by

drillers to target low-As

groundwater in spatially

heterogeneous aquifers. [Photo

courtesy of Benjamin Bostick]

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Within the river basins considered here, thehighly variableAs concentrations in young ground-water in shallow strata may be due to differencesin topography on multiple scales. Slightly ele-vated, often coarse, sandy deposits appear to beassociated with lower As concentrations inBangladesh and Cambodia (47–49). Such obser-vations suggest that rapid recharge through thesedeposits locally inhibits the release of As, pos-sibly by supplying oxygen, nitrate, or sulfate asalternatives to Fe oxides for oxidizing organiccarbon (34, 48). Similar processes prevent releaseof arsenic in water recharged through rice fieldbunds (34). In contrast, low-lying areas in theriver basins are typically covered with finer-grainedsediment, frequently flooded, and associated withhigh dissolvedAs concentrations at shallow depths.Rapid release of As under these conditions isattributed to co-deposition of labile carbon andAs-bearing Fe oxides in the seasonally saturatedsurface sediments (18, 30), infiltration of rechargewith abundant DOC (17, 39), or simply slow flowof water through As-releasing sediment (48).

Along the pathway of groundwater flow,changes in As concentration will depend on localpartitioning (adsorption/desorption) with the sed-iment as well as reductive release. Arsenic can bereleased from the sediment and eventually flushedfrom the aquifer in areas where the concentrationof As in inflowing water is below that dictated bypartitioning, even within reduced gray sands de-pleted in Fe(III) (38). Along anaerobic, shallow

flowpaths containing organic carbon, As concen-trations typically increase. This is consistent with acorrelation between As and groundwater age orflow rate within shallow aquifers (21, 40), andwith As plumes that originate from natural wet-lands high in organic carbon (18, 30) or con-structed ponds (34). The subsurface maximum ingroundwater As frequently observed within shal-low gray reduced aquifers is likely the result oflayering of groundwater flow having differentevolutionary histories. High-As groundwater indi-cates a plume evolved from active Fe/As reductivedissolution/desorption; low-As water can reflectflowpaths that lack Fe/As reduction, secondaryAs-sulfide precipitation, various extents of sedi-ment flushing, ormixing near irrigationwell intakes(16, 28, 34, 38, 45).

How Vulnerable Are Low-Arsenic Zones?Low-As zones within the aquifer systems of theaffected basins are rarely distinct aquifers and canbe associated with reduced gray [Fe(II) domi-nated] or oxidized orange [Fe(III) dominated]sands (16). Zones of low dissolved As occur ingray sands where As is removed by sulfide (13)and along flowpaths where adsorbed As has beenflushed by sustained recharge or has never beenreleased (16, 38). Low-As zones associated withoxidized orange sands are often deeper (>100 m)but, depending on the local geology, are occa-sionally preserved at shallower depths (9, 10, 50).Groundwater is typically anoxic throughout the

affected region, even within orange sand de-posits. The vulnerability of shallower and deeperlow-As zones to human perturbation must be un-derstood because millions of households inBangladesh have switched their consumption toa nearby low-As well identified by testing in thefield (51).

Low-As zones can be protected against in-trusion of high-As groundwater by favorablehydraulics or geochemical processes. Hydraulicprotection occurs where the source area that con-tributes water to a particular zone is not high indissolved As or solutes that can mobilize As.Geochemical protection occurs because of As ad-sorption or precipitation (e.g., As-bearing sulfides).Experiments and modeling indicate that break-through of As through 10 m of orange sands maylag groundwater flow by hundreds of yearsbecause of adsorption (37).

Shallow low-As zones are particularly vul-nerable to As invasion owing to complex and rapidflow combined with the patchy distribution ofdissolved and solid-phase As (Fig. 3B). Theadsorption capacity of gray sands that prevail atshallow depths is lower than that of orange sandsand further contributes to the vulnerability ofshallow low-As zones. A primary threat is ad-vective transport from adjacent high-As zonesbecause groundwater flows much more easilylaterally than vertically through stratified sediments.

Deeper groundwater (>100m deep) is moreuniformly low in As (Fig. 1B) and already a

Transfer of As fromsulfide to Fe oxide

by weatheringRelease of As from Fe oxidesto groundwater

by reductionTrapping of Asat oxic interfaceduring discharge Wet season


Fe(III) + As(V)

Fe(II) + As(III)

Fe(II) + As(III)

Saline groundwater

Dry seasonwater table

SO42- S2-

As trapping bysulfate reduction

Potentially sustainablelow-As tubewell



Regional groundwater flow

Flushing decreasesmobilizable

As pool

As sorbs more stronglyto orange Fe(III) oxidesthan to gray sediments



SO42- S2




th (


Groundwater (years)

As (μg/liter)






14C3H - 3He


<10 >10

101 102 103 104 105100

Fig. 3. (A) Depth distribution of groundwater ages in Bangladesh de-termined by either the 3H-3He method (red symbols) or radiocarbon in thosecases where 3H was measured and not detected (blue symbols) (54).Concentrations of As were not reported for three deep samples shown as

light blue circles but are likely to be low; the age of samples shown as graycircles is uncertain owing to their low 3He content. (B) Conceptual diagrammodified from (9) showing the key processes affecting the distribution of As ingroundwater.

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widely used and potentially sustainable source ofsafe water in certain portions of the Bengal Basin.Hydraulic protection of deep groundwater requiresgeologic separation of high- and low-As strata or aregional flow system in which the recharge locationis low in As. Deep, regional systems likely occur inmuch of the Bengal Basin despite low regionalhydraulic gradients because of its large extent,depth, and extreme vertical heterogeneity (44, 52).Hydraulic gradients in the Mekong (41), Red River(42), and Terai basins are similarly low, but thebasins are smaller and shallower, and thusmay havemore limited regional flow. Numerical modeling ofgroundwater flow in the Bengal Basin (44) hasshown that hydraulic protection may last for at least1000 years in much of the As-affected area if wellsare deeper than 150mand pumping rates fromdeepaquifers are limited to domestic supply. In contrast,deep pumping for irrigation occurs at order-of-magnitude higher rates compared to hand pumpsand could induce much earlier and larger-scaledownward migration of As (44).

Human-induced changes have and will con-tinue to threaten low-As zones. Whereas hydrau-lic heads and flow velocities respond quickly tochanges in physical forcing, solute concentra-tions require a period at least equivalent to thegroundwater residence time to reach a new equi-librium. This applies in particular to shallow aqui-fers where the duration of human-induced change,such as irrigation pumping or the digging ofponds, has been approximately equivalent to theresidence time of groundwater (39). Raising vil-lages above flood level using low-permeabilityclay also creates a cap that inhibits recharge andcould lead to a buildup of As in shallow aquiferspreviously suitable for drinking (49). Transportof reactive DOC by irrigation pumping into azone of either gray or orange sands that currentlylacks a source of organic matter could also lead tothe onset of reductive dissolution and As releaseinto groundwater (28, 34).

Where hydraulic protection does not exist,in shallower strata or where pumping rates arehigh, a zone may remain low in As for extendedperiods because of retardation by adsorption (37).The delay in the appearance of elevated levels ofAs should decrease with increasing velocity andincrease with flow distance, particularly throughorange sands. The lower rate at which water isdrawn from a community hand pump is thereforepreferable to a mechanized pump connected to apiped-water supply system.Where feasible, wellsshould extend as deep as possible into deeporange sands rather than into gray sands or shalloworange sands. These recommendations are con-sistent with the outcome of monitoring a set ofhand-pumped community wells in Bangladeshduring which a few increases in As concentrationswere recorded during the initial years (mostly inwells <60 m deep) and none since (53).

Priorities for the FutureThe laterally and vertically heterogeneous dis-tribution of As has one advantage—many vil-

lagers in the affected regions live within walkingdistance of a well that is low in As or withindrilling distance of such a zone. Governmentsand international organizations should thereforereinvigorate moribundwell-testing campaigns andencourage periodicmonitoring of wells using fieldkits. Better use should also be made of existinggeological data and compiling test results to targetthose zones that are low in As for the installationof community wells. Even if wells tapping deeperstrata are more likely to be hydraulically andchemically protected, tens of thousands of deepwells installed throughout Bangladesh (51) shouldbe retested, which currently happens rarely.

As outlined in this review, the downside ofpatchiness is poor predictability and potentialsensitivity of those aquifers that are low in As tochanges in flow and/or related biogeochemicalreactions.At a limited number of judiciously selectedlocations, analysis of organicmatter andAs reactivityshould therefore be coupled with more detailedevaluation of the local hydrology. Another topicthat deserves closer study is the viability of ruralpiped-water supply systems, currently favored bysome governments and international organiza-tions, as opposed to community hand pumps.Mech-anized pumps concentrate deep pumping and aremore likely to draw in high-Aswater from shalloweraquifers.

Every effort should be made to prevent irri-gation by pumping from deeper aquifers that arelow in As. The accumulation of As in paddy soiland rice grains is a source of concern, but deepaquifers should not be compromised by abstrac-tion for irrigation. This precious resource must bepreserved for drinking—themost direct and efficientroute of exposure to As.

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World Bank and M. A. Sampson, founder and directorof RDI International, Cambodia (deceased 19 March2009), for help in organizing the AGU Chapmanconference held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, in March 2009that resulted in this review. Travel support for theconference was contributed by the Woods Institute for theEnvironment at Stanford University and the EuropeanUnion Asia-Link CALIBRE Project. We also acknowledgeresearch funding by the Environmental Venture Projectsprogram of Stanford’s Woods Institute for theEnvironment and the Stanford NSF EnvironmentalMolecular Science Institute (NSF-CHE-0431425) (S.E.F.),the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Agency forInternational Development, the British Department forInternational Development, and UNICEF (H.A.M.),National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences SRPgrant 1 P42 ES10349, NIH FIC grant 5 D43 TW05724,and NSF grant EAR 0345688 (AvG). We thank R. Beckie,G. Breit, C. Harvey, J. Lloyd, and an anonymous reviewerfor helpful comments. This is Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory contribution no. 7355.


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