Spandan Interim Report Sec-E

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  • 8/9/2019 Spandan Interim Report Sec-E


    An Interim Report on

    A study on HR Practices followed

    In the Telecom Sector

    Submitted By

    Sec. E


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    Table of Content


    Particulars Page No.Acknowledgement 3.Abstract 4.

    Introduction 5.Industry Overview 6.Project Overview 8.Objectives, Methodology & Limitations 9.

    HR Practices understood 10.Road ahead 14.Annexure 15.Bibliography 19.

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    Generally the art of appreciation takes the form of Thank you. But it is always less with

    respect to the help & guidance provided. For me, those words are always insufficient when itcomes to appreciate the given help.

    We would like to thank Prof. Y K Bhushan Director, IBS Mumbai for providing us theopportunity to work upon such a practical study. We would like to thank the Spandan team;for providing us the chance to understand the basics of business activities & exposure regardingHR practices & Research work.

    Date :

    Place :


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    Human Resource considered as an asset of the organization; needs to be managed as to ensure

    the optimum utilization of the same. There are various functions which fall in the gamut of Human Resources Management.\

    This Project deals with understanding the best HR practices followed in the various telecomcompanies. It deals with finding out the recruitment parameters, Training Needs to increase thePerformance of individuals, and the remuneration and incentives provided. The project alsofocuses upon the broader aspect of practices followed towards employee satisfaction, career growth opportunities and grievances handling mechanism.

    A Research based analysis would be done to understand the various HR practices. Secondaryresearch & Literature review would help in understanding the fundamentals of HR functions &various practices which can be adopted to execute the functions.

    A primary research would lead to the data collection about the practices which the variouscompanies have selected to execute the functions of HR. The same would also help in definingthe Best practices

    The research would be followed by providing some valuable Recommendations which wouldhelp to improve the HR functioning done in the Companies in the Telecom sector.


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    Industry Overview

    The telecom sector has registered tremendous growth over the years. As aresult, India has become the third largest telecommunication network in theworld. The subscriber base is increasing manifold which is about 635millions and the country has emerged as the fastest growing telecommarket in the world. After the liberalization process and end of the licenceRaj politics; a conducive environment for flourishing Telecom sector hasbeen established.

    Trends in telecom subscriber base and Teledensity in India

    The FDI inflow in the telecom sector has taken a centre stage due to lowpenetration levels in rural areas, strong economic growth and easyavailability of skilled resources. Stiff competition has played vital role insteep declining call rates and handset cost. Companies are developinginnovative marketing strategies for consistence growth because saturationpoint has not come in the market scenario.


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    The Department of Telecommunications (DOT) under the Ministry of

    Communications department is responsible for formulating thedevelopmental policies; granting licenses for various telecom services;promoting standardization, research and development as well as privateinvestment in the sector. As per proposed regulations 74% to 100% FDIpermitted for various telecom services .

    Market Shares of various telecom players

    The major players operating in different telecom circles across the nationare providing voice, non-voice and value added services . In this marketscenario the major telecom players are consistently working upon theirorganizational effectiveness to sustain in the long run of operation. Hencethe aim of the study is to epitomise on their HR best practices and to comeup with innovative solutions


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    Project Overview

    HRM is the function performed in organizations that facilitates the mosteffective use of people (employees) to achieve organizational and individualgoals.

    HRM is a vast function of management & deals with

    Acquiring Employees Developing Employees Motivating Employees Retaining Employees

    HRM focuses on various functions like Managerial Functions Operative Functions Human Resource Development Functions Compensation Management & Grievance Handling Employee Relations

    There are various practices which can be adopted to execute the abovementioned functions. The project deals about understanding practicesfollowed to execute the functions of HR like Recruitment, selection &Induction, Training & development, Performance appraisal & management,compensation & reward management, grievance handling mechanism etc.

    The main purpose of the study is to extract as much information as possiblepertaining to the HR best practices. The exciting aspect is to discover someunique practices followed in some companies and how they areimplemented, and thus to ascertain any new and upcoming trends.


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    Objectives of the Study

    To gain proper understanding of HR practices in various companies.

    To study the HR policies and practices of telecom companies. To analyze the data collected from both primary and secondary research. To provide recommendation and solution on the research conducted

    about the specific companies.

    Research methodology

    Primary Research is the first data which is collected through visitingvarious telecommunication companies. In this aspect a detailed

    questionnaire has been prepared different telecom companies will be visited

    which includes Vodafone, Airtel, Reliance Telecom, Spice, Videocon, Idea

    Cellular, Tata Indicom, Aircel , BSNL,MTNL & Uninor.

    Secondary Research is done from various data which are already

    collected by different sources and is used for our research. Different sources

    such as internet and publications are taken into consideration for the same


    1. Obtaining access to different HR personnel of all the targeted companies.

    2. Not all the information required from the questionnaire may be revealeddue to companys privacy policies.

    Human Resource Practices Understood


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    What is Human Resource (HR)..??

    Human resource is a term used to describe the individuals who comprise theworkforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labour economicsto, for example, business sectors or even whole nations.Human resources is also the name of the function within an organizationcharged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies andpractices relating to the management of individuals (i.e. the humanresources). This function title is often abbreviated to the initials HR.What are HR Practices..??

    Human resource practices are systems of codified decisions, established byan organisation, to support administrative personnel functions, performancemanagement, employee relations and resource planning.Each company has a different set of circumstances, and so develops an

    individual set of human resource practices for different HR functions.Why HR Practices..??

    HR practices allow an organisation to be clear with employees on: The nature of the organisation What they should expect from the organisation What the organisation expects of them How practices and procedures work What is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour

    The consequences of unacceptable behaviourHR practices can also be very effective at supporting and building thedesired organisational culture.For example Recruitment and retention practices might outline the waythe organisation values a flexible workforce, compensation practices mightsupport this by offering a 48/52 pay option where employees can take anextra four weeks holidays per year and receive less pay across the year.

    Flow of the Study undertaken

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    Compensation & Rewards ManagementCompensation is the remuneration received by an employee in return forhis/her contribution to the organization. It is an organized practice thatinvolves balancing the work-employee relation by providing monetary andnon-monetary benefits to employees.

    Training & Development

    Training is also an organized procedure for increasing the knowledge andskills of people for a specific purpose. It helps the trainees acquire newskills, technical knowledge, and problem-solving ability etc. It also gives anawareness of the rules and procedures to guide their behaviour therebyimproving the performance of employee on present job and prepares themfor taking up new assignments in future.

    Training can be given on the job as well as off the job. The companyspractices decide which training type is implemented in the organization.

    Performance Appraisal

    Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behaviour of employees in the work spot including both quantitative and qualitativeaspects of job performance. A process in which employees strengths andweaknesses are identified to improve the performance on the present andfuture jobs. Performance appraisal is a systematic review of individual or agroups performance on the job.

    There are various methods for the performance appraisal which can be

    adopted like 360 degree appraisal, interview based appraisal etc. moreoverthe frequency of the appraisal also depends upon the practice followed bythe company.


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    The Road Ahead

    After understanding the various HR practices which can be followed toexecute the various functions of HR; the next step would be to collect the

    data with regards to which of the various practices are actually followed bythe companies of the Telecom sector.

    To collect the primary data; a questionnaire is prepared; which includesquestions with regards to practices followed.

    The designed questionnaire is attached in the Annexure.

    The further step would be to analyze the practices followed by thecompanies & come up with the best practices which can be suggested toensure smooth and proper functioning of the HR functions.



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    Recruitment and Selection & Induction

    1. Which recruitment sources do you use and how do you evaluate it?Direct applicantsPlacement Consultants

    Job portalsEmployee referral

    Through temporary staffingHead huntingBody shoppingAny other sources, please specify (Apart from all the above, do youadopt any kind of innovation method in your requirement policy)

    1. Does your company have induction process? YESNO

    If Yes, for how long?

    _____________________________________________________________________________ _

    Compensation, performance appraisal, Retention

    1. What is the current compensation system in company :Compensation inclusiveLeave encashmentDeputations

    Transportation allowance

    1. Is the system reviewed periodically? YESNO

    1. What are the types of rewards usually given to the employees?MonetaryNon-monetaryBoth


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    No defined rewards

    1. The performance appraisal method followed in the Organization :

    Balanced Scorecard methodMBOAny other methods pleasespecify_________________________________________.

    1. From the following options considered, the employee gets recognitionand reward for:

    Employees Performance Team performanceCustomer SatisfactionInnovation & creativityLength of serviceMilestonesContribution towards societyAny other, specify_________________________________________________.

    1. What are the strategies used by your organization to minimize attrition,while attracting new talents at the same time?

    _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ .Training & development, Career Planning

    2. How do you analyze your training needs at different level?

    3. How do you measure training Effectiveness?

    Observing the post training performance of employeesReaction/ Feedback of the traineesDetermining ROIAny other method, pleasespecify____________________________________________.


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    1. Generally, what are the different methods adopted by your organizationto train the employees?

    Web-BasedOn-the-job trainingOff-the-job trainingBoth webbased and class room.Any other, pleasespecify__________________________________________________.

    1. What are the different measures adopted by your organization toencourage the employees in their career growth?

    _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _.

    2. Does your organization provide any kind of program aimed at employeessatisfaction and work life balance?


    If yes pleasespecify_______________________________________________________.

    1. Is there any criterion for job rotation? YESNO

    If yes what is the time span required for it?

    _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    Administrative Policies

    1. What is your workplace management strategy?


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    __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________.

    2. State the contingencies that you cover under the personal and accidentalinsurance policies?

    __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _.

    3. In your opinion what benefits are of greatest value to the employees aswell as the organization?


    __________________________________________________________________________ _______.

    4. Do you have any grievance handling mechanism? YESNO

    If anyspecify____________________________________________________________.

    1. How transparent are your employee benefit schemes? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _.

    2. Please comment on the Human Face of your organization (Corporatesocial responsibility)?

    _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


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    Books referred:

    1. Human Resource Management in Organization by Izabela Robinson,2. Human Resource Management by Aswathappa,3. Work Force Crisis by Dychtwald Erickson Morison,4. Handbook of Strategic HRM by Michel Armstrong & Angela Baron.

    Sites which we are referring are:

    1. ,2. www.fundoodata.com3.

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